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A splitter's guide to the higher taxa of the flowering plants (Magnoliophyta) generally arranged to follow the sequence proposed by Thorne (1992) with certain modifications PDF

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Preview A splitter's guide to the higher taxa of the flowering plants (Magnoliophyta) generally arranged to follow the sequence proposed by Thorne (1992) with certain modifications

Phytologia(March 1993) 74(3):203-263. A SPUTTER'S GUIDE TO THE HIGHER TAXA OF THE FLOWERING PLANTS (MAGNOLIOPHYTA) GENERALLY ARRANGED TO FOLLOW THE SEQUENCE PROPOSED BY THORNE (1992) WITH CERTAIN MODIFICATIONS James L. Reveal Department ofBotany, University of Maryland, College Park, Maryland 20742-5815 U.S.A. ABSTRACT Using the most recent system of classification for flowering plants (Magnoliophyta) proposed by Thome (1992b) and generally following his sequence ofnames but with the addition ofthe family names now in current use, afamily systemis proposed that purposefully splits the subclasses, superorders, orders, and families into snuiU units thereby constructing a "splitter's" guide to the higher taxa ofMagnoliophyta. Theresultingclassificationrecognizes 14subclasses, 63superorders,248 orders, zind 685 families. KEY WORDS: Magnoliophyta, nomenclature, classification. INTRODUCTION Since 1959, considerable attention has been given to the classification of the flowering plants, with a large number oftaxa recognized (Bedell & Reveal 1982a, b; Benson 1957; Boivin 1956; Brummitt 1992; Cronquist 1957, 1961, 1968, 1981, 1988; Cronquist et al. 1966; G. Dahlgren 1989a, b; R. Dahlgren 1975, 1980, 1983; R. Dahlgren k Bremer 1985; R. Dahlgren & Clifford 1982; R. Dahlgren et al. 1981, 1985; Deyl 1955; Dostal 1957; Ehrendorfer 1983; En- gler 1964; Erdtman 1952, 1966; Gibbs 1974; Goldberg 1986, 1989; Gunn et al. 1992; Heywood 1978; Huber 1969; Hutchinson 1959, 1969, 1973; Kimura 1953, 1956; Mabberley 1987; Novak 1954, 1961; Pulle 1952; Rouleau 1981; Soo 1953, 1961, 1967; Stebbins, 1974; Takhtajan 1959, 1970, 1973, 1980, 1983, 1985, 1986, 1987; Thorne 1974, 1976, 1977, 1981, 1983, 1992a, 1992b; Willis 1973). Concomitant withthis attentionhas beentherealization that botanical 203 PHYTOLOGIA 204 volume 74(3):203-263 Marcii 1993 nomenclatureought to be stabilized as much as possible insofar as nomenclat- uraJ matters are concerned. As a result, the botaniczJ community is now considering the concept of "names in current use" (NCU), and to that end, lists of proposed names have been circulated for comment in anticipation ofa formal publication ofprotected names in early 1993. My own efforts on this task have concentrated on vascular plant family names in collaboration with Dr. Ruurd D. Hoogland of the Laboratoire de Phanerogamie, Museum National d'Histoire naturelle in Paris. To ascertain the taxonomicimpact ofprotectingfamilynames, we haveworked closely with Richard K. Brummitt (K), the late Arthur Cronquist (NY), Aaron Goldberg (US),ArmenL. Takhtajan(LE),Robert F.Thorne (RSA),andJohn Wiersema (USDA). To that end we have been able to resolve potential nomenclatural conflicts. The need to resolve the nomenclaturaJ morass above the rank of family is no less important than that at the family rank and below, and while priority is not required above the rank of family, the need to have Aralidly published names is mandated (Reveal 1992a, 1992b, 1993) and the need for a stabilized nomenclature even at these higher ranks is gradually being recog- nized. In the following summary ofthe flowering plants (Magnoliophyta), I have adopted thegeneral schemeproposed by Thorne (1992b), and included therein ail of the proposed NCU family names. To this I have added class, subclass, superordinal, and ordinal names. I have adopted 1966 as the starting date for subclass and superordinal names, and 1789 as the starting date for ordinal and family names. To Thome's linear arrangement of superorders, orders and families, I have added the rank ofsubclass used by Cronquist (1981) and Takhtajan (1987). Furthermore,as thefamilylistaccountsforallfamilynames now in current use, Ihave also attempted to includeaJl subclass, superordinal, and ordinal names now in current use. The philosophy behind the application ofpriority to these higher names is outlined elsewhere (Reveal 1993). The consequences of adopting, or not adopting, the proposal put forth by Greuter(1991) regarding "namesincurrentuse" (NCU)arenot allthat serious insofar as flowering plant fsimily names because so many of these names are already protected (Reveal & Hoogland, 1991). Conservation, as traditionally appliedto floweringplant family names, has been to ensurethat certain names areusedinsteadofothers,but not authorshiporplaceofpublication. Greuter's proposal would now protect the bibliographic information as well. Should the NCU proposals fail, we will have to editorially correct the authorship and/or bibliographic references of nearly 125 currently conserved family names on Appendix IIB of the Code (Greuter et al. 1988). And, as may be seen from the catalogue below, ifthe NCU proposals fail there will be a need to conserve at least ten additional names just to retain certain nonconserved names now in current use. Reveal: Guide to higher taxa ofMagnoliophyta 205 CATALOGUE OF THE HIGHER TAXA OF MAGNOLIOPHYTA Magnoliophyta Cronquist, Takhtajan, k Zimmermann, 1966 Vlagnoliopsida Cronquist, Takhta- Monodoraceae3 Agardh, 1858 . jan, & Zimmermann, 1966 6. AristolochialesDumortier, 1829 I. Magnoliidae Novak ex Takhta- Asarales Burnett, 1835 jan, 1967 11. AristolochiaceaeA.L.Jussieu, A. Magnolianae Takhtajan, 1967 1789, nom. cons. 1. Winterales A.C. Smith exRe- Asaraceae Ventenat, 1799 veal 12. Myristicaceae R. Brown, 1. Winteraceae R. Brown ex 1810, nom. cons. Lindley, 1830, nom. cons. 7. Canelljdes Cronquist, 1957 2. Takhtajaniaceae (J. Leroy) 13. Canellaceae C. Martius, J. Leroy, 1980 1832, nom. cons. 2. Illiciales H.-H. Hu ex Cron- WinteranaceaeWarburg, 1895 qtiist, 1981 8. Austrobaileyales Takhtajan 3. Illiciaceae (Candolle) A.C. ex Reveal, 1992 Smith, 1947, nom. cons. 14. Austrobaileyaceae(Croizat) 4. SchisandraceaeBlume, 1830, Croizat, 1943, nom. cons. nom. cons. 9. Monimiales Dumortier, 1829 3. Magnoliales Bromhead, 1837 15. AmboreilaceaePichon, 1948, 5. MagnoliaceaeA.L.Jussieu, nom. cons. 1789, nom. cons. 16. Trimeniaceae (Janet R. 6. Liriodendraceae Barkley, Perkins& Gilg) Gibbs, 1917, 1975 nom. cons. 7. Degeneriaceae I. Bailey &; 17. Hortoniaceae (Janet R. A.C. Smith, 1942, nom.. cons. Perkins) A.C. Smith, 1971 8. HimantandraceaeDiels, 1917, 18. MonimiaceaeA.L.Jussieu, nom. cons. 1809, nom. cons. 4. Eupomatiales Takhtajan ex 19. Atherospermataceae R. Reveal, 1992 Brown, 1814 9. Eupomatiaceae Endlicher, 20. Siparunaceae (A. de Can- 1841, nom. cons. dolle) Schodde, 1970 5. Annonales Lindley, 1833 21. Gomortegaceae Reiche, 10. Annonaceae A.L. Jussieu, 1896, nom,. cons. 1789, nom. cons. 10. Calycanthales C. Martius, Hornschuchiaceae J. Agardh, 1835 1858 22. IdiospermaceaeS.T. Blake, A 206 P HYT OL OGI volume 74(3):203-263 March 1993 1972 veal, 1992 23. Calycanthaceae Lindley, 18. NymphaealesDumortier, 1829 1819, nom. cons. Eurydales H.L. Li, 1955 ChimonanthaceaePerleb, 1838 35. Cabombaceae A. Richard, Butneriaceae Barnhart, 1895, 1828, nom. cons. nom. illeg. Hydropeltidaceae(Candolle) Du 11. Laurales Perleb, 1826 mortier, 1822 24. Lauraceae A.L. Jussieu, 36. Nymphaeaceae R.A. Sal- 1789, nom. cons. isbury, 1805, nom.. cons. Perseaceae Horaninow, 1834 37. Euryalaceae J. Agardh, 25. Cassythaceae Battling ex 1858. Lindley, 1833, nom. cons. 38. BarclayaceaeH.L. Li, 1955 26. HernandiaceaeBlume, 1826, D. Rafflesianae Thorne exReveal, nom. cons. 1992 Illigeraceae Blume, 1833 19. Hydnorales Takhtajan ex 12. Gyrocarpales Dumortier, 1829 Reveal, 1992 27. GyrocarpaceaeDumortier, 39. Hydnoraceae C. Agardh, 1829. 1821, nom. cons. 13. Chloranthales Conzatti & 20. Mitrastemonales Makino, L.C. Smith ex Reveal, 1992 1911 28. Chloranthaceae Blume, 40. MitrastemonaceaeMakino, 1827, nom. cons. 1911, nom. cons. Hedyosmaceae Caruel, 1881 21. Rafflesiales Oliver, 1895 14. Lactoridales Takhtajan ex Cytinales Dumortier, 1829 Reveal, 1992 41. Cytinaceae (Brongniart) 29. LactoridaceaeEngler, 1888, A. Richard, 1824 nom. cons. 42. Apodanthaceae(R. Brown) 15. PiperaJes Dumortier, 1829 Tieghem exTakhtajan, 1987 30. Saururaceae Richard ex 43. Rafflesiaceae Dumortier, E. Meyer, 1927, nom. cons. 1829, nom. cons. 31. Piperaceae C. Agardh, II. RanunculidaeTakhtajan exRe- 1824, nom. cons. veal, 1992 32. PeperomiaceaeA.C. Smith, E. RanunculanaeTakhtajan exRe- 1981 veal, 1992 B. Nelumbonanae Takhtajan ex 22. Paeoniales Heintze, 1927 Reveal, 1992 44. Paeoniaceae F. Rudolphi, 16. CeratophyllalesBischoff, 1840 1830, nom. cons. 33. CeratophyUaceae Gray, 23. Glaucidiales Takhtajan ex 1821, nom. cons. Reveal, 1992 17. Nelumbonales Burnett. 1835 45. Glaucidiaceae Tamura, 34. Nelumbonaceae(Candolle) 1972 Dumortier, 1829, nom. cons. 24. Menispermales Bromhead, C. Nymphaeanae Thorne ex Re- 1838 Reveal: Guide to higher taxa ofMagnoliophyta 207 46. MenispermaceaeA.L.Jus- 1847 sieu, 1789, nom. cons. 61. PapaveraceaeA.L.Jussieu, Pseliaceae Rafinesque, 1838 1789, nom. cons. 47. LardizabidaceaeDecaisne, 62. Platystemonaceae (W.R. 1839, nom. cons. Ernst) A.C. Smith, 1971 48. Sargentodoxaceae Stapf 63. Pteridophyilaceae(Murbeck) ex Hutchinson, 1926, nom. Nakai exReveal& Hoogland, cons. 1991 25. Podophyllales Dumortier, 64. HypecoaceaeH.M.Willkomm 1829 k J.M.C. Lange, 1880 49. Podophyllaceae Candolle, 65. FumariaceaeCandolle, 1821, 1821, nom. cons. nom. cons. DiphylleiaceaeSchultz-Schult- CorydalaceaeGiseke, 1792, nom. zenstein, 1832 illeg. 50. Leonticaceae Berchtold & in. CaryophyllidaeTakhtajan, 1967 J. Presi, 1820 F. CaryophyllanaeTakhtajan, 1967 26. BerberidalesDumortier, 1829 29. Caryophyllales Perleb, 1826 51. BerberidaceaeA.L.Jussieu, ScleranthaksDumortier, 1829 1789, nom. cons. SUenales Lindley, 1833 52. Nandinaceae Horaninow, Dianthales Burnett, 1835 1834. 66. AlsinaCeae(Candolle)Bart- 27. RanunculalesDumortier, 1829 ling, 1825, nom. cons. Hellehorales Nakai, 1949) Stellariaceae Dumortier, 1822 53. HydrastidaceaeMartinov, 67. niecebraceae R. Brown, 1820. 1810, nom. cons. 54. Thalictraceae Rafinesque, Paronychiaceae A.L. Jussieu, 1815 1815 55. RanunculaceaeA.L.Jussieu, Scleranthaceae Berchtold& J. 1789, nom. cons. Presl, 1820 Anemonaceae Vest, 1818 HemiariaceaeMartinov, 1820 ClematidaceaeMartinov, 1820 68. CaryophyllaceaeA.L.Jussieu, 56. Helleboraceae Vest, 1818 1789, nom. cons. Calthaceae Martinov, 1820 Cerastiaceae Vest, 1818 Actaeaceae Rafinesque, 1828 Dianthaceae Vest, 1818 Nigellaceae J. Agardh, 1858 Ortegaceae Martinov, 1820 57. CircaeasteraceaeHutchin- Telephiaceae Martinov, 1820 son, 1926, nom. cons. Saginaceae Sprengel ex Wein- 58. Kingdoniaceae A.S. Fos- mann, 1824 ter ex Airy Shaw, 1965 Silenaceae (Candolle) Bartling, 28. PapaveralesDumortier, 1829 1825 59. Chelidoniaceae Martinov 30. PortulacalesDumortier, 1829 1820 69. PortulacaceaeA.L.Jussieu, 60. EschscholtziaceaeSeringe, 1789, nom. cons. PHYTOLOGIA 208 volume 74(3):203-263 March 1993 Montiaceae Rafinesque, 1820 1830, nom. cons. 70. Hectorellaceae Philipson FicoideaceaeA.L.Jussieu, 1789 & Skipworth, 1961 Galeniaceae Rafinesque, 1819 71. BasellaceaeMoquin-Tandon, Sesuviaceae Horaninow, 1834 1840, nom. cons. 83. MesembryanthemaceaeFena Anrederaceae3 Agardh, 1858 1836 . Ullucaceae Nakai, 1942 MesembryaceaeDumortier, 182S 72. DidiereaceaeDrake, 1903, nom. illeg. nom. cons. 84. TetragoniaceaeNakai, 1942, 31. Cactales Dumortier, 1829 nom,. cons. Opuntiales Willkomm, 1854 85. Halophytaceae Soriano, 73. Cactaceae A.L. Jussieu, 1984 1789, nom. cons. 86. Molluginaceae Hutchin- Opuntiaceae Martinov, 1820 son, 1926, nom,. cons. Cereaceae CandoUe & Spren- PhamaceaceaeMartinov, 1820 gel, 1821 Corrigiolaceae(Dumortier)Du- 32. NyctaginalesDumortier, 1829 mortier, 1829 Petiveriales Lindley, 1833 Glinaceae Dumortier, 1829 74. PhytolaccaceaeR.Brown, Adenogram.m,acea€ (Fenzl)Nakai 1818, nom. cons. 1942 Sarcocaceae Rafinesque, 1837 Polpodaceae(Fenzl)Nakai, 1942 75. Gisekiaceae (Endlicher) 33. Chenopodiales Dumortier, Nakai, 1942 1829 76. Petiveriaceae C. Agardh, Atriplicales Horaninow, 1847 1824 87. DysphaniaceaePax, 1927, Rivinaceae C. Agardh, 1824 nom.. cons. Hilleriaceae Nakai, 1942 88. Chenopodiaceae Vente- Seguiertaceae Nakai, 1942 nat, 1799, nom. cons. 77. AgdestidaceaeNakai, 1942 AtriplicaceaeA.L.Jussieu, 1789 78. Barbeuiaceae Nakai, 1942 Corispermaceae Link, 1829 79. AchatocarpaceaeHeimerl, Betaceae Burnett, 1835 1934, nom. cons. Blitaceae Adanson ex Post & 80. Stegnospermataceae (A. Kuntze, 1903 Richard) Nakai, 1942 89. Salicorniaceae Martinov, 81. NyctaginaceaeA.L.Jussieu, 1820 1789, nom. cons. 90. SalsolaceaeMoquin-Tandon, Jalapaceae Batsch, 1802 1849 Allioniaceae Horaninow, 1834 34. Amaranthales Dumortier, Bougainvilleaceae J. Agardh, 1829 1858 91. AmaranthaceaeA.L.Jussieu, Pisoniaceae J. Agardh, 1858 1789, nom,. cons. MirabilidaceaeW. Oliver, 1936 Celosiaceae Martinov, 1820 82. Aizoaceae F. Rudolphi, AchyranthaceaeRafinesque, 1837 Reveal: Guide to higher taxa ofMagnoliophyta 209 GomphrenaceaeRalinesque, 1837 Planchon) L. Beauvisage ex DeeringiaceaeJ.Agardh, 1858 Bullock, 1959 IV. Dilleniidae Takhtajan ex Re- 102. Chrysobalanaceae R.Brown, veal k Takhtajan, 1993 1818, nom. cons. G. Dillenianae Takhtajan ex Re- Licaniaceae Martinov, 1820 veal &; Takhtajan, 1993 Hirtellaceae Horaninow, 1847 35. DillenialesHutchinson, 1924 103. SymplocaceaeDesfontaines, 92. Dilleniaceae R.A. Salis- 1820, nom.. cons. bury, 1807, nom. cons. 104. Caryocaraceae Szyszy- Soramiaceae Martinov, 1820 lowicz, 1893, nom. cons. HihhertiaceaeJ. Agardh, 1858 RhizobolaceaeC&ndoUe, 1824, 36. Actinidiales Takhtajan ex nom. illeg. Reveal, 1992 105. Marcgraviaceae Choisy, 93. Actinidiaceae Hutchin- 1824, nom. cons. son, 1926, nom. cons. 106. Oncothecaceae Kobuski 94. Saurauiaceae J. Agardh, ex Airy Shaw, 1965 1858, nom. cons. 39. Aquifoliales Senft, 1856 37. ParacryphialesTakhtajan ex 107. Aquifoliaceae Bartling, Reveal, 1992 1830, nom.. cons. 95. ParacryphiaceaeAiryShaw, niicaceaeBerchtoldkJ. Presl, 1965 1820 H.TheanaeThome exReveal, 1992 108. Phellinaceae (Loesener) 38. Theales Lindley, 1833 Takhtajan, 1967 Camelliales Burnett, 1835 109. Sphenostemonaceae P. 96. StachyuraceaeJ. Agardh, Royen k Airy Shaw, 1972 1858, nom. cons. 40. Ochnales Hutchinson ex Re- 97. Theaceae D. Don, 1825, veal, 1992 nom,. cons. 110. LophiraceaeLoudon, 1830 Camelliaceae Candolle, 1816 111. Sauvagesiaceae (Gingins TemstroemiaceaeMirbel exCan- exCandolle)Dumortier, 1829 dolle, 1816 112. OchnaceaeCandolle, 1811, Gor(fomaceac(Candolle) Spren- nom. cons. gel, 1826 GomphiaceaeCandolle exSchni- MalachodendraceaeJ.Agardh, zlein, 1843-1870 1858, nom. illeg. Luxemburgiaceae Tieghem ex 98. Sladeniaceae(Gilg&Wer- Solereder, 1908 dermann) Airy Shaw, 1965 113. Quiinaceae Choisy ex 99. Asteropeiaceae (Szyszy- Engler, 1888, nom. cons. lowicz)Takhtajan exReveal 114. Scytopetalaceae Engler, k Hoogland, 1990. 1897, nom. cons. 100. TetrameristaceaeHutchin- Rhaptopetalaceae Tieghem ex son, 1959 Solereder, 1908 101. Pellicieraceae (Triana k 115. Strasburgeriaceae En- 210 P HYT L GIA volume 74(3):203-263 March 1993 gler& Gilg, 1924, nom. cons. Airy Shaw, 1965 41. Medusagynales Brenan, 1952 126. Napoleonaeaceae A. Rich- 116. Medusagynaceae Engler ard, 1827 & Gilg, 1924, nom. cona. Belvisiaceae R. Brown, 1821, 42. Ancistrocladales Takhtajan nom. illeg. ex Reveal, 1992 127. Lecythidaceae Poiteau, 117. Ancistrocladaceae Plan- 1825, nom. cons. chon eiWalpers, 1851, nom. Gustaviaceae Burnett, 1835 cons. 128. Asteranthaceae Knuth, 43. Dioncophyllales Takhtajan 1939, nom. cons. ex Reveal, 1993 K. Sarracenianae Thome ex Re- 118. Dioncophyllaceae (Gilg) veal, 1992 AiryShaw, 1952, nom. cons. 48. SarracenialesBromhead, 1838 44. HypericalesDumortier, 1829 129. SarraceniaceaeDumortier, 119. Bonnetiaceae (Bartling) 1829, nom. cons. L. Beauvisage exNakai, 1948 129a. HeliamphoraceaeChrtak, 120. ClusiaceaeLindley, 1836, Slavikova, & Studicka, 1992 nom,. cons. L. Ericanae Takhtajan, 1967 Guttiferae A.L. Jussieu, 1789, 49. Ericales Dumortier, 1829 nom. cons.; nom. alt. Vacciniales Dumortier, 1829 Garciniaceae Bartling, 1830 130. Pentaphylacaceae En- CambogiaceaeHoraninow, 1834 gler, 1897, nom. cons. CalophyllaceaeJ. Agardh, 1858 131. ClethraceaeKlotzsch, 1851, 121. HypericaceaeA.L.Jussieu, nom. cons. 1789, nom. cons. 132. Cyrillaceae Endlicher, Ascyraceae Plenck, 1796 1841, nom. cons. 45. Elatinales Nakai, 1949 133. Ericaceae A.L. Jussieu, 122. Elatinaceae Dumortier, 1789, nom^. cons. 1829, nom.. cons. RhododendraceaeA.L.Jussieu, Cryptaceae Rafinesque, 1820 1789 AlsinastraceaeRuprecht exBu- Rhodoraceae Ventenat, 1799 bani, 1901 Azaleaceae Vest, 1818 I. Nepenthanae Takhtajan exRe- Ledaceae Link, 1821 veal, 1992 Menziesiaceae Klotzsch, 1851 46. NepenthalesDumortier, 1829 Salaxidaceae J. Agardh, 1858 123. NepenthaceaeDumortier, Diplarchaceae Klotzsch, 1860 1829, nom. cons. 134. VacciniaceaeCandoUe ex J. LecythidanaeTakhtajan exRe- Gray, 1821, nom,. cons. veal, 1992 Androm,edaceae(Endlicher)Schni 47. LecythidalesCronquist, 1957 zlein, 1843-1870 124. BarringtoniaceaeF. Rudol- SiphonandraceaeKlotzsch, 1851, phi, 1830, nom,. cons. nom,. illeg. 125. Foetidaceae (Nidenzu) Arbutaceae J. Agardh, 1858 Reveal: Guide to higher taxa ofMagnoliophyta 211 Arctostaphylaceae J. Agardh, 147. Theophrastaceae Link, 1858 1829, nom.. cons. 135. Pyrolaceae Dumortier, 148. Myrsinaceae R. Brown, 1829, nom. cons. 1810, nom. cons. 136. Monotropaceae Nuttall, ArdisiaceaeA.L.Jussieu, 1810 1818, nom. cons. Embeliaceae J. Agardh, 1858 Hypopityaceae Link, 1829 149. Aegicerataceae Blume, 137. Epacridaceae R. Brown, 1833 1810, nom. cons. 56. Primulales Dumortier, 1829 StypheliaceaeHoraninow, 1834 Samolales Dumortier, 1829 138. Prionotaceae Hutchin- 150. Primulaceae Ventenat, son, 1969 1799, nom.. cons. 50. Empetrales Nakai, 1930 Lysimachiaceae A.L. Jussieu, 139. EmpetraceaeGray, 1821, 1789 nom. cons. AnagallidaceaeBatsch eiBorck- 51. Fouquieriales Takhtajan ex hausen, 1797 Reveal, 1992 Samolaceae Rafinesque, 1820 140. FouquieriaceaeCandolle, 151. Coridaceae J. Agardh, 1828, nom. cons. 1858 52. Ebenales Engler, 1892 N. Plumbaginanae Takhtajan ex Diospyraks Prantl, 1874 Reveal, 1992 141. EbenaceaeGiircke, 1891, 57. PlumbaginalesLindley, 1833 nom. cons. 152. PlumbaginaceaeA.L.Jus- GuaiacanaceaeA.L.Jussieu, 1789 sieu, 1789, nom. cons. Diospyraceae Vest, 1818 153. AegialitidaceaeLinczevski, 142. Lissocarpaceae Gilg, 1924, 1968 nom. cons. 154. LimoniaceaeSeringe, 1851, 53. Styracales Burnett, 1835 nom. cons. prop. 143. Styracaceae Dumortier, Staticaceae Cassel, 1817 1829, nom. cons. ArmeriaceaeHoraninow, 1834 Halesiaceae D. Don, 1828 0. Polygonanae Takhtajan exRe- 54. Sapotales J.D. Hooker, 1868 veal, 1992 144. SapotaceaeA.L.Jussieu, 58. Polygonales Dumortier, 1829 1789, nom,. cons. 155. Polygonaceae A.L.Jussieu, Achradaceae Vest, 1818 1789, nom. cons. Bumeliaceae Barnhart, 1895 Rumicaceae Martinov, 1820 145. BoerlagellaceaeH.J. Lam, Eriogonaceae(Dumortier) Meis- 1925 ner, 1841 146. Sarcospermataceae H.J. PersicariaceaeAdanson exPost Lam, 1925, nom.. cons. & Kuntze, 1903 M. Primulanae R. Dahlgren ex 156. CalligonaceaeChaJkuziev, Reveal, 1992 1985 55. Myrsinales Bromhead, 1838 P. Celastranae Takhtajan, 1967 HYTO OGIA 212 P L volume 74(3):203-263 March 1993 59. Celastrales Baskerville, 1839 Kuntze, 1903 157. Celastraceae R. Brown, 167. Huaceae A. Chevalier, 1814, nom. cons. 1947 Euonymaceae A.L. Jussieu ex 168. ElaeocarpaceaeA.L.Jussieu Berchtold & J. Presl, 1820 exCandolle, 1824, nom. cons. ChingithamnaceaeHandel-Maz- AnstoteliaceaeDumortier, 1829 zetti, 1932 169. PlagiopteraceaeAiryShaw, 158. Canotiaceae Airy Shaw, 1965 1965 170. Tiliaceae A.L. Jussieu, 159. HippocrateaceaeA.L.Jus- 1789, nom. cons. sieu, 1811, nom. cons. SparmanniaceaeJ. Agardh, 1858 Salaciaceae Rafinesque, 1838 171. Monotaceae(Gilg) Maury 160. Siphonodontaceae(Croizat) ex Takhtajan, 1987. Gagnepadn& Tardieu exTar- 172. DipterocarpaceaeBlume, dieu, 1951, nom. cons. 1825, nom. cons. 161. Pottingeriaceae (Engler) 173. Sarcolaenaceae Caruei, Takhtajan, 1987 1881, nom. cons. 162. Goupiaceae Miers, 1862 Schizolaenaceae Barnhart, 1895 163. Lophopyxidaceae (En- RhodolaenaceaeBullock, 1958 gler) H. Pfeiffer, 1951 174. DiegodendraceaeCapuron, 164. StackhousiaceaeR.Brown, 1964 1814, nom. cons. 175. SphaerosepalaceaeTieghem Q. Malvanae Takhtajan, 1967 ex Bullock, 1959 60. Malvales Dumortier, 1829 Rhopalocarpaceae Hemsley ex Tiliales Hutchinson, 1924 Takhtajan, 1987 165. Sterculiaceae (CandoUe) 176. BombacaceaeKunth, 1822, Bart-ling, 1830, nom. cons. nom. cons. TriplobaceaeRafinesque, 1838 177. Malvaceae A.L. Jussieu, 166. ByttneriaceaeR. Brown, 1789, nom. cons. 1814, nom. cons. PhilippodendraceaeEndlicher, HermanniaceaeBerchtold&J. 1841 Presl, 1820 PugosiaceaeMartinov, 1820, nor Lasiopetalaceae Reichenbach, illeg. 1823 Hibiscaceae J. Agardh, 1858 Dombeyaceae(Candolle)Bart- PlagianthaceaeJ. Agardh, 1858 ling, 1830 R. Urticanae Takhtajan ex Re- PremontiaceaeJ. Agardh, 1858 veal, 1992 Helicteraceae J. Agardh, 1858 61. Ulmales Lindley, 1833 Melochiaceae J. Agardh, 1858 Ficales Dumortier, 1829 Theobromataceae3 Agardh, 1858 178. Ulmaceae Mirbel, 1815, . ChiranthodendraceaeA. Gray, nom. cons. 1887 179. Celtidaceae Link, 1831 Cacaoaceae Augier ex Post & 180. Moraceae Link, 1831,

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