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A REMARK ON THE BRYLINSKI CONJECTURE FOR ORBIFOLDS 0 1 LUKASZBAKANDANDRZEJCZARNECKI 0 2 Abstract. We present reformulationofMathieu’s resulton representingco- n homology classesof symplecticmanifoldwithsymplecticallyharmonicforms. a We apply it to the case of foliated manifolds with transversally symplectic J structure and to symplectic orbifolds. We obtain inparticular that such rep- 4 resentation isalwayspossibleforcompactK¨ahlerorbifolds. 1 ] G D 1. Introduction . The goal of this short paper is to prove an orbifold version of the Brylinski h t conjecture [2]. It concerns the question whether on compact symplectic manifold a everycohomologyclassadmits a symplecticallyharmonicrepresentative. Brylinski m proved it in some interesting cases, most notably for compact K¨ahler manifolds, [ but in general the conjecture is not true. The first to present the counterexample 1 was Mathieu (cf. [10]). Moreover, he gave an equivalent condition, in terms of v cohomological properties of the symplectic form, for a symplectic manifold (not 5 necessarily compact) to satisfy the conjecture. The same question of the existence 3 of symplectically harmonic representatives can be stated for symplectic orbifolds, 4 2 and in particular compact K¨ahler orbifolds. The conclusion of this paper is the . following 1 0 Theorem 1. Brylinski conjecture holds for compact K¨ahler orbifolds. 0 1 The study ofhomologicalpropertiesofsingular spacestends to be more compli- : v catedthaninthenonsingularcase. Manyproperties,whichproveveryusefulinthe i smoothsetting,suchasPoincar´edualityorfinitedimensionofhomologygroupsdo X not hold in general. These problems have been addressed in different ways. One r a approach is to refine the homology theory in question to fit this singular spaces. This approach led to definitions of new homologies, like for example Goresky and MacPherson’sintersectionhomologyandcohomology(cf. [6]). Fororbifolds,which is of interest to us, another method is applicable. It is well known (cf. [12]) that the space of leaves of a Riemannian foliation of a compact manifold with compact leaves is an orbifold. In [5] authors proved the converse,namely that Theorem 2. Every orbifold can be realized as the space of leaves of a Riemannian foliation. Their proof is written for complex orbifolds and transversally holomorphic fo- liations but it can be adapted to the real case. This construction, despite its convenience for research of orbifolds, has not been fully exploited. Recently it was used in [18] to give a simple proof of HardLefschetz Theoremfor K¨ahlerorbifolds, 1 2 LUKASZBAKANDANDRZEJCZARNECKI the fact which will be useful for us. Earlier,few others authors took up the similar idea of using foliated Riemannian manifolds and their foliated objects to the study ofgeometryoftheleaf(closure)space(cf. [1,8,14]). Theconstructionallowsusto consider “transverse”objects on a foliated manifold rather than the corresponding objectsonanorbifold. Ournextstepistoreformulatetheproblemagain,thistime using well-known correspondence between “transverse” objects on foliated mani- folds and“holonomyinvariant”objects onthe correspondingtransversemanifolds. We will only sketch this correspondence in a scope necessary for this paper. More general and exhaustive approach can be found for example in [19]. Eventually, we shall see that Theorem 1 is a corollary of the following Theorem 3. Let M beamanifold and Γ beapseudogroup of local diffeomorphisms of M. Let ω be a Γ-invariant symplectic form on M. Then the following conditions are equivalent: (1) every Γ-invariant cohomology class has a harmonic representative; (2) for each k ∈ {0,1,...,n} the mapping Lk : Hn−k(M) → Hn+k(M) is Γ Γ surjective where L[ξ]=[ω∧ξ]. 2. Invariant forms We shallconsidera smoothmanifold M ofdimension dimM =m together with a pseudogroup of local diffeomorphisms Γ. From the complex of differential forms Ω∗(M) we single out Γ-invariant forms, that is ξ ∈Ω∗(M) satisfying ∀γ ∈Γ: ξ| =γ∗ ξ| , U γ(U) (cid:0) (cid:1) where U is the domain of γ. They form a subcomplex (which we shall denote Ω∗Γ(M)) with differential d = d|Ω∗Γ(M). Homology of this complex is called Γ- invariant cohomology and denoted H∗(M). In a similar manner we can define Γ Γ-invariant multivector fields as those X ∈X∗(M) satisfying ∀γ ∈Γ: X| =γ (X| ). γ(U) ∗ U Again we shall use notation X∗ (M). For k <l we have the natural nondegenerate Γ pairing Xk(M)×Ωl(M) ∋ (X,ξ) 7→ ι ξ ∈ Ωl−k(M). Direct computations show X that this pairing restricts to the pairing Xk(M)×Ωl (M) → Ωl−k(M). Using a Γ Γ Γ Γ-invariant volume form, we obtain an isomorphism (1) Xk(M)∼=Ωm−k(M). Γ Γ From now on we shall assume that M is of even dimension, m = 2n. A Γ- invariant symplectic form is just a closed, nondegenerate ω ∈ Ω2 (M). Then the Γ form ωn is a Γ-invariant volume form and isomorphism (1) follows. On the other hand, we have an isomorphism X (M) ∋ X 7→ ι ω ∈ Ω1 (M) which extends to Γ X Γ an algebra isomorphism X∗ (M) ∼= Ω∗ (M). Combining these two we obtain an Γ Γ operator ⋆: Ω∗ (M)∼=X∗(M)∼=Ω2n−∗(M) Γ Γ Γ associated with the symplectic structure ω. Remark. Obviously, operator ⋆ is an isomorphism. Moreover, it satisfies ⋆2 = idΩ∗(M). Γ A REMARK ON THE BRYLINSKI CONJECTURE FOR ORBIFOLDS 3 Now consider a codifferential δ given, for ξ ∈Ωk(M), by Γ δξ =(−1)k⋆d⋆ξ. By the remark above δ2 = 0. The central notion in our further studies will be the notion of a harmonic Γ-invariant form: a form ξ ∈ Ω∗ (M) such that dξ = 0 Γ and δξ =0. These forms constitute a subalgebra of Ω∗ (M) which we shall denote Γ by Ω∗ (M). The proof of Theorem 3 will follow closely Yan’s proof of Mathieu’s Γ,h result (cf. [20]). Let us recall Yan’s method. We omit some calculations identical to those in [20]. We construct a Lie algebra sl(2)-representation on Ω∗ (M). We represent the Γ usual basis of sl(2) given by 0 1 0 0 1 0 X = , Y = , H = (cid:20) 0 0 (cid:21) (cid:20) 1 0 (cid:21) (cid:20) 0 −1 (cid:21) asoperatorsonΩ∗ (M)(denotedbythesameletters)sothattherelations[X,Y]= Γ H, [H,X]=2X and [H,Y]=−2Y hold. We set Y Ωk(M)∋ξ 7→ω∧ξ ∈Ωk+2(M), Γ Γ X Ωk(M)∋ξ 7→⋆Y ⋆ξ ∈Ωk−2(M), Γ Γ H Ωk(M)∋ξ 7→(n−k)ξ ∈Ωk(M). Γ Γ Observe that operator L from the statement of Theorem 3 is induced by Y. Eigenvectors of H from the kernel of X are called primitive. We say that sl(2)- representation on some vector space V is of finite H-spectrum iff this space splits intofinite sumofeigenspacesofoperatorH. Thisis obviouslythe caseforourrep- resentation. For sl(2)-representationsoffinite H-spectrumthe followingproperties hold (cf. [7, 20]) Proposition 4. Let V be a vector space with sl(2)-representation of finite H- spectrum. Let V be the eigenspace of H of eigenvalue λ and P stand for the set λ λ of primitive elements in the eigenspace V . Then λ (1) all eigenvalues of H are integers; (2) X| : V →V , Y| : V →V , k ∈Z; Vk k k+2 Vk k k−2 (3) Xk|V : V → V and Yk|V : V → V are isomorphisms for each −k −k k k k −k k ∈N; (4) P = v ∈V : Yk+1v =0 ; k k (5) every(cid:8)Vk admits a decompo(cid:9)sition into the direct sum Vk =Pk⊕ImY|Vk+2. Applying the above in our case, we obtain following Corollary 5. Operator Yk : Ωn−k(M)→Ωn+k(M) is an isomorphism. Γ Γ The next step is to prove that the representation on Ω∗(M) induces an sl(2)- Γ representation on the subspace of Γ-invariant harmonic forms Ω∗ (M), i.e. that Γ,h X, Y and H preserve harmonic forms. This follows from the relations [Y,d]=[X,δ]=0, [X,d]=−δ, [Y,δ]=−d, [H,d]=[H,δ]=0. Therefore we get Corollary 6. Operator Yk : Ωn−k(M)→Ωn+k(M) is an isomorphism. Γ,h Γ,h 4 LUKASZBAKANDANDRZEJCZARNECKI Proof of Theorem 3. We are now ready to prove implication from (1) to (2) of Theorem 3. The following diagram Ωn−k(M) Yk // Ωn+k(M) Γ,h ∼= Γ,h (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) Hn−k(M) Lk // Hn+k(N) Γ Γ with obvious vertical arrows, is clearly commutative. If we assume surjectivity of vertical arrows, i.e. (1), we obtain surjectivity of lower horizontal arrow. In the proof of the converse, we will use the following lemma, which is a simple corollary of the relation δ =−[X,d]. Lemma 7. A form ξ ∈Ω∗(M) which is closed and primitive must be harmonic. Γ We nowassume (2)andproceedwith the proofof(1)by induction. Eachclosed 0-form is clearly harmonic. It follows from Lemma 7 that every closed 1-form is harmonic. Nowletkbesuchthatn−k≥2and(1)holdsforeverycohomologyclass of degree r < n−k. Let now ξ ∈ Ωn−k(M) be a closed form. It suffices to prove Γ that ξ is cohomologous to some harmonic form. By (2) there exists a closed form η ∈Ωn−k−2(M) and a form θ ∈Ωn+k+1(M) such that ωk+2∧η+dθ =ωk+1∧ξ. Γ Γ Form η is cohomologous to some harmonic form η¯∈ Ωn−k−2(M), so η = η¯+dλ Γ,h for some λ ∈ Ωn−k−3(M). We know that Yk+1 : Ωn−k−1(M) → Ωn+k+1(M) is Γ Γ Γ surjective so we can pick ζ ∈ Ωn−k−1(M) satysfying ωk+1 ∧ζ = θ. Finally, we Γ obtain ωk+1∧[ξ−d(ζ+ω∧λ)−ω∧η¯]=0. The form ξ¯ = ξ − d(ζ+ω∧λ) is cohomologous to ξ. By (4) of Proposition 4 ξ¯−ω∧η¯isprimitive,thereforebyLemma7,itisharmonic. Butω∧η¯isharmonic, and the harmonicity of ξ¯follows. (cid:3) 3. Foliations LetM beamanifoldwitharegularfoliationF ofdimensionpandevencodimen- sion2n. ForasufficientlysmallopensetU ⊂M thereisasubmersionp: U →R2n such that foliation F restricted to U is given by fibers of p. Let {U } be an atlas i of M consisting of open sets admitting submersions p : U →R2n as above. With i i this atlas we can associate the transverse manifold N = p (U ) with holonomy i i pseudogroup Γ generated by the mappings from the asso`ciated Haefliger cocycle (cf. [11]). Consider the basic complex Ω∗ (M,F) consisting of basic forms ξ defined by B condition ι ξ = L ξ = 0 for each vector field T tangent to the foliation. The T T cohomologyofthis complexis alsocalledbasicandis denotedby H∗(M,F). Intu- B itively,basicformsarethosewhichlocallyarepullbacksofformsfromthetransverse manifold. This intuition is justified by the following Proposition8. Thereis achain isomorphism Ξ: Ω∗ (M,F)→∼= Ω∗ (N)satisfying B Γ ξ| =p∗ Ξ(ξ)| Ui i pi(Ui) (cid:0) (cid:1) for every ξ ∈Ω∗ (M,F). It is, moreover, an algebra homomorphism. B A REMARK ON THE BRYLINSKI CONJECTURE FOR ORBIFOLDS 5 Fix a transversely symplectic structure on M, that is a basic, closed, nondegen- erate 2-form ω. By Proposition 8 it induces a Γ-invariant symplectic structure on N, namely Ξ(ω). Consider the mapping X(M) ∋ X 7→ ι ω ∈ Ω1(M). To make X it an isomorphisms we shall restrict it to the basic vector fields, defined as follows. Let D be an arbitrary distribution in TM complementary to TF. The space of basic vector fields X (M,F) is given by B X (M,F)={X ∈X(D): [X,T]∈X(F),∀T ∈X(F)} B where X(F) stands for vector fields tangent to the foliation and X(D) for those in D. It is now a simple calculation to check that X (M,F)∋X 7→ι ω ∈Ω1 (M,F) B X B is a well-defined isomorphism. If we take the subalgebra generated by basic vector fields in X∗(M) and denote it X∗ (M,F) then this isomorphism extends to an B isomorphism X∗ (M,F)∼=Ω∗ (M,F). B B On the other hand X∗ (M,F)∋X 7→ι ωn ∈Ω2n−∗(M,F) B X B is, again by simple calculations, an isomorphism and we obtain the transversally symplectic star operator ⋆t : Ω∗B(M,F)∼=X∗B(M,F)∼=ΩB2n−∗(M,F). Observe that while both composed isomorphisms depend on the choice of the dis- tribution D, they composition does not. Having the star-operator we proceed as usual, that is we define a codifferential δ ξ = (−1)k ⋆ d⋆ for ξ ∈ Ωk (M,F) and t t t B consider forms ξ for which dξ =δ ξ =0, namely the harmonic forms. t We shall use the chain isomorphism Ξ to apply Theorem 3 in our case. It is possible since the following holds: Lemma 9. The following diagram is commutative Ω∗ (M,F) ⋆t //Ω2n−∗(M,F) B B Ξ Ξ (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) Ω∗ (N) ⋆ //Ω2n−∗(N) Γ Γ ItassuresthatΞsetsacorrespondencebetweenbasicharmonicformsonM and Γ-invariant harmonic forms on N. Now we can apply Theorem 3 to obtain the following Theorem 10. The following conditions are equivalent: (1) every basic cohomology class has a harmonic representative; (2) for each k ∈ {0,1,...,n} the mapping Lk : Hn−k(M,F) → Hn+k(M,F) B B is surjective. 4. Harmonicity with respect to the metric and symplectic structure In[13]theauthorconsidersthequestionofexistenceofharmonicformswhenthe operator⋆isdefinedwithrespectnotonlytothetransversalstructureofdimension- one foliation but also some leafwise structure. To avoid confusion we shall denote this new operator by ⋆ . This approach seems proper if we want to define har- a monicity in the sense of the whole manifold, not only the transversestructure. We 6 LUKASZBAKANDANDRZEJCZARNECKI shallnowreformulatethis problemfor the foliationsofarbitrarydimension. Recall thatM isamanifoldwithregularfoliationF ofdimensionpandevencodimension 2n with transversally symplectic structure ω ∈ Ω2 (M,F). Assume that leaves of B this foliation are orientable or equivalently that M is orientable. Fix a metric g on M. Tangent bundle TM splits into direct sum TM = TF ⊕TF⊥. This splitting induces a bigradation of the space of forms p+2n p+2n Ω∗(M)= Ωk(M)= Ωr,s(M,F) Mk=0 Mk=0 r,s≥M0,r+s=k where ξ ∈ Ωr,s(M,F) (is of type (r,s)) iff ι ξ = ι ξ = 0 for X1∧...∧Xr+1 Y1∧...∧Ys+1 X ,...,X ∈ X(F) and Y ,...,Y ∈ X⊥(F). Clearly basic k-forms are of 1 r+1 1 s+1 type (0,k). Orientabilityofleavesallowsustochoosealeafwisevolumeformχoftype(p,0) with respect to g. We obtain the volume form ωn ∧χ on M, together with an isomorphism X∗(M)∋X 7→ι (ωn∧χ)∈Ωp+2n−∗(M). X Like before, we define an isomorphism X(M)→Ω1(M), denoted ♭ and given by ♭(X)=ιXvω+g(Xh,·) for a decomposition X = Xh + Xv ∈ X(F) + X⊥(F), and then extend it to ♭: X∗(M)→Ω∗(M). The star operator obtained as usual from composition (2) ⋆a : Ω∗(M)∼=X∗(M)∼=Ωp+2n−∗(M) depends onthe choiceofthe metric g. We willbe interestedin the behaviorofthis operator restricted to basic forms. Consider the bigradation X∗,∗(M) such that (r+s)-vector field X is of type (r,s) iff ι ξ = 0 for each (r+s)-form ξ of type X other than (r,s). We can now rewrite (2) as ⋆a : Ω∗,∗(M,F)∼=X∗,∗(M)∼=Ωp−∗,2n−∗(M). For a basic k-form ξ we obtain that ♭−1(ξ) is of type (0,k) therefore ⋆aξ =ι♭−1(ξ)(ωn∧χ)=ι♭−1(ξ)ωn∧χ=⋆tξ∧χ. If we now consider codifferential defined for k-forms by δ ξ = (−1)k ⋆ d⋆ ξ, a a a then for a basic k-form we obtain δ ξ =(−1)k⋆ d⋆ ξ =(−1)k⋆ d(⋆ ξ∧χ)=⋆ (−1)kd⋆ ξ∧χ+⋆ ξ∧dχ a a a a t a t t (3) =ι(−1)k♭−1(d⋆tξ)∧♭−1(χ)(ωn∧χ)+ι♭−1(⋆tξ)∧♭−(cid:0)1(dχ)(ωn∧χ) (cid:1) =ι♭−1(χ)(δtξ∧χ)+ι♭−1(dχ) ⋆2tξ∧χ =(−1)p(k−1)δtξ+ι♭−1(dχ)(ξ∧χ) (cid:0) (cid:1) Observe that with respect to the bigradation Ω∗,∗(M) differential d splits into three parts, d = d +d +d . In particular dχ = d χ+d χ, for d χ 1,0 0,1 −1,2 0,1 −1,2 1,0 vanishes. The summand d χ does not vanish in general and therefore δ ξ is −1,2 a not basic for a basic form χ. We must therefore redefine the codifferential as δ ξ = (−1)k ⋆ d ⋆ ξ. The codifferential is then an adjoint of d instead of d, a a 0,1 a 0,1 butonbasicformsthesetwooperatorscoincide. Nowifwerecallthatd χ=κ∧χ 0,1 where κ is the mean curvature form for F and denote T =♭−1(κ) we get δ ξ =(−1)p(k−1)(δ ξ+ι ξ). a t T A REMARK ON THE BRYLINSKI CONJECTURE FOR ORBIFOLDS 7 Soforbasicformsto be preservedby codifferentialwemustassumethatκis basic. Foliations with this property are called tense. Recall the operator Y : Ω∗ (M,F)∋ξ 7→ω∧ξ ∈Ω∗ (M,F). B B From Lemma 9 we get that [Y,δ ] = −d. We will compute [Y,δ ]ξ for a basic t a k-form ξ. [Y,δ ]ξ =Yδ ξ−δ Yξ =(−1)p(k−1)([Y,δ ]ξ+Yι ξ−ι Yξ) a a a t T T =(−1)p(k−1)+1(ι ω∧ξ+dξ). T This means that to obtain the invariance of basic forms by Y, we need to as- sume that ι ω = 0. But then nondegeneracy of ω implies vanishing of the mean T curvature. In this case basic forms harmonic with respect to ⋆ and basic forms a harmonic with respect to ⋆ are the same, because ⋆ = ⋆ . So we can conclude t a t these considerations with Theorem 11. For the foliation F with vanishing mean curvature form κ the fol- lowing conditions are equivalent: (1) every basic cohomology class has a harmonic representative with respect to the operator ⋆ ; a (2) for each k ∈ {0,1,...,n} the mapping Lk : Hn−k(M,F) → Hn+k(M,F) B B is surjective. Byawell-knowntechnique,wecandeformthemetric alongtheleavestochange the mean curvature form inside its cohomology class. In particular, if we can find a metric on the manifold M for which the mean curvature form is exact, then we can find another metric with vanishing mean curvature. Especially, for a tense, transversallyorientedRiemannianfoliationonaclosedorientedmanifold,exactness ofmeancurvatureformisequivalenttotheminimalizabilityofleaves(cf. [17]). Due to [4] we can omit the tenseness condition. Recall that we consider foliations with orientable leaves. We can state the following Corollary 12. For a transversally symplectic, minimalizable Riemannian foliation on a closed manifold there exist a metric, for which conditions (1) and (2) of Theorem 11 are equivalent. In [9] Masa proves that for a transversally orientable Riemannian foliation on closed, orientable manifold minimalizability of leaves is equivalent to nontriviality of highest rank basic cohomology. Applying it to our case, we obtain Corollary 13. For atransversally symplecticRiemannian foliation ofcodimension 2n, on a closed manifold, such that H2n(M,F)6=0 there exist a metric, for which B conditions (1) and (2) of Theorem 11 are equivalent. 5. Orbifolds The notion of the orbifold is a generalization of the notion of manifold. While a manifold locally looks like an Euclidean space, an orbifold locally looks like a quotientspaceofanEuclideanspaceunderanactionofafinite group. This notion includesmanifolds,butalsomanifoldswithboundaryandevenmore,likemanifolds with corners. The first definition of an orbifold was given by Satake in [15] under the name ofV-manifold. Numerous otherdefinitions weregivenlater,amongthem wastheonegivenbyThurstonin[16]orbyMoerdijkandMrcunin[11]. Inthisnote 8 LUKASZBAKANDANDRZEJCZARNECKI we follow the definitions of Chen and Ruan ([3]) using local uniformizing systems. We recall them in brief. An n-dimensional local uniformizing system over some open set U ⊂ M is a triple (V,G,π) consisting of an open set V ⊂Rn, a finite group G acting smoothly and effectively on V and a continous map π : V → U, invariant by the action of G, inducing a homeomorphism between V/G and U. An open covering {U } i of a Hausdorff, second-countable topological space together with a family of local uniformizingsystems{(V ,G ,π )}satisfyingsomecompatibilityconditionsiscalled i i i an orbifold structure on X. A surjective, continous map p : E → U is a local trivialization of an orbifold bundle of rank k if there are local uniformizing systems (V,G,π) for U and (V × Rk,G,π˜)forE andasmoothmapρ: V ×G →Aut(Rk)thatsatisfiesthe following group condition: ∀x∈V,∀g,h∈G : ρ(gx,h)ρ(x,g)=ρ(x,hg), The action of G on V ×Rk is given by g(x,v) = (gx,ρ(x,g)v) and the following diagram is commutative: V ×Rk // V π˜ π (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) p // E U. Again, the family of local trivialisations over some open covering of X satisfying some compatibility conditions form an uniform bundle. We can consider any orbifold X with an orbifold structure {(V ,G ,π )} over i i i someopencoveringU ={U }. Bypassingtoarefinedcoveringwecanassumethat i eachV isanopensubsetofRn. Henceweobtainanuniformizingbundlesystemof i ranknoverU bytaking(TV ,G ,π˜ )andρ (v,g)=d g. Anytwosuchsystemsare i i i i i v equivalent, and so they form an orbifold bundle TX,which plays role of a tangent bundle. In a similar way we can obtain the cotangent bundle T∗X and in general any tensor bundle. We can consider sections of the bundle E, namely the lifts of the mappings s : X → E which in local uniformizing bundle systems are right inverse of the natural projection V ×Rk →V. In case of tensor bundles those will be simply tensor fields on the orbifold X, in particular sections of bundle kT∗X arejustk-forms,andthe spaceofsuchsectionswewilldenoteasΩk(X). NVow,the operation d : Ωk(X) → Ωk+1(X) which in local uniformizing system (V ,G ,π ) i i i is given by d : Ωk(V ) → Ωk+1(V ) is well-defined and satisfies d2 = 0. This is i i howcohomologygroupsofthe orbifoldX areconstructed. Observethatthe wedge product, which is pointwise, is well-defined. We can also consider a section of the bundle of positive, symmetric tensors of type(0,2)ontheorbifoldX. AnysuchsectionplaysaroleofRiemannianmetricon X, and any orbifold X admits such metrics. If we choose a Riemannian metric on X,wecanconsiderthebundleoforthonormalframesoverX. Foranyuniformizing system(V,G,π)actionofG liftsinnaturalwaytothefreeactiononLV,thebundle of orthonormalframes over V. The induced action of O(n) on the manifold LV/G givesrisetoafoliationsuchthatcorrespondingspaceofleaveshasanaturalorbifold structure, isomorphic to X. For details of this construction see [11]. Basic forms of this foliation are exactly the forms on the orbifold X. In particular if we fix a symplectic structure onX, thatis a nondegenerate,closed2-formonX, we obtain A REMARK ON THE BRYLINSKI CONJECTURE FOR ORBIFOLDS 9 a basic symplectic form on the associated foliated manifold. Other constructions from Section 2 can be carried out on X as well, and as a result of Theorem 10 we obtain Theorem 14. For a symplectic orbifold X of dimension n the following conditions are equivalent: (1) every cohomology class has a harmonic representative; (2) for each k ∈ {0,1,...,n} the mapping Lk : Hn−k(X) → Hn+k(X) is surjective. Thisresultmaybeobtainedinamoredirectway,byfindingsomecorrespondence ofthe formconsideredinProposition8. Fora fixedorbifoldstructure {(V ,G ,π )} i i i on X, such that the associated covering U is closed under intersections, consider a manifold N = V . Let s˜ be a lift of s : X → kT∗X, that is a k-form. It i i corresponds to th`e form V s˜| ∈ Ωk(V )=Ωk(N). Vi i Xi Mi Now from the definitions above we obtain Proposition 15. The mapping Ω∗(X)∋s→ s˜| ∈Ωk(N) Vi Xi is a chain isomorphism onto a subcomplex Ωk(N) consisting of forms invariant by Γ pseudogroup Γ generated by injections (V ,G ,π ) → (V ,G ,π ) and the action of i i i j j j each G on V . i i Proposition 15 together with Theorem 3 now imply Theorem 14. Remark. 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