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A Simple Scheme for Quantum Non Demolition of Phonons Number of the Nanoelectromechanics Systems PDF

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Preview A Simple Scheme for Quantum Non Demolition of Phonons Number of the Nanoelectromechanics Systems

ASIMPLESCHEMEFORQUANTUMNONDEMOLITIONOFPHONONSNUMBEROFTHE NANOELECTOMECHANICSSYSTEMS F. R. de S. Nunes1, J. J. I. de Souza1, D. A. Souza1, R. C. Viana2, e O. P. de Sá Neto1 1 CoordenaçãodeCiênciadaComputação,UniversidadeEstadualdoPiauí,CEP:64202220,Parnaíba,Piauí,Brazil.and 2 Centro Cirúrgico do Hospital Dirceu Arcoverde, Parnaíba, Piauí, Brazil. (Dated:18deJaneirode2016) Inthisworkwedescribeaschemetoperformacontinuousovertimequantumnondemolition(QND)mea- surementofthenumberofphononsofananoelectromechanicalsystem(NEMS).Ourschemealsoallowsusto describethestatisticsofthenumberofphonons. PACSnumbers: 6 I. QUANTUMMECHANICSMEASUREMENTPROBLEM system*CITAR*variesdependingontheeigenvectors 1 oftheobservablebeingmeasured; 0 2 In general, the measurement of an observable in a given 2. TheoperatoroftheobservableO mustcommutewith quantum system disturbs its state, such that the observable S n H . Thisobservablecannotbechangedduringtheme- a variance is greater in a future measurement [1]. This is ea- I asurementprocess; J sily illustrated by a simple system, a harmonic oscillator of 4 massmandmomentumoperatorpandinathermalstate, as 3. ∂HS (cid:54)= 0. This is the main feature of QND measu- 1 previously considered by references [2]-[3]. It’s possible to ∂OC S initially make a precise measurement in the x position, the rement: after the interaction of S with A the conju- h] canonically conjugate operator to moment p. However, due gateobservableOSC ischangeduncontrollably. Sothat p to Heisenberg’s uncertainty principle, δp ≥ (cid:126)/(2δx), and p this increase in variance does not affect the observa- ble being measured, we have to demand that the Ha- - is disturbed. However, in an evolution following this mea- nt surement, p induces a variation in x: x˙ = [x,p2/2m]/i(cid:126), miltonianofthesystemdoesnotdependontheconju- gateobservable. Soamorerestrictivewayistorequire a resulting in, x(t) = x(0)+p(0)t/m. Therefore, using the u uncertaintyrelationtocalculatetheuncertaintyinxforfuture [HS,OS]= 0,becausethentheobservablebeingmea- q measurements (δx(t))2 ≥ (δx(0))2 +((cid:126)/2mδx(0))2t2, we suredisaconstantofmovement. [ concludethatpositionandmomentumareuncorrelated. The 1 measurementapparatusactedrandomlydisruptingtheobser- v vablebeingmeasured. III. MODEL 0 5 ThecapacitivecouplingbetweenQuantumBit(Qubit)and 7 II. PROTOCOLTOMEASUREGENERALQND nanoelectromechanical system (NEMS) [6]-[7] is illustrated 3 0 in the figure 1. In quantum bit notation, the Hamiltonian of . The Quantum non demotion (QND) measurement is cha- theBoxofCooperPairs(??)iswrittenas 1 0 racterizedasonethatcanbeperformedwithoutdisturbingthe E 16 oobfstherevsaybslteemstaSte.isIinnfaeQrreNdDbymmeaesausruerminegnta,nthoebsoebrsvearbvlaebOleOoSf Hqb =(E1−E0)σz− 2Jσx, (2) A : an auxiliary system A, without disturbing the next evolution v whereσx =|1(cid:105)(cid:104)0|+|0(cid:105)(cid:104)1|,σz =|0(cid:105)(cid:104)0|−|1(cid:105)(cid:104)1|,andeisthe Xi oSfrOemS.aiAnsftearnaeifigneintestnautemobfeOrof.successivestepsthefinalstate eletroncharge.En =2EC(n−ng)2isthechargingenergyof r Formally,ifwehavethetoStalHamiltonian: ncooperpairs,withEC =e2/2C(cid:80),C(cid:80) =CN+Ccpb+CJ. a Also,n =n +n ,wheren =C V /2eisthegate g N cpb cpb cpb cpb charge, C is the capacitance and V the potential diffe- H = H +H +H , (1) cpb cpb S A I rence of the Cooper pair box. n = C V /2e, is the gate N N N charge, C is the capacitance and V is the potential diffe- with H being the system Hamiltonian, H being the ap- N N S A renceofNEMS.E isthecapacitiveenergyofQubitJoseph- paratus Hamiltonian, and H being the Hamiltonian of the J I sonjunction.Therefore,thenecessarychargingenergyforthe apparatus-system interaction. The QND measurement O S transitionofoneCooperpairwillbe: mustsatisfythefollowingproperties: 1. ∂∂OHSI (cid:54)= 0and[OA,HI] (cid:54)= 0. Thisconditionisbecause En+1−En = 2EC(cid:2)(n+1−ng)2−(n−ng)2(cid:3), wewanttomeasureO throughO . Thisimpliesthe S A interactionHamiltonianshouldbeafunctionofO and forn=0 S thatO variesaccordingly,tointeractwiththesystem. A E −E = 2E (1−2n ) Infact,thisconditionmustbeobservedforanytypeof 1 0 C g measurement, since it simply requires that the pointer =2E (1−2n −2n ) C N cpb 2 AssumingsmallNEMSoscillationamplitude,wegettheex- whereλ=g/∆,∆=ω−ν ,ν =E /(cid:126)andX =b†σ + a a J − pressionCN = CN(0)+(∂∂CxN)x,withxbeingtheNEMS’s bσ+resultsintheefectiveHamiltonian flexionaxisdeformationposition.Thusthecapacitiveinterac- tionbetweentheQubitandNEMSmodeis: (cid:20) g2 (cid:21) (cid:126)(cid:20) g2(cid:21) H ≈ (cid:126) ω+ σ b†b+ ν + σ . (8) H = (cid:126)gσz(b+b†), (3) eff ∆ z 2 a ∆ z Q−N (cid:113) Now,withtheequationsofdynamicsofthedensityoperator, where, g = 2m(cid:126)ω ×[4nN(0)EC(∂∂CxN)]/((cid:126)CN), and (cid:126) is thePlanckconstantdividedby2π. −i γ TheCompleteHamiltonianforthismodelis: ρ˙ = (cid:126) [Heff,ρ]+κD[b]+γD[σ−]+ 2ϕD[σz] H = −EJσx+(cid:126)ωb†b+(cid:126)gσz(cid:0)b+b†(cid:1). (4) = Lρ (9) |0(cid:105),|1(cid:105) 2 whereD[α]=(2αρα†−α†αρ−ρα†α)/2. IV. RESULTS Withthiswecancalculethecorrelation (cid:104)σ (t)σ (0)(cid:105) = Tr(cid:2)σ eLt(|+(cid:105)(cid:104)−|)(cid:3), (10) − + s − andfinallytheQubitabsorptionspectrum. 1 (cid:90) S(ω) = dteiωt(cid:104)σ (t)σ (0)(cid:105) . (11) 2π − + s − WeusedtheQutip[?]packagetoobtainnumericalresultsfor thecorrelation(fig. 2.a), spectrum(fig. 2.b), anditsstatistic distribution(fig. 2.c). Forourpresentcalculationweusedthe Qubitintheexcitedstate,andtheNEMSinthevacuumstate, with the number of thermal occupation of its reservoir being equaltoone. Figura1:SchematicModel. However, in this measurement protocol QND that measu- resthenumberofphonos,cantoconducetheQubitStarkfre- TheHamiltonianH iswrittenintheCooperpairbasis. |0(cid:105),|1(cid:105) quence displacement in ν = ν +ng2/∆, followed by the However,changingtheatomicbasistothenewrepresentation, n a independentmeasureofQubitstate, oncethatthenumberof σz →σx,σx →−σz, (5) phonosisnotchangedinthisprocess. theHamiltoniantermsH become: |0(cid:105),|1(cid:105) H = EJσz+(cid:126)ωb†b+(cid:126)gσx(cid:0)b+b†(cid:1) (6) V. DISCUSSION |−(cid:105),|+(cid:105) 2 withσx =|+(cid:105)(cid:104)−|+|−(cid:105)(cid:104)+|andσz =|−(cid:105)(cid:104)−|−|+(cid:105)(cid:104)+|. Motivatedbyaseteofdiscovery[4]-[5]-[6]-[7]-[8],weex- ploredanelectromechanicalinteractioninahighlydispersive Making the rotation wave approximation to the Hamilto- regimeinpromotingforQNDmeasurementscheme.Wehave nian(6),wehave demonstrated that the spectrum of the phonons of NEMS in H˜ =(cid:126)ωb†b+ EJσz+(cid:126)g(cid:0)σ b†+σ b(cid:1), (7) the Qubit state resolution, thereby have access to each num- 2 − + berofstateandstatisticsofBosen-Einsteisthisressoandor. where, σ+ = |+(cid:105)(cid:104)−|, σ = σ†, |−(cid:105) is the fundamental − + atomicstate,|+(cid:105)istheexcitedatomicstate. For our case, considering a tightly dispersive regime, VI. 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