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A SHORT PROOF OF THE BOUNDED GEODESIC IMAGE THEOREM RICHARDC.H.WEBB 3 1 Abstract. Wegiveacombinatorialproof,usingthehyperbolicityofthecurve 0 graphs,oftheboundedgeodesicimagetheoremofMasur–Minsky. Recentlyit 2 has been shown that curve graphs are uniformly hyperbolic, thus a universal n boundcanbegivenforthediameterofthegeodesicimage. Wealsogeneralize a thetheoremforprojectionstomarkingsofthewholesurface. J 5 2 ] T 1. Introduction G We write S to denote the genus g surface with p points removed and ξ(S) = g,p h. 3g−3+p to denote the complexity of S = Sg,p. We say a simple closed curve on t S is essential if it does not bound a disc or once-punctured disc. In general, we a say that an isotopy class of some subset of S misses another isotopy class of some m subsetiftheyadmitdisjointrepresentatives,andotherwisewesaythattheycut. A [ curve is an isotopy class of essential simple closed curve. We write C(S) to denote 1 the curve graph of S, whose vertex set is the set of curves on S with edges between v non-equal curves that miss; this is the 1-skeleton of the curve complex which was 7 introduced by Harvey [6]. Throughout, S = S with ξ(S) ≥ 2. For the surfaces 8 g,p S and S , one can use the Farey graph, the description of its geodesics and a 1 0,4 1,2 6 lifting argument to prove Theorem 3.2. . We shall abuse notation by simply writing γ to mean both the simple closed 1 0 curve γ and its isotopy class. We write dS to denote the path metric on C(S) with 3 unit length edges. A sequence of curves g = (γ ) is a geodesic if for all i (cid:54)= j, we i 1 have d (γ ,γ ) = |i−j|. We say C(S) is δ-hyperbolic if for all geodesic triangles S i j : v g1,g2,g3,wehaveg1 ⊂Nδ(g2∪g3),whereNδ isthemetricclosedδ-neighbourhood. i X Theorem 1.1 ([12]). Fix S = S with ξ(S) ≥ 2. There exists δ ≥ 0 such that g,p r C(S) is δ-hyperbolic. a We write subsurface to denote a compact, connected, proper subsurface of S suchthateachcomponentofitsboundaryisessentialinS. Throughout, wedonot consider subsurfaces that are homotopy equivalent to S ; in this case Theorem 0,3 3.2 is straightforward. For a non-annular subsurface Y ⊂ S. We write ∂Y for the boundary of Y. We now define a map π : C (S) → P(AC (Y)), where AC(Y) is the arc and Y 0 0 curve complex of Y, and generally P(X) is the set of subsets of X. Given a curve γ ∈ C(S), isotope γ so that it intersects Y minimally. We define π (γ) to be the Y arcs and/or curves γ ∩Y ⊂ Y. This is non-empty if and only if γ cuts Y. The map π is the subsurface projection to the arc and curve complex of Y. We write Y π (A)=∪ π (γ). Y γ∈A Y 1 2 RICHARDC.H.WEBB When Y is an annulus we write ∂Y for the core curve of Y. This core curve represents a subgroup of π (S) and therefore there is an associated cover p : 1 Y S → S, where S is homeomorphic to the interior of an annulus. There is a Y Y homeomorphic lift of Y to S which we write Y(cid:48). One can compactify S to a Y Y closed annulus by using a hyperbolic metric on S. Let AC (Y) be the set of arcs 0 that connect one boundary component of S to the other, modulo isotopies that Y fix the endpoints. Two arcs are adjacent if they admit disjoint representatives. We write AC(Y) to denote this graph. Given a curve γ that cuts Y, we define π (γ) Y to be the set of arcs of the preimage γ˜ = p−1γ that connect the two boundary Y components of S . Otherwise, π (γ) = ∅. This defines the subsurface projection Y Y π :C (S)→P(AC (Y)) when Y is an annulus. Y 0 0 We write d to denote the standard metric on the graph AC(Y). We write AC(Y) d (A) = diam (π A) and d (A,B) = diam (π (A)∪π (B)). The fol- Y AC(Y) Y Y AC(Y) Y Y lowing lemma is immediate, see also [9, Lemma 2.2]. Lemma 1.2. Let Y be a subsurface of S and let γ ,γ be curves on S. Suppose 1 2 that γ cuts Y, γ cuts Y and γ misses γ . Then d (γ ,γ )≤1. (cid:3) 1 2 1 2 Y 1 2 We shall give a proof of the bounded geodesic image theorem of Masur–Minsky [9, Theorem 3.1]. We shall give a bound that depends only on δ, where C(S) is δ-hyperbolic. Theorem3.2. GivenasurfaceS thereexistsM =M(δ)suchthatwheneverY isa subsurface and g =(γ ) is a geodesic such that γ cuts Y for all i, then d (g)≤M. i i Y Recently,ithasbeenshownthatthereexistsδ suchthatC(S)isδ-hyperbolicfor all surfaces S in Theorem 1.1, see Aougab [1], Bowditch [2], Clay–Rafi–Schleimer [4] and Hensel–Przytycki–Webb [7]. Corollary 1.3. There exists M independent of the surface S in Theorem 3.2. In the last section, we describe markings on S in terms of graphs embedded in S that fill. Given a multicurve α, and a curve γ that fills with α, one can define such a graph Γ (γ). This gives a projection Γ to a set of markings. Our proof of α α Theorem 3.2 generalizes to these projections. Theorem 4.1. Suppose a multicurve α and a geodesic g =(γ ) satisfy γ ,α fill S i i for each i. Then diam (Γ (g))≤M, where M depends on S. Mk,l(S) α 2. Loops and surgery 2.1. Loops. Throughout this section, α and β are both collections of pairwise disjoint, essential, simple closed curves on S such that α and β intersect minimally (equivalent to α and β do not share a bigon, see for example [5, Proposition 1.7]) and α,β fill S. We say a collection of simple closed curves {γ } is sensible if they are essential, i pairwise in minimal position, and with no triple points, i.e. for distinct i,j,k, we have γ ∩γ ∩γ =∅. i j k Let γ,α,β be sensible. Recall that whenever we orient γ and β arbitrarily, each pointγ∩β hasasignofintersection±1. Wesayapairofsuchpointshave opposite sign if the signs of intersection are non-equal, and have same sign otherwise. This notion does not depend on the orientation of γ,β or S. A SHORT PROOF OF THE BOUNDED GEODESIC IMAGE THEOREM 3 γ β γ α α Figure 1. The curve γ(cid:48) is dotted. Definition 2.1. We say that γ is an (α,β)-loop if for each arc b⊂β−α we have |γ∩b|≤2 with equality only if γ∩β have opposite sign. Definition 2.1 is inspired by Leasure’s (α∪β)-cycles [8, Definition 3.1.6]. These cyclesallowonetoconstructquasigeodesicsonclosedsurfaceswithacombinatorial description. Definition2.1isanadaptation,whichallowsonetoworkonpunctured surfaces. Both(α,β)-loopsandLeasure’scyclessatisfysomevariantofLemma2.5, however cycles a priori require larger constants for Lemma 2.5 and a more careful proof since they are not necessarily in minimal position with α and β. Our surgery argument to construct (α,β)-loops from curves is necessarily more technical, but they will intersect α and β minimally. 2.2. Surgery. Suppose that γ,α,β are sensible. We shall describe a surgery pro- cesson γ toconstructan(α,β)-loopwhichwillbewrittenγ(cid:48). Ifγ isan(α,β)-loop then we set γ(cid:48) =γ. If γ is not an (α,β)-loop then let c be a minimal (with respect to inclusion) connected subarc c ⊂ γ such that there exists an arc b ⊂ β−α with either • c∩b is a pair of points with same sign • c∩b has cardinality at least 3 Since c is minimal we have that c has endpoints on b, b is the unique arc with properties described above, and |c∩b| ≤ 3. Thus, each arc b(cid:48) ⊂ β −α such that b(cid:48) (cid:54)=b, we have |c∩b(cid:48)|≤2 with equality only if c∩b(cid:48) have opposite sign. In what follows, we write N = N(β) to denote a closed regular neighbourhood of β. We now describe how to construct γ(cid:48), in each case of how c intersects b. Case 1: |c∩b| = 2 and c∩b have same sign. See Figure 1. Write R ⊂ N −α to denote the rectangle with b ⊂ R. Let {p ,p } = c∩∂R. Connect p 1 2 1 to p by an arc a ⊂ R that intersects b once and intersects c only at the 2 endpoints of a. We let γ(cid:48) be the simple closed curve a∪(c−R). Case 2: |c∩b|=3withalternatingsignsofintersectionwithrespecttosomeorderon b. SeeFigure2. Letp ,p ,p bethepointsc∩binsomeorderalongb. Let 1 2 3 c ,c ⊂c be arcs such that c ∪c =c, ∂c ={p ,p } and ∂c ={p ,p }. 1 2 1 2 1 1 2 2 2 3 Connect c ∩∂R to c ∩∂R by two disjoint arcs a ,a ⊂ R so that a 1 2 1 2 1 intersects c ,c only at its endpoints and intersects b once, and similarly 1 2 a . We let γ(cid:48) =a ∪(c −R)∪a ∪(c −R). 2 1 1 2 2 4 RICHARDC.H.WEBB γ γ β γ γ α α α α Figure 2. Surgery in Case 2 on the left, and Case 3 on the right. α b b b Figure 3. The argument in Lemma 2.2 Case 3: |c∩b| = 3 with non-alternating signs of intersection. See Figure 2. We define γ(cid:48) in a similar fashion as Case 1. Lemma 2.2. In each case above, γ(cid:48) is in minimal position with β and with α. Furthermore, γ(cid:48) is essential and an (α,β)-loop. Proof. Any arc of γ(cid:48)−β is isotopic in S −β to some arc of γ −β. Therefore, γ(cid:48) andβ cannotshareabigonsinceγ andβ donot,thusγ(cid:48) isessential. Wenowshow that γ(cid:48) and α do not share a bigon in all the cases of the surgery process described above, via contradiction. Case 1: See Figure 3. Pick an innermost bigon B between the pair γ(cid:48),α. We must have the arc a⊂∂B, otherwise γ and α share a bigon. We have a∩b(cid:54)=∅, and since γ(cid:48) and β do not share a bigon, we must have one endpoint of b in ∂B. Let {p}=B∩c∩b, and c ⊂γ−α be the arc with p∈c . Now γ α α and β do not share a bigon, and neither does γ intersect itself, thus c is α contained with the disc B∪T, where T is the triangle region adjacent to B cobounded by γ(cid:48),γ and β. We conclude that c and α cobound a bigon, α contradicting γ and α do not share a bigon. Case 2: It suffices to show each connected component of S −(γ(cid:48) ∪α) adjacent to at least one of the arcs a ,a is not a bigon. We start with the component 1 2 containing p : if this is a bigon B, then the arc b(cid:48) ⊂ b−γ(cid:48) with p ∈ b(cid:48) 2 2 satisfies b(cid:48) ⊂B hence b(cid:48) cobounds a bigon with γ(cid:48). This contradicts γ(cid:48) and β do not share a bigon. Now we argue that the component containing p 1 is not a bigon (and similarly p ). Suppose this component was a bigon B, 3 first suppose that a ⊂∂B but a ∩∂B =∅, then one can follow a similar 1 2 argument as in Case 1. If a ,a ⊂ ∂B, then see Figure 3 on the right. A 1 2 similar argument again can be given as in Case 1. Case 3: One can argue similarly to that of Case 1. (cid:3) Our Lemma 2.3 is the generalization of [8, Proposition 3.1.7]. A SHORT PROOF OF THE BOUNDED GEODESIC IMAGE THEOREM 5 Lemma 2.3. Suppose γ ,γ ,α,β are sensible and γ misses γ . Then the (α,β)- 1 2 1 2 loops γ(cid:48),γ(cid:48) constructed by the surgery method above satisfy i(γ(cid:48),γ(cid:48))≤4. Further- 1 2 1 2 more, if γ misses α, or β, then γ(cid:48) misses α, or β, respectively. (cid:3) 1 1 Lemma 2.4. Letα(cid:48) beacomponentofamulticurve α onS andletβ beacurveon S. Suppose α(cid:48),β fill S. Then there exists a (4,0)-quasigeodesic α(cid:48) =γ ,γ ,...,γ = 0 1 n β with γ a (α,β)-loop for every 0<i<n. i Proof. Start with a geodesic γ ,...,γ of curves from α(cid:48) to β, such that this collec- 0 m tion of curves is sensible. Using the surgery process on each γ with 1≤i≤n−1, i we obtain a sequence γ(cid:48),...,γ(cid:48) of (α,β)-loops. We have i(γ(cid:48),γ(cid:48) ) ≤ 4 for each 1 m−1 i i+1 i by Lemma 2.3, therefore d (γ(cid:48),γ(cid:48) )≤4 and d (γ(cid:48),γ(cid:48))≤4|i−j| for each i,j. If S i i+1 S i j forsomei>j wehavei−j >d (γ(cid:48),γ(cid:48)),thenweconnectγ(cid:48) andγ(cid:48) withageodesic S i j i j andsurgereachvertexofitusingα,β again. Repeatingthisprocess,weobtainthe required quasigeodesic of (α,β)-loops. (cid:3) WeremarkthatifS (cid:54)=S theninLemma2.4wecantakea(3,0)-quasigeodesic, 1.2 and for all but finitely many surfaces we can take a (2,0)-quasigeodesic. Lemma 2.5. Let Y be a subsurface of S and suppose ∂Y and β fill S. Let γ be a (∂Y,β)-loop that cuts ∂Y. Then d (γ,β)≤2 if Y is non-annular and d (γ,β)≤5 Y Y otherwise. Proof. If Y is non-annular then any pair of arcs in the projection will intersect at most twice by Definition 2.1, so one can consider a closed regular neighbourhood of the arcs to prove the required bound on distance. If Y is annular then suppose for contradiction that d (γ,β) ≥ 6. Then there Y exist arcs δ∗ ∈ π (γ) and (cid:15)∗ ∈ π (β) with |δ∗ ∩(cid:15)∗| ≥ 5. Following a claim from Y Y [11,Section10],ifweisotopethetrianglescoboundedby∂Y,β,γintoY (thisretains minimal position), we have that |δ∗∩(cid:15)∗∩Y(cid:48)|≥3, where Y(cid:48) is the homeomorphic lift of Y. Therefore there exists an arc of β −∂Y which intersects γ at least two times with the same sign, contradicting γ a (∂Y,β)-loop. (cid:3) 3. The proof Let γ be a curve and P be a set of curves. We say γ is (cid:15)-close to P if for some curve β of P we have d (γ,β) ≤ (cid:15). Throughout this section, δ is a constant such S that C(S) is δ-hyperbolic, see Theorem 1.1. Lemma 3.1. There exists D = D(δ) such that for any subsurface Y, component α ⊂ ∂Y, and geodesic α = γ ,γ ,...,γ = β with n ≥ 3, we have d (γ ,β) ≤ D 0 1 n Y i whenever i≥2. Proof. UseLemma2.4toconstructa(4,0)-quasigeodesicQof(∂Y,β)-loopsfromα to β. For each i, we have γ is D(cid:48)-close to Q where D(cid:48) =D(cid:48)(δ). For an explicit D(cid:48), i wecantakeD(cid:48) =D(cid:48)(cid:48)+2,whereD(cid:48)(cid:48) isthelargestintegerwithD(cid:48)(cid:48) ≤δ(cid:100)log (26D(cid:48)(cid:48))(cid:101). 2 See for example [3, Chapter III.H]. Using Lemma 1.2, we can take D = 2D(cid:48)+B, where B is the bound provided in Lemma 2.5. (cid:3) Theorem3.2. GivenasurfaceS thereexistsM =M(δ)suchthatwheneverY isa subsurface and g =(γ ) is a geodesic such that γ cuts Y for all i, then d (g)≤M. i i Y 6 RICHARDC.H.WEBB Proof. Take M =4δ+2D+4, where D is defined as in Lemma 3.1. Fix i<j. We shall show that d (γ ,γ ) ≤ M. Fix α a component of ∂Y. Let I = N (α)∩g. Y i j δ+1 Thereexistsg(cid:48) =(γ ,...,γ )ageodesicoflengthatmost2δ+2suchthatI ⊂g(cid:48) ⊂ i(cid:48) j(cid:48) g. Let P be a geodesic from α to γ and Q be a geodesic from β to γ . Let i j i(cid:48)(cid:48) = max{i,i(cid:48) −1} and j(cid:48)(cid:48) = min{j,j(cid:48) +1}. Since geodesic triangles are δ-slim, we have either γ is δ-close to P and γ is δ-close to Q, or, there exists adjacent i(cid:48)(cid:48) j(cid:48)(cid:48) vertices of g−g(cid:48) with one δ-close to P and the other δ-close to Q. By lemmas 1.2 and 3.1 we have that d (γ ,γ )≤D+δ+(2δ+4)+δ+D =M. (cid:3) Y i j We remark that M need not be optimal for each surface. For example, for S it may be better to consider Leasure’s cycles, which give (2,0)-quasigeodesics, 2 whereas a priori we are taking (3,0)-quasigeodesics in Lemma 2.4. Similar surgery arguments may produce better results for other surfaces. Also, for all but finitely many surfaces, in Lemma 2.4 we can take a (2,0) quasigeodesic; this improves on the constant D. 4. Generalization to markings WethankBrianBowditchforsuggestingthisgeneralizationandset-up. Defining the markings that we wish to discuss has similarities with [10, Section 6]. Given a multicurve α and a curve β such that α,β fill S, let B be a maximal collectionofpairwisenon-isotopicarcsofβ−αinS−α. WeletΓ (β)bethegraph α embedded in S by taking the union α∪B. This may not be well-defined but there is bounded intersection between two such graphs, in terms of S, between any pair of choices of B. Since α,β fill S, it follows that there are no essential simple closed curves on S that are disjoint from Γ (β), i.e. Γ (β) fills S. Furthermore, by an Euler charac- α α teristic argument, the number of edges of Γ (β) can be bounded in terms of the α surface S. Let k be this bound. 1 We write M (S) to denote the set of (isotopy classes of) embedded graphs that k fill S with at most k edges. Let M (S) be the graph with vertex set M (S) k,l k with two vertices G ,G adjacent if i(G ,G )≤l. Here, i(G ,G )=min|Γ ∩Γ | 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2 wheretheminimumistakenoverrepresentativesΓ oftheisotopyclassesG ,where i i i=1,2. Let k be a bound for the number of edges of any clean complete marking on 2 S regarded as a graph on S, see [9] for definitions. The graph of clean complete markings on S is connected. Write l = max i(M,M(cid:48)), where the maximum 1 M is taken for all clean complete markings of M, where M(cid:48) differs from M by an elementary move. Let l = max min i(G,M), where the minimum is taken over 2 G M graphs with at most k = max(k ,k ) edges that fill S and the maximum is taken 1 2 over clean complete markings of S. We then have M (S) connected, where l = max(l ,l ). Endow the graph k,l 1 2 M (S) with a metric where each edge has unit length, and distance is given k,l by shortest paths. Vertex stabilizers are uniformally bounded, by the Alexan- der method. The mapping class group MCG(S) acts on M (S), and thus by k,l the Milnor-Sˇvarc Lemma [3, Proposition I.8.19] the mapping class group is quasi- isometric to the marking graph M (S). k,l A SHORT PROOF OF THE BOUNDED GEODESIC IMAGE THEOREM 7 Theorem 4.1. Suppose a multicurve α and a geodesic g =(γ ) satisfy γ ,α fill S i i for each i. Then diam (Γ (g))≤M, where M depends on S. Mk,l(S) α Proof. We sketch a proof for brevity, since most of the proof is a generalization of earlier lemmas. Firstly, if Γ intersects Γ boundedly many times, then there 1 2 are only finitely many possibilities for Γ in terms of Γ . There are only finitely 2 1 many possibilities for Γ modulo homeomorphism. Thus, if intersection between 1 markings is bounded then their distance is bounded. Secondly, one bounds i(Γ (γ ),Γ (γ )) when γ and γ are disjoint, in terms α 1 α 2 1 2 of S. This generalizes Lemma 1.2. Then one bounds i(Γ (β),Γ (γ)) when γ is α α a (α,β)-loop, in terms of S. This generalizes Lemma 2.5. Using these lemmas, one can generalize Lemma 3.1 then finish the argument analogously to Theorem 3.2. (cid:3) Acknowledgements. TheauthorwouldliketothankSaulSchleimerforthorough comments on the paper. We thank Brian Bowditch, Saul Schleimer and Robert Tang for interesting conversations. References [1] T.Aougab,Uniformhyperbolicityofthegraphsofcurves.http://arxiv.org/abs/1212.3160. [2] B.H. Bowditch, Uniform hyperbolicity of the curve graphs. http://homepages.warwick.ac. uk/~masgak/papers/uniformhyp.pdf. [3] MartinR.BridsonandAndr´eHaefliger,Metricspacesofnon-positivecurvature,Grundlehren der Mathematischen Wissenschaften [Fundamental Principles of Mathematical Sciences], vol.319,Springer-Verlag,Berlin,1999. MR1744486(2000k:53038) [4] M.T. Clay, K. Rafi, and S. Schleimer, Uniform hyperbolicity of the curve graph via surgery sequences.inpreparation. [5] BensonFarbandDanMargalit,Aprimeronmappingclassgroups,PrincetonMathematical Series,vol.49,PrincetonUniversityPress,Princeton,NJ,2012. 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