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A review of North American species of Messatoporus Cushman (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Cryptini) PDF

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Preview A review of North American species of Messatoporus Cushman (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Cryptini)

© Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg, 2005 A review of North American species of Messatoporus Cushman (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Cryptini) D.R. Kasparyan & E. Ruíz Cancino Kasparyan, D.R. & Ruíz Cancino, E. 2005. A review of North American species of Mes- satoporus Cushman (Hymenoptera: Ichneumonidae, Cryptini). Zoosystematica Rossica, 14(1): 105-122. A key to 18 North American species of Messatoporus is given. 12 new species are de- scribed from Mexico. M. jocosus (Provancher, 1874) is resurrected from synonymy with M. discoidalis (Cresson, 1872). D.R. Kasparyan, Zoological Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Universitetskaya nab. 1, St.Petersburg 199034, Russia and División de Postgrado e Investigación, UAM Agronomía y Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (UAT), Cd. Victoria, Tam. 87149, Mexico. E-mail: [email protected] E. Ruíz Cancino, División de Postgrado e Investigación, UAM Agronomía y Ciencias, Universidad Autónoma de Tamaulipas (UAT), Cd. Victoria, Tam. 87149, Mexico. The ichneumonid genus Messatoporus belongs Natural History, Washington D.C., USA; ZIN – to the subtribe Nematopodiina (Cryptini, Crypti- Zoological Institute, St.Petersburg, Russia. Oth- nae). All members of the subtribe attack nests of er abbreviations: SMSC – “selva mediana sub- different wasps that are made of mud or contain caducifolia”; SMSP – “selva mediana subperen- mud. The recorded hosts of Messatoporus are nifolia”. wasps of the genera Ageniella, Auplopus, Cero- In the “Material”, Spanish words are cited ac- pales (Pompilidae) and Ancistrocerus (Eumeni- cording to labels. dae) (Townes & Townes, 1962; Yu & Horstmann, 1997). Messatoporus has American distribution Genus Messatoporus Cushman, 1929 and comprises about 15 species mostly from the Neotropical Region. Only three Nearctic species Cushman, 1929: 8; Townes & Townes, 1962: 462 (in sub- have been recorded north of Mexico (Townes & tribe Nematopodiina, descr., key to 3 Nearctic species); Townes, 1962), and two of them are known from 1966: 123 (bibl. to 9 Neotropical species); Yu & Horst- Mexico. Twelve new species of Messatoporus mann, 1997: 274 (bibl. to 13 species of the world fauna). are described based on the material of the ich- neumonid collection of Insect Museum of UAT Type species: Mesostenus discoidalis Cresson, 1872, (Mexico, Tamaulipas, Cd. Victoria). In addition, by original designation. a species from Canada and USA is resurrected from synonymy. A key to 18 Messatoporus spe- Key to North American species of Messatoporus cies from North America is given. 1. Mesosternum entirely black; pronotum on dorsolater- The types of North American species (except al margin black without white spot; first tergite entire- for M. nigrispina Cameron and M. jocosus Prov- ly black except for apex (Fig. 12). Hind coxa almost ancher) have been examined by the senior au- completely black (except for anteriorly at base and thor. The types of new species and all the mate- dorsolaterally). Mesoscutum polished, with sparse rial examined (except when stated otherwise) are hairs. Postscutellum whitish apically. Anterior half of metapleurum black; white coloration of hind half of deposited at Insect Museum, UAT, Cd. Victoria, metapleurum confluent with white lateral spots of pro- Tamaulipas, Mexico. podeum. Posterior femur rufous with base and apex The following abbreviations are used for col- fuscous (Fig. 13) . . . . . . . 12. M. mesosternalis sp. n. lections: AEI – American Entomological Insti- – Mesosternum entirely or predominantly pale; prono- tute, Gainesville, Florida, USA; BMNH – Natu- tum on dorsolateral margin entirely or partly white; petiole of first tergite partly whitish. Other charac- ral History Museum, London, U.K; ANSP – Phil- ters not exactly as above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 adelphia Academy of Natural Sciences, Philadel- 2. Mesoscutum with yellow (or whitish) spot, which is phia, USA; USNM – U.S. National Museum of not bifurcate anteriorly along notauli . . . . . . . . . . . 3 106 D.R. Kasparyan & E. Ruíz C.: North American Messatoporus•ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14 – Median subcircular yellow spot of mesoscutum bi- mesepimeron usually entirely or partly black (Figs 18, furcate anteriorly (with a pair of yellow stripes ex- 22, 25). Other characters not entirely as above . . . . . 9 tending forward along lateral edge of median lobe – 9. Hind coxa entirely reddish (“fulvous”) . . . . . . . . . 10 Fig. 27) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16 – Hind coxa at least with one blackish dorsal stripe . . 3. Postscutellum yellow (Fig. 44). Antenna strongly . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 compressed in apical 0.3; its first 5-7 black segments 10. Abdominal tergites black with a broad apical white beyond white band with a whitish lateral stripe (Figs band; tergite 7 black dorsally with median yellow spot 2, 3). Hind trochanter I yellow with basal spot black; on hind margin . . . . . . . 13. M. nigrispina Cameron trochanter II black (with basal yellow spot ventral- – Abdominal tergites pale rufous, fuscous basally (Fig. ly). Mesoscutum polished, almost hairless on lateral 42) . . . . . . . . . . . 16. M. rufiventris Cushman (part) lobes. Scape in female black, usually with small yel- 11. Hind coxa with only one black stripe dorsally, without low spot ventrally . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . a pair of black marks basolaterally (Figs 31, 32, 42, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3. M. compressicornis Cushman 43, 49). Hind femur entirely red, not darkened at base – Postscutellum black. Antenna usually (except for M. and at apex. Hind tibia pale rufous, not darkened at grandis) not strongly compressed apically, and black base or very weakly darkened at extreme base . . . . 12 segments just beyond white band without lateral white – Hind coxa with three (or more) black spots: a dorsal marks (except, sometimes, for first or second seg- one and a pair of basolateral ones subventrally (on ment). Hind trochanter I usually rufous, or black, or each side of coxa) (Figs 38, 47, 50) . . . . . . . . . . . . 14 rufous with black. – Other characters partly not as 12. Speculum almost entirely white (mesopleural fovea above . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 and thin line on mesepimeron blackish) (Fig. 19). 4. Mesopleurum under subtegular ridge with large black Hind coxa pale rufous ventrally, whitish at base and spot (sometimes, this spot interrupted with yellow – dorsally proximad of black spot; hind trochanter I Figs 11, 20) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 entirely reddish (Figs 31, 32). Ovipositor sheath about – Mesopleurum under subtegular ridge and in upper 0.75 times as long as hind tibia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . front corner entirely pale (Fig. 21). – Hind femur fus- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5. M. discoidalis Cresson cous dorsally (Figs 45, 46) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 15 – Speculum mostly black; hind margin of mesopleurum 5. Hind tibia uniformly yellow, not blackish apically. widely black (Figs 22, 42). Hind coxa evenly rufous Hind femur black, yellow ventrally and sometimes ventrally and laterally. Hind trochanter I entirely red- with yellow dorsal line (Figs 39-41). – Fore and mid- dish in female, fuscous dorsally in male . . . . . . . . . 13 dle femora black posteriorly; hind trochanters II black. 13. Abdominal tergites black, with white apical band. Forewing 8-12.5 mm . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6 Propodeum beyond the basal transverse carina with – Hind tibia fuscous at apex (Figs 38, 47-51). Hind median polished area and partly without transverse femur rufous or yellowish, sometimes darkened ba- striae. Colour pattern of propodeum as in Fig. 37. sally and apically (Figs 32, 38, 47-52) . . . . . . . . . . 8 Mandibles in female black, in male yellow. Oviposi- 6. Mandible yellow (except apically). Hind femur and tor rather long, ovipositor sheath about 1.3 times as hind trochanters dorsally entirely black (Fig. 41). long as hind tibia. – Mexico . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Petiole of first segment entirely black ventrally and . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17. M. terebrator sp. n. laterally, with yellow dorsal mark. Mesepimeron – Abdominal tergites usually light reddish, more or less black, whitish at apex and usually on hind margin. banded with fuscous at base of tergites 2-4 (Fig. 42). Mesoscutum more or less evenly covered with sparse Propodeum beyond the basal transverse carina with- hairs. Scape entirely black . . . . 7. M. grandis sp. n. out median polished area, covered with transverse – Mandible of female black or with small yellow basal striae. Colour pattern of body as in Fig. 42. Mandi- spot (Fig. 6). Hind femur and hind trochanter I dor- bles in female yellow. Ovipositor sheath (in type) sally partly yellow (Figs 39, 40). Petiole of first ab- about 0.8 times as long as hind tibia. – USA . . . . . . dominal segment white in basal half. Mesepimeron . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 16. M. rufiventris Cushman (part) entirely black (Fig. 11). Mesoscutum with polished 14. Speculum black, without semicircular pale spot in hairless areas around central white spot. Scape with its upper half (Fig. 18). Antenna in male entirely white a white lateral spot . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 7 in apical third, except for the last segment (Fig. 1). 7. Hind margin of abdominal tergites 2-4 black (Fig. Hind coxa black and white, with black lateral basal 7). Hind margin of tergite 7 convex and black dor- spot rather strong (Fig. 38); hind femur and hind ti- sally; tergite 8 dorsally black with yellow lateral marks bia reddish, with fuscous at base and at apex. In male, (Fig. 8). Ovipositor sheath 1.7-1.8 times as long as pronotum white; hind trochanter II fuscous; mesoscu- hind tibia . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2. M. arcuatus Cresson tum entirely pubescent . . . . 1. M. antennator sp. n. – Hind margin of abdominal tergites 2-4 whitish yel- – Speculum in lower half black, with semicircular or low (Fig. 9). Hind margin of tergite 7 concave and isolated circular pale spot in its upper half (Fig. 25). white; tergite 8 dorsally entirely black (Fig. 8). Ovi- Antenna in male black at apex (at least 6 segments positor sheath 1.2 times as long as hind tibia . . . . . . black). Hind tibia in male blackish with distinct sub- . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4. M. covarrubiasi sp. n. basal whitish yellow to almost white band in subba- 8. Propodeum apically entirely black (between pleural sal 0.25-0.35; hind trochanters fuscous dorsally (Fig. carinae), its black apical spot transverse (Fig. 33). 50) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18. M. tibiator sp. n. Pronotum, speculum and mesepimeron light yellow 15(4). Hind femur at apex with a large white dorsal spot (Fig. 24). – Hind coxa white with a black dorsolater- (Fig. 46). Mesopleurum entirely pale yellow (except al spot usually widened basally and apically (Fig. 48); for a small black spot on prepectus). Hind coxa with hind tibia rufous, whitish at base (except laterally) two dorsal fuscous marks (Fig. 46), entirely pale ven- and fuscous in apical 0.1. Mesoscutum polished, al- trally and laterally. Hind tibia with subbasal white most without hairs. In female, only 6 apical flagellar band (the band is very broad in male – Fig. 51). Man- segments black (beyond white band) . . . . . . . . . . . . dibles black in female, whitish in male. Ovipositor . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14. M. propodeator sp. n. sheath about 1.2 times as long as hind tibia . . . . . . . – Propodeum apically white with median elongate black . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 10. M. maculipes sp. n. spot (Figs 34-37). Pronotum of female at least on hind – Hind femur without white apical spot, black dorsally lateral margin with a black stripe; speculum and (Figs 45, 45a). Mesopleurum on hind margin widely ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14•D.R. Kasparyan & E. Ruíz C.: North American Messatoporus 107 black (Fig. 21). Hind coxa in addition to dorsal black in M. tibiator (Figs 25, 36), but black spot on spot with a pair of lateral subbasal spots. Hind tibia hind margin of pronotum very small, mesoster- pale rufous, blackish at base and at apex (Fig. 45) . . num beneath with brown stripes extending from . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 6. M. femorator sp. n. 16(2). Pronotum, mesopleurum and metapleurum entire- prepectal carina to black postpectus; subcircular ly yellow (Figs 26, 27). Postscutellum yellow. Ab- yellow spot in anterior part of black band above dominal tergites predominantly reddish, weakly fus- the speculum (typical of M. tibiator) indistinct cous at base (Fig. 26) . . . . . . . . 15. M. rufator sp. n. (Fig. 18). Fore and middle coxae and fore tro- – At least pronotum and mesopleurum with black hind margin (Figs 23, 25, 43). Postscutellum black. Ab- chanter I entirely whitish. Fore and middle fe- dominal tergites black with white posterior band (Fig. mur and tibia pale reddish yellow; fore femur with 43) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 17 narrow subbasal brown mark posteriorly and with 17. Hind coxa with only one black spot. Colour pattern posterodorsal weak pale brown mark in basal 0.3; of female as in Fig. 43 . . . 9. M. jocosus Provancher – Hind coxa with dorsal and large lateral black spots fore tibia with posteroventral brownish stripe and (Fig. 47). Colour pattern of mesopleurum as in Figs with small dorsal brownish spot before the base; 20, 23 . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 fore tarsus brownish yellow with last segment 18. Yellow spot on subtegular ridge connected with yel- pale brown; middle tarsus entirely brown (paler low coloration of mesopleurum (Fig. 20). Propodeum without crests. Lateral spots at base of hind coxa rath- ventrally). Middle tibia posteroventrally with er large; fuscous spots on trochanters and femur re- short subbasal brownish mark. Hind coxa, tro- duced (Fig. 47) . . . . . . . . 11. M. mesonotator sp. n. chanters and femur predominantly reddish, with – Yellow spot on subtegular ridge separated from yel- blackish and white marks as in Fig. 38; posterior low coloration of mesopleurum (Fig. 23). Propodeum with distinct crests sublaterally. Lateral spots at base side of coxa with large blackish spot in basal half, of hind coxa small; fuscous spots on trochanters and this spot separated ventrally from symmetrical femur larger (Fig. 52) . . . . . . . . . . 8. M. jalapa sp. n. anterobasal black spot by ventral reddish line. Trochanter I slightly brownish dorsally; trochant- 1. Messatoporus antennator sp. n. er II reddish ventrally. Pterostigma brownish with (Figs 1, 18, 38) dark brown margins. Abdominal segment 1 yel- lowish white, black at extreme base and dorsally Holotype. M, Mexico, Tamaulipas, Gómez Farias, Alta in median third. Segments 2-6 black with apical Cimas, 940 m, tr. Malaise, 26.VI-3.VII.1999 (S. Hernán- half light yellow; lateral margins of tergites 5-8 dez A.). Paratypes. Mexico: Nuevo León: 4 M, Canyon Cabal- light yellow; tergites 7 and 8 light brownish dor- lo, 19.IV and 9.VI.1984 (E. Ruíz C.); Tamaulipas: 1 M, sally in basal 0.4 with apical part pale. Llera, matorral, 44 km S Cd. Victoria, tr. Malaise, 23- Male. Fore wing 5.5-7.5 mm. Antenna with 25- 30.IX.2000 (Kasparyan); 35 M, Gómez Farias, Alta Ci- 26 flagellar segments; segments 1-9(10) black, mas, 940 m, tr. Malaise, 20.III-28.VIII.1999 (S. Hernán- dez A.); 1 F, 10 M, same locality, 4.VIII-14.X.2000 succeeding segments white except for two apical (D. Kasparyan); 2 M, Gómez Farias, Los Cedros, 300 m, segments light greyish (Fig. 1). Coloration more tr. Malaise, 31.VII-7.VIII.1999 (S. Hernández A.). or less similar to that in female, but pronotum Description. Female. Fore wing 6.0 mm. An- completely light yellow, prepectus yellow with tenna with 25 flagellar segments; about 10 sub- short black lateral areas before its upper ends. apical segments cylindrical, slightly thickened, Black transverse band of propodeum (very nar- 1.3-1.5 times as wide as basal one; two basal flag- row in female) in male rather broad and covers ellar segments combined 1.25 times as long as 20-30% of distance to apex. Fore femur with short maximum diameter of eye. Body smooth, with dorsoposterior brownish mark at base. Middle moderately sparse and rather short hairs; meso- tarsus light brown with segments 3 and 4 whitish. scutum evenly covered with fine, moderately Black dorsal band on hind coxa wider than in fe- dense hairs, punctures fine and superficial. Pro- male; hind trochanters blackish, partly reddish yel- podeum behind basal transverse carina with trans- low; hind femur red with black dorsolateral spot verse striae, which are weaker in anterior half at base (0.2-0.25 of femur length) and at apex (before crests); sublateral crests distinct and con- (0.15), extreme base of femur reddish yellow at nected by carina. Ovipositor sheath about 0.75 apex and ventrally. Hind tibia reddish, more dis- times as long as hind tibia. tinctly darkened at base (0.12) and at apex (0.25). Body black with whitish spots and bands. Comparison. The males of M. antennator can Scape blackish brown with white spot ventrally; be immediately recognized as they have the api- flagellum black with apical half of segment 7 and cal part of antenna almost entirely white, only segments 8-14 entirely white, about 11 apical one or two apical segments are slightly infuscate segments black. Head predominantly white, with (Fig. 1). The female is very similar to that of M. broad median band extending from median point tibiator, but differs in the black hind trochantel- just above antennal sockets to occipital carina, li, black hind margin of mesopleurum without hind half of vertex, stripe on hind margin of tem- distinct subcircular yellow spot above speculum ples in their upper 0.5, and occiput black; man- (Fig. 18), and rather sharp crests of propodeum. dibles with blackish teeth. Thorax coloured like Distribution. Mexico: Nuevo León, Tamaulipas. 108 D.R. Kasparyan & E. Ruíz C.: North American Messatoporus•ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14 3a 6 7 9 5b 1 8 5a 2a 10 2 3 4 11 13 12 14 15 16 17 Figs 1-17. Messatoporus, male (1, 2, 2a, 5) and female (3-4, 6-17). 1-5, flagellar segments: 1, M. antennator; 2, 3, M. compressicornis (2a, segment 13); 4, M. grandis; 5, M. femorator (5a, segment 2; 5b, segment 15); 6-8, M. arcuatus (7, 8, holotype): 6, lower part of head; 7, tergite 2; 8, tergite 8 and posterior part of tergite 7; 9-11, M. covarrubiasi (holotype): 9, tergite 2; 10, tergite 8 and posterior part of tergite 7; 11, thorax with front and middle coxae; 12-13, M. mesosternalis: 12, thorax with base of legs and of abdomen; 13, hind femur; 14-17, propodeum and postscutellum, dorsal view: 14, M. arcuatus; 15, M. covarrubiasi; 16, M. mesosternalis; 17, M. grandis. ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14•D.R. Kasparyan & E. Ruíz C.: North American Messatoporus 109 2. Messatoporus arcuatus (Cresson, 1873) femora, and strongly compressed apical part of (Figs 6-8, 14, 39, 39a) flagellum. The only other Mexican species with yellow postscutellum are M. mesosternalis and Cresson, 1873: 156, F [Mesostenus (Mesostenus). Type: M. rufator; the first differs from M. compressi- F, Mexico, Orizaba]; Townes, 1946: 32 (Messatopo- cornis in the entirely black mesosternum and rus). partly black femora, the second, in the antennae almost cylindrical, prothorax entirely light yel- Material. Mexico: Veracruz: type (ANSP); Tamauli- low, and median yellow spot of mesoscutum bi- pas, Gómez Farias: 1 M, Los Cedros, 300 m, Malaise trap, 18-19.VII.1994 (J.B. Woolley); 3 F, Alta Cimas, 900 m, furcate anteriorly and running along notauli to Malaise trap, 17-24.IV.1999 and 19-26.VIII.2000 (S. front margin of mesoscutum. Hernández A. and D. Kasparyan); Yucatán: 1 F, Sudzal Variability. The Mexican specimens a little dif- Chico (SMSP), Febrero 1999 (Hugo Delfín). fer from specimens from USA in the lateral white Male (nov.) coloured similar to female, but spots at apex and base of five black submedian mandibles yellow, white band covers flagellar flagellar segments (about 10 to 14), which are segments 9-17(18) (in female, segments 7-12 wider and confluent (Fig. 3) in female; in the type white), and abdominal tergites 1-7 with black of M. compressicornis, these spots are present hind margins. only at apex and base of three segments and sep- Comparison. M. arcuatus is the only Mexican arated. In females from Mexico, fore and middle species with black apical margins of tergites (1)2- coxae are usually entirely white ventrally; hind 4(5) in female (Fig. 7) (in male, all tergites with femur with fuscous ventroapical stripe (femur black hind margins); mandibles black in female, entirely rufous in the type); two first flagellar yellow in male; fore femora blackish posteriorly. segments combined 1.25-1.45 times as long as Ovipositor sheath 1.7-1.8 times as long as hind maximum diameter of eye (1.23 in the type). tibia. In coloration of thorax and legs (Figs 14, Distribution. USA, Mexico (Nuevo León, Tam- 39). M. arcuatus is rather similar to M. grandis; aulipas, Veracruz, Yucatán). it differs from M. grandis in the characters given in the key. 4. Messatoporus covarrubiasi sp. n. Distribution. Mexico: Tamaulipas, Veracruz, (Figs 9-11, 15, 40) Yucatán. Holotype. F, Mexico, Tamaulipas, Gómez Farias, Alta 3. Messatoporus compressicornis Cushman, 1929 Cima, 900 m, tr. Malaise, 19-26.VIII.2000 (Kasparyan). (Figs 2, 3, 44) Paratype. F, same locality as in holotype, 29.V-5.VI. 1999 (S. Hernández A.) (at ZIN). Cushman, 1929: 12, F, M [type: F, USA, Pennsylvania, Description. Female (holotype). Fore wing Inglenook]; Townes & Townes, 1962: 467 (key, descr.; 9.1 mm. Antenna with 23 flagellar segments; 8- = major); Yu & Horstmann, 1997: 274 (bibl.); Ruíz- 10 subapical segments distinctly compressed, Cancino et al., 2002: 641 (Mexico). – major Cush- subquadrate, about twice as wide as basal flagel- man, 1929: 13, F [type: F, USA, Florida, Orlando]. lar segment in the middle; two basal flagellar seg- ments combined 1.38 times as long as maximum Material. USA: Pennsylvania, type of M. compressi- diameter of eye. Body polished, without distinct cornis (USNM), and Florida, type of M. major (USNM). Mexico: Nuevo León: 2 M, Canyon Caballo, 9.IV and punctures and with fine and sparse hairs; meso- 9.VI.1984 (E. Ruiz C.); 2 F, 1 M, Canyon Presa La Boca, scutum without hairs in its posterior 0.66; hairs Santiago, Tr. Mc Phail, 20.VIII and 31.X.1987 (H. Sosa moderately long (longer on propodeum and short- B.); Tamaulipas: 1 F, Cd. Victoria, canyon Novillo, er on anterior part of mesoscutum). Propodeum 2.VI.1983 (S. Arrambide); 1 F, same locality, 6.X.1984 behind basal transverse carina with distinct trans- (S. Hierba); 1 F, 4 M, same locality, 27.IV-13.VII.1985 (A. del Valle); 1 F, Cd. Victoria, canyon La Libertad (Tron- verse striae; crests very weak and obscured by cones), 10.XI.1988 (I. Reyos S.); 4 F, 2 M, Llera, 44 km adjacent striae. Ovipositor sheath about 1.2 times S Cd. Victoria, matorral, 29.X-4.XI.2000 (Kasparyan); 7 as long as hind tibia. F, Llera, El Encino and El Roble, Tr. Mc Phail, 28.VII- Body black with yellowish spots and bands. Scape 3.XI.1988 (N. Reyes M.); 1 M, Gómez Farias, Los Ce- and pedicel black; flagellum black, with segments dros, 300 m, Malaise trap, 18-19.VII.1994 (J.B. Wool- ley); 4 F, 13 M, same locality, 27.II-17.VII.1999 (S. 7-11 entirely white. Head predominantly whitish; Hernández A.); 3 F, 11 M, Gómez Farias, Alta Cimas, face in lower half with a pair of submedian vertical 940 m, Malaise trap, 8.V-7.VIII.1999 (S. Hernández A.); black stripes; apical margin of clypeus, wide medi- Veracruz, Tuxpan: 1 F, Ojite, citricos, 10.IV.1996 (M. an band on frons from upper margin of antennal Molina); 1 F, Tihuatlan, citricos, 10.IX.1995 (R.C. sockets to occipital carina, and hind part of vertex Azuara); Yucatán: 1 F, 9 km N Teyo Pueblo, 29.IX.1999 and temples to level of lower 0.2 of eye black; hind (D. Burgos). Comparison. M. compressicornis (Fig. 44) can orbits yellow, very narrow in upper part and broad- be easily distinguished from other North Ameri- ened to cheeks; occiput black except for yellow on can species by the yellow postscutellum, reddish postgenae; mandibles completely black. Thorax 110 D.R. Kasparyan & E. Ruíz C.: North American Messatoporus•ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14 18 21 22 19 20 25 23 24 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 Figs 18-32. Messatoporus, colour pattern, female (18-28) and male (29, 30). 18-22, mesopleurum (with hind part of pronotum): 18, M. antennator; 19, M. discoidalis (type); 20, M. mesonotator; 21, M. femorator (type); 22, M. terebra- tor (type); 23-25, part of thorax, lateral view: 23, M. jalapa; 24, M. propodeator; 25, M. tibiator; 26-28, M. rufator: 26, thorax with base of legs and base of abdomen; 27, mesonotum; 28, hind tibia; 29-30, abdominal segment 1, lateral view: 29, M. femorator; 30, M. tibiator; 31-32, M. discoidalis: 31, hind coxa, dorsolateral view (type); 32, basal part of hind leg. with black and yellow marks (Fig. 11); mesoster- lowish spot. Scutellum yellow dorsally; hind edge num yellow, with black posteriorly and on prepec- of mesonotum yellow except for apex of scutellum. tus, separated from mesopleurum by black sternau- Propodeum with postmedian arched yellow spot lus. Mesoscutum black with median subcircular yel- (Fig. 15). ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14•D.R. Kasparyan & E. Ruíz C.: North American Messatoporus 111 Fore and middle coxae (Fig. 11) and fore tro- sed, weakly enlarged, about 1.5 times as wide as chanters predominantly light yellow; fore coxa basal segments; two basal flagellar segments black dorsally and posteriorly; middle coxa pos- combined 1.15 times as long as maximum diam- teriorly black, with dorsal black longitudinal eter of eye. Body smooth, covered with rather short, band; trochanters with black posterior marks. moderately dense hairs. Propodeum behind basal Fore and middle legs beyond trochanters yellow- transverse carina with sharp transverse striae and ish; femora blackish posteriorly, except for ex- with a pair of sublateral crests (remains of apical treme apex and base; 5th tarsal segment brown- carina). Ovipositor sheath about 0.9 times as long ish. Hind coxa, trochanters and femur with black as hind tibia. and yellow marks as in Fig. 40; coxa posteriorly Body black, with whitish and yellowish spots entirely black; trochanter I with large posterior and bands. Antennae black; scape white ventral- black spot; femur dorsoposteriorly black, with ly; flagellar segments 8-17 white; about ten api- narrow dorsal yellow line. Hind tibia, spurs and cal segments black. Head predominantly white, hind tarsus uniformly yellowish (tarsus slightly except for wide median band on frons from up- paler). Pterostigma yellowish brown, with dark per margin of antennal sockets to occipital cari- brown margins. First abdominal segment light na and hind half of temples to level of upper 0.4 yellow, with broad transverse black band behind of eye; occiput black, except for white postge- spiracles and with blackish narrow line ventral- nae; mandibles with blackish teeth. Prothorax ly. Second tergite black, with subbasal median white, with triangular black spot based on its hind yellow spot and with broad apical yellow band margin and with top on epomia. Mesoscutum (Fig. 9). Other tergites black, with similar yel- black, with subcircular median spot and lateral low apical band, which widens laterally and on prescutellar spots yellow. Scutellum light yellow, tergites 6 and 7 becomes rather narrow dorsally; with black hind margin. Both pairs of tegulae tergite 8 entirely black dorsally (Fig. 10) and yel- yellow. Mesopleurum (including speculum) whit- low laterally; sternites light yellow, narrowly ish yellow with black marks as in Fig. 19. Post- blackish at base. scutellum black. Dorsal part of metathorax be- Comparison. M. covarrubiasi belongs to the yond postscutellum and metapleurum yellow, group of Mexican species with uniformly yellow- except for 2 black spots anteriorly on transverse ish hind tibia, predominantly black hind femora, suture and before hind coxa. Propodeum before and fore and middle femora blackish posteriorly. basal transverse carina and carina black; a small M. covarrubiasi can be easily distinguished from yellow spot present just before each spiracle; lon- most of these species by the mandibles entirely gitudinal pleural carinae blackish; median black black (similar to these in females of M. macu- spot on apical area extends from apex to 0.66 of lipes and M. terebrator). In this character, it is distance to basal carina. Fore and middle coxae also similar to M. arcuatus, but differs in the and trochanters whitish yellow, with weak pale shorter ovipositor, petiole black ventrally, and brown marks on coxae dorsoapically and on fore posterior part of tergites 1-5 without black on hind trochanter I dorsally. Fore femur and tibia whit- margin. ish anteriorly, with pale brownish mark postero- Distribution. Mexico: Tamaulipas. dorsally; fore tarsus pale yellow, with last seg- ment brown. Middle femur and tibia reddish yel- 5. Messatoporus discoidalis (Cresson, 1872) low, paler anteriorly; tarsus pale brownish, paler (Figs 19, 31, 32) ventrally, with segment 5 entirely brown. Hind coxa, trochanters and femur predominantly red- Cresson, 1872: 162, F [?Mesostenus; type: F, USA, Tex- dish, with blackish and white marks as in Figs as, Bosque Co.]. 31, 32; hind tibia yellowish, slightly reddish at base and blackish in apical 0.15; spurs rufous, Material. USA: Texas, type (USNM). Mexico: Nuevo blackish at base; hind tarsus white, with segment León: 1 F, Chipinque, 23.VI.1984 (E. Arrambide); 1 F, 1 black in basal 0.2. Pterostigma brownish yel- Chipinque, Garza García, 22.VII.1985 (S. Arrambide); Tamaulipas: 1 M, Hidalgo, Río Blanco, Ej. El Chorritto, low. Abdominal segment 1 white, with black 11.III.1995 (C. Covarrubias D., S. Hernández A.); 1 M, median third, its dorsolateral margins from spir- Victoria – Soto la Marina, km 68, 11.V.1985 (J. Ruiz C.); acles to base blackish; segments 2-7 black about 1 M, Victoria, Cañon Novillo, 13.VII.1985 (Serna); 1 F, in basal 0.6-0.7 and white apically; tergites 5-8 1 M, 28 km SSW Victoria, Madroño, 1200 m, 25.V.1985 with white lateral margins; tergite 8 entirely black (J. et E. Ruíz C.); 3 M, Gómez Farias, tr. Malaise, Los dorsally (except for narrow white hind margin). Cedros, 300 m, 20.III-10.IV.1999 (S. Hernández A.); 5 F, 7 M, Gómez Farias, Alta Cima, 900 m, 8.V-28.VIII.1999 Male. Fore wing 7-8 mm. Flagellum 27-30- (S. Hernández A.) (2 F, 3 M deposited at ZIN). segmented; segments 11-19(20) white; 7-10 api- Description. Female (holotype). Fore wing cal segments black. Body and legs coloured like 6 mm. Antenna with 26 flagellar segments; api- in female, except fore and middle coxae and tro- cal black segments subcylindrical, not compres- chanters I, which are entirely white or whitish 112 D.R. Kasparyan & E. Ruíz C.: North American Messatoporus•ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14 yellow, and 2nd tergite sometimes with basal yellow with dorsoposterior stripe on middle tro- median white spot. chanters I and posterior spot at base of middle Variability. Fore wing 6.5-8.3 mm; ovipositor trochanter II black. Fore and middle femur and sheath 0.8-0.9 times as long as hind tibia. In one tibia yellowish; femur dorsoposteriorly with male, yellow spot on propodeum before spiracle brown stripe, which is darker on middle femur; is absent. fore and middle tibiae with posteroventral brown- Comparison. M. discoidalis resembles M. ru- ish stripe in basal 0.3-0.5; fore tarsus pale yel- fator sp. n. in some important patterns of colora- low, with last segment brown; middle tarsus en- tion (pale speculum, small yellow spot on pro- tirely brown (paler ventrally). Hind coxa and tro- podeum just before spiracles, tricolor hind coxa chanter I yellow, with blackish and white marks with only one black mark – Figs 31, 32). It dif- as in Fig. 45; hind femur, trochanter II and tibia fers from M. rufator in the black marks on pro- reddish with black; hind tarsus whitish with black notum, black postscutellum, and subcircular yel- (Fig. 45); posterior side of hind coxa with large low spot of mesoscutum (spot bifurcate anteri- blackish spot in basal 0.6. Pterostigma brownish orly in M. rufator). with dark brown front margin. Abdominal seg- Distribution. USA (Texas), Mexico (Nuevo ment 1 yellowish white dorsally and laterally, León, Tamaulipas). with black median third dorsally, black at extreme base and ventrally (Fig. 29). Segments 2-7 black, 6. Messatoporus femorator sp. n. with broad yellow apical band; parameres black (Figs 5, 21, 29, 45) dorsally in basal 0.55, yellow apically and ven- trally. Holotype. M, Mexico, Tamaulipas, Gómez Farias, Alta Comparison. M. femorator can be recognized Cimas, 940 m, tr. Malaise, 3-10.VII.1999 (S. Hernández A.). by the combination of the entirely yellow front Description. Male (holotype). Fore wing 8.1 mm. corner of mesopleurum (Fig. 21), extensely dark Antenna with 26 flagellar segments; about 10 hind femur (Fig. 45) and black ventrally petiole subapical segments about 1.3 times as long as (Fig. 29). wide and slightly compressed; two basal flagel- Distribution. Mexico: Tamaulipas. lar segments combined 1.2 times as long as max- imum diameter of eye; all segments (except for 7. Messatoporus grandis sp. n. the apical one) covered ventrally with sparse erect (Figs 4, 17, 41) coarse setae and dense perpendicular microtrichia (Fig. 5). Body smooth; dorsolateral parts of pro- Holotype. F, Mexico, Tamaulipas, Gómez Farias, Alta notum, speculum and hind half of mesoscutum Cima, 900 m, tr. Malaise, 9-16.IX.2000 (Kasparyan). without hairs and polished. Propodeum behind Paratypes. Mexico: 2 M, same locality as in holotype, basal transverse carina with rather dense and 29.V-19.VI.1999 (S. Hernández A.); 3 F, 2 M, same lo- cality, 4.VIII-16.IX.2000 (Kasparyan) (1 F, 1 M are de- coarse transverse striae; crests not distinct, ob- posited at ZIN). scured by striae. Description. Female (holotype). Fore wing 11 Body black with yellowish spots and bands. mm. Antenna with 24 flagellar segments; 8 sub- Scape black, with small ventral whitish spot; flag- apical segments subquadrate, 2.1 times as wide ellum black, segments (10)11-15(16) white, with as long, distinctly compressed, about twice as ventral brownish black stripe interrupted in the wide as basal ones; two basal flagellar segments middle part of segments 12 and 13. Head pre- combined 1.54 times as long as maximum diam- dominantly white, except for black wide median eter of eye. Body smooth; mesoscutum, meso- band on frons from upper margin of antennal pleurum and metapleurum with distinct, moder- sockets to occipital carina, hind part of vertex ately fine and moderately dense punctures; hairs and of temple in its upper 0.3; just behind the rather long and dense (longer on propodeum and top of eye, yellow band on orbits rather narrow; sparser and shorter on lateral lobes of mesoscu- occiput black in upper half; mandibles with tum). Propodeum behind basal transverse carina blackish teeth. Prothorax and mesopleurum pre- with distinct transverse striae. Ovipositor sheath dominantly yellow with black spots as in Fig. about 1.5 times as long as hind tibia. 21. Mesoscutum black, with a median subcircu- Body black with yellowish spots and bands. lar yellowish spot. Scutellum yellow dorsally; Scape and pedicel black; flagellum black with hind edge of mesonotum yellow, except for black segments 7-10 entirely white; segments 6, 11-12 apex of scutellum. Metapleurum yellow, except and partly 13-14 white dorsally (Fig. 4). Head for black suture between its upper and lower parts predominantly white, except wide median band and black spot in its hind corner above base of on frons from upper margin of antennal sockets hind coxa. Propodeum with arched postmedian to occipital carina, hind part of vertex and tem- yellow spot similar to that of M. arcuatus (Fig. ples to level of lower 0.2 of eye black; hind or- 14). Fore and middle coxae and trochanters light bits yellow and very narrow close to top of eye; ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14•D.R. Kasparyan & E. Ruíz C.: North American Messatoporus 113 33 34 35 36 38 37 40 39a 39 41 Figs 33-41. Messatoporus, female. 33-37, propodeum: 33, M. propodeator; 34, M. maculipes; 35, M. rufator; 36, M. tibiator; 37, M. terebrator; 38, M. antennator, hind leg; 39-41, basal parts of hind leg: 39, M. arcuatus (39a, coxa, dorsal view); 40, M. covarrubiasi; 41, M. grandis. occiput black except for yellow on postgenae; al margin (its hind corner black), mesosternum mandibles with blackish teeth and brown lower yellow, separated from mesopleurum by black margins. Thorax with black and yellow marks sternaulus; black spot on speculum extends be- more or less similar to those in M. mesosternalis low the mesopleural pit on half way to middle (Fig. 12), but differs in propleurum entirely yel- coxa; metapleurum black only in anterior 0.2-0.3 low, pronotum with yellow stripe on dorsolater- (at least in 50% black in M. mesosternalis). Meso- 114 D.R. Kasparyan & E. Ruíz C.: North American Messatoporus•ZOOSYST. ROSSICA Vol. 14 scutum with median subcircular yellowish spot. Description. Female (holotype). Fore wing Scutellum yellow dorsally, with median longitu- 9.4 mm. Antenna with 27 flagellar segments; two dinal black band from base to apex. Propodeum basal flagellar segments combined 1.25 times as with two postmedian yellow spots (Fig. 17). long as maximum diameter of eye; flagellum sub- Fore and middle coxae and fore trochanters cylindrical; about 10 to 23 flagellar segments light yellow; coxae with dorsal black longitudi- slightly thickened and about 1.3-1.5 times as wide nal band (on fore coxa the band does not extend as the basal one; twelve apical segments weakly to base of coxa). Middle trochanter I yellow an- flattened ventrally. Body polished, covered with teriorly and ventrally, blackish posteriorly and rather short dense hairs; mesoscutum, mesopleu- dorsally; trochanter II reddish yellow. Fore and rum and metapleurum with dense, fine, distinct middle legs with femora, tibiae, and tarsi yellow- punctures. Propodeum behind basal transverse ish; femora (except for extreme apex) and tibiae carina with fine and dense transverse striae and in basal 0.2 blackish posteriorly; 5th tarsal seg- with a pair of distinct sublateral crests (transverse ment brownish. Hind coxa, trochanters, femur striae beyond the crests become stronger and and base of tibia with black and yellow marks as sparse). Ovipositor sheath about 0.75 times as in Fig. 41; coxa posteriorly entirely yellow; tro- long as hind tibia. chanters and femur posteriorly black. Hind tibia Body predominantly yellowish, with black (except for extreme base), spurs and hind tarsus marks and bands. Antennae black; scape yellow uniformly yellowish (tarsus slightly paler). Ptero- ventrally; flagellar segments 7-14 (15) white. stigma dark brown. First abdominal segment Head yellow, with black median band from in- black, but yellow dorsally on petiole (from base ner margins of antennal sockets to occipital car- to spiracles), and in apical half of postpetiole; ina, black hind half of vertex and of upper 0.4 of other tergites black at base and light yellow in temple; upper 0.7 of occiput black; mandibles apical 0.4-0.3 and laterally (on epipleurum); ster- with blackish teeth. Prothorax yellow, with nar- nites light yellow, each with a lateral blackish row black spot on lower 0.7 of hind (vertical) spot on each side. margin of pronotum. Mesoscutum black, with Male. Similar to female, but flagellum 29-30- yellow central spot bifurcate anteriorly (as in Fig. segmented, its segments (8)9-12 entirely white 23) and with yellow lateral prescutellar carinae; and segments 13-17 white dorsally. Thorax usu- upper half of scutellum yellow, its lower half and ally a little lighter than in female: prepectus may lateral area before it black. Prepectus entirely be with large yellow spots, sternaulus not dark- black; upper and hind margins of mesopleurum ened, scutellum sometimes entirely yellow dor- (except for subtegular ridge) black (Fig. 23). sally, metapleurum only under front part of pleu- Metanotum black, except for hind margin. Meta- ral carina with black spot. pleurum yellow, except for black suture between Comparison. M. grandis is the largest among its upper and lower parts and blackish spot in its the Mexican species of the genus (fore wing 11- hind corner (before base of hind coxa). Propo- 14 mm); it differs from most other species in the deum with colour pattern as in M. tibiator (Fig. hind tibia uniformly yellowish (except for ex- 36). Fore and middle legs yellowish with brown treme base), hind trochanters almost entirely small dorsoapical spot on coxae, dorsoposterior black and hind femora predominantly black (Fig. stripes on trochanters I and basal posterior spot 41); fore and middle femora blackish posterior- on trochanters II and on femora; fore femur light ly. In some of these characters, M. grandis is also brown dorsoposteriorly; segment 5 of all tarsi similar to M. arcuatus and M. mesosternalis, but brown dorsally. Hind coxa, trochanters and fe- differs in the hind femur black dorsally (and yel- mur (Fig. 52) reddish yellow with black spots; lowish ventrally), petiole black with dorsal yel- hind coxa posteriorly yellow with black ventral low stripe, and yellow spots of propodeum broad- spot in basal half. Hind tibia yellowish, slightly ened in median part (Fig. 17); from M. mesoster- fuscous in basal 0.1 and blackish in apical 0.22; nalis, it differs also in the yellow mesosternum, hind spurs blackish with brownish apex; hind and from M. arcuatus, in yellow posterior part tarsus white with black base (0.35) of segment 1 of tergites 1-5 (without black on hind margin). and apical 0.6 of segment 5 dorsally. Pterostig- Distribution. Mexico: Tamaulipas. ma almost uniformly light brownish. Abdominal tergite 1 yellow, with extreme base and median 8. Messatoporus jalapa sp. n. 0.4 (from basal 0.35 to apical 0.75) black; ster- (Fig. 23) nite 1 yellow. Segments 2 and 3 black in basal half and yellow in apical half. Tergites 4-8 black- Holotype. F, Mexico, Veracruz, Jalapa, bosque, ish dorsally about in basal 0.4 and yellow in api- 26.X.1995 (M. Molina). cal part and laterally. Paratype. M, Mexico, Oaxaca, Sola de Reyes, ANSP, Male. Fore wing 8.5 mm; flagellum with 28 6.IV.1997 (A. Martinez, C. Covarrubias, S. Niño). segments. Sculpture and coloration pattern more

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