Draft version April 29, 2016 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleAASTeX6v.1.0 A STATISTICAL ANALYSIS OF THE ACCURACY OF THE DIGITIZED MAGNITUDES OF PHOTOMETRIC PLATES ON THE TIME SCALE OF DECADES WITH AN APPLICATION TO THE CENTURY-LONG LIGHT CURVE OF KIC 8462852 Michael Hippke LuiterStraße21b,47506Neukirchen-Vluyn,Germany 6 Daniel Angerhausen 1 NASAPostdoctoralProgramFellow,NASAGoddardSpaceFlightCenter,Exoplanets&StellarAstrophysicsLaboratory,Code667, 0 Greenbelt,MD20771 2 r p Michael B. Lund A DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,VanderbiltUniversity,Nashville,TN37235,USA 8 2 Joshua Pepper ] P DepartmentofPhysics,LehighUniversity,16MemorialDriveEast,Bethlehem,PA18015,USA E . h Keivan G. Stassun p DepartmentofPhysicsandAstronomy,VanderbiltUniversity,6301StevensonCenter,Nashville,TN37235,USA - o r t s a ABSTRACT [ We present a statistical analysis of the accuracy of the digitized magnitudes of photometric plates on 4 the time scale of decades. In our examination of archival Johnson B photometry from the Harvard v DASCH archive, we find a median RMS scatter of lightcurves of order 0.15mag over the range B ∼ 4 9−17 for all calibrations. Slight underlying systematics (trends or flux discontinuities) are on a level 1 of (cid:46) 0.2mag per century (1889–1990) for the majority of constant stars. These historic data can 3 be unambiguously used for processes that happen on scales of magnitudes, and need to be carefully 7 0 examined in cases approaching the noise floor. The characterization of these limits in photometric . stability may guide future studies in their use of plate archives. We explain these limitations for the 1 example case of KIC8462852, which has been claimed to dim by 0.16mag per century, and show that 0 this trend cannot be considered as significant. 6 1 : v 1. INTRODUCTION son & Morgan 1953). The plates were digitized with i a high speed scanner (Simcoe et al. 2006). The initial X From 1886 to 1992, the Harvard College Observatory photometry and astrometry are described in Laycock observed large portions of the sky repeatedly, with the r a observations saved on over half a million photographic et al. (2010) and Servillat et al. (2011), and the current progress is summarized in Tang et al. (2013a). plates produced by different telescopes and observato- The digitization of the Harvard Astronomical Plate ries. The photographs constitute of glass plates with an Collection (DASCH, Digital Access to a Sky Century emulsion most sensitive in the blue, which consitute the @ Harvard) (Grindlay et al. 2009; Laycock et al. 2010; basis for the later Johnson B magnitude system (John- Grindlay & Griffin 2012; Grindlay et al. 2012)) is an extraordinarily important project. The long-term light curves are and will be invaluable for comparison with [email protected] data from ongoing missions such as K2, and upcom- [email protected] ing space-based photometry missions such as TESS and [email protected] PLATO, as the long time baseline of DASCH reference gives leverage in time like no other data set. Great ef- [email protected] forts have been made by the DASCH team to digitize [email protected] 2 Hippke et al. andcalibratetheglassplates. Thevolumeandthequal- 2.2. Retrieval of scanned photometry ity achieved is nothing short of impressive. As of 02 The DASCH data are available online1 in multiple February 2016, 136,949 plates have been scanned; and versions, each calibrated against a different set of ab- 8,540,081,000 magnitudes have been measured. This solute photometric standards. There are versions cali- work is unprecedented and of the greatest importance brated against the Kepler Input Catalog (KIC, Brown for the astrophysical community. Recent studies have et al. (2011)), the Guide Star Catalog (GSC, Lasker made use of these data in the fields of GRBs (Hudec et al. (1990, 2008)), and the AAVSO Photometric All- et al. 2013), RR Lyrae (Liˇska & Skarka 2015), LBVs Sky Survey (APASS, Smith et al. (2011); Henden et al. (Burggraf et al. 2015; Walborn et al. 2014), AGN flares (2012)). We downloaded the data files based on each of (Grindlay & Miller 2015), stellar activity cycles (Ol´ah the three calibrations, and following the procedures de- 2014), novae (Tang et al. 2012), dust accretion events scribedbyS16,selectedallobservations,excludingdata (Tang et al. 2011), long-period eclipsing binary systems from Yellow and Red plates. (Rodriguez et al. 2016), or long-term amplitudes in K Following§2.1inS16wemakethefollowingadditional giants (Tang et al. 2010). cuts: Thesestudiesfocusonprocessesthathappenonscales ofmagnitudes, andthereisasofyetnodedicatedstudy a) Identifyandremoveallvalueswithqualityflagin- to explore the long-term accuracy of these data. In dicator “AFLAGS”>9000. AFLAGS are pipeline thisarticle, weexaminethestabilityanddistributionof flags to denote possible problems such as blends, brightnessmeasurements. Asanimmediateapplication, possible plate defects (24 separate criteria) where we compare our limits and uncertainties with a recent quality is potentially compromised.2 study on KIC8462852, which has been claimed to dim ForaspecificremovalofselectedAFLAGcriteria, by 0.16mag per century (Schaefer 2016) (in the follow- the AFLAG word has to be unpacked to reveal ing: S16). ThisF3main-sequencestarKIC8462852was which bits are set. A tool will be provided in the observed by the NASA Kepler mission from April 2009 upcoming DR5 data release for users to do this. to May 2013, and an analysis by Boyajian et al. (2016) shows unusual series of brightness dips up to 20%. This b) Remove all data values with one-sigma error bars behavior has been theorized to originate from a family >0.33mag. of large comets (Bodman & Quillen 2015), or signs of a Dyson sphere (Wright et al. 2016). Subsequent anal- c) Remove all data values with the flux within 0.2 ysis found no narrow-band radio signals (Harp et al. magnitudesofthequotedplatelimit,withthelim- 2015) and no periodic pulsed optical signals (Schuetz iting magnitude taken from the DASCH data as etal.2015;Abeysekaraetal.2016). Theinfraredfluxis defined in Tang et al. (2013a). equally unremarkable (Lisse et al. 2015; Marengo et al. 2015; Thompson et al. 2015). Following these criteria, we show the number of data points for the different steps in Table 1. Again, we note 2. METHOD that the quality flag indicator “AFLAGS”> 9000 is ill- 2.1. Selecting benchmark stars defined, but required to reproduce the cleaning in S16. Since the light curves using the APASS calibration Weselectcomparisonstarsusingthreedifferent,com- yields the largest number of usable observations in al- plementary approaches. The first tests a wide range of most all cases, we will use these light curves for the g-band magnitudes (9 < g < 14) to explore a poten- analysis below unless noted otherwise. tial correlation between brightness and long-term slope We followed previous papers (e.g., Schaefer (2016); and uses the KIC calibration of the DASCH data. The Tang et al. (2013b)) in opting for a conservative cut on results are presented in section 3.2. AFLAGS, although this means sacrificing data points Afterwards, we focus on a benchmark which is more and thus increasing errors on least-squares fits which closely matched to our example case of KIC8462852. then have fewer data points that typically have ∼ This time, we use the APASS calibration and select the 0.12mag errors. stars most similar to KIC8462852, with Kepler magni- tude11.5<K <12.2,surfacegravity3.8<logg <4.2 P 2.3. Test for normality (dwarfs) and temperature 6700 < T < 6900 (F- eff stars) to match the general properties of KIC8462852. We test the DASCH light curves for normality We also checked the stars are constant during the 4.25 (Shapiro & Wilk 1965), before and after the cleaning years of Kepler observations, with amplitudes (e.g. due steps listed in section 2.2. As an example, we present to rotation) < 1% and trends < 0.1%. We obtained APASS colors of these stars, and selected only those with 11.5<B <12.5 and 0.4<B−V <0.7. 1 http://dasch.rc.fas.harvard.edu/lightcurve.php, retrieved on Finally, we examine the Landolt standard stars (Lan- 01-Feb2016 dolt1992,2013)toassuretestingasampleofwell-known 2 http://dasch.rc.fas.harvard.edu/database.php, retrieved on constant stars. The results are presented in section 3.4. 01-Feb2016 A statistical analysis of the stability of photometric plates 3 the results for KIC8462852. As is well known, error es- observations to avoid very large error bars. The result timates in linear least-squares regressions are only valid in Figure 1 (left panel) shows the slopes and disconti- for Gaussian distributions. Consequently, it is advised nuities (right panel). The results are virtually identical to use regression analytics that account for such a dis- with, or without removal of red and yellow plates. tribution, if this is relevant in a particular science case. 3.3. Benchmarking stars similar to KIC8462852 2.4. Linear trends and flux discontinuities We also tested stars similar to KIC8462852. We se- In order to test the stability of the stars in question, lected from the Kepler Input Catalog stars within three we fit linear regressions and estimate the uncertainties. degrees of KIC8462852, with Kepler magnitude 11.5 < Wedothisforlargepopulations(hundredsofstars)and K < 12.2, surface gravity 3.8 <log g < 4.2 (dwarfs) generate probability distributions (section 3.3). In the P andtemperature6700<T <6900(F-stars)tomatch next section, we will continue with the selection an of eff the general properties of KIC8462852. We also checked adequate regression method. We will also test the hy- thestarsareconstantduringthe4.25yearsofKeplerob- pothesisofasuddenchangeinthefluxzeropoint(aflux servations, with amplitudes (e.g. due to rotation) <1% discontinuity); the background of this will be explained andtrends<0.1%. WeobtainedAPASScolorsofthese in section 3.6. stars, and selected only those with 11.5<B <12.5 and 3. RESULTS 0.4<B−V <0.7. We remove red and yellow plates, and apply the data 3.1. Regression diagnostics qualitycutslistedinsection2.2. Weshowtwoexamples As an example case, we test the normality of ofstarswithsignificantslopesinFigure2. Theleftpanel KIC8462852 using the methods mentioned in the pre- presents KIC6366512(B=11.8mag, B−V =0.3). This vious section. The test for normality rejects a Gaussian star is constant within 0.2% rms during the 4.25 years distribution at very high significance. Consequently, we of Kepler observations. In the DASCH data, it shows a performdifferentlinearregressionmethodsandcompare brightening trend of −0.45±0.03mag per century (or a the results. flux discontinuity at very high significance). For the original light curve (with 1953 observations, A second example is shown in the right panel of Fig- Table 1), we fit a linear regression and use normal er- ure 2 for KIC9909362, this time in the APASS cal- ror estimates. Without binning, we obtain a slope of ibration. KIC9909362 is a constant F-star with B= +0.12±0.02 mag per century. 12.2mag, B−V =0.7, very similar to KIC8462852. We After cleaning the light curve, we fit a linear regres- performed the same data cleansing and find a dimming sion and get a formal slope of +0.14±0.016 mag per trend with slope 0.12±0.02mag per century. century. Asnoted,theseerrorsareincorrectduetonon- The slopes for all 41 stars in this selection is shown normality. in Figure 3 (left). We also split the light curves for To estimate errors in the non-Gaussian data, we can each star at the year 1962 and calculate the mean for use a robust regression (e.g., McKean (2004)), which each segment (Figure 3, right). The error bars are the gives +0.13±0.018 mag per century. added uncertainties of both segments. The plots show Finally,wecantesttheeffectof5-yearbinsasusedin KIC8462852 is placed towards the end of the distribu- S16. Withthatmodification, wefindaslopeof+0.12± tion(i.e. itsslope/breakisrelativelyhigh),withcompa- 0.02 mag per century. rablylowerrorbars. Still,4of41comparisonstarshave All regressions present significant slopes similar to higher absolute slopes, and 5 of 41 have higher absolute that reported by S16. For the following tests of hun- flux discontinuities. Therefore, KIC8462852 does not dreds of stars, we will employ simple linear regressions. appear to be extraordinary by these measures. Instead, Comparedtorobustregressions,andasseenabove,this it is within the range of linear trends and flux disconti- under-estimatestheerrorstypicallyby∼10%;wejudge nuities for normal Harvard DASCH photometry. thiserrorasirrelevantgiventhesystematicuncertainties The probability distributions in Figure 3 appear, at presented in the following sections. first glance, asymmetric. We believe that the underly- ingcalibrationis,however,Gaussian. Theeffectislikely 3.2. Benchmarking a wide range of g-band magnitudes to come from crowding and/or blending, which will in- We now test a wide range of g-band magnitudes crease systematic errors. Therefore, a 3-sigma criterion (9<g <14) to explore a potential correlation between for discovery of variability is not adequate. brightnessandlong-termslopeandusestheKICcalibra- Theevidenceisstrongforasystematicstepattheyear tion of the DASCH data. From the Kepler Input Cata- 1962inthecaseof“Tabby’sstar”;itisnotyetclearhow log, we select stars similar to KIC8462852 by requiring general this effect occurs in the data. The Kepler field the temperature to be within 100K (6484 < T < is significantly more crowded than most of the Landolt eff 6684), the stellar radius within 5% (1.614 < R < standard star fields. Grindlay and Los 2016 (in prep) (cid:12) 1.784), and log g within 10% (3.712 <log g< 4.536). shallalsoshowtheimportanceofthis,andwillalsodeal WeperformedtheusualdatacleansingdescribedinS16. with the possible causes of the (sometimes) “step” in We removed a few stars that have less than 10 DASCH derived magnitudes post-1962, which may contribute to 4 Hippke et al. Table 1. Selection and cleaning of DASCH data for KIC8462852 Calibration APASS GSC KIC Nonzero flux values 1953 1809 1234 After removing points with bad data flags 1609 993 976 After removing points with large errors 1470 694 708 Average B-magnitude of remaining points 12.37 12.26 12.06 (After removing all AFLAGS and all negative BFLAGS, section 3.8) 689 337 343 0.6 0.6 y) g) r a u m ent 0.4 2 (0.5 r c 96 e 1 g p 0.2 st 0.4 a o m p ( e/ ope 0.0 n pr0.3 sl a n me o si 0.2 n 0.2 es e i r regr 0.4 erenc0.1 nea diff li 0.6 0.0 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 g mag g mag Figure 1. DASCH KIC calibrated data. Left: Linear regression slopes of 513 DASCH stars (black circles) and “Tabby’s star” fromthesamedata(redsquare). Thehorizonzallinesindicatingthemaximumslopesfor68%(1σ,dashed)and95%(2σ,dash- dotted) of all stars. Right: Absolute value of the difference in means before and after 1962, for the same dataset. Horizontal lines show the 1σ, 2σ, and 3σ regions of maximum absolute differences. The average number of data points per lightcurve was n=832±161 . 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 10 10 11 11 KIC6366512, KIC calibration KIC9909362, APASS calibration 11.2 11.2 1889–1989: 1889–1989: 10.5 -0.45±0.03mag per century 10.5 11.4 +0.12±0.02mag per century 11.4 11.6 11.6 11 11 11.8 11.8 g g am am 12 12 B B 11.5 11.5 12.2 12.2 12.4 12.4 12 12 12.6 12.6 12.8 12.8 12.5 12.5 13 13 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year Year Figure 2. DASCH KIC calibrated data for KIC6366512 (left, n = 832) and APASS calibrated data for KIC9909362 (right, n = 1181) with data cleansing as performed by S16. The trends are highly significant, although flux discontinuities are statistically preferred. A statistical analysis of the stability of photometric plates 5 0.30 0.20 ag per century) 00..1200 ost 1962 (mag) 000...011505 m p pe ( 0.00 pre/ 0.00 on slo mean -0.05 egressi-0.10 nce in -0.10 linear r-0.20 differe-0.15 -0.30 -0.20 11.5 11.7 11.9 12.1 12.3 12.5 11.5 11.7 11.9 12.1 12.3 12.5 B mag B mag 0.30 0.20 ag per century) 00..1200 ost 1962 (mag) 000...011505 m p pe ( 0.00 pre/ 0.00 on slo mean -0.05 egressi-0.10 nce in -0.10 linear r-0.20 differe-0.15 -0.30 -0.20 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 0.4 0.45 0.5 0.55 0.6 0.65 0.7 B-V B-V 1 1 0.8 0.8 e e ta ta m m itse 0.6 itse 0.6 y y tisn tisn e e d d le 0.4 le 0.4 n n re re K K 0.2 0.2 KIC 8462852 KIC 8462852 0 0 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 -0.2 -0.15 -0.1 -0.05 0 0.05 0.1 0.15 0.2 linear regression slope (mag per century) difference in mean pre/post 1962 (mag) Figure 3. DASCHAPASScalibrateddata. Leftside: Linearregressionslopesof41stars(blackcircles)and“Tabby’sstar”(red square) versus B magnitude (top) and B−V (middle). The bottom panel shows the probability density. We use the Kernel density (Rosenblatt 1956; Parzen 1962) with a non-parametric Gaussian Kernel to estimate the probability density function of the distributions, which has the advantage of smoothness (continuity), in contrast to the conventional histogram, which would alsorequirebinsizedecisions. Rightside: Thesamefordifferencesinmeanbeforeandafter1962. Theaveragenumberofdata pointsperlightcurvewasn=721±123. Asnotedinthetext,thelargeerrorscomefromover-rejectionandtoofewdatapoints for a meaningful least-squares slope. 6 Hippke et al. the“tail”and“secondbump”intheprobabilitydensity the time before 1962. Also, there is a considerable dif- distribution shown in the left side of Figure 3 (bottom ference in limiting magnitude. According to DASCH3, panel) of this paper. “Damons North Blue” used a 4.2 cm lens, with a lim- iting magnitude of 14.18. All other telescopes used for 3.4. Landolt standard stars the KIC8462852 observations had an average limiting magnitude of 13.57. The different limiting magnitudes A common photometric standard system was estab- affect the quality cuts. lished by Landolt (1992) in the Johnson-Kron-Cousins Theonlyoverlapoftelescopesbetweenthetwopoten- filters for 526 stars centered on the celestial equator. tial segments occurs in the year 1962. Unfortunately, This extensive work was referenced in ∼ 4000 publica- only three observations from the “3-inch Ross Fecker” tions; its dataset provides 78 constant benchmark stars and four observations from “Damons North Blue” over- for which DASCH photometry is available. We have lap, all with large scatter. Formally, for that seg- also addedthe stars from thefollow-up work in Landolt ment of time, we find 12.22±0.17 for average magni- (2013), which contains another 16 stars with DASCH tude of KIC8462852 from “Damons North Blue” and photometry. In the data cleansing, this time we used a 11.91±0.13 from the “3-inch Ross Fecker”, so that the very strict approach and removed all data values with 1σ error bars nearly overlap. any AFLAGandallwarningBFLAGandkeptonlythe Wecanemploystatisticalteststochecktheconfidence good data points. After data cleansing, there were 72 (if any) of a flux discontinuity at this point in time. starsleftthatcouldbeusedforfittinglineartrends. We show the result in Figure 4. It is clear that most Lan- 3.6. Structural break: Statistical results dolt stars show linear trends, as was the case for other comparisonstarsintheprevioussection. Theparameter We use the test from Chow (1960) to test the likeli- space of B magnitude and color B−V is well-sampled, hood of a statistical break in the data. The Chow test and again KIC8462852 does not appear extraordinary splits the data in two segments and compares the com- among these benchmark stars. patibility of linear regressions in both. We note some possible improvements that may be For KIC8462852, the Chow test prefers the year 1962 used in future analyses. In particular, we note that the for a split, coincident with the “Menzel gap”. When large deviations in Figure 4 (left) are likely due to over- splittingthedatathisway, afluxdiscontinuityissignif- rejecting data points and having so few (down to 100) icant at 12σ confidence, and removes any linear trends pointsthatleast-sqarefiterrorsarelarge,giventhetyp- in both parts (p=0.78 for the first part, p=0.31 for the ical photometry errors of ∼ 0.12mag per point. This is secondpart). ThisisalsovisuallyevidentfromFigure5. almostcertainlywhythefaintstars(B ∼14−15), with far fewer points in their lightcurves and the predomi- 3.7. Partial data analysis nanceoftheshallowacseriesplatesfortheKeplerfield, The Chow test raises a question about the observer’s have large deviations – e.g. the 4 points with slopes perspective. Whatifweperformedthetestatanearlier <−0.6. time, and only part of the dataset were available? The test should yield a consistent result, albeit with larger 3.5. Linear trend of flux discontinuity? error bars. Using this method, we can ask the question: After visual inspection of many light curves, we hy- WouldanobserverintheyearXalsohavefoundalinear pothesize that rather than a linear trend, there is ac- trend with the then-available data? What are required tually a flux discontinuity in the data. We show the to produce a trend? statistical evidence for that explanation in section 3.6 To investigate this question, we start with the com- and discuss it in section 3.7. plete light curve, and then repeatedly delete the newest We suggest that this happened at the “Menzel Gap”, observation, until the dimming becomes insignificant. a time of missing data in the 1960s (Grindlay & Griffin We find that to find a significant dimming, one needs 2012). The underlying cause for such a break could be the data from 1889 through 1976.42 (at the 5% signifi- that the time series is not a single, perfectly calibrated cance level), or 1889 through 1978.84 (at the 1% level). datastream. Instead,manytelescopescontributedmea- The light curve ends in 1989.89. In other words, for surements to the DASCH archive. In our example case a researcher with only the data from 1889 to 1976 (or of KIC8462852, a total of 17 telescopes were involved. 1978) at hand, the star would have appeared constant As can be seen in Table 2 and in the left panel of Fig- within the errors. This is in contrast to a continuous ure 5, 16 of the 17 telescopes were active between 1889 lineartrend,whichshouldbesignificantevenforathird and 1962. After 1962, all data come from the “Damons ofthedataset. Therefore,weargueitismorelikelythat North Blue” telescope. We therefore hypothesize the a sudden jump in apparent luminosity occurred, rather underlying root cause of a flux discontinuity would be than a linear trend. the use of different optical setup (camera, lens, coat- ings, plates, emulsions; geography, light-pollution, air- mass, etc.) after 1962. Such differences might have 3 http://dasch.rc.fas.harvard.edu/series.php, retrieved 15-Feb canceled out from combining 16 different telescopes in 2016 A statistical analysis of the stability of photometric plates 7 0.6 1.5 )y ru 0.4 tn ec re 1 p 0.2 g a m ( epo 0 VB- 0.5 ls n o isse-0.2 rge 0 r ra-0.4 e n il -0.6 -0.5 10 11 12 13 14 15 10 11 12 13 14 15 B mag B mag Figure 4. Left: B Magnitude versus linear trend for the Landolt standard stars from Landolt (1992) (circle symbols) and Landolt (2013) (triangles). All data values with any flags have been removed before the fitting. KIC8462852 (square) does not appear extraordinary among these benchmark stars. Right: B magnitude versus color (B−V) with the same symbol coding. The parameter space is well sampled by these stars. The average number of data points per lightcurve was n=687±144. As noted in the text, the large errors come from over-rejection and too few data points for a meaningful least-squares slope. 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 11.5 11.5 11.5 11.5 dnb ac rh i mc bm 10 other telescopes APASS calibration, no cuts 11.7 11.7 11.7 structural break hypothesis 11.7 11.9 11.9 11.9 11.9 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.1 12.3 12.3 12.3 12.3 g g am12.5 12.5 am12.5 12.5 B B 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.7 12.9 12.9 12.9 12.9 13.1 13.1 13.1 13.1 1889–1962: 1962–1989: 1889–1962: 1962–1989: 13.3 -0.02±0.03magpercentury +0.1±0.15magpercentury 13.3 13.3 -0.02±0.03magpercentury +0.1±0.15magpercentury 13.3 13.5 13.5 13.5 13.5 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 Year Year Figure 5. Hypothesisofafluxdiscontinuity. Left: Thedatabefore1962comesfrom16differenttelescopes,whilethedataafter 1962 (red symbols) comes from only one telescope and shows an offset. Right: Linear regressions for both segments separately indicate constant luminosity within the errors. We hypothesize that the flux discontinuity is due to a different technology used after 1962 in “dnb” data, e.g. due to a different emulsion. Figure shows n=1470 data points. 3.8. Testing very strict data cleansing century. A best case example is shown on the DASCH website4, together with the description: “For quality For the Landolt stars benchmark (section 3.4), we control purposes we are also interested in stars that do have employed a very strict data cleansing by remov- NOTvary. Suchconstant-brightnessstarsenablesensi- ing all data values with any AFLAG and all warning tivedeterminationofvarioussystematiceffectsandpro- BFLAGandkeepingonlythegooddatapoints. Wehave videacompletelyindependentmeasureofuncertainties. repeated this exercise for KIC8462852 and show the re- At left is the lightcurve of such a star demonstrating sult in Figure 6. The visual result is virtually identical about+/-0.1magphotometryover600plates,thatspan to Figure 5 despite the lower amount of data points. 100 years and 19 different plate-series.” (their empha- The formal slopes are, within the errors, also identical. sis). A very similar example, with the same accuracy Consequently, even the most restrictive data cleansing over a century, is given in the original DASCH calibra- cannot remove the existing low-magnitude trends. tion paper (Laycock et al. (2010), their Figure 15 and 4. LITERATURE COMPARISON OF LONG-TERM caption). ACCURACY OF DASCH PHOTOMETRY Thelong-termphotometriccalibrationisdescribedby 4 http://dasch.rc.fas.harvard.edu/photometry.php theDASCHteamtohaveanaccuracyof∼±0.1magper 8 Hippke et al. Table 2. Sources of DASCH observations of KIC8462852(APASS calibration, all plates) Series Telescope From To Number of Plates ac 1.5-inch Cooke Lenses 1899.3 1952.7 613 rh 3-inch Ross Fecker 1928.3 1962.6 410 dnb Damons North Blue 1962.5 1989.9 300 i 8-inch Draper Doublet 1889.8 1936.8 233 mc 16-inch Metcalf Doublet 1910.5 1951.6 79 bm 3-inch Ross 1934.2 1940.8 54 ay 2.6-inch Zeiss-Tessar 1924.3 1927.9 44 md 4-inch Cooke Lens 1911.2 1940.5 36 ca 2.5 inch Cooke Lens 1935.4 1936.7 15 ir 8-inch Ross Lundin 1935.2 1962.5 14 a 24-inch Bruce Doublet 1894.3 1906.7 10 mb 4-inch Cooke 1929.5 1929.8 10 ax 3 inch Ross-Tessar Lens 1923.2 1923.8 6 am 1-inch, 1.5-inch Cooke Lenses 1903.5 1904.7 2 me 1.5-inch Cooke Lenses 1911.2 1911.3 2 ma 12-inch Metcalf Doublet 1907.4 1907.4 1 mf 10-inch Metcalf Triplet 1917.6 1917.6 1 Dates represent the first and last observation of KIC8462852 for the respective telescope. The underlined series “dnb”, is a possible source for structural breaks in the light curve of KIC8462852. 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 300 400 500 600 700 800 11.5 11.5 11.90 11.90 11.7 11.7 J200648.08+442248.1 11.9 11.9 11.95 11.95 12.1 12.1 de u 12.3 12.3 gnit12.00 J200608.97+442430.1 12.00 mag12.5 12.5 P ma B 12.7 12.7 WAS12.05 12.05 12.9 12.9 uper KIC8462852 S 13.1 13.1 12.10 12.10 13.3 13.3 13.5 13.5 12.15 12.15 1880 1900 1920 1940 1960 1980 2000 300 400 500 600 700 800 Year Time (days, JD + 2453901) Figure 6. KIC8462852photometrywithallAFLAGandall Figure 7. Time versus flux for SuperWASP data. Red and warning BLFAG datapoints removed; n=343 data points. blue are the two check stars used by Schaefer (2016), black is KIC8462852 shifted by 0.5mag for visibility. Dashed lines are linear regressions; all with insignificant slopes. The first 22(of5351)datavalueshavebeenremovedduetoa0.2mag This judgment regarding the level of long-term accu- offset. racy is similar to the one found by Tang et al. (2013a) (0.1mag) and Tang et al. (2013b) who checked 997 Ke- (Tang et al. 2011). They state that, for the star KU pler planet host stars and found that “Our typical pho- Cyg, “There seems to be a slight trend of 0.1–0.2mag tometricuncertaintyis0.1–0.15mag”. IntheirFigure3 brightening from 1910 to 1990; however, given our sys- in Tang et al. (2013b), they present the uncertainty as tematicuncertaintyover100yearsof∼0.1mag(S.Tang afunctionofmagnitude,indicatinganrmsof0.2magat et al. 2011, in preparation), it is not convincing.” 2σ forK =12mag. IntheirFigure1inthesamepaper, P Atrendonthe0.1maglevelisthereforenotextraordi- a decade-long bump is apparent for the Kepler planet nary,andcanbesaidtobewithinthenormalfluctuation host star KIC8191672, although it is unclear whether of post-calibrated Harvard plate data. this trend is of an instrumental or astrophysical nature. Lastly, there is a paper by the DASCH core team, 5. LITERATURE COMPARISON FOR KIC8462852 analyzing “KU Cyg, a 5 year accretion event in 1900” A statistical analysis of the stability of photometric plates 9 S16 claims to have found a “highly significant and over a full hundred years.” The paper reveals, however, highly confident secular dimming at an average rate only the identities of two of the check stars. We re- of 0.165±0.013 magnitudes per century”, which is de- examined these. scribed as “completely unprecedented for any F-type For TYC 3162-879-1 (KIC8462775), we pulled the main sequence star”. We have attempted to indepen- data from DASCH for the KIC and the APASS cali- dently check the photometry described by S16, and to bration. We found no trend, and no flux discontinuity, evaluate the claim of the dimming trend (section 2), within the errors of 0.02mag per century. as well as the long-term accuracy of the data at hand For TYC 3162-1001-1 (KIC8398290) we tried the (section 4). Afterwards, we compare our results to the same. The KIC calibration, uncleaned and unbinned, literature (section 5). resultsinabrighteningtrendof-0.07±0.01magpercen- tury. AfterdatacleansingasdescribedinS16,weobtain 5.1. Linear trend in S16 1002 data points and a formal slope of -0.05±0.01mag S16claimsadimmingof0.165±0.013magnitudesper per century. This is slightly larger than the 0.03 mag century for KIC8462852. In this section, we compare found in S16, and formally highly significant. As dis- those claims with the results of our analysis. cussed in section 4, we believe that all these formally S16 does not mention which calibration was used, or significant trends are overshadowed by long-term sys- which search radius for the allowed astrometric devi- tematics. ation between scanned source position and catalogue Also,theslopeofTYC3162-1001-1is∼50%oftheone position, but does mention that after performing the we find for KIC8462852 (+0.1±0.02mag per century, datacleansing,“Ihave1232magnitudesfromDASCH”. section 3.1). This means that the check stars revealed As described in section 2.2, we find 699 values (KIC in S16 do indeed fluctuate less than KIC8398290, but calibration), 1386 (APASS,) or 679 (GSC). The origin one of the two also shows evidence for systematics in of the differences between our DASCH light curve for the data. KIC8462852 and the one used by S16 is unclear. One 5.4. Cross-checking SuperWASP data possibleoriginistheselectionofwhichastrometricdevi- ation between the measured (scanned) source and nom- As noted by Boyajian et al. (2016), KIC8462852 was inal (catalog) position is considered acceptable. The observedbySuperWASPfor3seasons. Thefirstseason, DASCH server allows for values between 1 and 60 arc which includes only 22 observations, shows a 0.2mag seconds,withadefaultvalueof5arcseconds. Changing offset, which is also seen for the check stars in S16. thisvaluechangesthenumberofresultingobservations. Therefore, we discard the first season (dropping 22 of When performing a linear regression with the 1386 5351 total data points) and examine only seasons 2 cleanedAPASSvalues,wefindaformal+0.14±0.02mag and 3. As can be seen in Figure 7, KIC8462852 as per century (section 3.1), consistent with S16. When well as the two check stars show constant luminosity accountingfornon-normality,thischangesonlyslightly. within the errors. Due to the large number of observa- We have not attempted to try further binning choices, tions, wecandetermineprecise(nominal)valuesforthe such as 1-year bins, 2.5-years bins, 5-year bins etc. as average of both seasons separately. For KIC8462852, we do not believe this adds any value to the analysis. we get 12.65701±0.00054mag for the first season, and 12.65663±0.00026magforthesecondseason,whichisa 5.2. By-eye measurements in S16 brightening of −0.00038±0.00054mag. In other words, constant luminosity within the errors. The same is true S16 performed manual (“by-eye”) brightness esti- for the two check stars. While the standard deviations matesusingamethoddescribedinSchaefer(1981)with support this assessment, there might be systematic er- a 10× loupe, for 131 of 1581 data points. rors in the SuperWASP data. A detailed analysis is be- These“by-eye”measurementshaveneitherbeenpub- yond the scope of this paper, so that we advice caution licly released nor been shown in the study, so that about this result. we cannot compare the results. The results seem to If a linear dimming trend in the data was present, we be different, because a linear fit “yields a slope of would expect a luminosity decrease. As the two sea- +0.310±0.029 magnitudes per century”, which is de- sons are separated by an average of 377 days, luminos- scribed as “formally different from the slope that I get itywouldhavetobeendecreasedby0.00170mag(based from DASCH”. In fact, this trend has almost twice onthepurporteddimmingtrendof0.165±0.013magni- (1.88×, 5σ confidence of differing) the slope of the tudes per century in S16). As our systematic errors are scanned data. larger than the theoretical dimming for this period, we 5.3. Comparing the check stars in S16 cannot exclude (or confirm) a dimming trend. ThedimmingtrendmentionedinS16wascomparedto 6. DISCUSSION AND NEXT STEPS check stars. The author “used the same procedures and 6.1. Issues in defining quality cuts selectionstoproduceDASCHlightcurvesforfivenearby stars with similar magnitudes” and found “that check There is the problem of human bias that does affect stars have constant light curves to a level of 0.03 mag the selection of acceptable criteria for a comparison. 10 Hippke et al. Assume that some researcher analyzed photometry of plateswhosewidthis10%”(whichwasacceptedinS16), KIC8462852, and found a slope of 0.165 mag per cen- andmore. Unfortunately,thesecriteriaarealsonotpre- tury. One could now define criteria for quality cuts, cisely defined, e.g. the rejection of “Stars with strong so that the trend in KIC8462852 persists, but trends correlationbetweenmagnitudemeasurementsandplate in most other stars vanish. Clearly, quality cuts (if limiting magnitudes”, so that the results are also not any!) must be defined completely independently. Then, reproducible. a large number (thousands) of constant stars must be processed consistently and automatically. Afterwards, 7. CONCLUSION the distribution of slopes can be used to assess the sig- nificance of a slope of 0.165 mag per century. A similar We have re-analyzed time-series photometry from the approachisusedfortheremovalofinstrumentalsystem- Harvard plates and find a photometric sensitivity limit atics from the Kepler light curves, dubbed “Cotrending of∼0.1magpercentury(inagreementwithGrindlay& Basis Vectors” (Smith et al. 2012). Los(2016,inprep.)),whichisanextraordinaryachieve- The use (or rejection) of red and yellow plates is rele- ment for a historical archive like this, and confirms the vant. Aliteraturereviewshowsthatallpublicationsac- number given in other DASCH studies (e.g., Laycock cessibleforus(exceptS16)dousethesedata(e.g., Lay- et al. (2010); Tang et al. (2011, 2013a,b)). cocketal.(2010);Tangetal.(2013a,b);Liˇska&Skarka For our example case of KIC8462852, we therefore (2015)). Indeed, the DASCH team itself does this in find that the slope (or flux discontinuity) is not notably their publications, and simply mentions the plates “are greater (< 1.7σ among all samples) when compared to mostlybluesensitive”(Tangetal.2011). Itispreferable > 500 twin stars. Assuming no long-term dimming to keep all available data (that are not amongst a few is present, the puzzling day-long dips in KIC8462852 multi-σoutliers),andpropagatetheirlarge(r)errorbars might indeed be the result of a family of large comets accordingly. Indeed, these values are also classified as (Bodman & Quillen 2015). “Johnson B magnitude” data and have been calibrated by the DASCH team. Plate selection aside, other quality cuts are done Acknowledgments. We thank Bradley E. Schaefer for equally arbitrary in the literature. In Tang et al. his feedback on possible issues with quality cuts and (2013b), for example, the authors analyzed 997 Kepler plate selection. We also thank Prabal Saxena for indi- stars and included all plates (also the red and yellow cating that some comparison stars are unsuitable, and ones),butdefinedtheirownseriesofqualitycuts. These ReneHudec andPeterKrollfor adviceonphotographic includeblendedimages,“measurementswithin0.75mag plates. ofthelimitingmagnitude”(incontrasttoS16,whoseta WeexpressourgratitudetotheDASCHprojectwhich limitof0.2mag),“imageswithintheouterborderofthe does invaluable work for the community. 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