A solid state spin-wave quantum memory for time-bin qubits Mustafa Gu¨ndo˘gan,1 Patrick M. Ledingham,1,∗ Kutlu Kutluer,1 Margherita Mazzera,1,† and Hugues de Riedmatten1,2 1ICFO-Institut de Ciencies Fotoniques, Mediterranean Technology Park, 08860 Castelldefels (Barcelona), Spain 2ICREA-Instituci´o Catalana de Recerca i Estudis Avanc¸ats, 08015 Barcelona, Spain (Dated: June16, 2015) We demonstrate the first solid-state spin-wave optical quantum memory with on-demand read- out. UsingthefullatomicfrequencycombschemeinaPr3+:Y2SiO5crystal,westoreweakcoherent pulses at the single-photon level with a signal to noise ratio > 10. Narrow-band spectral filtering basedon spectralholeburningin asecond Pr3+:Y2SiO5crystalisusedtofilterouttheexcessnoise 5 created by control pulses to reach an unconditional noise level of (2.0±0.3)×10−3 photons per 1 pulse. Wealsoreportspin-wavestorageofphotonictime-binqubitswithconditionalfidelitieshigher 0 than a measure and prepare strategy, demonstrating that the spin-wave memory operates in the 2 quantumregime. Thismakesourdevicethefirstdemonstrationofaquantummemoryfortime-bin n qubits, with on demand read-out of the stored quantum information. These results represent an u important step for theuse of solid-state quantummemories in scalable quantumnetworks. J PACSnumbers: 03.67.Hk,42.50.Gy,42.50.Md 5 1 Photonic quantum memories are essential in quan- [16], with a storage time limited by the coherence of ex- ] h tum information science (QIS) where they are used as cited states. Another solution is to transfer the optical p quantuminterfacesbetweenflyingandstationaryqubits. excitations to long lived collective spin excitations (or - t They enable the synchronization of probabilistic quan- spin-waves), using strong control pulses [31–33]. This n tumprocessese.g. inquantumcommunication[1,2]and gives access to much longer storage times [34, 35]. Op- a u computing [3]. The implementation of quantum memo- erating a solid state spin-wave memory in the quantum q ries (QMs) for light requires strong interactions between regimehassofarremainedelusive,becauseofinsufficient [ individual photons and matter. This can be achieved by signal-to-noiseratio(SNR)atthesingle-photonlevel[33]. 2 placing individual quantum systems (e.g. single atoms) Here,usingthefullatomicfrequencycomb(AFC)pro- v inhighfinessecavities[4]orbyusingensemblesofatoms, tocolinaPr3+:Y SiO crystalwestoreandretrieveweak 2 5 0 wherethephotonsaremappedontocollectiveatomicex- coherent pulses on-demand with SNR > 10 for single- 8 citations. AtomicsystemsarenaturalcandidatesasQMs 9 photon-level input. Using a narrowband filter based on [5–14], but solid state systems offer interesting perspec- 3 spectral hole burning in a second crystal, we achieve an 0 tivesfor scalabilityandintegrationinto existingtechnol- unconditional noise floor of (2.0±0.3)×10−3 photons . ogy [15–21]. 1 perpulse. Theuseofspectralholesasnarrowbandfilters 0 Rare-earth ion doped solids are promising candidates has been already demonstrated in storage schemes oper- 5 for high performance solid state QMs since they have atinginaclassicalfashion[36–38],butitishereexploited 1 excellentcoherencepropertiesatcryogenictemperatures for the first time to enter the quantum regime. Finally, : v [22]. Theyalsoexhibitlargestaticinhomogeneousbroad- we demonstrate storage and retrieval conditional fideli- i eningoftheopticaltransitionswhichcanbetailoredand ties (i.e., assuming that a photon was reemitted) higher X used as a resource for various storage protocols, e.g. en- thanclassicalmemoriesfortime-binqubitsatthe single- r a abling temporally [23] and spectrally [24] multiplexed photonlevel,takingintoaccountthePoissonianstatistics quantum memories. Recent experimental progress in- andthefiniteefficiencyofthememory. Theseresultsrep- cludesqubitstorage[15,24–27],highlyefficientquantum resent the first demonstration of a solid state spin-wave storageofweakcoherentstates[16],storageofentangled quantum memory, enabling on-demand read-out of the and single photons [17, 18, 28], entanglement between stored qubits. They also provide the first example of a two crystals [29] and quantum teleportation [30]. spin-wavequantum memory for time-bin qubits (for any system), an essential resource in quantum communica- Yet, nonclassical states have so far only been stored tion [39] and processing [40]. as collective optical atomic excitations with fixed stor- age times [17, 18, 28]. While this may provide a use- TheAFCtechnique[15,23]isbasedonspectraltailor- ful resource if combined with massive multiplexing and ing of an inhomogeously broadened absorption line into deterministic quantum light sources [24], the ability to a comb-shaped structure with periodicity ∆. The in- read-out the stored state on-demand is essential for ap- put pulses resonant with the comb are mapped onto a plications where the quantum memory is used as a syn- collective optical atomic excitation. After an initial de- chronizing device. On-demand read-out can be achieved phasing,theexcitationsrephaseatatime1/∆givingrise by actively controlling the optical collective excitations to a forward collective emission [15, 23]. Before the co- 2 herent emission two strong control pulses are applied to transfer the excitation to and from a long-lived ground statetoachievethespin-wavestorageoftheinputpulses. The full AFC scheme requires ions with at least three ground states, one being used as auxiliary state for op- tical pumping [41]. The spin-wave storage efficiency is given by η =η ×η2 ×η , where η is the ef- SW AFC T C AFC ficiency of the storage at the excited state and depends on the optical depth and comb finesse [23], η accounts C forthe decoherenceduringthe groundstatestorage,and ηT is the transfer efficiency of the control pulses. FIG. 1: (a) Quantum memory setup. The memory (MC) The realization of the full AFC scheme in the single- and filter (FC) crystals are located inside a liquid-free cooler photonregime is challengingas the strong controlpulses (Oxford V14) operating at a temperature of 2.5K. They are both 3mm long and doped with a Pr3+ concentration create noise which may dominate the weak signal re- of 0.05%. The control and input beams are steered towards trieved from the memory. Two main mechanisms are the memory with an angle of ∼ 1.5◦, leading to a exctinc- responsibleforthisnoise. i)Spatialleakagefromthecon- tion ratio of 10−5. The beam diameters on the crystal are trolmodeintotheinputmodeduetoscatteringfromthe 280µm and 90µm for strong and input modes, respectively. optical surfaces and ii) interaction of the control pulses Theweak coherent states are preparedbyattenuatingbright with residual population in the spin storage state due to pulseswithvariableneutraldensityfilters(NDFs). Aportion imperfectopticalpumping. Thelatterincludescollective of the input beam is picked up before the NDF and sent to a photodiode (PD1) for the calibration of the mean photon effects,suchasfree-inductiondecay(FID), orincoherent numberperpulse. Amechanicalshutterisusedtoprotectthe fluorescent emission. Note that four-wave mixing is not SPD during the memory and filter preparation. HWP: half- a dominant source of noise in our system, in contrast to waveplate;AOM:acousto-opticalmodulator;DG:diffraction Raman memories in atomic vapors [42] (see [41] for de- grating; SPD: single-photon detector. The dashed red beam tails). To reduce the noise we employ spatial, temporal indicates thefilterpreparation mode. (b) Hyperfinesplitting andspectralfiltering. Thespectralfilteringischallenging of the first sublevels of the ground 3H4 and the excited 1D2 inPr3+:Y2SiO5, as the input andcontrolfrequenciesare manifold of Pr3+ in Y2SiO5. separatedbyonly10.2MHz(seeFig. 1(b)). Asanarrow- band spectral filter we use a second Pr3+:Y SiO crystal 2 5 wherewepreparespectralholesofvariablewidth[36–38]. tal. A diffraction grating (DG) is then used to filter the The experimental arrangement and the relevant en- noise not resonantwith the crystal. The retrievedsignal ergy level scheme of Pr3+ at 606nm are shown in Fig. is coupled with 60% efficiency into a single-mode fiber 1. The main laser beam at 606nm (Toptica TA-SHG for connectionto the single photon detector (SPD, Pico- pro) is split into three to be used as input mode, fil- Quant τ SPAD-20, detection efficiency ηd = 60%, dark ter preparation, and lastly for control pulses and mem- countrate ∼10Hz). The totaltransmissionofthe input ory preparation. They all pass through acousto-optical beam from the cryostat to the SPD is about 13%. modulators(AOMs)indouble-passconfiguration,driven We tailor the AFC using optical pumping techniques by an arbitrary waveformgenerator (Signadyne), to cre- as described in [33, 43]. We isolate a single class of ate the necessary pulse sequences. The beams are then atoms[44,45]andcreatea3.5MHzwideAFCwith∆= carried with polarization-maintaining single-mode opti- 200 kHz on the 1/2 −3/2 transition within a 14 MHz g e cal fibers to another optical table where the cryostat wide transparency window (see [41] for details and for a is located. The maximum available optical powers are comb example). During the preparation of the mem- about 20 mW, 3.5 mW and 150 µW for control, filter ory, the population removed from the comb is stored preparation, and input modes, respectively, measured in in the auxiliary 5/2 state, while the 3/2 is emptied. g g front of the cryostat. The frequency of the 606nm laser To further remove unwanted residual population in the is stabilized by Pound-Drever-Halltechnique to a home- 3/2 state, we apply an extra series of 100 pulses on g made temperature controlled Fabry-Perotcavity housed the 3/2 − 3/2 transition after the comb preparation. e g in a vacuum chamber. The input light is linearly polar- We then start the single-photon-level storage measure- izedclosetotheopticalD axistomaximizethe interac- ments. Weak gaussian input pulses with full width at 2 tion with the Pr3+ ions. The measured optical depth half maximum (FWHM) duration of 430 ns and mean of the Pr3+ transition at 606nm is about 7 for both photon number µ are mapped on the AFC and trans- in memory and filter crystal. In both cases, the inhomo- ferred to spin-waves thanks to a strong control pulse. geneouslinewidth is about6GHz. After the storage,the ThecontrolpulseshaveaGaussiantemporalprofilewith retrievedsignalpassesthroughdifferentdiffractionorder FWHM of 700 ns and are spectrally chirped by 5MHz modes (-1st and 1st) of two consecutive AOMs, acting about the 3/2 −3/2 transition. For each comb prepa- e g as temporal gate before passing through the filter crys- ration,1000storagetrialsareperfomedwitharepetition 3 s] GateClosed GateOpen (81.7±2.6)% (assuming ηC ∼ 75% [32]). A convenient ns bin6800Input/20 (a) µin=1.15 SWE ficigeunrceyoisf gmiveernitbtyaktihnegminintoimaucmcouµnint ntheceesnsoairsyetaonddeteeffict- 6 ControlPulses a spin-wave echo with SNR = 1, called µ1. From the 9 0.40 µin=0.45 linear fit of the experimental data of Fig. 2(b), we find nts [420 µin=0 µw1ith=µ0in.06=91±, 0a.s00sh2.owWneinthFeing.v2a(rcy).τsTbhye cdheacanyginingtThSe u o 0 SNR is compatible with a spin inhomogeneous broaden- C 0 5 10 15 ing of γ = (26±1)kHz, similar to previous measure- Time [µs] in ments with bright pulses [31, 32]. We still observe SNR (b) (c) 15 =4.5±0.4 for T =18.8µs (τ =23.8µs). S s 10 Wecanestimatethecontributionofthefiltercrystalin R R10 N N the suppression of the noise by preparing a wider trans- S S parency window. For a filter width of 14MHz (squares 5 1 in Fig. 2(b)) there is no filtering at the control fre- 0 quency, and we observe an increase of the noise floor 0.1 1 10 0 10 20 to (2.3±0.6)×10−2 together with a slightly higher re- µ T [µs] in s trieval efficiency (η =(2.9±0.2)%), which results in SW µ values up to about 1. When the filter crystal is by- 1 FIG.2: (a). Timehistograms oftheretrievedphotonsmea- passed, the noise floor raises to (0.23±0.01), indicating suredfordifferentinputphotonnumberswhenatransparency that the inhomogeneously broadened absorption profile window 2MHz wide is prepared in the filter crystal. The of Pr3+ also contributes to partially filter the noise [28]. input (µin = 0.9) and the control pulses, as measured in Nonetheless,forthissetofmeasurements,wewereableto photon counting and from a reference photodiode (PD2 in Fig. 1), respectively, are also displayed. The chosen 0.7µs achievehigherstorageefficiency,i.e. ηSW =(5.3±0.5)%, widedetectionwindowisindicatedbythedashedlinesabout leading to a limited increase of the µ1 to about 4. the three-level echo; it includes ∼ 80% of the counts in the For applications in QIS, it is crucial that the optical full echo mode. (b). Signal-to-noise ratio (SNR) as a func- memorypreservesthecoherenceofthestoredqubits. We tionofthenumberofinputphotonsfordifferentfilterwidth. takeadvantageoftheintrinsictemporalmultimodalityof Circles: 2MHz; Squares: 14MHz. The error bars (smaller the AFC protocolto demonstratethe phasepreservation than the data points) are evaluated with Poissonian statis- tics. The black dotted line indicates the limit of detection in the spin-wavestorageoftime-bin qubits. This type of SNR=1. Thedashedlinesarelinearfitsoftheexperimental encodingis widelyusedinquantumcommunicationasit data. Panel (c). Decay of theSNR as a function of the spin- is robust against decoherence in optical fibers [39]. The wave storage time TS with average photon number µin = 1. time-binqubitsareexpressedas|ψini=c1|ei+c2ei∆α|li, FromthefitwithaGaussian profile,thespininhomogeneous where|ei(|li)representsaqubitintheearly(late)time- broadeningγin =(26±1)kHzcan beextrapolated. By com- bin, ∆α is their relativephase, and c2+c2 =1. In order paringtheSNRthatwemeasureatastoragetimeTS =7.8µs 1 2 tostoretime-binqubits, the durationofthe inputpulses with the extrapolation at TS =0µs, we can evaluate the de- is reduced(from430to 260ns), leadingto a reductionof coherence term ηC to be about 75%. η to about 2.2% and to an increase of the µ up to SW 1 µ =0.11±0.01. We start by evaluating the fidelity of 1p rate of ∼ 7kHz. The full cycle has a period of 700 ms, the states |ei and |li, located at the poles of the Bloch including memory preparation and light storage. It is sphere, F and F, by storing only the early and the late e l synchronizedwith the cryostatcycle to reduce the effect qubits. We obtain average fidelity values for the poles ofvibrations. The sequence isthen repeated500to 1000 ranging from F =85% to 98% for photon number per el times to acumulate sufficient statistics. qubit, µ , going from 0.6 to 5.9 [41]. q Fig. 2(a) shows the time histograms of the retrieved We then storesuperpositionstates locatedonthe equa- photons with different µ . For this measurement, the tor ofthe Blochsphere. We use the memory itself to an- in crystal filter has a hole width of 2 MHz. The spin-wave alyze the retrievedqubits [33] applying two partialwrite storage time is T = 7.8 µs, leading to a total stor- pulses as depicted in Fig. 3(a). This method provides a S age time of τ = 1/∆+T = 12.8µs. From the trace convenientwayofanalyzingtime-binqubits,buthasthe s S with µ = 0, we estimate an unconditional noise floor drawbackof reducing the storage efficiency. As a matter in of (2.0±0.3)×10−3 photons per pulse at the memory offact,inordertoinserttwowritepulses,theirduration crystal. For µ = 1.15, we measure SNR = 16.3±2.4. needstobereduced,whichdecreasestheirefficiency. Fig. in The linear scaling of the echo SNR with respect to in- 3(b)reportsexamplesofinterferencefringesforµ =1.5. q creasing µ is shown with blue circles in Fig. 2(b). From sinusoidal fits, we obtain a raw mean visibility of in Typical values of efficiencies are η = (5.6±0.3)% V =(72.5±1.3)%. Thefidelityoftheprocessiscalcu- AFC +− and η = (2.8±0.1)%, from which we deduce η = lated from the visibility, as F =(1+V)/2 [39]. Finally, SW T 4 w1 w2 r |eli+|lei reached for µq >0.25 (see [41]). (a) ∆β The very low noise probability and the ability to ob- ∆α tain µ1 ≪ 1 opens prospects for the spin-wave storage of single-photons, as required for many applications in QIS. In that case, the probability to have a photon be- |ei |li |eei |lli fore the memory (i.e including all optical loss between source and memory) needs to be higher than µ to en- (b) 1 ter the quantum regime. In the current experiment, the 100 storageefficiencyislimitedbythe availablecomboptical s nt depth in our 3 mm long crystal, by the limited trans- u Co 50 fer efficiency (η2 = (67±4)%) and by technical issues T (cryostatvibrations,laserlinewidth, see [41]). Note that muchhigher efficiencies (for storagein the excitedstate) 0 100 150 200 250 have been obtained in Pr3+:Y SiO using longer crystal 2 5 ∆β [Degrees] (69 %) [16] or impedance matched cavities (58 %) [46]. Longer storage times can also be achieved with dynam- FIG. 3: (a) Pulse sequence to measure the time-bin qubit ical decoupling techniques to counteract decoherence in coherence. We apply two partial write pulses with a relative the spin state [34, 35, 47, 48]. phase∆βinordertospliteachpulseintotwotemporallysep- arated echoes. If the delay between the time-bins |ei and |li is equal to the time difference between the two write pulses, 1 we can overlap the late echo of the early bin, |eli, with the early echo of the late bin, |lei. The output of the memory (occurring after the single read pulse r) has three time-bins, {|eei,|eli+|lei,|lli}. Aninterferencewilloccurinthecentral 0.9 time-bin if the coherence is preserved. The input pulses, lo- catedat|eiand|lihavearelativephasedifferenceof∆α. (b) Interferencefringesobtainedintegratingoverthecentralout- al ot put time-bin (in this case ∆td = 0.5µs) as a function of the T relativephasedifference∆β forµq =1.5. Circles: ∆α=90◦, F 0.8 V =(71.6±6.8)%;Squares: ∆α=135◦,V =(73.4±3.5)%. 0.7 we obtain a total conditional fidelity per retrieved qubit F = 1F + 2F , where F (F ) is the average fi- T 3 el 3 +− el +− delityoverthepoles(equator)basis. Theobtainedvalues 0 2 4 6 are reported in Fig. 4 for different µq. We observe that µq the fidelity decreases with µ . To explain this behavior, q we fit our data with a simple model taking into account FIG. 4: Total fidelity vsinput photon numberper qubit,µq. the decrease of SNR with µ and the reduced efficiency The light orange squares are the data points with an error q due to the double write protocol [41]. The good agree- barof1standarddeviation. Theorangedottedlineisafitto ment between the simple model and the data provides thedata points using Eq. (5) in [41], with thecorresponding shadedareabeingthe1standarddeviationoftheerrorinthis evidence that the decrease of fidelity is only due to the fit. The solid blue (dashed green) line is the classical limit noise created by the control pulses, and not to a loss of obtained by a measure and prepare strategy for our memory coherence. efficiency of ηSW = 2.2% (ηSW = 100%) when testing the In order to infer the quantum nature of our memory, memorywithweakcoherentstates[25]. Thedash-dottedline the total fidelity is compared with the highest fidelity is the classical limit for testing the memory with a single- photon Fock state (F =2/3). achievable with a measure-and-prepare approach (solid curveinFig. 4)takingintoaccountthePoissonianstatis- tics of the input states and the finite memory efficiency In conclusion, we demonstrated the spin-wave storage (2.2%) [4, 11, 25]. Using this criteria, the experimen- and on-demand retrieval of weak coherent states at the tal data are higher than the limit for a classical mem- single-photon level in a solid state memory based on a ory by more than one standard deviation for most µ Pr3+:Y SiO crystal. Thisisthefirstdemonstrationthat q 2 5 investigated. With the raw data, the memory is in the solidstatespin-waveopticalmemoriescanoperateinthe quantum regime for µ > 0.96. When correcting for the quantumregime,overcomingastronglimitationforAFC q lossofefficiencyinthe analysis(whichcouldbe achieved QMs. We achieved a SNR higher than 10 for single- byanalyzingthequbitswithanexternalinterferometer), photonlevelinputpulses,highenoughtoenablethestor- the model predicts that the quantum regime would be ageofsinglephotons. Finally,weconfirmedthequantum 5 natureofourmemorybystoringtime-binqubitsencoded inweakcoherentstatesanddemonstratingconditionalfi- delities for the retrieved qubits higher than what is pos- siblewithclassicalmemories. Ourdevicethusrepresents Supplemental Material the firstspin-wavememoryforphotonic time-binqubits. These results open the door for long-lived storage and In the supplemental material we report details on on-demand readout of non-classical light states in solid the atomic frequency comb preparation (section I.), the state devices and represent an important step in view of sources of noise (section II.), the chosen strategy to sup- usingsolidstatequantummemoriesinscalablequantum press the technical noise (section III.), the characteriza- architectures. tion of the filter cristal (section IV.), and, finally, we de- Acknowledgements. We acknowledge financial sup- scribeatheoreticalmodelforthefidelityofthespin-wave portbytheERCstartinggrantQuLIMA,bytheSpanish storage of time-bin qubits (section V.). Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness (MINECO) andtheFondoEuropeodeDesarrolloRegional(FEDER) through grant FIS2012-37569, by the European project Atomic Frequency Comb Preparation CHIST-ERA QScale and by the People Programme (Marie Curie Actions) of the EU FP7 under REA Grant To prepare the atomic frequency comb (AFC) we fol- Agreement No. 287252. low the approach already described in [33, 43]. The frequency of the strong beam is firstly scanned by 14 MHz in 100 ms to create a wide transparency window (also referred to as pit) in the Pr3+ absorption line by spectral hole burning (curve a in Fig. 5). Afterwards a 2MHz-wide sweep is operated outside the pit to pump theatomsbacktothe1/2 state. Thiscreatesa3.5MHz- g wide absorbing feature corresponding to the 1/2 −3/2 g e transition inside the pit, but also populates the 3/2 g state which in principle must be empty for later trans- fer of the input field (see Fig. 1(b) in the main text). Thus, a clean pulse with duration of 50 ms is applied on 3/2 − 3/2 transition to empty this ground state. g e The clean pulse also contributes to suppress the tran- sitions of different classes of Pr3+ ions which might be addressed by the preparation pulses [49]. Then, a se- quence ofsingle-frequency hole-burning pulses is applied on the single class absorption feature resonant with the 1/2 −3/2 transition,eachtime changingthe frequency g e by a fixed amount, ∆. This sequence burns periodi- callyspacedholesintheabsorbingfeaturecorresponding to the 1/2 −3/2 transition and anti-holes at the fre- g e quency of the 3/2 −3/2 transition, so a short burst of g e cleanpulses is applied to maintain the 3/2 state empty. g For the AFC preparation it is crucial to have a third ground state (5/2 ) to use as auxiliary state where to g store the excess of population resulting from the optical pumping. An example of the resulting comb structure for ∆ = 200kHz is shown in Fig. 5, curve b. With the described procedure we are able to tailor absorp- tion peaks as narrow as (43±3)kHz, with a comb op- tical depth d = 4.5±0.1 and background optical depth d =0.75±0.04. It is worth noting that the limited dy- 0 namical range of the detector might fix a higher bound forthedetectedpeakamplitudeandthusleadtoanover- estimated full width at half maximum. When the memory is characterized with classical pulses,wefindtypicalefficiencyvaluesofη =(10.3± AFC 1.4)% and η = (4.4 ± 0.1)%. The prediction for SW 6 7 control pulse creates spin-waves via an off-resonant Ra- 1/2 → 3/2 maninteractionandthesecondcontrolpulsereadsthem g e 6 out as noisy photons in the same mode as the memory 4 output. This has been identified as the main source of D noise in Raman type quantum memories using atomic 5 O vapors [42]. However, this type of noise does not seem 2 to be, at this stage, an important source of noise in our 4 spin-wave memory. This is evidenced by the following D O 0 noise measurements. First, we have measured that the 3 −6 −5 −4 two control pulses contribute equally to the noise in the Relative Frequency [MHz] b echowindow. Thiscanbeexplainedbythefactthatthey 2 interactwiththesamenumberofionsgivingtwoequally 1/2 → 5/2 sizedincoherentfluoresecencefields(giventhetime scale g e 1 3/2 → 3/2 ofthestoragetimecomparedtotheexcitedstatelifetime a g e T1=164µs[51]). Iffour-wavemixingwasnotnegligible, thenoisewouldbesuppressedbymorethanafactor2by 0 −5 0 5 switchingoffoneofthe twocontrolpulses. Furthermore, Relative Frequency [MHz] the noise arising from four-wave mixing would decay for increasing storage times with the same behavior of the FIG.5: Exampleoftransparencywindow(curvea)andcomb spin-wave echo, i.e. following the inhomogeneous spin trace prepared with ∆=200kHz(curveb). The inset shows broadening (see Fig. 2(c) of the main text). As a mat- amagnification ofthecombcorrespondingtothe1/2g−3/2e ter of fact, the noise floor in our case is constant within transition. error over the whole range of storage times investigated (see Fig. 6). GaussianAFCpeaksisη =d˜2e−d˜e−7/F2e−d0,where AFC d˜= d/F is the effective comb optical depth [23]. The 3 measured value of η is compatible with the predic- AFC tion,η =(12.2±1.6)%,forthemeasuredvaluesof AFC,th ) d=4.5±0.1,F =4.7±0.4andd =0.75±0.04. Forthe 3 0 − sameopticaldepthofourcombbutassumingd =0,the 0 0 1 2 model predicts a maximal efficiency of ηAFC,th =26.5% × for a finesse of F = 4. Note that an even higher effi- ( r ciency, ηAFC,th = 34.8%, is expected for square shaped o o combpeakandafinesseofF =3.2([50]). Inourcase,the l achievable contrast is limited by technical reasons, such f 1 e as vibrations of the cryo-cooler and finite linewidth of s i o the laser. When measuredinphotoncountingmode, the n efficiency is further reduced by the coincidence window taken (containing ∼80% of the total counts), by loss in 0 the narrow-band filter (∼ 10%) and by instabilities due 0 5 10 15 20 to long integration times (∼10% loss). T [µs] s Sources of noise FIG. 6: Noise floor in the echo window as a function of the time between the two control pulses, Ts. The error bars are calculated taking into account Poissonian statistics. ThefullAFC protocolforlightstorageimplies the use of strong transfer pulses which are sources of different kind of noise. First of all there might be spatial leakage Severalreasonscouldexplainthisdifference. First,the fromthe preparation/controlmode into the input mode, non-collectiveemissionfromthe1D excitedstatemainly 2 essentially due to reflections and scatting from the opti- happens throughintermediate crystal-fieldmanifold and cal surfaces. Moreover,the controlpulses might interact involves the coupling with the phonons of the YSO ma- with the residual population left in the 3/2 state, due trix. As a matter of fact, the branching ratio of the g to imperfect cleaning(see section). This interactioncan spontaneous emission through the 1D →3H transition 2 4 give rise to coherent (e.g. free-induction decay) or inco- is very low (≈3% ) [51]. Furthermore, among the tran- herentemission. Anotherpotentialsourceofnoiseinthis sitionswithinthe3H →1D thatcouldbeoff-resonantly 4 2 system may arise from four-wave mixing, where the first excited by the first control pulse, many of them are 7 characterized by relative oscillator strengths one order ) 3 1.2 −2 (a) (b) of magnitude lower than that employed to transfer the 0 1 excitationtothegroundstate. DuringtheAFCprepara- ×2 0.8 ( tion, most of the ions are collected in the auxiliary 5/2g or µ1 state but, due to the relative oscillator strength of the flo 1 0.4 transitions starting from it, they can only be involved e s in the almost closed cycle transition 5/2g ↔ 5/2e [44]. noi 0 0 Those characterized by a non-negligible probability for 0 5 10 15 0 5 10 15 Filter width [MHz] Filter width [MHz] off-resonantexcitationeither aresuppressedby the state cleaning that we operate in the memory preparation (it ns]150Input/10 GateClosed GateOpSeWnecho isthecaseofthetransitionsstartingfromthe3/2gstate) s bi (c) µin=3.7 or are tailored in the comb structure (transitions having 6 n100 µin=1.2 the 1/2g as initial state). In the latter case, the second 0.9 µin=0 control pulse would give rise to a coherent emission in a [4 50 ControlPulses well separated temporal mode with respect of the spin- nts wave echo. ou 0 C 0 5 10 15 Time [µs] Filtering FIG. 7: Noise floor in the echo window (a) and µ1 (b) value as a function of the spectral hole width in the filter crystal. To achieve a low noise floor, (2.0 ± 0.3)× 10−3, we Filled symbols: hole centered at the input pulse frequency; use spatial, temporal and spectral filtering. As for the opensymbols: transparencywindowcoincidentwiththatpre- spatial filtering, the controland input beams are sent to paredinthememorycrystal(seecurvebinFig. 5). (c)Time the memory with a small angle, leading to an extinction histogram of the retrieved photons for different input pho- of 10−5. Temporal filtering is achieved thanks to a tem- ton numbers, µin, and a filter width of 14MHz. The input poral gate implemented with two AOMs. It allows us (µin =0.9)andthecontrolpulses(measuredwithareference photodetector) are also displayed. to block the leakage of the strong control beams in the signal mode. This is important not to blind the single- photon detectors, but also to avoid burning a spectral hole in the crystal filter. A diffraction grating is em- measurementswhereweburninthefiltercrystalspectral ployed to decrease the noise originated from incoherent holes of different width centered about the input pulse fluorescence. The narrow-bandspectralfilteris prepared frequency (solid symbols). The noise in the echo win- simultaneouslywiththeAFC.Thefrequencyofthefilter dow increases by one order of magnitude when the filter mode (shown in dashed red line in Fig. 1(a)) is scanned width increases from 0.8 to 12 MHz. The open symbol by 1.2MHz around the input light frequency for 100 ms referstotheextremecaseofa14MHz-widetransparency whichresultsinatransparencywindowofaround2MHz window coincidentwith the one preparedinthe memory due to the power broadening effect. In order to tempo- crystalto hostthe AFC(see curveainFig. 5). Herethe rally discriminate the stored and retrieved weak pulses noise floor is further doubled because the transparency from the portion of the FID leaking in the echo mode windowallowsthecontrolpulsefrequencytopassbyand and happening at short time scales (a few µs), the op- reachthe detector. The increase in the noise affects con- timization of the excited state storage efficiency at long sequently the µ value as shown in Fig. 7(b). Neverthe- 1 storagetimesiscrucial. Bycarefullyoptimizingthestor- less,this value alsodepends onthe echocounts,thus the agetimes,inboththeexcitedandgroundstates,andthe narrowestfilter width does notnecessarilycorrespondto pulsedurationsacompromisecanbereachedbetweenthe the best case. As a matter of fact, the best µ value is 1 noise level and a reasonable retrieval efficiency. measured for a filter width which allow the major por- tionoftheechosignaltopassbybutsuppressesefficiently the noise at the controlpulse frequency, i.e. 2MHz. The Filter crystal characterization value of µ also depends on the echo efficiency and is 1 thus more affected by power fluctuations than the noise We providein this sectiondetails aboutthe noise sup- floor. We believe this is the reason why its increase in pression realized by the filter crystal. The main advan- the case of totally open transparency window is more tageofusingasecondcrystalisthatitprovidesadynam- pronounced than that of the noise floor (compare filled icalfilter, whose center frequency and bandwidth canbe and open symbols in panel (a) and (b) of Fig. 7). Panel easily tuned, as it is obtained by spectral hole burning. (c) of Fig. 7 shows the time histogram of the retrieved Fig. 7(a) represents the noise floor (noise counts per photonsfordifferentinputphotonnumbersinthecaseof pulse at the memory crystal) as evaluated from noise a 14MHz-wide pit prepared in the filter crystal. Finally 8 we evaluate the extinction ratio of our 2MHz-wide spec- tral filter by switching off the AFC and sending input pulses through the transparency window in the memory S+N crystal firstly resonantwith the filter center, then at the control pulse frequency. By comparing the total counts reaching the detector in the two cases, we estimate the extinction ratio to be about 750. N Modeling the Fidelity Fig. 4 from the main document shows the measured E L total fidelity as a function of the mean photon number per qubit, µ , with a corresponding fit using the model (a) q we develop in this section. The aim of the model is to show that the reduction of the fidelity as the photons per qubit are reduced is entirely due to the noise of the S +N memory and not due to a loss of coherence caused by α e.g. phase noise in the laser. The goal of our model is to express the total fidelity as a function of the same µ 1 parameter. S +N 4α Firstly,letuslookattheoutputofthememoryforthe two differing measurements, namely the measurementof the |ei or |li qubit (i.e. the poles of the Bloch sphere) and the measurement of the coherence between |ei and |li (i.e the equators of the Bloch sphere). The former E−E E−L + L−E L−L (latter) are schematically depicted in Fig. 8(a) (8(b)). For a given integration width, we sum over both E (b) andLforthepolesmeasurement,whileforthecoherence measurement we integrate over the window labelled E- FIG. 8: (a) Schematic example of the memory output for L+L-E (see figure 8(b)). storageofan|eiqubit. (b)Schematicexampleofthememory Considerthe example depictedin Fig. 8(a), where the outputforstorageofan|ei+|liwheretherelativephasesare |eiqubithasbeenstoredandthenrecalled. Welabelthe such that the maximum interference is observed. integrated counts in the window about E as S+N and the integratedcounts aboutthe window L as N, where S is the signal(notincluding the noise)andN is the noise. Then, the fidelity is the ratio of the counts in E to the total counts over E and L, i.e. the windowatthe time labelledE-EareS/4α+Nwhere thesignalSisthesameasdefinedearlier. Here,thesignal S+N S/N+1 SNR+1 F = = = . (1) S is reduced by a factor of 4, this is because the number e S+N + N S/N+2 SNR+2 of photons per qubit are distributed equally within the where SNR is the signal to noise ratio. Provided the input time-bins (factor of 2) and the echo is distributed efficiencyandnoisearethesameforstoringthe|liqubit, equally between the output time-bins (factor of 2). The F =F =F . Finally,wecanexpresstheabovefidelity factor α reduction in the signal is because we use differ- l e el as a function of the µ of this measurement (see main ent bandwidth pulses for the double write process which 1 text for definition) by noting that SNR=µ /µ , where givesareducedefficiencyintheecho. Theamountofsig- q 1p µ is the µ characteristic of the poles measurement. nalinthewindowE-L+L-Eis4timesthatofthesignal 1p 1 The expression for the fidelity becomes in the L-L window provided the interference is fully co- herent (note the same is true for the E-E window).The µ +µ F = q 1p . (2) resulting counts are then S/α+N. It is worth noting el µ +2µ q 1p that if we instead used an unbalanced Mach Zehnder in- and we measure µ =0.11±0.01. terferometer, we would have no reduction in the signal 1p Now let us consider Fig. 8(b), which depicts an ar- and α=1. bitrary qubit |ei + |li being recalled, and the relative phases are such that the maximum interference is ob- The fidelity of the coherence measurement is ob- served. Firstly, the integrated counts corresponding to tained from the visibility of the interference fringe by 9 F = (1 + V)/2[39]wherethe visibility V is definedas concluding our simple model for the fidelity. Taking the measured µ , we fit the data in Fig. 9 with equation 1p max−min S/α+N − N 5 having α as a free parameter. We get α = 2.5±0.3 V = = max+min S/α+N + N which agrees excellently with the measured value stated S SNR earlier. We therefore can conclude that the reduction = = (3) S+2Nα SNR+2α of the fidelity is due to the noise on the output of the memory and not phase noise. For µ > 0.96 the fidelity q where max (min) refers to the maximum (minimum) in- surpassesthe classicalbound, remaining in the quantum tegratedcountsofthefringe,themaxbeingS/α+Nand regime. Also in Fig. 9 we plot the case for α = 1 for min being N . Note that we have V in terms of the SNR µ = 0.11 and µ = 0.07 (the case shown in Fig. 2 of 1p 1p ofthepolesmeasurement,sotheresultingfidelitycanbe the main text). The fidelity exceeds the classical bound written in terms of µ , i.e. 1p for photon numbers much less that 1 for these cases. For completeness, we include table I which shows all 1 1 µ q F = + , (4) the measured fidelities for every µ tested. Also, we in- +− 2 2 µ +2αµ q q 1p cludeexamplesoftheoutputofthememoryforearlyand late inputs (Fig. 10(a)) and for the input |ei+|li where where the subscript +(−) refers to the qubit |ei ± |li thephaseofthedouble-writeprocessisadjustedtoshow (|ei±i|li),andweassumeF =F =F . Wemeasure + − +− maximum and minimum interference in the E-L + L-E α by comparing the µ in the L-L window of figure 8(b) 1 window. to µ and we get α=2.5±0.6. 1p 1 µq Fel F+− FT FC 5.9 (97.9±1.5)% (97.2±1.7)% (97.4±1.2)% (93.0±0.1)% 0.9 7 1 3.2 (96.9±2.2)% (93.3±1.2)% (94.5±1.1)% (90.1±0.1)% 0 1 =0. =0. 1.5 (93.5±2.9)% (86.2±1.6)% (88.6±1.4)% (86.2±0.1)% T µ1p µ1p 1.1 (93.3±3.1)% (85.8±1.5)% (88.3±1.4)% (84.4±0.1)% F 1, 1, 0.8 = = 0.6 (84.9±4.2)% (72.9±1.3)% (76.9±1.6)% (81.0±0.1)% α α TABLEI:FidelitiesFel,F+− andFT foreachµq tested. FC is the classical benchmark for testing the device with weak 0.7 coherentstateswhichdependsontheefficiencyofthememory and theinput photon numberused [4, 25]. Thestated errors are one standard deviation. 0.1 1 µ 10 q FIG.9: Totalfidelityvsinputphotonnumberperqubit. The light orange squares are the data points with an error bar of 1 standard deviation. 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