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A Revision of Panicum Subgenus Phanopyrum Section Laxa (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae) PDF

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Preview A Revision of Panicum Subgenus Phanopyrum Section Laxa (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae)

772 Annals of the Garden Missouri Botanical I spikelets are paired on second-order branches, will Tliree-flowered spikelets were occasionally ob- i grumosum, these branches unilaterally disposed in relation to served in specimens of P. e.g., Quarin 2745 the first-order ones; the second-order branches are et al, and Milldn 568, with anthecium I appressed or divergent from the axis of first-order neuter, while anthecium II and upper anthecium lemma branches, and there variation in the length of were bisexual, the two latter with the and is the second-order branches, which gives the palea indurate. inflo- more rescence a or lax appearance. less UPPER ANTHECIUM TEXTURE AND ORNAMENTATION SPIKELET (fIG. 1) The spikelet in section Laxa has the typical The epidermis of the lemma and palea has rect- structure angular long arranged in longitudinal rows, cells two anthecia, the lower one with a lemma and with with longitudinal and transverse anticlinal walls or without a palea, the flower present or absent, strongly undulated. Stomata, simple papillae, prick- being male when present; the upper anthecium and bodies are present in species of le hairs, silica is lemm section this among Internodes of the rachilla are inconspicuous be- The presence of stomata variable the it. is when tween glumes, lower and upper present, to- flower. different species, being located, The lemma spikelets are biconvex, the lower glume ward the apex of the and palea. reaching Vz to ?4 the length of the spikelet, 1-3- Simple papillae are regularly distributed in Ion- nerved; the upper glume and lower lemma are gitudinal rows. They are associated with the pericli- and subequal, or the upper glume slightly shorter nal, external wall of the long cells, eccentric, is and not covering the apex of the upper anthecium, near the anticlinal transversal distal wall. may apex ot 5(-7)-nerved; the lower palea be conspicuous Prickle hairs are frequent toward the and either the same length as the lower lemma, or the lemma and palea, being retrorse in P. breso- antrorse reduced to completely absent; the lower flower P. polygonatum^ and P. pilosum, linii, is laxum, and P. occasionally present, with two lodicules and three in P. stagnatile, P. longum, P. r- stamens, but usually absent; the upper anthecium hylaeicum Mez, with both dispositions in is or leptachne. encloses a perfect flower, with two cuneiform, con- grumosuniy P. stevensianum, and P. more cross- duplicate which embrace or less lodicules, the lower bor- SUica bodies are exfoliate, ders of the palea; the caryopsis has a punctiform shaped nodular. to membranous to oblong hilum, with the embryo reaching The upper anthecium varies from V^ to P r grumosum, V2 the length of the caryopsis. at maturity, in such species as P. & Was The lemma lower commonly membranous Smith but is condensa- occasionally indurate at maturity in specimens of hausen, P. leptachne, P. longum, P. & more polygonatum, P. e.g., Idroho Cuatrecasas turn, P. stevensianum, and P. stagnatile, to & 2665, and laxum, laxum, r. P. e.g., Cuatrecasas Llanos or less indurate in P. polygonatum, P. 24054, Bisexual flowers occur in the lower anthe- hylaeicum, and pilosum. P. the cium of specimens of P, stevensianum, relation to with two Anthecial ornamentation varies in papillae, lod simple texture of the anthecium, with cium, with two styles and a plumose stigma; bod in this spe case there is no variation in the consistency of the with membranous anthecia. In the rest of the lemma, lower it being similar to the upper glume; cies with indurate upper anthecia, such as P-^P^ no ana r- caryopsis found in these bisexual lower lygonatum, P. pilosum, P. hylaeicum, The na flowers. presence of bisexual flowers in the laxum, stomata, simple papillae, and prickle lower anthecium Panicum bodies of was previously re- ported by Palacios (1968), Pohl (1980), and Zu- are ocJasionally present at the tip of the lemma, m & loaga Sendulsky found (1988). ones Verrucose simUar the papUlae, to Figure ""* longum, 1. electron photomicrographs -A. Panicum of female Panicum. florets of species of XIOO (from type specimen).- Panicum grumosum, x500 & auritum. B. Panicum {Smith Klein 15723). C. D. x50.-D. Upper C. portion, Tip of the lemma. x250 Dorsal ^.^c (Merrill Panicum grande.-Y.- 101). E. F. xino. s.dc ^250 Dorsal (Black — u I^PJ'^^f'"^'"" VU^'Jr"""«' 15352). G, H. Panicum scabridum.-G. ,nn X 100. H. Veiilral side, x 100 (Wurduck & Adderley 42986). Number 4 Volume Zuloaga 79, et 773 al. Revision of Panicum subg. Phanopyrum 1 Laxa sect. 774 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Figure Panicum 2. Distribution of bresoUnii, longum, P. and P. pilosum species of subgenus Steinchisma, & Panicum are sometimes (Mehra Chaudhary, 1976, 1981). present specimens in uf P. laxum. = Panicum grumosum: 2n 40 1952). (NiiSez, = /'a"" hylaeicum: 2n 40 (Bouton 1981). CHKOMost)ME Numbers at al., & 1972b, 20 Pohl, laxu. (Davidse There are few karyological studies on taxa be- r974,T978);"2« - » S^o^de-r Strom ou vv.uu.u longmg to section Laxa, with data = & of the cytology Davidse^ 967; Tateoka, 2n 40 (Pohl 1 962); 1 of only species being vjuuiu Soderstrom ^ * ^ X OL .juutri UIll, L :7\J * number • , toll k f. 10 characterizes = & 19^^' the 1972a, sec- losum: n 10 (Davidse Pohl, Panicum tion. auritum: n 15 (Mehra, = undej & 1982); 1978); 2n 20 1971, (Pohl Davidse, 2n & * 30 (Christopher Abraham, 1976; Mehra 2n P. Panicum pernanihucense: millejlorum). & Chaudhary, 1981; Mehra, 1982); 2n 36 Pa"' 40 (Bouton rivulare). et 1981. under P. al.. -c y--^ Number Volume 4 Zuloaga 775 79, et al. Panicum Phanopyrum 1992 Revision of subg. Laxa sect. n ficuRE polygonatum. 3. Distribution of P. grumosum, P. hylaeicum, and P, ^^m = & become apparent once additional polygonatum: them wiU only 2n 40 (Pohl Davidse, 1971, under & Dav- species of section Laxa are collected and fixed in P. boliviense Hackel; Pohl >dse, The anatomical description of the section 1971). the field. be based pilo- Leaf Anatomy 6-17) (Figs. Uplachne, longum, P, P, sum, P. bresolinii, P. stevensianum, P. auritum, P. con- stagnatlle, P. constituted here, exhibits polygonatum. These species and J^anable leaf blade anatomy, and two densatum, P. slightly dif- ^rent species groupings These two constitute are evident. groups uniform intergrade anatomy, and the in their leaf •^xonornic between trated significance of the differences 776 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden Figure 4. Distribution of p. laxum and P. leptachne be one metrical on either side of the median vb, with anatomy grumosum of P. and P. pernambucense half being more asj-m- slightly wider, with vbs; this wOl be treated separately, as anatomy their differs metry I'vd not pronounced due an extra being to somewhat from that of the Laxa group (Figs. with an I'vbs 7, additional 3'vb between successive This be 1 2). will iiiformaUy called Grumosum the maximum one in half of lamina; can a result in this species group. 52 an of 20 of extra vbs in one half out of a total (up 99 to some in specimens LEAF BLADE IN TRANSVERSE the SECTION entire section, fhic mid-lamina d adaxial ribs ""^/"f^u'r"r^ows: rounded Outline: expanded, """^ either flat or ver^v bbrrooaaddilvy .1 always size present over aU v V-shaned- armc the nf '.»^,'« 1 i lTi:.Jul^"^! ^! "!'"^ ^'^her straight specimens ar.d shape; 'f size of ribs di between bowed th ribs Number 4 Volume Zuloaga 79, 111 at al. Revision of Panicum subg. Phanopyrum 1 Laxa sect, UGURE 5. Distribution of P. pernambucense, P. stagnaiile, P. stevensianum, and P. condensatum. vanes from groups; type of keel differs very shallow medium furrows on by bulliform cell this to ^ Grumosum difff>r*.r,f specm• iens -. ,. . considerably from that present in the — where the keel intergrades group of section, vary this "/ "*^«-"iguisiiauiC5 ui«- iruiri aiigiii J uulations associated with the vbs the same with the lamin to ribs size as the adaxial ribs, resulting in a ± moniliform (8 )9-13(-18) 1 'vbs in entire blade, usuaBy with outline. Keel: always and amount an additional I'vb in one half of lamina; 3, 4, 5, present, but size 33w.iated parenchyma vanes colorless variable; no 2Vbs. by one each half of the lamina; in differs adaxial colorless parenchyma vbs centrally located in the blade thickness. -developed to well All shaped displaced be sliehtly ahaxially including 3 yr»S the vbs Vascular bundle description: S'vbs angular with ' all ahaxially located; no lacunae; »n»s structure abruptly separated from the lamina xylem and phloem distinguishable, I'vbs circular 778 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden — Figure Leaf anatomy 6. blade of P. condensatum. k. Transverse section of poorly reconstituted herbarium specimen; fusoid and cells pallisadelike adaxial chlorenchyma are present.— B. Abaxial epidermis with narrow costal zones dumbbell witli silica bodies and the intercostal zones clearly divided into lateral stomatal bands, and central files without stomata but with microhairs; epidermal (x250, cells nucleate based on Davidse al 11494). et to slightly elliptical in outline; phloem up adjoins the to V2 leaf thickness. Epidermal cells small, reg- ibs; lysigenous cavities and protoxylem present; ular in size, with a distinct continuous cuticle; no metaxylem circular vessels narrower than the obs macrohairs, Abaxial prickles, or papillae. epider- cells as seen in section. Vascular bundle mal sheaths: no no cells: bulliform thickened cuticle, cells; obs of 3'vbs conspicuous, entire, round, without epidermal projections. extensions, although an additional adaxial cell is sometimes evident, consisting of 5 or 6 inflated, ABAXIAL EPIDERMIS SURFACE VIEW rounded IN but up 8 some cells, to in specimens of F. hylaeicum, P. auritum, P. stevensianum, x P. Intercostal long elongated, up to 3 lon- cells: stagnatile, and P. bresoUnii, especially toward the ger than wide; parallel side walls; vertical or angled midnerve; adaxial tend be cells to largest; chlo- „ „„, undulating ._._ __ , ^ roplast presence and type variable: either absent, waUs; conspicuous. CeU shape ticlinal this sinuosity or rarely, relatively small, centripetal specialized consistent across zones except that in- intercostal chloroplasts occur with few, small plastids; ibs ab- terstomatal long are shorter, long ceDs in a cells Obs sent. of I'vbs round or by slightly elliptical, with either adjoin one another or are separated file slight abaxial interruption, without narrow or extensions, short cells— and cell .in either a single tall comprised 8-1 of cells; cells smaller than usuaUy those Conspicuous nuclei 1 cork-silica cell pairs. Stomata: simila present in intercostal long and short cells. shape, but extreme abaxial ceUs tend to be smallest, low dome-shaped may tend to low or ovoid but Chloroplasts as in obs of 3'vbs. Ibs present, com- conspicuous nu- triangular; subsidiary ceUs with plete, of small ceUs with uniformly thickened evagination at walls, cleus often contained within a slight Sclerenchyma: minute, inconspicuous per adaxial 6- stomata ^ ^^ of ^. ^„„..„„ w,i„t,h„ files 1 and abaxial girders associated with 3-6 long ybs; central all fibers interc*ostal zone, with the "only — kening more elon- ;le- cell files without stomata these cells renchyma cap in margin. Mesophyll: chlorenchy- may less gate than and stain the interstomatals ma not radiate but adaxial cells tend to a of cells, pallisade- intensely. Stomatal rows in adjoining files type of arrangement; these ceUs tabular whereas successive usually one between interstomatal cell the abaxially located chlorenchyma are very variable. cells stomata arrangement in a but this file irregular shape; more in than 8 chlorenchyma by Stomata A cells separated from the costal files files between consecutivR vbs- thp ooJlc r^o^»:„..i„_i-. xl short 2 Intercostal — intercostal without stomata. files definit narrow - and ce/Zs; either absent, on solitary and tall „ ... resemblmg arm , walls, cells very and taO closely. Fusoid or paired with both cork and ceUs silica m ceUs present mesophyU: elongate, com- narrow, and most and narrow. but Distribution irregular, mon FapH^^^- in central of intercostal zones. files each Very vb. Uttle reduction evident except near themargm where the lateral may fusoid ceUs except be „;„ {Chase 6616) absent Prickle hairs: ateent^o colorless Adaxial cells. epidermal oi P- specimen cells: for small hooks on one intercostal ^7T ''^'"'' ^""""^ *"^"^^" prickled "' /^'^-"'" <^«--^- SmaD angular 21866). llsTnr!^ an -^ ^:t:r ^Ucr. •-^^' ^^^n margin. •r:^^!r!!^^^T^"^ ^ barbs present on the leaf -a^ fan-shaped, inflated central ccU or ceUs; occupy fingerl I Number 4 Volume Zuloaga 79, 779 et al. 1992 Revision of Panicum subg. Phanopyrum Laxa sect. A I — Figure 7. Leaf blade anatomy Panicum grumosum. A~F, transectional anatomy. A. Gently of — . Wade margin; acute margin with small note near margin. B. Slightly rather irregular occurrence of fusoid cells scJerenchyma cap; most bundles and presence irregular, with other bundles fusoid not associated with three lateral *||^^*^d near margin.— many bundles (more than with adaxial bundle the C. Keel consisting of vascular 12). all sheath extensions and gradually intergrading into the lamina; fusoid cavities in this region of the leaf resemble lacunae, — as only Specimen which a single cavity present in the mesophyll between successive bundles. D. in keel is less is developed but incorporates seven bundles; note lacunae intergrading laterally into typical fusoid cavities. - at least much Detail of and shorter bundle sheath extensions mesophyll occurrence of fusoids ^j-- at mid-lamina; note regular — than nearer and extension of the outer bundle sheaths the center of the blade, F. Irregular occurrence of fusoid cells «f the third-order epidermal structure.— G. Nucleate intercu.stal long vascular bundles in particular. G, H. Abaxial and short cells and narrow costal zones with irregularly dumbliell-shaped silica bodies; central files in intercostal zones — ^nout based on Zuloaga slomala. H, Detail of nucleate intercostal long, short, and triangular subsidiary cells (A, E, H •^^87; B. D. A-D x50; E-G xl25; x200). F, H, Zuloaga Zuloaga 3073; s.n.; C, G, cells of equal and only overlying the 3'vbs). Alternate length; deciduous with very rarely distal cell " walls; common m regularly with similar shaped or shorter coital short the center of the intercostal only 3 (rarely ^^- ^^cro-hairs: absent except new cush- cells along central costal file; 5) files for . Each zone 'on-based hairs on single specimen of P. pilosum of cells per costal zone. costal therefore {Davidse bo<l 21866). Silica bodies: vertically clon- ed Pa bounded dumbbell- or cross-shaped, or equidimen- sjonal on analomy dumbbell-shaped (more This eloneated nodular S( I to ( 780 Annals of the Missouri Botanical Garden A B '5. • ir... , H 3'-ii-t--jpr3-frfr? ^ -«-^ t - ^ J^F t - Figure 8. Leaf blade anatomy of Panicum hylaeicum. A-F, transectional anatomy.— aA.. iL^aatieerraali pp^air.t "of lamina showing tapermg margin with small cap of sclerenchyma; note regular presence of fusold cells associaatteedd wwiitthh aalUl vascular bundles except for penultimate and comprising ultimate lateral bundles in the margin.— B. Restricted keel three vascular bundles; adaxial parenchyma developed bundle and in association with median vascular first-order these with ted " -^"^ -.«.— "iiiiuui uiuuiupia&is, lusoias narrow and inclinea towara ine auaAiai adaxial chlorenchyma with pallisade arrangement. -D. those arm Detail of chlorenchyma ceUs, particularly cell-like located abaxially and adjacent — of — to the fusoid cells; note the fusoid cavities appear to be bounded by the thin walls the lusoid cells. E. Reeular occnrrftncp nf a fiicr>;^ ^„ii „ .*! ;j. r F Specimen with i Kundles zones bundl Narrow costal G. (3-5 and fUes wide) wide intercostal zones (16-19 wide).-H. Low intercosttaall throughout files triangular stomata m in files zones, horizontal and all cell files, but tend to be less concentrated in the central of the zones; subsidiary files intercostal long with cells characteristic persistent alternating nuclei; note irregular dumbbeU-shaped bodies costal silica with sumlar shaped cork along H. cells G, costal cells files (A, B, E, F, Zuloaga 2293; Zuloaga 2218; D, C, et al. a Zuloaga 3197; A, B x G x80; H 50; C-F, xl25). . . oitheLaxaspecies group, P. hylaeicum,?. _ laxum, maximum R /)/7o5um and P. polygonatum, weU as as P. groupTaUhough urto'99 cin occur in P. M«^'- leptachne, longum, P. P. condensatum, 57 vbs); P. an- cum); asymmetry marked versus (48 less ntum P. stagnatde, '""'' P. stevensianum, keel and P. thickness mid-lamina generaUy greater; at bresohnu. The Grumosum m group, grumosum (1-5 P. 7-12 vbs well developed, incorporating and P. pernarnhurense differs in several respects: Laxa group), wide and expanded and intergradtng lam.nn u.dth generally wider, although group): P. hy- Laxa into the lamina (not abrupt as in P P^stagnauU laeicum, and leptachne o some- parenchyma lacunae present in the colorless have tinu-s blades as wide as those of P. grumosum, vessel metaxylem the keel (absent Laxa group); in r Number 4 Volume Zuloaga 79, et 781 al. 1992 Revision of Panicum subg. Phanopyrum Laxa sect. Figure 9. Transectional anatomy of the leaf blade outline of Panicum laxum.—k. Gently tapering margin with only the most laterally situated vascular bundles without associated fusoid cells.— B. Mid-lamina region showing four third-order vascular bundles located between successive first-order bundles; note fusoid cavities on either side of all bundles. C-E. Variation in the structure of the keel.— C. Insignificant keel incorporating only the median vascular — common bundle; this first-order bundle with small amount of adaxial colorless cell tissue. D. Most intermediate keel — type incorporating 3 vascular bundles and adaxial colorless tissue. E. Unusual elaborate V-shaped keel with 5 vascular bundles and extensive parenchyma; note abrupt delimitation from lamina by bulliform cell groups colorless (A, based on Zuloaga 3290; Stevens 25354; Zuloaga 2337; D, Davidse 30703; E, Zuloaga et at. 4330; B, C, A-E X50). diameters bundle sheath extensions always present (variable, greater than Laxa group wider in (often than obs 8-10 from 1-4 deep); adaxial; uniseriate to biser- ceUs); outer bundle sheath with cells cells around 3Vbs (5-6(-8) Laxa 16- longest extensions closer to keel; chlorenchy- group); iate; in 20 ma and more compact, adaxial I cells in obs of I'vbs (8-11 Laxa group); cells smaller cells in i'-^Kc D E F -A. lamina where Figure Thinner part of Panicum laxum. lateral 1- 0^.. Detail of transectional leaf anatomy of anatomy fusoid Specimen w.th typical of chloroplasts.-B. occurrence without less regular; outer sheath cells is theU chloroplasts.-L. lypical Laxa- -xa without group: and parenchyma sheath cells regular presence fusoid cell Fused vpe ptlo$um^-p. and anatomy, those of P. but and furrows, very similar to note well-developed adaxial ribs bundle above the fusoid cavities, particularly sheath -E. palisadeUke, cell structure. Adaxial chlorenchyma tissue - Specimen *'hereas wall invaginations. F. the with discernible cell abaxial chlorenchyma are equidimensional cells which *nth anatr.r»„, .^„j- //- „ f^w .-»„trinpiallv located chloroplasts, differ tending t. o t.1he in.termed.i.at. e Ci^3/C, .type .w.i.:t.hu a few, ceriti >m nf thp nresence of fusoid thnc<> tVio /-V.lr.i-/>n/-Kirma- nntf> Zuloaga Zuloaga 4330; D. f. laxum Zuloaga 3290; C. et al. 25275; '^] specimens based on ^Stevens B, (A. AD x2 ft «' 4367; E, Zuloaga 2337; Brou^n xl25; E, F 200). F, 19;

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