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A short geometric proof of a conjecture of Fulton 9 0 0 N. Ressayre 2 n January 23, 2009 a J 3 2 Abstract We give a new geometric proof of a conjecture of Fulton on the ] G Littlewood-Richardsoncoefficients. This conjecture was firstly proved A by Knutson, Tao and Woodwardusing the Honeycombtheory. A geo- metricproofwasgivenbyBelkale. Ourproofisbasedonthegeometry . h of Horn’s cones. t a m 1 Introduction [ 1 Recall that irreducible representations of Gl (C) are indexed by sequences v r 3 λ = (λ1 ≥ ··· ≥ λr) ∈ Zr. If λr ≥ 0, λ is called a partition. Denote 3 the representation corresponding to λ by V . Define Littlewood-Richardson λ 6 coefficients cν ∈ N by: V ⊗V = cν V . W. Fulton conjectured that 3 λµ λ µ ν λµ ν . for any positive integer N, P 1 0 9 cνλµ = 1 ⇒ cNNνλNµ = 1. 0 : ThisconjecturewasfirstlyprovedbyKnutson,TaoandWoodward[KTW04] v i using the Honeycomb theory. A geometric proof was given by Belkale in X [Bel07]. Theaim of this note is to give a shortproofof this conjecture based r a on the geometry of Horn cones. NotethattheconverseofFulton’sconjectureisaconsequenceofZelevin- ski’ssaturationconjecture. Thislastconjecturewasprovedin[KT99,Bel06, DW00]. The key observations of our proof are: (i) the non-trivial faces of codimension one of Horn cones corresponds to Littlewodd-Richardson coefficients equal to one; (ii) eachnonzeroLittlewood-Richardsoncoefficientgivealinearinequality satisfied by Horn cones. 1 Assume that cν = 1. By Borel-Weyl’s theorem, cν is the dimension of the λµ λµ Gl invariant sections of a line bundle L on a certain projective variety X. r Then, cNν is the dimension of the Gl invariant sections of L⊗N. This NλNµ r implies that cNν ≥ 1. In particular, cNν gives a linear inequality for NλNµ NλNµ a certain Horn cone: we prove that this inequality correspond to a face of codimension one. In this proof, the Littlewood-Richardson coefficients are mainly the co- efficient structure of the cohomology of the Grassmannians in the Schubert basis. Our technique can be applied to prove similar results for the coef- ficient structure of the Belkale-Kumar’s product ⊙ on the cohomology of 0 others projective homogeneous spaces G/P. 2 Geometry of Horn cones 2.1 Horn’s cone of Eigenvalues 2.1.1— Schubert Calculus. Let Gr(a,b) be the Grassmann variety of a-dimensional subspaces L of a fixed a+b-dimensional vector space V. We fix a complete flag F : {0} = F ⊂ F ⊂ F ⊂ ··· ⊂ F = V. For any • 0 1 2 a+b subset I = {i < ··· < i } of cardinal a in {1,···,a+b}, there is a Schubert 1 a variety Ω (F ) in Gr(a,b) defined by I • Ω (F ) = {L ∈Gr(a,b) : dim(L∩F ) ≥ j for 1 ≤ j ≤ n}. I • ij The Poincar´e dual of the homology class of Ω (F ) does not depend on F ; I • • it is denoted σ . The σ form a Z-basis for the cohomology ring. It follows I I that for any subsets I, J of cardinal a in {1,···,a+b}, there is a unique expression σ .σ = cK σ , I J IJ K XK for integers cK . We define K∨ by i ∈ K∨ if and only if a+b+1−i ∈ K. IJ Then, if the sum of the codimensions of Ω (F ), Ω (F ) and Ω (F ) equals I • J • I • the dimension of Gr(a,b), we have σ .σ .σ = cK∨[pt]. I J K IJ 2.1.2— Horn’s cone. Let H(n) denote the set of n by n Hermitian matrix. For A ∈ H(n), wedenoteits spectrumbyα(A) = (α ,···,α ) ∈Rn 1 n repeated according to multiplicity and ordered such that α ≥ ··· ≥ α . We 1 n set ∆(n) := {(α(A),α(B),α(C)) ∈ R3n : A, B, C ∈ H(n) s.t. A+B+C = 0}. 2 Set E(n) = R3n, let E(n)+ denote the set of (α ,β ,γ ) ∈ E(n) such that i i i α ≥ α , β ≥ β and γ ≥ γ for all i = 1,···,n −1. Let E(n)++ i i+1 i i+1 i i+1 denote the interior of E(n)+. Let E (n) denote the hyperplane of points 0 (α ,β ,γ ) ∈ E(n) such that α + β + γ = 0. The set ∆(n) is a i i i i i i closed convex cone containedPin E0(nP) and Pof non empty interior in this hyperplane. 2.1.3—GIT-coneLetV beacomplexn-dimensionalvectorspace. Let Fl(V) denote the variety of complete flags of V. The group G = Gl(V) acts diagonalyonthevarietyX =Fl(V)3. LetusfixabasisinV,F ∈ Fl(V)the • standard flag for this base, B its stabilizer in G and T the torus consisting of diagonal matrices. We identify the character groups X(T) and X(B) with Zn in canonical way. The line C endowed by the action of B3 given by (λ, µ, ν) ∈ (Zn)3 = X(B3) is denoted by C . The fiber product (λ,µ,ν) G3 ×B3 C(λ,µ,ν) is a G3-linearized line bundle Lλ,µ,ν on X; we denote by L the G-linearized line bundle obtained by restricting the G3-action to λ,µ,ν the diagonal. We denote by CG(X) the rational cone generated by triples of partitions (λ, µ, ν) such that L has non zero G-invariant sections. The fist proof λ,µ,ν of the following is due to Heckman [Hec82], (see also [Ful00]. Theorem 1 Thecone∆(n)istheclosureoftherational convexconeCG(X). 2.2 Faces of ∆(n) 2.2.1— We have a complete description of the linear forms on E(n) which define faces of codimension one of ∆(n). The first proof using Honeycombs is due to Knutson,Tao and Woodward (see [KTW04]). A geometric proof is due to Belkale ([Bel03]). In [Res07], I made a different geometric proof. A proof using quivers is also given in [DW06]. Theorem 2 The hyperplanes α = α , β = β and γ = γ spanned i i+1 i i+1 i i+1 by the codimension one faces of E(n)+ intersects ∆(n) along faces of codi- mension one. For any subsets I,J and K of {1,···,n} of the same cardinality such that cK∨ = 1, the hyperplane α + β + γ = 0. intersects IJ i∈I i j∈J j k∈K k ∆(n) along a face FIJK of coPdimensionPone. AnyPface of codimension one intersecting E(n)++ is obtain is this way. It is well known that if cK∨ 6= 0, for all (α,β,γ) ∈ ∆(n), we have IJ α + β + γ ≤ 0. In particular, the interstion betwenn ∆(n) I i J j K k P P P 3 and α + β + γ = 0 is a face F of ∆(n). I i J j K k IJK 2P.2.2—WPenowrePviewsomenotionsof[Res07,Res08]andusenotation of Paragraph 2.1.3. Let I,J and K be three subsets of {1,···,n} of the same cardinality r such that cK∨ 6= 0. We associate to this situation a pair IJ (C,λ) where λ is a one parameter subgroup of G, and C is an irreducible component of the set of fix points of λ in X. Consider the set C+ of the x ∈ X such that lim λ(t)x ∈ C, and the parabolic subgroup P(λ) of G t→0 associated to λ. The assumption cK∨ 6= 0 implies that the morphism IJ η : G× C+ −→ X,[g :x] 7−→ g.x, IJK P(λ) is dominant with finite general fibers. Now, F correspond to a face IJK FQ of CG(X): the entire points in FQ correspond to the line bundles IJK IJK L in CG(X) such that λ act trivialy on L . By [Res07, ] or [Res08, ], the |C Q entire points in F correspond to the G-linearized line bundles L on X IJK such that Xss(L) intersects C. Byconstruction,λactswithtwoweightsonV,thefirstonehasmultiplic- ityrandtheotheronen−r. Inparticular,thecentralizerGλ inGofλisiso- morphicto Gl ×Gl . Moreover, C is isomorphicto Fl(Cr)3×Fl(Cn−r)3. r n−r Now, consider the restriction morphism ρQ : PicG3(X) −→ Pic(Gλ)3(C). IJK 2.2.3— Let I,J and K be three subsets of {1,···,n} of the same cardinality r. Define the linear isomorphism ρ by: IJK E(n) −→ E(r)⊕E(n−r) (α ,β ,γ ) 7−→ ((α ) ,(β ) ,(γ ) )+((α ) ,(β ) ,(γ ) ). i i i i i∈I i i∈J i i∈K i i∈/I i i∈/J i i∈/K One easily checks that with evident identifications, ρ is obtained from IJK Q ρ by extending the scalar to the real numbers. IJK Proposition 1 Let I,J and K be as above with cK∨ 6= 0. Let (α,β,γ) ∈ IJ E(n)+. Then, (α,β,γ) ∈ F if and only if ρ (α,β,γ) ∈ ∆(r)×∆(n− IJK IJK r). Proof. Assume that ρ (α,β,γ) ∈ ∆(r)×∆(n−r). Let A′,B′,C′ ∈ H(r) IJK and A′′,B′′,C′′ ∈ H(n−r)such that A′+B′+C′ = 0 and A′′+B′′+C′′ = 0 whose spectrums correspond to ρ (α,β,γ). Consider the three following IJK matrices of H(n) A′ 0 B′ 0 C′ 0 A = , B = , C = . (cid:18) 0 A′′ (cid:19) (cid:18) 0 B′′ (cid:19) (cid:18) 0 C′′ (cid:19) 4 By construction, α is the spectrum of A and α = tr(A′), and similarly I i for B and C. We deduce that (α,β,γ) ∈ FIJKP. By Theorem 1, we can prove the converse for the cone CG(X). Let L ∈ F . Since Xss(L) intersects C, C contains semistable points for the IJK action of Gλ and ρQ (L). It follows that ρQ (L) ∈ ∆(r)×∆(n−r). (cid:3) IJK IJK Corollary 1 Let I,J and K be as in the proposition. Then, if F inter- IJK sects E(n)++, it has codimension one. In particular, cK∨ = 1. IJ Proof. By Proposition 1, F ∩E(n)++ is isomorphic to an open subset IJK of ∆(r)×∆(n−r). So, F has codimension 2inE(n) andsocodimension IJK one in ∆(n). Now, Theorem 2 implies that cK∨ = 1. (cid:3) IJ Remark. Corollary 1 for CG(X) is proved in [Res07] by purely Geometric Invariant Theoretic methods; that is, without using Theorem 1. The first example of face F with cK∨ > 1 is obtained for n = 6. IJK IJ etc... 3 Proof of Fulton’s conjecture Let λ, µ and ν be three partitions (with r parts) such that cν = 1. Let λµ us fix n such that n − a is greater or equal to λ , µ and ν . Set I = 1 1 1 {n−a+i−λ : i = 1,···,a} ⊂ {1,···,n}. Similarly, we associate J and i K to µ and ν. It is well known that: cν = cK . λµ IJ By Theorem 2, FIJK∨ is a face of codimension one in ∆(n). Let (A,B,C,A′,B′,C′) ∈ H(r)3 ×H(n−r)3 corresponding to a point in the relative interior ρIJK∨(FIJK∨). Consider N generic perturbations (A′,B′,C′) of (A′,B′,C′) ∈ ∆(n−r). Consider now the Hermitian matrix i i i A′′ of size r + N(n − r) diagonal by bloc with blocs A, A′,···,A′ ; and 1 N similarly B′′ and C′′. Let now, I′′,J′′ and K′′ bethe three subsetsof r+N(n−r)of cardinal r correspondingto Nλ, Nµ and Nν respectively. It is clear that the image by ρI′′J′′K′′∨ of the sprectrum of (A′′,B′′,C′′) belongs to ∆(r)×∆(N(n−r)). By genericity of the matrices A′i, Bi′ and Ci′, this implies that FI′′J′′K′′∨ intersects E(r+N(n−r))++. Now, Corollary 1 allows to conclude. 5 References [Bel03] Prakash Belkale, Irredundance in eigenvalue problems, Preprint (2003), no. arXiv:math/0308026v1, 1–35. [Bel06] , Geometric proofs of Horn and saturation conjectures, J. Algebraic Geom. 15 (2006), no. 1, 133–173. [Bel07] , Geometric proof of a conjecture of Fulton, Adv. Math. 216 (2007), no. 1, 346–357. [DW00] HarmDerksenandJerzyWeyman,Semi-invariantsofquiversand saturation for Littlewood-Richardson coefficients, J. Amer. Math. Soc. 13 (2000), no. 3, 467–479 (electronic). [DW06] Harm Derksen and Jerzy Weyman, The combinatorics of quiver representations, 2006. [Ful00] William Fulton, Eigenvalues, invariant factors, highest weights, and Schubert calculus, Bull. Amer. Math. Soc. (N.S.) 37 (2000), no. 3, 209–249 (electronic). [Hec82] G. J. 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