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A revision of the genus Acanthotyla stål with the description of five new species and synonymical note (Heteroptera: Coreidae: Colpurini) PDF

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Preview A revision of the genus Acanthotyla stål with the description of five new species and synonymical note (Heteroptera: Coreidae: Colpurini)

PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 107(2), 2005, pp. 279-302 A REVISION OF THE GENUS ACANTHOTYLA STAL WITH THE DESCRIPTION OF FIVE NEW SPECIES AND SYNONYMICAL NOTE (HETEROPTERA: COREIDAE: COLPURINI) Harry Brailovsky Departamento de Zoologia, Instituto de Biologia, U. N. A. M., Apdo Postal No. 70153, Mexico, 04510 D.F. Mexico, (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. The genus Acanthotyla Stal is revised. The following new species are de- scribed: A. kaloboana, A. kiungala, A. nabirenia, and A. protenta all from New Guinea and A. borneana from Borneo. Acanthotyla aruana Horvath is synonymized with A. fasciata (Walker) (n. syn.); new records for the previously known species are added. Habitus illustrations and drawings of the male and female genitalia, as well as head and pronotum, are provided, and a key to the known species is presented. Key Words: Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Coreidae, Colpurini, revision Acanthotyla, new species, Borneo, New Guinea, synonymical note The genus Acanthotyla was proposed by genus is characterized by having the tylus Stal (1873) to include only the species Cle- projecting in front ofjuga, upturned to form tusfasciatus Walker (1871) from Mysol Is- a horn at the apex, the mandibular plates land. Cletus crassus Walker (1871), de- with prominent tubercle, the antennal seg- scribed in the same paper, was transferred ment III longer than IV, the antenniferous to Acanthotyla by Blote (1936), but later tubercles at outer corner projected forward, Brailovsky (1995) moved it to his new ge- calli conspicuously convex, and posterior nus Brachylybastella as the type species. lobe of pronotal disk with a transverse Breddin (1900) included Acanthotyla in his wrinkle. The specific differences are chiefly key to the genera of Colpurini. The second in the development of the humeral angles known species, A. aruana Horvath (1919), and the intercallar space of the pronotum; is synonymyzed in this paper under A. fas- the shape of the posteroventral edge of the ciata. The last group of species was de- male genital capsule, and shape of the fe- scribed by Blote (1936) from New Guinea male genital plates. under the binomial names Acanthotyla dis- Members of this genus are distributed tinguenda and Brachylybasflexiiosus. Brai- from Borneo, Aru Island, Mysol Island. Iri- lovsky (1993) revised the Colpurini ofAus- an Jaya. Papua New Guinea, and Australia tralia and recorded A. fasciata for the first (Brailovsky 1993). time from that region, and later Brailovsky Previously, only three species of Acan- and Martinez (1994) transferred B. flexu- thotyla, A. distinguenda, A.fasciata, and A. osus to Acanthotyla. flexuosa, were known. In this contribution Acanthotyla belongs to the group of Col- the genus is redescribcd. new records forA. purini with abdominal sternite VII of the distiiii^ncnda, A. fasciata, and A. flexuosa female without plica or fissura, and has not are given, and five new species, from Bor- been previously reviewed or revised. The neo. Irian .lava, and Papua New Guinea are — 280 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON described. Acanthotyla aruana Horvath is transverse wrinkle, calli conspicuously con- synonymyzed under A. fasciata. vex, femora unarmed or with double row of The following abbreviations indicate in- tiny tubercles, and male genital capsule stitutions where specimens are deposited or usually with small to large median projec- from which material was generously lent: tion (Figs. 11-25). In Agathyrna, antennal The Natural History Museum, London segments III and IV are subequal in length, (BMNH); Bernice P. Bishop Museum, Hon- the head dorsally weakly convex, the anten- olulu, Hawaii (BPBM); California Acade- niferous tubercles at outer apex obtuse, not my of Sciences, San Francisco, California armed, posterior lobe ofpronotal disc with- (CAS); Hungarian Natural History Muse- out transverse wrinkle, calli almost flat, um, Budapest (HNHM); Natural History femora ventrally armed, and male genital Museum ofLos Angeles County, California capsule obtusely rounded at apex, and never (LACM); Queensland Museum, Brisbane, projecting into spine. Australia (QMBA); Rijksmuseum van Na- Generic redescription. Head: Width turlijke Histoire, Leiden, Netherlands across eyes greater than head length; qua- (RNHL); Forschungsinstitut und Naturmu- drangular, dorsally convex to moderately seum Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main, globose; tylus extending anteriorly to juga, Germany (SMFD); Coleccion Entomologi- apically upturned to form a sharp median ca del Institute de Biologia, Universidad horn; juga unarmed, thickened, shorterthan Nacional Autonoma de Mexico (UNAM); tylus; antenniferous tubercles armed with a National Museum of Natural History, short and robust lobe; sides ofhead in front Smithsonian Institution, Washington D.C. ofeyes unarmed, straight; antennal segment (USNM); Zoologisches Museum, Hum- I robust, thickest, slightly curved outward; boldt Universitat, Berlin, Germany segments II and III cylindrical, slender, and (ZMHB); Zoologische Staatssammlung segment IV fusiform; antennal segment II Miinchen, Germany (ZSMC). longest, IV shortest, and III longer than I; All measurements are given in millime- ocelli weakly elevated, with a deep circular ters. pit in front of each; eyes substylate, protu- berant; postocular tubercle moderately pro- Acanthotyla Stal tuberant; buccula short, elevated, angulate behind anterior emargination, not projected Acanthotyla Stal 1873: 68; Breddin 1900: beyond antenniferous tubercles, with sharp 194; Blote 1936: 50; Brailovsky 1995: 93. Type species: Cletusfasciatus Walker posterior projection; rostrum reaching an- 1871: 196-197. Designation by Mono- terior third of abdominal sternite III or IV; mandibular plates directly below apices of typy. juga, each with prominent tubercle. — Diagnosis. Like Agathyrna Stal, in this Thorax: Pronotum wider than long, tra- genus the tylus projects in front of juga, peziform, moderately to strongly declivent, upturned to form a small horn at its apex, and bilobed; anterior lobe shorter than pos- the mandibular plates are directly below terior lobe; collar wide; frontal angles pro- apices ofjuga and with small prominent tu- duced forward as small conical teeth some- bercle, buccula short, raised and angulate times difficult to see; anterior half of an- behind anterior emargination, and abdomi- terolateral margins convexly rounded, and nal sternite VII of female entire, without posterior half obliquely straight; humeral plica or fissura. In Acanthotyla, antennal angles rounded to obtuse, moderately to segment IV is shorter than III, the head dor- conspicuously directed upward, and hardly sally strongly convex, antenniferous tuber- prominent; posterolateral and posterior cles at outer apical comer projected for- margins straight; calli conspicuously con- ward, posterior lobe of pronotal disc with a vex to globose, separated along midline by VOLUME NUMBER 107, 2 281 (^ C C Ct C C^,L\ , ^ c f Figs. 1-10. Acanthotyla spp. 1-4. Pronotum. 1, A. fasciata. 2, A.flexuosa. 3. /\. kiilohoniia. 4. .4. kiiiiii^ala. 5-10, Parameres. 5-6, /\. protenta. 7-8, v4. distinguenda. 9-10. A. fasciata. PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 282 a longitudinal furrow, entirely flat, or sep- Features in Common for Species arated by a convex longitudinal expansion; Described posterior margin with transverse wrinkle Coloration: 1, Antennal segment I yel- (Figs. 1-4); anterior lobe of metathoracic low speckled with pale brown or pale or- peritreme reniform, posterior lobe sharp, ange irregular spots. 2, Hemelytral mem- small; mesosternum with longitudinal fur- brane pale to dark brown with yellow veins. row; propleura laterally convex to hemi- 3, Connexivum reddish brown with anterior spheric, in dorsal view visible. Legs un- third and posterior margin yellow. 4, Pro- armed; femora usually tuberculate; tibiae sternum, mesosternum, and metasternum cylindrical, sulcated. black to reddish brown. 5, Anterior and Scutellum: Triangular, longer than wide, posterior lobe of metathoracic peritreme apically rounded to subacute; disc basally pale yellow. markedly globose, and distally before the apex remarkably depressed. Key TO Species of Acanthotyla Hemelytron: Macropterous, almost reaching apex of last abdominal segment; 1. Head in dorsal view almost entirely black to reddish brown 2 apical margin sinuate to obliquely straight; - Head in dorsal view yellow with punctures apical angle reaching almost middle third of reddish brown to chestnut orange 8 hemelytral membrane; costal margin emar- 2. Male 3 ginate. - Female 6 Abdomen: Connexivum higher than ter- 3. Posteroventraledgeofmalegenital capsuleat middle third with a stout or slender and elon- ga; connexival margin entire, and posterior gate projection obliquely directed upward angle blunt, and not extended into spine; (Figs. 15-1.6, 19-20) 4 abdominal sterna with median longitudinal - Posteroventral edge of male genital capsule furrow running to posterior third of sternite without stout or elongate projection (Figs. 13-14, 21-22, 25) 5 IV. 4. Posteroventral edge ofgenital capsuleatmid- Male genital capsule: Usually with dle third with a stout spinous conical projec- small to large median projection (Figs. 11- tion; lateral angles of genital capsule with 15). Parameres simple, elongate, with apical short blunt processes (Figs. 15-16); humeral third slightly curved (Figs. 5-10). angles broad, rounded, and not exposed . . . Female genitalia: Abdominal sternite A. distinguenda Blote - Posteroventral edge ofgenitalcapsuleatmid- VII complete, without plica or fissura (Figs. dle third with a relatively slender, elongate 26-35). conical projection, apically acute; lateral an- Integument: Body surface rather dull, gles ofgenital capsule elevated, exposed, and with short, decumbent to suberect indistinct apically quadrate (Figs. 19-20); humeral an- pubescence; abdominal sterna with few gles weakly exposed, and narrowed .... A. protenta, n.sp. moderately long, and conspicuous bristle 5. Posteroventral edgeofgenital capsule atmid- like hairs; pubescence ofantennae and fem- dlethirdwithtinyprojectiondirectedupward, ora short, mainly suberect; pubescence of and sometimes hard to see (Figs. 13-14, 25); tibiae and tarsi longer and rather dense; dor- intercallar space broad and flat; humeral an- gles rounded (Fig. 1) A.fasciata (Walker) sal and ventral surface of head, pronotum, - Posteroventral edge ofgenitalcapsuleatmid- scutellum, clavus, corium, propleura, me- dle third broad, thick, without stout spinous sopleura, metapleura, abdominal sterna, and projection directed upward (Figs. 21-22); in- exposed parts ofgenital plates ofboth sexes tercallar space narrow, with a weakly longi- strongly punctate, and each puncture deeply tudinal carina; humeral angles laminate .... A. nabirenia, n.sp. excavated; prosternum, mesosternum, and 6. Gonocoxae I with mesial marginbroadlycon- metasternum smooth; antenna and legs mi- tiguous, and not emarginate; paratergite IX at nutely granulate to tuberculate. lower third exposed, and distally bifurcate VOLUME 107, NUMBER 2 283 Figs. 11-25. Male genital capsule ofAcanthotyla spp. 1 I. 13. LS. 17. 19. 21. 1?^. 25. Lateral \ic\v. 12. 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, Caudal view. 11-12, A. borneana. 13-14, 25, A.fasciatu. 15-16, A. disiinintciula. 17-18. ,4. kiungala. 19-20, A. protenta. 21-22, A. nabirenia. 23-24, A. kaloboana. — . 284 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON (Figs. 29-30, 33. 35) IV, 1.28. Pronotum: Length 2.16; maximum A. dislingiienda Blole, width of anterior lobe 1.84; maximum A. fasciata (Walker), and A. protenta, n.sp. width of posterior lobe 3.20. Scutellar - Gcoonntoicguooxuase, Iawnidthctohnespmiecsuioaulslmyargeimnarbgrionaadtley; length 1.44; width 1.32. Body length 9.62. paratergite IX with lower third not exposed Female: Head length 1.60; width across and distally truncated (Figs. 26. 31) 7 eyes 1.98; interocular space 1.18; preocular 7. Mesial margin ofgonocoxae I with the space distance 1.26; interocellar space 0.44; between the border and the margin strongly length of antennal segments: I, 2.14; II, depressed throughout the entire plate (Figs. 28, 32) A. kaloboima, n.sp. 3.12; III, 2.16; IV, 1.28. Pronotum: Length - Mesial margin ofgonocoxae I with the space 2.40; maximum width ofanterior lobe 2.00; between the border and the margin shallowly maximum width of posterior lobe 3.38. depressed A. nabirenia. n.sp. Scutellar length 1.60; width 1.52. Body 8. Male 9 length 10.48. - Female 12 Male: Dorsal coloration: Head yellow 9. Posteroventral edge ofgenital capsule at mid- dle third broad, thick, without a stout spinous with punctures chestnut orange; antennal projection directed upward (Figs. 23-24) . . . segments II and III yellow, and IV dark A. kaloboana, n.sp. chestnut orange with apex paler; anterior - Posteroventraledgeofgenitalcapsuleat mid- lobe of pronotal disk dark yellow, with dlethirdwithstoutandbroadorelongatepro- jection (Figs. 11-12, 17-18) 10 transversal fascia behind calli pale yellow, 10. Posteroventral edge ofgenitalcapsule at mid- and punctures reddish; intercallar space dle third with a relatively elongate spinous dark brown with orange reflections; poste- conical projection, directed posteriorly and rior lobe ofpronotal disk pale orange brown upward (Figs. 17-18) with punctures reddish; scutellum yellow A. kiungala, n.s.p. - Posteroventral edge ofgenital capsule atmid- with punctures chestnut orange and basal dle third with broad projection (Figs. 11-12) angle black; clavus and corium pale brown, 11 with punctures reddish brown to chestnut 11 Posteroventral edge ofmale genital capsuleat orange, and claval and corial veins, and middle third with stout quadrate projection, costal margin yellow; apical margin pale apically bifid, and clearly directed upward . . brown with yellow marks; dorsal abdominal A.flexitosa (Blote) - Posteroventral edge ofgenitalcapsule at mid- segments dark orange with black marks. dlethirdwithstout,roundedtubercle,directed Ventral coloration: Head yellow with posteriorly and upward (Figs. 11-12) . . . punctures chestnut orange, and middle third A. bonieana, n.sp. with broad longitudinal black stripe; rostral 12. Mesial margin ofgonocoxae I with the space between the border and the margin strongly segment I yellow with chestnut orange re- depressed throughout the entire plate (Figs. flections, and segments II to IV chestnut or- 26, 31) A. kaloboana, n.sp. ange; propleura, mesopleura, and metapleu- - Lowerandmesial marginofgonocoxaeIwith ra yellow with punctures chestnut orange; the space between the border and the margin coxae dark reddish brown; trochanters yel- shallowly depressed (Figs. 27-28, 32 34) A. borneana, n.sp., A.flexiiosa (B.l.ote), low; fore and middle femora yellow, speck- andA. kiungala, n.sp. led with pale brown discoidal spots, and with subdistal pale brown ring; hind femur Acanthotyla borneana Brailovsky, yellow, speckled with pale brown discoidal new species spots, and with two pale brown rings, one (Figs. 11-12, 27, 34) near middle third and the other subdistal; Description. Measurements: Male: tibiae pale brown with two yellow rings, Head length 1.50; width across eyes 1.88; one subbasal, the other near middle third; interocular space 1.12; preocular distance tarsi pale chestnut yellow; middle third of 1.22; interocellar space 0.43; length of an- abdominal sterna dark reddish brown, and tennal segments: I, 2.08; II, 2.96; III. 2.08; laterally yellow with punctures reddish VOLUME 107, NUMBER 2 285 £K ^T^ Figs. 26-35. Female genital plates ofAcanthoryla spp. 26-30, Caudal view. 31-35, Lateral \ic\\. 26. 31. .\. kaloboana. 27, 34, A. borneana. 28, 32, A.flexiiosa. 29, 33, A. dislingiteiula. 30, 35, A. protvnta. — 286 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON brown to chestnut orange; genital capsule shape of the male genital capsule is distinct reddish brown. (Figs. 13-16, —25). Head: Rostrum reaching anteriorthird of Etymology. Named for its occurrence abdominal sternite IV. in Borneo. Thorax: Humeral angles subacute, ele- vated, slightly laminate, and higher than Acanthotyla distinguenda Blote posterior pronotal disk; intercallar space (Figs. 7-8, 15-16, 29, 33, 36) narrow with prominent carina. Acanthotyla distinguenda Blote 1936: 50. Genital capsule: Posteroventral edge transversely concave; lateral angles straight Redescription. Measurements: Male: not expanded; middle third with stout and Head length 1.40-144; width across eyes rounded tubercle, directed posteriorly and 1.97-2.01; interocular space 1.24-1.34; clearly upward (Figs. 11-12). preocular distance 1.08-1.12; interocellar Female: Color similar to male. Connex- space 0.38-0.44; length of antennal seg- ival segments VIII and IX dark chestnut or- ments: I, 1.62-1.64; II, 2.40-2.52; III, ange with reddish brown reflections; dorsal 1.76-1.97; IV, 1.20-1.32. Pronotum: abdominal segments VIII and IX dark Length 1.76-1.84; maximum width of an- chestnut orange; genital plates yellow with terior lobe 1.40-1.76; maximum width of punctures chestnut orange to reddish posterior lobe 2.64-2.76. Scutellar length brown, and with middle third of gonocoxae 1.42-1.44; width 1.16-1.24. Body length I and outer margin ofparatergite IX reddish 8.45-9.30. Female: Head length 1.52-1.56; brown. width across eyes 2.12-2.14; interocular Genital plates: Gonocoxae I enlarged space 1.33-1.36; preocular distance 1.16- dorsoventrally; mesial margin broadly con- 120; interocellar space 0.40-0.46; length of tiguous and weakly emarginated; parallel to antennal segments: I, 1.60-1.68; II, 2.48- each margin at lower and middle third shal- 2.50; III, 1.79-1.84; IV, 1.1.30-1.32. Pron- lowly depressed, with upper third overlap- otum: Length 2.08-212; maximum width of ping; paratergite VIII small, triangular, with anterior lobe 1.44—1.80; maximum width of spiracle visible; paratergite IX not overlap- posterior lobe 2.82-2.84. Scutellar length ping at middle third, and larger than para- 1.52-1.54; width 1.30-1.32. Body length tergite VIII (Figs.—27, 34). 10.15-10.38. Type material. Holotype: S, Borneo Male: Dorsal coloration: Black with ty- (British N.), Sandakan Bay (SW), Sapagaya lus and postocular tubercle yellow; antennal Lumber Camp, 2-20 m, 4 November 1957, segments II and III pale yellow, and IV pale J. L. Gressitt (BPBM). Paratype: 1 9, same yellow with basal joint pale brown; jugum data as the male—holotype (BPBM). yellow with punctures reddish brown; pron- Distribution. Only known from the otum dark to pale yellow with punctures type material. chestnut orange and intercallar space black; — Discussion. This species is diagnosed scutellum pale yellow with punctures chest- mostly on the basis ofthe shape ofthe pos- nut orange, and basal angle black; clavus teroventral edge of male genital capsule and corium pale yellow brown with punc- (Figs. 11-12), the intercallar space narrow tures reddish brown; claval and corial veins, with prominent carina, the humeral angles and costal and apical margin pale yellow; subacute and slightly laminate, and the head dorsal abdominal segments dark orange. mostly yellow with punctures chestnut or- Ventral coloration: Head black with two ange. In Acanthotyla distinguenda and A. short longitudinal yellow stripes lateral to fasciata the intercallar space is broad and middle line and close to eyes; buccula yel- flat, the humeral angles are rounded and not low with punctures chestnut orange; rostral laminate, the head is mostly black, and the segments pale chestnut orange; propleura, VOLUME 107, NUMBER 2 287 Fig. 36. Dorsal view oiAcanthotyla distinguenda, male. — PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 288 mesopleura, and metapleura yellow with III pale chestnut orange. 3, Antennal seg- punctures chestnut orange; coxae dark red- ment IV chestnut orange with basal joint dish brown with apex yellow; trochanters dark brown. 4, Hemelytral membrane dark yellow; fore and middle femora yellow, brown to black with veins pale yellow. 5, speckled with pale brown discoidal spots, Outer margin of calli black. 6, Trochanter and with subdistal pale brown ring; hind fe- yellow with tiny—pale brown stripe. mur yellow, speckled with pale brown dis- Distribution. This species is known coidal spots, and with two pale brown rings, only from New Guinea. The only previous- one near middle third and other subdistal; ly known record came from the original de- tibiae pale brown with two yellow rings, scription in which the holotype, allotype one subbasal, other near middle third; tarsi and paratypes were collected: Indonesia: pale chestnut yellow; middle third of ab- Irian Jaya (Dutch New Guinea): Manok- dominal sterna dark reddish brown, and lat- wari, Andai, Hattam, Assiki on Digul, Kop- erally yellow with punctures reddish brown stein, and Sekroe (Blote 1936). The new re- to chestnut orange; genital capsule reddish cords listed below show it occurs exten- brown. sively in New Guinea. Head: Rostrum reaching posterior mar- Material examined.—1 c?, INDONESIA: gin of abdominal sternite III. Irian Jaya (Dutch New Guinea), Manok- Thorax: Humeral angles rounded, slight- wari, J. W. van Nouhuys (holotype RNHL). ly prominent, elevated, and higherthan pos- PAPUA NEW GUINEA: 2 S, Bisianumu, terior pronotal disk; intercallar space broad E. of Port Moresby, 500 m, 23 September and flat. 1955, J. L. Gressitt (BPBM); 1 cJ, 1 9, Genital capsule: Posteroventral edge Middle Fly River, 250-300 m, July 1928, transversely straight or slightly concave; Pemberton (BPBM); 1 S, Morobe, D. Bul- lateral angles with short blunt processes; log Rd., S. Slopes Yaningya, 600-1300 m, middle third with stout spinous conical pro- 19-20 March 1968, Reni (BPBM); Sogeri, jection, obliquely directed upward (Figs. 27 October 1968, Tawi and Mena (BPBM). 15-16). Parameres in Figs. 7-8. Indonesia: Irian Jaya: 1 S,l 9, Jayawijaya Female: Color similar to male. Connex- Prov., Brazza River, Dekai, ca. 100 m, 21- ival segments VIII and IX yellow with pos- 22 June 1994, A. Riedel (ZSMC); 1 9, Jay- terior third reddish brown; dorsal abdomi- awijaya Prov., Samboka, upper KoiffRiver, nal segments VIII and IX dark reddish ca. 200 m, 10-14 October 1996, A. Riedel brown; genital plates yellow with punc- (ZSMC); 1 S, Jayawijaya Prov., Kec Wai- tures, posterior third ofparatergite VIII and geo Sel., Gamang Isl., 0-100 m, 26 No- IX, and middle third of gonocoxae I dark vember 1996, A. Riedel (ZSMC); Merauke reddish brown. Prov., Asmat-Patipi, Brazza River, 100 m, Genital plates: Gonocoxae I reniform, A. Riedel (USNM); 1 S, \ 9, Manokwari enlarged dorsoventrally, with deep depres- Prov., Wasior, 0-500 m, 8-12 January sion close to middle third; mesial margin 2001, A. Riedel (UNAM); 5 9, Manok- broadly contiguous and not emarginate; wari, Ransiki, Mayuby, 300 m, 26-30 Sep- paratergite VIII and IX totally exposed; tember 1990, A. Riedel (ZSMC); 1 d, Na- paratergite VIII small, triangular, with spi- bire, Pusppensaat km. 60, 200 m, 15 Au- racle visible; paratergite IX not overlapping gust 1991, A. Riedel (ZSMC). at middle third, larger than paratergite VIII, Discussion. Acanthotyla distingiienda strongly carinated, exposed, and reflexed, is easily distinguished by the shape of the with lower t—hird bifurcate (Figs. 29, 33). posteroventral edge ofthe male genital cap- Variation. 1, Antennal segment I pale sule which shows a stout conical obliquely chestnut orange, speckled with pale brown erected projection, with short blunt pro- irregular spots. 2, Antennal segments II and cesses at lateral angles (Figs. 15-16). In A.

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