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A revision of the neotropical click beetle genus Semiotinus Pjatakowa (Coleoptera: Elateridae) PDF

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Preview A revision of the neotropical click beetle genus Semiotinus Pjatakowa (Coleoptera: Elateridae)

PROC. ENTOMOK.SOC. WASH. 105(3). 2003.pp.647-663 A REVISION OF THE NE:0TR0PICAL CLICK BEETLE GENUS SEMIOTINUS PJATAKOWA (COLEOPTERA: ELATERIDAE) Samuel A. Wells Depaitment ofBidagiicultural Sciences and Pest Management, Colorado State Univer- sity, Fort Collins, CO 8().'S2.^-1 177, U.S.A. (e-mail: samwellsCf^aol.com) — Ahstnict. Fifteen species, forineriy placed in Scmioius Eschscholt/aretiansferredinto the genus Semiotiims. which formerly included only S. haniiluuisi Pjatakowa. The 17 known species ofthe Neotropical genus Seiniotiniis Pjatakowa are described and keyed. Sentiotinus maculatus, n. sp.. is described. Scmioius straminious Cande/e is a new syn- onym of S. hrevicollis Candeze, n. comb; S. clyi)tichiis Candeze and .V. siihvirescens Schwarzare newsynonym.sofS. (/luulricollis Kirsch, n.comb.; S. juvenilisCandezeand 5. horrei Candeze are new synonyms of .V. fusifonnis Kirsch, n. comb.; S. elciianlulus Candeze is a new synonym of S. triliiwiUus Candeze, n. comb.; S. pulchellus Candeze is a new synonym of5. quadriviltis Steinheil, n. comb.; and .V. stiuidiniicri Pjatakowa is a new synonym of5. aeneovituitus Kirsch. n. comb. The three genera ofthe subfamily Semiotinae are also keyed. Key Wonis: Coleoptera, click beetle, Eiateridae, Scmioius. Scmioiiuus The Net)trt)pica! click beetle genus Sc- (Wells 2002). These species are herein as- miotiiius was proposed by Pjatakowa signed to the genus Scmioiiuus. Addition- (1941) to include a single species, ,S'. Inui- ally, one previously undescribed species is gluiasi Pjatakowa from Colombia. It was included in the genus. distinguished from the related genus Scmi- Of the 17 species here recognized, only oius Eschscholtz by having the pronotum a few are represented by more than a few wider than long, by the presence ofcarinae specimens. A total of only ?>?i specimens on the hind angles ofthe pronotum, and by were available for study from 26 major in- the bulkier body. stitutions or museums. Accordingly, intra- Unfortunately, the type and only known specihc variability is not well understood specimen ofthis species wasdestroyed in a and must be infeixed from the genus Sc- firein Kiev inthe 1940'salongwithseveral miolus. The best approach under these cir- hundredotherPjatakowatypes (V.G. Dolin, cumstances is to be conservative in delim- personal communication). In the process ol iting species. rbeevciasimnegctlheearNetohattrompaicnaylogfentuhessSmcamliloeiruss.pei-t Materials and Mi-thoos cies assigned to that genus were similar to The following collections provided ma- Pjatakowa's description of Scmioiiuus. A terial forthis study(involving both thegen- phylogenetic analysis ofall species consid- era Scmioius and Scmiotinits). The recog- ered to be included in Scmioius indicated a nized four-letter codens are from Arnett et basal monophyletic clade for a group of al. (199.^). Specimens o\' Scmioiiuus were species sharing characters with Scmioiiuus present in only a few of these insliliilions. — PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON The Natural History Museum, London vviih color descriptions found in W. T. (BMNH); Calilomia Academy ofSciences. Slerns Botaniccil Latin (1983). These San Francisco (CASC): Canadian Museum sources should be consulted for precise of Nature. Ottawa (CMNC); Canadian Na- identification ofcolors inthisstudy. Agen- tional Collection of Insects. Ottawa eral description ofthe main colors refeired (CNCI); Colorado State University, C.P. to herein include aerugineus: verdigris; au- Gillette MuseumofArthropodBiodiversity. rantiacus: apricotorange:badius: dullchoc- Fort Collins (CSUC); Cornell University olatebrown:fulvus: dullyellow withamix- Insect Collections. Ithaca. New York ture of gray and brown; luteus: buttercup (CUIC); Deutsches Entomologisches Insti- yellow; piceus: black as pitch: rufopiceus: tut. Eberswalde (DEIC); Escuela Agricola reddish black (in this study moreblackthan Panamericana. Zamorano, Tegucigalpa, reddish); sanguineus: blood red; testaceus: Honduras (EAPZ); E.G. Riley Collection brick red to brownish yellow (of unglazed (EGRC); Essig Museum, UniversityofCal- earthenware): viridis: untinted green. ifornia, Berkeley (EMEC); Field Museum Measurements of body length were made ofNatural History,Chicago(FMNH); Hun- from theanteriorm;uginofthe frons(includ- garian Natural History Museum, Budapest ing frontal spines when present) to the tipof (HNHM); Instituto Nacional de Biodiver- the elytra (including spines, when present). sidad, Santo Domingo. Costa Rica (INBC); Measurements of body width were made at — Inslitut Royal des Sciences Naturelles de the widestpartofthebody generallyonthe Belgique. Brussels (ISNB): Museum fiir basal third ofthe elytra. Pronotal length was Naturkundc. Berlin (MNFD); Museum Na- measured along the center-line ofthe prono- tional d'Histoire Nalurelle. Paris (MNHN); lum. PrcMiotal width was measured at the tip Montana Entomology Collection, Montana of the hind angles. Elytral length was mea- State University, Bozeman (MTEC): Natur- sured along the suture. Elytral width was historisches Museum, Vienna (NHMW); measured at the widest point—generally at The Ohio State University Collection, Co- thebasalthird.Therelativewidthoftheeyes lumbus (OSUC); University of Oxford, was determined using the ocular index Hope Entomological Collections, United (Campbell and Marshall 1964). This isdeter- Kingdom (OXUM); Peter Gate Collection, mined by measuring the nanowest distance Vienna (PCCV); Snow Entomological Col- between theeyesdivided by the widthofthe lections, University of Kansas, Lawrence head measured across theeyes.Thisi.|uotient (SEMC); Staatliches Museum fiir Tier- is then multiplied by 100. Kunde, Dresden (SMTD); Texas A&M Distributional data in the material ex- University, College Station (TAMU); Na- amined sections are from the specimen la- tional Museum of Natural History, Smillv bels. Exceptions to this include the dates, sonian Institution, Washington, D.C. which hav—e been standardized so as to be (USNM); Universitetets Zoologiske Muse- read: day month (in Roman numerals) um. Copenhagen (ZMUC). year In cases where these periods are un- Male and female internal genitalia were certain, the data have remained exactly as examinedafterdissectionandbeingcleared indicated on the labels. Larger political di- in a 1.0 molar solution of KOH at room visiiinshavealsobeenaddedincaseswhere temperature. Dissections were made on they have not appeared on labels (and specimens from non-type material, except where theycouldbedeteriuined). Duplicate where available material was limited. The specimens of the same species bearing type material wastoofeebletodissect.Col- identical labels are only listed once. All or termini)logy was standardized by using a\ailable type material was examined, in- the color charts in ,4 Dictioiuiry of Color cluding Chassain's recent lectotype desig- (Maerz aiul Paul l*^).'S()) and then correlated luiliims.The Pjatakowa types have beende- VOLUMi; 105. NUMBER 3 slroyed (V.G. DdHii. personal LOiiinumiLa- lion). DlACiNOSnc CHARACTI'RS Ol AdUI.TS The genus Semioliniis is distinguished from all other genera in the Semiotinae hy the straight orrecurved lateral pronotal mar- gin (as in Figs. 1, 14-18) thatjoins the tloi- sal surface of the pronotum and the hyjio MieRin at an acute angle (Fig. 12). Other characters are also typical of the genus hut arenot, inthemselves,diagnosticforall spe- cies. These characters include: the hind an- gles of the pronotum that are typically cai- inate or subcarinate, the prosternum that is typically straight in profile, the Irons that is typically lobed and without projecting s|iines, the prt)notum that is typically wider liian long, the pronotal disk that is typically evenly convex acrosswithoutdepressionsor (ubcrcles, and the elytra that each typically lertiiinateinanacutespineandeitherasharp subapical angle or dentition. These charac- ters are not typical ofSeiniotus. Within the genus itself, the primarychar- acters used to distinguish species are the presencet)rabsenceoffrontal spines,shape ofthe lateral margin ofthe pronotum,color of the head, pronotum, and elytra, and shape ofthe apical elytral spines. Male and femalegenitaliccharactersalso ililTer interspecihcally. The male parameres range from narrow to broad and bear an apical blade (Figs. 2-9). This blade varies significantly in sizeand shape ranging from triangular with sharp angles (Figs. 2-4) to sinuous with rounded edges (Fig. 6). Pos- teriorly the blade has lateral anglesthatdif- fer in si/e and angle ofprojection. The an- teriorscleriteof the femalebursacopulatrix also differs in the only two species exam- ined. The pattern includes a median piece, or spine, flanked by two lateral arms, oi' spines (Figs. 10, I I). Several speciesofScmioln.s in the.V. ciir- (iiasaniis group (Wells 2002) are superfi- cially similar to the species of Semioliniis with frontal spines{S. macer{dmde/.c)and .S'. (U'lH'dvillalus(Kirsch)). Both groups lack PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON marginalsulci.Inthesecases,speciesofSe- ternal process lobed anteriorly, prosternal miotus can be recognized by the broader process straight or curved in profile, ex- pronotalborder(joiningthehypomerainan tending between procoxae to mesosternal even curvature (as in Fig. 13) and not fossa. Scutellum subquadrate to elongate, acutely as in Semiotinus) and by the very longer than wide, flat or convex on disk. finely punctate pronotum and elytra with Legs fulvus to piceus, tarsal segments 1-3 faint striae. The pronotal punctures in Se- lobed beneath; tarsal claws broad at base, miotinusaredeeper, andthe striaeandstrial without basal setae. Elytron widest anteri- punctures are clearly defined. orly then narrowing to apex. Intervals flat or convex; elytral base on same plane as Key to Genera of Semiotinae pronotum, occasionally gibbous and rising 1. Pronotum. viewed from above, with sides above level of pronotum; color piceus to straight or recurved (Figs. 14-18); dorsal fulvus, often with alternating lightanddark surfaceofpronotum meetinghypomeronat bands;glabrousorpubescent: abdomenful- asunlcaucsut(eFigm,ar1g2i)nal angle,SweimtihootuitnudsefPijnaitnagkowa vus to piceus, sternite 5 of females often - Pronotum, viewed from above, with sides with twofoveae. Bursacopulatrixgenerally sinuateorrounded(Fig. 19);lateralpronotal with two posterior platelike sclerites, and marginrounded,incrassate,undulate,orsul- one spinose anterior sclerite. Parameres cate,neveracute(asinFig. 13) 2 generally bearing an apical blade apically. 2(1). Tarsiwiththickpubescentpadsonsegments Larvae and pupae unknown. 1 to3 OistusCandeze - Tarsiwiththinglabrouspadsonsegments 1 to3 SemiotusEschscholt/ Key to Species of Semiotinus Pjatakowa Genus Semiotinus Pjatakowa 1. Head with two frontal spines (as in Fig. 15) 2 Semiotinus Pjatakowa 1941: 107 (type spe- - Head without two frontal spines (as in cies, Semiotinus Bang-Haasi Pjatakowa, Figs. 14, 16-18) 3 orig.desig.);Calder 1976: 107;Lawrence 2(I). bPrroonwontwuimthangdreeelnyitsrhabplaulee(yoefltleonwmettoallliigch)t and Newton 1995: 853. maculae or bands; apex ofeach elytron Description.—Length 7-23 mm, colored withtwosubequalspineasen(ePoivgi,t2ta2t)us,(,K,ir,sch) variously withcombinationsoforange,yel- - Pronotumandelytralightbrown,ifmark- low, green, brown, and black. Frons with ings present, then without greenish blue two spines or lacking frontal spines (as in markings;apexofeachelytronwithasin- Figs. 14—18). Antenna seirate extending gle spine and asubapical tooth orangle oFinrestttowfoousregsmeegnmtesnttsestbaecyeuosndtohpiincdeuasn.glree.- 3(1). vP(iFrtiotga,neo2t3(u)smomweittihmesthrceoenflduaernktmlpaoocnsgetiertrui(doCiranlnayld)eze) maining segments fulvus to piceus. Prono- trilineatus(Candeze) tum as wide as or wider than long, disk Pronotumwith0, I.or2darkvittae ... 4 evenly convex; with orwithout setae,often 4(3). Elytra unicolorous, at least on basal half glabrous, nitidus, punctation evenly scat- 5 Elytra not unicolorous, with light and tered throughout, or becoining denser and darkcontrastingvittaeorpatterns(orwith umbilicate anterolaterally; lateral margins paleelytracontrastingwithinfuscatestri- straight or recurved (in dorsal view), either aeorstrialpunctures) 10 parallel-sided or convergent anteriorly, 5(4), Elytrablack,ordarkreddishblack . , , , without defining sulcus, pronotum and hy- iiiniio(Candeze) hpionmderaonngljeosindiinvgeragtenatshoarrpnoet.dgHey(pFoigm.er1o2)n, 6(5). PElilrgyohtntroatbarldouwllmnarytogeliolnroawn,(gveiyeewlleodwifshromgreaebn,oveo)r 6 elongate,posteriorbordersinuousandoften stfonglyrecurved(Fig. 14) dentate, partially enclosing procoxae, Pros- conicollis(Candeze) VOLUME 105. NUMBER3 Fig. 2-25. SemiouinisandSemioiusspecie.s. 2-^. Mulegenitalia. 2. SeiuiotiiuisquuclricolUs. 3.Semiotinus fussiformis.4.Semiotinusboliviensis.5,Semiotinusvirescens.6,Semiotinuslimhaticollis.7.Semiotinusaeneov- ittatus. 8,Semiotinusmaculatus. 9,Semiotinusscitulus. 10-11.Femaleanteriorsclerite. 10,Semiotinusaeneov- ittatus. 11,Semiotinusmacer. 12-13,Lateralaspectofpronotum. 12,Semiotinusscitulus. 13,Semiotuszonatus. 14-19.Headandpronotum. 14,Semiotinusconicollis. 15,Semiotinusaeneovittatus. 16,Semiotinusnigricollis. 17, Semiotinus virescens. 18, Semiotinusboliviensis. 19, Semiotusnigriceps. 20-25, Elytral apices. 20, Semi- otinuslimhaticollis. 21,Semiotinusquadrivittis. 22.Semiotinusaeneovittatus. 23.Semiotinusmacer. 24,Semi- otinusnigricollis. 25,Semiotinusboliviensis. — PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Pronotalmarginnotstronglyrecurved(as 17(9). Body4mmwideatwidestpoint inFigs. 1.17) 7 binii^haasiPjatakowa 7(6). Pronotiim with two black vittae. elytra - Body less than 3.6 mm wide at widest gibbousatbase brevicoUis(Candeze) point virescens(Candeze) Pronotum without black bands orwith a single black band: elytra not gibbous at Senuotinus aeneovittutiis (Kirsch). base 8 n. comb. 8(7). Elytra (at least on basal half) orange to (Figs. 7. 10. 15. 22) bloodred inaciilatiis. n. sp. Elytradull yellowtoyellowishgreen 4 Semiotus aeneovitlatiis Kirsch 1884: 44 9(8). Lateral pronotal margins straight, hind (lectotype, female (Chassain, in press): angles divergent (Fig. 17); pronotum im- SMTD; type locality: Ecuador, Huam- maculate 17 boya). - Lateralpronotalmarginsstraightandpar- Semiotus sraiidingeri Pjntakowd 1941: 107 allel, notdivergingposteriorly:pronotum 10(4). Emlaycturlaalteinte.r.v.a.lsqualaldridcuolllliysel(lKoiwr,schs)t.riianepart d(ohro.loNtoyrpneiadnedsitar)o.yeNd;ewtyspeynlooncaylmit.y: Ecua- banrdo/wonrtsotrbilalackp)unctures infuscate (dark 11 Description, Length 13-16mm(length/ - Elytralintervalsnotallofsamecolor 12 width ratio4,4-4,8), Headbadiustorufop- 11(10). Pronotumwithonedarkdiscalmaculaor iceus on disk, fulvus to testaceus peripher- vitta fiisifoniii.s(Kirsch) ally, with faint dark metallic sheen aerugi- - Pronotum withtwodiirkdiscal vittae . . neus, with two spines anterolaterally (Fig, supplicaiis(Kirsch) 15): fine decumbent setae scattered 12(10). Each—elytronwithfourdarkandfourpale throughout, punctation subumbilicate and vtiitmtease laitnertaelrvamlasrgiIn,,3.br5o.wn7,.ianntdervsalosme2-, scattered throughout. Antenna serrate, 4, 6. 8 and 9 dull yellow reaching 2-3 segments beyond hind angle scitnlu.s(Cande/.e) of pronotum in male, 1-2 segments in fe- - Each elytron with fewerthan fourvittae male: segments 1 and2 testaceus,segments ofeithercolor \?> 3-1 rufopiceus. Thoraxwith pronotum 2- 13(12). bPrroonwontumamrgbilancsk, without yellow to light 16 3 m1m (length/width ratio 0,7-1.0) subtra- - Pronotum black with yellow to light pezoidal, hind angles slightly diverging; brown margins,orwithdiscalbandonly margin thin, clearly defined; badius to ru- black 14 fopiceus with dark metallic sheen aerugi- 14(13). Headblack 15 nosus; fine scattered setae and deep punc- - Headorange to pale brown tures throughout, Scutellum fulvus to bad- Lliiadricollis(Kirsch).in part ius, strongly convex, anterior margin de- 15(14). eEllyyttrraacgoinbcbaovuesiantobuatslei:nelanteeraarlampaerxgi(nFiog.f clivitous and wider than rounded posterior 21) quadrivirris(Candeze) margin, Prosternum linear in profile, apex - Elytranotgibbous,aswide(dorsoventral- ofprosternal process not divided: fulvus to ly)atba.seasonbasalthird;lateralmargin aurantiacus, with or without badius macula of elytra evenly convex in outline near laterally; few erect setae anteriorly, denser apex(Fig.20) limbalicollis(Candeze) and decumbent setae laterally, punctation 16(13). nPortoanlotmuamrginanrraopwp,rolxeinmgathteolfya%ntewriiodrthproo-f fine medially, thicker laterally. Hypomeron elytralhumeri(Fig. 18);apexofeachel- fulvustoaurantiacus;glabrous,nitiduswith ytron bispinose, area between spines fine decumbent setae and deep punctures emarginate(Fig. 25) holiviensis(Candeze) near suture. Mesosternum depressed below - Pronotum lessnarrow, lengthofanterior plane of metasternum; fulvus to aurantia- pronotalmarginapproximately%ormore cus. fossa glabrous and impunctate. lateral ewaicdhtheolyfterloyntrballuhntumaenrdia(nFiggu.lat16e).:iafpsemxalolf areas with dense setae and fine punctures. dentitions present, then without emargi- Mesepisternum and epimeron fulvus to au- nation (Fig. 24) nigricollis(Candeze) rantiacus. Metasternum testaceus to auran- — VOLUME 105.NUMBER3 tiaciis with or without badius to piceus an- Seniiotinus banghaasi Pjatakowa terolateral areas; mostly glabrous with few Seniiotinus Bang-Haasi Pjatakowa 1941: erect setae and with fine decumbent setae 107 (holotype: lost: typelocality: Colom- anterolaterally. punctation fine medially, bia: San Antonio) wider and denser anterolaterally. Femora No specimens ofthis species were avail- fulEvluystrtoontes9ta-c1e2us.mm (length/width ratio aabvlaelifdorspsetcuideys,.Tbuhteihtoalpoptayrpeentwlaysrdeepsrtersoeynetds 3.1-3.3). gibbous anteriorly, subparallel on (V.G. Dolin. personal communication). The anteriorhalfthen nanowing to tip; ranging following description is interpreted from from a metallic aerugineus with circum- Pjatakowa (1941). scutellarareafulvus to luteus. to nearly en- Description. Length 14 mm, 4 mm tirelyfulvuswithfineaeruginousmaculaon wide(length/widthratio3.3).Headflat,ful- intervals 6 and 8 basally; glabrous, nitidus. vus to testaceus. shallowly tri-impressed, striae faint, strial punctures clearlydefined; sparsely punctate. Antenna long, extending apex ending in aterminal spine and a large to hind angle, with segments 1 and 2 Ha- dentition along inner angle subapically votestaceus. segments 3-11 fuscus. Thorax (Fig. 22). with pronotum widerthan long, nearlyqua- Abdomen testaceus to aurantiacus; fine se- drangular; testaceus with obscure fulvus to taeandpunctationbecomingthickerlaterally: viridis border; moderate punctures, anterior female without foveae on stemite 5; anterior angles rounded, hind angles short, little di- sclerite ofbursa copulatrix with lateral arms vergent, with a distinct carina. Scutellum enlarged apically, each bearing 2 to 3 large oblong, anterior margin truncate, rounded ddmeienvdteiirtaginionnpgsi,eaclpaeitcea(rlFaillgy.,ara1mp0)is.ca1Ml.a2bllteaidmweeissthslmopanalgrlea,rme2trh0ea%sn bpVeernhotisentrde,,ren3xu-cmaenpgltluetedep,uispslltieoguhrtaaluyaranwnditdileaartceuprsao.lstaeFrreeimaorsolroya.f fulvus to testaceus. lenMgattheroifalpaerxaammeirneesd.(F—ig.EC7)U.ADOR: Huam- Elytron convex, striate, striae piceus, punctate; fulvus to luteus with viridis tint; bSBHo.aMyeTa&zD.a,)AD;..2,HNS0tao0upw0bode,lme,Bn(al(ee(2zc1,ta0o,-Ct2Ny28pC,el)0-0)oII0;f-Sm1N..9a,7ap9n2o.e5,o-vHi17.t1t-ka&1tm9i7iA9sS.... bglaanMNbgaorhttoeaeura.sis;—ailaPpsejeexaxeatmmeasimknaoterwodga.ip'n—lsaatcNedeo.enstehc.erisppteicoinesofnex5.t Howden (1, C—NCI). to S. virescens. Both species are yellowish Diagnosis. The two frontal spines (Fig. green and similar with respect to the char- 15) and the verdigris metallic sheen distin- acterslistedby Pjatakowainthedescription guish S. aeneovittatus from all other Semi- of S. banghaasi. The important difference oliniis. Seniiotinus nuiceralso bears frontal between the two species is the width ofthe spines but is readily distinguished by the body, which in S. banghaasi is 4 mm. and brown body (and lack of verdigris metallic in S. virescens, less than 3.6 mm. A speci- sheen), larger size, and more elongate and men (in the BMNH) labelled as 5. ban- parallel-—sided elytra. ghaasi is too narrow and should be consid- Note. The type material of Seiuioiiis ered S. virescens. staiidingeri has been destroyed (Dolin. per- Seniiotinus holiviensis (Candeze). sonal communication). Pjatakowa's descrip- n. comb. tion, though, does notdifferfrom thetypeof (Figs. 4. 18. 25) 5. aeneovittatus. There are no other known SemiotusboliviensisCandeze 1895: 16(ho- speciesofSemiotus(orSeniiotinus)thathave lotype, male: INSB; type locality: Boliv- the bluish >:reen metallic coloration. ia). — — PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Description. Length 10-11 mm(length/ Semiotiis stramineiis Candeze 1857: 333 width ratio 4.4-4.6). Head piceus, frontal (holotype: BMNH; type locality: Colom- margin with two angulate lobes anterolat- bia); Candeze 1874: 188. Newsynonym. ehriallilcya.tewpiutnhcotuutresspitnehsr;oulghoonugt.seAtnaeteannndaisiemr-- Description. Length 13-17 mm(length/ rate, reaching 3-4 segments beyond hind width ratio 4.0-4.2). Headtestaceus to au- angle; badius lo piceus. Thorax with pron- rantiacus, front without spines; fine decum- otum 2 mm (length/width ratio 0.8-0.9) bent setae scattered throughout and long parallel sided on anteriorhalfthen strongly erect setae over eyes and anterior margin, diverging to hind angles (Fig. 18), margin punctation scattered throughout; ocular in- thin, hindanglescarinate;piceus;longsetae dex 75.0-78.0. Antenna reaching 1-3 seg- and deep punctation throughout, becoming ments beyond hind angle; segments 1 and denser peripherally. Scutellum subrectan- 2 testaceus, segments 3-11 badius. Thorax gular, longer than wide, covered with long with pronotum 2-4 mm (length/width ratio setae. Prosternum nearly straight in profile; 0.7-0.9), sides straight,diverging toangles, piceus; long setae and scattered punctures hind angles subcarinate; margin thin, clear- throughout. Hypomeron rufopiceus. Meso- ly defined; lateral and anterior margins tes- sternum rufopiceus to piceus; long golden taceus, wide, sublateral bands piceus, me- setae and scattered punctures throughout. dian area aurantiacus to badius; dense de- Mesepisternum and metasternum rufopi- cumbent setae throughout, punctation deep, ceus to piceus; long aureus setae and scat- especially deep and umbilicate on piceus tered punctures throughout. Femora rufop- bands. Scutellumfulvustotestaceus,longer iceus to piceus. than wide, hind margin rounded, anterior Elytron 8 mm (length/width ratio 3.2- margin straight. Prosternum linear in pro- 3.4), subgibbous, subparallel on anterior % file, tip of prosternal process not divided; then narrowing to tip; badiustopiceuswith testaceus to aurantiacus medially with ru- intervals 2-4 (or ."i) fulvus; nitidus, with fopiceus macula along suture extending short setae, intervals convex, striae and onto hypomeron; nearly glabrous and im- strialpuncturesclearlydefined;apexending punctatemedially,witherectsetaeanddeep in a terminal spine and a smaller dentition punctures anterolaterally. Hypomeron ful- along inner angle subapically (Fig. 25). vus to aurantiacus laterally, withrufopiceus Abdomen badius to piceus; long aureus band along suture extending nearly to lat- setae and scattered punctures throughout. eral margin; with dense decumbent setae Male with parameres sinuate along apical and punctures along suture, nearly glabrous third (Fig. 4), apical blades subtriangular, with very fine punctures laterally. Meso- approximately 20% length of parameres. sternum testaceus to aurantiacus, fossagla- Female unknown. brous and impunctate, lateral areas with Material examined.—BOLIVIA: (I, dense setae and fine punctures. Mesepister- INSB). — num testaceus to aurantiacus. Metasternum Diagnosis. The completely black head, aurantiacus to sanguineous, badius to pi- lack of frontal spines and very nanow an- ceus anterolaterally; with few setae medi- terioraspect ofthe pronotum (Fig. 18), and ally becoming dense anterolaterally, punc- recurved pronotal margins distinguish 5. tation fine medially becoming denser an- holiviensis from all otherSemiotinus. terolaterally. Femora testaceus. Semiotiniis hrevicollis (Candeze), Elytron 10-12 mm (length/width ratio n. comb. 2.9-3.1), gibbous basally, subparallel on Semiotits hrevicollis Candeze 1857: 332 anterior % then narrowing to tip; fulvus, (holotype: BMNH; type locality: N. Gra- strial punctures darker; glabrous, nitidus, nada); Cande/e 1874: 186. intervals convex, striae an strial punctures —— — VOLUME 105. NUMBER3 655 clearly defined; apex ending in a terminal punctate, lateral areas with dense setae and spine and a smaller dentition along inner fine punctures. Mesepisternum testaceus tci angle subapically. badius. Metasternum testaceus to badius; Ahdonien testaceus to aurantiacus with sparse erect setae medially, denser decum- nebulous infuscation sublaterally; tine setae bent setae laterally on dark area. Femora and punctation becoming denser laterally; aurantiacus to testaceus. I'emale without foveae on sternite 5. Male Elytron 15 mm (length/width ratio 2.8- unknown. — 3.0) gibbous; unicolorous fulvus with faint Material examined. COLOMBIA: (1. viridis tint; glabrous, nitidus, striae faint to BMNH); N. GRANADA (this could be obsolete, strial punctures clearly defined; anywhere in Ecuador. Colombia. Venezue- apex bearing twosmall spinesordentitions. la, or Panama) (1, BMNH). Ahdonien testaceus; scattered erect setae Diagnosis. Semiotinus hrevicollis is medially, dense decumbent setae laterally, distinctfromotherSemiotinusinhavingun- punctation fine becoming dense laterally. icolorous elytra, a yellow to orange head, Genitalia not examined. gibbous elytral base, and two pronotal vit- Material examined.—COLOMBIA: (1. tianeg.jTushteotvyepre1o6fmS.mstlroanigu)intehuasniosthlaerrgkerno(bwen- BMDNiHag)n.osis.—The unicolorous elytra, re- examples ofS. hrevicollis. No other differ- curved pronotal margin (Fig. 14), and yel- ences could be determined. The two are low to light brown head readily distinguish here considered conspecific. S. conicollis from ail other Semiotinus. Seiiiioiiniis loiiicollis (Candeze), n. comb. Semiofiiuisfnsljbrmis (Kirsch). n. comb. (Fig. 14) (Fig. 3) SemioiiisconicollisCuniieze 1857: 333 (ho- SemiotHsfiisiformis Kirsch 1866: 181 (lec- lotype: BMNH; type locality: Colombia); tt)type, female (Chassain. in press): Candeze 1874: 188. SMTD; type locality: Bogota); Steinheil Description. Length 19—20mm(length/ Sem1i8o7t5u;s1J1u3v;enCilainsdeCzixend1e8z7e4:1817845:. 1X7 (ho- width ratio 3.7-3.9). Head fulvus to testa- lotype: BMNH; type locality: Colombia). ceus, frontal margin often angled without New synonym. spines; nitidus with few decumbent setae SemiotusborreiCandeze 1878: 9 (type: not scattered throughout; ocular index 66.0- found; type locality: Ecuador). New syn- 68.0. Antenna serrate, reaching 3-4 seg- onym. mb2aedntiteussst.abceeTyuhsoo,nrdasxehgiwnmdietnhatnsgplre3;o-n1so1etgumtmeesntt3as-c4eu1smanmtdo widDtehscrriapttiioon4..8-4L.e9n)g.thHe12a-d13pimcmeus(,lenfgrtohnt/ (length/width ratio 0.7-0.8) wider than without spines; fine decumbent setae and long, sides strongly recurved (viewed from shallow subumbilicate punctures through- above),hindanglesdivergent(Fig. 14);tes- out. Antenna reaching 3-4 segments be- taceus to aurantiacus. darker on disk; gla- yond hind angle in male; segments 1 and 2 brous, nitidus. Scutellumtestaceustoauran- testaceus, segments 3-11 rufopiceus to pi- tiacus, subtriangular Prosternum linear in ceus, Thora.x with pronotum 2-3 mm profile; testaceus to aurantiacus, lobe paler; (length/widthratio0.8.-0.9)subtrapezoidal, glabrous with fine punctation medially, hind angles diverging; margin thin, clearly denser setae and punctation laterally. Hy- defined; fulvus to aurantiacus, with ellipti- pomeron fulvus; covered with fine setae cal piceus macula medially; glabrous. Scu- and punctures throughout. Mesosternum tellum badius to piceus, longer than wide, fulvus to testaceus. fossa glabrous and im- posterit)r border roimded, anterior margin — PROCEEDINGSOFTHEENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON straight. Prosteinum linear in profile, tip of Seniioiinii.s UuibaticolUs (Candeze). prosternal processnotdivided;piceiis,pros- n. comb. ternai lobe and prosternal process fulvus to (Figs. 6. 20) aurantiacus; few erect setae anteriorly, de- Scniiotiis linibaticollis Candeze 1857: 336 cumbent setae laterally, punctation fine me- (holotype: BMNH; type locality: Colom- dially, thicker laterally. Hypomeron fulvus bia): Candeze 1874: 188. ttoidulsutewuist,hpiocreuwsitlhaotuertalflyewalsocnagttseurteudres;etnaie- Description. Length 9-10 mm (length/ throughout, punctation offew shallow sub- width ratio4.1-4.3).Headpiceusthroughout umbilicate punctures throughout. Mesoster- without spines; few long setae and scattered num fulvus to testaceus medially, piceus shorter setae, punctation subumbilicate. An- laterally, fossa glabrous and impunctate. tenna serrate, reaching3-4 segmentsbeyond lateral areaswithdensesetaeandfinepunc- hmimnd angle; piceus. Thorax with pronotum 2 tures. Mesepisternum piceus. Metasternum (length/widthratio0.8-1.0),subquadrate, badius to piceus throughout or with fulvus mtugins straight, gradually widening posteri- to testaceus median coloration; glabrous orly, hind angles subcarinate; piceus, with with fine punctation medially, with fine de- thin fulvus to aurantiacus margins becoming cumbent setae and denser punctation an- widernearangles. Scutellumbadiustorufop- terolaterally. Femora fulvus to testaceus. iceus, parallel-sided, angles rounded, longer Elytron 8-10 mm (length/width ratio than wide. Prostemum linear in profile; pi- 3.5-3.7). subparallel on anterior half then ceus, lobe and prosternal process fulvus to npuannc\t)uwriensg tboadtiipu;sfutlovursuftoopilcuteeuuss;wgiltahbrsotruisa,l tiensgtaucmebuis;lilcoanteg plaalteerasleltya.e,Hpyupnocmtaetrioonnbpeicceoums-, nitidus. striae and strial punctures clearly with lateral mtugin fulvus to aurantiacus; long pale setae, punctation close and umbil- defined, intervals convex; apex ending in a icate throughout. Mesostemum aurantiacus terminal spineand asmallerdentitionalong medially, piceus laterally, covered with long inner angle subapically. pale setae. Mesepisternum piceus. Metaster- Abdomen badiustorufopiceus.sternite5. num piceus; glabrous medially, with dense lateral areas ofsternites 3 and4and medial decumbent setae laterally, punctation finebe- area of sternite 1 lighter; fine setae and comingdense laterally. Femorafulvustotes- punctation becoming thickerlaterally. Male taceus. with parameres subtriangular apically. lat- Elytron 6-8 mm (length/width rafio 3.0- egbroeatyMlaao.tnmedarKriiagaprilisnccsaehlxcato(im1npi.svneoexSf,dMb.Tla—aDeCdd)eOe;sLagO(uFEMisCgB.UeIx3AA)t.D:enOdBRion:-g 4gt3..ola19tb),i.rpo;sauunsbbd,apadmrinaauilrstlgiedtiluonso,rfnuufwlaoivnptutiehscreitufooisrnle%uwtiettsuhhesetanioennntealbrraavrtsaeolarwslaill%n1y;g-, Pich., 35 km E Tandapi. 8,000-9.0{)() ft.. strial punctureswelldefined,striaefinetoob- 24-IV-1975. S. & J. Peck (1. CNCI); E. de solete; apex ending in one spineapically and Ville. 71(1.—INSB). a smallerdenfition subapically (Fig. 20). Diagnosis. The single pronotal band Abdomen piceus. with lateral margin and fulvus elytra with infuscate punctures badius. sternite 5 testaceus; pale setae and separate S. fiissifonnis from all other Se- fine punctation throughout. Male with par- niiotiniis—. ameres sinuate, apical blades with lateral Note. The type of 5. borrei has not margins strongly convex (Fig. 6). been located. A specimen with the author's Material examined.—COLOMBIA: (1. (Candeze) determination label was located BMNH): ECUADOR: Chiquinda. Buckley in Brussels (INSB). This specimen isclear- (1. BMNH).— 1\ a synonym of5. fnsiformis. Diaiinosis. The combination of the

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