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A review of some late publications respecting the French Revolution of 1848 [microform] PDF

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Preview A review of some late publications respecting the French Revolution of 1848 [microform]

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FBI V - 4, Frai The Her Witl But Ifea A REVIEW OF *</«- SOME LATE PUBLI / RiilPXCTIKG THE i^- ^' REVOLUTION! wOF 4*. ^-^^ 1848.^ / '^^ / ^^ France hath twice too well been taught^ The ** moral lesson" dearly bought^ Her safety sits not on the tjfirone, With Capet or Nepoleon ! But in equal rights and laws. Ifearts and hands in one great cause. Btrok* MONTREAL ARMOUR RAM: SAY. & 1850. iNtl \ is the <] of the < the con primal -. t alluvion rich in As t ways i central and str< sive, ai less tha on the traditio] intense centrali Ma and has be Wester with a ^ F make the polil ever the without Prussia France, without Of tl now am] develops many fs and illu PREFACE. In the moral economy of Europe, France is the disturbing element. It is the centre of the divergent, as England seems to be of the convergingforces. It is the Etna, whose primal violence now ravages a venerable alluvion and now elevates a new continent rich in the spoils of uncultivated time. As the centre of Europe, France is al- ways its most commanding object. Its central position with an extensive maritime and strong landward frontier ;its vast, cohe- sive, and homogeneous population, differing less than that of any nation of like grandeur on the earth, in law, and language, and traditions all united by a national spirit as ; intense as the world ever witnessed, And a centralisation, since the time of Richelieu and Mazarine, more complete than any which has been known since the fall of the Western Roman Empire ; all these, united with a warlike spirit and a noble literature, make France, on the continent, the pivot of the politics ofEurope asEndand is,where- ; ever the ocean flows beyond it. It was not without reason that the great Frederic of Prussia said that, if he was the King of France, not a gun should be fired in Europe without his permission. Of the fast French Revolution we have now ample details, and secret memoirs have developed much that was strange,vindicated many fair fames, extenuated some crimes, and illustrated some virtues. Men are not TV altogether so bad as calumny makes them We appear. are now beginning to discern dimly the truth of the last French Revolu- tion, through the mists of the causing and We attendant passions. have had the statements of ardent partisans, of interested advocates. Louis Blanc, M. Lamartine — all who raised the whirl-wind or who strived successfully or unsuccessfully to direct the storm, have been heard. Every petty mover of sedition has had his feuilU" toUy and the mutual destruction which follow- ed the flight of the governing power, has left those but the sole memorials of their reign. The work which follows, however unpre- tending in length, is of a different order. It is a contribution to history, not to party, nor to personal extenuation. It is under- stood to be from the pen of an eminent critic and historian, who has for years filled a large space in the public eye, Mr. John W. Croker, and that he has been aided by thp ex-KiLg LouisPhilippe, and other mem- bers of the illustrious House ofOrleans in the To particular facts. that house no attempt has ever yetbeen made to do justice, though several members of it exhibited personal qualifies of a very high order, and history scarcely records an instance of more intre- pid courage, and devotion to the interests of her child, than was displayed in the conduct of the mother of the Count of Paris. them liscern evolu- g and i the A REVIEW rested lartine who r lly to Every OF ndlU- ollow- r, has ' their SOME LATE PUBLICATIONS unpre- order. party, inder- RESPECTING- THE ninent filled I John ed hy mem- FRENCH REVOLUTION. in the tempt hough rsonal istory intre- ists of nduct

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