PROCEEDINGS of the FEB 17 1998 CALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Vol. 50, No. 6, pp. 167-184,44 pi. figs. February 11, 1998 A REVIEW OF THE COSTA RICAN SPECIES OF LEPTOGLOSSUS GUERIN, WITH DESCRIPTIONS OF TWO NEW SPECIES (HEMIPTERA: HETEROPTERA: COREIDAE: COREINAE: ANISOSCELINI) By Harry Brailovsky1 and Ernesto Barrera DepartamentodeZoologia, InstitutodeBiologia, UNAM ApdoPostal 70153, MexicoD.F. TwonewspeciesofLeptoglossus,L.cartagoensisandL.talamancanus,collectedinCostaRicaare described and illustrated; L. brevirostris Barber, L. humeralis Allen, L. lineosus (St&l), L. nigropearlei Yonke, L. subauratus Distant, and L. tetranotatus Brailovsky and Barrera are recorded forthefirst time from Costa Rica; new recordsforL. ductus (Herrich-Schaeffer),L. concolor(Walker),L.phyllopus(Linnaeus),andL.zonatus(Dallas)arcgiven;anda revisedkey toknownspeciesofLeptoglossusfromCostaRicaispresented. Received May 14, 1997.AcceptedSeptember5, 1997. ThegenusLeptoglossusGuerin isalargecom- Osuna (1984) revised the genera of An- plex group that ranges from southern Canada, isoscelini and separated the genus Leptoglossus through the United States, Mexico, Antilles, intofivegenera:FabrictilisOsuna,Leptoglossus Central America, and South America including Guerin(sensustrictu),StaliferaOsuna, Theognis Chile and Argentina. Leptoglossus gonagra Stal, and Veneza Osuna, but in that monograph (Fabricius) is the only species ofLeptoglossus he did not treat species or discuss relationships that occurs outside ofthe Western Hemisphere, withineach genus. BecauseOsuna's(1984) new and has been recorded from Africa, Southeast genera have more characters in common than Asia, the Pacific Islands, and Australia (Allen they havedifferences, andtherearenogoodand 1969). consistent external characters that validate their Allen (1969) revisedthegenus andprovideda creation, theauthorsdonotfollowhisclassifica- key to the 37 species and one subspecies known tion proposal. at that time. Baranowski and Slater (1986) Previous to this paperonly fourspecies ofthe synonymizedL. australis(Fabricius)withL. go- genus Leptoglossus were known from Costa nagra (Fabricius). Close to that period, Alayo Rica. This contribution adds six noteworthy re- and Grillo (1977), Brailovsky (1976, 1990), cords, two new species, and a key to the Costa Yonke (1981), and Brailovsky and Barrera Rican species. (1994) added nine additional new species, thus, increasing to45 the total numberofspecies. ResearchAssociate,DepartmentofEntomology,CaliforniaAcademyofSciences,SanFrancisco,California94118. [167] . 68 PROCEEDINGSOFTHECALIFORNIAACADEMY OF SCIENCES 1 Volume50,No.6 Keytothe SpeciesofLeptoglossusfromCosta Rica 1 Thoracic pleuradarkwith at leasttwo strongly contrastingyellow maculaeoryellow maculatedfascia; thoracic and abdominal venterwithoutnumerous small black spots .2 Thoracic pleuraorangeto dark redbrownwithout strongyellow markings; thoracic and abdominal venterwith numerous small black spots 6 2.(1) Clavus and corium dark brown with strongly contrastingpaleyellow veins 3 Clavus andcorium darkbrown withveins concolorous oratmostbrightred, butnever paleyellow 5 3.(2) Pronotum withoutyellow ororangetransversefascia; humeral angles conspicuously acute, raisedandexpanded laterally; pronotal discwith median longitudinal carina strongly dentate L. talamancanus, new species Pronotum with narrow orwideyellow ororangetransverse fascia, runningacross humeral angles; humeral angles acutebut notraisedandexpanded; pronotal disc with median longitudinal carinaobsolete 4 4.(3) Pronotum withwideyellow ororangetransverse fascia, occupying mostofthe anterior thirdofthe disc; antennal segments II to IV paleochraceous; posterolateral margins of thepronotum serrate L. subauratus Distant Pronotum with yellow ororangetransverse fasciavery narrow; antennal segments II to IV bicolored; posterolateral margins ofthepronotum entire L. lineosus (Stal) 5.(2) Pronotal disc with four, small, yellow to orangespots, two on theanteriorlobe, and two on theposteriormargin; thoracic pleurawith six strongly contrastingorange spots L. tetranotatusBrailovsky and Barrera Pronotal disc withoutsmall yellow to orange spots; thoracic pleurawith asingleyellow maculaeoccupyingalmosttheentire acetabulaeofeach leg L. cinctus(Herrich-Schaeffer) 6.(1) Humeral areas ofthepronotum broadly expanded as long andtaperingprojections; humeral angles subacuminate (Fig. 2) L. humeralis Allen Humeral areas ofthepronotum notbroadly expanded; humeral angles rounded or subacuminatebutneverexpanded 7 7.(6) Pronotal disc, scutellum, clavusand corium with numerousblack discoidal spots; pronotum orangewith humeral angles paleyellow; pronotum with anterolateral marginsdentate L. nigropearleiYonke Pronotal disc, scutellum, clavus andcorium withoutblackdiscoidal spots; pronotum never orangewith humeral angles paleyellow; pronotum with anterolateral margins entire 8 . . 8.(7) Transverseyellow fasciaon corium always presentand straight 9 Transverseyellow fasciaon corium irregular, notstraight, orfasciaabsent 10 9.(8) Antennal segments II and III orangewith apical thirdblack; hind tibiaewith innerdilation considerably shorterthan outer(Fig. 11); connexival segmentsblack andwith orwith- out innermargins dark red L. cartagoensis, new species Antennal segments IIandIII entirelyyellow to orange; hindtibiae with innerdilation only slightly shorterthan outer(Fig. 15); connexival segmentsblack orbrownwith posterior margin yellow L.phyllopus (Linnaeus) 10.(8) Rostrum short, notextendingpastabdominal sternite II; rostral segmentIV shorterthan antennal segmentI L. brevirostris Barber Rostrum longer, usually extending well onto abdomen; rostral segmentIV longerthan an- tennal segment1 11 11.(10) Pronotum darkwith two large and strongly roundedyellow spots, dotted with black, and occupying mostofthe anteriordisc; male genital capsule with prominently dorsal prongs (Fig. 34) L. zonatus (Dallas) Pronotum darkwithoutstrongly contrastingyellow spots; male genital capsulewithout dorsal prongs (Fig. 39) L. concolor(Walker) BRAILOVSKY AND BARRERA: COSTA RICAN LEPTOGLOSSUS 169 — Leptoglossus brevirostris Barber Description. Male: Body large and ro- (Figs. 18,40) bust. Head. Tylus unarmed, rounded apically, barely surpassingjugaand slightly raised in lat- Leptoglossusbrevirostris Barber, 1918:35-36. eral view; rostrum reaching anteriorthird ofab- — dominal sternite IV. Pronotum. Collar wide; Distribution. Known only from the each pronotal margin entire; humeral angles United States and Mexico.— broadly expanded, subacuminate, flattened, and Material Examined. COSTA RICA, 1 obliquely ascending; calli barely elevated, al- female,Prov.Puntarenas,PeninsulaOsa,Bosque most impunctate, without two medial tubercles; Esquinas,200 m,March, 1994(J.Quesada).De- surface densely punctate; disc posteriorly with posited in INBIO. median longitudinal carina obsolete (Fig. 1). Thissmall-sizedspeciespossessesorangetho- Legs. Hind tibiae: Outer dilations wide, phylli- racic pleura, with numerous small black spots, form,occupying72%ofthelengthofhindtibiae, corium with yellow transverse fascia in a "zig- width about 1.5 times width ofinner dilations; zag"pattern,pronotumwithanterolateralmargin inner dilations lanceolate, shorter than outerdi- entire, and posterolateral dentate, pronotal disc lations, furnished with numerous small spine- concolorous without strong yellow spots, hind like teeth along margins, occupying 52% ofthe tibiae phylliform with at least two deep emargi- length ofhind tibiae; innermargins ofundilated nations, with outer dilation occupying less than portions with numerous small spine-like teeth 70%ofthelengthofhindtibiae(Fig. 18),rostrum (Fig. 11). Scutellum. Triangular, wider than reachingthe metasternum ortheanteriormargin long, flat, without median longitudinal carina; ofabdominal sternite II, with rostral segmentIV apex rounded to subtruncate. Genitalia. Genital shorter than antennal segment I, and the male capsule: Posteroventral edgewith median notch genital capsulewithadeepmedian notch, lateral deepandrounded,with lateralanglessinuate;no anglesobliquelystraight,andlongdorsal prongs dorsal prongs (Fig. 33). Parameres: Figs. 22-23. (Fig. 40). Dorsalcoloration.Headblackwiththreenar- row stripes dirty orange, oneon the middle line, Leptoglossus cartagoensis, new species the other two close to eyes; antennal segment I (Figs. 1, 11,22-23,33,41) black with internal face dirty orange; antennal — segments IIandIIIdirtyorangewithapical third TYPES. Holotype male (deposited in IN- black; segmentIVyellowwithbasaljointblack, BIO, courtesy of CAS) from COSTA RICA, Pronotal disc brightredbrown witheach prono- SW Puntarenas, 2.5 km., Las Alturas, 08°55'N, tal marginblack; callialmostblackwiththearea 81°51'W, Febru—ary 17, 1991 (N.D.Penny). between them bright red brown; anterolateral PARATYPES. COSTA RICA, 2 males, 3 fe- marginwithanteriorthirddirty orange, andpos- males, Prov. Cartago, Grano de Oro (Chirripo), terior third black. Scutellum bright red brown Turrialba, 1120 m,October, 1992(J. C. Saborio, with each marginandtheapexblack. Hemelytra P. Campos); COSTA RICA, 1 male, 10 km, S with clavus and corium bright red to bright red SanJose,Escazu,November, 1992(J. M.Maes); brown, with costal margin, commissure claval, COSTARICA,3 males,8 females,Prov.Guana- anal suture,andbasalendocoriumblack; corium SW caste,EstacionCacao, sideofVolcanCacao, with a light yellow, straight, transverse fascia; 1000-1400 m,March,June,September,Novem- hemelytral membrane uniformly dark. Abdomi- ber, December, 1990 (R. Blanco, C. Chavez); nal segments I toVI dirty orangeandVIIblack; COSTA RICA, 1 female, Prov. Puntarenas, San connexival segments black (some specimens Luis, 1040 m, July, 1992 (Z. Fuentes); COSTA with innerfacebrightred). RICA,4females,Prov.Puntarenas,EstacionLas Ventralcoloration. Headblackwith twonar- Mellizas, Parque Nacional La Amistad (Finca row,dirtyorange, stripesclosetoeyes; bucculae Cafrosa), 1300 m, October, 1989 (M. Ramirez, bright orange; rostral segments I and II orange G. Mora). DepositedinBMNH,INBIO,MELN, with inner and lateral face mostly black; rostral UNAM. segmentsIIIandIVdirtybrownishyellow,with inner face and apex of the segment IV black; thorax, abdominal sterna, and genital capsule PROCEEDINGSOFTHECALIFORNIAACADEMYOF SCIENCES 170 Volume50,No. 6 dirty orange-red, with numerous small black red, median notch of male genital capsule spots; anterior lobe of metathoracic peritreme U-shaped and deep (Fig. 33), humeral angles dirty orange with black central spot, posterior broadly expanded, subacuminate and flattened, lobe dirty orange; coxae and trochanters shiny and pronotum bright red brown, with each mar- black, with brownish yellow marks; femora or- ginmostlyblack. Thecloselyrelatedspeciesare ange, with posteriorhalfmostly black; fore and medium sized and elongate, with antennal seg- middletibiaeorangeorbrownishyellowwithor ments II and III entirely yellow ororange, hind without a narrow black stripe near the apical tibiae with inner dilation slightly shorter than third; hind tibiae with outer and inner dilation outer (Figs. 11, 15), connexival segments black black in dorsal view and orange-red in ventral orbrown, with posterior margin yellow, medial view,eachwithsmall irregularyellowspot,with notch ofmale genital capsule V-shaped and not theribandmargins brightred, andtheundilated deep (Fig. 38), humeral angles subacute and not portion orange-yellow; tarsi orange orbrownish broadlyexpanded,andpronotumredbrownwith yellow with or without diffuse narrow black or without anterolateral margin and posterior stripe running laterally; abdominal spiracles marginyellow, andwith thedisc anteriorly con- blackordarkbro—wn. colorous orwith—twoyellow spots. Description. Female: Similar to male. ETYMOLOGY. The species is named forthe Connexival segments VIII and IX, and dorsal ProvinceofCartago inCostaRica. segmentsVIIIandIXblack; genitalplatesbright orange red with inner margins ofgonocoxae I, Leptoglossus cinctus (Herrich-Schaeffer) paratergiteVIII and—paratergite IXblack. (Figs. 17, 37) Measurements. Male first, then female: Head length 2.73 mm, 3.11 mm; width across Anisosceliscincta Herrich-Schaeffer, 1836:91. eyes 2.20 mm, 2.43 mm; interocular space 1.21 — mm, 1.31 mm; interocellarspace0.53 mm, 0.61 Distribution. This is awidely distributed mm; preocular distance 1.59 mm, 1.74 mm; species occurring in Mexico, Central America, lengthantennal segments: I,2.50 mm,2.58 mm; GreaterAntilles,andSouthAmerica. Ithasbeen II, 4.18 mm, 4.48 mm; III, 2.96 mm, 3.26 mm; recordedfromPacayas,Cos—taRica(Allen 1969). IV, 4.48 mm, 4.86 mm. Pronotal length 3.26 Material Examined. COSTA RICA,W1 mm, 3.72 mm; width across frontal angles 1.74 male, Prov. Guanacaste, Estacion Maritza, mm, 1.97 mm;widthacrosshumeralangles6.23 sideofVolcanOrosi,600 m,July, 1989;COSTA mm, 7.52 mm. Hind tibiae: Total length 8.32 RICA, 2 females, Prov. Puntarenas, Sabanas mm, 9.50 mm; length outer dilation 6.15 mm, Curacucha (Potrero Grande), July, 1989 (A. So- 7.22 mm; length inner dilation 4.33 mm, 4.94 ils); COSTA RICA, 3 males, 4 females, Prov. N mm; width outer dilation 1.74 mm, 2.35 mm; Guanacaste, Finca Jenny, 30 km, Liberia, width innerdilation 0.76 mm, 0.82 mm. Scutel- Guanacaste National Park, September, October, lar length 1.97 mm, 2.35 mm; width 2.05 mm, 1988. Deposited in INBIO. 2.66. Total bo—dy length 17.42 mm, 21.00 mm. This is one ofthe most showy and distinctive REMARKS. ThisspeciesismostsimilartoL. species ofLeptoglossus. It is readily recogniz- balteatus (Linnaeus) and L. phyllopus (Lin- able by the completely yellow pronotal disc, naeus) with the thoracic pleura orange to dark contrasting with the remainderofpronotum and red, and usually with numerous small black hemelytra,bytheshiningorangethoracicpleura, spots, corium with a yellow transverse fascia, with a single yellow spot occupying almost the always present and straight, and the hind tibiae entireacetabulaeofeachpleuron,thehindtibiae with an innerdilation shorterthantheouterone. with one or two shallow emarginations, with Leptoglossuscartagoensisisalargerandmore outer dilation occupying 65% of the length of robustspeciesthanL. balteatusandL.phyllopus, hindtibiae(Fig. 17),withclavusandcoriumdark with antennal segments II and III orange with orange with veins concolorous, and for the an- apical thirdblack,hindtibiaewith innerdilation terolateral and posterolateral margins of the considerably shorterthan outer, connexival seg- pronotum serrate. ments black with orwithout innermargins dark BRAILOVSKY ANDBARRERA: COSTA RICANLEPTOGLOSSUS 171 Leptoglossus concolor (Walker) Manzanillo (R. N. F. S Gandoca and Man- (Figs. 13,39) zanillo),0-100 m,November20-30, 1992(F. A. Quesada); COSTA RICA, 1 male, 1 female, AnisoscelisconcolorWalker, 1871:128. Prov. Limon, CuatroEsquinas, ParqueNacional — Tortuguero, August 26-September 6, 1989 (J. Distribution. Widely distributedthrough Solano) and July, 1990 (U. Chavarria); COSTA Mexico, Central America, and GreaterAntilles. RICA, 3 males, Prov. Limon, Amubri, A. C. It is recorded from Hamburg Farm and Piedras Amistad, 700 m, July 5-28, 1993, December Negras, CostaRica(Allen—1969). 4-21, 1993 and February 1-19, 1994 (G. Gal- Material Examined. COSTA RICA, 1 lardo). Deposited in INBIO, UNAM,USU. male,Prov. Guanacaste,RioGongora, 6 km,NE This species, originally described from two Quebrada Grande de Liberia, 700 m, February, females, maybeeasilyrecognizedbytheunique 1992;COSTARICA,2males,Prov.Puntarenas, humeral expansions, which are produced as Peninsula Osa, Rancho Quemado, 200 m, April broad, long, and tapering lateral projections, and July, 1992 (A. Marin, D. Brenes); COSTA obliquelyascending,andwiththehumeralangles RICA, 1 male, Prov. Guanacaste, Aqua Buena, subacuminate (Fig. 2). Othercharacters inserted Guanacaste National Park, 220 m, June 1992. torecognizethisspeciesaretheshapeofthehind Deposited in INBIO. tibiaewiththeouterdilationphylliformwithone This species may berecognizedbythecombi- shallow and two deep emarginations occupying nation ofthoracic pleuraorange,with numerous 84% of the length of hind tibiae, with inner smallblackspots,coriumwithyellowtransverse dilationlanceolateandconsiderablyshorterthan fascia in a"zig-zag" pattern, pronotum with the outerdilation (Fig. 10); therostrum reachingthe anterolateral marginentire, andtheposterolater- posterior margin of the fourth abdominal ster- ally dentate, pronotal disc concolorous without nite;andthepronotaldisc,aswell asthecorium, strong yellow areas, calli with a rough surface without pale areas. Male genital capsule: Pos- withnumerousthickhairs,hindtibiaephylliform teroventral edge with median notch deep and with at least two deep emarginations, with outer rounded; no dorsal prongs (Fig. 35). Parameres: dilationoccupyinglessthan70%ofthelengthof Figs. 24-25. hindtibiae(Fig. 13),rostrumreachingabdominal sternite IV, antennal segment I bicolorous, ros- Leptoglossus lineosus (Stal) tral segment I longer than antennal segment I, (Figs. 3, 19, 30) andthemalegenitalcapsulewithstraightmedian notch, without dorsal prongs (Fig. 39). Lepto- Theognislineosus Stal, 1862:295. glossusstigma(Herbst),themostcloselyrelated — species, has the pronotal calli smooth, and the DISTRIBUTION. Only—known from Mexico. median notch of the male genital capsule is Material Examined. COSTA RICA, 1 rounded, with dorsal prongs. female, Prov. Cartago, July, 1981 (R. Hernan- dez). Deposited in INBIO. Leptoglossus humeralisAllen Closely related to L. subauratus Distant with (Figs. 2, 10, 24-25, 35) thoracic pleuradark, with two well-defined lon- gitudinal yellow stripes, and clavus and corium LeptoglossushumeralisAllen, 1969:126-127. darkbrownwithstronglycontrastingpaleyellow — or ochraceous veins. Leptoglossus lineosus is Distribution. This species previously easily identifiedbythefollowingcharacters: the was known only from British Guiana (Kartabo) pronotum has a very narrow, orange-yellow, andFrench Guiana(Cayen—ne) (Allen 1969). transverse band, antennal segments II to TV are Material Examined. COSTA RICA, 1 bicoloredwithstronglycontrastingpaleanddark male,Prov.Guanacaste, 14 km,SCanas,July29, areas, and the posterolateral margins of the 1990 (F.D. Parker); COSTA RICA, 1 female, pronotum are entire, whereas in L. subauratus Prov.Guanacaste,EstacionPitilla,9 km,SSanta antennal segments II to IV are pale ochraceous, Cecilia, 700 m, February 27-March 2, 1989 (R. the pronotal disc has the orange-yellow trans- Miranda); COSTARICA, 1 male, Prov. Limon, verse band wider and occupying most of the 172 PROCEEDINGS OFTHECALIFORNIAACADEMY OF SCIENCES Volume50,No. 6 anterior third, and the posterolateral margins of pronotal disc always has contrasting yellow ar- thepronotum are serrate (Figs. 3, 6). eas, and the distribution is restricted to the GreaterAntilles. Leptoglossus nigropearlei Yonke (Figs. 8,21,36) Leptoglossus subauratus Distant (Figs. 6, 14,43) LeptoglossusnigropearleiYonke, 1981:213-217. — LeptoglossussubauratusDistant, 1881:126. Distribution. This species was known — only from Panama(Yonke—1981). DISTRIBUTION. Described from El Salva- Material Examined. COSTA RICA, 2 dor, and later recorded from Guatemala and males, 2 females, Prov. Guanacaste, Estacion Nicaragua(Allen 1969). — Cacao,SWsideofVolcanCacao, 1000-1400 m, Material Examined. COSTA RICA, 1 September, 1989(R.Blanco,C.Chavez).Depos- male, Prov. Guanacaste, Estacion Santa Rosa, ited in INBIO, UNAM. 300 m, May, 1989; COSTA RICA, 1 female, This peculiarspecies is recognized by the nu- Prov. Cartago, July, 1981 (R. Hernandez). De- merous,small,black,discoidalspotsscatteredon posited in INBIO. the pronotal disc (Fig. 8), scutellum, clavus and This is a medium-sized species, readly recog- corium; by the orange pronotum with the hu- nizable by the following characters: antennal meral angles pale yellow; the thoracic pleura segmentsItoIVyellow;pronotaldiscwithwide, orangewithnumerousblackspots;theanterolat- yellow, transverse fascia between humeral an- eral and posterolateral margins ofthe pronotum gles (Fig. 6); thoracic pleura dark with at least dentate;andthemalegenitalcapsulewithadeep twostronglycontrastinglongitudinalyellowfas- median notch, withoutdorsal prongs (Fig. 36). cia; clavusandcoriumdarkbrownwithstrongly contrasting pale yellow veins; hind tibiae with Leptoglossus phyllopus (Linnaeus) outer dilation lanceolate, occupying 60% ofthe (Figs. 4, 15,38) length ofhind tibiae, and inner dilation lanceo- late and about equal in length to outer dilation CimexphyllopusLinnaeus, 1767:731. (Fig. 14); and the male genital capsule has a — shallow median concavity, with lateral angles A Distribution. wide-rangingspeciesoc- straight,withoutdorsal prongs. curring throughout the United States, Mexico, Central America and South America. It is re- Leptoglossus talamancanus, new species corded from San Jose and Zarzero, Costa Rica (Figs. 7, 20,28, 29, 32,42) (Allen 1969). — — Material Examined. COSTA RICA, 1 TYPES. Holotype male (INBIO), COSTA male, 1 female, Prov. Guanacaste, Finca Jenny, RICA,Prov.Alajuela,CanoNegro,20 m,March 30 km, N Liberia, Guanacaste National Park, 10-29, 1993 (K—. Martinez). September,October, 1988. DepositedinINBIO. PARATYPES. COSTA RICA, 1 male, 3 fe- This species is distinguishablebythehumeral males, same data as holotype; COSTA RICA, 1 angles subacuminate, not broadly expanded; female,Prov. Limon,Amubri-Talamanca,70 m, pronotum concolorous with posterior margin July 1-22, 1992 (G. Galindo); COSTARICA, 1 never yellow, disc rarely with yellow areas, co- male, Prov. Cartago, Turrialba (Catie), June rium with yellow transverse fascia always 26-29, 1986(W. Hanson,G. Bohart).Deposited straight; thoracic pleura orange to dark red inINBIO,UNAM,USU. brown, with numerous small black spots; hind — tibiae with inner dilation slightly shorter than DESCRIPTION. MALE: Body medium sized. outer(Fig. 15);andthemalegenitalcapsulewith Head. Tylusunarmed,roundedapically,extend- ashallow V-shaped median notch (Fig. 38). ing anteriorly to thejuga and slightly raised in It is very similartoL. balteatus, in both color lateral view; rostrum reaching anterior third of and structure, but in this species the posterior abdominal sternite III. Pronotum. Collar wide; margin of the pronotum is always yellow, the anterolateral andposterolateral margins dentate; BRAILOVSKY ANDBARRERA: COSTARICANLEPTOGLOSSUS 173 anterior and posterior margins entire; humeral ofabdominal sterna III to VII yellow with pale angles extremely acute, raised, and conspicu- brown spots on posterior third ofsterna V and ously extended laterally; calli slightly elevated; VI; genital capsule brownish yellow with pale areabetween calli with two largetubercles; sur- brown irregular spots; fore and middle coxae face densely punctate; pronotal disc with low chestnut brown with diffuse yellow spots; fore median longitudinal carina, strongly dentate andmiddletrochantersyellowwithonechestnut (Fig. 7). Legs. Hind tibiae: Outerdilation short, brown spot; fore and middle femora, tibiae, and lanceolate, entire, occupying 36-41% of the tarsi yellow with small, pale brown, irregular length of hind tibiae, width of outer dilation spots;hindcoxaeshinyredbrown;hindtrochan- wider to width of inner dilation; inner dilation ter chestnut orange with diffuse yellow spots; lanceolate, slightly shorter than outer, with few hind femora with internal face mostly black to strong teeth distally, occupying 34% of the red brown, and external face dirty yellow an on length ofhind tibiae; undilated portion ofhind each face the spines are shiny black; hind tibiae tibiae with double row ofsmall spine-like teeth yellowwithinnerandouterdilationsshinyblack, alonginnermargins(Fig. 20). Scutellum. Trian- and with small irregular spots yellow on each gular,longerthanwide,barelyelevated,withlow dilation; hind tarsi yellow; anterior lobe of median longitudinal carina, slightly dentate; metathoracic peritreme black, with the margins apex truncated. Genitalia. Genital capsule: Pos- yellow, posterior—lobeyellow. teroventraledgewithshallowmediannotch,with Description. Female: Similar to male. lateral angles rounded; no dorsal prongs (Fig. Connexival segments VIII and IX yellow; ab- 32). Parameres: Figs. 28-29. dominal segmentsVIII andIXblackwithposte- Dorsalcoloration.Headyellowwithfournar- rior margin yellow; genital plates yellow with rowstripeslightredbrown,twoonthepostocular innerthirdofparatergiteIXandgonocoxaeIpale region,andtwoabove;antennalsegmentsItoIII brown; abdominal sterna III to VII yellow, and dirty yellow, and rv creamy yellow; pronotum, denselycoveredwithshinyblackspots; foreand scutellum, clavus, and corium light red brown, middle femorayellow with two orthree narrow with followingareas yellow: each pronotal mar- stripespaleredbrown; hindfemorayellow,with gin, thetwotuberclesoncalli, the median longi- the spines shiny black and some irregular spots tudinalcarinaofpronotalandscutellardisc,apex and shortstripes shiny red b—rown. ofscutellum, clavus and corial veins, costal and Variation in Species. 1. Antennal seg- apical margin, and claval commissure; corium ments II and III yellow with inner face light with pale yellow, straight, transverse fascia; he- brown. 2. Antennal segment IV creamy yellow melytral membrane uniformly dark; calli region with apical third pale brown. 3. Hind femora shinyblack; connexivalsegmentsIIItoVIblack mostly shiny black with few external narrow to pale brown, with anterior third yellow, and stripes yellow. — segment VII yellow with black spot close to MEASUREMENTS. First male, then female: posteriorthird; uppermargin ofconnexival seg- Head length 1.88 mm, 2.12 mm; width across ments III to VII yellow; dorsal abdominal seg- eyes 1.68 mm, 1.93 mm; interocularspace 0.88 ments black. mm, 1.04 mm; interocellarspace0.34 mm, 0.48 Ventral coloration. Head, including the buc- mm; preocular distance 1.10 mm, 1.26 mm; culae, yellow, with three longitudinal narrow lengthantennalsegments:I, 2.08 mm,2.12 mm; stripes pale red brown; rostral segments yellow II, 2.96 mm, 3.20 mm; III, 2.24 mm,2.28 mm; with apex ofIV black; thoracic pleurabrownish IV, 3.52 mm, 3.44 mm. Pronotal length 2.12 yellow with red brown spots irregularly distrib- mm, 2.60 mm; width across frontal anles 1.40 uted, andat leasttwo usually more stronglyyel- mm, 1.72 mm;widthacrosshumeralangles4.16 lowish longitudinal fascia; prosterna and mm, 5.64 mm. Hind tibiae: Total length 5.76 mesosterna pale brown, with middle furrow of mm, 6.32 mm; lengthofouterdilation2.10 mm, mesosterna yellow; metasterna shiny black; ab- 2.60 mm; lengthofinnerdilation 1.98 mm, 2.23 dominal sternaIII to VI shiny blackwith poste- mm; width ofouterdilation 0.62 mm, 0.88 mm; riormarginandlongitudinal lateralfasciaeshiny width of inner dilation 0.43 mm, 0.68 mm. yellow; abdominal stemite VII bright yellow Scutellar length 1.32 mm, 1.60 mm; width 1.28 with pale brown irregular spots; pleural margin 174 PROCEEDINGSOFTHECALIFORNIAACADEMYOF SCIENCES Volume50, No. 6 mm, 1.40 mm. Total body length 11.00 mm, Esquinas, 200 m, April and May, 1994 (J. Que- 13.82 mm. — sada); COSTA RICA, 1 male, 1 female, Prov. REMARKS. LikeL. subauratus, this species Puntarenas, Rancho Quemado, April, 1991 (F. has the thoracic pleura dark, with at least two Quesada); COSTA RICA, 2 males, 2 females, strongly contrasting, longitudinal yellow fascia, Prov. Puntarenas, Estacion Sirena, Corcovado the clavus and corium dark brown or pale red National Park, March 21, 1992, and April 21, brown with pale yellow veins, hind tibiae with 1992 (Z. Fuentes); COSTA RICA, 1 female, outerandinnerdilationslanceolate,andantennal Prov. Limon, Rio Sardinas, R. N. F. S. Barrade segmentsItoIIIyellowtodirtyyellow.Thetwo Colorado, 10 m.August 14-22, 1993(F.Araya); species can be separated on the basis of the COSTA RICA, 1 female, Prov. Limon, Man- following combination of characters. In L. zanillo, R. N. F. S., Gandoca and Manzanillo, subauratus the pronotal disc has a wide yellow October22 andNovember 11, 1992 (K. Taylor); transverse fasciarunningacross humeral angles, COSTA RICA, 1 female, Prov. Limon, Cerro antennal segment IV orange to orange-yellow, Tortuguero, Tortuguero National Park, 100 m, humeral angles acute, but not raised and not November, 1989 (J. Solano). Deposited inCAS, greatly expanded (Fig. 14), median longitudinal INBIO,UNAM. carina obsolete and rostrum reaching the poste- This species may be distinguished by the fol- rior margin ofabdominal sternite V. In L. tala- lowing characters: pronotal disc with four, yel- mancanus, the antennal segment IV is creamy low to orange, small spots, two on the anterior yellow, the rostrum reaching anterior third of lobe and the other pair on the posterior margin abdominal sternite III, the pronotal disc without (Fig. 5); thoracic pleura with six strongly con- yellow transverse fascia, with the median longi- trastingorangespots (threeonpropleura,twoon tudinal carina strongly dentate, and the humeral mesopleura, and one on metapleura); antennal angles extremely acute, raised, and conspicu- segmentsItoIVorange-yellow; hindtibiaewith ously extended laterally (Fig. 20). outerdilationphylliform,withtwoorthreeemar- Leptoglossus lineosus has antennal segment I ginations, occupying 52% ofthe length ofhind mostly black, and segment IV red-brown with tibiae, and inner dilation lanceolate, occupying apex paleyellow, thepronotal disc has anarrow 48%ofthelengthofhindtibiae(Fig. 16);andthe yellow transverse fascia across humeral angles, male genital capsule with a deep median notch, and rostral segments I toIVaremostlyblack. In lateral angles almost straight, and dorsal prongs L. talamancanus therostral segments areyellow barely exposed (Fig. 31). Parameres: Figs. with apex ofseg—mentIVblack. 26-27. ETYMOLOGY. The species is namedforthe City ofTalamancainCostaRica. Leptoglossus zonatus (Dallas) (Figs. 9, 12, 34) Leptoglossus tetranotatus Brailovskyand Barrera AnisosceliszonataDallas, 1852:452. (Figs. 5, 16,26-27,31,44) — Distribution. This is awidelydistributed Leptoglossus tetranotata Brailovsky and Barrera, species occurring in the United States, Mexico, 1994:60-62. CentralAmericaandSouthAmerica.FromCosta — Rica, it is recorded from Puntarenas, Turrialba Distribution. The only known record and San Jose (Allen 1969).— came from the original description in which the Material Examined. COSTA RICA, 1 holotype and only known specimen was col- female, Prov. Guanacaste, Rio San Josecito, lectedinFrenchGuiana(BrailovskyandBarrera Guanacaste National Park, 960 m, April 3-4, 1994). — 1987 (Holsenthal, Hamilton, Heyn); COSTA Material Examined. COSTA RICA, 1 RICA, 3 males, 2 females, Prov. Guanacaste, male, Prov. Limon, Estacion Cuatro Esquinas, FincaJenny,30 km,NLiberia,December, 1988; Tortuguero National Park, March 27, 1992 and COSTA RICA, 1 female, Prov. Guanacaste, Es- April 29, 1992 (D. Garcia); COSTA RICA, 3 tacion Cacao, SW side of Volcan Cacao, males, Prov. Puntarenas,PeninsulaOsa,Bosque 1000-1400 m, March, 1988; COSTA RICA, 1 BRAILOVSKYANDBARRERA: COSTA RICANLEPTOGLOSSUS 175 male, Prov. Guanacaste, vicinity Estacion Mur- Literature Cited cielago,8 km,SWCuajiniquil, 100 m,February, 1989; COSTA RICA, 1 female, Prov. Guana- Alayo P. D. and H. Grillo Ravelo. 1977. Los caste, La Pacifica, February 20, 1983 (G. C. hemipterosdeCuba- XVI. El generoLeptoglossus Eickwort). Deposited in INBIO, UMSP, USU. Guerin (Hemiptera:Coreidae) en Cuba. Centro Recognizedbytherelativelylargesize,prono- Agricola,mayo-agosto 1977:91-11 1. tsaplotdsis(cFiwgi.t9h),twcooridiusmtiwncitthpaaleyeylellolwowtrranosuvnedresde Alsluesn,GuRe.rCin19(6H9e.miAptreervai:siCoonroefidthaee)g.enEunstoLmeoplto.glAoms.- fasciainazig-zagpattern, hindtibiaewithouter 45:35-140. dilation phylliform (Fig. 12), antennal segment II bicolorous, andmalegenital capsulewithme- Baranowski,R. M.andJ. A. Slater. 1986.Arthro- dian notch deeply rounded, with dorsal prongs podsofFloridaandNeighboringlandareasVolume prominently acute and projecting medially 12. Coreidae ofFlorida(Hemiptera: Heteroptera). Florida Department ofAgriculture and Consumer (Fig. 34). Services. Contribution630:1-82. Acknowledgments Brailovsky, H. 1976. Contributionalestudiodelos Hemiptera-HeteropteradeMexico:VIII.Unanueva We gratefully acknowledge the loan ofmate- especie de Leptoglossus Guerin (Coreidae-Corei- rial from the following individuals and institu- nae)ydatossobredistributiondelasespeciesmexi- tions: Janet Margerison-Knight, The Natural canasdelgenero.An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Auton. History Museum,London(BMNH); NormanD. Mexico,Ser. Zool.47:35-42. Penny, and Keve Ribardo, California Academy ofSciences, San Francisco (CAS); Angel Solis . 1990. Generos nuevosy Especiesnuevasde and Jesus Ugalde, Instituto Nacional de Biodi- Coreidos Neotropicales (Hemiptera-Heteroptera- versidad,CostaRica(INBIO);PhilipJ. Clausen, Coreidae:Acanthocerini, Leptoscelidini y An- isoscelidini). An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Auton. University of Minnesota, Insect Collection Mexico, Ser. Zool. 61:107-123. (UMSP);ThomasJ.Henry,SystematicEntomol- ogy Lab., USDA, c/o Smithsonian Institution, Brailovsky,H.andE.Barrera. 1994.Description WashingtonD. C. (USNM); WilfordJ. Hanson, de cuatro especies y una subespecie nuevas de la Utah State University (USU). Special thanks to Tribu Anisoscelidini (Hemiptera-Heteroptera- CristinaUrbinaforthepreparationofsomeofthe Coreidae). An. Inst. Biol. Univ. Nac. Auton. illustrations. Mexico, Ser.Zool. 65:45-62. Resumen OSUNA,E. 1984. MonografiadelaTribuAnisoscelid- ini (Hemiptera, Heteroptera, Coreidae) I. Revision Generica. Bol. Entomol. Venez. N. S. 3 Se analizo el genero Leptoglossus para Costa (5-8):77-148. Rica, describiendose e ilustrandose dos nuevas especies L. cartagoensis y L. talamancanus; L. YONKE,T. R. 1981.Descriptionoftwonewspeciesof brevirostrisBarber,L. humeralisAllen,L. lineo- Neotropical Leptoglossus Guerin (Hemiptera: sus (Stal),L. nigropearleiYonke,L. subauratus Coreidae).Proc. Entomol. Soc.Wash. 83:213-221. Distant y L. tetranotatus Brailovsky y Barrera son citados por primera vez; nuevos registros paraL. cinctus (Herrich-Schaeffer),L. concolor (Walker), L. phyllopus (Linnaeus) y L. zonatus (Dallas) son incluidos; se ofrece una clave para separarlas especies deCostaRicaconocidas. 176 PROCEEDINGSOFTHECALIFORNIA ACADEMY OF SCIENCES Volume50, No. 6 PLATE 1 Figs. 1-9.PronotumofLeptoglossusspp. L. cartagoensis,newspecies(1);L. humeralisAllen(2); L. lineosus (Stal) (3); L. phyllopus (Linnaeus) (4); L. tetranotatus Brailovsky and Barrera (5); L. subauratus Distant (6); L. talamancanus, new species (7); L. nigropearlei Yonke (8); L. zonatus (Dallas) (9). PLATE 2 Figs. 10-21.HindtibiaeofLeptoglossusspp. L. humeralisAllen(10);L. cartagoensis,newspecies (11); L. zonatus (Dallas) (12); L. concolor (Walker) (13); L. subauratus Distant (14); L. phyllopus (Linnaeus) (15); L. tetranotatus BrailovskyandBarrera(16);L. cinctus (Herrich-Schaeffer) (17);L. brevirostris Barber(18); L. lineosus (Stal) (19); L. talamancanus, new species (20); L. nigropearlei Yonke (21). PLATE 3 Figs. 22-29. Parameres ofLeptoglossus spp. L. cartagoensis, new species (22-23); L. humeralis Allen (24—25); L. tetranotatus Brailovsky and Barrera (26-27); L. talamancanus, new species (28-29).Figs. 30-40.CaudalviewofthemalegenitalcapsuleofLeptoglossus spp. L. lineosus(Stal) (30);L. tetranotatusBrailovskyandBarrera(31);L. talamancanus,newspecies(32);L. cartagoensis, new species (33); L. zonatus (Dallas) (34); L. humeralis Allen (35); L. nigropearlei Yonke (36); L. cinctus (Herrich-Schaeffer) (37); L.phyllopus (Linnaeus) (38); L. concolor(Walker) (39); L. brevi- rostris Barber(40). PLATE 4 Fig. 41.Leptoglossuscartagoensis, new species. PLATE 5 Fig. 42. Leptoglossus talamancanus, new species. PLATE 6 Fig. 43. LeptoglossussubauratusDistant. PLATE 7 Fig. 44. Leptoglossus tetranotatus Brailovsky andBarrera.