A simple Hubble-like law in lieu of dark energy Yves-Henri Sanejouand∗ UMR 6286 of CNRS, 5 1 Facult´e des Sciences et des Techniques, 0 Nantes, France. 2 v November 12, 2015 o N Abstract 1 studyistoprovidesafegroundsonwhichsuchcos- 1 mologies could be established. Within the frame of the Λ cold dark matter ] O paradigm, a dark energy component of unknown 2 Main hypothesis originisexpectedtorepresentnearly70%oftheen- C ergy of the Universe. Herein, a non-standard form h. oftheHubblelawisadvocated,withtheaimofpro- In the late 1920s, Edwin Hubble discovered a pro- p viding safe grounds on which alternative cosmolo- portionality between zλ, the redshift of nearby - galaxies,andD ,theirdistanceestimates[9]. He o gies could be developed. Noteworthy, it yields an mes wrote his law as follows: r age-redshift relationship which is consistent with t as aavnaaillyasbisleofdgaatam.maT-orgaeythbeurrswtcitohunatss,tirtafiugrhtthfoerrwsaurgd- zλ = H0Dc mes (1) [ 0 gests that the observable Universe has been eu- where H is the Hubble constant, c , the speed of 6 clideanandstaticoverthelast12Gyr. Althougha 0 0 v light, with zλ being: non-standard distance-duality relation is then re- 19 quired for interpreting luminosity distances, the z = λobs−λ0 λ 9 magnitude-redshift relationship obtained is com- λ0 2 patible with type Ia supernovae data. where λ is the wavelength of the light received . obs 1 from the galaxy, while λ is the wavelength mea- 0 0 1 Introduction sured for the same kind of source sitting on Earth. 4 In the late 1990s, using type Ia supernovae as 1 standard candles, it was shown that, for large val- : Over the last twenty years, as a consequence of v ues of the distance, Hubble’s law is not linear any i its numerous successes, the Λ cold dark matter X more [10, 11]. Within the frame of ΛCDM, this (ΛCDM) paradigm has reached the status of a r ”concordance” cosmology [1, 2]. However, sev- deviation from linearity is in particular due to a a non-zero, although very small [12], value of Λ, the eral clouds are still obscuring the brilliance of this cosmologicalconstant. paradigm, one of the most notable being that it Hereafter,itisinsteadassumedthat,asproposed relies on a new kind of so-called ”dark energy”, of by Hubble, the law he discovered is indeed linear. unknownoriginbutaccountingforatleast68%[3], However, it is also posited that, when Hubble de- and up to 75% of the energy of the Universe [2, 4]. fined the redshift, in the nowadays standard way, As long as this dominant component remains he made the wrong choice. Specifically, herein, the mysterious [5], alternative cosmologies need to be physicallyrelevantformofHubble’slawisassumed developed [6, 7, 8]. The purpose of the present to be: ∗[email protected] zν =H0∆t (2) 1 Table 1: The two oldest objects presently known. 16 HD140283, an extremely metal-deficient subgiant, 14 is the oldest star known in our neighbourhood. APM 08279+5255 is the oldest quasar known at 12 z ≈ 4. The age of APM 08279+5255 was ob- taλinedthroughthemeasureoftheFe/Oabundance yr) 10 G ratio [13]. e ( 8 g A 6 Object z z Age Ref. λ ν 4 (Gyr) HD140283 0 0 14.5 [14] 2 APM 08279+5255 3.9 0.8 2.1 [15] 0 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 Redshift where ∆t is the photon time-of-flight between the Figure1: Age-redshift(z ) relationship. Filledcir- source and the observer, H being an actual con- λ 0 cles: ages of nine early-type stars, galaxies and stant, and where z , the frequency-redshift, is: ν quasars (see text). Plain line: upper bound ex- z = ν0−νobs pected with Told=14.5 and TH=15.6 Gyr, accord- ν ν ing to the Hubble-like law advocated herein. 0 ν beingthefrequencyofthelightreceivedfroma obs remotesource. Note thatwithD =c ∆t, when Being in our neighbourhood, HD140283 can mes 0 z ≪ 1, eqn (2) can indeed be approximated by provide a fair estimate for T while, accord- λ old eqn (1) since, by definition: ing to eqn (4) and under the hypothesis that APM 08279+5255 could be, nowadays, as old as z zν = λ (3) HD140283, the apparent age (Tobs = 2.1 Gyr) and 1+z λ frequency-redshift(z =0.8)oftheformerallowto ν determine the Hubble time, namely: 3 Age-redshift relationship T −T T = old obs =15.6 Gyr H 3.1 The age of the oldest stars zν Consideringthe case of early-typestars or galaxies that is, a value consistent with recent estimates [3, bornT Gyrago,T ,theirapparentageaccord- 16, 17]. Note that the above analysis is expected old obs ing to an Earth-based observer is: to yield an accurate value for TH if HD140283 and APM 08279+5255 have, nowadays, the same age. T =T −∆t Indeed, eqn (5) provides an upper-bound for the obs old age of early-type stars at any redshift. that is, with eqn (2): Forinstance,ithasbeenclaimedthattwogalax- ies found at z = 6 and z = 9.6 could be 0.8 [18] λ λ Tobs =Told−THzν (4) and 0.2 [19] Gyr old, respectively. According to eqn(5),andasillustratedinFig.1,thecorrespond- or, with eqn (3): ing upper-bounds at these redshifts are indeed z higher,namely,1.2and0.3Gyr,respectively. Fig.1 T =T −T λ (5) obs old H1+z also shows that eqn (5) yields upper bounds that λ areovercurrentestimatesfortheagesof3C65[20], where T = 1 is the Hubble time. Table 1 shows LBDS 53W069 [21], LBDS 53W091 [22], QSO H H0 theageestimatesofwhatmaybethetwooldestob- B1422+231 [23] and GNS-zD1 [24], at z =1.175, λ jects presently known, at their respective redshift. 1.43, 1.55, 3.62 and 7.2, respectively. 2 3.2 A corollary As a consequence of eqn (4), T >0 if: 100 obs T z < old (6) ν T 80 H z) that is, with eqn (3) and the above values for Told 1+ and TH: z)/( 60 z <13 H( λ So, according to eqn (5), and under the assump- 40 tion that no object older than HD140283 or APM 08279+5255canbeobservednowadaysfromEarth, itshouldnotbepossibletoobserveanygalaxyata 0 0.5 1 1.5 2 redshiftlargerthan13. Thisisconsistentwithcur- rent knowledge, since the highest redshifts known Redshift so far are around 10 [19, 25]. Note that this upper limitwoulddriftifobjectsolderthanHD140283or Figure2: H1+(zzλλ) asafunctionofredshift(zλ). The APM 08279+5255are discovered. dashedlinecorrespondsto H =63km.s−1.Mpc−1 0 (T = 15.6 Gyr). H(z ) data come from [27]. H λ 3.3 Another prediction 4 Distance versus redshift On the other hand, as a consequence of eqn (2): ∂z ν =H 4.1 Gamma-ray bursts ∂(∆t) 0 Without any explicit cosmology, going further re- With∆t=t −t,takingeqn(3)intoaccountyields: 0 quires additional hypotheses. ∂z λ =−H (1+z )2 (7) So,inordertogetinsightsabouttherelationship ∂t 0 λ between photon time-of-flight and distance mea- where t and t are the observer and cosmic times, surements, let us turn to cumulative object counts 0 respectively. Measures of ∂zλ, obtained through and assume that: ∂t studiesoftheageofpassivelyevolvinggalaxies,are usually provided through H(zλ) [26, 27], which is n(z)=βDcd (9) defined as follows [28]: wheren(z)is thenumberofobjectswitharedshift 1 ∂z H(z )=− λ lower than zλ, β, a constant, d being the effective λ 1+zλ ∂t dimension of space when Dc is the light-traveldis- that is, with eqn (7): tance, namely: D =c ∆t (10) H(z ) c 0 λ =H (8) 1+z 0 With eqn (2), (3) and (10), eqn (9) becomes: λ Thecorrespondingrelationshipexpectedwithinthe z n(z)=βDd ( λ )d (11) frame of ΛCDM is not that simple [28, 29]. As a H 1+z λ matter of fact, it has been claimed that eqn (8), which is also a prediction of the R = c t cosmol- where D =c T is the Hubble length. h 0 H 0 H ogy[30,31],isruledoutbythedata[32]. However, In order to measure d, it is necessary to con- backed by standard statistical analysis (χ2 = 13.4, sider a categoryof objects whose redshift is known p-value = 0.71), and in spite of large error bars over a wide range, with few selection biases. In (see Fig.2), a recent in-depth study shows that, on this respect, noteworthy because they are highly the contrary,when compared to ΛCDM, eqn (8) is energetic, sources of gamma-ray bursts (GRB) are favoured by model selection criteria [17]. attractive candidates. 3 lessfrequentmorethan12Gyrago(withT =15.6 H Gyr). Itcouldalsomeanthat,duetothesensitivity limits of Swift and follow-up telescopes that were usedtomeasuretheredshifts,asignificantfraction of the GRB with z >4 were missed. λ Oscillations aroundvalues predicted by eqn (11) may also prove meaningful (see the inset of Fig. 3) since, near z ≈ 0.7 (z ≈ 2.3), the residuals ex- ν λ hibit a large-scale fluctuation of the GRB density, whose size (≈ 400 Mpc; δz ≈ 0.1) is of the or- ν der of the size of the largest voids known in our neighbourhood [36, 37]. 4.2 Angular diameter distance If, as suggested by the above results, the Universe is both euclidean and static, D , the angular di- A Figure 3: Cumulative count of long gamma-ray ameter distance, is so that: bursts (t > 0.8 s), as a function of redshift (z ). 90 λ Plain line: least-square fit of the data, performed DA =Dc (12) for GRB sources with z < 3.5. Inset: residuals λ (observed−expected), as a function of frequency- Taking into account eqn (2), (3) and (10) yields: redshift (z ). z ν D =D λ (13) A H 1+z λ Thanks to the Swift mission launched ten years As a consequence, θ, the angular size: ago [33, 34], the redshifts of 265 GRB sources s θ = have nowadays1 been determined with fair accu- D A racy. Moreover, in the Swift sample, most GRB s being the actual size of the considered standard with a duration over 0.8 s are expected to have rod, becomes: same physical origin [35]. Fig.3 shows the cumula- tivecountforthecorrespondingsubsetof254GRB s 1 θ = (1+ ) (14) sources, which is expected to be rather homoge- D z H λ neous. Indeed,althoughthismaynotbethecaseforultra- With eqn (11), a least-square fit of these data compact [38] or double-lobed radio sources [39], yields: it has been claimed that, over a wide range of d=2.96±0.03 redshifts (up to z = 3.2), the average angular λ Such a result strongly suggests that GRB sources size of galaxies is approximately proportional to arerandomlydistributedinanobservableUniverse z−1 [40, 41]. Note that, assuming the standard λ that is both euclidean and static. Indeed, in such cosmological model as correct, this fact can be ex- a case, d = 3 and β = 4πρ , where ρ is the plained only if the average linear size of galaxies 3 grb grb average density of observable GRB sources. Note with same luminosity is six times smaller at zλ = that this result relies on the hypothesis that Swift 3.2 than at zλ = 0 [40]. data represent a fair sample of the GRB sources, up to zλ ≈4. 4.3 Luminosity distance Indeed, abovethis value, eqn(11) starts to over- Theluminositydistance,D ,isrelatedtotheangu- estimate the observed GRB counts. Such an over- L lar distance through the distance-duality relation, prediction could mean that GRB happened to be that is: 1http://swift.gsfc.nasa.gov,2014, July5th. DL =DA(1+zλ)n (15) 4 46 55 44 50 s 42 s u u ul ul d d 45 o 40 o m m e e c 38 c n n 40 a a st st Di 36 Di 35 34 32 30 0 0.5 1 1.5 0 2 4 6 8 10 12 Redshift Redshift Figure 4: The distance modulus of supernovae Ia, Figure 5: Distance modulus, as a function of red- asafunctionofredshift(z ). Filledcircles: the580 shift (z ). Plain line: ΛCDM, with Ω = 0.3 and λ λ m cases of the Union 2.1 compilation (error bars not Ω =0.7;dashedlines: n=1.65(above)andn= 3 Λ 2 shown). Plain-line: least square fit of these data (below). (n=1.65±0.02,µ =18.21±0.02). Dashedline: 0 the n= 3 case (µ = 18.30 ± 0.01). 2 0 theory of gravity, n = 2 [45, 46]. Indeed, in this context, n can not be lower than two while, in the Together with eqn (2) and (3), (15) allows to context of a static Universe, the most likely values write µ, the distance modulus: are either n = 0.5, as a consequence of the en- ergyloss of the photons during their flight towards µ=5log10(DL)+25 the observer, or n = 1, if time dilation of SNIa lightcurves is also taken into account [47, 48, 49]. as follows: However, if for instance the number of photons is µ=5log (z (1+z )n−1)+µ +25 (16) not conserved during their travel, n can be larger 10 λ λ 0 than that [50]. where µ =5log (D ). 0 10 H Nowadays, distance moduli have been measured 4.4 The distance-duality relation for hundreds of supernovae of type Ia (SNIa) [42]. Deviationfromthe Etheringtonrelation(eqn(15)) AsshowninFig.4forthe580casesoftheUnion2.1 has been quantified through the η parameter, compilation[43], anaccurateleast-squarefitofthe 0 which can be defined as follows: data (χ2 = 571, p-value = 0.57)2 can be obtained with eqn (16), which yields: D =D (1+z )2+η0 (17) L A λ n=1.65±0.02 that is, for small values of z : λ Note that when another type Ia supernova dataset D ≈D (1+z )2(1+η z ) L A λ 0 λ is considered, namely, the 397 cases of the Con- stitution compilation [44], the value found for n is By combining the Sunyaev-Zeldovicheffect and X- similar (n=1.63±0.03). ray surface brightness for two samples of galaxy Let us emphasize that, within the frame of clusters [51, 52], together with type Ia supernovae ΛCDM,like inmostcosmologiesbasedona metric data so as to end with a model-independent cos- mological test, it was shown that η = −0.28 ± 2The error estimates on the distance modulus measure- 0 ments were used for the χ2 calculation. This amounts to 0.22[46],whenasampleof25galaxyclusters[51]is assumethatSNIaareperfect standardcandles. analysed,andη0 =−0.42±0.11[46],whenalarger 5 sample of 38 galaxy clusters [52] is considered. In And since, according to eqn (18), ν ∝t : 0 0 thelatercase,whenaredshiftbiasisaccountedfor, η0 =−0.23±0.11 or η0 =−0.43±0.10,depending νobs =1− ∆t (19) uponwhichtypeIasupernovaedatasetistakeninto ν t 0 0 account [53]. More recently, using a sample of 91 galaxy clusters and four different methods, η val- 0 In other words, if t = T , that is, if T is as- 0 h H ueswerefoundtorangebetweenη =−0.08±0.10, 0 sumedtobethetimeelapsedsincephotonsstarted and η =−0.17±0.17 [54]. 0 to be emitted with non-vanishing frequencies then So, while metric theories of gravity like ΛCDM eqn (2), the Hubble-like law advocated in the require η = 0, observed values have been found 0 present study, is recovered. to favor the negative side, up to 4σ away from the Of course, such a drift of atomic spectra should ΛCDM prediction. On the other hand, all of them show up in various physical domains, notewor- but one are within 2σ of η =−0.35, the value ex- 0 thy as a consequence of a corresponding drift of pected within the frame of the presentstudy (with atomic clocks. In particular, an apparent increase n=1.65). of lengths measured through the time it takes for electromagneticwavestogofromaplacetoanother 4.5 Another difference with ΛCDM should be observed [60]. As shown in Fig.5, as far as distance moduli are concerned, the difference between values predicted with ΛCDM or eqn (16) becomes obvious for zλ > 6 Conclusion 2, when n = 1.65, or for z > 4, when n = 3. Al- λ 2 though the fit of the supernovae data of the Union 2.1 compilation looks poor when n= 3 (χ2 = 652, A Hubble-like law, where the frequency-redshift 2 is proportional to the photon time-of-flight, yields p-value = 0.02), it follows the values predicted by an age-redshift relationship which is consistent ΛCDM over a wider range of redshifts (Fig.5). Note that n= 3 is expected within the frame of with available data. A straightforward analysis of 2 gamma-ray burst counts further suggests that the a couple of alternative cosmologies [8, 55]. observable Universe has been euclidean and static over the last 12 Gyr. 5 Possible meanings Through a non-standard distance-duality rela- tion, which is consistent with current knowledge, Eqn (2) is so simple that, like the original Hubble it also yields an alternative explanation for the lu- law itself [8], it can be derived in many different minosity distance data, alleviating the need for a ways, based on a variety of physical ground [56]. dark energy component of unknown origin. Noteworthy, it is a straightforward consequence of Overall, the present study provides a frame, the R =c t Universe [30, 31]. h 0 namely, a background that is euclidean and static, Asanotherexample,letusassumethat,forsome as previously advocated by others [40, 41, 61], as yet unknown reason, a steady drift of atomic and well as a set of relationships between redshifts and molecularspectratakesplace[57,58,59]suchthat, distanceswhichcouldbecomeusefulanchorsforthe for any frequency: ν ∝t (18) development of new cosmologies. Furthermore, let us also assume that, during its flight between the source and the observer,the en- ergy of the photon is conserved, i.e., that its fre- Acknowledgements quency does not change. As a consequence, ν , obs thefrequencyofthephotonreceivedfromaremote I thank Georges Paturel for fruitful discussions, sourceisthefrequencythephotonhadwhenitwas Maciej Bilicki for his useful comment, and referee emitted at t=t −∆t: 0 BofEPL forhis carefulreadingofthe manuscript, ν ∝t −∆t as well as for his constructive suggestions. obs 0 6 References [12] Sahni, V. & Starobinsky, A. (2000). The case for a positive cosmological Λ-term. Int. J. [1] Ostriker, J. & Steinhart, P. J. (1995). The Mod. Phys. D 9, 373–443. observational case for a low-density universe [13] Hasinger, G., Schartel, N. & Komossa, S. withanon-zerocosmologicalconstant. Nature 377, 600–602. (2002). Discovery of an ionized Fe K edge in thez=3.91broadabsorptionlinequasarAPM [2] Frieman, J. A., Turner, M. S. & Huterer, D. 08279+ 5255 with XMM-Newton. Ap. J. let- (2008). Dark energy and the accelerating uni- ters 573, L77. verse. Annu.Rev.Astron.Astrophys.46,385– [14] Bond,H.E.,Nelan,E.P.,VandenBerg,D.A., 432. 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