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A statistical investigation of the radio emission of clusters : role of AGNs PDF

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Mem.S.A.It.Vol.75,282 (cid:13)c SAIt 2008 Memoriedella A statistical investigation of the radio emission of clusters : role of AGNs J.Lanoux1,2,E.Pointecouteau1,2 andM.Giard1,2 1 1 0 (1) Universite de Toulouse (UPS-OMP), Institut de Recherche en Astrophysique et 2 Planetologie n (2)CNRS,UMR5277,9Av.colonelRoche,BP44346,F31028Toulousecedex4,France a e-mail:[email protected] J 6 2 Abstract. Radioemissioninthedirectionofgalaxyclustersisduetotheindividualemis- sionofAGNs,andtothediffusenon-thermalemissionoftheintraclustermedium(ICM). ] ThepopulationofAGNsinclustersiscorrelatedtotheoverallhaloproperties,andlikely O impactstheirevolutions.Inordertobetterunderstandthisconnection(whichwillalsoleads C toconstraintsonthenon-thermalICMemissionforlowermasssystems),weareconducting . astatisticalanalysisoftheradioemissioninthedirectionofalargenumberofX-rayclus- h ters.Bymeansoftheirstackedradioemission,weareinvestigatingtheradioluminosities p inclustersof galaxieswithrespect totheir mass,withthegoal tobetter understand their - linktoandtheirimprintontheintra-clustergasphysics. o r t Key words. Radio: galaxies: clusters – X-rays: galaxies: clusters – Radio: galaxies – s Intergalacticmedium–Diffuseradiation–Cosmology:observations a [ 1 1. Introduction first to show the existing correlation between v 0 radio and X-ray luminosities in such clus- The ICM is mainly constituted of dif- 1 ters.Thiscorrelationwasconfirmedbysubse- fuse hot gas that cools down via thermal 0 quentworkssuchasGiovanninietal.(2009)or 5 Bremsstrahlung emission observed at X-ray Brunettietal.(2009). 1. wavelengths. But it is also populated by non- Here,weinvestigatedthiscorrelationdown thermalrelativisticelectronsobservedatradio 0 to a lower mass regime of clusters, together wavelengths due do their synchrotron emis- 1 with the contributionof AGNs to the total ra- 1 sion.Theradionon-thermalemissionofgalaxy dioluminosity.Sofar,wehavebeenlimitedby : clustersisduetopoint-likesources(AGNs,ra- the sensitivity of radio surveysto directly de- v diogalaxies)anddiffuseextendedsources(ha- i tectdiffuseemission. X los, relics, mini-halos, e.g. Ferrarietal. 2008 Therefore,weinvestigatedthecorrelations forareview). r by means of statistical and stacking tools ap- a Diffuse radio emission has now been ob- plied to X-ray (RASS) and radio (NVSS) all- served in a few tens of massive merging sky surveys. We used the Meta-Catalogue of galaxy clusters. Liangetal. (2000) were the X-ray detected Clusters of galaxies (MCXC, 1743 clusters, Piffarettietal. 2011). From Sendoffprintrequeststo:J.Lanoux maps extracted at each cluster position, we Lanoux:Astatisticalinvestigationofclustersradioemission:roleofAGNs 283 Wefoundthatthesummedradioluminosi- tiesofselectedpointsourceswithinR com- 500 pares very well to the total integrated radio luminosities within this aperture. This likely showsthatthecomponentofpointsources(i.e. AGNs)isdominantinouraperture. Thisconclusionisreinforcedbythestrong L − L correlation we found for radio lumi- R X nosities associated to AGNs only for a sub- sample of 374 galaxy clusters of the MCXC with redshift z < 0.1 (Figure 1, bottom). We deriveaslopeof∼1.4compatiblewiththepre- viouscorrelationfoundfortotalintegratedra- dio luminosities. This strengthened our result foraflatter L −L withrespecttothecorre- R X lationfoundfordiffuseradioemissioninclus- ters. 3. ConclusionandPerspectives We have probe the radio emission of a large numberofX-rayclusters,andwehaveshown thatthere is a strong L −L correlation,and R X thattheradioluminosityismainlycontributed Fig.1. LR−LX correlationsfortotalintegratedra- byAGNsinclusters. dioluminositieswithinR andforluminositiesof 500 Theprovidedstatisticalconstraintswillal- pointsourcesonly(top).L −L correlationforra- R X lowustofurtherinvestigatetheoverallnature dio luminosities of AGNsfor a sub-sample of 374 of the radio emission seen in the direction of clusterswithredshiftz<0.1(bottom). galaxyclusters. computed count rates and fluxes within R . 500 References We derivedcorrespondingX-rayandradiolu- minosities. From the NVSS source catalogue Akritas, M. G. and Bershady, M. A. 1996, (Condonetal.1998)andthe2MASSextended ApJ,470,706 source catalogue (Jarrettetal. 2000), we se- Brunetti,G.,Cassano,R.,Dolag,K.,andSetti, lected AGNs associated with clusters and we G.2009,A&A,507,661 derivedtheirsummedradioluminositieswithin Condon,J.J.,Cotton,W.D.,Greisen,E.W.,et R500 for each cluster. We then fitted the LR − al.1998,AJ,115,1693 LX correlationswithBCESregressionmethod Ferrari, C., Govoni, F., Schindler, et al. 2008, (Akritasetal.1996). SpaceSci.Rev.134,93 Giovannini,G.,Bonafede,A.,Feretti,L.,etal. 2009,A&A,507,1257 2. Results Jarrett,T.H.,Chester,T.,Cutri,R.,etal.2000, We found a L − L correlation with a slope AJ,119,2498 R X of ∼1.2 for total integrated radio luminosities Liang, H., Hunstead, R. W., Birkinshow, M., within R (Figure 1, top). This slope is flat- andAndreani,P.2000,ApJ,544,686 500 tercomparedtootherworkswhichinvestigated Piffaretti, R., Arnaud, M., Pratt, G. W., the relation between detected diffuse radio Pointecouteau,E.,& Melin, J. 2011,A&A, emissions and L (i.e. ∼2.1 for Brunettietal. submitted[arXiv:astro-ph/1007.1916] X 2009or∼1.7forGiovanninietal.2009).

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