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Preview A revision of Parsonsia R. Br. (Apocynaceae) in Malesia

BLUMEA 42 (1997) 191-248 Arevision of Parsonsia R.Br. (Apocynaceae) inMalesia David+J. Middleton DepartmentofBotany,Trinity College,Dublin 2,Ireland1 Summary The genus Parsonsia isrevised in theMalesian region.Lyonsia, Helygia,Cudicia, Chaetosus,Del- phyodon, andGrisseea areincluded in synonymy and 27 speciesarerecognised,oneofwhich has 7 varieties.There are9newspecies, 4newvarieties,2newcombinations and2newstatuses, oneof which is also anewcombination. Introduction Parsonsiawas first describedby Robert Brownin his seminalwork onthegenera oftheApocynaceae and Asclepiadaceae (1810). Thenamecommemorates Dr James Parsons. Healso describedLyonsia, a genuswhosestatus asdistinct fromParsonsia hasoftenbeen disputed. Itis now generally accepted thatLyonsia is not distinctfrom Parsonsiaandtheseparation ofthe two wasoriginally basedona misinterpretationof some characters(see Markgraf, 1927:213). Blume(1826) describedaspecies under thegenusHelygia andtwo species inParsonsia. Theselattertwo species havenow beenremovedfromParsonsiato Parameriaand Urceola.Helygia was subsequently misspelledas Heligme andseveralmorespecies added,particularly by Miquel(1857). Thisgenushasnobasis atall andmustnowbeincludedinsynonymy"despite an at- tempttoreviveitdueto thecompeting claimsforthenameParsonsia. Parsonsiain theApocynaceae hasbeenconservedagainst ParsonsiaintheLythraceae. Grisseeawas describedwithasingle species by Bakhuizen vandenBrink(1950) afterhis earlierDutchlanguage description (in Backer, 1948). Thecombinationof charactersheused to distinguish thegenus fromParsonsia are foundinmanyPar- sonsia species. These includedthe densetuftofhairsat thethroat,theinsertionof the filamentnearthebaseofthecorollatubeandthe fact that thefilamentsare not strongly twisted, a suiteof characters which,farfrom excluding thespecies from Parsonsia,place itsquarely insectionGastranthus. Delphyodon was descibedwith asingle species by Schumann(1898). He com- pared hisnew genustoEpigynum and Aganosma from which itdifferedinthefour points ontopoftheovary, theshape ofthedisc, theformofthecolletersandthesyn- carpous ovary. He didnot compare it to Parsonsia whichhas all these featuresto varying degrees. Theonly uniquecharacterin thesingle species described, Delphyo- don oliganthus, is thevery unusual fruitwhich has large irregular spine-like out- growths all over it. This single character, however, is not enough to maintainthe entiregenusandDelphyodon oliganthus shows aremarkablesimilarity toParsonsia flavescens inits otherfeatures. I) Present address: Rijksherbarium/Hortus Botanicus,Einsteinweg2, P.O.Box9514, 2300RA Leiden,The Netherlands. 192 BLUMEA Vol. 42, No. 1, 1997 Thenumberofspecies inthegenus variesconsiderably betweenauthors. Pichon (1950), inareview ofthegenus, suggested 83 species whilsttworecent authorities give widely differentassessments of50species (Leeuwenberg, 1994)and 130spe- cies (Williams, 1996).Williams'higher figure is partlybasedonhisrecent work for thegenus in Australiawhich includes 19new taxa.All but 2ofthe 35 species in Australiaareendemic.Mybelief, however,is thatthecorrect figure is closestto that ofPichon.Thisgenusproved tobeanexception amongsttherecently revisedMale- sian generaofApocynaceae asinthesetherehaslargely beenareductioninthenum- berofspecies recognised and very fewnew species described(Middleton, 1996a, 1996b). Therelatively high numberofnew species inParsonsiamay be dueto the fact thattheMalesianelementofParsonsiaappearstobecentred moreinNewGuinea whichhasbeenrelatively poorly collected, particularly inIrianJaya. Pichon(1950a) removedParsonsiapenangiana fromthis genusandplaced itin Artiaandmadeanewsection Oppositae to containitandArtiabalansae fromNew Caledonia.Thisseems most curiousas P. penangiana is undoubtedly closeto P. al- boflavescens (to theextentthatithasrecently beentreatedas a varietyofthisspecies) anditbears littleresemblancetotheotherspecies ofArtia.Itwouldseemsensibleto typifyArtiasect. Oppositae withA. balansaesothatthesectiondoesnot become a synonymofParsonsia. The status ofthewholegenusArtia, not found in Malesia once P. penangiana is removed,needs tobe clarifiedin relationto Parsonsia. Par- sonsiapenangiana is insect.Helygia. Pichon(1950a) suggested asubclassificationofthegenusbasedonthe43species hehadrepresented inthe ParisMuseumanddescriptions oftheotherspecies. He di- videdthe genusinto8 sections ofwhichtheMalesianspecies fallintohis sections GastranthusandHelygia. In additionto thesesectionsthe genusDelphyodon would forma distinctsection withinParsonsiawithtwo species, P. oligantha andP.flaves- cens. Pichon'sschemeis limitedby thescopeofhiswork whichis concentratedon theNewCaledonianspecies. Many oftheMalesianspecies were notexaminedandit seems tomethatproperallocationofeachspecies inPichon's schemeis notpossible withouta thorough reviewoftheentiregenus. My own cursoryobservations inthe genusoutside MalesiaandcontinentalAsialeadsmetoquestion Pichon's distinction betweenthesectionsandseriesfoundinNewCaledoniaandthosefoundelsewhere. Thereare a numberofproblematic areas inMalesianParsonsia.In thisrevision I havetreatedP. alboflavescens broadly as thereappeartobeno discontinuitieswhere boundaries couldbeclearly drawn. Thishasled, however,toan extremely variable species. On theotherhandP. sanguinea fromNewGuineashows anumberoflocal varietieswhicharedistinctenough tobe recognised atvarietallevel, withonly oneof the varieties, P. sanguinea var. brassii, being otherthanlocally restricted. This,of course, will needto bereviewed whenfarmorecollections areavailablefromNew Guinea, particularly fromIrianJaya. Pichon(1950b) placed Parsonsiain thetribeParsonieae, subtribeParsonsiinae along withThenardiafromMexicoandArtiafromNewCaledonia(although healso suggested this genusmaybeinAsiawhichis unlikely).Leeuwenberg (1994) placed thegenusintribeEchiteae,subtribeParsonsiinaewithDewevrella, Thenardia, Pott- siaandIsonema. D. J.Middleton: Revision of Parsonsia 193 MATERIALS AND METHODS Herbariummaterialwas studied fromthefollowing herbaria:A,AAU,ABD,B, BK, BKF,BM,BO, BR, BRI,C, CANB,CGE,E, G,GH,H,K,KEP,KLU,K-W, L,LAE, NSW,NY,M, MEL,MO, P,S, SING,SINU, TCD,TI, U,UC,UPS,US,W, WRSL,Z (Holmgren etal., 1990).Allspecimens citedhavebeenseen unlessotherwisestated. Thedimensionsgivenin thedescriptions are fordriedmaterialexcept forthegy- noeciumandandroeciumcharacters whichare forflowersrehydrated withwater. PARSONSIA Parsonsia R.Br.,Asclepiadeae(1810)53,nom.cons, nonP.Brown(1756).—Typespecies: Par- sonsiacapsularis(G.Forst.)R.Br. Lyonsia R.Br.,Asclep. (1810) 55.—Typespecies:Lyonsiastraminea R.Br.[= Parsonsia strami- nea(R.Br.)F.Muell.]. HelygiaBlume,Bijdr. (1826) 1043.— HeligmeMiq.,Fl.Ind. Bat. 2(1857)429, sphalm.—Type species:HelygiajavanicaBlume [=Parsonsiaalboflavescens (Dennst.)Mabb.]. Cudicia Buch.-Ham. [ex G.Don,Gen. Syst. 4(1837)80,nom. illeg. (insyn.)] exDillwyn, Index Hort.Malab. (1839)41.—Typespecies: Cudicia trichotoma Buch.-Ham. exDillwyn [= Par- sonsiaalboflavescens(Dennst.)Mabb.]. Chaetosus Benth.,Hook. Lond. J.Bot. 2 (1843)226. —Typespecies: Chaetosus volubilis Benth. [=Parsonsiaalboflavescens (Dennst.)Mabb.]. DelphyodonK.Schum.,Bot. Jahrb. 24 (1898)Beibl.59: 31.—Typespecies:Delphyodonoligan- thusK.Schum.[=Parsonsia oligantha(K.Schum.)D. J.Middleton], Grisseea Bakh.f., [in Backer,BeknopteFl.Java,Afl.7, Fam.172 (1948)49,nom. inval. (noLatin description)]Blumea 6 (1950)392. —Typespecies:Grisseea apiculataBakh.f.[=Parsonsia apiculata(Bakh.f.)D.J.Middleton], Climbing shrubs; bark variable.Branches with orwithoutlenticels; branchlets gla- brous, puberulent ortomentose. Leaves opposite or in whorlsof3ormore, thoseof apairequal, entire; colletersintheaxilsandfrequently in aring aroundthestem. In- florescenceaxillary orterminal,corymbose, pedunculate andseveraltimesbranched or with flowersclustered atthe inflorescenceends, few- to many-flowered. Bracts small, linearorovate. Flowers 5-merous. Sepals connate atthevery base, erector reflexed, ovate to linear,with colletersinside. Corollaactinomorphic; lobesoverlap- ping to right in bud, often so very slightly as to appearvalvate; tubecylindrical or somewhatinflated; lobes reflexed, spreading orerect;outsideandinsidepubescent orglabrous. Stamensexserted, inserted anywhere on thecorollatube fromthebase to nearthethroat;filamentsstraight,bentor strongly twisted, mostoftenpubescent; anthers usually narrowly triangular, sometimes oblong, apex acuminate, basesagit- tate,sterileatbaseandapex,adnateto theheadofthepistil. Discof5 lobes, some- timesfused into an annularring, oftenwithcomplex development ofteeth at the apex.Pistil glabrous. Ovary ovoid, of2connate carpels, often4-toothedat apex. Style narrow; pistil headovoid. Ovules many.Fruitofonefollicleclearly composed oftwo locules; linearto fusiform.Seeds roughly triangular incross section, long and narrow, bearing a comaattheendtowardstheapexofthefruit. Distribution— Circa82 species fromIndiaandSri LankatoChina, southwards through IndochinaandMalesiato the western Pacific Islands, Australiaand New Zealand;27 species inMalesia. 194 BLUMEA Vol. 42, No. 1, 1997 KEY TO THE SPECIES la. Leaves inwhorlsof3or more 7. P.curvisepala b. Leaves opposite 2 2a. Leavesdensely pubescent allover beneath 3 b. Leaves glabrousor onlypubescent onmidribandnerves beneath 14 3a. Corollatube> 10mmlong 10. P. grandiflora b. Corollatube< 8 mmlong 4 4a. Corollatubepubescent inthroat 5 b. Corollatubeglabrous inthroat 15. P. novoguineensis 5a. Corollacampanulate 26.P. velutina b. Corollasubcylindrical, salverform, rotateor urceolate 6 6a. Hairs oncorolla tubedenserufousbrown 8 b. Hairson corollatube very shortand cream colouredor pale fawn, or corolla tubeglabrous outside 7 7a. Corollatube glabrous outside, lobes 3.9-5.6xas long as tube, strongly re- flexedwhen mature.Lesser SundaIslands 23.P.sundensis b. Corollatube puberulent or glabrous outside, lobes 0.7-2.2x as long as tube, erector spreading whenmature;widespread P. 1.alboflavescens 8a. Tips of corollalobes glabrous outside; flowers densely clustered at inflores- cenceends 8.P. densiflora b. Tipsofcorollalobespubescent outside; flowers laxlyarranged orclustered 9 9a. Corollatube>5.4mmlong; not inNewGuinea 5.P. celebica b. Corollatube< 6 mmlong, those> 3mmlong only inNew Guinea 10 10a. Corollatubesomewhatinflated, widerthanhead inbud; antherswithlargeboss ontheback 22.P.schoddei b. Corollatubenot inflated, narroweror samewidthas headinbud; no largeboss onanthers 11 11a. Hairs oninflorescencespreading 12 b. Hairs on inflorescenceappressed 13 12a. Leafbasecuneate toobtuse 7.P. curvisepala b. Leafbase cordate 12.P. lata 13a. Inflorescence 14-20cm long; mature corollatubec. 2mmwide 3. P. appressa b. Inflorescence 3.5-13cm long; mature corollatube3-4mmwide 27.P. warenensis 14a. Stamens subsessileorwithvery shortfilaments 15 b. Stamens withwell developed filaments 17 15a. Leaves withoutprominent venation; disclobes free 21. P.sanguinea b. Leaves withprominentvenationabove; disclobesfused 16 16a. Corollapinkish or reddish, witharoundedor apiculate headinbud;fruitspiny 16. P.oligantha b. Corollayellow, withanacuminateheadinbud; fruitsmooth 9.P.flavescens 17a. Filamentstwisted aroundthestyle 1. P. alboflavescens b. Filamentsstraight or, ifbent, nottwistedaround thestyle 18 D.J.Middleton: Revision ofParsonsia 195 18a. Flowers hourglass-shaped (seeFig. 2); corolla tube>7mm long 6.P. constricta b. Flowers not hourglass-shaped; corollatube<6 mmlong 19 19a. Flowersfleshy, corollalobes strongly overlapping inbud; sepal lobes rounded toobtuse 19. P. philippinensis b. Flowers not fleshy, corollalobesonly slightlyoverlapping or appearing valvate inbud;sepalsacuminatetoobtuse 20 20a. Anthersexserted completely beyond mouthofcorollatube; lobes 2.4-5.6x as longas tube 21 b. Anthers partially includedin corollatube orlocatedatmouthofcorollatube; lobes0.4-3.1 x as long as corolla tube 22 21a. Inflorescence delicate, with flowers clustered at inflorescence branch ends forming rounded heads; fruits fusiform, < 12cm long. Lesser SundaIslands 23.P.sundensis , b. Inflorescencemore robust, flowers not forming roundedheads; fruitslinear, > 15 cm long. Moluccas, New Guinea 4. P. buruensis 22a. Filamentswith large projections on thesides; driedleaves usually somewhat glaucous abaxially 20. P.rubra b. Filamentswithoutlargeprojections on thesides; driedleaves not glaucous 23 23a. Corollabeardedin throat with brown hairs, usually densely brown pubescent outside, rarely glabrous 24 b. Corollaglabrous or pale-coloured pubescent inthroatandglabrous, brown pa- pillose or shortly puberulent outside 27 24a. Sepals erectoronly slightly spreading atapex; corollatube4.2-5.4mmlong 27.P.warenensis b. Sepals strongly reflexed; corollatube 1.9-4.5mmlong 25 25a. Leafbase cuneate,rarelyto obtuse;leaves 1.8-4.8x as long as wide 7. P. curvisepala b. Leafbasecordatetorounded;leaves 1.1-2x as long as wide 26 26a. Inflorescence2.7-6.7cm long; corollatube 1.9-2.2mm long. JavatoFlores 2.P. apiculata b. Inflorescence7-18.5cm long; corollatube2.9-3.2mmlong. BismarckArchi- pelago 17. P.pedunculata 27a. Corollawithdownwardpointinghairsinthroat 30 b. Corollaglabrous or withupward pointinghairsinthroat 28 28a. Budsovoidin shape; oftenpapillose outside; discentire 18. P.penangiana . b. Budscylindrical or club-shaped; not papillose outside; disc usually of5 sepa- rate lobes 29 29a. Inflorescence 3-21 cm long, flowersnot forming a denserounded clusterat ends l.P. alboflavescens b. Inflorescence 1.1-4cm long, flowers forming a denseroundedclusteratends 24.P. tenuiflora 30a. Opencorollacampanulate or subcampanulate 31 b. Open corollasalverformor withnarrow tubeanderectlobes 33 31a. Tertiary venationdensely reticulate 32 b. Tertiary venationlargely obscure, occasionally slightly prominent 34 196 BLUMEA —Vol. 42, No. 1, 1997 32a. Corollalobes 1.8-3.1 xas long as tube 13. P. Iongiloba b. Corollalobes0.7-1.3 x as longas tube 11.P.hebetica 33a. Corollatube 1.3-2mm long; leaves 1-4.4cm long 25.P. vaccinioides .... b. Corollatube2.1-3.4mm long; leaves2.1-10.8 cm long . 14. P. marginata 34a. Corollatubemuchnarrowerthancorollabudhead;inflorescenceshortand deli- cate 24. P. tenuiflora b. Corollatube widerthantomoreor less samewidthascorollabudhead 35 ... 35a. Leaves dryingdullochreadaxially, 2.1-3.2xas longas wide(infrequent) ... 11. P.hebetica b. Leaves not drying dullochreadaxially, 1.7-18x as long as wide 21.P.sanguinea 1. Parsonsiaalboflavescens (Dennst.) Mabb.— Map 1 Periploca alboflavescens Dennst.,Schlussel (1818) 12,23, 35.—Echites laevigataMoon,Cat. (1824)20,nom.illeg. —Parsonsia laevigata(Moon)Alston,Ann.Roy. Bot.Gard.Peradeniya 11 (1929)203, nom.illeg. —Cudicia gyrandra Buch.-Ham. exDillwyn, Index Hort.Malab. (1839) 41, nom. illeg. —Parsonsia alboflavescens (Dennst.) Mabb.,Taxon 26 (1977)532; Williams in P.I.Forst.& J.B.Williams,Fl.Australia 28 (1996) 188. —Type: Illustration in Rheede,Hort. Mai. 9:t. 9. Apocynum vincifolium Burm.f.,Fl.Ind.(1768)71. —Type: Garcin in Herb. Burman (G holo), nom. prop. rej. HelygiajavanicaBlume,Bijdr. (1826)1043.—HeligmejavanicaMiq.,Fl.Ind.Bat. 2(1857)429, sphalm. —Parsonsia javanica(Blume)K.Schum. in Engl.& Prantl,Nat. Pflanzenfam. 4, 2 (1895) 184,nom. illeg.—Type:Blume s.n.(Llecto,sh.898.111-191,designatedhere). Parsonsia acuminata Wall., Num. List (1829)n. 1634,nom. nud.—Type: Wallich 1634 (K-W). Parsonsiapauciflora Wall.,Num. List 1635 (1829) 1635,nom.nud. —Type: Wallich1635 (K-W). Parsonsia spiralis Wall, exG.Don,Gen. Syst. 4 (1837)80; S.Vidal,Sin.Gen. PI.Lenos. Filip. (1883) t.66;Warb., Bot. Jahrb. 13(1890)406; King& Gamble, J. As.Soc. Beng.74 (1907) 456;Ridl.,Fl.MalayPenins. 2 (1923)350. — Heligme spiralis (Wall, exG.Don) Thwaites, Enum. PI.Zeyl.(1860) 193.—Type: Wallich 1631 (K-Wlecto;K iso). ParsonsiaoblongaWall, exG.Don,Gen.Syst. 4(1837)80;Bakh.f,Blumea6(1950)392.—Type: Wallich 1632(K-Wlecto [as 1632.2]). Parsonsia helicandra Hook.& Am., Bot. Beech. Voy. (1837) 197;Peekel, Fl.Bismarck Archip. (1984)451;Kaneh. &Hatus.,Bot.Mag.Tokyo55(1941)498; Merr.&Perry, J.Arnold Arbor. 24(1943)216. —Type:nottraced. Cudicia trichotoma Buch.-Ham exDillwyn, Index Hort. Malab. (1839) 41.—Heligmerheedei Wight,Ic.4(1848) t. 1303,nom. illeg.; Naves in Blanco,Fl.Filip. ed. 3, 1 (1877) t. 310. — Parsonsia rheedei Fern.-Vill.,Novis. App. (1880) 130,nom. illeg. —Type: Illustration in Rheede,Hort.Mai.9: t. 10. Chaetosus volubilisBenth.,Hook. Lond. J.Bot. 2(1843)226. — Type:Hinds 1841 (Kholo),Pa- puaNew Guinea. Parsonsia cumingianaA.DC.,Prodr. 8 (1844)402;Merr.,Fl.Manila(1912)374.— Type:Cuming 1490(G-DC holo;K,P,Wiso). Echites spiralis Blanco,Fl.Filip. ed. 1 (1837) 110.—Parsonsia confusaMerr.,Philipp. J.Sci. 1, Suppl.(1906) 118.—Type:Blanco types unknown. Neotype:MerrillSp. Blanc. 1014 (Aneo; BM,BO, GH,K, L,MO,NY, P,US, Wisoneo). Aganosmaconcanensis Hook., Ic.PI.5 (1851)t. 841. —Type: Dalzell s.n.(lecto K, designated here;iso K). Heligmekorthalsiana Miq.,Fl. Ind. Bat.2(1857)429.—Parsonsiakorthalsiana (Miq.)Boerl.,Handl. Fl.Ned. Ind. 2,2(1899)397.—Type:Korthals s.n. (Llecto,sh. 898.111-175,designatedhere; A iso,fragment). D.J.Middleton: Revision of Parsonsia 197 Mabb. (Dennst.) alboflavescens Parsonsia 1. Map 198 BLUMEA —Vol. 42, No. 1, 1997 Heligme minahassae Teijsm.& Binn.,Nat. Tijds. Ned.-Ind. 25(1863)404. —Parsonsia minahas- sae(Teijsm. & Binn.)Koord., Meded. 'sLands Plantent. 19 (1898)531. —Type: Binnendijk s.n. (BOlecto,designatedhere;K iso). Heligmerheedei Wightvar.macrocarpa Teijsm.& Binn., Cat. Hort. Bot.Bog.(1866) 127,nom. nud. Lyonsia viridifloraF.M.Bailey, Queensland Agric. J. 3 (1898) 156.— Type: F.M. Bailey s.n. (BRI holo;K iso). Parsonsia kunstleri King& Gamble,J,As.Soc.Beng.74 (1907)457;Ridl.,Fl.MalayPenins. 2 (1923)350.—Type:King'sColl. 1824(Klecto,designatedhere). Parsonsia oblancifolia Merr.,Philipp. J.Sci., Bot.7(1912) 335. —Type: Ramos 4723 (Klecto, designatedhere). Parsonsia magnifoliaElmer,Leafl. Philipp.Bot. 8(1919)3071. —Type:Elmer 17867 (NY lecto, designatedhere). Lyonsia sumatrana Ridl.,Kew Bull. 1925 (1925)84.—Type:Brooks 7100 (Klecto,designated here). Parsonsia oblongifolia Merr.,Philipp. J.Sci. 27 (1925)50.—Type:Loher 13477(PNH holo, de- stroyed; UC lecto,designatedhere;M,UC iso). Parsonsia longipedunculataMerr.,PI.Elmer. Born. (1929)255. —Type:Elmer 20552 (PNHholo, destroyed;K lecto,designatedhere;L,M,SINGiso). Parsonsia aterinervia [ElmerexMerr.,Enum.Philipp. Flow. PI.3 (1923)338, in obs.] Elmerex Merr.,Leafl. Philipp. Bot. 10(1939) 3695. —Type:Elmer 15707(untraced). This species is synonymisedbasedonElmer'sdescription. Parsonsia panniculataPichon, Not. Syst., ed.Humbert 14(1950) 16.—Type:Zollinger537 (P holo). Brancheslenticellateor not;branchletsglabrous or sparsely to densely minutely pu- berulent.Leaves opposite; petioles 0.7-4.7cm long;bladepapery tothickly coriace- ous whendried, elliptic, ovate or,rarely, obovateor oblong, apexacuminate, rarely to obtuse, basecuneate to cordate, 3.5-23x0.8-21 cm, 1.2-4.4x as longas wide; 5-10pairsoflateralnerves, ascending; tertiaryvenationlaxly reticulatetoscalariform, rarely obscure; glabrous, sparsely puberulent onpetiole or sparsely to extensively puberulent abaxially. Inflorescenceofaxillary and,more rarely, terminalcymes, 3-21 cm long; sparsely to densely shortly pale puberulent; peduncles 1.2-13.5cm long; pedicels 2.2-8.5mm long. Sepalsovate,sometimessomewhatsaccateatbase ofeach lobe, apex acute to obtuse, 1.2-2.8x0.9-2.1 mm, 1-2.2x as long as wide, glabrous topuberulent outside.Corollayellowish to greenish, occasionally withsome red inside; bud cylindrical or wideraroundthemiddlewitharoundedto acute head, lobes slightly overlapping; open corolla witherecttoonly slightly spreading lobes; tube 1.6-4.5mmlong, 1.1-2.7x aslong as sepals; lobes oblong to narrowly trian- gular, apex rounded to acute, 2.1-5.8 mmlong, 0.7-1.5 mm wide, 0.7-2.2 x as long as tube; glabrous to shortly puberulentoutside and glabrous, puberulent in throator sparsely puberulent down tube inside.Stamens inserted at 0.9-2.5 mm from corolla base, which is0.2-0.7of tubelength; filamentsmost commonly strongly twisted aroundthestyle, morerarely less strongly twistedto straight, 1.1- 4.3 mm long; anthers 2.6-4.2x0.5-0.8 mm, 4.3-8x as long as wide. Disc of5 separatelobes,ovate totriangular,apex roundedtoacute orirregularly toothed,0.5- 1.2 mmlong. Ovary 0.7-1.5 mm long; style 1.5-4.6mm long; pistilhead0.7-1.3 mmlong. Fruitlinearto fusiform, apextapered, thin walled, smooth, glabrous to sparsely puberulent; 5.2-21 cm long, 0.7-1.4cm wide. Seedgrain 9.5-24x 1.2-3 mm;coma 1.8-4.6cm long. D.J.Middleton: Revision of Parsonsia 199 Distribution—FromsouthernChinaandTaiwantoIndiaandSriLankaand east- wardsto Indochinaandsouthwardsthrough IndonesiatoPapua NewGuinea,north- ern AustraliaandtheSolomonIslands. Habitat—Thisspecies growsinawidevarietyofhabitatsfrombeachestoswampy ground ordriedupmangrovesto secondary orprimary forest. Itoccurs upto 1500m buthas mostfrequently beencollectedincoastalvegetation. Notes— Thisis amostperplexing species withthewidestvariationofany species in thegenus. On theface ofit theglabrous formswith filaments wrapped strongly aroundthe style seemtobe very distinctfromthepubescent formswithstraight fila- ments.Thereis, however,no point atwhicha satisfactory divisionbetweenrecog- nisabletaxacouldbedrawnatthisstage.Thereare indistinctgroupssuch asthe "P. longipedunculata" groupwith straight filaments andpubescent stems and flowers. Thisgroupis mostcommoninBorneobutplantswith thesecharacteristicsarealso known fromNewGuinea. The"P. korthalsiana"grouphasmore scalariform vena- tion ontheleavesbutotherwiseresemblescontinentalAsianformswithlaxly reticu- latevenationoftheleaves.Thefilamentscanbestrongly wrapped aroundthestyle to straight but intermediatesdo occur withlong twisted filamentsnot woundround the style found particularly in JavaandNew Guinea. There are very fewspecimens of the"P. minahassae"group,foundmainly in Sulawesibut alsoinSumatra, whichare characterisedsolely by thethicknessoftheleaves andtheindistinctnessofany terti- ary venation.Whilstallthesevariationsarerecognisable they mergeintoeachother andhavelittlegeographical distinction. Apocynum vincifolium Burm.f. is theoldestnameforthisspecies butanapplica- tion forconservationofthenameParsonsia alboflavescens has been madeforthe sakeofnomenclaturalstability. Hooker& Arnott(Bot. Beechey Voy. 1837, 197) suggested thatApocynum retic- ulatumLour.(Fl. Cochinch. 1, 1790,208) mightalsobe asynonymofthis species, anothername whichwould displace Parsonsia alboflavescens. Loureiro's name, however,is amerere-use ofApocynum reticulatumL.(Sp. PI. 1753,214).Follow- ing this, Woodson(Ann. Missouri Bot. Gard. 17, 1930, 147) madethecombination P. reticulata(L.) Woodson which, irrespective of its(doubtful) identity, is alaterho- monymofParsonsiareticulata(F.Muell.)F. Muell.andhenceillegitimate. Almeida& Almeida(1993) suggested thatthecorrectnameofthisspecies should be Parsonsia inodora(Lour.) Almeida& Almeida.Thisseems to havebeen based ona greatconfusioncausedbyDecaisne's citationofCynanchum inodoraLour, and GanosmainodoraLour,(a name notactually usedby Loureiro) underBidariaino- dora(Lour.) Decne. (in A.DC., Prodr. 8, 1844,624). It is true thatthe description ofBidaria inodoragiven couldbeofParsonsiaalboflavescens asAlmeida& Almeida suggested butin thedescription ofCynanchum inodorumLour.,thebasionym ofthis species, the fruitis clearly describedas being of2follicleswhichrules out P. albo- flavescens withits syncarpous fruit. Selection ofthe 370collectionsstudied. — INDONESIA.Sumatera Utara: Asahan,nearLumban Ria,Rahmat Si Boeea 7899 (A). - Sumatera Lampung:TarabangieAgong,Teijsmann HB 4512 (BO).- SumateraRiau: Kep. Riau,PulauToedjoeh,Sg. Oeloe,Bunnemeijer6040 (BO).- Suma- tera Aceh: Trumon,Asdat 131 (A, BO, K,L, NY).- Sumatera Barat: Lembah Anai,Rahayu & Maskuri483 (BO,L).- Sumatera Bengkulu:LubokTandai,Brooks 7100 (K).- Kalimantan Barat: 200 BLUMEA Vol. 42, No. 1, 1997 BukitRaya,Nooteboom4677 (A, BO, BRI, L).- Kalimantan Tengah:Kab. KotawaringinTimur, km 92 fromSangai,Djuda94233(E). - Kalimantan Timur:Berow,footofMtHasBungan,Koster- mans13748 (K).- AnambasIslands:Pulau Jemaja,Henderson 20479(BO,K, SING). - JavaBarat: PeutjangIsland,UjungKulon Reserve, Wirawan 358(A, BISH,BO,K,L,P,SING).- JavaTimur: Kediri,Prigi,Backer 11778 (BO);KangeanIslands: Pulau Sepanjang,Backer 28935 (BO).- Bali: Jembrana,vanSteenis 1938(L).- NusaTengarraBarat:Lombok: SepiBerg,Elbert2462 (BO, L, SING).- Nusa TengarraTimur: Suraba: Labundungforest,Waidingir,Maumaru,Darnaedi D 719 (BO,K). - Flores: Mbengan,Kostermans 21133(BO, K,L). - Maluku: Sula Islands: Pulao Man- gole,Lampaoe,Bloembergen4710 (BO). Kai Islands: Pulau Kai,BandaElat,Jensen 149 (BO, C, L). Seram: Hatiling,Wahai,Kornassi 439 (BO,K,L,U). Ambon: Kotta,Kornassi 1136 (BO, U). Aru Islands:Pulau Trangan,Meme, vanBalgooy& Mamesah 6289(L). Buru:Leksoela,Toxopeus 42 (BO,L,U). Halmahera: Galela,Beguin1771 (BO).- IrianJaya: Mamberamo,Janowsky 446(A, BO, L). — MALAYSIA. Johor: TanjongPenawa, Kota Tinggi Dist., Maxwell 78-345 (AAU, L, SINU).- Kedah: Pulau Langkawi,Curtis2107(SING). - Kelantan: Gua Panjong atGua Nimik, Henderson 19551 (SING).- Malacca: Between Rellau & Chaban,Ridley s.n. (SING). - Pahang: RompinRiver mouth, Evans s.n. (K);Pulau Tioman,Air Surin,Henderson 21723 (SING). - Pe- nang: Panaru Bukit,Curtis s.n.(SING). - Perak: Larut,King's Coll. 5650 (K, SING).- Sabah: MtKinabalu,BembanganCamp,Chew &Corner 4572 (K);Sandakan District, KampongWonod, Telupid, Aban & Saikeh SAN 79308 (K); Beluran District, Sungei Sasau,Labuk Sugut, Amin & Martin SAN67090 (K); Ranau District, Mesilau Trail, Meijer 42843 (K). - Sarawak: Kuching, Haviland 1666 (K);7th Division,SungeiSepaku,Belaga,Othman etal. S43837 (K,L); 1stDivi- sion, Kuching, Bako National Park,Telok Kruim, Yii Puan Ching S 42294 (K, L). —PHILIP- PINES. Babuyanes:DalupiriIsland,Bartlett15073(A).- BatanIsland: Mahataw,Ramos 80398(A). - DinagatIsland: Ramos &Pascasio 35236(BM,BO,L).-Luzon: Albay:Matnog,Vidal3310(K); Apayao: MtDuraragan,Edaho 19858(K, L); Bataan: Lamao River,MtMariveles, Williams 243 (A, K, US); Batangas:Sulit 29040(A, US);Cagayan: BagioCove,Allen 34-81 (BISH); Illocos Norte: Bangui,McGregor 43601 (A);Laguna:MtMakiling, Sulit8446 (A,BRI);NuevaEcije:Mt Umingan,Ramos & Edaho 26358(K,NY);Quezon:Baler,Quisumbing2462 (A);Rizal: MtLumu- tan, Ramos & Edaho 29673 (A,K, US);Sorsogon: Ramos23517 (A);Tayabas: MtTulaog,Ramos & Edaho29135 (BO); Zambales: Candelaria,Ramos 4723 (K).- Mindanao: Davao: Mati,Ramos <6 Edaho 49603(BM,BO, NY,SING, W); Lanao: PatpangkatMt,Ebalo1157(A).- Mindoro Oc- cidental: Abrade Ilog,Sulit 13790(A,BO,L,US); Mindoro Oriental: PuertoGalera,Alegaenetal. 220 (L).- Palawan: Talimbobog,Edaho 77866 (A).- Panay: Capiz,Ramos & Edaho31482 (BRI, NY, SING).- SuluArchipelago: Sibutu Islands,Sitankai-Tumindao,Herre 1225(NY). —PAPUA NEWGUINEA. Admiralty Islands: Moseleys.n. (K).-East New Britain: Pomio,Schirlitz Peninsu- la, Fulleborn Harbour,Croft& Katik NGF 15535 (A, BRI,CANB, E, K,L).- EastSepik: near Wewak,Gilli610 (W).- Eastern:WaikaiunaBay, NormanbyIsland,WomersleyNGF8620 (A,BRI, K,L).- Madang:Hansa Bay,nearBogia,LaingIsland,Goetghebeur3280 (L).- Milne Bay:Menapi, Cape Vogel Peninsula,Brass 21759 (A); NormanbyIsland, Miadeka, Streimann & Lelean LAE 52600 (A,BRI, CANB, K,L); Kiriwina Island, Kaibola,Frodin UPNG 2031 (K, L); Woodlark Island,Kairo 165(L).- Morobe: Lae,LasangaIsland,Streimann NGF 44268 (A,BRI,CANB, K, L);Finschhafen, NW ofSialum,Paijmans 1627(CANB). - New Ireland: Namirna, Coode NGF 40498 (L). - WestNew Britain: between Wogonokai village & Mt Wangore,Barker & Vinas LAE 66753 (A, BRI,E,K,L,M).- Western: Tarara,WassiKussa River,Brass8723 (A,BM,BO, BRI,L). 2. Parsonsia apiculata (Bakh. f.)D.J. Middleton, comb. nov. — Map2 GrisseeaapiculataBakh. f.,[inBacker,BeknopteFl. Java,Afl.7,Fam.172(1948)49,nom. inval. (noLatin description)] Blumea6 (1950)392. —Type: Dorgelo2022 (BO holo,notfound;L lecto,designatedhere;L iso). Bakhuizen van den Brinkdesignatedthe Bogorspecimen asthe holotype.However,I did notfind thisspecimenin Herbarium Bogorienseand,therefore,desig- nateoneofthe two isotypes inLeiden asalectotype.

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