TOAPPEARINTheAstrophysicalJournal(Letters) PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.6/22/04 ASTELLARWINDBUBBLECOINCIDENTWITHTHEANOMALOUSX-RAYPULSAR1E1048.1–5937:ARE MAGNETARSFORMEDFROMMASSIVEPROGENITORS? B.M.GAENSLER,1N.M.MCCLURE-GRIFFITHS,2M.S.OEY,3M.HAVERKORN,1J.M.DICKEY4ANDA.J.GREEN5 ToappearinTheAstrophysicalJournal(Letters) ABSTRACT Wepresent21-cmHIobservationsfromtheSouthernGalacticPlaneSurveyofthefieldaroundtheanoma- lous X-ray pulsar 1E 1048.1–5937, a source whose X-ray properties imply that it is a highly magnetized neutron star (a “magnetar”). These data reveal an expanding hydrogen shell, GSH 288.3–0.5–28, centered on 1E 1048.1–5937,with a diameter of 35×23 pc (for a distance of 2.7 kpc) and an expansion velocity of 5 0 ≈7.5kms- 1. WeinterpretGSH288.3–0.5–28asawindbubbleblownbya30–40M⊙star,butnosuchcentral 0 starcanbereadilyidentified.WesuggestthatGSH288.3–0.5–28isthewindbubbleblownbythemassivepro- 2 genitorof1E1048.1–5937,andconsequentlyproposethatmagnetarsoriginatefrommoremassiveprogenitors thandoradiopulsars. Thismaybeevidencethattheinitialspinperiodofaneutronstariscorrelatedwiththe n massofitsprogenitor,andimpliesthatthemagnetarbirthrateisonlyasmallfractionofthatforradiopulsars. a J Subjectheadings: ISM:bubbles—ISM:individual(GSH288.3–0.5–28)—pulsars: individual(1E1048.1– 5937)—radiolines:ISM—stars: winds,outflows—stars: neutron 6 2 1. INTRODUCTION Theenvironmentsofmagnetarsprovideuniqueconstraints 1 v The last decade has revealed remarkable diversity in the on their origin and evolution. Here we present HI obser- vations of the interstellar medium (ISM) surrounding the 3 young neutron star population: radio pulsars, soft γ-ray re- 6 peaters (SGRS), anomalous X-ray pulsars (AXPs) and cen- AXP 1E 1048.1–5937 (Gavriil&Kaspi 2004, & references 5 tral compact objects (CCOs) are all now known to be po- therein), which show that this source is possibly associated 1 tential compact remnants of core-collapse supernovae (e.g., withalargeexpandingHIshell. Thisassociationstrengthens 0 thepossibilitythatmagnetarsareformedfrommoremassive Kaspi&Helfand2002). While the CCOs remainenigmatic, 5 progenitorstarsthanareradiopulsars. the AXPs and SGRs are now both believed to be popula- 0 tions of “magnetars”, neutron stars whose persistent X-ray / 2. OBSERVATIONS h emissionandoccasionalX-andγ-rayburstsarepoweredby p the energy associated with extreme surface magnetic fields, The HI data shown here were taken from the Southern - &1015G(seeWoods&Thompson2005,forareview). GalacticPlaneSurvey(SGPS;McClure-Griffithsetal.2005), o The low Galactic latitudes and the associations of some which has mapped HI and 1.4-GHz continuum emission in tr of these sources with supernova remnants (SNRs) make it the range 253◦ ≤ l ≤ 358◦, |b| ≤ 1.◦5, at a resolution of as clear that magnetarsare youngneutron stars (Gaensleretal. ≈2′.ThesurveycombinesinterferometricdatafromtheAus- traliaTelescopeCompactArraywithsingle-dishdatafromthe : 2001). However,whatisnotcleariswhysomeneutronstars v Parkes64-mradiotelescope,givingsensitivitytoawiderange are “normal” radio pulsars, while others are X- and γ-ray i ofspatialscales. Thefinalspectrallinedata-sethasavelocity X emitting magnetars. The physical distinction cannot simply be the strength of the dipole magnetic field, since there is resolutionof∼0.8kms- 1andasensitivityof∼2K. r a now a small population of radio pulsars whose dipole field TheSGPSrevealsastrikingcavityinHI, almostcentered strengths(asinferredfromtheirspindown)areatmagnetar- on the position of 1E 1048.1–5937 (namely l = 288.◦3,b = likelevels,butwhichhavecompletelydifferentX-raycharac- - 0.◦5),asshowninFigure1. Theshellhasacentralvelocity relativetotheLocalStandardofRest(LSR)V =- 28kms- 1; teristics (Pivovaroffetal. 2000; Kaspi&McLaughlin 2005). we thus designate this object GSH 288.3–0.5–28. At this Amongstthepossibilitiessuggestedtoexplainthedifferences central velocity, the major and minor axes of GSH 288.3– betweenthesetwopopulationsarethatthemagneticfieldsof 0.5–28 are 45′ and 29′, respectively. The images of l ver- radio pulsars and magnetars differ in their geometry or ori- susV and b versusV, also shown in Figure 1, demonstrate entation(e.g., Zhang&Harding2000; Kulkarnietal. 2003), thatmagnetarsoriginatefrommoremassiveprogenitorsthan that GSH 288.3–0.5–28 is expanding, at a velocity Vexp ≈ doradiopulsars(Eikenberryetal.2004),thathigh-fieldradio 7.5 km s- 1. GSH 288.3–0.5–28is seen in multiple velocity pulsarsarequiescentmagnetars(Kaspi&McLaughlin2005), planes, shows a high contrastbetween its walls and interior, orthatradiopulsarsandmagnetarsforman evolutionaryse- andchangesinangularextentasafunctionofvelocity.Itthus quence(Lyne2004;Heyl&Hernquist2005). meets all the standard criteria for HI shells in the ISM (see McClure-Griffithsetal.2002). 1Harvard-SmithsonianCenterforAstrophysics,60GardenStreetMS-6, Standardrotationcurves(e.g.,Brand&Blitz 1993) forbid Cambridge,MA02138;[email protected] systemic motions having the central velocity observed for 2AustraliaTelescopeNationalFacility,CSIRO,POBox76,Epping,NSW GSH288.3–0.5–28,indicatingsignificantdeviationsfromcir- 1710,Australia 3DepartmentofAstronomy,UniversityofMichigan,830DennisonBuild- cularrotationinthisregion. However,theshell’scentralve- ing,AnnArbor,MI48103 locity matches the observed terminal velocity in this direc- 4PhysicsDepartment,UniversityofTasmania,GPOBox252-21,Hobart, tion, which allows us to estimate a distance of 2.7 kpc from Tasmania7001,Australia geometry alone. We assume that random cloud motions on 5SchoolofPhysics,UniversityofSydney,NSW2006,Australia theorderof6kms- 1 contributetoanerrorinthedistancees- 2 GAENSLERETAL timateontheorderof40%,or1kpc. Incorporatingboththis 100–200pcacross,hasbeenidentifiedinionized,neutraland distance uncertainty and the non-circular shape of the shell, moleculargas(Cowieetal.1981;Rizzo&Arnal1998). Any weadoptaradiusR=14±7pc. Byintegratingalonganum- individualstarinthisvicinitywillnotsweepupaneutralshell beroflinesofsightthroughtheshellwallsandthensubtract- ofitsownbutwillcontributetotheoverallionizedsupershell. ingameanbackground,wefindanaveragehydrogencolumn SincethepropertiesofGSH288.3–0.5–28areconsistentwith density through the shell walls of (2.5±0.6)×1020 cm- 2. a single star sweeping up neutral gas, it seems unlikely that If this material uniformly filled the region into which the thisshellisinthevicinityofCarOB1. shell has expanded, the implied ambient number density is Second, the visual extinctiontoward the stars in Car OB1 n ≈17±9cm- 3. islow,A .3(Humphreys1978;Hoekzemaetal.1992). At 0 V thisextinctionanddistance, a massivestar shouldbeclearly 3. INTERPRETATION detected at the center of GSH 288.3–0.5–28. For exam- 3.1. TheNatureofGSH288.3–0.5–28 ple, the O6Vstar consideredabovewouldhavea magnitude V . 9. We have performed an exhaustive search for such Shells like GSH 288.3–0.5–28 are common, and result sources (e.g., Humphreys 1978; Forte&Orsatti 1981; Reed from the effect of massive stars on the ISM. Specifically, 1998;Kaltcheva2003),fromwhichtheonlycataloguedmas- GSH288.3–0.5–28couldbeanHIIregion,aSNR,orastellar sive star projected near the center of GSH 288.3–0.5–28 is windbubble.Belowwebrieflyconsiderthesepossibilities IX Car (HD 94096; see Fig. 1), an M2Iab star with a mass The photoionizing flux needed to maintain an HII region is N∗ =4πR3n20α/3, where α≈3×10- 13 cm3 s- 1 is the re- oanfd∼it2s0LMSR⊙.raTdhiaeldviesltoacnictyeoesft–im17atkedmtso- 1IX(HCuamrpohfr∼ey1s.169k7p8c) combinationcoefficientforhydrogen(Osterbrock1989). For suggestthatit is a foregroundobject. Other massive stars in t1h0e49obs-s1e.rveTdhivsaliusecsoonfsiRsteanntdwni0t,hwtheereioqnuiizreinNg∗fl∼ux(e3s±of2)th×e the vicinity,such as HD 93843,HD 94230,HD 305599and LS 1976, all lie on the very edge or outside of GSH 288.3– earliest-typestars, butsuchasourcewouldalsohavearadio 0.5–28inprojection. flux of >100 Jy at decimeter wavelengths. A radio contin- Finally, the photoionization from stars in Car OB1, most uumimageofthisregionshowsnosuchemissionassociated notablytheO5IIIstarHD93843,shouldfullyionizetheshell. withGSH288.3–0.5–28(Greenetal.1999). If we assume that the shell thickness is 20% of its radius, For the observed values of n , R and V , a SNR in the 0 exp the edges of the shell should show Hα emission at a sur- Sedovorradiativephasesrequiresaninitialexplosionenergy face brightness of thousands of rayleighs. We have exam- of ∼5×1049 or ∼1050 ergs, respectively. These estimates inedsensitiveimagesofthisregion(e.g.,Buxtonetal.1998; are both well below the typical supernova explosion energy Gaustadetal. 2001); these show no Hα emission associated of1051ergs,makingthisinterpretationunlikely.Thereisalso withGSH288.3–0.5–28downtomuchlowersurfacebright- noevidenceindeeparchivalobservationsforanyradioorX- ness limits. We therefore believe that GSH 288.3–0.5–28 raySNRassociatedwith1E1048.1–5937(seeGaensleretal. is not exposed to the high ionizing fluxes associated with 2001). Car OB1, but likely has a higher extinction than and is be- The remaining possibility is that GSH 288.3–0.5–28 is hindthesecoincidentstars. a wind-driven bubble. Using the wind bubble solution of Animportantpointisthatthehighextinctionthatwehave Weaveretal. (1977), during the energy-conservingphase of invokedonlyneedimplyaslightlylargerdistancefortheHI expansion we expect that R = 0.76(L /ρ )1/5t3/5, where t w 0 shellthanforCar OB1, since extinctioninthisdirectionhas is the age of the bubble, L is the wind luminosity of the w little correspondence with distance. This is clear from con- central star, and ρ0 is the density of the ambient medium. sideration of the ∼30 Wolf-Rayet (WR) stars within 3◦ of SinceV =dR/dt,wefindL ≈(4±2)×1035ergss- 1 and exp w GSH288.3–0.5–28(vanderHucht2001). Forstarsfromthis t = 1.1±0.5 Myr. The luminosity of the wind is a strong samplewithdistancesintherange1.7–3.7kpcasappropriate functionofmass,allowingareasonabletypingoftheassoci- forGSH288.3–0.5–28,A canbeashighas6–7. ated centralobject(assumingonly one star powersthis bub- V ble).Inthiscase,anappropriatecentralsourceisanO6Vstar, 3.3. TheCentralSourceAssociatedwithGSH288.3–0.5–28 with a mass-loss rate M˙ ≈2×10- 7 M⊙ yr- 1 (deJageretal. If GSH 288.3–0.5–28 is not associated with any of the 1988),awindvelocity≈2500kms- 1(Prinjaetal.1990),and knownbrightstarsinthisdirection,whatispoweringit?Ifthe azero-agemainsequence(ZAMS)massof30–40M (e.g., ⊙ extinctiontoGSH288.3–0.5–28issignificantlyhigherthanto Masseyetal.2002;Ostrov&Lapasset2003). thestarsinCarOB1,itsassociatedstarmightnotbeobvious. WefirstconsiderKorMsupergiants,whichshouldbepromi- 3.2. GSH288.3–0.5–28andCarinaOB1 nentinthenear-infrared—weestimatea1.3-µmmagnitude WehaveshownthatGSH288.3–0.5–28ismostlikelypow- J .6.5 for a red supergiant at the distance to GSH 288.3– eredbythewindofamassivestaratadistanceof2.7±1kpc. 0.5–28. However, using the 2MASS point source catalog Butcan we identifythe centralstar responsibleforthis bub- (Cutrietal. 2003), we find no candidates for such a source ble? Therearemanymassivestarsinthisdirectionandatthis insideGSH 288.3–0.5–28,otherthanIXCar (see §3.2). We distance,mostofwhicharepartoftheassociationCarinaOB1 searched for faint OB stars by considering the Tycho-2 cat- atadistanceof∼2.5kpc(e.g.,Humphreys1978). However, alog (Høgetal. 2000), which is 90% complete down to aV we now argue that GSH 288.3–0.5–28is unassociated with, magnitude of 11.5. We assume that any massive star with andprobablymoredistantthan,thestarsinCarOB1. A .4inthiswell-studiedregionwouldhavebeenclassified V First, thecollectivewindsofthemassivestarsinCarOB1 inearlierefforts,andsoonlyconsiderstarswithA &4. For V correspondtoatotalluminosityof∼8×1037ergss- 1(Abbott standard reddening, this implies a color excess EB- V & 1.3 1982). Combinedwith the powerfulwindsfrom stars in the andhencefor OB stars B- V ≥1. Just nine such starsfrom nearby clusters Tr 14 and Tr 16, this should power a much the Tycho-2catalog lie within the perimeter of GSH 288.3– larger expanding superbubble. Indeed such a larger shell, 0.5–28,ofwhichthreeareKorMstarswithlowextinction, AREMAGNETARSFORMEDFROMMASSIVEPROGENITORS? 3 four have high proper motions which indicate that they are son, this should also be the age of the surrounding bubble. foregroundobjects, one is a foregroundB1V star (LS1956) However, in §3.1, we esimated an age for the shell of 1.1± which is heavily reddened, and one has near infrared mag- 0.5 Myr. There is clearly a large discrepancybetween these nitudes from 2MASS which are inconsistent with it being a twoestimates. However,thissameageproblemhasbeenob- massivestaratthedistancetoGSH288.3–0.5–28. served for many other HI shells around individual massive It is certainly possible that stars too faint to be in the stars (e.g., Gervais&St-Louis 1999; Cappa&Herbstmeier Tycho-2 catalog could also be candidates. While we thus 2000). There is no simple resolutionto this discrepancy,al- accept that we cannot make a definitive identification using though in some cases it may be explained by a “blow out” available data, there is one remaining source, namely the intoalowerdensityenvironment(Oey&Smedley1998). We AXP 1E 1048.1–5937, which we argue below represents a concludethatanydiscrepancybetweentheagesestimatedfor viable association with GSH 288.3–0.5–28. If 1E 1048.1– GSH288.3–0.5–28andfortheprogenitorof1E1048.1–5937 5937generatesawindpoweredbyitsspin-down,asdomany isnotastrongargumentagainsttheirassociation. radio pulsars, then its spin parameters imply only L ∼4× Finally, we consider direct physical evidence that w 1033ergss- 1(Gavriil&Kaspi2004). Thisisfartoolowtobe 1E 1048.1–5937 and GSH 288.3–0.5–28 are associated. responsibleforthesurroundingshell. However,anintriguing YoungneutronstarsshouldbeembeddedinyoungSNRs,but alternative is that GSH 288.3–0.5–28was blown by the star for1E1048.1–5937nosuchSNRisobserved(Gaensleretal. whosecollapseformed1E1048.1–5937. Asforassociations 2001). A simple explanation is that the associated SNR is betweenpulsarsandSNRs, thelikelihoodofthisassociation expanding into a low density bubble, so that it does not yet shouldbejudgedbygeometriccorrespondence,agreementin produceobservableemission (e.g., Ciotti&D’Ercole 1989). distanceandage,andevidenceforphysicalinteraction. Thus from the absence of a SNR, it is reasonable to expect First considering geometry, it is clear from Figure 1 that that1E1048.1–5937shouldshowevidenceforasurrounding 1E 1048.1–5937 is close to the center of GSH 288.3–0.5– cavity:GSH288.3–0.5–28clearlyfulfillsthisprediction.For 28 in projection. Isolated neutron stars generally have high aSNRshockvelocityof5000kms- 1, theblastwaveshould space velocities, & 300 km s- 1(Arzoumanianetal. 2002),6 impactthe shell walls ∼3 kyr after core collapse. The lack so that any neutron star older than ∼ 100 kyr will have of any radio or X-ray emission from this event requires the moved far from its progenitor’s wind bubble. Thus the as- neutronstartobeyoungerthanthis,consistentwiththesmall sociation is only viable if we can argue independently that agesexpectedforAXPs. 1E1048.1–5937isextremelyyoung.Indeedthereisgoodev- To summarize, a very young neutron star with a massive idencethatthisisthecase, sinceassociationswithSNRsfor progenitor should be centrally located in an expanding HI other AXPs argue that these sources all have ages .10 kyr shell, with no evidence for a surrounding SNR. This is ex- (Gaensleretal. 1999, 2001). In this case the AXP should actlywhatweobserveforGSH288.3–0.5–28and1E1048.1– be centrally located in any progenitor wind bubble, as ob- 5937. Bothsourcesareconsistentwithbeingatadistanceof served. We note that the “characteristic age” of 1E 1048.1– ∼3kpc,behind∼6magnitudesofopticalextinction. ˙ 5937,P/2P≈4kyr(Gavriil&Kaspi2004), isindeedsmall (wherePisthestar’sspinperiod).7 However,wecautionthat 4. IMPLICATIONFORMAGNETARS thisandothermagnetarsdonotspindownlikenormalradio As explained in §1, a fundamentally unresolved issue in pulsars(Thompsonetal.2000;Gavriil&Kaspi2004),sothis the study of compact objects is why some neutron stars are ageestimatedoesnotprovideindependentevidenceforyouth. ordinary radio pulsars, while others are magnetars. Since Second,we considerdistanceestimates. The systemicve- theinitialmassfunction(IMF)sharplydeclineswithincreas- locity of GSH 288.3–0.5–28puts it at 2.7±1 kpc. No dis- ing ZAMS mass, most neutron star progenitors will have tanceestimatesexistfor1E1048.1–5937,exceptforthefact masses near the minimum mass for core collapse, i.e., 8– thattheabsorbingcolumnofhydrogeninferredfromitsX-ray 9 M⊙. We have presented evidence here that the progeni- spectrum,N ≈1.1×1022cm- 2 (e.g.,Tiengoetal.2002),is torofAXP1E1048.1–5937wasconsiderablymoremassive H muchhigherthanthatfortheCarinacomplex(whichincludes thanthis. ForsomeSGRs,possibleassociationswithmassive CarOB1)atadistanceof≈2.5kpc. Ithasthusbeenargued star clusters similarly argue for high-mass progenitors (e.g., that2.5kpcisafirmlowerlimitonthedistancetothissource Kloseetal.2004;Eikenberryetal.2004). (Özeletal.2001). However,the highcolumnto1E1048.1– We thus propose that the difference between normal pul- 5937isstillcompatiblewiththedistancetoGSH288.3–0.5– sarsandmagnetarsistheprogenitormass. Wenotethatmas- 28. For standard gas to dust ratios, NH ≈1.1×1022 cm- 2 sive (& 25 M⊙) stars do not always form black holes: for implies a visual extinction A ≈ 5.8 (Wang&Chakrabarty solar metallicity, mass loss causes single stars heavier than V 2002). The WR catalogue of vanderHucht (2001) demon- ∼60 M⊙ to form neutron stars (Hegeretal. 2003); a pro- stratesthatthislevelofextinctionisconsistentwithdistances genitoroflowermass(25- 40M⊙)whosebinarycompanion intherange∼2- 12kpcinthisregion,soiseasilyreconciled stripsitsouterenvelopebeforecorecollapsecanalsoforma withthedistancetoGSH288.3–0.5–28. neutronstar(Fryer&Kalogera2001). Third, we need to determine if the age of GSH 288.3– Why should massive stars form magnetars? 0.5–28is consistent with that expectedfor the progenitorof Duncan&Thompson (1992) and Thompson&Duncan 1E1048.1–5937.AstarwithaZAMSmassof∼30- 40M⊙ (1993) argue that magnetars result from rapidly rotating andsolarmetallicitylivesfor∼5- 6Myr(e.g.,Meynetetal. (P∼1 ms) proto-neutron stars, in which an efficient large- 1994). Since the age of the AXP is negligible in compari- scale dynamo operates in the first few seconds after birth, generating a super-strong magnetic field with significant 6Wenotethatnovelocitymeasurementsyetexistspecificallyformagne- multipolar components. Hegeretal. (2005) have recently tars(Gaensleretal.2001). carried out a series of calculations of differentially rotating 7 1E 1048.1–5937 experiences significant torque variations; we have ˙ magnetized supernova progenitors. They find that magnetic adoptedthelong-termaverageforP. torques are especially effective at transferring angular mo- 4 GAENSLERETAL mentumawayfromthestellarcoreduringtheredsupergiant we infer that the magnetarbirth rate is ∼10%of that of ra- and helium burning phases of evolution. For progenitors diopulsars. Thebirthrateestimatedfromobservationsofthe with masses ∼ 10- 15 M⊙, this results in neutron stars existingpopulationsofAXPsandSGRsisalreadycompara- with initial periods ∼ 10- 15 ms, too slow to generate ble to this(Kouveliotouetal. 1994;Gaensleretal. 1999). If magnetar-like fields. However for more massive stars, the magnetarsindeedformfrommassive progenitors,we antici- reduced time interval between hydrogen depletion and the patethatthereisnosubstantialpopulationofsuchsourcesyet supernova results in limited braking of the core, producing tobeidentified(cf.,Ibrahimetal.2004). much more rapidly spinning neutron stars. For example, a 35 M progenitor results in a neutron star of initial period ⊙ 3ms,intherangeneededtogivebirthtoamagnetar. Within this scenario, we can immediately make a predic- WethankCristinaCappa,ChrisFryer,AndrewMelatosand tionastotherelativebirthratesofradiopulsarsversusmag- Chris Thompson for useful discussions, and Paul Price for netars. For argument’s sake, we suppose that the mass cut supplyingHαdata. TheAustraliaTelescopeisfundedbythe betweennormalpulsarsandmagnetarsisataZAMSmassof Commonwealth of Australia for operation as a National Fa- 25M⊙. ThenforanIMFofslopeα=2.35formassivestars cilitymanagedbyCSIRO.ThispaperhasusedtheCDSSIM- (dN/dM∝M- α; Massey 2003), only∼20% of progenitors BAD andVizieRCatalogueServices, andNASA’sADSand canpotentiallyformmagnetars. Since∼50%ofprogenitors SkyView facilities. B.M.G. is supported by NASA through heavierthan25M willformblackholes(Hegeretal.2003), LTSAgrantNAG5-13032. ⊙ REFERENCES Abbott,D.C.1982,ApJ,263,723 Klose,S.etal.2004,ApJ,609,L13 Arzoumanian,Z.,Chernoff,D.F.,&Cordes,J.M.2002,ApJ,568,289 Kouveliotou,C.etal.1994,Nature,368,125 Brand,J.&Blitz,L.1993,A&A,275,67 Kulkarni,S.R.,Kaplan,D.L.,Marshall,H.L.,Frail,D.A.,Murakami,T.,& Buxton,M.,Bessell,M.,&Watson,B.1998,Proc.Astr.Soc.Aust.,15,24 Yonetoku,D.2003,ApJ,585,948 Cappa,C.E.&Herbstmeier,U.2000,AJ,120,1963 Lyne, A. 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