A sixth-order weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme for hyperbolic conservation laws Fengxiang Zhaoa, Liang Panb, Zheng Lib, Shuanghu Wangb,∗ aThe Graduate School of China Academy of Engineering Physics, Beijing, China bInstitute of Applied Physics and Computational Mathematics, Beijing, China 7 1 0 2 Abstract n a In this paper, A new sixth-order weighted essentially non-oscillatory (WENO) scheme, ref- J ered as the WENO-6, is proposed in the finite volume framework for the hyperbolic con- 2 servation laws. Instead of selecting one stencil for each cell in the classical WENO scheme 2 [10], two independent stencils are used for two ends of the considering cell in the current ] approach. Meanwhile, the stencils, which are used for the reconstruction of variables at A both sides of interface, are symmetrical. Compared with the classical WENO scheme [10], N the current WENO scheme achieves one order of improvement in accuracy with the same . h stencil. The reconstruction procedure is defined by a convex combination of reconstructed t a valuesatcell interface, which areconstructed fromtwo quadraticandtwo cubic polynomials. m The essentially non-oscillatory property is achieved by the similar weighting methodology [ as the classical WENO scheme. A variety of numerical examples are presented to validate 1 v the accuracy and robustness of the current scheme. 5 3 Keywords: WENO schemes, finite volume method, recursive reconstruction. 1 6 0 . 1 1. Introduction 0 7 In past decades, there have been tremendous efforts on designing high-order accurate nu- 1 : merical schemes for compressible fluid flows and great success has been achieved. High-order v i accurate numerical schemes were pioneered by Lax and Wendroff [12], and extended into the X version of high resolution methods by van Leer [24], Harten [7] et al. and other higher order r a versions, such as essentially non-oscillatory scheme (ENO) [8, 20], weighted essentially non- oscillatory scheme (WENO) [10, 13], Hermite weighted essentially non-oscillatory scheme (HWENO) [16, 17], and discontinuous Galerkin scheme (DG) [4, 5, 18], etc. The ENO and WENO schemes have been successfully applied for the compressible flows with strong shocks, contact discontinuities and complicated smooth structures. The ENO schemes was first introduced by Harten et al. [8] in the form of cell averaged variables. The ∗ Corresponding author Email addresses: [email protected](Fengxiang Zhao), [email protected](Liang Pan), [email protected](Zheng Li), [email protected](Shuanghu Wang) Preprint submitted to Elsevier January 24, 2017 key idea of ENO schemes is to use the ”smoothest” stencil among several candidates to approximate the fluxes at cell interfaces to achieve high order accuracy and avoid spurious oscillations near discontinuities. Later, the flux version of ENO schemes [20] was introduced with TVD Runge-Kutta temporal discretization. However, the ENO scheme is not effective in terms of selecting only one stencil to approximate the fluxes at cell interface, and such a adaption of stencils is not necessary in smooth regions. To overcome these drawbacks while keeping the robustness and high order accuracy of ENO scheme, the WENO scheme was first introduced in [13]. Instead of approximating the pointwise value of the solution using only one of the candidate stencils, a convex combination of all the candidate stencils was used. Each candidate stencil is assigned a weight which determines the contribution of this stencil to the final approximation of pointwise value. The weights can be defined in such a way that it approaches certain optimal weights to achieve a higher order of accuracy in smooth regions, and the stencils which contain the discontinuities are assigned a nearly zero weight in the regions near discontinuities. A higher order of accuracy is obtained by emulating upstream scheme with the optimal weights away from the discontinuities, and the essentially non-oscillatory property is achieved near discontinuities. The flux of WENO scheme is smoother than that of the ENO scheme, and the smoothness enables us to prove convergence of WENO scheme for smooth solutions using Strang’s technique [10]. However, the optimal order of WENO scheme was not attained in [13], i.e. (2r 1)-th − order with r-th order ENO scheme. A more detailed error analysis for WENO scheme was carried out, and a new WENO scheme (WENO-JS) including smoothness indicators and nonlinear weights was constructed in [10]. It was made possible to generalize the scheme to the fifth-order of accuracy. Later, very high order WENO schemes were developed as well [1]. However, the WENO-JS scheme may lose accuracy if the solution contains local smooth extrema. A new WENO scheme (WENO-M) was developed to overcome this problem by modifying the nonlinear weights by a mapping procedure. However, the proposed mapping procedure is revealed to be computationally expensive. With a different weighting formula- tion, another version of the fifth-order WENO scheme (WENO-Z) was introduced in [2], in which a global higher order reference value was used for the smoothness indicator. As the improvement of WENO-Z scheme, WENO-Z+ scheme was also developed. The WENO-M and WENO-Z and WENO-Z+ schemes turned out to be less dissipative than the classical WENO-JS scheme near smooth extrema. In the solution with high-frequency waves, they achieve noticeably higher amplitudes than WENO-JS scheme in a coarse grid. In this paper, a new six-order WENO scheme in finite volume framework is developed by anonlinear convex combination approachwith all corresponding polynomials to obtainhigh- order point-wise values at cell interface. As a complementary version of the classical WENO schemes based on cell averages, a new reconstruction procedure is proposed. At two ends of each cell, two independent stencils are selected to construct the interface values separately. The two independent stencils, which are used for the reconstruction of variables at left and right sides of cell interface, are symmetrical. The reconstruction procedure is defined by a convex combination of reconstructed values at cell interface, which are constructed from two quadratic and two cubic polynomials. The essentially non-oscillatory property is preserved by the similar weighting methodology as the classical WENO schemes proposed in [10]. 2 Compared with the classical WENO schemes, the current WENO scheme can achieve one order of improvement in accuracy and better resolution power with the same stencil, while preserving a good robustness. This paper is organized as follows. In section 2, the classical WENO scheme in finite volume framework are briefly reviewed. The new WENO scheme is introduced in section 3, where a detailed discussion is also given. Section 4 includes numerical examples to validate the current algorithm. The last section is drawing the conclusion. 2. Finite volume type WENO scheme 2.1. Finite volume methods We consider the following hyperbolic conservation law ∂W ∂F(W) + = 0, (1) ∂t ∂x with the initial condition W(x,0) = W (x). 0 Integrating Eq.(1) over cell Ii = [xi−1/2,xi+1/2], the semi-discretized form of finite volume scheme can be written as dW 1 i = i(W(x)) = [F(W(xi+1/2,t)) F(W(xi−1/2,t))], (2) dt L −∆x − where W is the cell averaged value, ∆x is the cell size, and F(W(x ,t)) is the flux at i j+1/2 cell interface x = x , which can be approximated by numerical flux F as follows i+1/2 i+1/2 F(W(x ,t)) F = F(Wl ,Wr ), i+1/2 ≈ i+1/2 i+1/2 i+1/2 where Wl and Wr are the reconstructed values at both sides of the cell interface. To i+1/2 i+1/2 fully discretize Eq.(1), the approximate Riemann solvers can be used [23] for the numerical flux,theclassicalthird-orderTVDRunge-kuttascheme[6]andtwo-stagefourth-orderscheme [14] can be used for temporal discretization. The spatial discretization is the main theme of this paper, which will be given in the following sections. 2.2. the classical WENO scheme Before the new WENO scheme is introduced, we will briefly review the classical WENO reconstruction [13] in this section. Assume that W(x) are the variables which need to be reconstructed, W are the cell averaged values, and Wr,Wl are the two values obtained by i i i the reconstruction at two ends of the i-th cell. The fifth-order WENO reconstruction is given as follows 2 2 Wr = δrwr, Wl = δlwl, i k k i k k k=0 k=0 X X 3 where all quantities involved are taken as 1 5 1 11 7 1 wr = W + W W , wl = W W + W , 0 3 i 6 i+1 − 6 i+2 0 6 i − 6 i+1 3 i+2 1 5 1 1 5 1 w1r = −6Wi−1 + 6Wi + 3Wi+1, w1l = 3Wi−1 + 6Wi − 6Wi+1, 1 7 11 1 5 1 w2r = 3Wi−2 − 6Wi−1 + 6 Wi, w2l = −6Wi−2 + 6Wi−1 + 3Wi, and δr and δl are the nonlinear weights. In order to deal with the discontinuity, the local k k smoothness indicator β is introduced. For the fifth-order reconstruction, this definition k yields 13 1 β = (W +2W +W )2 + (3W 4W +W )2, 0 i i+1 i+2 i i+1 i+2 12 4 − 13 1 β1 = (Wi−1 +2Wi +Wi+1)2 + (Wi−1 Wi+1)2, 12 4 − 13 1 β2 = (Wi−2 +2Wi−1 +Wi)2 + (Wi−2 4Wi−1 +3Wi)2, 12 4 − The most widely used is the WENO-JS non-linear weights [10], which can be written as follows αp,JS dp δp,JS = k , αp,JS = k , k 2 αp,JS k (β +ǫ)2 p=0 p k where p = l,r, and P 3 3 1 δl = δr = ,δl = δr = ,δl = δr = ,ǫ = 10−6, 0 2 10 1 1 5 2 0 10 andβ isthe smoothindicator. Inorder to achieve the better performanceof WENO scheme k near smooth extrema, WENO-Z [2] reconstruction was developed. The only difference is the nonlinear weights, and the nonlinear weights for WENO-Z scheme are written as αp,Z τ δp,Z = k , αp,Z = dp 1+ , k 2 αp,Z k k ǫ+β k k=0 k h (cid:16) (cid:17)i where τ = β β is used forPthe fifth-order reconstruction. 0 2 | − | 3. The recursive WENO scheme 3.1. Linear reconstruction In this section, a six-order recursive WENO scheme will be presented, which shares the identical stencil to the classical fifth-order WENO scheme. For the cell interface x = x , i+1/2 4 a unique symmetric stencil Si+1/2 = Ii−2,Ii−1,Ii,Ii+1,Ii+2,Ii+3 can be selected. On the { } stencil, an optimal fifth degree polynomial approximation 5 Wopt(x) a xk, (3) k ≡ k=0 X can be uniquely determined by the following conditions 1 W(x)dx = W ,k = i 2,...,i+3, k ∆x − ZIk The coefficients a ,k = 0,...,5 can be found by solving the linear system which is derived k by the equation above. Substituting a into Eq.(3), Wopt at the cell interface x = x k i+1/2 i+1/2 can be written as 1 Wio+p1t/2 = 60(Wi−2 −8Wi−1 +37Wi +37Wi+1 −8Wi+2 +Wi+3). (4) Figure 1: Stencils for the left side of interface x in cell I in sixth-order recursive WENO. i+1/2 i In order to achieve high order and non-oscillatory reconstruction, a convex combination of Wl,r needs to be constructed by the candidate polynomials at both sides of interface. i+1/2 For the reconstruction at the left side of interface x = x corresponding to the cell I , the i+1/2 i first level stencil and so-called recursive stencil are shown in Fig.1. In the first level stencil, three sub-stencils containing four cell averaged values are considered, which are denoted by S⋆,S⋆ andS⋆. Inordertodeal withdiscontinuities without oscillation, allpossible situations 1 2 3 of discontinuities need to be considered in the division of sub-stencils. However, when the discontinuity is at the interface x = x , all the first level sub-stencils S⋆,S⋆ and S⋆ are i+1/2 1 2 3 across the discontinuity. S⋆ needs to be devided into two ”smaller” ones denoted by S ,S , 1 0 1 and the S is the dominant one in dealing with such a situation. Thus, the recursive sub- 0 stencils for sixth-order recursive WENO scheme are given, which are denoted by S ,S ,S 0 1 2 5 and S as shown in Fig.1. The corresponding candidate polynomials are given as 3 S0l,i+1/2 = {Ii−2,Ii−1,Ii} ↔ w0l(x), S1l,i+1/2 = {Ii−1,Ii,Ii+1} ↔ w1l(x), S2l,i+1/2 = {Ii−1,Ii,Ii+1,Ii+2} ↔ w2l(x), Sl = I ,I ,I ,I wl(x), 3,i+1/2 { i i+1 i+2 i+3} ↔ 3 where wl(x) and wl(x) are quadratic polynomials, and wl(x) and wl(x) are cubic polyno- 0 1 2 3 mials, which can be determined uniquely by 1 wl(x)dx = W ,I Sl ,k = 0,...,3. ∆x k k k ∈ k,i+1/2 ZIk According totheequationabove, thepolynomials wl(x),k = 0,...,3canbefullydetermined, k and the point values at the left side of interface x = x can be written as i+1/2 1 w0l,i+1/2 = 6(2Wi−2 −7Wi−1 +11Wi), 1 w1l,i+1/2 = 6(−Wi−1 +5Wi +2Wi+1), 1 w2l,i+1/2 = 12(−Wi−1 +7Wi +7Wi+1 −Wi+2), 1 wl = (3W +13W 5W +W ). 3,i+1/2 12 i i+1 − i+2 i+3 With the these point values, a convex combination for W can be derived as follows i+1/2 3 Wl = dlwl , (5) i+1/2 k k,i+1/2 k=0 X Comparing the coefficients of Eq.(4) with that of Eq.(5), the linear weights for the left side can be written as 1 3 3 1 dl = ,dl = ,dl = ,dl = . 0 20 1 20 2 5 3 5 Similarly, the sub-stencils and candidate polynomials for the reconstruction of right side of interface x = x corresponding to the cell I are given as i+1/2 i+1 Sr = I ,I ,I wr(x), 0,i+1/2 { i+1 i+2 i+3} ↔ 0 Sr = I ,I ,I wr(x), 1,i+1/2 { i i+1 i+2} ↔ 1 S2r,i+1/2 = {Ii−1,Ii,Ii+1,Ii+2} ↔ w2r(x), S3r,i+1/2 = {Ii−2,Ii−1,Ii,Ii+1} ↔ w3r(x), 6 and the linear convex combination can be derived as follows 3 Wr = drwr , (6) i+1/2 k k,i+1/2 k=0 X where these point values in the right cell can be written as 1 wr = (11W 7W +2W ), 0,i+1/2 6 i+1 − i+2 i+3 1 wr = (2W +5W W ), 1,i+1/2 6 i i+1 − i+2 1 w2r,i+1/2 = 12(−Wi−1 +7Wi +7Wi+1 −Wi+2), 1 w3r,i+1/2 = 12(Wi−2 −5Wi−1 +13Wi +3Wi+1), and the linear weights for the right side are given as 1 3 3 1 dr = ,dr = ,dr = ,dr = . 0 20 1 20 2 5 3 5 3.2. Nonlinear weights With the linear weights, Eq.(5) and Eq.(6) are unable to deal with discontinuity without spuriousoscillations. Inordertoovercomethisproblem, thenonlinearweightsareintroduced and Eq.(5) and Eq.(6) are modified as 3 3 Wl = δlwl , Wr = δrwr , (7) i+1/2 k k,i+1/2 i+1/2 k k,i+1/2 k=0 k=0 X X whereδl andδr arenonlinearweights. Inthedesignofnonlinearweights, theresolutionneeds k k to be preserved as high as possible. In smooth regions, the optimal sixth-order accuracy reconstruction is given at interface x . A combination of cubic polynomials is provided i+1/2 when discontinuity is not at interface x , and a combination of quadratic polynomials is i+1/2 given when discontinuity is just at interface x . Similar with the fifth-order WENO-JS i+1/2 and WENO-Z scheme [10], the non-linear weights for the current WENO scheme are defined as αl,r,JS dl,r δl,r,JS = k , αl,r,JS = k , k m=4αl,r,JS k (βl,r +ǫ)p m=1 m k and P αl,r,Z τ δl,r,Z = k , αl,r,Z = dl,r 1+ 2 , k m=4αl,r,Z k k βl,r +ǫ m=1 m h k i (cid:0) (cid:1) P 7 whereτ istheglobalhigherorderreferencevalue, whichwillbegiveninthefollowingsection. βl,r is the smooth indicator and calculated as the classical definition in [10] k pk−1 xi+1/2 dp βl,r = ∆x2p−1 wl,r(x) 2dx, k dxp k p=1 Zxi−1/2 X (cid:0) (cid:1) wherethesmoothindicatorβl,r correspondingtoSl,r isreplacedbythatofthecubicpoly- 1 1,i+1/2 nomial w1l,r(x) on the stencil S1l,i+1/2 = {Ii−2,Ii−1,Ii,Ii+1} and S1r,i+1/2 = {Ii,Ii+1,Ii+2,Ii+3}, andp = 2,p = p = p = 3. Thefollowingpropertiesaresatisfiedforthenon-linearweights 0 1 2 3 e e e discontinuity at xi−3/2, δkl,r ≪ O(1), k = 0,1, discontinuity at xi−1/2, δkl,r ≪ O(1), k = 0,1,2, discontinuity at x , δl,r O(1), k = 1,2,3, i+1/2 k ≪ discontinuity at x , δl,r O(1), k = 2,3, i+3/2 k ≪ discontinuity at x , δl,r O(1), k = 3. i+5/2 k ≪ The details of smooth indicator for the left side of interface can be written as 1 13 β0l = 4(Wi−2 −4Wi−1 +3Wi)2 + 12(Wi−2 −2Wi−1 +Wi)2, 1 13 β1l = 36(Wi−2 −6Wi−1 +3Wi +2Wi+1)2 + 12(Wi−1 −2Wi +Wi+1)2 1043 + ( Wi−2 +3Wi−1 3Wi +Wi+1)2 960 − − 1 + (Wi−2 6Wi−1 +3Wi +2Wi+1)( Wi−2 +3Wi−1 3Wi +Wi+1), 432 − − − 1 13 β2l = 36(−2Wi−1 −3Wi +6Wi+1 −Wi+2)2 + 12(Wi−1 −2Wi +Wi+1)2 1043 + ( Wi−1 +3Wi 3Wi+1 +Wi+2)2 960 − − 1 + ( 2Wi−1 3Wi +6Wi+1 Wi+2)( Wi−1 +3Wi 3Wi+1 +Wi+2), 432 − − − − − 1 13 βl = ( 11W +18W 9W +2W )2 + (2W 5W +4W +W )2 3 36 − i i+1 − i+2 i+3 12 i − i+1 i+2 i+3 1043 + ( W +3W 3W +W )2 i i+1 i+2 i+3 960 − − 1 + ( 11W +18W 9W +2W )( W +3W 3W +W ). i i+1 i+2 i+3 i i+1 i+2 i+3 432 − − − − According to the symmetry property, βr corresponding to the right side reconstruction can k be obtained as well. 8 3.3. Accuracy of the nonlinear schemes In this section, the accuracy of non-linear new scheme is analysed. In the smooth region, the approximation error for the linear reconstruction can be written as W(x ) Wopt = A∆x6 +O(∆x7), i+1/2 − i+1/2 where W(x ) is the exact solution at the interface x , A is the Taylor expansion i+1/2 i+1/2 coefficient. With the sixth-order recursive WENO scheme, the reconstructed variables with nonlinear weights can be rewritten as k=3 k=3 Wl,r = dl,rwl,r + (δl,r dl,r)wl,r , (8) i+1/2 k k,i+1/2 k − k k,i+1/2 k=0 k=0 X X where wl,r(x) are the quadratic and cubic polynomials, and they approximate W(x ) at k i+1/2 least to O(∆x3) wl,r = Wl,r(x )+B ∆x3 +O(∆x4). k,i+1/2 i+1/2 k 3 3 Substituting wl,r into the Eq.(8) and taking δl,r = dl,r = 1 into account, we have k,i+1/2 k k k=0 k=0 X X k=3 k=3 Wl,r = dl,rwl,r + (δl,r dl,r) Wl,r(x )+B ∆x3 +O(∆x4) i+1/2 k k,i+1/2 k − k i+1/2 k k=0 k=0 X X (cid:0) (cid:1) k=3 k=3 = Wopt +∆x3 B (δl,r dl,r)+ (δl,r dl,r)O(∆x4), i+1/2 k k − k k − k k=0 k=0 X X where the second and the third terms are the nonlinear remainders. In order to achieve the sixth-order of accuracy for the spatial discretization, the following equation condition needs to be satisfied [7, 9] W(x ) Wl,r = A′∆x6 +O(∆x7), i+1/2 − i+1/2 ′ where A is a bounded variable satisfying Lipschitz continuity. Thus, the following sufficient condition is proposed for the nonlinear weights δl,r dl,r = O(∆x4). (9) k − k For the WENO-JS weighting approach, the sufficient condition (9) can not be satisfied. Similar with the classical methodology, WENO-Z weighting approach is considered. Taylor 9 expansion for the smooth indicators βl,k = 1,2,3 can be written as k 13 1 1 βl = (W(1)∆x)2 +( (W(2))2 + W(1)W(3))∆x)4 + W(1)W(4)∆x5 +∆x6, 1 i 12 i 12 i i 8 i i 13 1 1 βl = (W(1)∆x)2 +( (W(2))2 + W(1)W(3))∆x)4 W(1)W(4)∆x5 +∆x6, 2 i 12 i 12 i i − 8 i i 13 1 5 βl = (W(1)∆x)2 +( (W(2))2 + W(1)W(3))∆x)4 + W(1)W(4)∆x5 +∆x6. 3 i 12 i 12 i i 8 i i With the following local reference smooth indicator 3βl,r +2βl,r +βl,r τl,r = − 1 2 3 , 6 we have τl,r = O(∆x6). With the definition of the WENO-Z weighting approach, the sufficient condition Eq.(9) is satisfied τl,r δl,r = dl,r 1+( ) = dl,r 1+O(∆x4) . k k βl,r +ǫ k h k i (cid:2) (cid:3) 4. Numerical tests In this section, the numerical scheme will be presented to validate the current recur- sive WENO reconstruction. In the computation, two kinds of temporal discretization are considered. The first one is the classical third-order TVD Runge-Kutta method [6] W(1) = Wn + (W(0)), i i L 3 1 1 W(2) = Wn + W(1) + ∆t (W(1)), i 4 i 4 i 4 L 1 2 2 Wn+1 = Wn + W(2) + ∆t (W(2)), i 3 i 3 i 3 L with the recursive WENO reconstruction, the leading truncation error for the scheme is O(∆x6+∆t3). With a fixed CFL number ∆t ∆x, the order of accuracy will reduces to 3. ∼ In order to keep the six-order accuracy, a small ∆t need to be used. Another choice is the two-stage fourth-order time-accurate discretization, which was developed for Lax-Wendroff flow solvers [14, 15], which can be written as follows 1 1 ∂ W∗ =Wn + ∆t (Wn)+ ∆t2 (Wn), i 2 L 8 ∂tL 1 ∂ ∂ Wn+1 = Wn +∆t (wn)+ ∆t2 (Wn)+2 (W∗) , L 6 ∂tL ∂tL (cid:0) (cid:1) 10