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A revision of the systematic position of Dieuches tsutsuii Hidaka and Paradieuches Distant (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae, Rhyparochrominae) PDF

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Preview A revision of the systematic position of Dieuches tsutsuii Hidaka and Paradieuches Distant (Heteroptera, Lygaeidae, Rhyparochrominae)

NNaatitoinaolnScaieln ceScience MMuusesuemum Mem. Nutn. Sci.Mus., Tokyo. (31),Deeember 1, L998 A Revision of the Systemati cPositio nof Dieuches tsutsuii HIDAKA and Paradieuches DISTANT (HeteropteLryag,aeidae,Rhyparochrominae) By Masaaki TOMOKuNI* JS(N nl;Z* : v )y l ri- Jif'h pt A ii tsS Oe:]eE)-J t-f' Opt l- vE (f usA Jf E, t Jij )'i j?e A li FP t n r) 5i )f } -tf )'i g?c A ;f !I 2IPI Da) S> if \: e" TI e,sZ at) ff +lf :ixl' , It was firs tpointed out by Ey[.Es (1973 p,.38 )that Dieu('he stsutsuii Hu)AKA, 1963, described from Japan, does not belong to the nominal genus. HoxN,ever, true generi cpositio nof the species has never been revised so far .Since adequate material of the rare lygaei dwas recently collected in Yamaguchi Prefectur e,Western Honshu, Japan. under the prejec to{' "NaLural Histery ReseaTches of the Westcm Chugoku and Northern Kyushu Regions" conducted by the NationaL Scienc eMuseum, Tokyo, in 1997, detaile dtaxonomic examination of the spccics has becomc possible .Besides this. tribal misplacement for the genus Paradieuches DIsTANT. 1883, which resembles in external appcarance the species under eonsideration, was also fOund in the course Qf this study, In the present paper, I am going to offer solutions to these problcms by dcscribin ga new genus to accommodate HLDAKA's species und correcting the tribal positionin gof DIsTANT's genus. The specimcns used in this study will be preserved in the National Science Museum, Tokyo. with a few exceptions whose depositor yare given individua] liyn the following text. Hldakacoris gen. nov. Description .Medium-sized, elongute and nearly parallel-sid edda,rk reddish brown with whitish markings on pronotum and hemelytra .Head niangular ,weakLy decliven tsl,ightly sherter than width finely across eyes. pubescent ,shining and shagreened, with clypeus somewhat protruded anteriorly; head beneuth strongiy depressed on posterio rhalf .Antennae as long as hemelytra .moderately thick, 2nd longest lst Rostrumlong, lst with segments and shortest, well reaching metasternum: segment rcaching apical margin of prostemum; 2nd the longest. Pronotum trapczoidal, opaque, sparsely covered with decumben tpubescence, coarseLy punctate cxcept tbr disc of it santerior lobe. transversely impressed jus tbehind middle. with not clearly defined depTessed coHaT: later ac)arjnae well laminated ,impunctate ,concayely sinuate at middle and widest there ;humeral ang]es thick. roundly prejecte dpostero-lateral tlhyu,s hind mar.oin of pronotum concave on scutellum. Scutellum opaque, punctat ea, litt lleonger than wide, with a large obscure Y-shaped caTipa.-I.l.g-melytra epaque, reaching jus tbet'or eend of abdomen, weakly constTicted near base, thence * Depanment ef Zoo[og.v .Nationa lScienc eMuseum. Tokyo ta1ll'I,I-・/#ownat#abMl2fri,gE NII-Electronic Library Service NNaatitoinaolnScaieln ceSMcusieuemnce Museum 232 MasaakiToMoKuNi graduall ytapering apicad, glabrous except for minute pubescence on costal margins and in punctures; clavus parallel-sid ewdi,th three rows of punctures ,the innerrnos tone of which develops only on posterior half of clavus; corium moderately long, nearly half length of body, with three longitudinal rows of punctures, and with apical margin very faintl yconvex. Thoracic pleura opaque, punctate, the punctures becoming 1arge rand deeper posteriad;ostio lapreritrem ecrescent, with evaporatorium occupying about half of metapleura. Legs shining, pubescent, moderate in length ;fbre femora much thicker than mid and hind ones, ventrally with a targe spine at apical third and with two rows of minute spines in apical half ;mid and hind tibiae ventrally with several outstanding bristl esin each apical ha]f ;1st tarsal segment longer than 2nd and 3rd combined in all legs. Abdomen beneath (Fi. fIfA.) shiny and finely shagreened, densely with decumbent sericeous pubescence; connexivum broad ,distinct luypturned; all abdominal spiracles ventrul en each sternum; all trichobothria on Sth stemum locate danterior to spiracle of the sternum, the posterio rpair arranged one above the other well apart frorn anterior one; numerous pores presen ton each sternum exterior to trichobothrialfurrow. Pygophore with dista lmargin distinct lryidged (Fig .IB), somewhat truncated in ventral view; dorsa lopening wide, with a characteristic projeetio non intero-late rmualrgin (Fig .IC). Parameres (Fi g.ID) simple, with a sharply prominen tinner pro.ject iwoitnh,out well defined outer projection. Aedeagus (Fig .IE) rather simple, without spine-like or sack-like processcs on corijunctiva: ejacula troesreryvoir well scleretized, sN'ith a pair of stout S-shaped wings; vesica sharpLy bent ventrad at base, without any basal proces sbut with three heavily sclerotized spines, central one long and u Fig, 1 . Hidakacoris tstttsu ii(HIDAKA) .A, abdomen without genita]segments, tater alview;B, pygophore, lateral view: C, dorsa lopening uf pygophere; D, lef ptarumere; E, aedeugus, NII-Electronic Library Service NNaatitoinaolnScaieln ceScience MMuusesuemum Systcmati cPositio nof Dieuc/he stsutsui iand Paradieuches 233 pair of latera lsmuch shorter, being sheathed by a }ong mcmbranous sack protruded laterul ]wyell beforedistal helicoid end; preeess weakly sclcrotized; gonoporal process short, well pigmented, with about four turns. 7>ve spJecies .Dieuches tsutstt iiHIDAKA, 1963. By monotypy. Dib'cttssion .Frem the current triba lconcept of the rhyparoehromine lygaei dpresente dby ScHuH and SLATER (1995 )t,he genus Hidakacoris can unquestionably be recognized as u member of the tribe Drymini. Particularl yt.he locatio nof the abdominaL spiracles and trichobothria shows a condition typical to the tribe as mentioned above. So far as known to me. the genus bears the closest resemblancc in external habitu ste the genus Paradieucheti, However. the aedeagal structures of thc two genera are clearly differen tfrom each other. It is quite similar to that of the Do,mus group (AsE{LocK, 1957) in Paiudieetche sas discuss edlate rin this paper. On the contrary, that of Hidakac'orih 'is very uniquc particulaT Liyn the featur eof the vesica which lacks any basa] process but bears three sclerotized dista lspines sheathed by a long membranous sack. So far as I havc examined. such structure has never been tbund among any drymine lygaeid sfrom Japan and her neighbouring areas. Therefore ,the systematic relationship of the genus still remains unsolved. This genus cun also be separable from Paradieuches and it srelatives by a combination of such charactcrs as lengcr and impunctate head, impunctate disc ef the anterier pronota llobe ,opaque dorsum of the pronotum. scutellum and hcmelyLra .and daTk reddish coloratien of the body, Jnctuded spec'ie sH.idakacoris tstttseti i{HIDAKA) ,comb. nov. One female specimen in our collection collected from Sulawesi ,Indonesia ,may beleng to a second species of the genus. However. I prefe rto postpone the t'in aildentit yof thc spccics until the male materials are avuilable. Et.ymolog. iN,a.med after Dr. Terunobu Hii)AKA who is the authuT of the type species of the genus. Gender masculine. Hldakacon's tsutsuii (HIDAKA), comb. noy. (Figs .1 & 2) LJapanese Tsutsui-nagakamemushi] name: Diet{che ststttsuii HIDAKA, 1963, Kontyfi ,31: 172. Supptemeti tto the original descriptio n.Body length 85.9-6. 2?, 6.2-7.3 ;body width at elytral base X't.7-l .98 ,1.8-2.1; pronota llength r1.4-1.5 ,19.5-1.7; pronota lwidth c7i1.5-1.7,9 1.7-2,O (mm). Male apparently smallcr and narrowcr than I'emal ebut the co]eration almost the same in male as in female. Costal margin of hemelytra narrowly pale, slightly retlexed upward: corium usually with stnall obscure pale markings on disc; membrane also with a small pale spot at outer basal angle next to tip of corium. Proportio nef rostral segments 1 to 4 as 15: l9i 12i 9. Male genita lstructure as shown in Fig. 1. Specimens examiiied. Holotype9 of Dieuches tsutsuii ,Mt. Gomadan, Wakayama Pref. ,3-VIII- 1957,Y. TsuTsui leg.(EntL.ab, Kyushu Univ.).Honshu-48i2\, Ch6mon-kyo, Yamaguchi Pref., 27-IX-1997,M, ToMoKu・N] lc.oS.hikoku-1\, Komenono, Matsuyama, Ehime Pref..13-XI-1976, T, MATsuDA leg.(Ent.Lab. Ehime Univ.);14, Mt. T6gu-san, Tokushima Pref.,3-XI-1975, M. YosHiDA leg.Kyushu'' l 4(Fig.2),Mt. Unzen. NagasakiPreL.4-VI-1979,M. YosHmA leg.Of c;i1 these. 18 from Ch6mon-kyo and 18 from Mt. Unzen were dissecte dfor ebservation of the genitalia. Distribution. Japan-Honshu, Shikoku, Kyushu. NII-Electronic Library Service NNaatitoinaolnScaieln ceSMcusieuemnce Museum 234 MasaHki ToMoKIJNI e,x , ,, ',dix ' ' i'g i ' Fig, 2, Hidakacoris tsutsuii (HIDAKA) \ t'rom Mt, Unzen, Nagasaki Pref, J,apan. Biology, Though thc specimens from Ch6mon-kye, Mt, T6gu-san and Mt. Unzen were found in leaf litt eorf broadlea fforest sn,othing has actually been known on it sbiology. Genus ParadieuchesDIsTANT (Fig3.) Paradieuches DisTANT, 1883, Trans .ent, Sec, Lond,. 1883: 438, 71v' psepecies. Paradieuches lewis iDIsTANT, 1883. By monotypy Diagnosis .Body elongate, near]y paraL]el-sid ebdl,ack with brownish and yellowish markings. Head pentagona lsh,orter than wide, sparse]y pubescen tw,ith yertex distinct lpyunctat eA.ntennae rather stout, slightly longe rthan hemelytr aR.ostrum exceeding mid-coxae. Pronotum as long us wide, constricted near middle;lateral carinae well laminated ,Scutellum punctate ,clearly longer than wide, with a large obscure Y-shaped carina, Hemelytra convergent at basal fifth e,xtending to tip of abdomen; clavus and corium eaeh with three regulaT rows of punctures; apical margin of corium nearly straight;costal margin narrowly reflexed upwaTd. Thoracie pleura evenly punctate .Legs short; fore femora swellen, ventrally with a large stout spine at apical third. and with two rows of short spines antero- and postero-ventrally. Abdomen beneath finel ywrinkled; all abdominal spiracles locate dventral on each sternum; all trichobothria on 5th sternum anterior to spiracle of the sternum, the posterio rpair arranged one above the other well apart from anterior one;numerous pores presen ton each sternum exterior to trichobethrialfurrow. Pygophore (Fi g3.A) with dist almargin rounded in ventral aspect, wedge-shaped in profile. Pararneres (Fig .3B) short;inner projectio nsteut with rounded tip;blade also stout Aedeagus (Fig .3C) simple, without any coajunctival processes e;jaculatory reservoir rather slender, with thin NII-Electronic Library Service NNaatitoinaolnScaieln ceScience MMuusesuemum Systematic Positien of Dieuches tsutsuii and Paradieuches 235 Fig. 3. Paradieuches tewis iDIsTANT. A, pygophoTe, lateral view; B, lef tparamere; C, aedeagus. wings weakly S-curved in profil ev;esica ventrally with a long pointed conspicuous lobe well apart from it sbase ;helicoi dprocess long, clearly sclerotized; gonopora lproces sshort, about fOur turned. Elpecimen sdissected .Paradieuches lewisi :1 c7t(Fig. 3), Tsuta ,Towadako-machi. Aomori Pref,, Japan, 4-V-1996, T. IcHri'A leg .P. dissimil is(DisTANT):1 {IMtA., Higure-yama, Nanae-cho, Hokkaido,Japan,28-VI-19g6, M. ToMoKuNi leg. For comparison to these species I also dissecte dthe fbllowing materials. Of Drymus (Slylvadr[ ymamrguinsat)us DIsTAN'r, 1 cli, Anban-Ootaki, Kiso-gun, Nagano Pref., Japan, 7-X-1976, M. ToMoKuNI leg. :of Eremocoris angusticollis JAKovl.Ev, 1 ci'i ,Mt. Shibakoya, Tokushima Pref. ,2- X-1977, M, YosHmA leg.; 1 cg4, Mt. T6gu-san, Tokushima Pref., 3-X-1975, M. YosHiDA leg. :of E. hirashimaiHIDAKA, 18L,Muroto, Kochi Pref.,25-III-1992,I.YAMAsHITA leg.;1 Omoto-dake, c;i, IshigakiIs.,theRyukyus, 15-V-1975, Y. NoTsu leg. Discussion .Since OsHAN[N (1906 ,as divisio nAphanaria) the genus Paradieuches has been p]aced in the tribe Rhyparochromini. However, the locatio nof the spiracles and uichobothri aon the abdominal segments, as mentioned abeve, evidently proves that this genus belong snot to the nibe Rhyparochromini but to the Drymini as in the case of the genus Hidakacoris. Obserying male genitali aI, never found any fundamental differenc ein the aedeagal structure between two Paradie"ches species, P. tewis iand P, dissimiti sa,nd other drymine species, Drymus (SytvadJJim umsar)ginat"s, Eremocoris ang"sticottis and E. hirashimai, all from Japaii .AsHLoc'K (1957 )stated that Drymus and it sreiatives includin gScolopostethus ,Gastrodes and 71ltytochrom"s NII-Electronic Library Service NNaatitoinaolnal  sSocieineoence  MMuusesuemum 236 MusaakiTeMOKUNI   show  a remarkably  constant  patter nin various  regions  of the phallus. Paradieuches and  Eremocori .y can  also  be considered  to belong to this Dt:Vmus  group. The most  particul gaernita lstructure  in the group may  be a long pointed lobe of  the vesica  which  is located on  the vcntral  surface  of the vesica and  protruden tlateral lwyhen  the aedeagus  is inflate.d Acknow 且edgmen お   1 am  grateful to Prof. Shosaburo HAMAsAKI  of  Yamaguchi  Universit yand  Mr . Kazuo  MIYosHI of Hikari−shi {br givin gme  usc 血l information on my  fiel dsurvey, to Dr. Katsura MoRIMoTo  of Kyushu Universit ywho  kindl ylent me  the type specimen  of  HDAK パs species , and  especially  to Dr, Shun−lchi UENo of the National Sc孟ence  Museum , Tokyo  fbr critlcal[y reading 鑑he manuscript  of ths , pape「・ 要 約  ツ ツ イナガ カメム シは,本州および四 国産の材料に基づ き,Dieuches tsutsuiiの 学名の もとに記載さ れた種で あるが,その所属につ い ては EYLES (1973)以来疑問視されてきた.このナガカメム シは稀種 で研究材料の 入手は容易で はなかっ たが ,幸い 1997 年の 「中国地方西部および九州地方北部を中心 と する地域の 自然史科学的総合研究」に より 山口県で十分 な数の標本を得る こ とが で きた. ,  精査の結果,こ の種の 雄交尾器の 構造は非常に特異で,既知の どの 属 に も該当 しない こ とが判っ た. そこで新属Hidahacoris を創設 し,本種をこれに所属させ た.この 種はまた 腹部腹板上 にある気門や , 感覚毛の位置関係に よ り, これ まで所属 して い たシ ロ ヘ リナガカメム シ族 Rhyparochrorninかiらクロ ナ ガカメムシ族 Drymini に移 されるべ きであるこ とも明らか となっ た.  ツ ツ イナガカ メ ム シ は外見的にキモ ン ナガ カ メム シ属 Paradieuchesの種によ く似て い る.こ れらを 比較研究してい る過程で , 後者の 分類学的位置に も問題のある こ とが判明 した.すなわち,この属の 種はツ ツ イナガ カメムシ同様,腹部腹板上の気門や感覚毛の 位置が明らかに クロ ナ ガ カメ ム シ族の 特 徴を示 して い た.そのた め本属 もこれまでの シ ロヘ リナ ガ カメム シ族か らクロ ナガカメム シ族に所属 が変更され た.  雄交尾器の 形態から, キモ ン ナ ガカメ ム シ属の 種は D ワ毋 協 ,Erem・C・ris, Gastr・des, ScolopostethUS および Thylochromus の 各属 とともに クロ ナガカメ ムシ族の中で一つ の属群 (Dr:ymus  group)を形成する と考えられるが,ツ ッ イナ ガカメム シはそれ ら との外見的類似に も拘わ らず, まっ た く別の系統の も の である.ツ ツ イナガカ メ ムシの雄交尾器の特異な形態的特徴は,凵本およびその周辺の地域か ら知 られ る他の クロナガカ メム シ族の種には見い だせ ず,その類縁関係は未詳である. References AsHLocK , P. D.,1957. An investigatio nof the taxonomic  value  of the phallus in the Lygaejdae (Hemiptera−    Heteroptera). Ann . ent . Soc. Am .,50:407−426. EYLEs, A. C.− 973. Monograph  of the Genus Dieuches DoHRN (Heteroptera:Lygaeidae).465 pp. Otago    Daily Times Ltd., Dunedin, New  Zeala皿d. OsHANIN .’  B., 1906. Verzeichnis der Paltiarktische nHemipteren, St.  Petershurg, Kaise厂lic劭h  Akad .    Wissenschaften ,1(1):1−392. ScHuH , R, T.,& J, A. SLATER,1995. True Bugs of lhe World (Hemiptera:Heteroptera):ctassification and    natural  histor. yxii+336 pp. Comell Universit Pyress, Ithac, aUSA . 一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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