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A Second Order TV-type Approach for Inpainting and Denoising Higher Dimensional Combined Cyclic and Vector Space Data PDF

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Preview A Second Order TV-type Approach for Inpainting and Denoising Higher Dimensional Combined Cyclic and Vector Space Data

A Second Order TV-type Approach for Inpainting and Denoising Higher Dimensional Combined Cyclic and Vector Space Data Ronny Bergmann∗ Andreas Weinmann† September 30, 2015 5 1 Abstract. In this paper we consider denoising and these spaces, we deal with denoising and inpainting 0 inpainting problems for higher dimensional combined problems as well as simultaneous inpainting and de- 2 cyclic and linear space valued data. These kind of noising problems. p data appear when dealing with nonlinear color spaces e such as HSV, and they can be obtained by changing S Image inpainting is a problem arising in many ap- the space domain of, e.g., an optical flow field to po- plications in image processing, image analysis and re- 9 lar coordinates. For such nonlinear data spaces, we lated fields. Examples are restoring scratches in pho- 2 develop algorithms for the solution of the correspond- tographs, removal of superimposed objects, dealing ] ing second order total variation (TV) type problems with an area removed by a user, digital zooming as A fordenoising, inpaintingaswellasthecombinationof well as edge decoding. Principally, any missing data N both. Weprovideaconvergenceanalysisandweapply situation —whatever the reason might be— results in . the algorithms to concrete problems. aninpaintingproblem. Thisisnotrestrictedto2Dim- h t ages. Further examples are defects in audio and video a Keywords. Higher order total variation minimiza- recordings, or in seismic data processing. In this re- m tion, vector-valued TV, cyclic data, combined denois- spect,alsointerpolation,approximation,andextrapo- [ ing and inpainting, cyclic proximal point algorithm. lationproblemsmaybeviewedasinpaintingproblems. 2 We recommend the survey [45] and Chapter 6 of [27] v 1 Introduction aswellas[16,18]foranoverviewoninpaintingandfor 4 furtherapplications. Therearevariousconceptionally 8 One of the most well known methods for edge- differentapproachestoinpainting, cf.[27,45]and[18] 6 2 preserving image denoising is the variational ap- which also includes some comparison. Among these 0 proach minimizing the Rudin-Osher-Fatemi (ROF) aremethodsbasedonlineartransformsfromharmonic 1. functional [70]. In its basic form, it deals with scalar analysissuchascurveletsandshearletswhicharecom- 0 data. Related variational approaches for vector space bined with a sparsity approach based on (cid:96)1 minimiza- 5 valued data have gained a lot of interest in the liter- tion on the corresponding coefficients [17, 32, 33, 51]. 1 ature and are still topic of ongoing research; we ex- Otherapproachesarebasedon(oftennonlinear)PDE : v emplarily refer to [12, 42, 61, 67] and the references and variational models, cf., e.g., [13, 19, 25, 26, 34, i therein. In this paper, we consider TV-type function- 57–60, 74, 78]. X alsincorporatingfirstandsecond orderdifferencesfor In general, exemplar-based and sparsity-based meth- r a the nonlinear data spaces which combine vector space ods perform better for filling large texture areas, valueddata—inthefollowingcalledlinearspacedata whereas diffusion-based and variational techniques to avoid confusion— and vectors of cyclic data. In yield better results for natural images. Among the variational techniques applied, total variation (TV) ∗DepartementofMathematics,TechnischeUniversita¨tKaiser- minimization is one of the prominent models. The slautern, Paul-Ehrlich-Str. 31, 67663 Kaiserslautern, Ger- minimizer of the corresponding TV functional yields many [email protected]. the inpainted image. TV inpainting works well for †Department of Mathematics, Technische Universit¨at elongated inpainting areas but has problems with Mu¨nchen and Fast Algorithms for Biomedical Imaging larger gap connections. In such situations higher or- Group,Helmholtz-ZentrumMu¨nchen,Ingolst¨adterLandstr. der, in particular curvature based, schemes perform 1,85764Neuherberg,Germany [email protected] better. 1 ThefirstTVregularizedmodelwasproposedin[70] painting for S1-valued data in a first order TV setup. fordenoising. Itwasfirstappliedtomissingdatasitu- We proposed a different approach to first order TV ations/inpainting in [4, 24]. Further references for TV minimization for manifold-valued data via cyclic and based image inpainting are [15, 28, 74]. In contrast to parallel proximal point algorithms in [85]. We estab- classical methods, the results are typically not over- lished a second order setup for denoising S1-valued smoothed; however, it is well known that these min- data based on cyclic proximal point algorithms in [6]. imizers very often show ‘staircasing’ effects, i.e. the Inpainting for S1-valued data was considered in the resultisoftenpiecewiseconstant,althoughtheunder- authors’ conference proceeding [7]. lying signal varies smoothly in the corresponding re- Data consisting of combined cyclic and linear space gions. In order to avoid staircasing, higher order and, components appear in various contexts. For example, in particular, second order differences and derivatives such data appear when dealing with nonlinear color (in a continuous domain setting), are often employed. spaces such as HSV, HSL, HSI or HCL. Such data References are the pioneering work [20] as well as [14, alsoappearinthecontextofopticalflows. Whencon- 21, 23, 30, 31, 48, 53, 55, 56, 71–73]. TV functionals sidering the flow vectors between consecutive images for linear space valued data were considered in [12] in in polar coordinates which means separating magni- the context of linear color spaces. The papers [63, 64] tude and direction, the resulting data takes its values deal with denoising and inpainting in the RGB color in R×S1. In this context, this approach is natural spaceusinglinearcombinationsoffirstandsecondor- and interesting and seems promising to improve the der terms. A total generalized variational model can results obtained with the usual R2-valued approach. be found, e.g., in [61]. In contrast to applying pure Inprinciple,wheneverdataisgivenasvectorsofpolar second order terms or linear combinations of first and coordinates, we are in the combined cyclic and real- second order terms, total generalized variational ap- valued setup of data in (S1)m×Rm considered in this proaches try to find some optimal balancing between paper. thefirstandsecondderivatives. Theadvantageisthat the related schemes better preserve the edge struc- tures. A detailed description may be found in [14]. Contributions. In this paper, we consider inpaint- The authors of [61] obtain a model for denoising lin- ing, denoising as well as combined inpainting and de- ear space valued color data. Second order total gen- noising problems for combined cyclic and linear space eralized variation was generalized for tensor fields in valued images in (S1)m ×Rn based on a second or- [80]. derTV-typeformulation. Weconsidertwovariational However, in many applications, data having values models: the first model deals with the noise free situ- in nonlinear spaces appear. Examples are diffusion ation whereas the second one also considers the noisy tensor images [5, 65], color images based on non-flat case combining denoising and inpainting (including color models [22, 50, 52, 81] or motion group-valued puredenoisingbyspecifyingtheinpaintingareaasthe data [69, 79]. Due to its importance, processing such empty set). In our nonlinear setting, these higher or- manifoldvalueddatahasgainedalotofinterestinre- der approaches avoid unwanted staircasing effects as cent years. To mention only some examples, wavelet- well. For combined cyclic and linear space data, we type multi scale transforms for manifold data have derive solvers for these variational problems based on been considered in [44, 79, 83]. Statistical issues on cyclic proximal point algorithms. We provide a con- Riemannian manifolds are the topic of [10, 11, 37, vergenceanalysisforboththenoisyandthenoisefree 62, 66] and circular data are, in particular, consid- model based algorithms developed in this paper. For ered in [36, 49]. Furthermore, manifold-valued partial both algorithms, we show the convergence to a mini- differential equations are studied in [29, 43, 77]. mizerundercertainrestrictionswhicharetypicalwhen For TV functionals for manifold-valued data, an dealing with nonlinear data. In particular, we assume analysis from a theoretical viewpoint has been car- thedatatobedenseenoughmeaningthattheyarelo- ried out in [39, 40]. These papers extend previous cally (and not necessarily globally) nearby. We apply work [38] on S1-valued functions where, in particular, our algorithms to denoising, inpainting and combined the existence of minimizers of certain TV-type ener- denoising and inpainting in the nonlinear HSV color gies is shown. An algorithm for TV minimization on space. Furthermore, we apply our algorithms for de- Riemannian manifolds was proposed in [54]. This ap- noising frames in volumetric phase-valued data – in proachusesareformulationasamultilabeloptimiza- our case, frames of a 2D film. Our approach is based tion problem with an infinite number of labels and a on utilizing the neighboring k frames to incorporate subsequent convex relaxation. An approach for lin- the temporal neighborhood. The idea generalizes to earspacesusingarelaxationofthelabeloptimization arbitrarydataspacesandvolumesconsistingoflayers problem as well was presented in [41]. First order TV of 2D data. minimization for S1-valued data has been considered The novelties of the present work in relation to the in [75, 76]. In particular, these authors consider in- authors previous work [6, 7] are as follows. (i) In con- 2 trastto[6,7]weconsiderthemoregeneral,practically solute finite differences restricting to the linear space relevant, data spaces (S1)m × Rn here. In contrast setting. In Subsection 2.2 we obtain suitable defini- to general manifolds, these product spaces still bear tions for absolute differences for combined cyclic and enough structure relevant for our purposes. We point vector space data. In Subsection 2.3, we use these out that both, the algorithmic and analysis part, are definitions to obtain inpainting and simultaneous in- more involved than only component-wise considering paintinganddenoisingmodelsforcombinedcyclicand theS1-valuedorreal-valuedsituation. (ii)Concerning lineardata. Inparticular,denoisingiscoveredbycon- the algorithmic part, we compute proximal mappings sidering the empty set as inpainting region. of constrained problems arising in inpainting situa- Let us fix some notations. We denote by tionsinthiswork. ThisisevennewforS1 data. In[7], (f ) , Ω := {1,...,N} × {1,...,M} images i,j (i,j)∈Ω 0 we used a less natural projection approach generaliz- of size N by M, which can also be seen as func- ing [6]. (iii) Concerning the analysis, we here include tions f(i,j) on the image domain Ω . For any subset 0 an inpainting setup. The conference proceeding [7] Ω⊂Ω of pixel indices ΩC :=Ω \Ω denotes the com- 0 0 does not contain an analysis and [6] considers func- plement of Ω in Ω . Each entry f ∈ X is called a 0 i,j tionals for denoising S1 valued data. A more detailed pixelvalue,whereX issomedataspace. Ourmainfo- discussion may be found at the end of the paper. cusisthe(m+n)-dimensionalspaceX :=(S1)m×Rn. On a data space d (x,y),D (x,y),D (x,y,z), and X 1 2 Outline of the paper. In Section 2 we introduce D1,1(w,x,y,z) denote the distance on X, the abso- the variational models we consider for inpainting and lute first, absolute second, and absolute second order denoising of combined cyclic and linear space data in mixed differences. If the space is clear from the con- thispaper. WestartwithvectorspacedatainSubsec- text or the setting holds for all spaces, we omit the tion 2.1; then we define absolute differences for com- X. The elements x = (x1,...,xn)T ∈ Rn are col- bined cyclic and vector space data in Subsection 2.2 umn vectors, where ·T denotes the transposition. For whichallowustoderivethecorrespondingvariational two vectors x,y ∈ Rn we denote by (cid:104)x,y(cid:105) := xTy the models for combined cyclic and vector space data. inner product. By (x)2π ∈ [−π,π) we denote the ele- This is done in Subsection 2.3 for both inpainting mentwisemodulooperation,i.e.theuniquevaluesuch noise free combined cyclic and vector space data as that x = 2πk+(x)2π, k ∈ Zn. Finally, for matrices well as inpainting and denoising combined cyclic and x = (x )n,d ∈ Rn×d we denote the columns by i,j i=1,j=1 vector space data. In Section 3 we develop algorithms x(j). for minimizing the variational models introduced pre- viously. These algorithms base on the cyclic proxi- mal point algorithm we present in Subsection 3.1. We 2.1 Inpainting and denoising vector space present explicit formulas for the proximal mappings data needed for inpainting in Subsection 3.2. Using these explicit representations, we derive a cyclic proximal The Rudin-Osher-Fatemi (ROF) functional [70] pointalgorithmforinpaintingboththenoisyandnoise free combined cyclic and vector space data in Subsec- (cid:88) (cid:88) (f −x )2+α (cid:107)∇x (cid:107), α>0, tion 3.3. The convergence analysis of both algorithms i,j i,j i,j is the topic of Section 3.4. Finally, in Section 4 we i,j i,j apply the derived algorithms to various concrete situ- is one of the most well known and most popular func- ations. We consider denoising data living in the non- tionals in variational image processing. In its penal- linear HSV color space in Subsection 4.1. Then we izedform,itconsistsoftwoterms: thefirsttermmea- consider inpainting for noise-free as well as noisy data sures the distance to the data f the second term is a in such color spaces in Subsection 4.2. Finally, we ap- plyouralgorithmsfordenoisingframesofaS1-valued TV regularizer where ∇ denotes the discrete gradient operator, usually implemented as first order forward 2D film in Subsection 4.3. differences in vertical and horizontal directions. Both an isotropic version using the euclidean length or 2- 2 Second order variational models for norm and an anisotropic version employing the sum inpainting and denoising combined of absolute values or 1-norm for the second term are cyclic and linear space data widely used. In this work we will restrict ourselves to the anisotropic version. In this form, the ROF Model Inthissectionwederivemodelsfordenoising,inpaint- is typically used for denoising purposes. To avoid the ing as well as simultaneous inpainting and denoising appearing staircasing effect, often higher order and, data having cyclic and linear space components. In in particular, second order differences (respectively, Subsection2.1,wefirstconcentrateonintroducingthe derivatives, in a continuous domain setting) are em- consideredmodelsbasedonfirstandsecondorderab- ployed [14, 20, 21, 23, 30, 31, 48, 53, 55, 56, 71–73]. 3 Denoising. For pure denoising we consider the dis- βTV (x)aswellasadiagonalcomponentγTV (x), 2 1,1 crete second order TV-type functional is given by J(x)=F(x;f)+αTV1(x) N−1,M (1) (cid:88) +βTV2(x)+γTV1,1(x), βTV2(x)=β1 D2(xi−1,j,xi,j,xi+1,j) i=2,j=1 where x,f are images defined on the image domainΩ (5) 0 N,M−1 denotes the image domain. The data values f it- (cid:88) i,j +β D (x ,x ,x ), 2 2 i,j−1 i,j i,j+1 self live in a certain data space. Then the data term i=1,j=2 F(x;f) for given data f reads N−1,M−1 (cid:88) γTV (x)=γ D (x ,x ,x ,x ). N,M 1,1 1,1 i,j i+1,j i,j+1 i+1,j+1 1 (cid:88) F(x;f)= d(f ,x )2, (2) i,j=1 2 i,j i,j (6) i,j=1 where d is a distance on the data space. For data liv- Wenotethatsimilartothediagonaldifferencesinthe ing in a vector space, d(fi,j,xi,j)=(cid:107)fi,j −xi,j(cid:107) is an TV1 part the diagonal component γTV1,1(x), which appropriatechoice. Inthepurelinearspacedatasitu- is based on the mixed second order difference D , 1,1 ation, the above quadratic data term (2) corresponds reducesunwantedanisotropyeffectsforthesecondor- to a Gaussian noise model. For other types of noise, der part. Actually, D (x ,x ,x ,x ) 1,1 i,j i+1,j i,j+1 i+1,j+1 different data terms are more appropriate; e.g., for may be interpreted as a diagonal difference: av- LaplaciannoisethetermF(x;f)=(cid:80)Ni,j,=M1d(fi,j,xi,j) eraging xi,j+1 and xi+1,j yields an estimate for is appropriate; cf. also [63]. the non-grid value m = “x ”. Then i+1/2,j+1/2 The first order difference component αTV1(x) is D2(xi,j,m,xi+1,j+1)=D1,1(xi,j, given by x ,x ,x )playstheroleofasecondorder i+1,j i,j+1 i+1,j+1 diagonal difference. Interchanging the roles of x , N−1,M i,j+1 (cid:88) x and x ,x yields the other diagonal. αTV (x)=α D (x ,x ) i+1,j i,j i+1,j+1 1 1 1 i,j i+1,j Hence, diagonal differences are already incorporated i,j=1 in the second order term and we do not have to con- N,M−1 (cid:88) sider terms of the form D (x ,x ,x ) for +α D (x ,x ) 2 i−1,j−1 i+1,j+1 i,j 2 1 i,j i,j+1 thereductionofanisotropyeffects. Themodelparam- i,j=1 (3) eters α ,α ,α ,α , 1 2 3 4 N−1,M−1 + √α3 (cid:88) D (x ,x ) β1,β2,γ regulate the influence of the different TV 2 1 i,j i+1,j+1 terms. i,j=1 One main reason for considering this anisotropic N−1,M−1 + √α4 (cid:88) D (x ,x ). modelisthatitiscomputationallyfeasibleforthenon- 2 1 i,j+1 i+1,j linear space of combined cyclic and vector space data i,j=1 considered in this paper as we will see later on. To Again,foravectorspaceanynormoftheordinaryab- our knowledge there are no previous algorithms deal- solute first order difference D (x ,x ) = (cid:107)x − ing with any kind of second order TV-like problems 1 i,j i+1,j i,j x (cid:107) is an appropriate choice. The first order TV in this nonlinear situation —neither in the isotropic i+1,j term incorporates horizontal, vertical and both diag- norintheanisotropicsetup. Asexplained, weemploy onal differences. The diagonals are incorporated to diagonal terms to milden unwanted effects caused by reduce unwanted anisotropy effects and are scaled by the anisotropic formulation. √1 totakethelengthofthediagonalonthepixelgrid, Next, we consider suitable modifications of the 2 i.e. the distance of two pixels, into account. We note above functional to obtain models for the inpainting that J(cid:48)(x)=F(x;f)+(α ,α ,0,0)TV (x) is just the problem with noisy and noiseless data. We start by 1 2 1 vector version of the anisotropic discrete ROF func- first formulating the inpainting problem. tional above. Using the notation Inpainting problem in the presence of noise. D (x,y,z)=(cid:107)x−2y+z(cid:107) (4) 2 GivenanimagedomainΩ ={1,...,N}×{1,...,M}, 0 an inpainting region Ω ⊂ Ω is a subset of the image and 0 domain Ω , where the pixel values f , (i,j)∈Ω, are 0 i,j lost. The noiseless or noisy inpainting problems now D (x,y,u,v)=(cid:107)x−y−u+v(cid:107), 1,1 consistoffindingafunctionxdefinedonΩ fromdata 0 foranormofthestandardsecondorderdifferencesfor f given on the complement ΩC of the inpainting re- vector space data, the second order difference compo- gion, such that x is a suitable extension to f onto Ω nent,consistingofahorizontalandverticalcomponent and for the second case additionally denoised. 4 Inpainting without presence of noise. To deal for the case of vectors of cyclic and combined data. with the noiseless situation, we consider the following We further unify the notation to D(·; w) for different modificationofthefunctionalJ givenby(1). Sincethe weights w. This overload is employed to avoid addi- datais assumedto benoiseless, we addthe constraint tional notation and should not cause confusion since that the target variable agrees with the data on the the space under consideration will be clear from the complement of the inpainting region. Furthermore, context. the data term considers only those indices for which Let w = (w )d ∈ Rd, w (cid:54)= 0, be a vector with j j=1 actually data are available. This eliminates the data (cid:80)d w =0, and call such a vector w a weight. Spe- j=1 j term from the functional. More precisely, the second cialcasesarethebinomial coefficients with alternating ordervariationalinpaintingproblemconsideredinthis signs paper reads for a vector space as b =(cid:16)(−1)j+d−1(cid:0) d (cid:1)(cid:17)d+1. d j−1 j=1 argmin αTV (x)+βTV (x)+γTV (x), x 1 2 1,1 (7) For the vectors x(j) ∈Rn, j =1,...,d, we employ the subject to x =f for all (i,j)∈ΩC. matrix x:=(cid:0)x(1),...,x(d)(cid:1)∈Rn×d to define the abso- i,j i,j lute finite difference D for these vectors with respect TheTVtermsTV1,TV2,TV1,1aredefinedby(3),(5) to the weight w ∈Rd by and (6) using the difference terms D ,D ,D based on a norm in the vector space. Due t1o th2e co1,n1straint (cid:13)(cid:88)d (cid:13) D(x;w)=(cid:107)xw(cid:107) =(cid:13) w x(j)(cid:13). they actually only act on those difference terms that (cid:13) j (cid:13) j=1 affect an entry in the inpainting region. For w =b , we obtain the forwarddifferences of order d d for the vectors x(1),...,x(d+1), i.e. Second order TV formulation of the inpainting lpermobinlemprefsoerncneooisfynodiasetat.heFroeqrutihreeminepnatinotfinegquparloitby- Dd(x):=D(x;bd)=(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:88)d+1(−1)j+d−1(cid:0)j−d1(cid:1)x(j)(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:13). on ΩC is replaced by x being a suitable, i.e., smooth j=1 approximation. Inthiscase,wesearchforaminimizer Anotherusefulweightusedinthispaperisw =b := 1,1 of the following second order TV functional for cyclic (−1,1,1,−1). We denote the corresponding finite ab- data for inpainting: solute difference by D (x):=D(x;b ). 1,1 1,1 JΩ(x)=FΩC(x;f)+αTV1(x) Example 2.1. For three points x1,x2,x3 ∈ Rn and (8) w = b = (1,−2,1)T the second order absolute dif- +βTV (x)+γTV (x), 2 2 1,1 ference is given by D (x ,x ,x ) = (cid:107)x −2x +x (cid:107), 2 1 2 3 1 2 3 whereforanysubsetB ⊂Ω oftheimagedomain, we cf. (4). This can be interpreted as measuring the dis- 0 define tance from y to the midpoint mx := 21(x1+x3) of the line segment connecting x and x ; more precisely, we FB(x;f):= 12(cid:88)(i,j)∈Bd(xi,j,fi,j)2. (9) htiaovneiDss2h(oxw1,nxi2n,xF3i)gu=re2(cid:107)121f1(oxr1n+=x323),−buxt2a(cid:107)ls.oTilhluesstritautaes- Thismeansweuseadatatermthatenforcessimilarity the situation for general n > 2 in the plane defined to the given data f on ΩC while applying a regular- by x1,x2,x3. For n = 1 the situation simplifies to x2 ization based on (3),(5), and (6) for the whole image always lying on the line —though not necessarily the domain. Specifying the inpainting area as the empty segment— connecting x1 and x3. set, we obtain the pure denoising problem (1). We consider the cyclic case next. Let S1 denote the unit circle S1 := {p2 +p2 = 1 : p = (p ,p )T ∈ R2} 1 2 1 2 2.2 Absolute differences for combined cyclic endowed with the geodesic or arc length distance and vector space data dS1(p,q)=arccos(cid:104)p,q(cid:105), p,q ∈S1. In order to implement the above variational inpaint- Given a base point q ∈S1, the exponential map exp : ing problem (7) and the simultaneous inpainting and q R → S1 from the tangent space T S1 (cid:39) R of S1 at q denoising problem (8) for combined cyclic and vector q onto S1 is defined by space data, we have to find suitable difference opera- (cid:18) (cid:19) tors D ,D ,D for data consisting of combined cyc- cosx −sinx 1 2 1,1 exp (x)=R q, R := . lic and linear space components. In order to do so, q x x sinx cosx we first find suitable definitions for vectors of cyclic This map is 2π-periodic, i.e., exp (x) = exp ((x) ) data. Then, we combine these definitions with those q q 2π for any x ∈ R, where (x) is the unique point such forthelinearspacecaseinawaysuitabletothespace 2π that of interest in this paper. We use the symbols D al- • ready introduced in (3) for the linear space case, also x=2πk+(x) with (x) ∈[−π,π),k ∈Z. (10) 2π 2π 5 x2 the proximal mappings derived later on. The mini- mum in the definition of the difference simplifies to D(x;w)= minD([(x(1)−x +π,...,x(d)−x +π)] ;w), k k 2π k∈Im d x1 mx x3 where xk := (cid:0)x(kjj)(cid:1)mj=1. This is illustrated in Figure 2 for three points x,y,z ∈ (S1)2. We note that this Figure 1. The three points x ,x ,x ∈ R2 illustrate the 1 2 3 definition contains the notion introduced in [6] for S1 multivariate finite difference D (x ,x ,x ) = 2(cid:107)m − 2 1 2 3 x as a special case. x (cid:107), i.e. the distance of x to the midpoint m := 2 2 x 1(x +x ) of x and x . This measures how “near” Finally, we come to the space of interest in this pa- t2hey1aret3olying1equally3distributedonalinesegment per which is X := (S1)m ×Rn. In this space a vec- in the right order. tor x = (x )n+m consists of two parts: the phase- i i=1 valued xS := (pi)mi=1 ∈ (S1)m and the real valued components xR = (xi)mi=+mn+1 ∈ Rn of x ∈ X. In If we fix q, we obtain a representation system of S1, the following, we will use any representation system i.e., expq is a bijective map where expq(0) = q and in order to write the cyclic components xS as a vector there is a unique x ∈ [−π,π) for each p ∈ S1 such xS ∈[−π,π)m. Thisalsoallowsforx∈X tobeseenas that exp (x)=p. A vector x∈[−π,π)m represents a a vector, where the first m components are restricted q pointin(S1)m bycomponent-wiseapplication,andfor to [−π,π) and the remaining n ones are real-valued. a point q ∈ (S1)m, the map exp : [−π,π)m → (S1)m, The distance of two points x,y ∈ X on this product q exp (x) := (exp (x ),...,exp (x ))T, is bijective space is given by q q1 1 qm m wherethepropertiesfromaboveholdcomponent-wise. (cid:113) A distance measure on (S1)m is given by dX(x,y)= (cid:107)xR−yR(cid:107)2+d(S1)m(xS,yS)2. (cid:13)(cid:0) (cid:1)m (cid:13) d(S1)m(p,q)=(cid:13) arccos(cid:104)pi,qi(cid:105) i=1(cid:13). For a set of points x(1),...,x(d) ∈ X, using the nota- tion x=(x(1),...,x(d)) as before, the finite difference In the following, we introduce higher order differ- for cyclic and noncyclic data with respect to a weight enceson(S1)m. Weemploytherepresentationsystem w ∈Rd\{0} is defined by S1 ∼= [−π,π) induced by using an arbitrary but fixed exponential map. Let x(j) ∈ [−π,π)m, j = 1,...,d. (cid:112) D(x;w):= D(xR;w)2+D(xS;w)2. Using the notation x:=(x(1),...,x(d))∈[−π,π)m×d, the absolute cyclic difference of x(1),...,x(d) with re- We further introduce the short hand notations spect to a weight w ∈Rd\{0} is defined as D (x)=D(x,b ), x∈Xd+1, d∈N, (12) d d D(x;w):= min D([(x(1)+α,...,x(d)+α)] ;w), 2π α∈Rm todenotethecorrespondingabsolutefinitedifferences where [y] for some y ∈(S1)m is multivalued and its of order d. Furthermore we introduce —with a slight 2π abuse of the difference notation— the second order ith component ([y] ) is given by 2π i mixed difference of four points, e.g. given on a 2×2 ([y] ) =(cid:40)(yi)2π, if yi (cid:54)=(2z+1)π for all z ∈Z, sxu∈bseXt4o,fwthiethpibx1e,1lg=rid(−⊗10,)1b,y1,D−11,1)(Tx.)F:=orDt(hxe;bw1e,1i)ghfotsr 2π i ±π else. correspondingtofirstandsecondorderdifferences,we (11) have a particularly nice representation, which is given Thisdefinitionmayseemabittechnicalatfirstglance. by the following Lemma. However, itallowsfortwopointsx(i),x(j),i,j ∈I := d {1,...,d}, having the same value x(i) = x(j) in one Lemma 2.2. For w ∈ {b1,b2,b1,1} and x ∈ Xd l l componentl∈{1,...,m}tobetreateddifferently, cf. where d denotes the length of w, we have the definition for S1 in [6, Section 2]. In fact, we may chooseanyq ∈(S1)m asabasepointforourrepresen- D(x,w)2 =(cid:107)(xSw)2π(cid:107)2+(cid:107)xRw(cid:107)2, (13) tationsystem,whichshiftsanysetofpointsgivenwith respect to exp by a fixed value of α := exp−1(q(cid:48)). Proof. For the real-valued components there is noth- q q When the shift(cid:48)by α∈Rm is small enough, such that ing to show. Hence we may restrict to n = 0 (which no component of x is affected by the component-wise corresponds to purely cyclic data) and thus have to application of [·]2π, both representation systems yield show that D(x,w) = (cid:107)(xw)2π(cid:107) for x ∈ (S1)n×d. To the same value. Using this notation we can simplify this end we apply Proposition 2.5 of [6] to each row x both the definition of the second order difference and and conclude the validity of (13). 6 y0 y0 π π x s00 z z00 x z x0 α 0 s0 0 s F F s00 s0 yFs0 y00 y Fs Fs π π − π 0 π − π 0 π − − Fs00 x00 (a) Different shifts, where the first two, F ,F yield the (b) Three representation systems with points x,y,z at s s(cid:48) same constellation of x,y,z. ±π in at least one dimension. Figure 2. For given points x,y,z ∈[−π,π)2 in a representation system F , i.e., with base point s the two subfigures s illustrate different shifts: ((a)) shifts by arbitrary α ∈ R2, e.g., to s = s+α yielding the same value of D , (cid:48) 2 and ((b)) cases yielding different values for the second order difference and a minimum occurring for x,y,z at the borders of the representation system. 2.3 Inpainting combined cyclic and vector and (6) employing the second order absolute cyclic space data differences D , D from (12), respectively. 2 1,1 We can now apply the definition of absolute differ- ences for combined cyclic and vector space data we 3 Algorithms for inpainting and derived in Section2.2 to obtain variational models for denoising combined cyclic and linear inpaintingandsimultaneousinpaintinganddenoising. space data This extends the models for the Euclidean differences in Subsection 2.1 using a first order TV term (3) as In this section, we derive algorithms to solve the in- well as to the second order TV terms (5) and (6) to a painting problem (14), and the combined inpainting more general setting. The noiseless inpainting model and denoising problem (15). Note that the latter in- now reads cludes the denoising of combined cyclic and vector space data for the case of Ω=∅, an empty inpainting argmin αTV (x)+βTV (x)+γTV (x), 1 2 1,1 set. These algorithms are based on a cyclic proximal x∈XN M × pointalgorithmwhoseconceptwerecallinSection3.1. subject to x =f for all (i,j)∈ΩC. i,j i,j Wederiveexplicitformulasfortheproximalmappings (14) that are needed for inpainting and denoising of such combined data in Section 3.2. Using these explicit Here, TV is defined by (3) incorporating the first or- 1 representations, we derive a cyclic proximal point al- der absolute differences D given by (12) and the sec- 1 gorithm for inpainting noiseless combined cyclic and ond order TV terms TV , TV are defined by (5) 2 1,1 vector space data and similarly for simultaneously in- and (6) employing the second order absolute differ- painting and denoising data in Section 3.3. This also ences D , D given by (12), respectively. 2 1,1 includes an efficient choice for the cycles involved. Fi- Proceeding similarly, we get a variational formula- nallyinSection3.4,weproveconvergenceofouralgo- tionoftheinpaintingproblemfornoisycombinedcyc- rithmtoaminimizerundercertainconditionsthatre- lic and vector space data by computing a minimizer flect the space-inherent non-convexity of the involved of functionals. J (x)=F (x;f)+αTV (x) Ω ΩC 1 (15) +βTV (x)+γTV (x). 3.1 The cyclic proximal point algorithm 2 1,1 Here the data term is given by (9) using the distance For a closed, convex and proper functional ϕ: Rn → function on X = (S1)m×Rn. As in the noiseless sit- R∪{∞} the proximal mapping is given by uation, TV is defined by (3) again incorporating the ofinrsdt oorrddeerr aT1bVsoltuetremcsyTclVic d,iTffeVrenceasreDd1eafinndedthbeys(e5c)- proxλϕ(f):=arxg∈mRnin12(cid:13)(cid:13)f −x(cid:13)(cid:13)2+λϕ(x), f ∈Rn, 2 1,1 7 where λ > 0 is a tradeoff or regularization parame- We first need some basic results on the linear case ter. The fixed points of prox (f) are minimizers of which involves vectors of real-valued data only. To λϕ ϕ. Hence, if the proximal mapping prox (f) can be this end, we start with a generalization of [6, Lemma λϕ computed in closed form, an algorithm for finding a 3.1]. We derive explicit expressions for the proximal minimizer is given by iterating mappings of functions living on linear spaces which are of the form x(k) =prox (x(k−1)), k =1,2,... λϕ ϕ(x)=(cid:107)xw−a(cid:107), a∈Rn, for some starting value x(0). This algorithm is where the target variable x is a matrix in Rn×d, and called proximal point algorithm (PPA) and was intro- where d corresponds to the length of w. The vector a duced by Rockafellar [68]. It was recently extended introduces an offset. We employ the notation (cid:107)y(cid:107) = F to Riemannian manifolds [35] and also to Hadamard (cid:113) (cid:80)n,d (cid:0)y(j)(cid:1)2 to denote the Frobenius norm of a spaces [3]. Denoting the distance on a Riemannian i,j=1 i manifold M by d the proximal mapping on a man- matrix y. M ifold reads for a function ϕ: Mn →R as Lemma 3.1. Let f = (cid:0)f(1),...,f(d)(cid:1) ∈ Rn×d be a 1 matrix whose columns f(i) represent the data vectors, proxλϕ(f):=argmin2dM(f,x)2+λϕ(x), f ∈Mn. let0(cid:54)=w ∈Rd (wnotnecessarilyaweight),andλ>0 x∈Mn be given. For the functional We note that on some manifolds, e.g. the spheres Sd 1 there is no definition of a (globally) convex function. E(x;f,a,w)= (cid:107)f −x(cid:107)2 +λ(cid:107)xw−a(cid:107), (17) 2 F Hence the minimizer might not be unique. This is for example the case when looking at our space Xd, as withtargetvariablex∈Rn×d,theminimizerxˆisgiven this is not even the case for cyclic data, cf. [6]. by If the function ϕ can be split into simpler parts, i.e. ϕ = (cid:80)c ϕ , for which then individually the proxi- xˆ=f −mswT, (18) i=1 i mal mappings are known in closed form, a similar al- (cid:40) fw−a if (cid:107)fw−a(cid:107) =(cid:54) 0, gorithmisgivenforasequence{λk}k ofregularization where s:= (cid:107)fw−a(cid:107) parameters by 0 else, and m := min(cid:8)λ, (cid:107)fw−a(cid:107)(cid:9). The minimum x(k+cl) =proxλkϕl(cid:0)x(k+l−c1)(cid:1), E(xˆ;f,a,w) is given by (cid:107)w(cid:107)2 l=1,...,c, k =1,2,..., E(xˆ;f,a,w) (19) (cid:40) and it is called cyclic proximal point algorithm 1(cid:107)fw−a(cid:107)2 if m≤λ, (CPPA).ItsformulationonEuclideanspaceisderived = (cid:107)2w(cid:107)2(cid:0)1λ2+λ((cid:13)(cid:13)fw−a(cid:13)(cid:13)−λ)) otherwise. in [9], see also the survey [8]. It converges to a mini- 2 (cid:107)w(cid:107)2 mizer of ϕ if Furthermore, given data f,f˜ ∈ Rn×d, and different (cid:88)∞ (cid:88)∞ offsets a,a˜∈Rn, the following implication holds: λ =∞, and λ2 <∞. (16) k k k=0 k=0 (cid:107)fw−a(cid:107) <(cid:107)f˜w−a˜(cid:107) (20) TheconceptofCPPAsforHadamardspaceshasbeen =⇒ min E(x;f,a,w)< min E(x;f˜,a˜,w). treated in in [2]. A CPPA for TV minimization for x∈Rn d x∈Rn d × × manifolds and in Hadamard spaces has been derived in [85]. For second order TV type problems, a CPPA Proof. We first reduce the functional to be minimized to denoise S1 data was derived in [6]. A preliminary to an equivalent problem without offset. By assump- model, different to the one appearing in this paper, tionthereisanindexj suchthatw (cid:54)=0,whichallows was applied to inpainting of S1 data in [7]. For man- j us to write (17) as ifold data in general, the main challenge is to derive proximal mappings which are as explicit as possible. E(x;f,a,w)= 21(cid:107)f −x(cid:107)2F+λ|wj|(cid:13)(cid:13)(cid:0)x− wa eTj(cid:1)(cid:0)ww (cid:1)(cid:13)(cid:13). j j 3.2 Proximal mappings for inpainting Defining the new target matrix y := x − a eT, the wj j Here we derive closed form expressions for the prox- new data matrix g = f − a eT, the new regularizing wj j imal mappings needed to make the cyclic proximal parameter ν := λ|w ||, and the new (not necessarily j pointalgorithmfromSection3.1workfortheinpaint- weight) vector v := w , we obtain the new problem ingproblems(14)and(15)inthenonlinearspacescon- wj sideredinthispaper. Inparticular,wederiveproximal 1 F(y;g,v)= (cid:107)g−y(cid:107)2 +ν(cid:107)yv(cid:107), (21) mappings incorporating constraints directly. 2 F 8 wherethesecondtermisfreeofanoffset. Therelation and denote f = (f(1),f(2),f(3)). Depending on the between minimizers xˆ of E and yˆ of F is given via chosen value for λ in the proximal mapping, there are yˆ=xˆ− a eT. two possibilities: If m= (cid:107)fw(cid:107) = (cid:107)fb2(cid:107) ≤λ, we obtain wj j (cid:107)w(cid:107)2 6 We now consider the problem (21) and first three points x=prox (f)=f −msbT that lie on a show (18) for F. The corresponding statement for E line, cf. Figure 3(a).λDI2f m > λ, then 2the result x of followsbycarryingouttheresubstitution. If(cid:107)gv(cid:107) =0 the proximal mapping does not yield D (x) = 0, but 2 then we have F(g;g,v) = 0 and hence yˆ = g is the the‘movement’ofthepointsindirectionsisrestricted minimizer of (21). So we may assume (cid:107)gv(cid:107) =(cid:54) 0 in the by λbT, cf. Figure 3(b). 2 following. We now distinguish whether (cid:107)yv(cid:107) =(cid:54) 0 or (cid:107)yv(cid:107) = 0. In the first case, we may differentiate F, Afterthesepreparations,wenowdealwiththeprox- and setting the gradient of F to zero results in imalmappingsneededfortheinpaintingproblems(14) and (15) for combined cyclic and vector space data. ν 0=y−g+ (yv)vT. In particular, each data item now is an element of (cid:107)yv(cid:107) X = (S1)m ×Rn. As motivation, let us first have a We multiply by v to obtain yv −gv = −ν yv (cid:107)v(cid:107)2. look at the first order difference D1 and the inpaint- (cid:107)yv(cid:107) ing problem (14) for noiseless data. By the constraint Rearranging yields (cid:0)1+ν(cid:107)v(cid:107)2(cid:1)yv =gv, which implies (cid:107)yv(cid:107) xij = fij outside the inpainting region, it might hap- yv = gv , i.e., both vectors have the same direc- pen that at the boundary of the inpainting region the (cid:107)yv(cid:107) (cid:107)gv(cid:107) tion. member x = f is fixed but its neigbor, say x , ij ij i,j+1 This leads to gv may vary. Then, we have to study the correspond- y =g−ν vT. ingfunctionalD (x ,x )forfixedx andfindits (cid:107)gv(cid:107) 1 ij i,j+1 i,j proximal mapping. The following theorem deals with For (cid:107)yv(cid:107) = 0 we look at the subgradient of F. As this issue in a more general setup. condition for a minimizer yˆ, we have that yˆ−g is in Before we state the theorem we introduce some the subgradient of ν(cid:107)yˆv(cid:107). For y with (cid:107)yv(cid:107) = 0, this notation: By again using a representation system subgradient is given as {zvT: (cid:107)z(cid:107) ≤ ν}. When con- S1 ∼= [−π,π), we can interpret any x ∈ X as a vec- sidering the functional F, the amplitude m from the tor x = (xS,xR)T ∈ Xd, where the same representa- assertion of the lemma reads m = min{ν,(cid:107)gv(cid:107)/(cid:107)v(cid:107)}. tion system is used for all cyclic components. If (cid:107)gv(cid:107)/(cid:107)v(cid:107) < ν, then F is differentiable at y = We define (·) : R(m+n)×d →Xd by X g − msvT, (cid:107)yv(cid:107) (cid:54)= 0, and we are in the previously considered case. Hence, we may assume that m = ν. (x)X :=((xS)2π,xR)T, Then, for yˆ=g−msvT, we have yˆ−g =msvT with m = ν. This shows that yˆ fulfills the condition of a where (xS)2π is defined as the component-wise appli- minimizer. In consequence, (18) is true for the func- cation of (·) as given in (10), i.e. is applied to the 2π tional F. Then resubstituting shows (18) for E, and m cyclic components of each column vector x(i) ∈ X. plugging xˆ into E we get (19). Similarly we define It remains to show the implication (20). To this end,letµ= f(cid:107)ww−(cid:107)a andµ˜ := f˜(cid:107)ww−(cid:107)a˜. Bytheassumption [x]X :=([xS]2π,xR)T, of (20), (cid:107)µ(cid:107) <(cid:107)µ˜(cid:107). We consider three cases. If (cid:107)µ˜(cid:107) ≤ λ,then(cid:107)µ(cid:107) <λ.Hence,theminimizerofE(x;f,a,w) where [·]2π defined in (11) is applied to the phase- equals 1(cid:107)w(cid:107)2(cid:107)µ(cid:107)2, and the one of E(x;f˜,a˜,w) equals valued components of x. 1(cid:107)w(cid:107)2(cid:107)2µ˜(cid:107)2 >2 1(cid:107)w(cid:107)2(cid:107)µ(cid:107)2 which shows (20). If (cid:107)µ˜(cid:107) > Inthefollowingweconsideraweightvectorw ∈Rd, 2 2 2 2 λ and (cid:107)µ(cid:107) < λ, we have to consider the second line a data matrix x = (x(1),...,x(d)) with each member of (19) for (cid:107)µ˜(cid:107). From this we obtain a minimal value x(i) having values in X = (S1)m ×Rn and a subset of E(x;f˜,a˜,w). We have to show that A ⊂ {1,...,d}. We partition w into a variable part wa and into a fixed part w˜ according to whether the (cid:107)w(cid:107)2λ(cid:0)1λ+((cid:13)(cid:13)µ˜(cid:13)(cid:13)−λ))> 1(cid:107)w(cid:107)2(cid:107)µ(cid:107)2; index i of wi belongs to A or not. Accordingly, we 2 2 partition x into a variable part xa and into a fixed but this is a consequence of the second summand on part x˜ and consider the mappings thelefthandsidebeingpositiveandλ≥(cid:107)µ(cid:107).Finally, ϕ : xa (cid:55)→D(x,w) (22) if both (cid:107)µ˜(cid:107) > λ and (cid:107)µ(cid:107) > λ, we apply the second A line of (19) and see that we need (cid:107)µ˜(cid:107)−λ > (cid:107)µ(cid:107)−λ for the corresponding differences D(x,w), where only for the statement to hold. This is true by assumption the xa are considered as variable and the x˜ are fixed which completes the proof. values. We derive an explicit representation for the Example 3.2. We continue with the situation from correspondingproximalmappingsinthefollowingthe- Example2.1andtakethreepointsf(j) ∈R2,j =1,2,3 orem. 9 f(2) f(2) x(1) x(3) ∆2(x)=0 x(2) ∆2x((x3))>0 x(2)=mx 16kfb2k2≤λ x(1) mx λ< 61kfb2k2 f(3) f(3) f(1) mf f(1) (a) Minimizing D (f)=2(cid:107)m −f(2)(cid:107) to (b) Tradeoff between minimizing D and a maximal 2 f 2 zero by moving f to x, where x(2) =m . movement of f(j), j =1,2,3. x Figure 3. TwocasesofthesecondorderdifferenceD (f)inRn bylookingattheplanegeneratedbyf(1),f(2),f(3) ∈ 2 Rn: The original points f are moved onto x towards forming a line: ((a)) yielding D (x) = 0, i.e. x is the mid 2 2 point m of x and x , and ((b)) reducing D (x) < D (f) but restricting the movement to be less then λ ∈ R x 1 3 2 2 for f(1),f(3) and 2λ for f(2) respectively. Theorem 3.3. Let w be one of the weights w = proximalmappingissingle-valuedyieldingadetermin- (−1,1), w = (1,−2,1), or w = (−1,1,1,−1) which istic result. However, we notice that jumps of hight corresponds to considering the first order difference close to π are problematic since then stability issues D and the second order differences D and D , re- appear. Furthermore, data with antipodal points or al- 1 2 1,1 spectively. Let d be the respective length of w, A ⊂ most antipodal points may often be interpreted as not {1,...,d}, and w be partitioned into the correspond- fineenoughsampleddata. Thismeans, ifthesampling ing variable part wa and into a fixed part w˜. We par- rate is higher, the distance of nearby data items might tition x,f ∈ Xd accordingly and let f˜= x˜. Then, the getsmallerandthesituationmightjustdisappear. We proximal mapping of ϕ defined in (22) is given by note that this does not exclude the possibility of jumps A in the finer sampled data. The point is that large crit- proxλϕA(fa)=(fa−ms(wa)T)X, ical jumps might be revealed as smaller jumps. with the parameter λ>0; here, the direction(s) s and Proof of Theorem 3.3. In order to derive explicit for- amplitude m are given by mulae for the proximal mappings, we have to find the minimizer(s) of (cid:40) [fw] if (cid:107)(fw) (cid:107) =(cid:54) 0, s= (cid:107)(fw)X(cid:107) X 1 (cid:88) 0 X else, EX(xa;fa,w):= 2 dX(x(j),f(j))2+λD(x;w). j∈A and By Lemma 2.2 we may rewrite E (xa;fa,w) as X (cid:26) (cid:27) m=min λ,(cid:107)(fw)X(cid:107) . (23) EX(xa;fa,w) (cid:107)wa(cid:107)2 = 12 (cid:88)(cid:13)(cid:13)fR(j)−x(Rj)(cid:13)(cid:13)2 Remark. We note that the bracket [·]X and thus the j∈A pardodxitimioanlaml ianpsptainngce(hoafvsin),giasnmaudldtiivtiaolnuaedlviaflusoemfoerceoamch- + 21 (cid:88)k(mj)∈inZm(cid:13)(cid:13)fS(j)−x(Sj)−2πk(j)(cid:13)(cid:13)2 ponents of (fSw)2π are equal to −π. More precisely, j∈A (cid:112) if there are l∈{1,...,n} such components, we obtain + min λ (cid:107)xRw(cid:107)2+(cid:107)xSw−2πσ(cid:107)2. 2l solutions from the different instances the vector s σ∈Zm might take. The reason for this is, that the mapping We now use that x˜=f˜and employ the notation (cid:107)·(cid:107) F ϕ is no longer convex for data in X, and that the A fortheFrobeniusnorm. Fortheremainingpartofthe minimizerdefiningthe proximal mappingisnotneces- proof, let t:=|A|. We obtain that sarily unique. Owing to this observation, we consider set valued proximal mappings gathering all minimiz- E (xa;fa,w) X ers. We notice that the above proximal mapping is (cid:32) issintghlee-gveanlueerdicicfaasne.dTonhelydiefg(efnSewra)t2eπc∈as(e−inπv,oπl)vdi.ngTahnis- =kσ∈m∈ZZminm×t 21(cid:107)fRa−xaR(cid:107)2F + 21(cid:107)fSa−xaS −2πk(cid:107)2F tipodal points appears rather seldom in practice; at (cid:33) (cid:113) least, in a non-artificial noisy setup, it is very un- +λ (cid:107)xaRwa+f˜Rw˜(cid:107)2+(cid:107)xaSwa−(2πσ−f˜Sw˜)(cid:107)2 . likely to encounter antipodal points. Then, at least the 10

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