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A revision of the genus Archicollinella Duda (Diptera: Sphaerocheridae: Limosininae) PDF

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Preview A revision of the genus Archicollinella Duda (Diptera: Sphaerocheridae: Limosininae)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 93(4), 1991, pp. 933-944 A REVISION OF THE GENUS ARCHICOLLINELLA DUDA (DIPTERA: SPHAEROCERIDAE: LIMOSININAE) Terry A. Wheeler and S. A. Marshall Department ofEnvironmental Biology, University ofGuelph, Guelph, Ontario NIG 2W1, Canada. Abstract.—ThQ subgenus Leptocera {Archicollinella) Duda is revised and elevated to generic status. Three species are recognized: Archicollinella caerulea (Duda) from Chile and Peru;Archicollinella dolichoptera (Richards) from Chile and Peru; andArchicollinella penteseta (Richards) new combination from Great Britain. Leptoceraphycophila Richards is ajunior synonym oiArchicollinella caerulea. All species are described and a key to the species is provided. The taxonomic status o{Leptocera longipennis Duda is discussed and thespeciesisconsideredincertaesedis. Lectotypesaredesignated{orArchicollinellacaeru- lea and Leptocera longipennis. Key Words: Sphaeroceridae, Limosininae, Archicollinella, systematics The genus Archicollinella Duda includes bristles near the anteromedial margin of three species similar in both habitus and pedicel, and in the relatively anterior place- habitat to the sphaerocerid genus Thora- mentofthe firstpairofdorsocentral bristles cochaeta Duda. Both genera are found in (locatedapproximately midway between the marine algae deposited in the supralittoral anteriormarginofthescutumandthetrans- zone (wrack), and most samples in which verse suture). specimenso^Archicollinellaarepresentalso The purpose ofthis paper is to formalize include Thoracochaeta in large numbers. the elevation of Archicollinella from sub- Although the two genera have been con- generic to generic status, and to provide fused inthepast, theyarenotcloselyrelated complete descriptions for its constituent and can be most easily distinguished by the species, including the previously unknown number and arrangement of dorsocentral male o{Archicollinellapenteseta (Richards) bristles. Thoracochaeta has four pairs of (newcombination). Twoofthethreespecies dorsocentral bristles, with the anterior pair o{Archicollinella, A. caerulea (Duda) and inclinate, whereas Archicollinella has three A. dolichoptera (Richards), are relatively pairs, all reclinate. common in seaweed along the Pacific coast Genera which resembleArchicollinella in of South America from Peru to southern possessing three pairs ofdorsocentral bris- Chile. The third species, A. penteseta, is tles include Phthitia Enderlein (= Kimosina known only from two localities in Great Rohacek), Opacifrons Duda, and Pseudo- Britain. These three species form a closely collinella Duda. Archicollinella differs from related, clearly monophyletic group, with- theseandothersimilargenerainhavingtwo out clear affinities to other limosinine gen- large katepistemal bristles, a row of stout era. 934 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON Morphological terminology used in spe- ofshort setae that mesh with patch on fe- cies descriptions follows McAlpine (1981) mur, female mid-tibia with 1 mid-v. Mid- with the exception ofthe chaetotaxy ofthe basitarsus of both sexes with short mid-v. head, which follows Rohacek (1982). Mor- Male genitalia with prominent, bare, pos- phological abbreviations used in the de- teroventrally curved ventral cereal projec- scriptions are as follows: <2—anterior setae; tions. ac—acrostichal setae; a^—anterodorsal se- Genericdescription.—Bodylength 1.8-2.5 tae;<2<^5—additionalorbitalsetulae; av—an- mm. Fronswith4pairsoUfr, firstpairshort, teroventral setae; C2—second costal sector proclinate, subsequent pairs progressively (R1-R2+3); C3—third costal sector (R2+3- more inclinate; 1-4 pairs ofminute, procli- R4+5); <^—dorsal setae; 6^c—dorsocentral se- nate additional interfrontal setulae lateral tae; //r—interfrontal setae; oc—ocellar se- to anterior ifr; oc, vte, vti, occe, occi strong, tae; occ^—externaloccipital setae; oca—in- poc diverent, pvt short cruciate, 2 pairs of ternaloccipital setae; ors—orbitalsetae;p— strong ors, 3^ pairs ofads anteromedial to posteriorsetae;poc—postocellarsetae;pvt— ors. Facial tubercle well-developed between postverticalsetae; v—ventralsetae; v/^—ex- antennal bases; facial carinaand protruding ternal vertical setae; v//—internal vertical lower facial margin delimiting well-defined setae. antennal foveae; vibrissae shorter than or Sources ofmaterial and collection abbre- equal to ors, sub-vibrissal setae about half viations used in the paper are as follows: as long as vibrissae. Gena with 1 long, 1 BMNH—British Museum (Natural Histo- short upturned seta anteriorly, long seta al- ry), London, England; CAS—California mostaslongasvibrissae, 4-6 marginal ven- Academy of Sciences, San Francisco, CA, tralgenal setulaepresent; eyeheight 1.3-1.6 USA; CNC—Canadian National Collection times genal height. Antennae with arista ofInsects, Biosystematics Research Centre, short pubescent, shorter than or equal to Ottawa, Canada; GUE—University of anterior-posterior length of head. Scutum SMTD- Guelph,Guelph,Ontario, Canada; with 3 pairs (1 presutural, 2 postsutural) of Staatliches Museum fiir Tierkunde, Dres- dc, presutural ac in 6-8 rows, one pair of den, Germany. prescutellaraclongerthan otherpairsofac. Postpronotum with 1 long inclinate inner Genus Archicollinella Duda bristle, 1 longreclinate outerbristle, 1 short anterior bristle. Scutellum same colour as Archicollinella Duda 1925: 64 (as subgenus scutum, widerthanlong, baredorsally, with ofLeptocera Olivier). Type species: Lep- 4marginalsetae. Katepistemumwith2long tocera caerulea Duda (subsequent desig- d, the posterior one slightly longer, 1 seta nation by Richards, 1930: 296). nearcentreshorterthandorsalsetae, several Schnuseella Duda 1925: 64 (as subgenus of fine ventral setae. Mid-trochanter with 1 Leptocera Olivier) (nomen nudum). smalla, 1 smallav, mid-femurwith4preap- — Generic diagnosis. Limosininae with ical setae, 2 ad, 1 av, 1 p. Proximal end of well-developed facial tubercle and protrud- femur in male with dense ventral patch of inglower facial margin. Thorax with 3 pairs short, stout setae (Fig. 1). Male mid-tibial (1 presutural, 2 postsutural) of ^c 4 mar- chaetotaxy: proximal third with short ad, ginal scutellar setae. Mid-tibial chaetotaxy: longer pd distal to this, 1 long ad at mid- proximal third with short ad, longer pd\ 1 point, distal third with 1 long ad, 1 longpd, longad^^. midpoint; distal third with 1 long distal ventral region with patch of short, ad, 1 long pd\ 1 apicoventral; 1 small an- stoutsetae, 1 shortapicoventral bristle(Figs. teriorapical bristle in both sexes. Addition- 1, 2). Female mid-tibial chaetotaxy: prox- ally, malemid-tibiawithdistal ventralpatch imal third with long ad, longer d distal to VOLUME 93, NUMBER 4 935 this, 1 longadat midpoint, distal third with hypandrium (Fig. 9). Aedeagal apodeme 1 long ad, 1 long pd; 1 mid-v, 1 long api- stout. Distiphalluswithseveralrowsofsmall coventral seta(Figs. 3, 4). Mid-basitarsus in denticulate projections, dorsal sclerites nar- both sexeswith short mid-v. Wingssexually row, pointed, joined at basal region ofdis- dimorphic, length-width ratio 2.3-2.7 in tiphallusbydorsalandventralarches, form- male(Fig. 5), 2.7-3.1 infemale(Fig. 6); cos- ing a complete ring; basiphallus slightly tal ratio (C2:C3) 1.5-2.1; C ending at wing dilated at both ends, more heavily sclero- apex, surpassing R4+5 by 2-4 times width tizeddorsally (Fig. 9). Ejaculatory apodeme ofvein; C2dorsallywithdoublerowofshort small. darksetae, shorterand sparserdistally, dor- Female genitalia.—Stemite 7 straight or sal seta on humeral crossvein at or near broadly rounded posteriorly. Tergite 8 tri- junction with C; R2+3 slightly curved dis- partite, median portion pale, roughly oval, tally, R4+5 straight; cell d posteriorly an- lateral portionsdarker, widerventrally, set- gulate, long appendiculate; anal vein long, ulose with sparse long setae (Fig. 13); ster- extending nearly to wing margin; alula nar- nite8roughlyrectangular,pale,setulose(Fig. row. Halteryellow. Abdominaltergitesvery 15). Epiproctsmall, flatorconcavedorsally, sparsely haired, 4-5 long hairs near pos- setulose, with 2 longsetae. Cerci longerthan terolateral margins. Sternites narrow, wide, not fused to epiproct, densely setu- sparsely covered with long hairs. lose,with4-6 longapical,dorsal,andlateral Male genitalia. —Posterior margin of setae. Hypoproct pale, broader than long, stemite 5 straightorconvex, sparsely setose fine setulose, with short setae posteriorly. overall, posteromedial setaedenser(Fig. 12). Intemal vaginal sclerotization (spectacles- Synstemite 6+7 with bifid ventral exten- shaped sclerite) hyaline, indistinct. Three sion under posterior margin of stemite 5, (2+1) spermathecae present, subquadrate, anterior branch expanded on dextral end, with two pronounced lateral invaginations, posteriorbranchextendingdextrallyalmost almost meeting in centre, spermathecae as far as expansion ofanterior branch (Fig. swollenatinsertion ofduct, sclerotizedpor- 21), synstemite narrowly fused dorsally to tion ofducts short (Fig. 14). stemite 8. Epandrium setulose, with long Key to the Species of setae overall, setae longer ventrally (Fig. 8); Archicollinella Duda cerci separated from epandrium by distinct 1. Males with posterior margin of stemite 5 suture, cerci ventrally with bare, polished, broadly rounded, deflected ventrally, para- curved ventral cereal projections (Figs. 7, meres broadly rounded in distal half. Female 8);sub-analplateverynarrowmedially. Hy- stemite 7 rounded posteriorly and stemite 8 pandrium tripartite, median segment an broaderthan long caerulea (Duda) elongate triangular or hexagonal plate, hy- - Maleswithposteriormarginofstemite5straight, not deflected ventrally, parameres sharply alinelaterally, more heavily sclerotized me- pointedindistalhalf Femalestemite7straight dially, posterolateral segments small, more posteriorly,ifbroadlyroundedposteriorly,then darkly sclerotized, articulated but not fused stemite 8 much longerthan broad 2 to epandrium (Fig. 11). Stemite 10 small. 2. Males with parameresextendingventrally be- Surstylus a ventrally elongate triangle (Fig. yond ventral end ofsurstyli (Fig. 17), surstyli narrowedapically, with 9-12 lateral setae. Fe- 10), articulating with epandrium and ster- male stemite 7 straight posteriorly, stemite 8 nite 10 (Fig. 7). Paramere robust, broadly broaderthan long doUchoptera (Richards) rounded or pointed ventrally, with anterior - Maleswithparameresextendingventrallyonly concavity near midpoint, with small addi- to ventral end of surstyli (Fig. 26), surstyli tional sclerite (suspensory sclerite) project- rounded orspatulateapically, with 4-8 lateral setae. Female stemite 7 broadly rounded pos- ing ventrally from upper edge ofconcavity, teriorly, stemite 8 much longerthan broad articulating with posterolateral comer of penteseta (Ric.ha.rds) 936 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON Figs. 1-6. Archicollinellacaerulea(Duda). 1. Malemid-femur, tibia, and basitarsus, anterior. 2. Male mid- tibia,dorsal. 3. Female mid-femur,tibia, andbasitarsus,anterior. 4. Female mid-tibia,dorsal. Scalebar= 0.25 mm. 5. Male wing, dorsal. 6. Femalewing, dorsal. Scale bar = 0.5 mm. Archicollinella caerulea (Duda) bescent; arista about as long as head. Scu- tum dark brown, gray pruinose; presutural (Figs. 1-15) ac in 8 rows, one pair of prescutellar ac Leptocera {Archicollinella) caerulea Duda abouttwiceaslongasremainingpairs. Tho- 1925: 65. racic pleurites brown-black, gray pruinose, Leptocera (Archicolinella) coerulea (Duda), sutures yellow. Legs light brown, sparsely Richards, 1931: 62 (lapsus). gray pruinose, coxae, trochanters, and tarsi Archicollinella caerulea (Duda), Marshall yellowish-brown. Wing membrane milky, and Smith, 1991. light fuscous; length-width ratio 2.5-2.7 in Leptocera (Limosina) phvcophila Richards male, 3.0-3.1 in female; costal ratio (C2: 1963:241 (syn. MarshallandSmith 1991). C3) 1.6-2.1 (Figs. 5, 6). Abdominal tergites Kimosina phycophila (Richards), Rohacek, black-brown, gray pruinose. Stemites nar- 1983: 116. row, same colour as tergites. Description.—With characters ofthe ge- Male genitalia. —Posterior margin of nus as defined above. Body length 2.0-2.4 stemite 5 rounded, with dense long setae mm. Frons reddish-brown anteriorly, black (Fig. 12), posterior margin of sternite posteriorly, gray pruinose; ifrapproximate- stronglydeflected ventrally. Anteriorbranch ly equal in length, 3-4 pairs ofminute, pro- of bifid extension of synstemite 6+7 with clinateadditionalinterfrontalsetulaelateral two oblique bands extending ventromedi- to anterior ifr, poc half as long as oc, pvt ally, articulating with inner surface ofpos- slightly shorter than poc. Face dark brown, teromedial margin of stemite 5 (Fig. 12). gray pruinose; vibrissae relatively short. Cerci broadlyrounded, setulose, with 1 long, Gena reddish-brown, gray pruinose except 2-3 short setae; sub-anal plate very narrow for reddish-brown triangle anteroventral to medially(Fig. 7). Hypandrium with median eye; eye heightabout 1.3 timesgenal height. portion broadly triangular, more heavily Scapeand pedicel lightbrown, sparselygray sclerotized medially, and posterolateral pruinose; first flagellomere light brown, pu- plates small, rounded, more darkly sclero- VOLUME 93, NUMBER 4 937 tized (Fig. 1 1). Stemite 1 swollen in dorsal 70°27'W, 20.viii.1966, Schlinger& Irwin (73 region ofarms (Fig. 7). Surstylus narrowed <3, 1489,CAS); Santiago, ElTabo, 23.i.1957, ventrally, slightly deflected laterally in ven- L. E. Pena (95 5, 211 9, CNC); Caldera, 25- tral half, with one stout posterior seta at W27.iv.1956(11^,3 9, CNC); Niebla, 17 km point ofdeflection, several scattered lateral Valdivia, wrack on Playa Chica, setulae, 5-7 medial setulae ventrally (Fig. 15.xi.1989, S. A.WMarshall(425, 17 9, QUE); 10). Paramere broadly rounded ventrally, Niebla, 15 km Valdivia, wet wrack on except for small, dark ventral point, upper beach and upperbeach pan, 14-15.xi.1989, portion of paramere curved anteriorly to S. A. Marshall (26 (5, 10 9, CUE). articulation with aedeagal apodeme. Ae- Distribution.—Chile, Peru. deagal apodeme sharply deflected ventrally Comments.—Although the lectotype of in anterior half(Fig. 9). Leptocera caerulea was labelled as such in Female genitalia.—Sternite 7 broadly 1985, this act in itself does not constitute rounded posteriorly. Tergite 8 with median lectotype designation (ICZN 1985, Article portion bare, pale, roughlyoval, lateral por- 72b [vii]). Thus, the lectotypeofL. caerulea tions darker (Fig. 13); stemite 8 roughly is fixed in the present publication. rectangular, broader than long, very pale, Archicollinella dolichopiera (Richards) bare laterally, fine setulose medially, with 2 (Figs. 16-24) veryshort, 2 slightlylongersetulae(Fig. 15). Epiproct small, pale, concave dorsally, with Leptocera (Limosina) dolichoptera Rich- narrowposteromedial invaginationextend- ards 1963: 240. ingapproximately halfway to anterior mar- Kimosina dolichoptera (Richards), Roha- gin, epiproct fine setulose, with 2 long setae cek, 1983: 116. (Fig. 13). Hypoproct very pale, slightly Archicollinella dolichoptera (Richards), smallerthan stemite 8, roundedposteriorly, Marshall and Smith, 1991. fine setulose, with 4-6 setulae posteriorly Description.—With characters ofthe ge- (Fig. 15). Lateralinvaginationsofeachsper- nus as defined above. Body length 1.8-2.3 matheca unequal in size, one markedly lon- mm. Frons yellow anteriorly, light brown ger and wider (Fig. 14). posteriorly; first pair ofifrshort, remaining Type material.—L. caerulea: Lectotype pairs almost twice as long; 1-2 pairs ofmi- SMTD (here designated): 5 in collection la- nute additional interfrontal setulae lateral belled "Chile, Antofagasta, O. Garlep, c." to anterior ifr\ poc half as long as oc, pvt [green];"Coll. W. Schnuse. 1911-3" [green]; slightly shorter than poc. Face light brown, "A. caemlea 6 det. Dr. O. Duda" [white]; pruinose; facial tubercle developed but "Typus" [red]; "Lectotype Archicollinella small; vibrissae about as long as ors. Gena caemlea des. Marshall manuscript 1985" yellow, light brown pminose, eye height [yellow]. 5 paralectotypes (3 (5, 2 9): same about 1.6timesgenal height. Scapeandped- collection data as lectotype (SMTD). icel yellow-brown; first flagellomere light L.phycophila:Holotype{6): CHILE, San- brown, pubescent; arista about as long as tiago, El Tabo, on seaweed, 12.v.1961, G. head. Scutum light brown, lightly pruinose; Kuschel (BMNH). Allotype (9) and 9 para- presutural ac in 6 rows, stout and short; 1 types (5 $, 4 9): same datNaWas holotype; 3 <3 pairofprescutellaraclongerthan remaining paratypes: PERU, Lima, Caneto, at sea pairs. Thoracic pleurites yellow-brown, level, 13.ix.l954. Schlinger & Ross (allo- anepistemum, anepimeron darker brown. type, 8 paratypes in BMNH, 2 paratypes in Legsyellow-brown. Wingmembrane slight- CAS). ly milky, very light fuscous; length-width Other material examined.—CHILE, An- ratio 2.3-2.6 in male, 2.6-2.9 in female; tofagasta, La Portada Beach, 23°3rS, costal ratio (C2:C3) 1.5-1.8. Abdominal 938 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON ..r^'' ]~^^' f'^'f'l"''''^^'^^'^/^^(Duda). 7. Malegenitalia,posterior. 8. Malegenitalia,leftlateral 9LM™ale TtXnT±\'f: ''^?', \°. T' r"^''"^' '''' ''''''' ''• ^^'^ ^y^--<^r.ul ventral. 12. Male esevueposnaatpntredandnsnouuArm'y,A^sEFcl.PPeTTnHtee';p'^iT'pGr,o'c^ttfe;r.ZgHi'Pteu,;^hV'LyP^p,T^a'vnbed^ansnt'irupamhl^;a^lc'le'Hru"Pes•a;T"l^,'Cp•Ehr^,'oyjpdceo^ecp^rt-rci^ouo^c'sn-t;.;lSD^cPP-aM,lF,eedm.bpsaaatrlr.saepmh=saeplrleeur;sm;aSmtSE,hmAe,scuareesj.taycl1uu5ls.a-tFoSerTmyaalspieeomtdieetrmem-ein;SalUEiSaP, VOLUME 93, NUMBER 4 939 tergites dark brown, shining. Stemites nar- 70°27'W, 20.viii.l966, Schlinger and Irwin row, same colour as tergites. (4 <5, 8 9, CAS); Magallanes, 3.xi.l955, L. E. Male genitalia. —Fifth sternite with Pena (5 3, 9 9, CNC). — straightposteriormargin, notdeflected pos- Distribution. Peru, Chile. teroventrally, sparsely setose overall, pos- Comments.—The specimens from Chile teromedialsetaeshorter, slightlydenser(Fig. are morphologically distinct from the type 21). Anterior branch of bifid extension of series from Peru. The Chilean specimens synstemite6+7 with verypaleobliqueven- have a yellow scutum, with the dc and ac tromedial bands (Fig. 21). Cerci slightly shorterand stouter than in the types. There convex, setulose, with 1 long, 2-3 short se- arenodiscerniblediflerencesinthegenitalia tae; subanal plateverynarrowmedially(Fig. or othercharacters; the two forms probably 16). Hypandrium with medial portion an represent geographic variation within the elongate hexagon, more heavily sclerotized species. medially, posterolateral portions roughly triangular (Fig. 20). Sternite 10 small, arms Archicollinellapenteseta (Richards), narrow dorsally (Fig. 16). Surstylus nar- New Combination rowed ventrally, with 9-12 long, lateral se- (Figs. 25-33) tae on rounded projection in upper half, 4- Leptocera Thoracochaeta) penteseta Rich- 5 shorter medial setae ventral to these (Fig. ( 19). Paramere extending ventrally beyond ards 1929: 174. ventral end of surstylus (Fig. 17), sharply Thoracochaeta penteseta (Richards), Papp, pointed ventrally, wider dorsally, upper 1984: 85. portion ofparamere bent anteriorly, artic- Description.—With characters ofthe ge- ulating with aedeagal apodeme. Aedeagal nus as defined above. Body length 2.0-2.5 apodeme broadly curved ventrally in an- mm. Frons yellow-brown anteriorly, light terior half(Fig. 18). brown posteriorly; first pair ofifr short, re- Femalegenitalia.—Sternite 7withstraight mainingpairsprogressivelylonger; 1-2 pairs posterior margin (Fig. 24). Tergite 8 with ofminuteadditionalinterfrontalsetulaelat- medianportionbare, pale, roughlyoval, lat- eral to anterior ifr\ oc, vte, vti strong, occe, eralportionsdarker(Fig. 22); sternite8 same occi weaker and shorter, poc weakly devel- colour as sternite 7, rectangular, broader oped, pvt minute. Face light brown, pru- than long, setulose, with posterior row of4 inose; vibrissae longer than ors. Gena light short, strong setae (Fig. 24). Epiproct flat, brown, pruinose; eye heightabout 1.5 times slightly wider than long, setulose except for genal height. Scapeand pedicel light brown; bare, posteromedial indentation, with 2 long first flagellomere light brown, pubescent; setae (Fig. 22). Hypoproct pale, a narrow arista slightly shorter than head. Scutum transverse strip, setulose, with 6-8 short se- medium brown, gray pruinose; presutural tae (Fig. 24). Lateral invaginations ofeach acin 6 rows. Thoracicpleuritessamecolour spermatheca approximately equal in size as scutum. Legs yellow-brown, femora (Fig. 23). slightly darker. Wing membrane slightly Type material.—Holotype (6): PERU, milky, verylightfuscous; length-widthratio NW Lima, Caneto, at sea level, 13.ix.l954, 2.5 in male, 2.7-2.9 in female; costal ratio Schlinger & Ross (CAS). Allotype (9) and 9 (C2:C3) 1.7-2.0. Abdominal tergites dark paratypes (7 S, 2 9): same data as holotype brown, shining. Stemites narrow, same col- (allotype, 5 paratypes in CAS, 4 paratypes our as tergites. in BMNH). Male genitalia. —Fifth sternite with Other material examined.—CHILE, An- straightposteriormargin, notdeflected pos- tofagasta. La Portada Beach, 23°31'S, teroventrally, sparsely setose overall, pos- 940 PROCEEDINGSOFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON F2l->eaLtmeaMMSla.'el,e1t8esr;tmMemr.anllueiea\.,5Haven"ndtTrsaly.n's'St'ce"am'l^ied"to'ebn'a6cr'sh+'^o='7p,e"0vr'.ea"1nt'mr(•aRml...c'h^2a-2r.d^s"F)'e."ma1^6l".e"^Mtyae'rl"me^i'nga'el^n.ftaU,a•h^dta^o,'r-s^a'p-lo.s2t02e.3r.iMorFa.elme1a7hl.yepM^saappnlcedeirrnmigiaeudntimihn,teeacclvaiaeeaen,.trz2lae^4lf.t VOLUME 93, NUMBER 4 941 teromedial setae shorter and denser (Fig. ing. However, four other specimens in the 30). Anterior branch of bifid extension of British Museum collection were compared synstemite 6+7 with two oblique bandsex- to the type and found to be conspecific. tending ventromedially, articulating with Theapparentrarityofthisspeciesin Brit- inner surface of posteromedial margin of ain, and the known distribution ofthe other stemite 5 (Fig. 30). Cerci slightly convex, species of Archicollinella, suggest that A. setulose, with 1 long, 1-2 short setae; sub- penteseta may be native to South America, anal plate very narrow medially (Fig. 25). with the species being introduced by sea to Hypandrium with medial portion elongate, the British Isles. Sampling of supralittoral more heavily sclerotized medially, postero- habitats on the east coast ofSouth America lateral portions roughly triangular(Fig. 29). mayresultinadditionalmaterialofthisspe- Stemite 10 small, armsnarrowdorsally(Fig. cies. 25). Surstylus broadly rounded ventrally, RichardsinitiallyassignedL. pentesetato slightlycurved laterallyin ventral half, with thesubgenus Thoracochaeta, despitethefact 4-8 long, lateral setae in upper half, several that the first dorsocentral bristles are not short, medial setae in ventral half(Fig. 28). inclinate. Pitkin (1988: 42) noted this, and Paramere extending ventrally as faras ven- although he suggested that the species be- tral extremity ofsurstylus, sharply pointed longsin a separategenus, retainedpenteseta ventrally, wider dorsally, upper portion of in Thoracochaeta. paramere articulating with aedeagal apo- deme. Aedeagal apodeme broadly curved Leptocera longipennis Duda ventrally in anterior half(Fig. 27). Femalegenitalia.—Stemite7withround- Leptocera (Scotophilella) longipennis Duda edposteriormargin(Fig. 33). Tergite 8 with 1925: 178. median portion pale, roughly oval, lateral Type material.—Lectotype (here desig- portions darker (Fig. 31); stemite 8 same nated): 6 in SMTD collection labelled "Bo- colourasstemite 7, muchlongerthanbroad, livia-Guaqui, 30.V.03. Titicaca-See" [green]; setulose, with 4 short lateral setae (Fig. 33). "Scotophilella longipennis n.sp. type. 6 det. Epiproct flat, slightly wider than long, with Dr. O. Duda" [white]; "Typus" [red]; "Lec- deep, narrow, posteromedial indentation, totype Scotophilella longipennis des. Mar- pale, setulose, with 2 long setae (Fig. 31). shall manuscript 1985" [yellow]. Paralec- Hypoproct pale, broader than long, setu- totype (9) "Bolivia-Guaqui, 28.v.03, lose, with 8-10 short setae (Fig. 33). Lateral Titicaca-See" (SMTD). invaginations ofeach spermatheca unequal Comments.—Although the lectotype of in size, one markedly longerandwider(Fig. Leptocera longipennis was labelled as such 32). in 1985, this act in itselfdoes not constitute Type material. —Holotype (9): EN- lectotype designation (ICZN 1985, Article GLAND, Scilly Islands, Corregan, in nest 72b [vii]). Thus, the lectotype ofL. longi- ofcormorant, 12.vii.l927, O. W. Richards pennis is fixed in the present publication. (BMNH). Richards (1963) assigned L. phycophila Other material examined.—ENGLAND, (=A. caerulea), L. dolichoptera, and L. lon- Newcastle, 15.vii.l946, G. O. Varley, on gipennis to a distinct group within Lepto- hides (1 5, 3 9, BMNH). cera (Limosina), based on the small eyes, Distribution.—Great Britain (see com- short arista, and long wings with well-de- ments). veloped costal bristles. These characters, Comments.—The type specimen (exam- along with head and thoracic chaetotaxy, ined in September 1989) is extensively also prompted Richards to suggest a rela- damaged,withtheheadandabdomenmiss- tionship between these species and Thora- 942 PROCEEDINGS OFTHE ENTOMOLOGICALSOCIETY OFWASHINGTON Figs. 25-33. Archicollinellapenteseta(Richards).25. Malegenitalia,posterior. 26. Malegenitalia,leftlateral. 27. Maleaedeagal complex, leftlateral. 28. Malesurstylus, left lateral. 29. Malehypandrium, ventral. 30. Male stemite 5 and synstemite 6+7, ventral. 31. Female terminalia, dorsal. 32. Female spermathecae. 33. Female terminalia, ventral. Scale bars = 0.1 mm.

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