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Preview A Robust Determination of the size of quasar accretion disks using gravitational microlensing

Draftversion January17,2012 PreprinttypesetusingLATEXstyleemulateapjv.5/2/11 A ROBUST DETERMINATION OF THE SIZE OF QUASAR ACCRETION DISKS USING GRAVITATIONAL MICROLENSING J. Jim´enez-Vicente DepartamentodeF´ısicaTeo´ricaydelCosmos. UniversidaddeGranada,CampusdeFuentenueva, 18071, Granada,Spain Instituto CarlosIdeF´ısicaTeo´ricayComputacional. UniversidaddeGranada,18071, Granada,Spain E. Mediavilla 2 InstitutodeAstrof´ısicadeCanarias,V´ıaL´actea S/N,LaLaguna38200,Tenerife,Spain 1 DepartamentodeAstrof´ısica,UniversidaddelaLaguna,LaLaguna38200,Tenerife,Spain 0 2 J. A. Mun˜oz n Departamento deAstronom´ıayAstrof´ısica,UniversidaddeValencia,46100Burjassot,Valencia,Spain a J 6 C. S. Kochanek 1 DepartmentofAstronomy,TheOhioState University,140West18thAvenue,Columbus,OH43210,USA CenterforCosmologyandAstroparticlePhysics,TheOhioStateUniversity,191WestWoodruffAvenue, Columbus,OH43210, USA ] Draft version January 17, 2012 O C ABSTRACT . Usingmicrolensingmeasurementsfromasampleof27image-pairsof19lensedquasarswedetermine h a maximum likelihood estimate for the accretion disk size of an average quasar of r = 4.0+2.4 light p s −3.1 - days at rest frame hλi = 1736˚A for microlenses with a mean mass of hMi = 0.3M⊙. This value, in o good agreement with previous results from smaller samples, is roughly a factor of 5 greater than the r predictions of the standard thin disk model. The individual size estimates for the 19 quasars in our t s sample are also in excellent agreement with the results of the joint maximum likelihood analysis. a Subject headings: accretion, accretion disks — gravitationallensing: micro — quasars: general [ 1 v 1. INTRODUCTION objects based in microlensing chromaticity (Eigenbrod 7 The thin disk (Shakura & Sunyaev 1973) is the stan- et al. 2008, Poindexter et al. 2008, Mosquera et al. 8 dardmodeltodescribetheinnerregionsofquasars. This 2011, Mediavilla et al. 2011a, Mun˜oz et al. 2011) also 1 found that the size estimated from microlensing is sub- model predicts typical sizes for the accretion disks of 3 luminous quasars of ∼1015cm (∼0.4 light days) in the stantially larger than the values predicted by the thin . disk theory (by factors of about 10 in HE0435−1223, 5 1 (observer frame) optical bands. However, recent mea- in SBS0909+532, and 4 in HE1104−1805). Upper lim- 0 surements based on quasar microlensing are challenging its on the sizes of MG0414+0534 and SDSSJ0924+0219 2 this prediction. Based on a combined optical and X-ray 1 study of microlensing in 10 quadruply lensed quasars, havealso been set by Bate et al. (2008)and Floydet al. : Pooley et al. (2007) found that the source of optical (2009), respectively. v Here, we will generalize these results by extending the light is larger than expected from basic thin accretion i X disk models by factors of3 to 30. Studying microlensing studytothesampleof20lensedquasarsofMediavillaet al. (2009, hereafter MED09). Our data consists of mi- r variabilityobservedfor11gravitationallylensedquasars a Morganetal. (2010)alsofoundthatthemicrolensinges- crolensing amplitude measurements for 29 image-pairs from 20 lensed quasars based on a comparison between timates of the disk size are larger (by a factor ∼4) than the flux ratios in the continuum and an adjacent emis- would be expected from thin disk theory. Other mon- sion line. The emission line flux ratio provides an un- itoring based studies focused on individual objects like microlensed baseline that also removes the effects of ex- QSO2237+0305 (Kochanek 2004, Anguita et al. 2008, tinction (see e.g. Falco et al. 1999, Mun˜oz et al. 2004) Eigenbrod et al. 2008, Mosquera et al. 2009, Agol et and lens models in the determination of the magnifica- al. 2009, Poindexter & Kochanek 2010), PG1115+080 tion anomalies. As noted in previous works (Kochanek (Morgan et al. 2008), RXJ1131−1231(Dai et al. 2010), 2004, Eigenbrod et al. 2008, Blackburne et al. 2011a), HE1104−1805(Poindexteretal. 2008)orHE0435−1223 studies favouringthe selectionofobjects withnoticeable (Blackburne et al. 2011b) generally support these con- magnificationanomalies (or epochs with highmicrolens- clussions. ing activity) may lead to a bias towards smaller quasar From single-epoch optical/IR and X-Ray measure- size determinations. The fact that one object does not ments, Blackburne et al. (2011a) used the wavelength show microlensing magnification anomalies may be due dependence of microlensing (chromaticity) to study the to the fact that it is either too big or that it lies in structureofaccretiondisksin124-imagelensedquasars, a region without significant magnification fluctuations. finding disk sizes larger than predicted by nearly an or- Thus,non-detectionofmicrolensingalsoputsconstraints der of magnitude. More detailed studies of individual 2 on the size of the sources and should be taken into ac- In order to describe the structure of the source, we count. TheMED09sampleisalsounaffectedbythisbias model the accretiondisk with a Gaussianprofile I(R)∝ (indeed the histogram of estimated microlensing magni- exp(−R2/2r2),wherethecharacteristicsizer isawave- s s fications in this sample peaks at ∆m = 0). However, lengthdependentparameter(relatedtothehalf-lightra- the data from MED09 do not include, for most image- dius as R = 1.18r ). The wavelength dependence of 1/2 s pairs, enough measurements at different wavelengths to the disk size is parametrized by a power law with expo- address chromaticity. For this reason we will start dis- nent p such that r (λ) ∝ λp. We smooth the magnifica- s cussing the impact of chromaticityonthe determination tion maps with Gaussians scaled to two wavelengths λ B of microlensing based sizes (§2) to show that size esti- and λ representing characteristic blue and red wave- R mates are dominated by microlensingamplitude andare lengths. We chooseλ /λ =2.3,the ratiobetweenLyα R B relatively independent of chromaticity. In §3 we will use andMgII,whichisroughlythewavelengthrangecovered the microlensing data from MED09 to calculate a maxi- by observations in the optical band. mum likelihood estimate of the accretion disk size. The We calculate the probabilityof observingmicrolensing estimate will be for the typical size of the accretion disk magnifications ∆m =µ −µ (where µ and µ are the 2 1 1 2 of an average quasar rather than that of any particular magnifications at the positions of image 1 and 2 respec- source. Wealsomakeindividualsizeestimatesforthe19 tively) at wavelengths λ and λ , namely, ∆m and B R B objects using a complementary Bayesianapproach,find- ∆m , for a grid in the size at λ , r (λ ), and the ex- R B s B ingexcellentagreementwiththelikelihoodanalysis. The ponent p. We use a logarithmic grid in r such that s main conclusions are presented in §4. logri = 0.3×i for i = 0···11 (ri in light days) and a s s linear grid in p such that pj = 0.25×j for j = 0···13. 2. SIZEDETERMINATIONFROMSINGLE WAVELENGTH We restrict ourselvesto the case |∆m |>|∆m |, as we MICROLENSINGMEASUREMENTS B R assume that the size of the source increases with wave- We will base our analysis on the microlensing mea- length, and therefore the largest magnifications are ex- surements inferredby MED09 fromopticalspectroscopy pected for the smallest (i.e. bluest) sources1. available in the literature (29 quasar image pairs seen The probability of observing ∆mobs and ∆mobs in a through 20 lens galaxies). The microlensing magnifi- B R model with parameters ri and pj is given by cation between two images 1 and 2 is calculated as s ∆m=(m −m ) =(m −m ) −(m −m ) , where (m22−m11)lminicerois the fl2ux ra1tioconint an em2issio1nlliinnee prsi,pj(∆moBbs,∆moRbs)∝Z d∆mBZ d∆mRNije−21χ2, and (m − m ) is the flux ratio of the continuum 2 1 cont (1) adjacent to the emission line. With this method the mi- where crolensing magnification is isolated from extinction and from the mean lensing magnification, as these effects af- (∆m −∆mobs)2 (∆m −∆mobs)2 fect the line and the adjacent continuum equally. The χ2 = B B + R R (2) σ2 σ2 consistency of this procedure has been confirmed with ∆mobs ∆mobs B R mid-IR data (MED09). Here, N is the number of trials with ∆m and ∆m Thehistogramofobservedmicrolensingmagnifications ij B R for the case with parameters ri and pj, and σ and in MED09 showed that 93% of the quasar image pairs s ∆mobs B have microlensing |∆m| ≤ 0.8mag. In this section, we σ∆mobs aretheuncertaintiesintheobservedmicrolensing R are going to use this statistical constraint to estimate magnifications, for which we have taken a typical value quasar accretion disk sizes from single wavelength mi- of σ =σ =0.05 mags. ∆mobs ∆mobs crolensing measurements. B R The calculations are performed for a grid of pairs We will apply a statistical approach similar to that ∆m ,∆m with ∆m = 0.2×k for k = −4···4 and B R B usedbyMediavilla et al.(2011a)toarepresentativelens ∆m = 0.2×m for m = 0···k (so we always have R system. Therefore, we take for the lens a standard SIS |m|<|k|and|∆m |>|∆m |)forα=0.05andα=0.1. B R with values κ = γ = 0.45 and κ = γ = 0.55 for the 1 1 2 2 This range of values for the strength of microlensing convergenceandshearatthepositionsofthetwoimages. covers the vast majority of observed cases as shown in These values are typical of the lenses in the MED09 (cf. the histogram of observed microlensing strengths in the their Table 4). For the redshifts of lens and source we sample of MED09 (their Fig. 1). Thus, the probabi- havetaken the values z =0.57and z =1.76,which are l s lity distribution p (∆mobs,∆mobs) is calculated for the average values for the sample. rsi,pj B R 14×12×29×2 = 9744 cases. For each one of those cases Using these parameters for the macro lens, we ge- (i.e. for every quadruplet (p,r ,∆mobs,∆mobs)), the nerate microlensing magnifications maps at the posi- s B R probability is calculated using 108 trials. tions of images 1 and 2 using the inverse polygon The results for the case α = 0.05 are shown in Figure mapping algorithm described in Mediavilla et al. (2006) 1 for ∆m > 0. We have shown only the right side and Mediavilla et al. (2011b). The calculated maps are B of the full figure, as the cases with ∆m < 0 are very 2000×2000 pixels in size, with a pixel size of 0.5 light B days,or equivalently1.295×1015cm. In the imageplane, similartothosewiththesamevalueof|∆mB|sothatthe scenario is fairly symmetric with respect to ∆m = 0. thecoveredareaisthesourceplaneareaincreasedbyfac- B tors 1.5(1−κ±γ)−1. For the fractionof projectedmass For the case α = 0.1 the results are very similar but the peaks in the probability distributions are displaced density in stars, α, we use current estimates (Pooley et towards slightly higher values of r . al. 2009, MED09, Mosquera et al. 2011) and consider s only the cases with α = 0.05 and α = 0.1. We used microlenses of 1M⊙. 1 Inversionsarepossiblebutrare(seePoindexter etal. 2008) 3 Fig.1.—Gridof two dimensional probability distributions prsi,pj(∆moBbs,∆moRbs)for the 15 cases with ∆mB >0and α=0.05. Each column corresponds to the distribution for a given value of ∆mB indicated at the top of the column. Each row corresponds to the distribution for a given value of ∆mR indicated at the right. For each distribution the abcissae represent p from 0.0 to 3.25 and the ordinatesrepresentlogrs from0.0to3.3(rs inlightdays). Thecontourlevelsaredrawnatintervalsof0.25σ(thecontouratnσisdrawn atexp(−n2σ2/2)fromthepeakofthedistribution). Thecontour at1σ isthicker thantherest. With the exception of the cases in which ∆m = remain roughly constant along each column in Figure B ∆m , the distributions show a clear covariance in the 1 as we move through the different rows. That means R sense that larger sizes imply lower values of the expo- that even if we lack information on chromaticity, we nent p. We also see that larger values of ∆m favour can still obtain valuable information on the size of the B smaller values for the source size r . sources from measurements of microlensing at a single s The most important result from this figure is that the wavelength. Another interesting and robust result from probability distribution with respect to the size r is Figure 1 is that, with the exception of the case with no s dominated by the strength of microlensing (∆m ) with detectedmicrolensing(∆m =0),the maximums ofthe B B very little dependence on the amount of chromaticity. distributionsarealllocatedinafairlyrestrictedrangein Conversely,thevalueofthechromaticity(∆m −∆m ) r . Therefore, microlensing magnifications in the range B R s is the main factor in determining the exponent p. In- 0<|∆m |≤0.8 will provide sizes in a rather restricted B deed, the most probable values of rs (values within 1σ rangebetween∼1 M/M⊙ and∼16 M/M⊙ lightdays around the maximum of the distributions in Figure 1) irrespective of chrpomaticity, with laprger magnifications 4 favouring smaller sizes. 3. DISCUSSION Based on the results of the previous section, it is pos- sible to constrain the size of the sources from measure- ments of the microlensing strength at a single wave- length, even if we have no informationon the amount of chromaticitypresent. Asnotedabove(seealsoKochanek 2004, Eigenbrod et al. 2008, Blackburne et al. 2011a), each single microlensing measurement is affected by a degeneracybetween the range of possible magnifications and source size effects. Statistics of large samples of lensed quasars (like MED09) can be used to minimize this uncertainty. In particular, we are going to use a maximum likelihood method to estimate an averagesize from the product of the individual likelihood functions foreachimagepair. Thismethodincludesthecaseswith little or no microlensing that by themselves would give rise only to lower limits on the size on an equal footing with those showing significant microlensing. The microlensing magnifications in this sample have been calculated using the continuum to line flux ratios of different lines for different objects. As size is related Fig.2.— Likelihood functions for the size of the accretion disk towavelength,weshouldideallyuseobjectswithmagni- logrs for α=0.05 (continuous line) and α=0.1 (dashed line) in fications obtained from lines at similar wavelengths. On thefullsampleofquasarsbyMED09. the other hand, to have good statistics, we should also The results of this procedure for α=0.05 and α=0.1 try to keep the sample as large as possible. With these are shown in Figure 2. The maximum likelihood occurs restrictions in mind, we have chosen a compromise in which we used all objects with magnifications measured forlogrs =2.0+−00..48 andlogrs =2.3+−00..48 (rs inlightdays) in the wavelength range between Lyα (1216˚A) to Mg II for α = 0.05 and α = 0.1 respectively. Taking into ac- (2798˚A).Withthischoice,theaveragerestwavelengthis count that rs ∝ hMi1/2 where hMi is the mean mass intherelativelynarrowrangeofhλi=1736±373˚A,while of the microlenses, our results for the mean size of the we stillkeep27 imagepairsfrom19 lensedquasars. The accretion disk of quasars are rs = 7.4+−34..61(hMi/M⊙)1/2 dispersion introduced by the effect of wavelength in the light days for α = 0.05 and rs = 10+−55..05(hMi/M⊙)1/2 size estimate will be taken into account later. We then for α = 0.1. When scaled for a mean microlens mass use the measured microlensing magnifications in these of hMi = 0.3M⊙, representative of the stellar popula- 27 pairs as observed ∆m (where B stands now for the tions in galaxies,the sizes of the accretion disks become B averagewavelength hλi=1736˚A). We computed magni- rs = 4.0+−22..02 light days and rs = 5.5+−23..61 light days for ficationmapsforeachoneoftheimagesofthe27pairsin- α=0.05 and α=0.1, respectively, at our averagewave- dividuallytakingtheκandγvaluesfromMED09(except length hλi=1736˚A. The intrinsic dispersion in λ in be- for SBS0909+532 for which we take the values in Medi- tween the sources implies an additional dispersion in r s avillaetal. 2011a). Weagainconsideronlyα=0.05and ofabout20%. Whentakingthiseffectintoaccountinthe α = 0.1. The calculated maps are 2000×2000 pixels in error bars, we finally have r =4.0+2.4 and r =5.5+3.1 s −3.1 s −3.7 size,withapixelsizeof0.5light-days. Wehaveusedthe light days for α=0.05 and α=0.1, respectively. same logarithmic grid in rs from §2, as well as a linear Usingequation(3)andaBayesianapproachwithalo- grid ri = 1.0+2.0×i light days for i = 0···24. Using garithmic prior on r (see e.g. Mediavilla et al. 2011a), s s the magnification maps, the probability of observing a we also made individual estimates of r for each one of s microlensing magnification ∆mobs in image pair j for a the19quasarsinoursample. Forthoseobjectsforwhich j model with parameter ri is given by: there are several image pairs, the probability distribu- s tions for the different pairs were combined into a single prsi(∆mojbs)∝Z Nie−12χ2d∆m (3) pforrobhMabiili=ty0fu.3nMct⊙ionanfodrαtha=to0b.0j5ecatr.eTphreesreensuteltdinignvTaalubeles 1 and in Figure 3. It is worth noting that the average where valueofthese individual estimates(hr i=4.2±4.4light χ2 = (∆m−∆mojbs)2. (4) days) is very close to the one obtainsed with the joint σ2 likelihood analysis (although the use of a linear prior ∆mojbs would increase the individual size estimates by 80%). Notethatthe averagesize shrinksnoticeably(by ∼30%) We can calculate a likelihood function for r as s if the pairs with |∆m | < 0.1 are excluded from the B L(ri)∝ p (∆mobs), (5) sample. Thus we confirm that favouring the selection of s Y rsi j quasars with noticeable microlensing introduces a clear j biastowardssmallersizes(Kochanek2004,Eigenbrodet where j runs over the 27 image-pairs considered. al. 2008, Blackburne et al. 2011a). In Figure 3 we com- 5 TABLE 1 Sizes forindividualobjects at1736˚A Object rs(1736)˚A MBH(109M⊙) Line HE0047−1756 4.0+8.5 1.38 (CIV) −2.7 HE0435−1223 4.4+5.6 0.50 (CIV) −2.4 HE0512-3329 2.6+3.2 .... −1.4 SDSS0806+2006 1.4+1.9 .... −0.8 SBS0909+532 1.8+1.9 1.95 (Hβ) −1.0 SDSSJ0924+0219 10.1−4.6a 0.11 (MgII) FBQ0951+2635 1.8+2.9 0.89 (MgII) −1.2 QSO0957+561 3.5+7.3 2.01 (CIV) −2.3 SDSSJ1001+5027 4.6+10.5 .... −3.2 SDSSJ1004+4112 2.2+2.2 2.02 (CIV) −1.1 QSO1017−207 3.2+6.02 1.68 (CIV) −2.12 HE1104−1805 1.0+0.9 2.37 (CIV) −0.5 PG1115+080 2.3+2.6 0.92 (CIV) −1.2 SDSSJ1206+432 1.2+1.4 .... −0.6 SDSSJ1353+1138 7.5−4.4a .... HE1413+117 2.7+2.7 0.26 (CIV) −1.3 BJ1422+231 20.017.3 4.79 (CIV) −9.2 SBS1520+530 2.4+3.5 0.88 (CIV) −1.5 WFIJ0233−4723 3.6+5.3 .... −2.2 Fig.3.— Size of the accretion disk at 1736 ˚A as a function of themassoftheblackhole(fromMosquera&Kochanek 2011) for Note. — Sizes in light days for individual objects at 1736 ˚A hMi=0.3M⊙ . Resultsfromourjointanalysisarethesolidtrian- obtained from microlensing magnifications of image pairs. Black gleand square for α=0.05 and α=0.1 respectively. Our estimates holemassesaretakenfromthesummaryinMosquera&Kochanek for individual objets are shown as filled diamonds (or upward ar- (2011). Emission line used for the mass estimate is indicated in rows for lower limits). Open triangles are from Blackburne et al. fourthcolumn. (2011a) for objects with available black hole masses in Mosquera a These values have been calculated for ∆mB = 0 and are lower &Kochanek(2011). TheasteriskistheestimateforSBS0909from limitsratherthantrueestimates Mediavillaet al. (2011a). Estimates for HE1104 by Mun˜oz et al. (2011) and Poindexter et al. (2008) are shown as an open square pareourestimateswithpreviousresults. Estimatesfrom and an X respectively. The estimate for HE0435 by Mosquera et the present work are indicated with filled symbols, and al. (2011) isshownasanopencircle. Upperhalfcircle,lowerhalf circleand star show the estimates forQSO2337 byAnguita et al. estimates from previous works with open symbols. We (2008),Kochanek(2004)andEigenbrodetal. (2008)respectively. have taken black-hole masses from Table 1 in Mosquera The estimate for Q0957 by Hainline et al. (2012) is shown as a & Kochanek (2011), which they take from Peng et al. bow tie. Downward arrows indicate the upper limits for MG0414 by Bate et al. 2008 (right) and for SDSSJ0924 by Floyd et al. (2006), Greene et al. (2010) and Assef et al. (2011). 2009 (left). Thin line is the prediction from the thin disk model The thin line corresponds to the theoretical prediction (with L/LE = 1 and η=0.1). The thick solid line is the fit from for the thin disk model at 1736 ˚A (with L/L = 1 and Morgan et al. (2010) with their measurements shown as pluses. E η = 0.1). The thick line corresponds to the empirical Thedashedlines showingthelimitsduetothe uncertainty inthe y-intercept. fit by Morgan et al. (2010) scaled to hλi=1736 ˚A using p=4/3 rest wavelength of hλi=1736˚A. For a typical mean mass Our estimates are in good agreement with previous inthestellarpopulationofthelensofhMi=0.3M⊙,and results (Blackburne et al. 2011a,Mediavilla et al 2011a, taking into account the intrinsic dispersion in λ, we find Mosquera et al. 2011, Mun˜oz et al. 2011, Morgan et al. r =4.0+2.4 andr =5.5+3.1 lightdaysforα=0.05and 2010,Floyd et al. 2009,Anguita et al. 2008, Poindexter s −3.1 s −3.7 α = 0.1 respectively. These estimates are in agreement et al. 2008,Eigenbrodet al. 2008,Bate et al. 2008,and with other studies (Blackburne et al. 2011a, Mediavilla Kochanek 2004)and show a discrepancy with respect to et al 2011a, Mosquera et al. 2011, Mun˜oz et al. 2011, the predictions of the thin disk model of approximately Morgan et al. 2010, Floyd et al. 2009, Anguita et al. a factor of 5. 2008, Poindexter et al. 2008, Eigenbrod et al. 2008, 4. CONCLUSIONS Bate et al. 2008, and Kochanek 2004) and again find thatdisksarelargerthanpredictedbythe thindiskthe- Weperformedastatisticalanalysistoestimatetheav- ory. Wehavealsoestimatedthesizesofthe19individual erage size of the accretion disks of lensed quasars from objects in the sample to find that they are in very good thelargesample(MED09)ofmicrolensingmagnification statistical agreement with the result from the maximum measurements. We find that most information on the likelihood analysis. size of the accretion disk is contained in the amplitude ofthe microlensingmagnificationandfairlyindependent of the amount of chromaticity. This research was supported by the Spanish Mi- From a statistical analysis using measured microlens- nisterio de Educaci´on y Ciencia with the grants ing magnificationstrengths from 27 image pairs from 19 C-CONSOLIDER AYA2007-67625-C02-02, AYA2007- lensedquasarsinthesampleofMED09wemeasuredthe 67342-C03-01/03,AYA2010-21741-C03/02. J.J.V.isalso average size of the accretion disk of lensed quasars at a supportedbythe JuntadeAndaluc´ıathroughthe FQM- 6 108 project. J.A.M. is also supported by the General- C.S.K. is supported by NSF grant AST-1009756. itat Valenciana with the grant PROMETEO/2009/64. REFERENCES Agol,E.,Gogarten, S.M.,Gorjian,V.,&Kimball,A.2009, ApJ, Mediavilla,E.,Mediavilla,T.,Mun˜oz,J.A.etal.2011b,ApJ, 697,1010 741,42 Anguita,T.,Schmidt,R.W.,Turner,E.L.etal.2008, A&A, Morgan,C.W.,Kochanek, C.S.,Dai,X.,Morgan,N.D.,& 480,327 Falco,E.E.2008,ApJ,689,755 Assef,R.J.,Denney, K.D.,Kochanek, C.S.etal.2011,ApJ, Morgan,C.W.,Kochanek, C.W.,MorganN.D.&FalcoE.E. 742:93 2010,ApJ,712,1129 Bate,N.F.,Floyd,D.J.E.,Webster, R.L.&Wyithe, J.S.B. Mosquera,A.M.,Mun˜oz,J.A.,&Mediavilla,E.2009, ApJ,691, 2008, MNRAS,391,1955 1292 Blackburne,J.A.,Pooley,D,Rappaport,S.&Schechter, P.L. Mosquera,A.M.&KochanekC.S.2011,ApJ,738,96 2011, ApJ,729,34 Mosquera,A.M.,Mun˜oz,J.A.,Mediavilla,E.,Kochanek, C.S. 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