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Preview A Revision Of The Freshwater Crabs Of The Family Pseudothelphusidae

PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON 111(1):110-139. 1998. A revision ofthe freshwater crabs ofthe family Pseudothelphusidae (Decapoda: Brachyura) from Ecuador GilbertoRodriguez andRichardvon Sternberg (GR)CentrodeEcologia,InstitutoVenezolanodeInvestigacionesCientificas,Apartado21827, Caracas 1020A,Venezuela; (RvS)CenterforIntelligentSystems, SUNY-Binghamton, NewYork, 13902-6000,U.S.A. — Abstract. Revised diagnoses and illustrations of the species of pseudo- thelphusid crabs previously known to occurinEcuador areprovided andfive H new species. Hypolobocera esmeraldensis, H. konstanzae, H. muisnensis, mindonensisandLindacatalinasumacensis, aredescribed.Thevalidityofpen- tanomial names proposed in the literature for some Ecuadorian species is re- visedin the light ofseries ofspecimens collectedintheirdistributionalareas. The genera Hypolobocera, Moritschus and Lindacatalina are redefined and several species arereassignedamong thesegenera. The systematics ofNeotropical freshwa- example, what he called Hypolobocera ter crabs ofthe family Pseudothelphusidae {Hypolobocera)aequatorialisaequatorialis is relatively complex due to lack of de- in 1972, became Hypolobocera {Hypolo- pendabletaxonomicdifferencesintheircar- bocera) [aequatorialis] aequatorialis ae- apace and appendages. The male first gon- quatorialis in his later contributions. The opods provide the most reliable characters erection of these infraspecific categories of diagnostic value, whereas potential so- wasbasedusuallyononeortwospecimens. matic characters, such as the dentition of In some casestwoinfraespecificcategories the lateralborder, form andposition ofthe ofthe same specieswerereportedfromthe cervical grooves and postfrontal lobes, same localities (see for instance Hypolo- sculpturing ofthe front, andproportionsof bocera {Hypolobocera) [peruviana] henrici thethirdmaxilliped, displayvery slightin- henrici and Hypolobocera {Hypolobocera) terspecific differences. [peruviana]henricinora).Thistreatmentof In almost all cases it is not possible to theEcuadorian specieshasresultedincon- establish infraspecific categories that will siderable confusion and serious difficulties meetthetwocriteriaacceptedforotheran- forthe identificationofbinomialtaxa. imal groups, viz., that the differences are Inthepresentcontributionthevalidityof slight, but constant through large series of some ofthese infraspecific taxa is revised specimens(Mayr 1964),andthatnooverlap inthelightofseriesofspecimenscollected occurs in the geographical distribution of in the same areas as Pretzmann's materials thesupposedsubspecies(Mayretal. 1953). (Pretzmann & Radda 1978). All new or In his revision of the Pseudothelphusi- criticalspeciesreportedherearefullyillus- dae, Pretzmann (1972) proposed the orga- trated. Forotherspeciesonlyfiguresofthe nization of the taxa into a tetranomial firstmalegonopodsaregiven,togetherwith scheme (genus, subgenus, species and sub- references to adequate illustrations in the species). In further contributions he ar- literature (see "Additional illustrations" ranged some crabs from Ecuador into a under each species). Two species, Hypolo- more elaborate pentanomial nomenclature bocera conradi (Nobili, 1897) and Linda- (Pretzmann 1978, 1983a, 1983b). Thus,for catalina hauserae Pretzmann, 1977b, are VOLUME 111,NUMBER 1 111 — not illustrated for lack of material. Termi- Table 1. Carapace breadth (cb) oflargest males nology for gonopod morphology follows recordedandproportionsofthe exognathtoischium Smalley (1964). ofendognathofthirdmaxillipedsinEcuadorianPseu- dothelphusidae. Abbreviations used are cl. for carapace length and cb. for carapace breadth. The Exognath/ cb(mm) endognath materialsrecordedaredepositedintheRef- erence Collection of the Institute Venezo- Hypoloboceraaequatorialis 66.8 0.35 lanodeInvestigacionesCientfficas,Caracas H. caputii 41.9 0.40 (IVIC),theBritishMuseum,London(BM), HH..cdoenlrsaodliah 6858..10 00..3300 the Museum of Natural History ofTulane H.esmeraldensis 33.8 0.40 University,NewOrleans(TU),theNational H.exuca 61.8 0.30 Museum of Natural History, Smithsonian H.guayaquilensis 44.1 0.30 Institution,Washington,D.C. (USNM),the H.konstanzae 56.8 0.30 Museumnationaled'Histoirenaturelle,Par- HH..mmiuinsdnoennesnissis 5271..16 00..3350 is (MNHN), the Strasbourg Museum (SM) H.orcesi 23.5 0.30 and the Naturmuseum und Forschunginsti- H. rathbuni 45.0 0.35 tut Senckenberg, Frankfurt am Main Lindacatalinabrevipenis 27.5 0.65 (SMF). L. hauserae 25.0 0.50 L. latipenis 55.7 0.50 L. orientalis 28.0 0.65 Systematics L.puyensis 32.3 0.45 L.sumacensis 35.6 0.45 Family PseudothelphusidaeRathbun, 1893 Moritschusecuadorensis 25.5 0.45 Key to GenerafromEcuador M. henrici 91.1 0.40 1. Lateral margin of first gonopods pro- duced into a defined, although some- timesreduced,laterallobe 2 distal view, with round papilla near sper- —. Lateral margin widening progressively matic channel (Fi—g. IB). towardsthe apexwhichextendsconsid- Type species. Potamia chilensis H. erably laterally, giving the apex in cau- Milne Edwards—& Lucas, 1844. dalviewacharacteristictriangular-elon- Distribution. Panama, Colombia, Ven- gatedappearance Moritschus ezuela, EcuadorandPeru. 2. Lateral lobe densely covered with spi- nules.Exognathofthirdmaxillipedusu- allymorethan0.45lengthofischiumof Keyto SpeciesfromEcuador endognath Lindacatalina -. Lateral lobe nakedorwithafew sparse 1. Lateral lobe offirst gonopods reduced spinules and short hairs. Exognath of orobsolescent(Figs. IE,4A) 2 third maxilliped usually less than 0.45 -. Laterallobewelldeveloped 6 lengthofischiumofendognath 2. Laterallobewithsmallscatteredpapil- Hypolobocera lae(Fig. 7A) H. mindonensis -. Lateral lobe with smooth surface or withscatteredshorthairs 3 Hypolobocera Ortmann, 1897 3. One or two prominent tubercles on pedDiuasgunaolsliys.le—ssEtxhoagnn0a.t4h5loefngtthhirodfmiasxcihliluim- -. aNpoexproofmifinrestntgotnuboeprocdlsesonapexoffirst 4 gonopods 5 of endognath (Table 1). First male gono- 4. Oneprominenttubercle;apexproduced podswith stronglongitudinalridgeoncau- laterally into extraordinarily long, ob- dal surface, and well defined (although tuselobe(Fig.4B) H. exuca sometimes reduced) lateral lobe (Fig. 1A); -. Two prominent tubercles on apex of apex truncated, eithercircularoroblongin gonopods(Fig. 9A-C) H. orcesi PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Fig. 1. FirstleftgonopodofEcuadorianPseudothelphusidae:A,B,Hypoloboceraaequatorialis(Ortmann, 1897),holotypefromEcuador(SM);C,D,H.caputii(Nobili, 1901),fromRioQuevedo(IVIC628);E,F,H. rathbuniPretzmann, 1968,fromRioPeripa,betweenAuroraenPuertoLimon(IVIC631);G,H,Moritschus ecuadorensis(Rathbun, 1897), fromwestofGualea (BM918.1.31.11); I, J,M. henrici(Nobili, 1897),from Ecuador(IVIC615);K-M,Lindacatalinabrevipenis(Rodriguez&Diaz), 1981,fromEcuador(IVIC606);N- PL. latipenis(Pretzmann, 1968),fromEcuador(IVIC621).A,C,E,G,I,K,N,caudal;M,O,lateral;B,D, FH,J,L,P,apex,distal;lo,laterallobe;cr,caudalridge;al,supplementarylobe.Scales= 2mm. 5. Withlargetubercleonexternalsurface 6. Laterallobeoffirstgonopodslong,ob- ofpalm H. conradi long,withproximalangleroundedand -. Without a large tubercle on external distalangleslopinggentlytoapex ... 7 surfaceofpalm H. rathbuni -. Laterallobetriangularorsubtriangular... 8 — VOLUME 111.NUMBER 7. Alarge tubercle onexternal surface of Hypolobocera (Hypolobocera—) [aequatori- palm H.delsolari alis] aequatorialis nigra. Pretzmann, -. Without a large tubercle on external 1983b:352,figs. 3, 17,25,35,52,55,72. surfaceofpalm H. aequatorialis — 8. Apex offirstgonopods in caudal view Material. Ecuador: Leg. Reiss, 1 male forms very elongated spine, projected holotype of Potamoca—rcinus aequatorialis laterallyanddistally(Figs. 1C, 3A) .. 9 Ortmann, 1897(SM). ArroyodeArrayan, —. Apexincaudalviewwithlateralborder NofBafios,ParroquiadeChirgua,Tungur- 5obAt,u6sAe,8Aor) with short spine (Figs. 10 ahua Province, 1750 m alt., 7 Nov 1980, 9. lByorcdoenrveoxfldaitsetraalllylobestraightorsHl.ighcta-putii lmemg.,Hc.b.Di4a9z.,8,34m8a.l8esancld.3331..57,m3m1.,02anmdat2u1r.8e -. Borderoflateral lobe rounded distally femalescl. 35.0and34.1 mm,cb. 57.0and H. esmeraldensis 53.5 mm, 1 immature female cl. 27.8 mm, 10. Apexindistalviewwithlateralmargin cb. 43.5 mm (IVIC 590).—Banos, Tungur- acuteorendinginashortpointdirected ahua Province, Dec 1984, leg. Ferro, 1 laterally 11 male, 1 immature female (IVIC 972). -. Apexindistalviewwithlateralmargin Quebrada Punsan, Pueblo de Alba, E of rounded H.muisnensis Bafios, Tungurahua Province, 1600 m alt., 11-.. rBvBeooorurrsnddeeedrreddiosoftdfaillsaltltyaaeltrleayrlallobleobnearerHxo.pwaganHun.dadeykdatoqrnuaasinntsld-aennzsaies Vm73i1ml.Nl,4ao,vmcbmP.1o,9n48c30ce.,b,4.le44mg94m..,5Hk.mm1DmiiNamzm(,aIMtVa1uIcrChmeaal5laf9e,e1mc)laA..lz—e2uR7aic.lyo8. Hypolo(bOForictgemsr.aan1naAe,1q8uB9a7t)orialis PD6mri6moa.,vz8i,ncmb7cm.e0,,5m1a5.5l067esmm,fmetmahla(tel.I,elVsaI1,r1Cget6sNh2teo4c)vll..a—r14g90eC8.sa08t,nmtcllom.eng,.3S2caH.b.n5. Pseudothelphusadentata.—Ortmann, 1893: Miguel, 5 km N of Balsapamba, roadside 493 (pro parte ex. b, c). stream feeding into Rio Cristal, Bolivar Potamocarcinus aequatorialis Ortmann, Province, 20 May 1996, leg. R. von Stern- Pse1u8d9o7t:h31e7l,ph3u1s9a, paie.qu1a7t,orfiiag.li5s..—Rathbun, b3e0r.g5,m7m,mal1ejsu,vetnhielela(rgIeVsItCcl9.4019)..4—Tmomw,ncob.f 1898:532, 537.—Young, 1900:213.— Pullatanga, Chimborazo Province, 15 Feb Nobili, 1901:38.—Rathbun, 1905:285.— 1996, leg. R. von—Sternberg, 6males, 2fe- Colosi, 1920:18.—Coifmann, 1939:106. males(IVIC969). VillageofOcafia,Can- Strenge—ria (Strengeria) aequatorerorialis ar Province, 8 Jun 1996, leg. E von Stern- [sic]. Pretzmann, 1965:7. berg, 1 male, 10juveniles (IV—IC 970). Hypolobocera {Hypo—lobocera) aequatori- Additional illustrations. Rodriguez alis aequatorialis. Bott, 1967:368, fig. (1982, figs. 1—9k; 22d,i; 23f; 33a-f.) 3a-c—Pretzmann, 1971:17; 1972:43, Diagnosis. Carapacewithupperfrontal figs. 186-189, 265-267. — marginangled, withfaintlyindicatedpapil- Hypolobocera aequatorialis. Rodriguez, lae and deep notch at middle. Largerchela 1982:61 (proparte andfig. 33e, f). with oblong, but not well developed, dark Hypolobocera (Hypolobocera) [ae—quatori- protuberance near articulation of fingers alis] aequatorialisaequatorialis. Pretz- and smaller dark tubercle above it. Lateral mann, 1983b:351, figs. 4, 18, 26, 39, 54, lobe of first male gonopods prominent, 56, 71. square in outline; apex in caudal viewfun- Hypolobocera (Hypolobocera) aequatori- nel-shaped; in distal view elongated later- alis nigra Pretzmann, 1968:6; 1972:44, ally and ending in spine directed distally figs. 167-169, 262-264; 1971:17. andtransverselytomainaxisofappendage. — PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON — Remarks. Ortmann (1893) identifiedas cera) [aequatorialis] delsolari delsolari is Pseudothelphusadentatathreelotsofcrabs considered as a separate species and Hy- from South America. Later he (Ortmann polobocera (Hypolobocera) [aequatorialis] 1897) separated lots b and c, from Rio delsolariIsabellaajuniorsynonymofthis. Ucayalli, Peru, and the Eastern Cordillera Pretzmann's (1968) original material of ofEcuador,respectively,underhisnewspe- Hypolobocera (Hypolobocera) [aequatori- cies Potamocarcinus aequatorialis, but he alis] aequatorialisnigra comprised 1 male used as types only the specimens from the holotype, 1 male paratype and 3 females, secondlocality. Thefirstmalegonopodsof collected by Cayan in 1883 at an undeter- these specimens (Rodriguez 1982, fig. 33e, mined locality in Ecuador. The first gono- f) closely correspond with those of the pods of the holotype was illustrated in specimensrecordedabovefromthevicinity Pretzmann 1972. Subsequently, he (Pretz- of Banos and from Ponce, near Machala, mann 1977b) recorded the distribution of but the specimens recorded by Rodriguez his taxon as "Westrand der Anden nord- (1982,fig. 33a-d)fromRioJubonesbelong westlich Machala". However, this distribu- in Hypolobocera delsolari. Bott (1967) re- tionmustrefertotwolotsofcrabsrecorded corded the species from Paramba, on the later(Pretzmann1983b)from20and35km headwaters ofRio Mira, 75 km from Tul- NE of Machala in the Rio Jubones basin. can, Imbambura Province. In the material There are no clear cut characters that sep- reported above from Ponce, near Machala, arateourspecimenscollectedaroundMach- the first gonopods exactly correspond with ala from the typicalH. aequatorialis, even thoseofthetypematerialandwiththoseof in the coloration of the specimens which ourspecimens fromBanos; theonlydiffer- was given as one ofthe diagnostic charac- ence is that in the largest male (cl. 40.8 ters. In specimens from a single locality mm) from the first loclity the spine ofthe preserved in alcohol, some specimens are apicallobeisdirectedlaterallyandperpen- dark brown, almost black, on anteriorpor- dicularlyto main axis ofthe appendage. In tion, including cervicalgrooves, whileoth- the specimens from Ponce the papillae on er have cervical grooves and cardiac antero-lateralmarginsofcarapacearemore regions olive. On the other hand, H. del- clearlydefined. Accordingtotheserecords, solari,H.muisnensisandH.orcesialsodis- H. aequatorialis occupies widely separated playthislastpatternofcoloration,withthe areas on the eastern and western slopes of cervical grooves and gastric regions of a theEasternCordilleraofEcuador. lightershadethanthedorsalsurfaceofcar- Pretzmann used the specific name Hy- apace. polobocera aequatorialis in several contri- butions (Pretzmann 1968, 1977b, 1983b). Hypoloboceracaputii (Nobili 1901) In his most recent one (Pretzmann 1983b) Fig. 1C, D hegroupedunderthisspeciesthefollowing forms: Hypolobocera (Hypolobocera) [ae- Pseudothelphusa caputii Nobili, 1901: quatorialis] aequatorialis aequatorialis, 38.—Rathbun, 1905:299.—Colosi, 1920: Hypolobocera (Hypolobocera) [aequatori- 20.—Coifmann, 1939:107.—Rodriguez, alis] aequatorialis nigra, Hypolobocera 1982:190. (Hypolobocera) [aequatorialis] delsolari Strengeria (Strengeria) caputi [sic]. delsolari, Hypolobocera (Hypolobocera) Pretzmann, 1965:7 (proparte). — [aequatorialis] delsolari Isabella. It is not Strengeria (Strengeria) caputii. Pretz- possible to discern from this pentanomial mann, 1972:40; 1983b:353. nomenclaturewhethertheauthorassigneda Hypolobocera (Hypolobocera) caputii ca- subspecificranktotheseforms.Inthepres- putii.—Pretzmann, 1971:17; 1972:40 ent contribution Hypolobocera (Hypolobo- (proparte) figs. 254, 255, not figs. 270- —— VOLUME 111,NUMBER 1 272, 302, 303 [=Hypolocera chilensis the holotype, thus validating his report of (H. Milne Edwards & Lucas, 1844)]; this species. 1983b:353,figs. 2,22,29,38,48,59,65. Nobili's specieshasbeenrecordedinthe Hycpaopluotibio.c—erParet{zHmyapnonl,ob1o9c7e7rba:)436[.chilensis] Plirteetraztmuarennfr1o9m83bR)i,o4P2erkimpaf(rNoombilQiue1v9e0d1o, Hypolobocera quevedensis Rodriguez & (Rodriguez & Diaz 1981, holotype ofHy- Diaz, 1981:308, figs. 2, 6, 7. polobocera quevedensis); Quevedo and — Mindo (Pretzmann 1983b). The latter au- Material. Ecuador: Rio Quevedo, 36 thorgivesasthegeneraldistributionofHy- km N ofQuevedo, Pichincha Province, 24 polobocera caputiithe basins ofthe Daule Jun 1976, leg. H. Diaz, 1 maleholotypeof and Vincens rivers. H. quevedensis, cl. 26.8 mm, cb. 41.9 mm (IVIC 628).—Puerto Rico, Quevedo, Los Hypoloboceraconradi (Nobili 1897) Rios Province, 3 males cl. 21.5, 17.9 and 14.0mm, cb. 33.4, 27.8 and 21.2 mm(TU Pseudothelphusa conradi Nobili, 1897:3; 94-100-1, USNM 273521).— 1901:38.—Rathbun, 1898:533, 537 (pro Additional illustrations. Rodriguez & parte); 1905:298, fig. 90a, d (pro parte, Diaz(1981, f—igs. 2, 6, 7). notmaterialfromPeruandfig.90b,c). Diagnosis. Carapacewithupperfrontal Young, 1900:217.—Colosi, 1920:19.— marginwelldefinedalthoughnotprojected, Coifmann, 1939:107.—Rodriguez, 1982: with some tubercles faintly indicated and 63. — deep notch at middle. Larger chela with Strengeria (Strengeria) conradi. Pretz- small swelling on outer surface, at articu- mann, 1965:7. lationofdactylus.Firstmalegonopodswith Potamocarcinus {Hypolobocera) conra- lateral lobe well developed, long, subtrian- di.—Bott, 1967:367, fig. 2a, b, c. gular, with distal margin angled, advanced; Hypolobocera (Hypolobocera) conradi apex with conspicuous lanceolate lobe di- conradi.—Pretzmann, 1971:17; 1972:41, recteddistal—ly. fig. 273, 274; 1977b:430, fig. 1; 1983b: Remarks. Nobili (1901) in his original 356, figs. 74, 79-83. description ofPseudothelphusa caputii did Pseudothelphusa dubia Colosi, 1920:19. not give an illustration of the male gono- Coifmann, 1939:107. — pods,andtheywereonlyvaguelydescribed Hypolobocera (Hypolobocera) dubia. as "lungheerobuste,troncateesvasateob- Pretzmann, 1972:48 (pro parte, not the liquamente aH'apice." Since the holotype material from Colombia and figs. 224- and only specimen recorded could not be 226, 230-232, 236, 237). located at the Museo Zoologico di Torino, Material.—Ecuador: Sabanilla, 18 km where it was presumably to be deposited, NNEfrom Loja, headwaters ofRioZamo- Rodriguez (1982) considered this species ra,ZamoraProvince,Sep 1985,leg.L.Col- iRdneocsdecrrritigabeueestzehdeii&sr.mTDahiteaersziea(lc1if9r8rc1ou)mmsQttouaenecvreersdooanlesuoonudsleleryd o31m.Aa5d,dai2ntdimo2an9al.le2silmlculm.str2(a0tI.iV7oInsCa.n—9d46B)o1.9t.t1(1m9m67,,fcibg.. a new species, H. quevedensis. Pretzmann 2a, b, c). — (1965, 1971 and 1972) recorded Hypolo- Diagnosis. Carapacewithupperfrontal bocera caputii on several occasions, but margin angled, with flat papillae and deep never stated that he had examined the ho- notch at middle. Large flat tubercle on the lotype, although subsequently he (Pretz- insertionofthedactylusofthelargerchela, mann 1983b) illustrated the gonopod, car- fingers conspicuouslyhigh. Firstmalegon- apace, orbital area and third maxilliped of opods slender, with lateral lobe long, re- PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Fig. 2. Hypolobocera delsolari Pretzmann, 1978, male from Quebrada Celata, Azuay Province, Ecuador (IVIC960):A,firstleftgonopod,caudal;B,apex,distal;C,chelaoflargestcheliped,externalview;D,dorsal viewofrightsideofcarapace;E,thirdmaxilliped.Scales= 3mm. tracted; apex with conspicuous lateral ex- HypoloboceradelsolariPretzmann, 1978 pansion, in—distal view triangular. Fig. 2 Remarks. The status of Nobili's type Hypolobocera {Hypolobocera) [aequatori- wmahtoericaolnswiadserdeidsctuhsesemdablyeRroedcroirgdueedzb(y19B8o2t),t alis] delsolari delsolari Pretzmann 1977b:436 (nomen nudum); 1978:163, (1970) from Rio Santiago as theneotypeof taheloscpaelciiteys.wiOtuhrinsptheicsimbaesnisn.weSriencceolwleecthedavien Hypf3i5og0.l,ob1f;oigc.1e95r8a83.a(:—H3Ry0o4pd,orliofgibugoesc.ze,r1a11,)982[1:2a;2e1qu01a.9t8o3rbi:- examined only the two small males men- alis]delsolariIsabellaPretzmann 1977b: tioned above, itis notpossible torevisethe 436 (nomen nudum); 1978:163, fig. 2; deeqsucartieptiilolnustorfattihoens.spTechieeslaorrgetsotpmraelseent(2a0d.-7 1983a:304, figs. 13, 14;1983b:350.— mmcb.) alreadyhas alarge flattubercleon HyRpoodlroibgouceezr,a19a8e2q:u2a1t0o.rialis.—Rodriguez, the insertion of the dactylus of the larger (left)chela, andthefirstmalegonopods, al- 1980:61 (—proparte)figs. 19k, 23f, 33a-d. though not fully developed, present the re- Material. Ecuador: Rio Jubones, leg. cthraarcatcetderliastetriaclolfobtehisansdpetchieesa.picalexpansion D6r5..1Braanyd,240m.a9lemsmcl.(4B1M.)0.a—ndQu24e.b6ramdma,Cceb-. lata, 1 km from Giron, Azuay Province, 9 prominent and excavated distally; apex in Nov 1980, leg. H. Diaz, 1 male cl. 36.6 distal view with strong curved point pro- mm, cb. 58.5 mm, 3 ripe females cl. 48.5, jected laterally and distally, incaudalview 48.2 and44.5 mm, cb. 79.5, 75.0 and70.9 very elongated laterally. — mm, 1 immature female cl. 28.7 mm, cb. Description ofholotype. Uppersurface 44.8 mm, 2 juveniles (IVIC 960).—Rio of carapace smooth and polished, with Chorro, affluent ofRio San Vicente in the regionsonly slightlyindicated. Lateralbor- RioJubonesbasin,nearGiron,AzuayProv- der of carapace with shallow postorbital ince, 11 Nov 1980,leg. H. Diaz, 1 malecl. notch, without teeth orpapillae up to level 37.6 mm, cb. 60.6mm, 1 immaturefemale ofcervicalgrooves; restofborderwithap- cl. 29.0 mm, cb. 45.3 mm (IVIC 959).— proximately 12 distinct triangular teeth Quera, military checkpoint, border of which diminishes in sizeprogressively and Azuay and El Oro provinces, stream feed- end at middle ofborder. Cervical grooves ingintoRioJubones, 22May 1996,leg.R. straight and deep, not reaching margins of von Sternberg, chela and portions ofcara- carapace. Postfrontallobesabsent,itsplace pace of a specimen cl. 36.5 m—m, cb. 57.5 marked only by 1 or 2 punctae; median mm, 4 juveniles (IVIC 942). Village of groove absent. Upper margin of front al- Tres Banderas, Azuay Province, roadside most straight or slightly convex in dorsal ditch, Rio Jubones adjacent, 22May 1996, view, without median notch and devoid of leg. R. von Sternberg, 2 young males, the tubercles. Lower margin sinuous in frontal largestcl. 17.6mm,cb.26.1mm,2juvenile view; spacebetweenboth margins narrow. females (IVI—C 941). Palmoflargercheliped(left)moderately Diagnosis. Carapacewithupperfrontal inflated, fingers slightly gaping. Exognath margin angled, devoid of papillae, with ofthirdmaxilliped0.4lengthofischiumof deep notch at middle. Larger chela with endognath. largeroundedtuberclebelowarticulationof First male gonopods strongly arcuate in dactylus. First male gonopods with lateral lateralview;caudalridgecurved,becoming lobe long, oblong, wider proximally; apex indistinct distally; lateral lobe narrow, ex- with conspicuous lanceolate lobe directed cavated and more prominent distally; apex distally. — indistalviewwithstrongcurvedpointpro- Remarks. The apex of the first gono- jected laterally and distally, in caudalview pods in this species resembles that ofHy- very elongated—. poloboceracaputii(Nobili, 1901)inthelat- Etymology. The species is named after eral apical process, butdiffersinthe shape the Esmeraldas Provincewherethe species ofthe lateral lobe. was collected. Hypolobocera esmeraldensis, new species Hypolobocera exuca Pretzmann, 1977b Fig. 3 Fig. 4 — Hypolobocera {Hypolobocera) [conradi] Material. Ecuador: Esmeraldas Prov- i2c2l)n0..c.—e6,20mCl.hem9go,.nmJecmub.,aRin3vc3eCbr.a.,8rlMm3oa3sm.n,,6a1b1mimimaPmlrmeoa(vthiTunoUrcleoe,9t4fy-e1p1emm0aac0ll--e. Hyep11ox998lu823oc:bba4:o93c,P5er7r—fe,iatgsfz.irmgisav1.en9tbn9i,,1-R2o901d4e9r.,7ijg7,ube2:z34,b3,71,2958af0i-:ge.8.918;; ture male, br—oken carapace (TU 94-100-3). Material. Ecuador: 10 km N of La Diagnosis. Carapacewithupperfrontal Troncal, on Rio Culebras/Taura, Cariar margin devoid ofmedian notch and tuber- Province, in a concrete storm drainage cles. First gonopods with caudal ridge ob- ditch, 6 Jun 1996, leg. R. von Sternberg, 1 solescentdistally; laterallobenarrow,more male cl. 37.6 mm, cb. 59.3 mm, 1 female PROCEEDINGSOFTHEBIOLOGICALSOCIETYOFWASHINGTON Fig. 3. Hypoloboceraesmeraldensis, new species, holotype malefromEsmeraldaProvince,Ecuador(TU 94-100-2): A,firstleftgonopod,caudal;B,apex,distal;C,chelaoflargestcheliped,externalview;D,dorsal viewofrightsideofcarapace;E,thirdmaxilliped.Scales= 3mm. cl. 21.1 mm, cb. 33.2 mm, 9 juveniles shaped, with strong elongated projection (IVIC949).—BetweenLaTroncalandMa- ending in truncated tip; in distal view nuel J. Calles, 65 km SE of Guayaquil, strongly expanded cephalically, with con- Canar Province, 100 m alt., 10 Nov 1980, spicuousridgeoncaudalsideofexpansion; clebg..2H7..2Diamz,m1(iImVmIaCtu6r2e7m)a.l—eTcol.wn18.o2fmLma,s psirdoemionfengtonsoupbotrrei;angduilstairncptapsiulblaapiocnalcaruiddagle Pampas,onRioToachi,CotopaxiProvince, on mesial si—de. Oct 1988, leg. G. Onore, 1 male cl.32.4 Remarks. Pretzmann (1977b) gave as mm, cb. 50.5 mm (IVIC 950).—Ecuador, his type locality "Cordillere". Thepresent withoutotherdata,leg.P.Rivet,2malescl. records fix the area of distribution of the 40.8 and 23.6 mm, cb. 61.8 and 37.6 mm, speciesbetweentheprovincesofCafiarand holotype and paratype respectively ofHy- Cotopaxi. polobocera rivetiRodriguez, 1980(MNHN B-5087). — HypoloboceraguayaquilensisBott, 1967 Diagnosis. Carapacewithupperfrontal Fig. 5 marginangled,withsmallpapillaeanddeep notch at middle. First male gonopods with Potamocarcinus {Hypolobocera) aequato- lateral lobe absent, replaced by wide de- rialis guayaquilensis Bott, 1967:368, pression; apex in lateral view funnel- figs. 4a, b, c. VOLUME 111,NUMBER 1 119 Fig.4. HypoloboceraexucaPretzmann, 1977b,A—G,malefrom 10kmNofLaTroncal,CafiarProvince, Ecuador(IVIC949):A,firstleftgonopod,caudal;B,lateral;C,apex,caudo-distal;D,apex,distal;E,chelaof largestcheliped.externalview;F,dorsalviewofrightsideofcarapace;G,thirdmaxilliped.H,specimenfrom LasPampas.CotopaxiProvince,Ecuador(IVIC950),firstleftgonopod,apex,distal.Scales= 3mm. Hypolobocera —{Hypolobocera) caputii gu- tubercles, with notch at middle. First male ayaquilensis. Pretzmann, 1971:17 (by gonopods strongly arcuate in lateral view; inference). caudal ridge prominent, moderately curved Hypolobo—cera {Hypolobocera) guayaqui- proximally, straight distally; lateral lobetri- lensis. Pretzmann, 1972:42, figs. 173- angular, increasing in width distally, with 175, textfig 10. Hypolobocera {Hypolo- distal margin rounded; apex in distal view boc—era) [aequatorialis] guayaquilen- elongatedalongmeso-lateralaxis,endingin sis. Pretzmann, 1983b:353, figs. 5, 16, short lateral—pointdirectedlaterally. 28, 37, 53, 57, 69. — Remarks. ThetypelocalityisBabahoyo, Hypoloboceraguayaquilensis. Rodriguez, on the Daule-Vincens basin. The specimens 1982:64. reportedabovecomefromalocality 140km — NNWofBabahoyo,onthecoastalplain,but Material. Ecuador: Chone,EsteroDon- thewaterdividebetweenbothbasins,onthe cdle.,2M6a.2n,ab1i8.P3roavnidnc1e4,.79mAmu,g c1b9.674,4.31,ma2l9e.s3 CaobnogvueilsleoalMeovuelntianinsso,meispllaecsess.than 300 m and 23.5 mm, 1 female with young under theabdomencl.34.5mm,cb.56.2mm(TU Hypolobocerakonstanzae, new species 6374). — — Fig. 6 Diagnosis. Carapace with upper frontal Material. Ecuador:EsteroSanAgustin,4 marginangulatedanddevoidofconspicuous km S from the bridge, RioBanchal,Manabi

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