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Preview A Score-level Fusion Method for Eye Movement Biometrics

1 A Score-level Fusion Method for Eye Movement Biometrics Anjith George, Member, IEEE, and Aurobinda Routray, Member, IEEE Abstract—Thispaperproposesanovelframeworkfortheuseofeyemovementpatternsforbiometricapplications.Eyemovements containabundantinformationaboutcognitivebrainfunctions,neuralpathways,etc.Intheproposedmethod,eyemovementdatais classifiedintofixationsandsaccades.FeaturesextractedfromfixationsandsaccadesareusedbyaGaussianRadialBasisFunction Network(GRBFN)basedmethodforbiometricauthentication.Ascorefusionapproachisadoptedtoclassifythedataintheoutput layer.Intheevaluationstage,thealgorithmhasbeentestedusingtwotypesofstimuli:randomdotfollowingonascreenandtext reading.Theresultsindicatethestrengthofeyemovementpatternasabiometricmodality.Thealgorithmhasbeenevaluatedon 6 BioEye2015databaseandfoundtooutperformalltheothermethods.Eyemovementsaregeneratedbyacomplexoculomotorplant 1 whichisveryhardtospoofbymechanicalreplicas.Useofeyemovementdynamicsalongwithirisrecognitiontechnologymayleadto 0 arobustcounterfeit-resistantpersonidentificationsystem. 2 n IndexTerms—Eyetracking,Biometrics,Eyemovementbiometrics,Gazetracking. a (cid:70) J 3 1 1 INTRODUCTION ] BIOMETRICSisanactiveareaofresearchinpatternrecog- be spoofed by contact lenses with printed patterns. Even V nition and machine learning community. Potential ap- though most of the biometric modalities perform well on C plicationsofbiometricsincludeforensics,lawenforcement, evaluationdatabases,onemaybeabletospoofsuchsystems . surveillance, personalized interaction, access control [1], with mechanical replicas or artificially fabricated models s c etc. Physiological features like fingerprint, DNA, earlobe [7]. In this regard, several approaches have been presented [ geometry, iris pattern, facial recognition, [2] are widely [8]todetectthelivelinessoftissuesorbodypartspresented 1 used in biometrics. Recently, several behavioral biometric to the biometric system. However, such methods are also v modalities have been proposed including gait, eye move- vulnerabletospoofing. 3 mentpatterns,keystrokedynamics [3]signature,etc.Even Biometricsusingpatternsobtainedfromeyemovements 3 thoughmanysuchparameterslikebrainsignals [4](using is a relatively new field of research. Most of the conven- 3 electroencephalogram) and heart beats [5] have been pro- tionalbiometricsusephysiologicalcharacteristicsofthehu- 3 posed as biometric modalities, their invasive nature limits manbody.Eyemovement-basedbiometricstriestoidentify 0 theirpracticalapplications. the behavioral patterns as well as information regarding . 1 An effective biometric should have the following char- physiological properties of tissues and muscles generating 0 acteristics [1]: 1) the features should be unique for each eye movements [9]. They provide abundant information 6 individual, 2) they should not change with time (template about cognitive brain functions and neural signals control- 1 : aging effects), 3) acquisition of parameters should be easy ling eye movements. Saccadic eye movement is the fastest v (low computational complexity and noninvasive), 4) ac- movement (peak angular velocities up to 900 degrees per i X curate and automated algorithms should be available for second) in the human body. Mechanically replicating such r classification, 5) counterfeit resistance, 6) low cost, and 7) a complex oculomotor plant model is extremely difficult. a ease of implementation. Other characteristics that might These properties make eye movement patterns a suitable makethesystemmorerobustareportabilityandtheability candidate for biometric applications. The dynamics of eye toextractfeaturesfromnon-co-operativesubjects. movement along with these properties can give inbuilt Out of many biometric modalities, iris recognition has livelinessdetectioncapability. shown the most promising results [6] obtaining Equal Initially,eyemovementbiometricshasbeenproposedas Error Rates (EER) close to 0.0011%. However, it can only a soft biometric. However, with the high level of accuracy be used when the user is co-operative. Such systems can achieved, it seems there are more opportunities regarding its application as an independent biometric modality. Eye movement detection can be integrated easily into already • A. George and A. Routray are with the Department of Electrical existing iris recognition systems. A combination of iris Engineering,IITKharagpur,India,721302. recognitionandeyemovementpatternrecognitionmaylead E-mail:[email protected] toarobustcounterfeit-resistantbiometricmodalitywithem- • This is the author version of the accepted manuscript. The full bedded liveliness detection and continuous authentication version of the method described in this paper is available in properties.Eyemovementbiometricscanalsobemadetask- : Anjith George and Aurobinda Routray. ”A Score-level Fusion Method for Eye Movement Biometrics, Pattern Recognition Letters. independent [10] so that the movements can be captured http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0167865515004067 evenfornon-co-operativesubjects. DOI:http://dx.doi.org/10.1016/j.patrec.2015.11.020 The rest of the paper is organized as follows. Section 2 2 describes previous works related to the use of eye move- andKomogortsevpresentedanapproach(CEM) [20]using ment as a biometric. Section 3 presents the proposed algo- several scan path features including saccade amplitudes, rithm.Evaluationofthealgorithmalongwiththeresultsare averagesaccadevelocities,averagesaccadepeakvelocities, outlinedinsection4.Conclusionsregardingeyemovement velocity waveform, fixation counts, average duration of biometricsandpossibleextensionsaredetailedinsection5. fixation, length of scan path, area of scan path, regions of interest, number of inflections, main sequence relationship, pairwise distances between fixations, amplitude duration 2 RELATED WORKS relationship, etc. A comparison metric of the features was Initialattemptstouseeyemovementsasabiometricmodal- computedusingGaussiancumulativedensityfunction.An- ity were carried out by Kasprowski and Ober [11]. They othersimilaritymetricwasobtainedbycomparingthescan recorded the eye movements of subjects following a jump- paths. A weighted fusion of these parameters obtained the ingdotonascreen.SeveralfrequencydomainandCepstral bestcaseEERof27%.HollandandKomogortsevproposeda features were extracted from this data. They applied dif- method(CEM-B)[21],inwhichthefixationandsaccadefea- ferentclassificationmethodslikenaiveBayes,C45decision tures were compared using statistical methods like Ansari- trees, SVM and KNN methods. The results obtained fur- Bradley test, two-sample t-test, two-sample Kolmogorov- thermotivatedresearchineyemovement-basedbiometrics. Smirnov test, and the two-sample Cramer-von Mises test. Bednariketal. [12]conductedexperimentsonseveraltasks Their approach achieved 83% rank-1 IR and 16.5% EER on includingtextreading,movingcrossstimulustrackingand adatasetof32subjects. freeviewingofimages.TheyusedFFTandPCAontheeye Tothebestknowledgeoftheauthors,thebestcaseEER movementdata.Severalcombinationsofsuchfeatureswere obtained is 16.5% [21]. Most of the works presented in the tried. However, the best results were obtained using the literature were evaluated on smaller databases. The effect distancebetweeneyes,whichisnotrelatedtoeyedynamics. of template aging was not considered in these works. For Komogortsev et al. [13] used an Oculomotor Plant Mathe- theapplicationofeyemovementasareliablebiometric,the maticalModel(OPMM)tomodelthecomplexdynamicsof patterns should remain consistent with time. In this paper, theoculomotorplant.Theplantparameterswereidentified wetrytoimproveupontheexistingmethods.Theproposed from the eye movement data. This approach was further algorithmcanreachanEERupto2.59%andrank-1accuracy extendedin [14].HollandandKomogortsev [15]evaluated of 89.54% in RAN 30min dataset of BioEye 2015 database theapplicabilityofeyemovementbiometricswithdifferent [22] containing 153 subjects. Template aging effect has also spatialandtemporalaccuraciesandvarioustypesofstimuli. beenstudiedusingdatatakenafteranintervalof1year.The Several parameters of eye movements were extracted from average EER obtained is 10.96% with a rank-1 accuracy of fixationsandsaccades.Weightedcomponentswereusedto 81.08%with37subjects. compare different samples for biometric identification. A temporal resolution of 250 Hz and spatial accuracy of 0.5 3 PROPOSED METHOD degrees were identified as the minimum requirements for In the proposed approach, eye movement data from the accurategaze-basedbiometricsystems.Kinnunenetal. [10] experiment are classified into fixations and saccades, and presented a task-independent user authentication system their statistical features are used to characterize each indi- based on eye movements. Gaussian mixture modeling of vidual. For each individual, the properties of saccades of short-term gaze data was used in their approach. Even samedurationshavebeenreportedtobesimilar[23].Weuse thoughtheaccuracyrateswerefairlylow,thestudyopened this knowledge and extract the statistical properties of the up possibilities for the development of task-independent eyemovementsforbiometricidentification.Differentstages eye movement-based verification systems. Rigas et al. [16] ofthealgorithmaredescribedbelow. explored variations in individual gaze patterns while ob- serving human face images. Eye movements resulted were 3.1 Datapre-processingandnoiseremoval analyzed using a graph-based approach. The Multivariate Wald-Wolfowitz runs test was used to classify the eye The data contains visual angles in both x and y direc- movement data. This method achieved 70% rank-1 IR and tions along with stimulus angles. Information about the 30% EER on a database of 15 subjects. Rigas et al. [17] validity of samples is also available. Eye movement data extended this method using features of velocity and accel- has been captured at a sampling frequency of 1000Hz. The eration calculated from fixations. The feature distributions data obtained is decimated to 250Hz using an anti-aliasing werecomparedusingWald-Wolfowitztest. filter. In the proposed feature extraction method, most of the parameters are computed with reference to the screen Zhang et al. [18] used saccadic eye movements with coordinate system. Hence, in the pre-processing stage, the machinelearningalgorithmsforbiometricverification.They data obtained is converted to screen coordinates based on used multilayer perceptron networks, support vector ma- headdistanceandgeometryoftheacquisitionsystemas: chines,radialbasisfunctionnetworksandlogisticdiscrimi- nant for the classification of eye movement data. Recently (cid:18)d∗w (cid:19) w Cantoni et al. [19] proposed a gaze analysis technique xscreen = wpix tan(θx)+ 2pix (1) called GANT in which fixation patterns were denoted by a (cid:18)d∗h (cid:19) h graph-basedrepresentation.Foreachuser,afixationmodel yscreen = hpix tan(θy)+ p2ix (2) was constructed using the duration and number of visits atvarious points.Frobeniusnorm ofthe densitymapswas where, d,θx and θy denote distance from the screen and usedtofindthesimilaritybetweentworecordings.Holland visual angles in x and y direction (in radian) respectively. 3 xscreenandyscreendenotethepositionofgazeonthescreen. Algorithm 1: Fixation and Saccade classification algo- wpix,hpix,w,h denote resolution and physical size of the rithm screeninhorizontalandverticaldirectionsrespectively. Data:[TimeGazexGazey] Raw eye gaze positions may contain noise. Most of the Result:Res features used in this work are extracted from velocity and Constants:VT=Velocitythreshold,MDF=Minimum accelerationprofiles.Thepresenceofnoisemakesitdifficult durationforfixation; to estimate the velocity and acceleration parameters using States=[FIXATION,SACCADE]; differentiation operation. Eye movement signals contain fixationStart=1; high-frequency components, especially during saccades. Velocity=smoothDiff(data); High-frequency components would be more prominent in N ←Numberofsamplesofdata; velocityandaccelerationprofiles [24].Savitzky-Golayfilters forindex←1toNdo are useful for filtering out the noise when the frequency ifVelocity[index]<VTthen span of the signal is large [25]. They are reported to be currentState=FIXATION; optimal [26]forminimizingtheleast-squareerrorinfitting iflastState(cid:54)=currentStatethen a polynomial to frames of the noisy data. We use this filter fixationStart=index; with polynomial order of 6 and frame size of 15 in our end approach. else iflastState=FIXATIONthen 3.2 Eyemovementclassificationandfeatureextraction duration=data(index,1)- data(fixationStart,1); 3.2.1 Eyemovementclassification ifduration<MDFthen The I-VT (velocity threshold) algorithm [27], [28] is used fori←fixationStarttoindexdo to classify the filtered eye movement data into a sequence res[i]=SACCADE; of fixations and saccades (Algorithm 1). Most of the earlier end works specify the velocity threshold for angular velocity. end The angular velocity computed from the filtered data is end used to classify the eye movements. A velocity of 50 de- currentState=SACCADE; grees/secondisusedasthethresholdinI-VTalgorithm. end lastState=currentState; res[index]=currentState; end Res←res; stage.Intheproposedapproach,weconsidersaccadeswith theirdurationsmorethanaspecifiedthresholdtominimize theeffectofspurioussaccadesegments.Fromtheresultsof Algorithm1,alistcontainingstartingindexanddurationof allfixationsandsaccadesiscreated.Apost-processingstage is carried out to remove small-duration saccades. Saccades withdurationlessthan12millisecondsareremovedinthis stage. 3.2.2 Featureextraction After the removal of small-duration saccades, each eye movementdataisarrangedintoasequenceoffixationsand saccades.Thesequenceofgazelocationsandcorresponding visualanglesarealsoavailableforeachfixationandsaccade. Several statistical features are extracted from the position, velocity and acceleration profiles of the gaze sequence. Other features like duration, dispersion, path length and co-occurrence features are also extracted for both fixations and saccades. Earlier works [13] suggested that saccades Fig.1:GazedataandstimulusforRAN 30minsequence provide a rich amount of information about the dynam- ics of oculomotor plant. Hence, we extract several other A minimum duration threshold of 100 milliseconds has parameters including the saccadic ratio, main sequence, been chosen to reduce the false positives in fixation iden- angle,etc.Saccadesinhorizontalandverticaldirectionsare tification. Algorithm 1 returns the classification results for generated by different areas of the brain [29]. We use the eachdatapointaseitherfixationorsaccade.Pointsthatare statistical properties of the gaze data in x and y directions not a part of fixations are considered as saccades in this to incorporate this information. The distance and angle 4 withthepreviousfixation/saccadearealsousedasfeatures Algorithm2:Backwardfeatureselection to leverage the temporal properties. The method used for Data:Featurematrix computationoffeaturesisdescribedbelow. Result:featureList[1:Included,0:Excluded] Let X = {x1,x2,x3,...,xN} and Y = N ←Numberoffeatures; {y1,y2,y3,...,yN} denote the set of coordinate positions featureList←ones(N); of gaze in each fixation/saccade and let N denotes the fori←1toNdo number of data points in any fixation or saccade. (xi,yi) W ←featureList; denotes gaze location on the screen coordinate system and E ←+Inf; (θix,θiy) denotes the corresponding horizontal and vertical forj ←0to1do visualangles. W[i]←j; A large number of features are extracted from the gaze T←EERwithincludedfeaturesusingRBFN; sequence in each fixation and saccade. Some features are ifT <E then derived from the angular velocity. The differentiation op- featureList[i]←j; eration for finding velocity and acceleration is carried out E ←T; usingforwarddifferencemethodonthesmootheddata.List end offeaturesextractedfromfixationsandsaccadesalongwith end themethodsofcomputationareshowninTable1andTable end 2.Thefeaturesareextractedindependentlyforeachfixation andsaccade. The control mechanisms generating fixations and sac- than linear classifiers. It has also been reported that the cadesaredifferent.Thenumberoffixationsandsaccadesis parameters like amplitude-duration and amplitude-peak alsodifferentineachrecording.Thereisatotalof12and46 velocitymayvarywiththeangleofsaccade[31].Thenature features extracted from fixations and saccades respectively. ofsaccadedynamicsmaybedifferentindifferentdirections Afeaturenormalizationschemeisusedtoscaleeachfeature as the stimulus is changing randomly at various points on into a common range to ensure equal contribution in the thescreen.Foreachperson,saccadesofdifferentamplitudes finalclassificationstage. anddirectionsformclustersinthefeaturespace.Inorderto 3.2.3 Featureselection usethemulti-modenatureofthedata,werepresentthemby clusteringtheminthefeaturespace.Representativevectors The large number of features extracted may contain re- from each cluster are used to characterize each person. We dundancy and correlation. A backward feature selection use Gaussian Radial Basis Function Network (GRBFN) to algorithm, as shown in Algorithm 2 is used to retain a modelthesedata.Themultipleclustercentersinthefeature minimal set of discriminant features. We use the wrapper- space are used as representative vectors in this approach. based approach [30] for selecting the features. An RBFN This vectors are selected using the K-means algorithm. classifier is used for finding the Equal Error Rate (EER) in TwodifferentRBFNsaretrainedseparatelyforfixationand each iteration. Cross-validation has been carried out in the saccade. Details about the structure of network and score training set to avoid overfitting. We used a random 50% fusionstagearedescribedinthefollowingsection. subset of the development dataset for the feature selection algorithm.Featureselectionalgorithmstartswithasetofall the features. Now in each iteration, the EER with inclusion 3.3 RBFnetwork and exclusion of a particular feature is found. The feature Radial Basis Function Network (RBFN) is a class of neural is retained if the EER with the use of the feature is better networks initially proposed by Broomhead and Lowe [32]. than EER with exclusion. The procedure is repeated for all Classification in RBFN is done by calculating the similarity the features in a sequential manner. The feature selection between training and test vectors. Multiple prototype vec- algorithm is iterated ten times each time on a random 50% tors corresponding to each class are stored in each neuron. subset for cross-validation. After these iterations, a set of The Euclidean distance between the input vector and the important features is retained. To evaluate the generaliza- prototypevectorisusedtocalculateneuronactivations. tion ability of the selected features, we have tested the In the RBF network, input layer is made of feature vec- algorithm(withtheselectedfeatures)onanentirelydisjoint tors.ϕ(x)isaradialbasisfunctionthatfindstheEuclidean set that was not used in the feature selection process. The distancebetweentheinputvectorandtheprototypevector. results with the evaluation set [22](as shown in the public A weighted combination of scores from the RBF layer is results of BioEye 2015 competition) show the stability and usedtoclassifytheinputintodifferentcategories. generalizationcapabilityoftheselectedfeatures.Thesubset The number of prototypes per class can be defined by offeaturesselectedweredifferentfordifferentstimuli(TEX theuser,andthesevectorscanbefoundfromthedatausing and RAN sets). The list of features selected for TEX and different algorithms like K-means, Linde-Buzo-Gray (LBG) RAN stimuli is shown in Table 1 (Fixation features) and algorithm,etc. Table 2 (Saccade features). The features thus selected are TheGaussianactivationfunctionofeachneuronischo- usedasinputstotheclassificationalgorithm. senas: After obtaining the set of features from fixations and ϕ(x)=e−β(cid:107)x−µ(cid:107)2 (3) saccades, we develop a model to represent the data. It has been empirically observed that the performance of classi- where, µ is the mean of the distribution. The parameter β fication approaches with Kernel-based methods are better canbefoundfromthedata. 5 TABLE1:Listoffeaturesextractedfromfixations Usedin FixationFeatures Description TEX RAN N Y Fixationduration ObtainedfromI-VTresult Fromthescreencoordinates N N StandardDeviation(X) duringfixation Y N StandardDeviation(Y) ” Lengthofpathtraveledinscreen Y Y Pathlength PathLength=N(cid:80)−1(cid:113)(xi+1−xi)2+(yi+1−yi)2 i=1 Anglewithcentroidof Y Y Anglewithpreviousfixation previousfixation Y Y Distancefromthelastfixation Euclideandistancefromthepreviousfixation Y Y Skewness(X) FromScreencoordinates Y Y Skewness(Y) ” N N Kurtosis(X) ” Y Y Kurtosis(Y) ” Spatialspreadduringafixation,Computedas Y Y Dispersion D=(max(X)−min(X))+(max(Y)−min(Y)) Y Y AverageVelocity AV =PathLength/Duration Y andN denoteinclusionorexclusionofthefeatureintheparticularstimulusafterfeatureselection TABLE2:Listoffeaturesextractedfromsaccades Usedin SaccadeFeatures Description TEX RAN N N Saccadicduration ObtainedfromI-VTresult Y Y Dispersion D=(max(X)−min(X))+(max(Y)−min(Y)),duringsaccade NYYYYY NNNYYY M3S2K(AngularVelocity) Featuresfromangularvelocity YYYYYN YYYYYY M3S2K(AngularAcceleration) Featuresfromangularacceleration Y Y StandardDeviation(X) Obtainedfromscreenpositions Y Y StandardDeviation(Y) ” Distancetraveledinscreen, Y Y Pathlength N(cid:80)−1(cid:113)(xi+1−xi)2+(yi+1−yi)2 i=1 Differenceinsaccadicanglewith Y Y Anglewithprevioussaccade previoussaccade Euclideandistancebetween Y Y Distancefromtheprevioussaccade thecentroidoftheprevious saccade Y Y Saccadicratio SR=max(AngularVelocity)/SaccadeDuration Obtainedfromfisrtandlastpoints Y Y Saccadeangle as,saccadeangle=tan−1(cid:16)yN−y1(cid:17) (cid:113) xN−x1 Y Y Saccadeamplitude Obtainedas: (xN −x1)2+(yN −y1)2 YYYYYY YYYYYY M3S2K(Velocity X direction) Featuresfromscreenpositions YYYYYY YYYYNY M3S2K(Velocity Y direction) ” YYYYYY YYYYYY M3S2K(Acceleration X direction) ” YYYYYY YYNYYY M3S2K(Acceleration Y direction) ” *M3S2K-Statisticalfeatures: Mean,Median,Max,Std,Skewness,Kurtosis Y andN denoteinclusionorexclusionofthefeatureintheparticularstimulusafterfeatureselection In this work, we have used K-means algorithm for distanceofallpointsbelongingtothatparticularclusteras: selecting the representative vectors. For each person, 32 1 clusters for fixations and 32 cluster centers for saccades β = (4) 2σ2 are kept, resulting in 32N clusters for each RBFN (where N is the number of persons in the dataset). The number Where σ is the mean Euclidean distance of the points (assigned to the specific neuron) from the centroid of the of clusters to keep is obtained empirically. We have clus- correspondingcluster. tered the fixations/saccades of each individual separately to obtain a fixed number of representative vectors for each 3.3.1 Notations person. A maximum of 100 iterations is used to form the clusters. A standard K-means algorithm is used with The biometric identification problem is similar to a multi- squaredEuclideandistance,andthecentersareupdatedin class classification problem. Let there be n samples of a p each iteration. Each data point is assigned to the closest dimensionaldata.Assumetherearemclasses(correspond- cluster center obtained from the K-means algorithm. For ing to m different individuals) with c samples per class a particular neuron, the value of β is computed from the (n = mc). Let yi be the label corresponding to ith sample. Let K be the number of representative vectors from each class.ThevalueofK ischosenempirically(K =32). 6 3.3.2 Networklearning 4 EXPERIMENTS AND RESULTS The activations can be obtained as: A = ϕi,j(xk), i = 4.1 Datasets 1,...,K, j =1,...,m, k =1,...,n The data used in this paper are part of the development Theoutputofthenetworkcanberepresentedasalinear phase of BioEye 2015 [22] competition. Data recorded in combinationoftheRBFactivationsas: three different sessions are available. First two sessions m are separated by a time interval of 30 minutes containing (cid:88) f(x)= wjϕj(x) (5) recordings of 153 subjects (ages 18-43). A third session, j=1 conductedafter1year,(37subjects)isalsoavailabletoeval- where, f(x) contains the class membership in vector uate the robustness against template aging. The database contains gaze sequences obtained using two distinct types form.Giventheactivationsandoutputlabels,theobjective of visual stimuli. In one set (RAN), a white dot moving in ofthetrainingstageistofindtheweightparametersofthe a dark background was used as the stimulus. The subjects output layer. The weights are obtained by minimizing the were asked to follow the dot. Text excerpt shown on the sumofsquarederrors. screenwasusedasthestimulusintheotherset(TEX).The Theoutputlayerisrepresentedbyalinearsystemas: samples were recorded with an EyeLink eye-tracker (with Awˆ =yˆ (6) a reported spatial accuracy of 0.5 degrees) at 1000 Hz and down-sampled to 250 Hz with anti-aliasing filtering. The The optimal set of weights can be found using the Moore- development dataset contains the ground truth about the Penrose pseudoinverse. Alternatively, these weights can be identityofthepersons.Anadditionalevaluationsetisalso learned through gradient descent method. In the learning availablewithoutgroundtruth. phase,featuresextractedfromeachfixationandsaccadeare In each recording, visual angles in x and y direction, usedtotrainthemodel.Eachfixation/saccadeistreatedas stimulusangleinxandydirectionandinformationregard- asampleinthetrainingprocess. ing the validity of the samples are available. Details about The method described here uses two-phase learning. thestimulustypesinBioEye2015databasearegivenbelow. RBF layer and weight layer trainings are carried out sepa- rately.Howeverajointtrainingsimilartoback-propagation 4.1.1 Randomdotstimulus(RAN 30min&RAN 1year) isalsopossible [33]. The stimulus used was a white dot appearing at random 3.3.3 Trainingstage locations on a black computer screen. The position of the Only the session 1 data from the datasets are used in the stimulus would change every second. The subjects were training stage. Cluster centers and corresponding β values asked to follow the dot on the screen and recording was are computed separately for each person (resulting in 32N carriedoutfor100seconds. neurons for both fixation and saccade RBFNs). The output 4.1.2 Textstimulus(TEX 30min&TEX 1year) weights (wˆfix and wˆsacc) are found using all fixations and saccadesfromallthesubjectsinthedataset. The task, in this case, was reading text excerpts from the poem of Lewis Carroll “The Hunting of the Snark”. The 3.3.4 Testingstage durationofthisexperimentwas60seconds. Session 2 data is used in the testing stage. Parameters of Acomprehensivelistofthedatasetsandparametersare RBFNarecomputedseparatelyforfixationsandsaccadesin showninTable3. the training session. The scores from both RBFNs are com- binedtoobtainthefinalresult.Theoverallconfigurationof 4.2 Evaluationmetrics theschemeisshowninFig.2. The proposed algorithm has been evaluated in the labeled Foranunlabeledprobe,theactivationsforeachfixation development set. Rank-1 accuracy and EER are used for and saccade (Afix and Asacc) are found separately using evaluating the algorithm. Rank-1 (R1) accuracy is defined the cluster centers obtained in the training stage. The final as the ratio of the total number of correct detections to the classification is carried out using the combined score ob- number of samples used. EER is the percentage at which tainedfromallsaccadesandfixations.Letnfixandnsaccbe FalseAcceptanceRate(FAR)andFalseRejectionRate(FRR) the number of fixations and saccades in an unlabeled gaze areequal.DetectionErrorTrade-off(DET)curvesareshown sequence.Thecombinedscorecanbeobtainedas: for all the datasets. Rank(n) accuracy is the number of cor- 1 n(cid:88)fix 1 n(cid:88)sacc rect detections in the top n candidates. Cumulative match score=λ Ai wˆ +(1−λ) Ai wˆ n fix fix n sacc sacc characteristics (CMC) is the cumulative plot of rank(n) ac- fix i=1 sacc i=1 curacy.CMCcurvesarealsoplottedforallthefourdatasets. (7) The evaluation set in the BioEye2015 dataset is unlabeled. where, λ ∈ [01] is the weight used in the score fusion. However, we report the R1 accuracy as obtained from the The parameter λ decides the contribution of fixations and publicresults [22]ofthecompetition. saccades in the final decision stage. This value can be obtained empirically. In the present work, λ value of 0.5 isused. 4.3 Results Thelabeloftheunknownsamplecanbeobtainedas: 4.3.1 Performanceinthedevelopmentdatasets label=argmax(score) (8) The model was trained using 50% of data in the develop- m mentdatasets.Wehavetrainedandtestedthealgorithmon 7 Fig.2:Schematicoftheproposedframework. TABLE3: Detailsaboutthedatabase DatasetName RAN 30min RAN 1year TEX 30min TEX 1year Numberofsubjects 153 37 153 37 Whitedotmoving Whitedotmoving Text Text Stimulus inadark inadark excerpt excerpt background background Durationofexperiment 100seconds 100seconds 60seconds 60seconds Intervalbetween training 30minutes 1year 30minutes 1year andtestingdata TABLE4: Resultsinthedevelopmentdatasets completelydisjointsessionstotestitsgeneralizationability. Forexample,inRAN 30minsequencethereare153samples RAN 30 RAN 1yr TEX 30 TEX 1yr available for two different sessions. We have trained the Algorithm only on the first session (using a random 50% R1 90.10±2.76 79.31±6.86 92.38±2.56 83.41±6.98 EER 2.59±0.71 10.96±4.59 3.78±0.77 9.36±3.49 subset of the data). The evaluation was carried out on the session 2 data. We have not used the data from the same session for training and testing since it won’t account for intersessionvariability. TheaverageR1accuracyandEERwerecalculatedfrom algorithm (CEM-B) [21]. The average cumulative matching random 50% subsets of development datasets. This proce- characteristicscurvesforthefourdatasetsareshowninFig. dure was repeated 100 times and the average R1 accuracy 5andFig.6. andEERwereobtained.Theresultsobtainedalongwiththe The Detection Error Trade-off (DET) curves for the de- standarddeviationsaregiveninTable4. velopment datasets are shown in Fig. 3 and Fig. 4. In Fig. The R1 accuracy in RAN 30min and TEX 30min 3 (a) and (b), FNR becomes very small as FPR increases databases are above 90% indicating the robustness of the indicatingagoodseparationfromimpostors.Thereduction proposed framework. The EER on RAN 30min database is in FNR may be because of the addition of scores of all the foundouttobe2.59%,comparabletotheaccuracylevelsof fixations and saccades in the score fusion stage. Impostor fingerprint(2.07%EER)[34],voicerecognitionsystems,and scores are considerably smaller than genuine scores in the facialgeometry(15%EER) [35]biometrics. proposed approach. The performance in 1-year sessions is R1accuracy(Table5)oftheproposedalgorithmobtained poor compared to 30-minutes sessions indicating template from the development set was compared with the baseline agingeffects. 8 Fig.3:DETcurvefor(a)RAN 30minand(b)TEX 30min Fig.4:DETcurvefor(a)RAN 1yearand(b)TEX 1year Fig.5:CMCcurvefor(a)RAN 30minand(b)TEX 30min 9 Fig.6:CMCcurvefor(a)RAN 1yearand(b)TEX 1year TABLE5: ComparisonofR1accuracyintheentiredevelop- TABLE6: ComparisonofR1accuracywithbaselinemethod mentdataset inevaluationdataset RAN 30 RAN 1yr TEX 30 TEX 1yr RAN 30 RAN 1yr TEX 30 TEX 1yr OurMethod 89.54% 81.08% 85.62% 78.38% OurMethod 93.46% 83.78% 89.54% 83.78% Baseline 40.52% 16.22% 52.94% 40.54% OurMethod* 98.69% 89.19% 98.04% 94.59% Baseline 33.99% 40.54% 58.17% 48.65% 4.3.2 Performanceintheevaluationsets The evaluation part of the database is unlabeled. However, 4.4 Computationalcomplexity the results of the competition are available on the website The algorithm has been implemented in an Intel Core i5 [22]. The evaluation set of the dataset had only one unla- CPU, 3.33 GHz PC with 4 GB RAM. The average training beleddataforeverylabeledsample.Wehaveusedthisone time for the network without code optimization (single- to one correspondence assumption in the final stage of the threaded) in MATLAB is about 400 seconds (with 153 algorithm. samples). In the testing phase, for predicting one unla- Let there be n labeled and n unlabeled recordings. beled recording, it takes on an average 0.21 seconds (in The task is to assign each unlabeled file to a labeled file. TEX 30min). The time taken for training and testing phase The scores obtained from RBF output stage were stored canbeimprovedconsiderablybyimplementationinC,C++, in a matrix D (with dimension nxn). D(i,j) denotes the using parallel processing platforms like Graphical Process- normalized similarity score between ith labeled and jth ingUnits(GPU). unlabeled samples. We have selected the best match for each unlabeled recording using Algorithm 3. The use of 4.5 Discussions thisonetooneassumptionimprovedtheresults.However, this assumption may not be suitable for practical biometric 4.5.1 Performanceofthealgorithm identification/verification scenarios. The proposed method TheR1accuracyoftheproposedmethodishighinbothTEX has been found to outperform all the other methods even andRANdatasets,whichindicatesthepossibilityofdevel- withouttheonetooneassumptionindicatingtherobustness oping a task-independent biometric system. The EER and forbiometricapplications.Theresultswithandwithoutthis R1 accuracy achieved show the robustness of the proposed assumptionareshowninTable6. score fusion approach. The selected features show good discrimination ability in both stimuli. 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