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A review of weevils of the genus Ceutorhynchus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), associated with woodland draba, Draba nemorosa (Brassicaceae) PDF

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Preview A review of weevils of the genus Ceutorhynchus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), associated with woodland draba, Draba nemorosa (Brassicaceae)

ZOOSYSTEMATICA ROSSICA I S S N Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St Petersburg ▪ https://www.zin.ru/journals/zsr/ 2410-0226 [online] Vol. 29(2): 353–367 ▪ Published online 25 December 2020 ▪ DOI 10.31610/zsr/2020.29.2.353 0320-9180 [print] RESEARCH ARTICLE A review of weevils of the genus Ceutorhynchus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), associated with woodland draba, Draba nemorosa (Brassicaceae) Обзор жуков-долгоносиков рода Ceutorhynchus (Coleoptera: Curculionidae), связанных с крупкой дубравной Draba nemorosa (Brassicaceae) B.A. Korotyaev Б.А. Коротяев Boris A. Korotyaev, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, 1 Universitetskaya Emb., St Petersburg 199034, Russia. E-mail: [email protected] Abstract. A brief review of, and a key to eight Palaearctic species of the weevil genus Ceutorhynchus Germar, 1823 associated with the spring and summer ephemeral crucifer Draba nemorosa (Brassicaceae) are given. Two new species related to Ceutorhynchus unguicularis C.G. Thomson, 1871 are described: C. kerzhneri sp. nov. from Primorskiy Territory and Kunashir I., and C. melniki sp. nov. from Zabaikalskiy and Primorskiy territories and eastern Mongolia. Резюме. Даны краткий обзор и определительная таблица восьми видов долгоносиков рода Ceu- torhynchus Germar, связанных с весенне-летним эфемером крупкой дубравной Draba nemorosa (Brassicaceae). Описаны два новых вида, близких к Ceutorhynchus unguicularis C.G. Thomson, 1871: C. kerzhneri sp. nov. из Приморского края и с о. Кунашир, и C. melniki sp. nov. из Забайкальского и Приморского краев и восточной Монголии. Key words: key to species, Russia, Transcaucasia, Siberia, Far East, Mongolia, Coleoptera, Curculion­ idae, Conoderinae, Ceutorhynchini, Ceutorhynchus, Draba nemorosa, new species Ключевые слова: определительная таблица, Россия, Закавказье, Сибирь, Дальний Восток, Монголия, Coleoptera, Curculionidae, Conoderinae, Ceutorhynchini, Ceutorhynchus, Draba nemorosa, новые виды ZooBank Arcicle LSID: urn:lsid:zoobank.org:pub:10BA4B22­F464­401E­BE99­619D53370A0C Introduction family Conoderinae and especially so in its largest genus Ceutorhynchus Germar, 1823, with over One of the characteristic features of weevils, 300 species associated almost exclusively with the especially of the species with larvae developing in plant family Brassicaceae (= Crucife rae) (Colon­ the plant tissues, is their pronounced preference for nelli, 2004), a group of plants rarely attacked by ruderal and coenophobic [term by Razumovskii poly phagous herbivores because of their richness (1981)] plants and pioneers of newly formed habi­ in toxic secondary compounds. In the course of the tats (Korotyaev, 1992, 2006). This feature is obvi­ study of relict westernmost communities of Ulmus ous in the supertribe Ceutorhynchitae of the sub­ japonica in southwestern Transbaikalia in 2018 © 2020 Zoological Institute RAS and the Author(s) B.A. Korotyaev. A review of Ceutorhynchus associated with woodland draba and 2019, only two specialised weevils were found angle about 45°). Body small, 1.6–1.9 mm (Figs on this important coenose­forming tree in the 1, 2). Ros t rum, antennae, and at least tibiae and flood­land forests, while on a delicate spring and tarsi reddish brown, pronotum and elytra black, summer ephemeral crucifer, the woodland draba, often with brownish tint. Dorsal vestiture moder­ ately dense, uniform, subrecumbent to semi­erect, Draba nemorosa, four Ceutorhynchus species were for med by narrow parallel­sided whitish scales. found (Korotyaev et al., 2020). A brief essay on Elytral striae bare, intervals not wider than striae, these and three additional species associated with flat or weakly convex. Hind wings non­functional, D. nemorosa in the West Sayan Mts and in Trans­ strongly redu ced. Aedeagus angularly narrowed caucasia was published (Korotyaev, 2019) but the apically (Figs 11, 12). identity of one of the species, C. sp. [? C. unguicu- 2 (3). Elytra narrow, 1.23–1.27 times as long as wide, laris C.G. Thomson, 1871], remains obscure. The slightly rounded at sides, flattened dorsally (Fig. 1). COVID­19 pandemic of 2020 has deterred inves­ Elytral vestiture subrecumbent. Aedeagus as in tigation of the woodland draba consortia, and only Figs 11, 19. Eastern Transcaucasia, Northeastern a single specimen of the problematic form collected Turkey .......................... C. gemuricus in Yakutia long ago is to be added to the known 3 (2). Elytra wider, oval, 1.08–1.15 times as long as distribution of the species of Ceutor hynchus (Ko­ wide, noticeably rounded laterally and convex dor­ sally (Figs 2). Elytral vestiture semi­erect. Aedea­ rotyaev, 2019). To facilitate further investigation gus as in Fig. 12, 20. Mountain Caucasus, middle of the woodland draba consortia, a key to its eight Volga area, Kazakhstan, East Siberia: West Sayan known Ceutorhynchus species is given in this pa­ Mts, Buryatia ...................... C. kipchak per and descriptions of two very similar and, ap­ 4 (1). Antennal funicle seven­segmented. Claws sim­ parently, closely related species from the south of ple or toothed, free or closely approximate at base, Transbaikalia and the Russian Far East, and also thin or rather stout, weakly to moderately diver­ from eastern Mongolia, are published. Host plants gent. Body on overage larger, 1.5–2.5 mm. Body of these new species are not known, but may well predominantly black, only tibiae may be varying­ be in the genus Draba, so targeted collecting on ly dark brown; if legs, apical margin of pronotum Draba nemorosa and D. sibirica in those areas is and apex of elytra reddish brown, then body robust, most desirable. A key to the three species of the C. claws finely dentate, elytra with white scutellar spot unguicularis species group from Siberia and char­ and mottled vestiture of narrow white and brown­ ish scales, and middle tibia of female finely mucro­ acteristics of this group are also given. nate, anal ventrite deeply depressed medio­apically. Dorsal vestiture sparse to moderately dense, re­ Material and methods cumbent to semi­erect, uniform and formed by narrow parallel­sided or acuminate white scales, The length of body was measured from anteri­ or predominantly by semi­erect dark setae with an or margins of eyes to the apex of the elytra. admixture of white setiform scales. Elytral striae All material cited in the text is in the Zoologi­ bare or with white narrow scales, intervals usually cal Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, St Pe­ wider than striae, flat or barely convex. Hind wings tersburg (ZIN). not conspicuously reduced. Aedeagus of varying structure. Taxonomic part 5 (8). Larger, 1.8–2.5 mm. Dorsal vestiture quite conspicuous, formed by recumbent uniform grey­ Order Coleoptera ish narrow truncate scales (then claws distinctly dentate, apical margin of 4th abdominal ventrite Family Curculionidae entire, and male fore tibia finely mucronate) or by Subfamily Conoderinae semi­erect dark setae with an admixture of white setiform scales (then claws simple, apical margin of Genus Ceutorhynchus Germar, 1823 4th abdominal ventrite shallowly excised medially and slightly raised). Elytral striae with conspicu­ A key to Ceutorhynchus species associated ous narrow white scales. Aedeagus angularly nar­ with Draba nemorosa rowing apically, with sides moderately sclerotised. 1 (4). Antennal funicle six­segmented. Claws sim­ 6 (7). Dorsal vestiture rather dense, formed by re­ ple, free, fine, short, moderately divergent (at an cumbent uniform greyish narrow truncate scales; 354 ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 353–367 B.A. Korotyaev. A review of Ceutorhynchus associated with woodland draba Figs 1–4. Ceutorhynchus, dorsal habitus. 1, C. gemuricus, Azerbaijan, Autonomous Republic of Nakhchivan; 2, C. kipchak, Buryatia, Nikol’sk Vill.; 3, C. seniculus, Zabaikalskiy Terr., Zhindo Vill.; 4, C. klementzorum, Zabaikalskiy Terr., Zhindo Vill. Photo by K.V. Makarov. no trace of white stripes on pronotum or white scales; pronotum with narrow median and lateral scutellar spot present (Fig. 3); sides of mesothorax white stripes; elytra with ill­defined but conspicu­ without condensed white scales on apices of mes­ ous white scutellar spot (Fig. 4); sides of mesotho­ epimera. Claws distinctly dentate, apical margin of rax with white scales conspicuously condensed on 4th abdominal ventrite entire, male fore tibia finely apices of mesepimera. Claws simple; apical mar­ mucronate; aedeagus sharpened apically (Fig. 13). gin of male 4th abdominal ventrite shallowly ex­ East Siberia, Northeastern Russia (Magadan Prov., cised medially and slightly raised; male fore tibia Chukchi Autonomous Area), Mon golia, Northern non­mucronate; aedeagus narrowly rounded (Fig. China ............................ C. seniculus 14) or shallowly excised apically. Southern East Si­ 7 (6). Dorsal vestiture formed by subrecumbent to semi­ beria northward to Yakutia, eastern half of north­ erect dark and white very narrow parallel­sided ern Mongolia ................ C. klementzorum ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 353–367 355 B.A. Korotyaev. A review of Ceutorhynchus associated with woodland draba Figs 5–8. Ceutorhynchus, dorsal habitus. 5, C. sp. [? C. unguicularis], Tuva; 6, C. querceti, Buryatia, Ina Vill.; 7, C. dauricus, Zabaikalskiy Terr., Zhindo Vill. (pygidium detached below); 8, C. cochleariae, Irkutsk. Photo by K.V. Makarov (5, 7, 8); photo by G.E. Davidian (6). 8 (5). Smaller, 1.5–2.4 mm. Dorsal vestiture fine, armed with clearly visible appendage in basal half. sparse and inconspicuous, elytral striae bare, or 9 (10). Claws very closely approximate and armed with elytra with ill­defined white scutellar spot and a well­developed tooth in basal half. Rostrum slen­ mottled vestiture of narrow white and brownish der. Body and legs black, legs may be dark brown. scales on intervals and striae with conspicuous Sides of thorax densely clothed with broad­lanceo­ lanceolate white scales; 4th abdominal ventrite in late scales separated by less than own width (Fig. male with apical margin not excised medially. Male 5). Middle tibia of female non­mucronate. Elytral fore tibia without mucro; female middle tibia finely striae bare, intervals with sparse narrow, paral­ mucronate, or claws very closely approximate and lel­sided white scales. Aedeagus (Figs 15, 21) with 356 ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 353–367 B.A. Korotyaev. A review of Ceutorhynchus associated with woodland draba narrowly rounded, weakly attenuate apex. South­ Ceutorhynchus gemuricus Korotyaev, 1997 ern slope of West Sayan, East Tuva Plateau, Cen­ (Figs 1, 11, 19) tral Yakutia (new record) ...................... ...................... C. sp. [? C. unguicularis] Distribution. Armenia, Azerbaijan, Northeast­ 10 (9). Claws weakly diverging, simple or with broad ern Turkey (Korotyaev, 1997; Colonnelli, 2004). tooth at base [then middle tibia of female finely Hosts. Draba nemorosa in the Nakhchivan mucronate, scales on elytral intervals very narrow, Autonomous Republic of Azerbaijan (Koroty­ pointed apically, legs and partly elytra may be red­ aev, 1997); in Northeastern Turkey I swept a few dish brown (in C. querceti)]. Rostrum wider. Mid­ speci mens in the habitats where no D. nemorosa dle tibia of female finely mucronate. Aedeagus with was noticed. subtruncate or shallowly emarginate apex (Figs 18, 22, 23). 11 (12). Apical margin of pronotum, legs and at least Ceutorhynchus kipchak Korotyaev, 1996 apical part of elytra reddish brown. Elytra with (Figs 2, 12, 20) white scutellar spot and mottled vestiture of nar­ Distribution. Armenia, eastern European Rus­ row white and brownish scales, elytral striae scaled similarly to the intervals (Fig. 6). Claws dentate at sia, southern slope of the West Sayan Mts in the base. Anal ventrite of male very deeply depressed south of Krasnoyarsk Terr. and in Tuva, East Tuva medio­posteriorly, apical margin behind the de­ Plateau, Buryatia, Kazakhstan: Caspian Lowland pression glabrous. Aedeagus as in Fig. 22. Holarctic (Khruleva et al., 2011, 2012), East Kazakhstan species, mainly on Rorippa palustris, but found in Prov. (Korotyaev, 2019). southern Tuva on Draba nemorosa or D. sibirica . . Hosts. Draba nemorosa; in Tuva also on D. sibir- .................................. C. querceti ica (Korotyaev, 2019). 12 (11). Body and legs black, legs occasionally brown­ ish. Elytral vestiture uniform, composed of pointed Ceutorhynchus seniculus Brisout de Barneville, or parallel­sided very narrow white scales. 13 (14). Claws with short broad tooth at base. Ti­ 1883 biae not paler than femora. Elytral intervals with (Figs 3, 13) sparse hair­like pointed scales, striae with similar Distribution. South of East Siberia, North­ but shorter scales. White scales on sides of prono­ tum, meso­ and metathorax sparse, separated by eastern Yakutia, Magadan Prov. (Korotyaev, not less than own widths; sides of pronotum with­ 1980; as C. changaicus Schultze, 1898), Chukchi out conspicuous white stripes. Elytra wider at base Autonomous Area (Berman et al., 2002), Mongo­ and more strongly narrowing toward apex (Fig. 7). lia [Schultze, 1898 (as C. changaicus); Voss (1967; Aedeagus as in Fig. 18. Body length 1.7–2.1 mm. as C. gobiensis), Korotyaev (1980; as C. changai- Southern East Siberia east of Lake Baikal, eastern cus)], Northern China (Alonso­Zarazaga et al., Mongolia, Korean Peninsula. On Draba nemorosa, 2017). probably also on Cardamine spp. .... C. dauricus Hosts. Several species of Brassicaceae [often 14 (13). Claws simple. Tibiae often brown. Elytral in­ Erysimum flavum and E. cheiranthoides, occa­ tervals with sparse parallel­sided, truncate apical­ ly white scales; striae bare or with inconspicuous sionally Smelowskia alba] in Tuva; Alyssum sp. fine hairs. Sides of pronotum without conspicu­ in Chukotka (Berman et al., 2002). During two ous white stripes, meso­ and metathorax densely short expeditions in Bu ryatia this species was clothed with broad white scales separated by less never found on Erysimum sp. in the Selenga flood than own widths. Elytra with humeri less convex, plain or on Smelowskia alba and Alyssum len- widest usually slightly behind them, less rounded at ense in Barguzin Valley and was common only sides and less strongly narrowing toward apex (Fig. on Draba nemorosa in two flood­plain ruderal 8). Aedeagus as in Fig. 23. Body length 1.6–2.4 localities at the southern boundary of the taiga mm. Euro­Siberian species, distributed from West zone on the Khilok River in the absence of other Europe to Irkutsk in the east. Mostly on Cardamine crucifers around and in the forest­steppe zone at spp., but found on Draba nemorosa in Irkutsk and on Barbarea arquata south­east of Irkutsk ....... the Chikoy River, also with a poor flora of Bras­ ................................C. cochleariae sicaceae (Korotyaev, 2019). ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 353–367 357 B.A. Korotyaev. A review of Ceutorhynchus associated with woodland draba Ceutorhynchus klementzorum Korotyaev, 1980 different fruit structure. I also failed to find C. un- (Figs 4, 14) guicularis in Apsheronsk Distr. of Krasnodar Terr. at an elevation of about 1200 m a.s.l. and collected Distribution. Irkutsk Prov., Buryatia, this species on Turritis borealis only in the pied­ Zabaikalskiy Terr., Mongolia (Korotyaev, 1980, mont forest near Kaluzhskaya Vill. in Krasnodar 2019). Terr. and at an elevation of about 700 m S of No­ Hosts. Draba nemorosa in ruderal flood­plain voprokhladnoye Vill. in the Republic of Adygea. localities at the Khilok and Chikoy rivers together In Europe (Dieckmann, 1972; Alonso­Zarazaga with C. seniculus (Korotyaev, 2019). et al., 2017) C. unguicularis is distributed from Ireland, Sweden and Finland in the north to Italy Ceutorhynchus sp. [? C. unguicularis C. G. and Greece in the south and is associated mostly Thomson, 1871] with T. borealis (Dieckmann, 1972; as Arabis hir- (Figs 5, 9, 15, 21) suta). At the eastern boundary of Europe in the east of the Russian Plain this species lives mostly Material. Russia, Central Yakutia, Lena­Vilyui in­ on Schivereckia hyperborea of the tribe Alysseae terfluve, km 29 of Vilyui Hwy near Yakutsk, “Suntar” Alas, motley­grass meadow, 28.V.2013, S.N. Nogovi­ (Isaev, 2007; Dedyukhin, 2016), and less often, tsyna leg., 1 male. on T. borealis (Dedyukhin, 2016). The long series Distribution. Southern East Siberia: southern from Bashkortostan taken by S.V. Dedyu khin Krasnoyarsk Terr., Yermakovskii Distr.; Tuva: from Sch. hyperborea, has no broad­lanceolate southern slope of the West Sayan Mts and East white scales on the elytral disc except along suture Tuva Plateau (Korotyaev, 1992, 2019), Central and behind scutellum. Yakutia (new record); Eastern Kazakhstan (Ko­ rotyaev, 2019). Ceutorhynchus querceti (Gyllenhal, 1813) Hosts. Draba nemorosa and D. sibirica in (Figs 6, 22) southern Krasnoyarsk Terr. and in Tuva (Ko­ rotyaev, 2019); both plants occur also in Central Distribution. Holarctic species with the Arctic, Yakutia (Zakharova et al., 2005) where the small boreal and northern subboreal distribution (Col­ (1.5 mm long) male was collected in the period of onnelli, 2004). their flowering. Hosts. Mostly on Rorippa palustris throughout Note. The Siberian form is slightly but usually most of its Holarctic range (Dieckmann, 1972), noticeably different from the European specimens also in several localities in Tuva [West Sayan Mts: of C. unguicularis in the slightly shorter antennal 80 km N of Teli Vill.; southern foothills of West club, shorter rostrum, shorter, more robust and Sayan, town of Turan; Central Tuvinian depres­ more strongly rounded at sides elytra with more sion – Chadan River flood plain, Lake Chagytai, angular preapical prominences (Korotyaev, 1980: Seserlig (25 km NW of Kyzyl), Kok­Tey east of 160 – “a female from Tuva of an uncertain identi­ Kyzyl; Shurmakskii Pass on Eastern Tannu­Ola ty”). Specimens of C. unguicularis from Krasno­ Mt. Range; Sagly and Erzin villages in southern dar Terr. and Adygea have broad­lanceolate white Tuva; Yrban Vill. on East Tuva Plateau; my collec­ scales sparsely scattered over the elytral disc, tions of 1979 and 1980], but beetles were found in which is never found in the specimens from Siberia southern Tuva in numbers on Draba nemorosa or and Kazakhstan. This form differs more strongly D. sibirica and did not occur on R. palustris closer in the bionomics; I did not find it on Turritis bo- to the creek (Korotyaev, 1992), maybe to escape realis in southern Krasnoyarsk Terr. in June 1979 flooding. when I went there to collect additional material to the single female brought shortly before that by Ceutorhynchus dauricus Korotyaev, 1997 E. Zemlyakova of the Moscow State University (Figs 7, 18) but collected in numbers on Draba nemorosa and D. sibirica belonging to a different tribe (Alys­ Distribution. Zabaikalskiy Terr., Amurskaya seae) and dissimilar morphologically, with sharply Prov., Primorskiy Terr., Mongolia, North Korea 358 ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 353–367 B.A. Korotyaev. A review of Ceutorhynchus associated with woodland draba Figs 9, 10. Ceutorhynchus, head and rostrum, dorsal view. 9, C. sp. [? C. unguicularis], Tuva; 10, C. cochleariae, Irkutsk. Photo by K.V. Makarov. (Korotyaev, 1997), and South Korea (Hong et al., Georgia (Korotyaev & Cholokava, 1989; see taxo­ 2001; Korotyaev & Hong, 2004). nomic notes below). Hosts. On the right bank of the Chikoy River Hosts. Usually Cardamine pratensis (Dieck­ near Zhindo Vill. in Zabaikalskiy Terr. two speci­ mann, 1972: 70), but species of several other gen­ mens were swept in herbage with Draba nemorosa era of Brassicaceae were also listed in the cited in early June 2019 (Korotyaev, 2019). In South publication by Dieckman of which E. Colonnelli Korea, Draba nemorosa var. hebecarpa was re­ mentions only Dentaria enneaphyllos and Lunar ia corded as a host (Hong et al., 2001). rediviva (Colonnelli, 2004). In Tuva the species was found only on Cardamine pratensis out of the Ceutorhynchus cochleariae (Gyllenhal, 1813) 28 investigated in 1979 and 1980 species of cru­ (Figs 8, 10, 23) cifers (Korotyaev, 2019). In Irkutsk and its vicin­ ities (Korotyaev, 2019), I have collected beetles Distribution. Sub­boreal Western Palaearctic from Draba nemorosa and Barbarea arquata far species distributed from West Europe to Irkutsk from water bodies in the habitats where no Car- Prov. (Korotyaev, 1980) and northern Tuva (Ko­ damine sp. was present. rotyaev, 2019). Dieckmann (1972) and Colonnelli Taxonomic notes. The taxonomy of C. cochle- (2004) report it from Anatolia (Asian part of Tur­ ariae in the Caucasus needs investigation. This key) but I have not seen material from Turkey. The species is apparently absent from the largest part record from Georgia in Colonnelli (2004) is based of the steppe zone of European Russia (Arzanov, apparently on the only known specimen from the 2015), but a slightly different form with paler (red­ City of Poti on the Black Sea coast in Western dish) legs and denser and finer dorsal vestiture is ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 353–367 359 B.A. Korotyaev. A review of Ceutorhynchus associated with woodland draba similar to C. cochleariae but with darker legs with black femora and tibiae and rather bright reddish tarsi; it also has sparser dorsal vestiture, and the beetles look darker than northern C. cochleariae. So, three allopatric forms exist along the north­ south transect from the forest zone of Euro pean Russia through the Caucasus foothills to the middle forest belt with Picea orientalis and Abies nordmanniana. Ceutorhynchus unguicularis species group Diagnosis. Body small, 1.5–2.3 mm long, ro­ bust. Dorsal vestiture sparse, rather uniform. Disc of pronotum with sparse very narrow, parallel­sided, truncate apically white or greyish scales, with short broad­lanceolate white scales along base, usually also with sparse scales along median line and along sides; intervals of elytra with sparse similar scales; in addition, with wider white scales along suture and at bases of 1st and 2nd intervals. Elytral striae bare. Underside with moderately dense white lanceolate scales. Anten­ nal funicle seven­segmented, fine; club weakly to strongly elongate, two to four times as long as Figs 11–18. Ceutorhynchus, aedeagus, dorsal view. wide, terete, matte, with very dense short, fine pu­ 11, C. gemuricus, Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan Autono­ bescence. Rostrum moderately long, slender, level­ mous Re public; 12, C. kipchak, Buryatia, Nikol’sk Vill.; ling with frons at base, about as wide as fore tibia 13, C. seniculus, Zabaikalskiy Terr., Zhindo Vill.; 14, in middle part, cylindrical, moderately strongly, C. klementzorum, Zabaikalskii Terr., Zhindo Vill.; 15, evenly curved dorsoventrally, rather finely, mod­ C. sp. [? C. unguicularis], Tuva; 16, C. melniki sp. nov., erately densely punctate in basal half, sparsely and holotype; 17, C. kerzhneri sp. nov., paratype, Na­ very finely punctate and moderately to strongly khodka; 18, C. dauricus, Zabaikalskiy Terr., Zhindo shining in apical one­third to one­half, with rath­ Vill. After Korotyaev, 1997, modified (11, 12, 18); after Korotyaev, 1980, modified (13). er ill­defined low, obtuse median carina in basal part. Antennae inserted near rostrum mid­length. Pronotum weakly to moderately transverse, with common in April and early May on Cardamine spp. weak but noticeable lateral tubercles, moderate­ in the Kuban River flood plain in the Republic of ly convex, rather shining, with medium­sized, Adygea south of Krasnodar City. The single speci­ moderately dense punctures. Elytra with weakly men reported by Korotyaev & Cholokava (1989) to moderately prominent humeri and weakly to from Poti is apparently conspecific with this form. moderately rounded sides and moderately convex In the piedmont and low­hill Northwestern Cau­ disc; preapical prominences weakly to moderately casus this form has not been collected for many pronounced, with fine granules not conspicuously years, and only C. filirostris (Reitter, 1888) occurs condensed and forming no oblique ridges. Elytral (usually in small numbers) on Cardamine spp. and striae rather wide and deep, intervals moderately Dentaria spp., but more often on Alliaria petiola- shining, as wide as, or not much wider than striae, ta. At higher elevations, usually at about 1300 m flat or slightly convex, shining, with rather sparse a.s.l. and above, C. filirostris is replaced (on Car- punctures and minute granules. Legs moderate­ damine lazica in Karachai­Cherkess Republic: ly long, femora mutic, tarsi moderately long and Korotyaev & Cholokava, 1989) by a form very wide, claws short, weakly diverging, with well vis­ 360 ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 353–367 B.A. Korotyaev. A review of Ceutorhynchus associated with woodland draba not more than triple as long as wide (Figs 9, 27). Elytra often less strongly rounded and with more convex humeri (Fig. 5). Aedeagus wider, less rounded and wider apically (Figs 15, 21). Body length 1.5–2.3 mm. South of East Si­ beria, Central Yakutia .............. .......... C. sp. [? C. unguicularis] 3 (2). Antennal club strongly elongate, 3.5–4.2 times as long as wide (Fig. 26). Elytra more strongly rounded, with less produced humeri (Fig. 24). Aedeagus narrower, more strongly rounded and narrower apically (Fig. 17). Body length 1.7–2.2 mm. South of Figs 19–23. Ceutorhynchus, aedeagus, dorsal view. 19, C. gemuri- the Russian Far East ................ cus, Azerbaijan, Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic; 20, C. kipchak, .............. C. kerzhneri sp. nov. Buryatia, Nikol’sk Vill.; 21, C. sp. [? C. unguicularis], Tuva; 22, 4 (1). Disc of pronotum and elytra with C. querceti; 23, C. cochleariae, Irkutsk. Photo by K.V. Makarov. greyish parallel­sided scales clearly con­ trasting with broad­lanceolate white scales. Elytra wider, with more promi­ ible appendage at base. Fore tibia of male not mu­ nent humeri (Fig. 25). Antennal club moderately cronate, middle and hind tibiae finely mucronate. long, 2.4–2.8 times as long as wide (Fig. 28). Aedea­ Middle tibia of female not mucronate. Aedeagus gus longer and narrower, evenly rounded apically (Figs 16, 25). Body length 2.2–2.3 mm. South of East weakly sclerotised, with obtuse­angular apex, oc­ Siberia and the Russian Far East (only Primorskiy casionally slightly attenuate at tip. Terr.), eastern Mongolia ...... C. melniki sp. nov. Species included. The group includes C. mohri Dieckmann, 1960 from Spain, C. nigritulus Ceutorhynchus kerzhneri sp. nov. Schultze, 1897 from Central and Southern Eu­ (Figs 17, 24, 26) rope (Alonso­Zarazaga et al., 2017), C. unguicula- ris from Europe and Anatolia, with obscure form Ceutorhynchus unguicularis: Korotyaev, 1980: 160, from southern East Siberia and Central Yakutia, pro parte (specimens from Primorskiy Terr.), nec and two new species from the Eastern Palaearctic C.G. Thompson, 1871 (misidentification). described below. Holotype, female: Russia, Primorskiy Terr., 20 km Comparison. Species of the C. unguicularis W of Spassk­Dal’niy, Lake Khanka shore, meadows group differ from species of the C. cochleariae with Salix stand, 12.VI.1989, S.A. Belokobylskij leg. group (Korotyaev, 1980) with black elytra and Paratypes. Russia: Primorskiy Terr., Nakhodka legs first of all in the secondary sexual characters, City, waste land, 21.VIII.1959, I.M. Kerzhner leg., 1 male; Sakhalin Prov., Kunashir I., Sernovodsk Vill., namely the non­mucronate middle tibia of female 16.VII.1973, I.M. Kerzhner leg., 1 female. and apically sclerotised and convexly rounded Description. The new species is very similar aede agus, which is always emarginate and poorly to C. unguicularis and noticeably differs only in sclerotised medially in C. cochleariae, C. dauricus the much longer antennal club (Fig. 26) and much and C. ussuricus Korotyaev, 1997. narrower and more strongly rounded at sides aedeagus (Fig. 17). A key to species of the Ceutorhynchus ungui­ Rostrum of male 1.71 times as long as prono­ cul aris group from Siberia and the Far East tum, that of female, 1.77–1.80 times. Antennae of male inserted at 0.48 length of 1 (4). Body covered dorsally only with white scales. Elytra narrower, with less prominent humeri (Figs rostrum from base, those of female, at 0.46–0.48 5, 24). Antennal club varyingly long. length. Club of female 3.54, of male 4.20 times as 2 (3). Antennal club weakly or moderately elongate, long as wide. ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 353–367 361 B.A. Korotyaev. A review of Ceutorhynchus associated with woodland draba Figs 24–28. Ceutorhynchus, dorsal habitus (24, 25, latter plus aedeagus dorsally), head and rostrum dorsally (26–28). 24, 26, C. kerzhneri sp. nov., female, Primorskiy Terr., holotype; 25, 28, C. melniki sp. nov., male, holo­ type (25) and female, paratype, Mongolia (28); 27, C. unguicularis, female, Krasnodar Terr., Kaluzhskaya Vill. Photo by G.E. Davidian (24, 25); photo by K.V. Makarov (26–28). 362 ( Zoosystematica Rossica, Vol. 29, No. 2, pp. 353–367

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