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A Revision of the Subgenus Simandrena of the Genus Andrena of Eastern Asia with a Key to Palaearctic Species (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae) PDF

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Preview A Revision of the Subgenus Simandrena of the Genus Andrena of Eastern Asia with a Key to Palaearctic Species (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae)

九州大学学術情報リポジトリ Kyushu University Institutional Repository A Revision of the Subgenus Simandrena of the Genus Andrena of Eastern Asia with a Key to Palaearctic Species (Hymenoptera, Andrenidae) Tadauchi, Osamu Xu, Huan-li 徐, 環李 http://hdl.handle.net/2324/2591 出版情報:ESAKIA. 35, pp.201-222, 1995-01-31. 九州大学農学部昆虫学教室 バージョン: 権利関係: ,AIKASE :)53( .222-102 yraunaJ ,135991 201 A Revision of the Subgenus Simandrena of the Genus Andrena of Eastern Asia with a Key to Palaearctic Species (Hymenoptera, 2) umasO T ADAUCHI lacigolomot n,EyrotarobaL ytlucaF fo,erutlucirgA ,uyh ts,iuasykrKoeuvkiunFU 8 21napaJ X U Huan-li aimedacA ,ygolooZ fo etutitsnI ,aciniS gnijieB ,080001anihC Abstract. tsaE naisA seiceps fo eht sunegbus Simandrena fo eht suneg edreasi vdenra 0s1 ediec ze eipmr nsoa,grao fncnieahrpCa Jd n.aa eereorKhTwen ,seiceps dna are described Andrena (Simandrena) tianshana, wuae platydepressa morf .anihC enO wen ,mynonys 1 wen sutats dna 2 wen sdrocer era .dedulcniA yek ot seiceps fo eht sunegbus ni eht citcraealaP noiger gnidulcni9 Simandrena .det nse essi eicnreappc sih nrtdafrneAoapNoruE Introduction After Smith (1869) described from Japan and Morawitz (1880) Andrena halictoides debircsed 4 wen seiceps morf htroN anihC dna ,ailog nloaMreve ssrohtu adetaertsiht Andrena usta m. u),,s69n a32e;, Y99k5d s11f1n, nnl9a.ar o A1rgieoidst.sttteuSeAsi sn(adnaeEeobgpxe )1491( edam eht tsrif kcehc tsil fo ni nretsaE aisA gnidulcni ,anihC ,aeroK,napaJ Andrena fo seiceps esenapaJ deiduts )6691-2691( amihsariH .aissuR fo stcirtsiD emitiraM eht dna nawiaT siht suneg dna ihcuadaT dna amihsariH )8891-3891( desiver lareves arenegbus gnirrucconi .napaJ ihcuadaT )9891( detsil 38 seiceps fo seiceps evah neeb dedrocer yb ustamusaY (1941) uW (1941), Wu (1965, Andrena, 83 )1 stlus emRo refv int aaeyprhdaetuJpt-oSa-noi Chn CoseidutS “no ,scitametsyS no itdunlaovE yhpar gfooe gnoaiiBsA ,. m .y,)Hae(eaddiionpe Ar.donNA .1 Andrena akoukuF .reS( ,4 .oN.)16 Andrena 202 0. TADAUCHI & XU HUAN-LI 1982a, 1982b, 1992), miK (1985), dna ,srehto dna 44 seiceps yb miK & miK (1983), miKdna miK )9891( dna ihcuadaT & ee L (1992), .ylevitcepser morF ,ailogn o,Maktahcm,anKeilahgaS ,rum AairebiS dna asomro Ftuoba 02 seiceps ere wdedrocer ni eht seiduts yb ztiwaroM (1880), llerekcoC ,)1191( arumustaM (1911), Friese (1914, 1922), nekflA )9291( dna .srehtoyltneceR eno dfeot a ep, e viim,cnic hasnitincrueataugirrpao cea adreSppnJaPhoi-Ttoa Ce1r9o9K1dna 2991 dna osla sah detrats a napaJ-anihC evitarepooC ydutS ecnis .3991 eW evah dahna .a insrAet sdnaeiEtcel lyolce dsinwemic eepnsim ayoxtteinutroppo eh Ttnes erreppap dna eht eru tsuefussi fo eht ema sseires fo ruo krow era ylni admesabno eht lairetam devreserp ni eht lacigolooZ etutitsnI fo aimedacA ,aciniS ,gnijieB dna eht .a k, oyeut Wkious sFru, lehe eavsry siuut,unytlyUKl urrufcoocoat iFalrragocAbiagLolomotnE lliw esu eht epyt dna lam rsonnem idceewposrrob morf eht gniwo lslmoufesum dn:asetutitsni eht larutaN yrotsiH ,muesuM ;nodnoL lanoitaN muesuM fo larutaN ,yrotsiHnainoshtimS ,noitutitsnI notgnihsaW ;.C.D naciremA muesuM fo larutaN ,yrotsiH weN ;kroYlacigolooZ ,muesuM ;nilreB lacigolooZ ,etutitsnI ymedacA fo secneicS fo ,aissuR .tS ;grubsreteP .zniL ,smuesumsednaL nehcsihcierretsjirebO n It ynedehus tt e estrswapu enerehtgtbus Simandrena sun ee ghfto Andrena. ehTsunegbus si dnuof htob ni eht citcraealaP dna citcraeN .snoiger ekcnraW )8691( dedulcni 8naeporuE seic edpnsa 2 h ntsarecoiiNcref pAnsi , seuhnt edgnbaus egreBaL )9891( desiver eht seicepsfo eht citcraeN ,noiger gnitaert 8 .seiceps nekflA )5391( dna ekcnraW ,6691( )3791 debircsed3 de d)ks r7u es o7y mie7c9n. ocie1hn ar ecr(cariffpeytosospssnAsOi inoMathgfA Simandrena morf naeporu E.aissuR htiW tcepser ot tsaE naisA seiceps fo Simandrena, amihsariH )2591( dedr oecneo rhca emo rnfapa Jd in.ha acae u mr)addio3denhK8asas9Ti as1veru(ehinrtHegbus ro fn adpea zJdinna g .o4scee irm co,erapFesr omKiK dna m di)eK9sd8er 9ioe1ccn(eeoprsbus .seiceps 2 dedrocer )5891( uW ,anihC morF .seiceps 4 detsil )3991( eeL dna ihcuadaT dna ,epo ron usisElrau chcc o ief,hnoawo insrAet sma oEsrefic ee0pz1singo cyeedw rust isnhIt 3 esr e awidecnneap s2 e s .r edmaawzr on eioerime nncnf hyWogeowCndsoreonlcnnaaeyrs eno wen .sutats eW tneserp a yek ot seiceps fo eht sunegbus Simandrena ni ehtcitcraealaP ,noiger gnidulcni 9 naeporuE dna htroN nacirfA seiceps elbaliava rof eht tneserp .ydutsehT -oloh d nsdaeeptyatnagrias pendi eht tnese rrpepap e rdaevreser pni el haetctiugtoiltosonZIfo aimedacA ,aciniS gnijieB dna emos sepytarap era ni eht lacigolomo t,nyErotarobaLuhsuyK .akouk u,FytisrevinU Terminology and Abbreviations lacigolohproM smret ylniam wollof renehciM )4491( dna amihsariH .)2691(snoitaiverbbA desu ni eht seires fo siht yduts era sa :swollof PP = ;serutcnup SI = secapsretnineewteb punctures; ,nT nS = lamosatem mugret dna munrets n; nLF = rallegalf tnemges n; ,L W= ; )Le Wt l a=e;a1 ls hiao LpahptdLntd B btidi n nfy gtig=emaodmnwy tuooepLnmbrlaifx(am fo gniwerof gnidulcni;aluget LH = daeh ,L morf pot fo xetrev ot rewol nigram fosuepylc g nsisdeuclocrx pefo ;murbal l ah ithfdWcdto nH ai g dam f w=n,auW;eLemVWl VhiF=Fxam ;aevof ,lLF 2LF = htgnel fo ralleg asltfnemges 1 dna 2 fo eht elam gnola( rewol secafrusfo ;,) LdWErE a =wdr e oLhdfcnt a eW e lr;a fLaten;oPes y nLC pWe =enyGttelnn=hceawmges W fo laneg aera nees ;yllaretal DOO = ralucolleco ;D DOP = rallecotsop ;ecnatsid DCO= latipiccolleco ;D WsM = lamososem W neewteb( retuo smir fo ;)ealuget WtM = lamosatem.W NOISIV E FRSOUNEGBUS F ONRETSAAIESA 203 SZMANDRENA Subgenus Simandrena P&ez Simandrena ,zereP 18901, setcA .toS , x u.anendirLoB 44: 174; ,ekcideH ,3391 .ttiM .looz.suM ,nilreB :91 ;812 ,llerekcoC ,6391 cificaP-naP ,.tnE :21 ;541 ,mahnaL ,9491 .vinU .filaC .lbuP ,.tnE :8 ;591 ,egreBaL ,4691 .vinU aksarbeN .tS .suM ,.lluB :4 ;403,amihsariH 1965, J. .taF ,.rgA uhsuyK ,.vinU :31 ;794 ,ekcnraW ,8691 .meM .tsE .suM .looz .vinU ,arbmioC :)703( ;78 ,kuynhcysO ,7791 anuaF ,iniarkU 21 :)5( ;332 ihcuadaT & ,amihsariH ,3891 ,aikasE :)02( ;18 ,egreBaL ,9891 .snarT .remA .tne ,.toS 115: 1. -epyT :seiceps Andrena propinqua ,kcnehcS 3581 = Andrena dorsata ,ybriK( )2081 detangised y,bekc.i3d3e9H1 Platandrena ,kcereiV 1924, .danaC ,.tnE :65 ;12 ,ekcideH ,3391 .ttiM .looz .suM ,nilreB:91 ;712 ,mahnaL ,9491 .vinU .filaC .lbuP ,.tnE :8 .212 epyT :seiceps Andrena nasonii ,nostreboR .5981 Stenandrena ,ekalrebmiT ,9491 ni ,mahnaL .vinU .filaC .lbuP ,.tnE :8 ;312 ,egreBaL,4691 .vinU aksarbeN .tS .suM ,.lluB :4 .403 epyT :seiceps Andrena pallidifovea (Viereck, 1904). Diagnosis: llamS ot yletare deogmra l;sei cmeuptson otrupoht ilwarem u;hsellganeadoporp alucibroc ni elamef ,etelpmoc tuohtiw roiretni ;sriah lasrod aera fo muedoporp deniltuoyb etunim tub tcnitsid desiar segdir gnola eht ;seru tluasretnahco rstuccolf ;etelpmoc 1aibitapocs yletaredom gnol ot netfo ylemertxe trohs dna ton ;degnarra dnih aibit yldaorbdednapxe .yllacipabus Key to the Palaearctic females of the subgenus Simandrena* 1. eni t,s ye,e lek;acrsPe uue,Tore v Gk;lsisurluf i- oxaennahloi r agloacuahgsrmtrroeestfateM ot naeporuE aissuR lanoitidda[ lufesu :sretcarahc 1aibit apocs ,gnol llew;degnarra suepylc ;dellud lasrod ecaf fo muedoporp ,etallesset ton denehguor htiwwollahs ;serutcnup roiretsop snoisserped fo lamosatem agret ton llew ,detacidni,etallesset .]etatcnupmi . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . transitoria .F ztiwaroM - lamosateM agret ;kcalb sriah no xaroht .lamron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 2. ralle gtanleFmges 1 regnol naht stnemges 2 dna 3 ;reht e,gy oeatkirvuaTlsoguY otecnarF [propodeal enclosure with only a few rugulae basally; supraclypeal area with .]serutc nwuopll ahh ts,iewtalles smeutedop oef rcolpaafs r;oedalu gluarnidutignol . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . thomsoni ekcuD - rallegalF tnemges 1 retrohs naht ro sa gnol sa stnemges 2 dna 3 .rehtegot . . . . . . . . . . 3 3. suepylC deneergahs dna ,dellud htiw on noitacidni fo .serutcnup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 - suepylC ynihs ot ylkaew etallesset htiw .serutcnup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 * ruoF ,seiceps hcihw ew dluoc ton ,enimaxe era dedulcxe morf eht tneserp yek sa:swollof Andrena venerabilis , n 5e; 3knm9fao1ldrArfoJ A. melba ,ekc n6r6a9W 1 ;msoursfacuaC A. jalalabadensis ;natsinah gmf oA3r 7f,9e1kcmaW A. antigana ,zere P5981 morf.niapS 204 .0 IHCUADAT & UXIL-NAUH 4. ;serutc nluapcipocsor cnfioomitaci denriuc shb to,iewtalles syelte sm nu1eg drleatmosateM roiretsop lanoisserped aera fo lamosatem agret ylesned ;etallesset laedoporperusolcne htiw ylno a wef ealugur ;yllasab lasrod ecaf fo muedoporp etallesset htiwwollahs ;serutcnup aireglA dna .occoroM . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zereP breviscopa - lam omsuagtreeMt 1 htooms dna ynihs hti w,elsa nn ;reolsodileisarrsmueesttrcspnoeupdp aera fo lamosatem agret ynihs dna htooms htiw esned ;serutcn ulpaedoporperusolcne esogur no 31.1 fo lasab ;aera lasrod ecaf fo muedopo r;pdenehguor elddiM eporuEot naeporuE ,aissuR elddiM ,airebiS anihC .)tsewhtron( . . . . . . . . . . (Christ) combinata 5. dniH 1aibit apocs ,gnol yletaredom llew .degnarra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 - dniH 1aibit apocs yrev trohs ot ,trohs ton llew .degnarra . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 6. suepylC htooms dna dehsilop htiw daorb lanidutignol naidem dna a esrevsnartlacipa etatcnup m;ise claapespylcarpu saera denehguor htiw gnort s;serutcnup sriah noxetrev .)tsewhtro na(ni h;Cxevn oecti usquepy l;csuovl umfutucsos ensmori a;hhsiwolley . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n .ps tianshana, - Clypeus ylkaew etallesset dna etatcnup with median longitudinal tessellated space; llaepylcarpus aera htiw wollahs ;serutcnup sriah no xetrev elap ;hsinworb sriahno htuo sa(er o,Kani h;Cxevn oscuepy l;chsiwoll eeyl amputucsosem & .)la rtnec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. amihsariH koma 7. rallegalF tnemges 1 retrohs naht stnemges 2 dna 3 .rehtegot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 - rallegalF tnemges 1 sa gnol sa stnemges 2 dna 3 .rehtegot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 8. lamosateM muget 1 ynihs htiw esne d ;l lsleaearermudus soteopcslonocrugnppuer no 311 fo lasab ;noitrop lasrod ecaf fo muedoporp etallesset htiw wollahs ,serutcnupton ;de nleahigcu aoafrevof yre v ,gdnaio yrypblurcaceo nlluf ec anpesew tteibbro dnatsop ;sulleco suepylc rehtar daorb dna etiuq ;xevnoc aireglA dna ocorroM laidigyp[etalp tuohtiw desiar ;aera laduac airbmif .]kcalb . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . zereP rhypara lamosateM mugret 1 ylkaew etallesset htiw lacipocsorcim enif ;serutcnuplaedoporp erus oelscongeur lla revo ot 312 fo las a;bnoit rloapsrod ecaf fo mu;eddeonpeohrgpuor laicaf aevof ton daorb gniypucco l/2 ot 312 ecaps neewteb tibro dna tsop;sulleco suepylc 9.......................................................xevnoc 9. laedoporP erusolcne egral dna yltcnitsid delknirw lla ,revo htiw esrevsnart leek ;yllacipa mutonorp htiw lacipabus nigram eritne ro semitemos yrev ylkaew etanigrame nieht ;elddim napaJ dna aeroK htuos( & )lartnec mutonorp[ tuohtiw a naidemlanidutignol ;enil laicaf aevof ,worran gniypucco tuoba 7.0 ecaps neewteb tibro dna tsop;sulleco xetrev htiw elap hsinworb ;sriah ,rellams htgnel 9-8.]mm . . . . . . amihsa ritiheHcuadaT yamato - lac itpuaoh teitwalle s ks oaentetowit rloapc it,pudabelkn iyrlwtcnit seirdusol clnaeedoporP esrevsnart ;leek mutonorp htiw lacipabus nigram etanigrame ni eht .elddim . . . . . . . . 10 .01 mutonorP htiw naidem lanidutignol enil ;tcnitsid laedoporp erusolcne delknirw ylraenlla ;revo sriah no , xmeuttruecvsos edmn amulletu ce sl;ahpsi wsoslelceoyrp fo murbal ton etanigrame ni eht ;elddim lamosatem mugret 1 ylkeew etallesset htiwcipocsorcim ;l s agea inr etciudvuaytaoofpco fbunr8a c ub.ncep0 eocteaiwpbts redobn; astuslolpeco la;, ai hrhdrtset ubhiggtamgnrnuciiwaeo flollb0ra1b-9 ;m.mnapaJ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . amihsariH opacifovea NOISIV E FRSOUNEGBUS F ONRETSAAIESA 502 SZMANDRENA - mutonorP htiw naidem lanidutignol enil ;erucsbo laedoporp erusolcone ssel,delknirw etallesset no 3/l fo la c;inpoait rsorpiah no ,mxuetturcesvo sde nmmaul;lseutouccssuf ssecorp fo murbal etanigrame ni eht ;elddi mlamosatem mugret 1 yltcn,iettsaildlesset yeltraatecnnup mrio ch;itspieowrc usltoacrinccuiap mfaevo fw ogrnriaynputcucooba 7.0 ecaps neewteb tibro dna tsop ;sulleco laduac ai r;bsm ui,ofrceslu lfhatmgsneltuoba 9-8 ;mm napaJ amihsO-imam41( .).sI . . . ,amihsariH te ihcuadaT n. .tats austroinsularis .11 roiretsoP lanoisserped aera fo lamosatem agret htooms dna ynihs htiw tcnitsidesned ............................serutcnup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .21 - roiretsoP lanoisserped aera fo lamosatem agret yletaredom ot ylkaew etallessethtiw .........................serutcnup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .31 12 Clypeus smooth; propodeal enclosure rugose on basal half; facial fovea broad; laepylcarpus aera ylgnorts ,etatcnup ton ;denehguor xetrev ton ;dnuor lamosatemriah sdnab no agret 4-3 ;etelpmoc laidigyp etalp htiw desiar aera ton ;etallessetanihC .) h.t r.o n.( . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n.eauw.. sp. - Clypeus tessellate; propodeal enclosure rugose on basal ;3/2 laicaf aevof;worran supraclypeal area roughened; vertex round; metasomal hair bands on terga 3 detpurretni ;yllaidem laidigyp etalp htiw desiar aera ;etallesset ,dnalgnE elddiMdna htuoS eporuE ot naeporuE .aissuR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kcnehcS lepida .31 lasroD ecaf fo muedoporp etallesset htiw wollahs ,serutcnup ton ;denehguor laicafaevof y r ge,nv diyayloprruab celcnlou fe cnaepe swttiebbro dna t;ss ouepllldeedpciooMruE ot naeporuE Rtrssia lamosatem[ mugret 1 ,etallesset htiw erucsbo ;serutcnuproiretsop lanoisserped aera fo lamosatem agret ,etallesset htiw tcnitsidni.]serutcnup . . . . . . . . . . thcenkedeimhcS congruens - lasroD ecaf fo muedoporp ;denehguor laicaf aevof .worran . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 .41 lamosateM mugret 1 ,etallesset htiw enif ;serutcnup laepylcarpus aera htiwlanidutignol ;ealugur ssecorp fo murbal worran dna etanigrame ni eht ;elddi mdnalgnE dnaelddiM eporuE ot naeporuE .aissuR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . *)ybriK( dorsata - lamosateM mugret 1 ynihs dna ,htooms htiw esned tcnitsid ;serutcn ulpaepylcarpusaera tuohti wlanidutign o;lealugur ssecorp fo murbal to netanigrame ni eht .elddim . . . . 15 .51 laedoporP erusolcne ylkaew esogur no lasab .flah . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 - laedoporP erusolcne yltcnitsid esogur lla .revo . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 .61 suepylC ynihs dna ,htooms htiw tcn i;tsseird ultacmnouspate mag r,eettalless ehttiwllams lan o g rian;osei sisrytereapureruoutpcbtsecacodonpup 3/l .na p;aeJtalles s,emtug rfeot . . . . . ihcuad aatTmeihsariH nippon - suepyl Cy l,keateawlles shettiw a nlaai ndeietdmauttcing un;poemlci alpasmosateamgret yrev ylkaew etallesset dna ynihs htiw tcnitsid esned ;serutcnup roiretsoplanoisserped tu ogbnaiypu caceora 3/2 .)htro na(ni h;Cetalless eytlka eywr e,vmugr efto . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .n.ps platydepressa, * Wu (1985) recorded 2 ,seiceps dna morf Simandrena A. (S.) wilkella propinqua (= dorsbta) g ,nn nea,ofhairsngoniem ahRutiCTuTb e h rtsegmnroolf eobt dna eht,rettal Taeniandrena aim e,deatcuAt iltas cnniIo g if o etoelh n choc d in etoieltmielZhwuoahlwonxtocec aciniS ni .aisA nretsaE ni noitubirtsid sti no yduts erutuf eht ot derrefed( si ,yduts tneserp eht 206 0. TADAUCHI & XU HUAN-LI .71 suep ytluCohtiw a ln aaenitidadetumct ni;ugepncmoai lpsssecorp fo murbal etanigrameni eht ;elddim laduac airbmif ;hsinworb sniev dna amgits elap ;hsiwoll eayivalsoguYot naeporuE .aissuR . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . susterai nekflA - suepylC htiw a naidem lanidutign oeltatcnup myilesrevsna rdteneergahs ;ecaps ssecorpfo murbal ;hs i s;na nn wmdie aognedeir iavltrblt oaba s;ngnmde iii ulegftadhrocdtanimme ,napaJ anihC dna aeroK htuos( & .)lartnec . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kerriae Hirashima K.ey to the Palaearctic males of the subgenus Simandrena .1 lamosateM agret ;suonigurref laedoporp erusolcne deneergahs lla ;revo lasrod ecaffo muedoporp ,etalless;et htiw wollah s,serutcnup ton ;denehg uloarmosatem agret 4-2htiw ,esned etelpmoc riah ;sdnab suepylc htiw suovluf ;sriah laepylcarpus aera ,etatcnupton .denehguor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . transitoria .F ztiwaroM - lamosateM agret ;kcal blaedo peorrupsolcn eesogur ta tsael no lasab ;noitrop lasrod ecaffo muedoporp ;denehguor lamosatem agret 4-2 tuohtiw etelpmoc riah .sdnab . . . . . . . . 2 .2 rallegalF tnemges 1 regnol naht ro sa gnol sa tnemges .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 - rallegalF tnemges 1 retrohs naht tnemges .2 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 .3 suepylC htiw a naid elmanidu teitgantoc lnyulpsmriev sdneanretergahs ;ecaps suepylchtiw ;yllare tsadl nra ibeash nyeldetare dho tm 4ia-wg2 rleatmosa t;esmr ieath iehsw n,eydrevlis lamosatem mugret 1 yrev ylkaew etallesset htiw ,llams ,esned tcnitsid.serutcnup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . kerriae Hirashima - suepylC tuohtiw a naidem laniduttgnol etatcnupmi ;ecaps suepylc tuohtiw esned ;sriah lamosatem agret 4-2 htiw ,esraps ylroop depoleved riah .sdnab . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 .4 lamosat emMugret 1 yrev ylk aeetwallesse tht icwipocsorc iemni f;serutc nluapsrod ecaffo . sss ur uhoi ;etcad spishe neywunt orlf euhi ucmhbttftugi aoceuwncndoaiuordppnoirp . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . congruens thcenkedeimhcS - lamosateM mugret 1 htooms dna ,ynihs htiw tcnitsid .serutcnup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 .5 daeH htiw elap ot llud hsiwolley sriah ton dexim htiw hsikcalb ro ;hsinworbmutucsosem ylkaew ot ylesned etallesset ;yllaidem roiretsop lanoisserped aera fo lamosatemagret ynihs dna htooms htiw llams .serutcnup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . combinata (Christ) - daeH htiw elap sriah deximda htiw ynam hsinworb ot hsikcalb seno no ralucoarap,aera .yll ah yi tdndmonieuoahmtmsusc s ;ox lasedaeetnnrmraeaegv . . . . . . . . . . . . . . nippon ihcuadaT teamihsariH .6 lamosateM mugret 1 ynihs ot yrev ylkaew ,etallesset htiw tcnitsid .serutcnup . . . . . . . . . . 7 - lamosateM mugret 1 ylkaew etallesset htiw etunim .serutcnup . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 8 .7 laedopo rePrusol cynletcnitsid esogur no 4/3 fo lasab ;noit rloapmosatem agret tuohtiwriah ;sdnab laepylcarpus aera etallesset dna ,etatcnup tuohtiw ;ealugur suepylc htiwhsitihw ;sriah rewol ralucoarap aera etallesset htiw etagnole .serutcnup . . . . . . . . susterai Alfken - laedopor Perusolcne esogur no lasab ;flah lamosatem agret 4-2 htiw ylroop depolevedriah ;sdnab laepylcarpus aera htiw ;ealugur suepylc htiw kcalb ;sriah rewol ralucoarapaera weakly tessellate and shiny, with round punctures. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . rhypara Perez .8 laedoporP erusolcne esogur no tuoba lasab ;flah suepylc ylkaew ot ylesned etallessethtiw wollahs ;serutcnup sriah no suepylc elap ot suocsuf . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . dorsata (Kirby) REVISION OF SUBGENUS SZMANDRENA OF NRETSAEAISA 207 - laedoporP erusolcne yltcnitsid esogur lla revo no 4/3 fo lasab .noitrop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 .9 lacipabuS nigram fo mutonorp ;eritne lamosatem munrets 7 htiw lacipa sebol;worran munrets 8 htiw lacipa ebol ;rednels latineg eluspac htiw lasrod sebol fo etixoconogton ;detcejorp ,rellams htgnel tuoba 8 .mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . yamato ihcuadaT teamihsariH lacipabu Snigram fo mut o;neotrapn ilgarmaomseat emmunrets 7 htiw lacipa sebol,redaorb ;dednuor munrets 8 htiw lacipa ebol daorb dna denediw ;yllacipa latineg eluspachtiw lsaesbr oofldo etixoconsog ; yd ,lere cethugatdrrgo aenrtldepuolomba 9.mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . aevoficapo amihsariH 1. Andrena (Simandrena) combinata (Christ) .giF()1 Apis combinutu.]ynam reG ;elamef[ 781 .p ,.tcesnI .grutaN ,1971 ,tsirhC Andrenu ulbiburbis ,kcnehcS ,3581 .bJ .reV .ktaN uassaN :9 431 ;elam[ .W ;]ynamreG,ekcmaW ,7691 ,soE :34.842 Andrenu combinutu: ,thcenkedeimhcS ,4881-2881 .dipA ,.poruE ,I .p 177 elamef[ & ;]ela.mE trehkcotS ni ,thcenkedeimhcS ,0391 .myH -droN dnu .lettiM ,saporue .p 239,]elamef[ 389 ;]elam[ ,uW ,2891 stcesnI fo ,gnaziX.293 Andrenu suhlbergi F. ,ztiwaroM ,8881 .roH .toS .tne .ssoR :22 142 elamef[ & ;elamelddiM ;]airebiS ,ekcmaW ,7691 ,soE :34 ,081.603 Andrena mehelyi ,nekflA ,6391 .fforeV .hcs t.userDebU-.loK .suM ,nemerB .I :3 083;elamef[ ;]yragnuH ,e:kcmaW 19 67E,o s4,3 2:0 32,8 7. Andrenu (Simundrenu) combinutu: ,ekcnraW ,8691 .meM .tsE .suM .looZ .vinU,arbmioC :)703( ;,8k8uyn h,c7y7s9O1 an u,aiFniarkU 21 :)5(.932 Distrjbution:;) g, nnsaouzioig mX egorRnn uao:gittyjusUnAei w X.hantnariiohrnCe(b isoruE .airebiS elddiM ;aissuR naeporuE ot eporuE elddiM Floral records: kuynhcysO )7791( dedrocer gniwollof srewolf morf naeporuE:aissuR Potentillu urgentutu, Trifolium prutense, Mutricuriu inodoru, Burbureu vulgaris, Melitotus oficinulis, Inulu britunicu, Picris hierucioides. Flight records::el a.Ma iss unRaepor unyEil ueJt aoeltn uyJlr a,eani hneCin ud Ji:melameF .ais snuaRepo rynu liEeu tJeoa ntlyulJrae Specimens examined selameF( = ,F selaM = :)M ]anihC[ gnaijniX rugyUsuomonotuA :noigeR ,F2 ukuW ,daoR nahsnaiT htron ,epols ,m0061 .11 .iv 0691 gnaW(.)gnoy-uhS We s n:e s mnwsiao aceldeple poonosrfisumlEaaxe ,Fl , .s,r ide.an irla .bnal0crVr 0ee,5Vz.,tt7ifwS 20-28. vi. 1959 (J.E. & .R ; ).nBosneB ,Fl ,stliW .t G,nywde B.62 .iiv 9691 ;.)Kd(rahciuG ,Fl sessoB ,seplA .42 .iv 8491 .FMP( ;)ffeohreV ,Ml ,engoduoD ,talraS ,ecnarF .02 .vi ;5591 ,Ml ,egaraV ,selliesraM ,ecnarF .22 .vi.0691 Parasite: Unknown. Remarks: ssiehiTc espash dneede rbmo ocer elferdpdoirMu Eo t ealidrdei bMdilnSaartnec .anihC ehT elamef fo siht seiceps si evitcnitsid ni gnivah eht suepylc ,deneergahs lluddna derevoc htiw esned elap ,sriah eh tlamos amtuegmret 1 ,dehsi lyonpihs dna htooms htiwesned ag rleatmos a a tefelehoramtanoisser pleadc ie,phsatht deirwut c dneyeunbtpoara pseesrutcnup ynihs dna htoom shti w ,essenreudt ce nhlutapid ie gtdyaeplppa h esht-ta Vildwleessisa,eratera d neaht laduac airbm.infedlog 208 IH C.U0ADAT & IL -UNXAUH .ps 2. Andrena (Simandrena) tiunshana, nov. .sgiF( ,2)41 LB l-5.01 2.1 ,mm LW 5.8-0.8 mm .)3=n( Female. Color: elbidnaM htiw lacipa driht ro ssel ;tnecsefur gniw senarbmem ,enilayhyletaredom elap ,hsinworb sniev dna amgitsoretp ;hsinworb lamosatem agret tneculsnart hsiddernworb ;yllacipa isratitsid hsidder ;nworb 1aibit srups.suoecatset Pubescence: sriaH no d ahe sheilw ao ; ploslltua eoiayvce lav hufoks ffrieanvdwoobradbna elap hsiwolley ;woleb ,mutucso smeumlletucs dna mutonatem htiw trohs ,)~005-003( suovluf ;sriah laedopo raplucibroc yrev llew depoleved htiw lasrod egnirf fo ,suovluf etiuq gnol-006( ,)p0001 ,esned llew degnarra ;sriah lasrod ecaf fo muedoporp htiw ,esraps suovluf;sriah laret n,ashuccocrotl f;llams 1aibit apocs y ld e elt gla shner;utawesoirdrvwroilamauhf lT feoe rf sriah ,yllaidem htiw trohs ,)~053-002( tcerebus sriah ;yllaretal lT htiw etihw riahegnirf ,yllaretaltsop T2 htiw a riah dnab yldaorb detpurret n,iyllaidem T3.4 htiw ylraen etelpmocot etelpmoc riah ;sdnab laduac airbmif ;nedlog ~,IS htiw ,trohs ,esned tcere sriah ,yllaidem 5-ZS htiw ,trohs ,tcerebus suovluf sriah ,ylroiretsop htiw lacipa egnirf yrev.trohs Structure: :daeH WH/LH = 30.Ok68.0 (0.83-0.88, .)3=n 1annetnA epacs = tsrif 4rallegalf ;stnemges 1LF = ,3+2hE 2LF > ,3LF 2LF dna 3LF redaorb naht .gnol seyE htiw rennisnigram gnig ryelvtnhogci ldsr a.wsoetlbid nraamlaM ecaps .raen islsecorP fo murbal etaredo mni,ezis tuoba 5.1 semit sa daorb sa ,lgandoilozepa rott de d,nyulolr aecciapfar u.syni hssuepylCetiuq eetc eaad s tpnhr , csate,yeni v nnduw ws,aiipaonlihwmra adsirrx neatehimnvtdniuow tcaignol PP ,wollahs ,llams htiw dehsilop ,htooms suepylc ;yllacipa ecaps etatcnupmi ~02@ dna ,l&I LPC = 0.I .mm rewoL ralucoarap aera ylraen htooms htiw ,gnorts esned .PP laicaF aevof,daorb ,w oLlVlFa h=s 4. 1,m mWVF = 5 . x0.de me t tlmd.r loa nwenantaueVinneoieorrvGraf > ey e W E= :,WeGlif onnreipes ,5.0:8.0 ra eynni hysldao rebcafr u,se yrea ednedwo rPecPtun ihmt iw eye dna ,euqapo deneer g.ayhlsroiretsop DCO:DOP:DO0 = .3.0:5.0:7.0 Mesosoma: Pronotum rehtar ,depoleved ylthgils erutus laretal htiw mutonorp ;PP wollahs ,esraps htiw ,etallesset ylkaew ,gnol tuohtiw laretal ,ealugur lacipabus nigram fo mutonorp ton .etanigramemutucsoseM yletaredom ,etallesset htiw wollahs PP030~ dna SI = ;5.1-1 mulletucs ynihs ni eht.elddim elrauesd oollp lcodenrewePnife dyb a d,eenreuhtgu usnoor lasab 312 ddnea;nyelelragcaihpsa lasrod ecaf fo muedop o;rdpeneh gruaolrucibroc aera yleni f.eta lmluemsestestipesyelMesned d n;ighnire pyaltthg islussrati sda nb disnhuasrati sealbd dhi tm gi .ewwPLoPll ahh tseitwallesset aibit .trohs Metasoma: WtM:WsM:W H= .6.3:3.3:2.3 Tl y le ltyaalslk alahbeets,wisewettunim dnuor ~51-Ol@PP de rnt h ea a ythsSlolotrPI ltroiaPy yeamwp lylsess= lrksn,aeae3cvet-iwlpa htiw yrev w oertraatncn uypnmiihs ecaps ta .secipa T2-4 y le ltyaalslk alahbeets,wisewettunim esned ~02-Ol@PP dna SI = y hl,tl1oa ocdmi nspyaan inhhotsii twda nlolalnleasmsset -Ol@PP 20~ dna SI = ;3-l lacipa snoisserped fo agret llew .detacidni laidigyP etalp depahs-Vhtiw .a erraalugna ilratnre tdneis iyalretare dh ot,mix wedpeadnuor 5-ZS ,esr ahp tseitwalles syeltk aew wollahs.PP Unknown. Male. Distribution:.)noigeR suomonotuA rug yU gnaijniX :tsewhtron( anihC Floral record: toN.elbaliava Flight record: :elameF dim.enuJ NOISIVER FO SUNEGBUS SIMANDRENA FO NRETSAEAISA 209 Figs. 1-8: sdaeH ni latnorf weiv rof 8 seiceps fo tsaE naisA Andrena (Simandrena), 1: combinata; 2: tianshana, .ps ;.von 3: koma; 4:yamato; 5: opacifovea; 6: austroinsularis; sp. ;.von 7: wuae, 8: nippon.

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