A JOURNAL ON TAXONOMIC BOTANY, PLANT SOCIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY REINWARDTIA A JOURNAL ON TAXONOMIC BOTANY, PLANT SOCIOLOGY AND ECOLOGY Vol. 13(4): 317 —389, December 20, 2012 Chief Editor Kartini Kramadibrata (Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) Editors Dedy Darnaedi (Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) Tukirin Partomihardjo (Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) Joeni Setijo Rahajoe (Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) Teguh Triono (Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) Marlina Ardiyani (Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) Eizi Suzuki (Kagoshima University, Japan) Jun Wen (Smithsonian Natural History Museum, USA) Managing editor Himmah Rustiami (Herbarium Bogoriense, Indonesia) Secretary Endang Tri Utami Lay out editor Deden Sumirat Hidayat Illustrators Subari Wahyudi Santoso Anne Kusumawaty Reviewers Ed de Vogel (Netherlands), Henk van der Werff (USA), Irawati (Indonesia), Jan F. Veldkamp (Netherlands), Jens G. Rohwer (Denmark), Lauren M. Gardiner (UK), Masahiro Kato (Japan), Marshall D. Sunberg (USA), Martin Callmander (USA), Rugayah (Indonesia), Paul Forster (Australia), Peter Hovenkamp (Netherlands), Ulrich Meve (Germany). Correspondence on editorial matters and subscriptions for Reinwardtia should be addressed to: HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE, BOTANY DIVISION, RESEARCH CENTER FOR BIOLOGY-LIPI, CIBINONG 16911, INDONESIA E-mail: [email protected] REINWARDTIA Vol 13, No 4, pp: 347 - 356 SIX YEARS EXPERIENCE ON PLANT IDENTIFICATION SERVICES: A CASE STUDY IN HERBARIUM BOGORIENSE Received December 23, 2011; accepted August 30, 2012 ALEX SUMADIJAYA Herbarium Bogoriense, Research Center for Biology LIPI. Jl. Raya Jakarta-Bogor Km 46, Cibinong 16911, Indonesia. E-mail: alexsumadijaya@gmail. com ABSTRACT SUMADIJAYA, A. Six years experience on plant identification services: a case study in Herbarium Bogoriense. Rein- wardtia 13(4): 347-356. — The Herbarium Bogoriense (BO), an integrated part of the Botanical Division, Research Center for Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences, receives plant specimens to be identified on a daily basis. In a six year period from 2005 to 2010, data were extracted from thousand of identification requests by hundreds of clients. Pat- terns were observed based on variables such as time, plant groups, client expertises, and taxonomic level. Outputs from these analysis are being expected to become one of the pillar to build a unifying scheme for botanical research at the Herbarium Bogoriense by focusing on human resources development to deal with biodiversity issues about frequently encountered taxa. Keywords: Biodiversity, Herbarium Bogoriense, ID service, names, specimen. ABSTRAK SUMADIJAYA, A. Pengalaman enam tahun dalam pelayanan identifikasi tumbuhan: sebuah studi kasus di Herbarium Bogoriense. Reinwardtia 13(4): 347-356. — Herbarium Bogoriense (BO), sebagai bagian dari Bidang Botani, Pusat Penelitian Biologi - LIPI, menerima jasa identifikasi tumbuhan sebagai kegiatan rutin. Data selama enam tahun sejak 2005 sampai 2010, dikumpulkan dari ribuan hasil identifikasi yang diajukan oleh ratusan pengguna. Pencarian pola pelayanan berdasarkan beberapa faktor antara lain waktu, kelompok tumbuhan, keahlian pengguna serta hirarki tak- sonomi. Luaran dari analisis ini diharapkan dapat menjadi dasar untuk membangun sebuah skema yang menyatukan skema penelitian botani di Herbarium Bogoriense dengan memfokuskan pada pengembangan sumber daya manusia yang berkaitan dengan keanekaragaman taksa yang sering dijumpai sehari-hari. Kata kunci: Keanekaragaman hayati, Herbarium Bogoriense, jasa identifikasi, nama, spesimen. INTRODUCTION (Prasetyo, 2004); 311 clients and 2567 specimens in 2008 (Anonymous, 2009); 332 clients and 2650 Plant Identification Service specimens in 2009 (Anonymous, 2010). Every year, the Herbarium Bogoriense (BO) re- The basic function of the service is to provide ceives hundred of requests for plant identification clients with the scientific name(s) of their plant (ID) service. Supported by the best qualified techni- specimens. The ID service starts when a client re- cians (parataxonomists) for identification, as well as quest for plant identification being received by BO plant taxonomists for validation of the plant names, (delivered by client, courier or sent by mail). The the institution maintains the status as the national specimen was then identified by parataxonomist to scientific authority for plant biodiversity in Indone- determine the species name. The next step was val- sia. It has numerous plant specimens as reference idation of the name by plant taxonomists or often collections (dried, spirit, and carpology) and be- the curator(s) of the particular taxa. The result is a come one of the oldest herbaria in the tropics, which written certificate, given to the client, with the sci- is established in 1817 (Holmgren et al, 1990). entific name(s) of the specimen(s) under family, The annual report of the Research Center for genus and species names. Most of the requests can Biology, Indonesian Institute of Sciences (the par- be resolved into the species level, or even the infra- ent institution) inconsistently mentioned the cumu- species level, although some remain unresolved on- lative number of specimen which has been deter- ly to genera or family level, or were unidentified. mined and number of client during each calendar During 6 years, dynamic of the ID services were year (January 1st to December 31st). Annually, the unrecorded with respect to the feature such as taxo- number of client and specimen were varies, with the nomic level, time of certificate issue, and field of following records: 1484 specimens in 2002 expertise of the client. These data change with (Anonymous, 2003); 2272 specimens in 2003 time, but the pattern, if any, remains unknown. Re- 347 348 REINWARDTIA [VOL.13 suit of data mining and pattern seeking can be used MATERIAL AND METHOD to focus limited human resources on particular pri- ority taxa that were frequently accessed. Digital available data extracted from the year of The clear objectives for the study was to digitize 2005 to 2010. The data were arranged annually, the data, as well as establish a baseline for quantita- and each year comprised of hundred of request from tive information of the ID services, and improve the clients. result. Any defect, mainly dealing with standarisa- The procedure for the data analysis was divided tion (e.g. for names), can be revised for BO's future into 2 phases. Phase one consisted of copying the improvement of ID services. In addition, a more data from the certificates (.doc or .docx), then ar- advanced utilization of the data could be used for ranging it into columns (scientific names, families, the development of policy issues at local, national, client, and time factor) on a spreadsheet (.xls). The or international levels. For example, the data can be next step was standardizing the format (e.g. look at used to identify (potentially) valuable species for nomenclature issues in discussion) for easier sort- national programs, or for supporting assessments in ing. Data were checked based on client name to biodiversity. remove any duplicate entries. Phase 2 involved searching for annual pattern(s) BO's human resources and plants collection in the data. Data were sorted into alphabetical order To identify the specimens, parataxonomists rely to extract for scientific names, clients, and time pe- on the reference of BO's dried collection. BO has riod. In each year, data were filtered for the most dried collections which comprises 306 families of frequently identified taxa, by ordering from the Spermatophytes, and more than 30 families and highest rank into the lowest one. The final step was groups in Pteridophytes. Most collections were col- comparing these data annually to spot any pattern(s) lected from the Malesia phytogeography region, over the years. with a smaller number of plant collections from oth- er region, as a result of voucher deposits from other RESULT AND ANALYSIS herbaria. Considering variable number of the fami- lies in flowering plants as mentioned in Heywood The study covered 15,779 specimens from 4,158 (1993) and realizing differences in major plant clas- client requests six years (72 months) period. In to- sification systems (Brummit, 1992), the taxon tal, there were 3,783 specimens being determined names being used for identification is based on a (including synonyms), within 1,377 genera and 314 system which has been exclusively developed by families. Taxon determination with cf. status and the Herbarium Bogoriense. Over time, the system infra-specific level were treated as being part of the had been influenced by prominent botanists such as appointed species. F. W. Junghuhn (1809-1864), C. A. Backer (1874 - 1963), and C. G .G. J. van Steenis (1901-1986). Nomenclature Issues Today, plant taxonomists expertise in BO are Standardization of names is very important, distributed unequally, most focus on taxa with im- since many taxa have synonyms or alternative portant ecological functions or economic uses. Sev- names. Different names treated to the same taxon eral large families have more than one expert could be the result of whether different human re- (number in parentheses) e.g. Orchidaceae (2), Are- sources (with varying taxonomic backgrounds and caceae (2), Araceae (2), Zingiberaceae (2), Be- expertise during the validation process) or purely goniaceae (2), and Poaceae (2). On the contrary, changes in classification. Several widely known the large collection of Pteridophytes have only 3 families of Compositae, Cruciferae, Gramineae, experts. The remaining taxonomists focus on Eu- Guttiferae, Labiatae, Leguminosae, Palmae, and phorbiaceae, Myrtaceae, Rutaceae, Sapotaceae, Umbelliferae were treated each under nomen alter- Pandanaceae, Musaceae, Araceae, Lauraceae, Raf- nativum (McNeill et al., 2006), as Asteraceae, flesiaceae, Balsaminaceae, Bryophytes, and Apiaceae, Poaceae, Clusiaceae, Lamiaceae, Faba- Basidiomycetes. These staff come from various edu- ceae, Arecaceae and Brassicaceae consecutively. cation levels, ranging from Bachelors to Doctoral These alternative names were found occasionally degree, and Professorship. Name validation also contaminating the certificates, sometimes written as conducted by accessing authorized websites e.g. LLLabiatae= Lamiaceae". These inconsistencies (www.ipni.org, www.tropicos.org, and are the priority for future improvement. There were www.theplantlist.org) regularly. also cases such as Papilionaceae, Caesalpiniaceae, and Mimosaceae which regarded as three different 2012] SUMADIJAYA: Six years experiences on plant identification services in Herbarium Bogoriense 349 families. It was decided to unify these taxa under Biology (2009) showed different number, with low- single family in accordance with specimen manage- er client number (332), which might be caused by ment storage at BO. Typing errors also found, with unfiltered multiple clients, and higher specimen different character(s) (e.g. Allophilus of Allophyl- number (2,576), which caused by the duplication of lus) and character inconsistency (e.g. Axonophus specimen input. compressus of Axonopus compressus). Synonyms problem were haunting in the analy- Time component sis, since a name easily becomes synonym under Twelve months period in each year were divided particular taxa. Here, from 3,783 names given, each into 4 quarters, each with three months interval as might not represent a unique taxa. Some of these seen in Figure 2. In the first quarter (January - were discussed in Species section below. March), specimen number were relatively stable, except for 2009, which increased to 562 in Febru- Number of specimens and clients ary. The most productive time was during the last Specimen and client number were slowly in- quarter (October - December) with ca. 400 speci- creasing in six years, as shown by linear regression mens identified (600 in 2009), except for 2005 and analysis in Figure 1. This analysis has goal to fore- 2006, when the number dropped dramatically to less cast and anticipate the bulk of specimen in the fu- than 200 specimens in November and December ture. It will become a strong justification to im- respectively. prove the management system for ID services. Each year, the period of minimum specimen The year of 2006 marked the lowest client num- (less than 100 specimens) was generally 1 month. In ber, with 604 clients, a slight decrease from 621 the case of 2007, March to May had a low number clients in 2005. Then, the client number increased in ID service because of the institution relocation steadily to 645 in 2007, 676 in 2008, expanding to from Bogor to the new location at Cibinong Science 792 in 2009, and reached 819 in 2010. Center. On the following year, the low specimen Contrary to client numbers, the year of 2006 number might be the result of no extra ordinary ac- with 2,810 specimens served as the peak point after tivity in the beginning of the year, which was asso- the increase from 2,032 in the previous year. In the ciated with budget allocation in most institutions. following years of 2007 and 2008, specimen num- Caution should be noted in the time factor rec- ber dropped to 2,609 and 2,537 in a row, before orded on the certificate. It was represent the month reaching up to 2,843 in 2009, and 2,948 in 2010. of the ID service was approved by the institution, These dynamic figures might correspond to dynam- not the time of specimen arrival at BO. Most cli- ic number of people who have involved general bio- ents with single specimen received the result as the diversity issues or focusing on species in their re- same month as the sample arrived. However, some search project, such as forestry and mining. clients had hundred of specimens. It resulted in the The annual report of the Research Center for work of ID services that would be extended up to 2 29*8- I Total specimens - Linear (Totals peeimens) I Total clients - Lineal (clients) o 2005 2010 Fig 1. Number of clients and specimens varies annually, trends show steady increase with linear regression. 350 REINWARDTIA [VOL.13 2500 • 2010 • 2009 D2008 • 2007 • 2006 • 2005 January February March April May June July August September October November December Fig. 2. Client requests within the 6 year period studied. Note the light period (March-April), in contrast to significant increase in the last quarter (October - December). - 3 months before the certificate issued. Interesting sporadic requests were made by BPOM (Badan Pengawas Obat dan Makanan, the Client expertises National Agency of Drug and Food Control). The Unfortunately the expertises of the client were institution requested identification of many speci- not properly recorded, as the data were inconsistent- mens at once, with each specimen was given a ly noted. On average, 67.37 % of the total client single certificate apart from another, which resulted (ranging from 59.0% in 2008 to 76.7% in 2009) did in large number of certificates. not mention their expertise explicitly. Field of ex- pertises were extracted from the remaining 32.63% Data Dilemma client who mentioned their domain explicitly. Based on various client backgrounds, the sam- Some clients did mention their expertise generally ples given for ID services were in variable state. as Natural Sciences. Natural sciences is a broad Some were severely damaged by fungi, due to im- domain which can be categorised into pharmacy, proper method of preservation, or lacked of vital biology, chemistry, mathematics, geography, and parts like flower and inflorescence, which is diffi- physics. The first three is often to use ID services, cult to be identified. This resulted in unidentified rather than the last three. This case makes natural specimens, or identified only to family or genera sciences as a domain lacks of details and produces level. bias information. Therefore it was not included in To date, the information still leaves several unre- the analysis. solved questions. One was the lack of information The dominant clients were pharmacy, followed about which plant parts were used for identification by biology and chemistry which almost equal in (the plant parts could be twigs, leaves, stems, tu- number. Medical field increased slowly after ap- bers, flowers, fruits, or the whole plant). Answering peared in 2005, whereas forestry was up and down this question could help anticipate future obstacles sporadically from year to year. Other minor fields to successful identification. Second, the exact loca- were oceanography, anthropology, and geology. tions (island, mountain, beach, forest, or other geo- Focusing on the institutions, most of the users graphical details), and habitat or sites (plantation, came from various educational institutions such as roadside, garden, mine, conversion area, or other Universities (public and private) and Academies of landscape information) of specimens was not rec- pharmacy, whether as undergraduate or graduate orded, resulting in difficulties to determine the students, from either Indonesia or overseas. Others origin of specimens. were from public sector, mainly various Research Centers in Biotechnology, Chemistry, and Geotech- Future potential nology, all are parts of Indonesian Institute of Sci- The ID services potentially inform the existence ences, Veterinary Services, Government Depart- of new species. It can serve as the hunting ground ments (Forestry, Agriculture), Botanical Gardens, for new species candidate if we focus on unidenti- National Parks, as well as private companies (Food, fied specimens at families or, and genera level, with Pharmaceutical, Foundry, Plantation and Agribusi- appropriate generative structure and field notes. ness, and Forest Concessions). Minority came from New record regarding expansion of distribution International Groups, International Companies, Non area of certain taxa can be resulted from this activi- -Governmental Organizations, and Hospitals. ty. In order to do so, a specific task force should be 2012] SUMADIJAYA: Six years experiences on plant identification services in Herbarium Bogoriense 351 assembled. For temporary, the comparison can be 1.1%) and Fungi (136 specimens, 0.9%) only occur treated only for the island of Java, which has de- sporadically. The former was absent in 2006 and tailed inventory of Spermatophytes in Flora of Java. 2007, whereas the latter was absent in 2007 and The three volume books of Flora of Java serve as 2010. Sargassum granuliforum C. Agardh. basic list to monitor the plants in this island. (Sargassaceae) represented Thalophytes, had only single occurrence within the 6 years period, which Plant group was in 2009. For oceanic species, it was assumed The division of plants were based on practical that most of the specimen being given to the Re- reason. Among these groups are: Spermatophytes search Center for Oceanography which focus on (Seeded plant), Pteridophytes (Fern), Bryophytes marine species. (Mosses), Lichens and Fungi. Most specimens were Spermatophytes with 14,540 specimens Families (92.1%). The Spermatophytes itself divided into The top 10 families based on identified specimen subgroups of Angiosperm which had significant were marked by Euphorbiaceae as the most speci- portion with 14,495 specimens (91.8%) and Gym- men (943), followed by Fabaceae (797), Moraceae nosperms with 45 specimens (0.3%). Angiosperms (combined with Cecropiaceae, 736), Rubiaceae consist of Dicotyledoneae with 12,162 specimens (593), Zingiberaceae (combined with Costaceae, (77%) and Monocotyledoneae with 2,333 speci- 588), Myrtaceae (521), Poaceae (502), Asteraceae mens (14.8%), as seen in Figure 3. Annual dynamic (491), Dipterocarpaceae (359), and Lauraceae of plant groups were visualised in Figure 4. (358) as seen in Figure 5. The Dicotyledoneae within Spermatophytes not- To visualize some taxa dynamics, criteria were ed as the largest proportion of identified plant subjectively defined (more than 50 specimens annu- group. The result was matched with the prediction, ally from 6 consecutive years). As consequences, since the majority of flowering plants are within only several of the top ten families being represent- these groups, which have most frequent interaction ed here. Families with 50 specimens, but without with people's daily life. consecutive presence within these years or vice ver- Pteridophytes (612 specimens, 3.9%) ranging sa, were rejected from Figure 6. from 55 specimens in 2007 to 149 specimens in As the largest family identified with 943 speci- 2009. From 2008, there were more than 100 speci- mens, Euphorbiaceae consisted of various species mens annually. The group only had a small propor- within 58 genera. Macaranga was the largest genus tion of the total specimens, but has stable presence with 100 specimens (10.6%), followed by Glochidi- in each passing year. on with 86 specimens (9.12%), Mallotus with 67 Gymnosperms comprised fewer than 10 speci- specimens (7.1%), Phyllanthus with 60 specimens mens annually, except for 2008 when there were 16 (6.36%), Antidesma with 57 specimens (6.04%), specimens. Acalypha with 55 specimens (5.83%), Baccaurea The rest of the groups had percentages around with 53 specimens (5.62%), and Aporusa with 49 1% of the total specimens. Lichens were a tiny specimens (5.19%). The rest of the genera each fraction (101 specimens, 0.6 %), ranging from 1 in contributed less than 5 %. 2005 up to 67 in 2006, with less than 15 specimens Fabaceae had 797 specimens, and had the larg- for the next 4 years. Bryophytes (185 specimens, est number of genera (78) compared to all identified I Un ID I Thallophytes I lichen I Fungi I Bryophytes I Pteridophytes Angiosp. Monocot I Angiosp. Dicot I Gymnosperm 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100 Fig. 3. Percentage of total plant group identified. Percentages only correspond with Dicotyledoneae and Monocotyledoneae as the largest components. Fern, Lichens, Thallophytes, Fungi and Gymnosperms have very small proportion shown here. 352 REINWARDTIA [VOL.13 3000 • Thallophytes • Lichens 2000 • Fungi • Bryophytes • Pteridophytes • Monocot 1000 • Dicot • Gymnospermae 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Fig. 4. Dynamics of plant groups identified. Thallophytes have very small proportion that is not shown here. Fabaceae Moraceae 1 Rubiaceae t Zinqiberaceae [ Myrtaceae 1 Asteraceae 1 Dipterocarpaceae Lauraceae Meliaceae Clusiaceae 200 400 600 800 1000 Fig. 5. Ten dominant families from 2005 to 2010. 200 • Dipterocarpaceae • Euphorbiaceae Fabaceae 100 • Moraceae •Zingiberaceae Rubiaceae 2005 2006 2007 2008 2009 2010 Fig. 6. Identification at family level. Only 6 families top dominant are shown. Dipterocarpaceae has a significant increase at the end of the period. Specimen only showed at Dipterocarpaceae, Euphorbiaceae & Fabaceae. 2012] SUMADIJAYA: Six years experiences on plant identification services in Herbarium Bogoriense 353 family. The largest genus was Cassia with 56 spec- Similarly to Fabaceae, 49 genera were distributed imens (7.02%), comprised of 13 species (some were almost equally and resulted on no dominant genus ornamental plants such as C. fistula L., C. hirsuta with more than 10% proportion of each genera L., C. multijuga Rich., and C. siamea Lam.). There within family. The largest contributions were was no dominant genus with more than 10% pro- Gynura (48 specimens, 9.77%), Eupatorium com- portion. It happened due to almost equal distribu- bined with Chromolaena (35 specimens, 7.12%), tion of the genera. Some were pulses such as Ara- Blumea (41 specimens, 8.35%), and Pluchea with chis hypogaea L., Cajanus cajan (L.) Huth, Glycine single species of P, indica (L.) Lees. (30 specimens, max (L.) Merr., Parkia speciosa Hassk., P. timori- 6.1%). The other genera were less than 5% and ana (DC.) Merr., Phaseolus radiatus L., P. lunatus included of Ageratum, Bidens, Clibadium, Cosmos, L., P. vulgaris L., Pithecellobium jiringa (Jack) Elephantopus, Erigeron, Lactuca, Mikania, Prain ex King, Tamarindus indica L., and Vigna Sonchus, Synedrella, Tagetes, Tridax, and Wedelia. unguiculata (L.) Walp. Fabaceae also contains for- The rest of the families with more than 100 spec- ages such as Calopogonium mucunoides Desv., imens annually were economic importance such as Desmodium spp., and Leucaena leucocephala Rubiaceae (593; medicine, ornamental, and weeds), (Lam.) De Wit, as well as wayside trees (Dalbergia, Myrtaceae (521; fruit and spices), Lauraceae (358 Pterocarpus indicus Willd.), and even weeds specimens, fruit and spices), Dipterocarpaceae (359 (Mimosapudica L.). specimens, timber trees), Meliaceae (316 speci- Moraceae, with 737 specimens, was dominated mens, fruit, medicine, and timber) and Clusiaceae by the giant genus of Ficus (516 specimens, (291 specimens, fruit and medicine). 70.1%), which was discussed further in the genera Largest unidentified specimens belonged to the section. Meanwhile Artocarpus, known as either a families of Rubiaceae (23), Dipterocarpaceae (17), vegetable or fruit in daily life, with A. altilis (Park.) Fabaceae (15), Arecaceae (11), and Apocynaceae Fosberg, A. heterophyllus Lam. and A. Integra (10). Meanwhile, 196 specimens remained uniden- Merr., consisted of only 143 specimens (19.4%). tified to the family level because specimens were These 2 genera were making for almost 90% of the incomplete, broken, fragmented, or experienced specimens of the family. The remaining c. 10% was colour change. occupied by Morus (34 specimens, 4.6%), with con- Number of ornamental plants such as Araceae tribution of some minor genera such as Antiaris, (Homalomena, Aglaonema) were less than ex- Broussonetia, Cecropia, Cudrania, Fatoua, pected. This might be caused by easier access to Parartocarpus, Poikilospermum, Sloetia, Streblus, popular information from TRUBUS, an agricultural and Taxotrophis. and hobbyist magazine, which provides infor- Zingiberaceae, with 588 specimens (Costus, mations for ornamental, medicinal, and other eco- with 29 specimens also included here). Two genera nomic prospective plants. of Curcuma and Zingiber occupied more than half An interesting fact was observed in the banana (59.9%) of the family. Further discussion is in the family. Musaceae had 53 specimens, but only 10 section on genera trends. specimens were identified by using scientific names Poaceae had 502 specimens. Bamboos as a dis- (M acuminata Colla, M. balbisiana Colla, or M. tinct group consisted of 58 specimens (11.55%). paradisiaca L.). The rest were identified as either Oryza sativa L., a staple food in Indonesia, had 32 Musa "ABB" (followed by local names, mainly specimens, with 4 specimens identified to the infra- kepok, with other variants such as nangka, uli, lam- specific level i.e. O. sativa f. glutinosa Blanco pung, raja sereh, tanduk), or Musa (recognized as sticky rice). Zea mays L. had 13 "AAA" (followed by local names, mainly ambon, specimens. The sugar cane, Saccharum, occured and with other variants such as mas, barangan, am- with 3 species (S. edule Hassk, S. officinarum L., bon lumut, and giant cavendish). It was illustrating and S. spontaneum L.) of 7 specimens. Axonopus the use of two systems which were 1.) a botanical compressus (Sw.) Beauv., an exotic species from binomial nomenclature of species name for wild South America now commonly used as lawn grass, type, and 2.) a standardized genotype based with had 23 specimens. It has polymorphic appearance, local names on recognized cultivated variants. contributed to different vernacular names such as Most of the specimens that have been identified jukut pait, suket pait, papaitan, or rumput gajah were banana cultivars and some of them were not mini. The essential oil producer Cymbopogon was using the current system. Classification and nomen- recorded with 2 species of 26 specimens. The dom- clature of banana cultivars have been a long com- inant weeds genera encountered were Imperata, plicated issue. Today, the three tiers system using Panicum, Paspalum, and Pennisetum. species, genome group, and cultivar are being Weedy Asteraceae consisted of 491 specimens. adopted. The edible diploid and triploid which were 354 REINWARDTIA [VOL.13 derivatived from Musa acuminata Colla and Musa secutive years (Figure 8). balbisiana Colla uses the scientific name of their Ficus had the highest number with 514 speci- respective wild parents. Whereas the hybrids will mens. Two dominant taxa, each with significant be classified under Musa x paradisiaca L. as recog- portions of the total were F. sinuata Thunb. (31 nized by International Code of Nomenclature for specimens) and F. fistulosa Reinw. ex Blume (27 Cultivated Plants. specimens). Fifty two specimens (10.11%) re- mained unidentified and was the highest unidenti- Genera fied genus in ID services. It might be caused by Ten largest genera were identified as Ficus (514 polymorphic species appearance and sterile speci- specimens), Syzygium (341 specimens), Shorea mens which made difficulties in ID service. (264 specimens), Piper (261 specimens), Curcuma Next genus was Syzygium with 20 specimens in (199 specimens), Garcinia (172 specimens), Zingi- 2005, increasing to more than 50 specimens in the ber (148 specimens), Artocarpus (143 specimens), following year. It showed steady progress through Litsea (130 specimens), and Aglaia (110 specimens) the rest of the period and included a variety of spe- as shown in Figure 7. cies. Syzygium had variable species with 341 speci- With similar rules as for the families, criteria mens (65.45%) from the rest of Myrtaceae. Psidi- were subjectively being customised to identify gen- um, an exotic plant in Indonesia with only a single era dynamic. The criteria was the number which species (Psidium guajava L.) followed it with 57 must exceed 15 specimens annually within 6 con- specimens (10.94%). Ficus 1514 Syzygium 1341 Shorea ]264 Piper 1261 Curcuma 199 Garcinia ^172 Zingiber ]148 Artocarpus 143 Litsea 130 Aglaia 3110 200 400 600 specimen number Fig. 7. Ten dominant genera from 2005 to 2010. 150 138 100 • Curcuma 1 Ficus Piper • Shorea Syzygium 2005 2OO6 2007 2008 2009 201 O Fig. 8. Identifications at Genera level. The graphic is shown the largest 5 families dominant with specimen number, except for Curcuma.