PROC. ENTOMOL. SOC. WASH. 107(2). 2005. pp. 303-314 A REVIEW OF THE NEOTROPICAL GENUS DIFUNDELLA DYAR (LEPIDOPTERA: PYRALIDAE: PHYCITINAE) H. H. Neunzig and M. A. Solis (HHN) Department of Entomology, North Carolina State University, Raleigh, NC 27695-7613, U.S.A.; (MAS) Systematic Entomology Laboratory, PSI, Agricultural Re- search Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, % National Musuem of Natural History, Smithsonian Institution RO. Box 37012, MRC 168, Washington, DC, 20013-7012, U.S.A. (e-mail: [email protected]) — Abstract. The genus Difundella is redescribed. Seven species are recognized as be- longing to the genus: D. cancerella n. sp., D. corynophora Dyar, D. diimiella Neunzig and Dow, D. parana n. sp., D. subsutella (Schaus), D. teresina n. sp., and D. unguifera n. sp. A key to species based on male adults is included. Difundella is compared to the similar genera Nefundella Neunzig, Coptarthria Ragonot, and Rampylla Dyar. Key Words: Brazil, Costa Rica, Nefundella, Coptarthria, Rampylla H. G. Dyar at the United States National males too uncertain, to permit evaluation of Museum had access to a large series of generic characters for separation at this mostly previously unseen Neotropical Lep- time." Neunzig (1986), following the ex- idoptera as a result of a Smithsonian Insti- amination of specimens collected since tution biological survey of the Panama Ca- Heinrich's study, proposed the new genus nal Zone early in the twentieth century. Nefundella for distractor and tolerata, Some of the specimens he studied were py- thereby reducing the number of species in ralids belonging to the large subfamily Phy- Difundella to two. Subsequently, in 1993. citinae. In his 1914 paper, Dyar recognized Neunzig and Dow, in their treatment of the 52 genera as belonging to what he consid- Phycitinae ofBelize, added another species, ered to be the subfamily, one of which was dumiella, to Difundella. the new genus Difundella proposed by him As a result of additional collecting in Costa Rica and Brazil, four more species of to accomodate his new species corynopho- Difundella have come to light. The discov- ra. Heinrich (1956) included Difundella in his revision ofthe American phycitines, and ery of this new material makes it appropri- ate to review the genus at this time. placed three more species in the genus, Specimens studied came from the follow- namely, subsutella Schaus and two new ing sources: Instituto Nacional de Biodiv- species, distractorand tolerata. The assign- ersidad, Santo Domingo, Costa Rica [IN- ment of the two new species to Difundella Bio]; North Carolina State University Insect was tentative. Heinrich (1956: 62) wrote Collection. Raleigh, North Carolina. USA "The second group [distractor and tolera- [NCSU]; National Museum of Natural His- ta} probably deserves a separate generic tory, Smithsonian Institution. Washington, designation; but the material is too scanty D.C., U.S.A. lUSNMI: and the collection of and not in good enough condition, and the Vitor O. Becker. Uni\orsidadc dc Brasflia. association of females with their proper Brasilia, Brasil |VOB|. — 1 304 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Difundella Dyar and M3 fused for about % distance beyond cell; CuA, fused to base of stalk of M. and Difwnlella Dyar 1914:327. Type species: M3; CuA. from before posterodistal angle Difiiiulella corynophora Dyar, 1914, of cell; lA usually abruptly bent in basal original designation. half; underside of male wing with small Description. Head: Antenna of male cluster of thin, usually hooked scales near slightly enlarged and llattened along basal discal vein, raised, elongate-oval patch of half of shaft; sensilla trichodea (cilia) abun- sex-scales near 1A, and anal fold along 3A dant, short (about V(, to V^ as long as width enclosing a scale pencil (no elongate-oval of antenna near base of shaft). Antenna of patch on unguifera, and both small cluster female simple. Labial palpus of male up- of scales and elongate-oval patch absent in turned, extending above vertex; segment III cancerella and dumiella); cell short (% or about Vi as long as II {imguifera with palpus less length of wing). Male abdominal seg- shorter, with segment III about Vs as long as ment 8 developed as narrow pocket, with- II). Maxillary palpus of both sexes short- out scale tuft. Male genitalia: Uncus well scaled. Haustellum well developed. Ocellus developed with posterior margin usually present. Prothorax: With anteroventral, weakly pointed (uncus distally bifurcate in partially black, contrasting bib near head. corynophora), basolateral aspects of uncus Forewing: Upper surface with basal and usually simple (clawlike in unguifera and subbasal parts and inverted triangular area cancerella); gnathos greatly reduced, with- closely following antemedial line dark red- out well developed median process; tran- dish brown, purplish brown, purple, or stilla absent; juxta a triangular plate with black; most of rest of wing pale (pale red- setiferous lobes or setal patches; valva slen- dish brown and ochre); antemedial and der basally. broadened and with spinelike postmedial lines weakly developed, pale setae distally; sacculus strongly sclerotized, reddish brown and ochre; nan-ow, dark red- developed into long, hooked process (pro- dish brown to black lines bordering ante- cess short in subsutella) andwith strong tuft medial and postmedial lines (lines distally of scalelike setae basally; aedoeagus either bordering antemedial line and proximally simple, serrate, spined, or forked; vesica bordering postmedial line most strongly de- simple, scobinate, or with small comuti; vin- veloped); area between antemedial and culum slightly longer than greatest width. postmedial lines usually with black or dark Female genitalia: Posterior part compact; brown streaks on veins M, to CuA^, and apophysis posterioris short and slender; fused ochre to reddish-brown discal spots; apophysis anterioris stubby (extending only basal third ofposterior margin ofwing with slightly beyond ostium bursae, and usually — red to black posteriorly projecting tuft of more robust than apophysis posterioris); os- scales; basal half of costa of forewing tium bursae with wide, sclerotized plate and slightly convex (base of costa strongly pro- many microspines (intersegmental area dor- duced anteriorly in male of imguifera); un- sad ofthis plate with pairofpockets); ductus derside of wing of male without contrast- bursae shorter than, to about as long as, cor- ingly colored sex-scales; wing with 1 pus bursae, usually membranous {cancerella veins; R3+4 and R5 fused for about V2 their with microspines in posterior half); corpus lengths beyond cell; M, straight; M^ and M3 bursae oval with signum a patch of micros- approximate at base; CuA, from posterod- pines or scobinations; ductus seminalis at- istal angle of cell; CuA; from well before tached to coipus bursae nearjunction ofduc- posterodistal angle of cell. Hindwing: Hy- tus bursae and corpus bursae. — aline to brown; with 8 veins (lA, 2A and Comparison to similar genera. Species 3A treated as one vein); Sc + Ri and Rs belonging to the genera Nefundella, Cop- fused for about Vi distance beyond cell; M^ tarthria Ragonot. and Rampylla Dyar have VOLUME 107, NUMBER 2 305 Hi Figs. 1-4. Males, dorsal view. 1, Difiindella corynophora. 2, Z). diimiella. 3, D. iinguifera. 4, D. cancerella. forewings whose color and maculation re- 3. Each clawlike process ofuncus biramous (Fig. semble those of Difimdella, but male geni- 20) cancerella Neunzig and Solis - Each clawlike process of uncus simple (Fig. talic features separate the groups. Species 22) Iinguifera Neunzig and Solis of Nefundella differ most noticeably from 4. Aedoeagus with large, sclerotized process those of Difundella in having a costal pro- composed of overlapping, contiguous curved cess on the valva (absent in Difundella). spines (Fig. 15) subsutella (Schaus) The male genitalia ofCoptarthria andRam- - Aedoeagus without large, sclerotized process composed of overlapping, contiguous spines pylla have an unusual juxta bearing a long 5 weakly attached spine, a feature absent in 5. Hooklike process of sacculus broadened dis- Difundella and most other phycitines. tally (Fig. 18) panina Neunzig and .Soils The immature stages of Difundella and - Hooklike process of sacculus slender disially their hosts are unknown. (Figs. 16. 24) 6 6. Juxta with large posteriorly projecting lobes Key to Species of Male Difundella (Fig. 24): process of sacculus strongly bent in 1. Uncuswith apexbifurcate (Fig. 12); aedoeagus - Jdiusxttaal whiatlfho(uFtigl.ar2g4e)po.s.icircirocrslNinaprNojeeucntziingg laonbdes.Soils — fU22on,rcku2e4sd);(wFiaiteghd.oae1pa3e)gxusenntoitrefo(rFkiegds.(,.op11h87,o,r21a09,.Dyar d(iFsitga.l 1h6a)l;fp(rFiogc.es1s6)of. .sadcuciunilculsUiweNaekulny/ibgenatndinDow 21, 23, 25) 2 2. Base of uncus with medially projecting claw- Difundella corynophoni D\ar like processes (Figs. 20, 22) 3 (Figs. 1. 8-L^. 26) - Base of uncus without medially projecting clawlike processes (Figs. 14. 16. 18. 24) .... 4 Difundella corynophora Dyar 1914:327. 306 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Males of D. corynophora have the apex of a series of overlapping, contiguous, of the uncus bifurcate, the distal end of the curved spines (Fig. 15). arm of the sacculus very broad, and the ae- Difundella subsutella is known from the doeagus uniquely forked (Figs. 12-13). Fe- male type (Fig. 5) and one other male. The males have a wide oblong plate associated species appears to be most similar in color with the ostium bursae and the signum of and maculation to D. corynophora. The the corpus bursae is a small, round patch of vertex is ochre to pale reddish brown, and scobinations (Fig. 26). the forewing slightly darker than the fore- The vertex of D. corynophora is ochre wing of D. corynophora with purplish anteriorly to pale reddish brown, or dark brown distally. The underside ofthe hindw- purplish brown posteriorly, and the fore- ing has a small cluster of thin, hooked wing is mostly dark reddish brown and dark scales along the short, discal vein at the dis- purplish brown on its basal three-fifths and tal end of the discal cell, and an elongate- chiefly ochre and pale reddish brown on its oval patch ofraised sex-scales near 1A. The distal two-fifths. The underside of the male forewing length is 7.0-—8.0 mm. hindwing has a small cluster ofthin, mostly Material examined. Costa Rica, Juan hooked scales near the short discal vein at Villas, January, [no collector's name, prob- CH the distal end ofthe discal cell, and an elon- ably Schaus], genitalia slide 102, 102 gate-oval patch ofraised sex-scales near lA iS holotype) [USNM]; Costa Rica, Turrial- (Fig. 8). The forewing length is 7.5-8.5 ba, Estacion Barbilla, P. N. Barbilla, R. E. mm. Rio Pacuare, 500 m., Prov. Cartago, Ene. Material examined.—Mexico, 4 km. S. 2002, L. Charrfa, L. N. 218279-596287, #66503, INBio CR INB0003417093, geni- Estacion Palenque, Chiapas, 25 July 1984, H. H. Neunzig and K. M. Neunzig, geni- talia slide 6195 HHN (Id) [INBio]. talia slide 1000 HHN {\ S) [NCSU]; Gua- Difundella dumiella Neunzig and Dow temala, Cayuga, August, Schaus and Barnes (Figs. 2, 16-17) (1 9) [USNM], Chejel, June, Schaus and Barnes, genitalia slide 102, 100 ME (1 9) Difundella dumiella Neunzig and Dow [USNM]; Costa Rica, Sector Cerro Cocori, 1993:32. Finca de E. Rojas, 150 m., Provincia Li- mon. Set. 1993, E. Rojas, LN 286000, Difundella dumiella has the uncus oval 567500, #2347, INBio CR 1001140900, with anteriorly projecting, sinuous, blunt- pointed processes, and a juxta with setifer- 1001141147, genitalia slides 5834, 5835 HHN (2 S) [INBio]; Panama, La Chorrera, osiudseseolfemaenttrsiancgoumlpalreptlealtye. fTuhseedaeidnoteoagtuhse 12 May 1912, A. Busck, genitalia slide 102, 099 CH {S holotype) [USNM]; French is elongate with a vesica bearing about five cornuti. Difundella dumiella also appears to Guiana, Cayenne, [no date], [no collector's ME be smaller than other Difundella, having a name], genitalia slide 102, 101 (1 S) forewing length of 6.0-6.5 mm. [USNM]. The vertex of the male is white and pale reddish brown and the forewing mostly Difundella subsutella (Schaus) dark reddish brown and purple basally and (Figs. 5, 14-15) mostly ochre and white distally. The un- Ulophora subsutella Schaus 1913: 248. derside ofthe hindwing lacks both the small Difundella subsutella: Heinrich 1956: 63. cluster of hooked scales along the short, discal vein at the distal end of the discal The most useful feature to identify D. cell, and the elongate-oval patch of raised subsutella is its aedoeagus, which bears dis- sex-scales near lA that are present in most tally a large, sclerotized process composed Difundella. VOLUME 107, NUMBER 2 307 6 / Figs. 5-7. Males, dorsal view. 5, Difimdella siibsutella. 6, D. parana. 7, D. teresina. — Material examined. Belize, San Igna- na with shaft of male slightly enlarged and cio, 6 April 1989, L. C. Dow, genitalia slide flattened along basal half, with sensilla tri- HHN 2741 chodea (cilia) short, about I4 as long as (6 holotype) [USNM], (1 6 paratype) width of antenna near base of shaft. Tho- [NCSU]. rax: Dorsum mostly pale reddish brown. Forewing: Dark reddish brown and brown Difundella parana Neunzig and Solis, basally mostly pale reddish brown, dusted new species with white distally; antemedial line weakly (Figs. 6, 18-19) developed, pale reddish brown bordered ba- — Diagnosis. The male genitalia (Fig. 18), sally by obscure, incomplete, dark reddish in general, are more robust than in other brown and black line and bordered distally Difundella. The uncus is quadrate and the by more pronounced dark reddish brown vinculum broad and rounded. The hooklike and black line; postmedial line weakly de- process of the sacculus is strongly curved veloped, white and pale reddish brown, bor- throughout wit—h its distal part broadened. dered basally by dark reddish brown, mod- Description. Forewing length 7.5-8.5 erately well defined line and bordered dis- mm. Head: Vertex ochre; labial palpus up- tally by similar dark colored, but less well turned, extending above vertex, segment III defined, line; area between antemedial line about Vi as long as II, outwardly ochre and and postmedial line with ochre and pale brownish red; maxillary palpus short-scaled reddish brown, fused discal spots, and with and ochre with brownish red basally; anten- black or dark brown streaks on veins M, to PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 308 Figs. 8-13. Difimdella corynophora, male. 8, Right forewing and hindwing (discal scale cluster, patch of raised sex-scales and anal fold are on underside ofwing). 9, Left maxillary palpus, frontal view. 10, Left labial palpus, lateral view. 11, Right antenna, basal part, frontal view. 12, Genitalia, ventral view, without aedoeagus. 13, Aedoeagus. CuA.. Hindwing: Above hyaline to pale Male genitalia (Figs. 18-19): Uncus quad- brown in male; underside of male with rate, broad and acuminate distally (not al- small cluster of thin, hooked scales near ways apparent unless genitalia spread on short discal vein at distal end of discal cell, slide), simple basally; gnathos reduced, and raised elongate-oval patch of raised without median process; transtilla absent; sex-scales near lA; anal fold along 3A. juxta in shape of inverted triangular plate — VOLUME NUMBER 107, 2 309 with low, robust, setiferous lateral arms; long as width ofantenna near base ofshaft; valva well developed, broadened and with antenna offemale simple. Thorax: Dorsum spinelike setae distally; sacculus with large mostly purplish brown. Forewing: Mostly hooklike process strongly curved through- dark purplish brown basally and chiefly out its length and with distal part expanded, pale reddish brown distally; antemedial line and with large basal tuft of slightly broad- moderately well developed, pale reddish ened setae; aedoeagus elongate; vesica with brown, weakly bordered basally by a few patch of many small spines; vinculum dark reddish brown scales and bordered dis- broad and rounded. Female unknown. tally by stronger line ofdark reddish brown, Holotype: 6. Curitiba, Parana, Brazil, and a few black, scales; postmedial line 12-III-1975, V. O. Becker, genitalia slide weakly developed, white and pale reddish 5739 HHN. —[USNM]. brown bordered basally and distally with Paratypes: 1 S. Sete Lagoas, Minas dark reddish brown line; area between an- Gerais, Brazil, 720 m., 25-VII-1969, V. O. temedial and postmedial lines with discal Becker, genitalia slide 5741 HHN. [VOB]. spots obscure, reddish brown, fused, and 1 6. Joinville, Santa Catarina, Brazil, 6- with dark reddish brown streaks on some XII-1969, V. O. Becker, genitalia shde 5740 veins. Hindwing: Above hyaline to pale HHN [NCSU]. 1 S. Nova Teutonia, Brazil, brown in male; mostly brown in female; un- VIII-1961, F. Naumann, genitalia slide5993 derside of male with cluster of mostly HHN [USNM].— hooked scales near discal vein at distal end Etymology. The specific epithet is of cell (scales forming cluster longer and based on the Brazilian state (Parana) in more robust than in other species in genus), which the holotype was collected. without elongate-oval patch of raised sex- scales near lA; anal fold along 3A. Male Difundella unguifera Neunzig and Solis, genitalia (Figs. 22-23): Uncus triangular in new species distal half and with pair of clawlike medi- (F—igs. 3, 22-23, 28) ally projecting processes at base; gnathos Diagnosis. The pair of large, unira- reduced, without median process; transtilla mous, clawlike, medially projecting pro- absent; juxta an inverted triangular plate cesses at the base ofthe uncus (Fig. 22) are with very weakly developed lateroposterior, peculiar to this species. Also, the costa of setiferous elements; valva well developed, the forewing of the male is strongly pro- slightly broadened, and with spinelike setae duced anteriorly at its base. The female distally; sacculus with long, slender, slight- genitalia have near the base of the papillae ly-curved, pointed process and with large anales a pair ofsclerotized, scobinate lateral basal tuft of distally broadened setae; ae- lobes (Fig. 28). doeagus short; vesica with two cornuti; vin- — Description. Forewing length 8.5—9.0 culum about as long as greatest width. Fe- mm. Head: Vertex dark brown in male, male genitalia (Fig. 28): Integment be- pale brown in female; labial palpus of both tween base ofpapillae analis and abdominal sexes upturned, extending above vertex, segment VIII collar produced laterally, segment III about V3, as long as II in male, sclerotized and scobinate; apophysis poster- and segment III about Vi as long as II in ioris short and slender; apophysis anterioris female, outwardly mostly reddish brown in short, about as thick as apophysis poster- male, pale reddish brown in female; max- ioris; ostium bursae with wide sclerotized, illary palpus short-scaled in both sexes, scobinate plate; ductus bursae ahcuU as long pale reddish brown with brownish red ba- as corpus bursae. with patch t)!"scobinations sally; antenna with shaft of male slightly distally; corpus bursae membranous (unable enlarged and flattened along basal half, with to determine if signum present because of sensilla trichodea (cilia) short, about '/(, as spermatophores); ductus bursae attached to — PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON 310 Figs. 14-19. Male genitalia. 14, Difundella siibsutella, ventral view, without aedoeagus. 15, D. siibsiitella, aedoeagus. 16, D. dumiella, ventral view, without aedoeagus. 17, D. diimiella, aedoeagus. 18, D. parana. ventral view, without aedoeagus. 19, D. parana, aedoeagus. corpus bursae near junction of ductus bur- ando, LN 253250, 449700, INBio CR sae and corpus bursae. 1000895968, genitalia slide 4752 HHN [IN- Holotype. S. Estacidn La Casona, Bio]. — 1,520 m.. Res. Biol. Monteverde, Prov. Paratypes. 1 9. Monte Verde, Punt. Puntarenas, Costa Rica, Die. 1992, N. Ob- Prov., Costa Rica, 30-31 Jul. 1981, D. H. — VOLUME 107, NUMBER 2 311 Janzen and W. Hallwachs, INBio CR vious, mostly purplish brown line; area be- 1002043686, genitalia slide 4753 HHN [IN- tween antemedial and postmedial lines with Bio]. 1 9, Turrialba, Sta. Cruz, 1,500 m., fused discal spots ochre and pale reddish Costa Rica, VIII-1981, V. O. Becker, geni- brown and with streaks of purplish brown talia slide 492—6 HHN [USNM]. on some veins. Hindwing: Above hyaline Etymology. The name unguifera is de- to pale brown in male, slightly darker in rived from the Latin ungui (claw) andfera female; underside of male without tuft of (to bear) in reference to the remarkable pair scales near discal vein and without elon- of clawlike processes at the base of the un- gate-oval raised patch of scales near lA; cus. with anal fold along 3A. Male genitalia (Figs. 20-21): Uncus broad and with pair Difundella cancerella Neunzig and Solis, of slender clawlike, biramous processes ba- new species sally; gnathos reduced, without median pro- (Figs. 4, 20-21, 27) — cess; transtilla absent; juxta with large Diagnosis. A pair ofbiramous clawlike rounded, setiferous, lateral lobes; valva processes at the base of the uncus are slender, slightly enlarged and with spinelike unique to D. cancerella. Difundella cancer- setae distally; sacculus with long, slender, ella males also lack the small tuft of scales untapered, blunt process and with large bas- associated with the discal vein, and the al tuft ofdistally broadened, scalelike setae; raised, elongate-oval patch of scales near aedoeagus short, slender and swollen me- lA, on the underside of the hindwing. The dially; vesica with few small cornuti; vin- absence of both of these groups of scales is culum about as long as greatest width. Fe- a feature shared only in Difundella with D. male genitalia (Fig. 27): Apophysis dumiella; the female genitalia have robust posterioris short and slender; apophysis an- apophyses anteriores (about twice as thick terioris short and robust (about 2X as wide as apophyses posteriores) and the signum is as apophysis posterioris); ostium bursae a patch of saw-toothed rows of spines. with wide sclerotized spined plate; ductus — Description. Forewing length 7.0-9.0 bursae shorter than corpus bursae and with mm. Head: Vertex white to brownish microspines in posterior half; corpus bursae white; labial palpus ofboth sexes upturned, with signum a patch of short, saw-toothed extending above vertex, outwardly pale red- rows of spines; ductus seminalis attached to dish brown to reddish brown; maxillary corpus bursae near junction of ductus bur- palpus short-scaled in both sexes, ochre; an- sae and corpus bursae. tenna with shaft of male slightly enlarged Holotype. 6 Sector Cerro Cocori, Fin- . and flattened along basal half with sensilla ca de E. Rojas, 150 m., Prov. Limon, Costa trichodea short, about V2 as long as width of Rica, Oct. 1993, E. Rojas, LN 286000 antenna near base of shaft; antenna of fe- 567500, #2395, INBio CR 1001642551. male simple. Thorax: Dorsum mostly ochre genitalia slide 4754 HHN [INBio]. — and reddish brown. Forewing: Chiefly pur- Paratypes. 2 9 Same collection data as . plish brown basally and mostly ochre and holotype except Ene. and Set. 1993 INBio pale reddish brown distally; antemedial line CR 1001141159. 1001403076, genitalia weakly developed, pale reddish brown bor- slides 4755, 5833 HHN (USNM, NCSU]; 1 dered basally by obscure, incomplete red- d. R N. Tapantf. A. C. Amistad, Prov. Car- dish brown line and bordered distally by ta.. 1150 m., Costa Rica, Ene. 1994, G. stronger reddish brown and black line; post- Mora, LN 194000 559800, INBio CR medial line weakly developed, ochre and 1001830436, genitalia slide 5836 HHN pale reddish brown, bordered basally by INCSU]; 1 6. Parafso, Pque. Nat. Tapanti, dark reddish brown, moderately well de- Sect. La Represa, del Puente del Rio Porras, fined line and distally by a broader, less ob- 300 m. SE, 1,660 m.. Pro\'. Cartaco. Mar. 312 PROCEEDINGS OF THE ENTOMOLOGICAL SOCIETY OF WASHINGTON Figs. 20-25. Male genitalia. 20, Difimdella cancerella, ventral view, without aedoeagus. 21, D. cancerella, aedoeagus. 22, D. iinguifera, ventral view, without aedoeagus. 23, D. unguifera, aedoeagus. 24, D. teresina, ventral view, without aedoeagus. 25, D. teresina, aedoeagus. 2002, R. Delgado, L. N. 186550-560600, processes at the base of the uncus resemble #67365, INBio CR INB0003446759, geni- the claws of a crab. The specific epithet is talia slide 619—2 HHN [INBio]. a combination of the Latin cancer (crab) Etymology. The biramous clawlike and the diminutive Latin suffix -ella.