A remark on a central limit theorem for non-symmetric random walks on crystal lattices 7 1 Ryuya Namba 0 ∗ 2 January 31, 2017 n a J 0 3 Abstract ] R Recently, Ishiwata, Kawabi and Kotani [4] proved two kinds of central limit P . theorems for non-symmetric random walks on crystal lattices from the view point h of discrete geometric analysis developed by Kotani and Sunada. In the present t a paper, we obtain yet another kind of the central limit theorem for them. Our m argument is based on a measure-change technique due to Alexopoulos [1]. [ 2010 AMS Classification Numbers: 60J10, 60F05, 60G50, 60B10. 1 v Keywords: Crystal lattice, non-symmetric random walk, central limit theorem, 8 (modified) harmonic realization. 8 4 8 0 1 Introduction and results . 1 0 Let X = (V,E) be a locally finite, connected and oriented graph. Here V is the set of all 7 1 vertices and E the set of all oriented edges. For an edge e E, we denote by o(e),t(e) : ∈ v and e the origin, the terminus and the inverse edge of e, respectively. We denote by i X E the collection of all edges whose origin is x V. A path c in X with length n is a x ∈ r sequence c = (e ,...,e ) of edges e with t(e ) = o(e )(i = 1,...,n 1). We denote by 1 n i i i+1 a − Ωx,n(X)(x V, n N ) the set of all paths of length n for which origin o(c) = x. ∈ ∈ ∪{∞} We also denote by o(c),t(c) the origin and the terminus of the path c. For simplicity, we write Ω (X) := Ω (X). x x,∞ Let p : E (0,1] be a transition probability, that is, a positive function on E −→ satisfying p(e) = 1 (x V). (1.1) ∈ e(cid:88)∈Ex This induces the probability measure Px on Ωx(X) and the random walk associated with the transition probability p is the time homogeneous Markov chain (Ωx(X),Px,{wn}∞n=0) ∗GraduateSchoolofNaturalSciences,OkayamaUniversity,3-1-1,Tsushima-Naka,Kita-ku,Okayama 700-8530, Japan ([email protected]) 1 with values in X defined by w (c) := o(e ) c = (e ,e ,...) Ω (X) . The graph X n n+1 1 2 x ∈ is endowed with the graph distance. For a topological space , we denote by C ( ) the ∞ (cid:0) T (cid:1) T space of all functions f : R vanishing at infinity with the uniform topology f T . T −→ (cid:107) (cid:107)∞ The (p-)transition operator L acting on C (X) is defined by ∞ Lf(x) := p(e)f t(e) (x V). ∈ e(cid:88)∈Ex (cid:0) (cid:1) The n-step transition probability p(n,x,y)(n N, x,y V) is given by p(n,x,y) := ∈ ∈ Lnδ (x), where δ ( ) stands for the Dirac delta function with pole at y. If there is a y y · positive function m : V (0, ) up to constant multiple such that −→ ∞ p(e)m o(e) = p(e)m t(e) (e E), ∈ the random walk is called (m-(cid:0))symm(cid:1) etric or r(cid:0)ever(cid:1)sible. Otherwise, it is called (m-)non- symmetric. As one of the most fundamental examples of infinite graphs, a crystal lattice has been studied by many authors from both geometric and probabilistic viewpoints. Roughly speaking, an infinite graph X is called a (Γ-)crystal lattice if X is an infinite-fold cov- ering graph of a finite graph whose covering transformation group Γ is abelian. Typical examples we have in mind are the square lattice, the triangular lattice and the hexagonal lattice, and so on. For basic results, see [5, 6, 7, 8] and literatures therein. In the theory of random walks on infinite graphs, to investigate the long time asymp- totics, for instance, the central limit theorem (CLT) is a principal topic for both geometers andprobabilists. Recently,Ishiwata,KawabiandKotani[4]provedtwokindsoffunctional CLTs for non-symmetric random walks on crystal lattices using the theory of discrete ge- ometric analysis developed by Kotani and Sunada. For more details on discrete geometric analysis, see Section 2. We also refer to [9, 7]. Before stating our results, we start with a brief review of the setting and results in [4]. Let us consider a (Γ-)crystal lattice X = (V,E), where the covering transformation group Γ, acting on X freely, is a torsion free, finitely generated abelian group. Here we may assume that Γ is isomorphic to Zd, without loss of generality. We denote by X = (V ,E ) its (finite) quotient graph Γ X. Let p : E (0,1] be a Γ-invariant 0 0 0 \ −→ transition probability. Namely, it satisfies (1.1) and p(σe) = p(e) for every σ Γ, e E. ∈ ∈ Through the covering map π : X X , the transition probability p also induces a 0 −→ Markov chain with values in X . Since the transition probability p on X is positive, the 0 random walk on X is irreducible, that is, for every x,y V, there exists n = n(x,y) N ∈ ∈ such that p(n,x,y) > 0. And so is the random walk on X . Then, thanks to the Perron– 0 Frobenius theorem, we find a unique invariant probability measure on V with 0 m(x) = 1 and m(x) = p(e)m t(e) (x V ). (1.2) 0 ∈ x(cid:88)∈V0 e∈(cid:88)(E0)x (cid:0) (cid:1) It is also called a stationary distribution (see e.g., Durrett [2]). We also write m : V −→ (0,1] for the Γ-invariant lift of m to X. 2 Let H1(X0,R) and H1(X0,R) be the first homology group and the first cohomology group of X0, respectively. We take a linear map ρR from H1(X0,R) onto Γ⊗R through the covering map π : X X . We define the homological direction of the random walk 0 −→ on X by 0 γp := p(e)m o(e) e H1(X0,R), ∈ e(cid:88)∈E0 (cid:0) (cid:1) and we call ρR(γp)(∈ Γ⊗R) the asymptotic direction. We remark that the random walk is m-symmetric if and only if γ = 0. Moreover, γ = 0 implies ρ (γ ) = 0. However, the p p R p converse does not hold in general. We write g0 for the (p-)Albanese metric on Γ R. (See ⊗ Section 2, for its precise definition.) We call that a periodic realization Φ0 : X Γ R −→ ⊗ is (p-)modified harmonic if p(e) Φ t(e) Φ o(e) = ρ (γ ) (x V). (1.3) 0 − 0 R p ∈ e(cid:88)∈Ex (cid:16) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:17) This notion was first proposed in [7] to seek the most canonical periodic realization of a topological crystal in the geometric context. Now we are in a position to review two kinds of CLTs formulated in [4]. We first set a reference point x V with Φ (x ) = 0 and put ξ (c) := Φ w (c) n = 0,1,2,..., c ∗ 0 ∗ n 0 n ∈ ∈ Ωx∗(X) . We define a measurable map X(n) : Ωx∗(X) −→ C(cid:0)0 [0,∞(cid:1))(cid:0),(Γ⊗R,g0) ,µ by (cid:1) 1 (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:1) X(n)(c) := ξ (c)+(nt [nt]) ξ (c) ξ (c) ntρ (γ ) (t 0), t √n [nt] − [nt]+1 − [nt] − R p ≥ (cid:110) (cid:111) (cid:0) (cid:1) whereµistheWienermeasureonC0 [0, ),(Γ R,g0) andthepathspaceC0 [0, ),(Γ ∞ ⊗ ∞ ⊗ R,g0) is equipped with compact un(cid:0)iform topology. W(cid:1)e write P(n)(n = 1,2,(cid:0)...) for the proba(cid:1)bility measure on C0 [0,∞),(Γ ⊗ R,g0) induced by X(n). Then the CLT of the first kind is stated as follows: (cid:0) (cid:1) Theorem 1.1 ([4, Theorem 2.2]) The sequence P(n) ∞ of probability measures con- { }n=1 verges weakly to the Wiener measure µ as n . In other words, the sequence X(n) ∞ → ∞ { }n=1 converges to a (Γ R,g0)-valued standard Brownian motion (Bt)t≥0 starting from the ori- ⊗ gin in law. Next we introduce a family p of transition probabilities on X by p (e) := ε 0≤ε≤1 ε { } p (e)+εq(e)(e E), where 0 ∈ 1 m t(e) 1 m t(e) p (e) := p(e)+ p(e) , q(e) := p(e) p(e) (e E). 0 2 m o(e) 2 − m o(e) ∈ (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:16) (cid:17) This is nothing but the in(cid:0)terpo(cid:1)lation of the original transitio(cid:0)n pro(cid:1)bability p = p and the 1 m-symmetric transition probability p . We should note that, in this setting, the relation 0 ρ (γ ) = ερ (γ ) plays a crucial role to obtain the CLT of the second kind. We write R pε R p 3 g0(ε) for the (pε-)Albanese metric on Γ⊗R. Moreover, let Φ(0ε) : X −→ (Γ⊗R,g0(0)) be the p -modified harmonic realization of X. ε Now set a reference point x V satisfying Φ(ε)(x ) = 0 for all 0 ε 1 and ∗ ∈ 0 ∗ ≤ ≤ put ξ(ε)(c) := Φ(ε) w (c) n = 0,1,2,...,c Ω (X) . We define a measurable map n 0 n ∈ x∗ Y(ε,n) : Ωx∗(X) −→(cid:0)C0 [0(cid:1),∞(cid:0) ),(Γ⊗R,g0(0)) by (cid:1) 1(cid:0) (cid:1) Y(ε,n)(c) := ξ(ε)(c)+(nt [nt]) ξ(ε) (c) ξ(ε)(c) (t 0). t √n [nt] − [nt]+1 − [nt] ≥ (cid:110) (cid:111) (cid:0) (cid:1) Let ν be the probability measure on C0 [0,∞),(Γ ⊗ R,g0(0)) induced by the stochastic process Bt+ρR(γp)t t≥0, where(Bt)t≥0 is(cid:0)a(Γ⊗R,g0(0))-valued(cid:1)standardBrownianmotion with B0(cid:0)= 0. Moreov(cid:1)er let Q(ε,n) be the probability measure on C0 [0,∞),(Γ⊗R,g0(0)) induced by Y(ε,n). Then the CLT of the second kind is the following. (cid:0) (cid:1) Theorem 1.2 ([4, Theorem 2.4]) The sequence Q(n−1/2,n) ∞ of probability measures { }n=1 converges weakly to the probability measure ν as n . In other words, the sequence → ∞ Y(n−1/2,n) ∞ converges to a (Γ R,g(0))-valued standard Brownian motion with drift { }n=1 ⊗ 0 ρ (γ ) starting from the origin in law. R p The main purpose of the present paper is to establish yet another CLT for non- symmetricrandomwalksoncrystallattices. Ourapproachisinspiredbyameasure-change techinique due to Alexopoulos [1] in which several limit theorems for random walks on discrete groups of polynomial volume growth are obtained. Now consider the (m-)non-symmetric transition probability p : E (0,1]. In partic- −→ ular, we assume that ρR(γp) (cid:54)= 0. Let Φ0 : X −→ (Γ⊗R,g0) be a (p-)modified harmonic realization of X. We define a function F = Fx(λ) : V0 Hom(Γ,R) (0, ) by × −→ ∞ F (λ) := p(e)exp λ,Φ t(e) Φ o(e) , (1.4) x Hom(Γ,R) 0 − 0 Γ⊗R e∈(cid:88)(E0)x (cid:16) (cid:10) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:11) (cid:17) (cid:101) (cid:101) for x V0, λ Hom(Γ,R), where e stands for the lift of e E0 to X. Then we can verify ∈ ∈ ∈ that, for every x V0, the function Fx( ) : Hom(Γ,R) (0, ) has a unique minimizer ∈ · −→ ∞ λ∗ = λ∗(x) Hom(Γ,R). (See Lem(cid:101)ma 3.1.) We define a positive function p : E0 (0,1] ∈ −→ by p(e)exp λ o(e) ,Φ t(e) Φ o(e) p(e) := Hom(Γ,R) ∗ 0 − 0 Γ⊗R (e E ). (1.5) (cid:16) (cid:10) F(cid:0)o(e) λ(cid:1)∗(o(e(cid:0))) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:11) (cid:17) ∈ 0 (cid:101) (cid:101) Thenitisstraightforwardtocheckth(cid:0)atthefun(cid:1)ctionpalsogivesatransitionprobabilityon X . Noting the random walk w(p) ∞ associated with p is also irreducible, the Perron– 0 { n }n=0 Frobenius theorem yields a unique normalized invariant measure m : V (0,1] in the 0 −→ sense of (1.2). We write p : E (0,1] and m : V (0,1] for the Γ-invariant lifts of −→ −→ 4 p : E (0,1] and m : V (0,1], respectively. We write g(p) for the (p-)Albanese 0 −→ 0 −→ 0 metric associated with the transition probability p. Let L be the transition operator, acting on C (X), associated with the transition (p) ∞ probability p. Namely, L f(x) = p(e)f t(e) (x V). (p) ∈ e(cid:88)∈Ex (cid:0) (cid:1) Recalling that the function F = F (λ) has the (unique) minimizer λ = λ (x) for every x ∗ ∗ x V , it follows that 0 ∈ L Φ (x) Φ (x) = p(e) Φ t(e) Φ o(e) = 0 (x V). (1.6) (p) 0 0 0 0 − − ∈ e(cid:88)∈Ex (cid:16) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:17) This equation means that the p-modified harmonic realization Φ0 : X Γ R is a p- −→ ⊗ harmonic realization. In particular, we obtain ρ (γ ) = 0. Here we should emphasize that R p the transition probability p : E (0,1] coincides with the original one p : E (0,1] 0 0 −→ −→ provided that ρ (γ ) = 0. R p We fix a reference point x V such that Φ (x ) = 0 and put ∗ 0 ∗ ∈ ξ(p)(c) := Φ w(p)(c) n = 0,1,2,..., c Ω (X) . n 0 n ∈ x∗ We define a measurable map(cid:0)X(n) : Ω(cid:1)x∗(X)(cid:0)−→ C0 [0,∞),(Γ⊗R,g0(p(cid:1))) ,µ by 1 (cid:0) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:1) X(n)(c) := ξ(p)(c)+(nt [nt]) ξ(p) (c) ξ(p)(c) (t 0), (1.7) t √n [nt] − [nt]+1 − [nt] ≥ (cid:110) (cid:111) (cid:0) (cid:1) where µ = µ(p) is the Wiener measure on C0 [0,∞),(Γ ⊗ R,g0(p)) . We write P(n)(n = 1,2,...) for the probability measure on C0 [0(cid:0),∞),(Γ⊗R,g0(p)) i(cid:1)nduced by X(n). Then our main theorem is stated as follows: (cid:0) (cid:1) Theorem 1.3 The sequence P(n) ∞ of probability measures converges weakly to the { }n=1 Wiener measure µ as n . Namely, the sequence X(n) ∞ converges to a (Γ R,g(p))- → ∞ { }n=1 ⊗ 0 valued standard Brownian motion (B(p)) starting from the origin in law. t t≥0 Finally, we give a relationship between the n-step transition probabilities p(n,x,y) and p(n,x,y) as follows: Theorem 1.4 There exists some positive constant C such that p(n,x,y) lim = C n→∞ p(n,x,y)exp nM p uniformly for x,y V, where (cid:0) (cid:1) ∈ M := m(x) λ (x),ρ (γ ) logF λ (x) . p Hom(Γ,R) ∗ R p Γ⊗R − x ∗ x(cid:88)∈V0 (cid:16) (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:17) 5 For the precise long time asymptotic behavior of p(n,x,y), we refer to [4, Theorem 2.5] and Trojan [10]. The rest of the present paper is organized as follows: In Section 2, we provide a brief review on the theory of discrete geometric analysis. In Section 3, we state our measure- change technique in details and give proofs of Theorems 1.3 and 1.4. We also discuss a relationship between our measure-change technique and a discrete analogue of Girsanov’s theorem due to Fujita [3]. Finally, in Section 4, we give some concrete examples of non- symmetric random walks on crystal lattices. 2 A quick review on discrete geometric analysis In this section, we give basic materials of the theory of discrete geometric analysis on graphs quickly. For more details, we refer to Kotani–Sunada [7] and Sunada [9]. WeconsiderarandomwalkonafinitegraphX = (V ,E )associatedwithatransition 0 0 0 probability p : E (0,1]. Thanks to the Perron–Frobenius theorem, there is a unique 0 −→ (normalized) invariant measure m : V (0,1] in the sense of (1.2). The random walk 0 −→ is called (m-)symmetric if p(e)m o(e) = p(e)m t(e) (e E ). 0 ∈ First we define the 0-chain group and the 1-chain group of X by 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) C0(X0,R) := axx ax R , C1(X0,R) := aee ae R, e = e , ∈ ∈ − (cid:110)x(cid:88)∈V0 (cid:12) (cid:111) (cid:110)e(cid:88)∈E0 (cid:12) (cid:111) (cid:12) (cid:12) respectively. Let ∂ : C1(X0,R(cid:12)) C0(X0,R) be the boundary m(cid:12)ap, given by the homo- −→ morphism satisfying ∂(e) := t(e) o(e)(e E0). The first homology group H1(X0,R) of − ∈ X0 is defined by Ker(∂) C1(X0,R) . ⊂ On the other hand, we define the 0-cochain group and the 1-cochain group of X by 0 (cid:0) (cid:1) C0(X0,R) := f : V0 R , C1(X0,R) := ω : E0 R ω(e) = ω(e) , { −→ } { −→ | − } respectively. The difference operator d : C0(X0,R) C1(X0,R) is defined by the −→ homomorphism with df(e) := f t(e) f o(e) (e E0). We also define H1(X0,R) := − ∈ C1(X0,R)/Im(d), called the first cohomology group of X0. (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) Next we define the transition operator L : C0(X0,R) C0(X0,R) by −→ Lf(x) := (I δpd)f(x) = p(e)f t(e) x V0, f C1(X0,R) , − ∈ ∈ e∈(cid:88)(E0)x (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1) where the operator δp : C1(X0,R) C0(X0,R) is defined by −→ δpω(x) := p(e)ω(e) x V0, ω C1(X0,R) . − ∈ ∈ e∈(cid:88)(E0)x (cid:0) (cid:1) We introduce the quantity γ , called the homological direction of the given random walk p on X , by 0 γp := m(e)e C1(X0,R), ∈ e(cid:88)∈E0 (cid:101) 6 where m(e) := p(e)m o(e) (e E ). It is easy to show that ∂(γ ) = 0, that is, γ 0 p p ∈ ∈ H1(X0,R). It should be noted that the transition probability p gives an m-symmetric (cid:0) (cid:1) random(cid:101)walk on X0 if and only if γp = 0. A 1-form ω C1(X0,R) is said to be modified ∈ harmonic if δ ω(x)+ γ ,ω = 0 (x V ). p C1(X0,R)(cid:104) p (cid:105)C1(X0,R) ∈ 0 We denote by 1(X ) the space of modified harmonic 1-forms on X , and equip it with 0 0 H the inner product ω,η := m(e)ω(e)η(e) γ ,ω γ ,η ω,η 1(X ) . p p p 0 (cid:104)(cid:104) (cid:105)(cid:105) −(cid:104) (cid:105)(cid:104) (cid:105) ∈ H e(cid:88)∈E0 (cid:0) (cid:1) Due to the discrete analogu(cid:101)e of Hodge–Kodaira theorem (cf. [7, Lemma 5.2]), we may identify 1(X0), , p with H1(X0,R). H (cid:104)(cid:104)· ·(cid:105)(cid:105) Now let X = (V,E) be a Γ-crystal lattice. Namely, X is a covering graph of a finite (cid:0) (cid:1) graph X with an abelian covering transformation group Γ. We write p : E (0,1] and 0 −→ m : V (0,1] for the Γ-invariant lifts of p : E (0,1] and m : V (0,1], respec- 0 0 −→ −→ −→ tively. Through the covering map π : X X , we take the surjective linear map ρ : −→ 0 R H1(X0,R) −→ Γ⊗R(∼= Rd). We consider the transpose tρR : Hom(Γ,R) −→ H1(X0,R), which is a injective linear map. Here Hom(Γ,R) denotes the space of homomorphisms from Γ into R. We induce a flat metric g0 on the Euclidean space Γ R through the ⊗ following diagram: (Γ R(cid:79)(cid:79) ,g0)(cid:111)(cid:111)(cid:111)(cid:111) ρR H1(X(cid:79)(cid:79)0,R) ⊗ dual dual (cid:15)(cid:15) (cid:15)(cid:15) Hom(Γ,R)(cid:31)(cid:127) tρR (cid:47)(cid:47)H1(X0,R) ∼= H1(X0),(cid:104)(cid:104)·,·(cid:105)(cid:105)p . This metric g0 is called the Albanese metric on Γ (cid:0)R. (cid:1) ⊗ From now on, we realize the crystal lattice X into the continuous model (Γ R,g0) ⊗ in the following manner. A periodic realization of X into Γ R is defined by a piecewise ⊗ linear map Φ : X Γ R with Φ(σx) = Φ(x)+σ 1(σ Γ, x V). We introduce a −→ ⊗ ⊗ ∈ ∈ special periodic realization Φ0 : X Γ R by −→ ⊗ x Hom(Γ,R) ω,Φ0(x) Γ⊗R = ω x ∈ V, λ ∈ Hom(Γ,R) , (2.1) (cid:90)x∗ (cid:10) (cid:11) (cid:0) (cid:1) where x∗ is a fixed reference point satisfying(cid:101)Φ0(x∗) = 0 and ω is the lift of ω to X. Here x n ω = ω := ω(e) (cid:101) (cid:90)x∗ (cid:90)c i=1 (cid:88) for a path c = (e ,...,e ) with o(e(cid:101)) = x (cid:101)and t(e (cid:101)) = x. It should be noted that this 1 n 1 ∗ n line integral does not depend on the choice of a path c. The periodic realization Φ given 0 by above enjoys the so-called modified harmonicity in the sense that LΦ (x) Φ (x) = ρ (γ ) (x V). 0 − 0 R p ∈ 7 We note that this equation is also written as (1.3). Further, such a realization is uniquely determined up to translation. We call the quantity ρ (γ ) the asymptotic direction of R p the given random walk. We should emphasize that γ = 0 implies ρ (γ ) = 0. However, p R p the converse does not always hold, that is, there is a case γ = 0 and ρ (γ ) = 0. (See p (cid:54) R p Subsection 4.2, for an example.) If we equip Γ R with the Albanese metric, then the ⊗ modified harmonic realization Φ0 : X (Γ R,g0) is said to be a modified standard −→ ⊗ realization. 3 Proofs of the main results 3.1 A mesure–change technique In what follows, we write λ[x]Γ⊗R := Hom(Γ,R)(cid:104)λ,x(cid:105)Γ⊗R (λ ∈ Hom(Γ,R), x ∈ Γ⊗R) and dΦ (e) := Φ t(e) Φ o(e) (e E), 0 0 0 − ∈ for brevity. Take an orthonormal ba(cid:0)sis (cid:1)ω1,...(cid:0),ωd (cid:1)in Hom(Γ,R) ( 1(X0), , p) , { } ⊂ H (cid:104)(cid:104)· ·(cid:105)(cid:105) and denote by {v1,...,vd} its dual basis in Γ⊗R. Namely, ωi[vj]Γ(cid:0)⊗R = δij(1 ≤ i,j ≤ d(cid:1)). Then, v1,...,vd isanorthonormalbasisinΓ RwithrespecttotheAlbanesemetricg0. { } ⊗ We may identify λ = λ1ω1+ +λdωd Hom(Γ,R) with (λ1,...,λd) Rd. Furthermore, ··· ∈ ∈ we write x := ω [x] , Φ (x) := ω [Φ (x)] and ∂ := ∂/∂λ (i = 1,...,d, x V). i i Γ⊗R 0 i i 0 Γ⊗R i i ∈ We denote by O( ) the Landau symbol. · At the beginning, consider the function F = Fx(λ) : X0 Hom(Γ,R) R defined × −→ by (1.4). We easily see that F = Fx(λ) is a positive function on X0 Hom(Γ,R) with × F (0) = 1(x V ). In our setting, the following lemma plays a siginificant role so as to x 0 ∈ obtain Theorem 1.3. Lemma 3.1 For every x V0, the function Fx( ) : Hom(Γ,R) (0, ) has a unique ∈ · −→ ∞ minimizer λ = λ (x). ∗ ∗ Proof. Fix a fixed x V , we have 0 ∈ ∂ F (λ) = ∂ p(e)exp λ dΦ (e) i x i(cid:32) 0 Γ⊗R (cid:33) e∈(cid:88)(E0)x (cid:16) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:17) d (cid:101) = ∂ p(e)exp λ ω dΦ (e) i(cid:32) i · i 0 Γ⊗R (cid:33) e∈(cid:88)(E0)x (cid:16)(cid:88)i=1 (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:17) = p(e)exp λ dΦ0(e) Γ⊗R dΦ0(e(cid:101))i i = 1,...,d, λ ∈ Hom(Γ,R) . e∈(cid:88)(E0)x (cid:16) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1) In other words, (cid:101) (cid:101) ∂ F (λ),...,∂ F (λ) 1 x d x (cid:16) (cid:17) = p(e)exp λ dΦ0(e) Γ⊗R dΦ0(e)(∈ Γ⊗R) λ ∈ Hom(Γ,R) . (3.1) e∈(cid:88)(E0)x (cid:16) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:101) (cid:101) 8 Repeating the above calculation, we have ∂ ∂ F (λ) = p(e)exp λ dΦ (e) dΦ (e) dΦ (e) i j x 0 Γ⊗R 0 i 0 j e∈(cid:88)(E0)x (cid:16) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:17) (cid:101) (cid:101) (cid:101) for λ ∈ Hom(Γ,R) and 1 ≤ i,j ≤ d. Then, we know that ∂i∂jFx(·) 1≤i,j≤d, the Hessian matrix of the function F ( ), is positive definite. Indeed, consider the quadratic form x · (cid:0) (cid:1) corresponding to the Hessian matrix. Since p(e)exp λ dΦ (e) dΦ (e) dΦ (e) ξ ξ 0 Γ⊗R 0 i 0 j i j 1≤(cid:88)i,j≤de∈(cid:88)(E0)x (cid:16) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:17) (cid:101) d (cid:101) (cid:101) 2 = p(e)exp λ dΦ0(e) Γ⊗R dΦ0(e)iξi ≥ 0 ξ = (ξ1,...,ξd) ∈ Rd (3.2) e∈(cid:88)(E0)x (cid:16) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:17)(cid:110)(cid:88)i=1 (cid:111) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:101) (cid:101) and the transition probability p is positive, we easily see that the Hessian matrix is non- negative definite. By multiplying both sides of (3.2) by m(x) and taking the sum which runs over all vertices of X , it readily follows that 0 d 2 m(e)exp λ dΦ0(e) Γ⊗R dΦ0(e)iξi ≥ 0, ξ = (ξ1,...,ξd) ∈ Rd . e(cid:88)∈E0 (cid:16) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:17)(cid:110)(cid:88)i=1 (cid:111) (cid:0) (cid:1) Next sup(cid:101)pose that the left(cid:101)-hand side of (3.2)(cid:101)is zero. Then we have d dΦ (e) ξ = 0 0 i i i=1 (cid:88) for all e E . This equation implies Φ (x)(cid:101),ξ = Φ (y),ξ for all x,y V, where ∈ 0 (cid:104) 0 (cid:105)Rd (cid:104) 0 (cid:105)Rd ∈ (cid:104)·,·(cid:105)Rd stands for the standard inner product on Rd. Let σ1,...,σd be generators of Γ ∼= Zd. It follows from the periodicity of Φ0 that (cid:104)σi,ξ(cid:105)Rd = 0(1 ≤ i ≤ d). Hence we conclude ξ = 0. Namely, we have proved the positive definiteness of the Hessian matrix. This implies that the function Fx( ) : Hom(Γ,R) (0, ) is strictly convex for · −→ ∞ every x V . Consequently, we know that there exists a unique minimizer λ = λ (x) 0 ∗ ∗ ∈ ∈ Hom(Γ,R) of Fx(λ) for each x X0, thereby completing the proof of Lemma 3.1. ∈ Now consider the positive function p : E (0,1] given by (1.5). By defini- 0 −→ tion, we easily see that the function p also gives a positive transition probability on X . Thus the transition probability p : E (0,1] yields an irreducible random 0 0 −→ walk (Ωx∗(X),Px∗,{wn(p)}∞n=0) with values in X. Applying the Perron-Frobenius theo- rem again, we find a unique positive function m : V (0,1] satisfying (1.2). Put 0 −→ m(e) := p(e)m((cid:98)o(e))(e E ). We also denote by p : E (0,1] and m : V (0,1] 0 ∈ −→ −→ the Γ-invariant lifts of p : E (0,1] and m : V (0,1], respectively. As in the 0 0 −→ −→ p(cid:101)revious section, we construct the (p-)Albanese metric g(p) on Γ R associated with the 0 ⊗ transition probability p. We take an orthonormal basis ω(p),...,ω(p) in Hom(Γ,R) { 1 d } ⊂ ( 1(X ), , ) . 0 p H (cid:104)(cid:104)· ·(cid:105)(cid:105) (cid:0) (cid:1) 9 We introduce the transition operator L : C (X) C (X) associated with the (p) ∞ ∞ −→ transition probability p by L f(x) := p(e)f(t(e)) (x V). (p) ∈ e(cid:88)∈Ex Recalling (3.1) and the definition of λ = λ (x), we see that ∗ ∗ ∂ F λ (x) ,...,∂ F λ (x) = p(e)exp λ (x) dΦ (e) dΦ (e) = 0 1 x ∗ d x ∗ ∗ 0 Γ⊗R 0 (cid:16) (cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:0) (cid:1)(cid:17) e∈(cid:88)(E0)x (cid:16) (cid:2) (cid:3) (cid:17) holds for every x V . This immediately leads to (cid:101) (cid:101) 0 ∈ L Φ (x) Φ (x) = p(e)dΦ (e) = 0 (x V). (3.3) (p) 0 0 0 − ∈ e(cid:88)∈Ex From this equation, one concludes that the given p-modified standard realization Φ : 0 X (Γ R,g0) in the sense of (1.3) is the harmonic realization associated with the −→ ⊗ changed transition probability p. Remark 3.1 Equation (3.3) implies ρ (γ ) = 0. We also emphasize that the transition R p probability p : E (0,1] coincides with the original one p : E (0,1] provided that 0 0 −→ −→ ρ (γ ) = 0. R p Remark 3.2 In our setting, it is essential to assume that the given transition probability p is positive. Because, if it were not for the positivity of p, the assertion of Lemma 3.1 would not hold in general. (There is a case where the function F ( ) has no minimizers.) x · On the other hand, to obtain Theorems 1.1 and 1.2, it is sufficient to impose that the given transition probability p is non-negative with p(e)+p(e) > 0(e E). ∈ 3.2 Proofs of Theorems 1.3 and 1.4 This subsection is devoted to proofs of Theorems 1.3 and 1.4. Following the argument as in[4, Theorem2.2]fortherandomwalkassociatedwiththechangedtransitionprobability p, we can carry out the proof of Theorem 1.3. Though a minor change of the proof is required, the argument is a little bit easier due to ρ (γ ) = 0. R p As the first step, we prove the following lemma. Lemma 3.2 For any f C∞(Γ R), as N , ε 0 and N2ε 0, we have ∈ 0 ⊗ → ∞ (cid:38) (cid:38) 1 ∆ X (I LN )P f P (p)f 0. Nε2 − (p) ε − ε 2 ∞ −→ (cid:13) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:13) Here Pε : C∞(Γ⊗R) −(cid:13)(cid:13)→ C∞(X)(0 ≤ ε ≤ 1) is a scaling(cid:13)(cid:13)operator defined by P f(x) := f εΦ (x) (x X) ε 0 ∈ and ∆(p) stands for the positive Laplacia(cid:0)n − (cid:1)di=1(∂2/∂x2i) on Γ⊗R associated with the p-Albanese metric g(p). 0 (cid:80) 10