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A redefinition of Misumenops F.O.Pickard-Cambridge, 1900 (Araneae, Thomisidae) and review of the New World species PDF

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Preview A redefinition of Misumenops F.O.Pickard-Cambridge, 1900 (Araneae, Thomisidae) and review of the New World species

Bull.Br.arachnol.Soc.(2008)14(4),173–198 173 A redefinition of Misumenops F. O. Pickard- obesulus(Gertsch&Davis,1940),comb.n.exMisumenops Cambridge, 1900 (Araneae, Thomisidae) and and Misumenoides vazquezae (Jiménez, 1986), comb. n. ex Misumenaarepresentedasadditionalnewcombinationsin review of the New World species theMisumenini. Pekka T. Lehtinen* Introduction ZoologicalMuseum,CentreforBiodiversity, FIN-20014UniversityofTurku,Finland According to Platnick’s (2006) catalogue the genus Misumenops in the subfamily Thomisinae has a world- and wide distribution and includes 119 species. Most of the unrevised species still listed there in Misumenops are Yuri M. Marusik restrictedtotheNewWorld(81)andparticularlytothe InstituteforBiologicalProblemsoftheNorth, Neotropical Region (60). PortovayaStr.18,Magadan,685000Russia All genera of Misumenini were still known until now from the diagnoses provided by Simon (1895) and Mello-Leitão(1929),whichwerechieflybasedontheeye Summary pattern and some other somatic characters. Minor dif- The type species of Misumenops, Misumena maculis- ferencesbetweenthemaredifficulttoobserveandthere- sparsaKeyserling,1891fromBrazilisredescribedfromits fore the species of the New World genera Misumenops, typematerial.Acloselyrelated,butwidelyconfusedspecies, Misumena, Mecaphesa, Misumessus, Misumenoides, Misumenops pallidus (Keyserling, 1880) (_\) from Bolivia andeasternBraziltonorthernArgentina,isredescribedand Runcinioides and Metadiaea have repeatedly been con- compared with the type species. The revised concept of fused with each other in regard to generic placements, Misumenopsisbrieflydiscussedanditsdifferencesfromthe and earlier also confused with Diaea Thorell, 1869 and Eurasian Ebrechtella tricuspidata (Fabricius, 1775) as well Synema Simon, 1864, members of different tribes. The as the North American Mecaphesa asperata (Hentz, 1847) number of synonyms of single species is high in groups and Mecaphesa celer (Hentz, 1847) are summarised. thathavebeenrevisedaccordingtomodernstandardsof Misumenopsguianensis(Taczanowski,1872)fromnorthern South America, Misumenops bellulus (Banks, 1896) from taxonomy (Lehtinen, 2004), based mainly on detailed Florida and the Caribbean islands, Misumenops temibilis structuresofthecopulatoryorgans,butacceptingslight (Holmberg, 1876) from southern South America, and infraspecific variation in coloration and leg spination. Misumenops variegatus (Keyserling, 1880), comb. n. ex Considering the lack of proper drawings of the type MisumenafromPeruareredescribed.Lectotypesaredesig- nated for Diaea pallida Keyserling, 1880 (\), Misumena species and principles applied to the taxonomy of the pallens Keyserling, 1880 (\) and Misumena maculis-sparsa Misumenini, it is not surprising that the concept of Keyserling,1891(_).Afemaleneotypeisdesignated(from Misumenopswasquitevagueuntiltherecentrevisionof recentmaterial)forXysticustemibilisHolmberg,1876and the misumenine genera by Lehtinen (2004). The study its senior (but homonymous) synonym Thomisus cinereus of Palaearctic, Oriental, and some African, Pacific and Nicolet, 1849. The six confirmed Neotropical species of American species (Lehtinen, 1993, 2004) revealed that the genus Misumenops are listed, with four species in the maculissparsus-group: M. maculissparsus, M. pallidus, M. the majority of species assigned to Misumenops are not guianensisandM.bellulus,thelastbeingtheonlyspeciesof related to the type species and belong elsewhere. MisumenopswithintheUSA(Florida);theM.temibilis-and The type species of Misumenops has been cited in the M. variegatus-groups are both monotypic, but are con- taxonomic literature outside catalogues only twice after firmed as members of the newly diagnosed Misumenops. the description of the genus, by Mello-Leitão (1929) Misumena exanthematica Holmberg, 1876 from Patagonia andMisumenoidesnicoletiRoewer,1951asanomennovum and Lehtinen (2004). To most European and Asiatic for Thomisus cinereus Nicolet, 1849 are synonymised with researchers the concept of Misumenops was based on Misumenopstemibilis(Holmberg,1876).Thejuniorsecond- M. tricuspidatus (Fabricius, 1775) (=Ebrechtella t.), a ary homonym Misumenops variegatus Mello-Leitão, 1917 specieswidespreadinthePalaearctic.Thisspecieshas67 is regarded as a nomen dubium. The resurrected genus taxonomicandidentificationentriesinPlatnick’s(2006) MisumessusBanks,1904isdiagnosedandtheresurrection of Runcinioides Mello-Leitão, 1929 is confirmed, leading catalogue compared with 3 entries for the type species. to the revalidated combinations Runcinioides argenteus In the New World two widespread North American Mello-Leitão, 1929, R. pustulatus Mello-Leitão, 1929, R. species,M.asperatus(Hentz,1847)andM.celer(Hentz, souzaiSoares,1942,andR.litteratus(Piza,1933),allcomb. 1847), have served as the model for Misumenops n.exMisumenops.ThesynonymisationofMetadiaeaMello- (Kaston, 1948; Schick, 1965; Suman, 1970; etc), al- Leitão,1929withMisumenopsisnotaccepted.Misumenops pallidus sensu Rinaldi (1983) from Brazil is transferred to though never compared with the type species. The thestillunrevised‘‘Misumenops’’pallens-group.Themono- conceptsofSoutheastAsian(Barrion&Litsinger,1995) typicgenus ChorizopsisSimon,1864istreatedasa nomen andparticularlyIndian(e.g.Tikader,1980)Misumenops dubium,asitstypespeciesisnowalsoregardedasanomen species were polyphyletic, used without argumentation, dubium.AllNearcticspecieslistedinMisumenopsbySchick and based on unclear reasons (cf. Lehtinen, 2004: 177– (1965, 1970) and Dondale & Redner (1976), 12 Central AmericanandCaribbeanspeciesofvariousauthors,and21 180). Hawaiian species listed in Misumenops and Synema by Although‘‘Misumenops’’sensuauct.isalmostcosmo- Suman (1970) are transferred to the newly diagnosed and politan and ‘‘well known’’ (i.e. much cited), its type delimited Mecaphesa Simon, 1900. The resulting 43 new species Misumena maculis-sparsa Keyserling, 1891 has combinations in Mecaphesa are listed. Misumenoides been illustrated only once (Mello-Leitão, 1929) after its *Towhomallcorrespondenceshouldbesent. original description and not by the author of the genus 174 RedefinitionofMisumenops (F.O.P.-Cambridge,1900).ThefiguresofMello-Leitão Queiros’’: information about type preservation from Dr (1929) are not detailed enough for undoubted specific IsabelaRinaldi;MZSP=MuseudeZoologiadaUniver- identification, and it is not certain whether he saw the sidade de São Paulo, São Paulo, Brazil (Dr Ricardo da syntypes in BMNH. The closely related M. pallidus PintaRocha);MZT=ZoologicalMuseum,Universityof (Keyserling,1880)hasbeendiscussedmoreoften,butits Turku, Turku, Finland (no present curator); MZUM= identificationhascausedmanyproblems,andsometimes Museo de Zoologia, Universidad de Montevideo, large samples identified as M. pallidus include up to Uruguay, Dr Roberto Capocasale, Dr Ricardo Perez- five different species or even no pallidus at all, although Miles; NHRS=Naturhistoriska Riksmuseet, Stockholm, three other different species are present (E. Reimoser’s Sweden, Dr Torbjörn Kronestedt; NMW=Naturhistor- labelled samples in NMW collected by himself!). The isches Museum Wien, Vienna, Austria, Dr Jürgen only revisional study supposed to deal with M. pallidus Gruber,DrVerenaStagl;PGC=CollectionofMsPeggy (Rinaldi,1983)wasbasedentirelyonmisidentifiedspeci- Gerba, Arizona, USA; PTL=Temporary personal col- mens with regard to this species, but this is not surpris- lectionofPekkaT.Lehtinenafterretirement;UNAM= ing because of repeated confusion by other authors in Universidad Nacional Autonoma de México, México the past. This confusion is a strong argument for the City, Prof. Oscar Francke & Dr Maria L. Jiménez; necessityofthethreelectotypedesignationsmadeinthis ZMB=Zoologisches Museum der Humboldt Univer- publication. The syntypes of neither M. pallidus nor M. sität, Berlin, Germany, Dr Jason Dunlop; ZMMU= pallenswerestudiedbyRinaldi(J.Gruber,pers.comm., Zoological Museum, University of Moscow, Russia, Dr 2006), but only Brazilian samples identified by Mello- Kirill Mikhailov. Leitão, Piza, Soares, etc. AME=anteriormedianeyes,PME=posteriormedian Thegoalofthispaperistogiveareviseddefinitionfor eyes, MOT=median ocular trapezium, RTA= Misumenops, to redescribe the type species and its close retrolateral tibial apophysis, ITA=intermediate tibial relatives, and preliminarily discuss the concept of New apophysis, VTA=ventral tibial apophysis. World Misumenops sensu auct. according to modern principles of taxonomy, and to present a brief com- Taxonomy parison of Misumenops with the ‘‘model’’ of Eurasian Misumenops (=Ebrechtella tricuspidata) and the New World‘‘model’’M.asperatus(Hentz,1847).Acorrected Misumenops F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1900 placementofallNorthAmericanspeciesofMisumenops Thomisus:Nicolet,1849:396,inpart;Taczanowski,1872:90,inpart. sensu auct. is also discussed. Diaea:Keyserling,1880:112,inpart. Misumena:Holmberg,1876:27,inpart;1881:155;Keyserling,1880: 101,inpart;1891:245;Banks,1896:71,inpart;Simon,1897:9, Methods inpart;Petrunkevitch,1911:410,inpart. Misumenops F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1900: 141; Petrunkevitch, In addition to traditional light microscope analysis 1911:410;Mello-Leitão,1929:77,inpart;Lehtinen,2004:173. of material (Olympus SZH & Wild M5 with ocular Misumessus:Banks,1910:50,inpart. micrometer),scanningelectronmicroscopywithaJEOL Metadiaea:Piza,1933:88,inpart. 5200 was used for micrographs of male palps and other Misumenoides:Roewer,1951:448. structures,digitisedwithSemAforesoftware.Thedigital References concerning unchecked material of Misumenops pal- lidusarenotincluded. photographsweretakenwithanOlympusC5050digital cameraconnectedwithanOlympusSZX12lightmicro- Type species: Misumena maculis-sparsa Keyserling, scopeandenhancedusingtheCombineZSsoftware.All 1891 from eastern Brazil. measurements are given in millimetres. Diagnosis: Misumenops resembles the New World Abbreviations used in text (present curator in paren- generaMecaphesaSimon,1900andRuncinioidesMello- theses, if did not participate in loans or information Leitão, 1929 in regard to many somatic characters. The for this project): BMNH=British Museum, Natural dorsal surface of the carapace of Misumenops has History, Dr Paul Hillyard, Ms Janet Beccaloni; numerous long rigid setae in and around the ocular BPBM=BerniceP.BishopMuseum,Honolulu,Hawaii, region and shorter setae in other parts of the carapace USA, Dr Scott Miller (Dr Ronald Englund); and on the dorsal surface of the abdomen (Figs. 30, 61, IZPAN=Instytut Zoologiczny, Polska Akademia Nauk 63), in contrast to the presence of only normal hairs in (Mr Tomasz Huflejt), Ms Dominika Mierzwa; the Old World species of ‘‘Misumenops’’. These rigid DJC=Collection of Dr D. T. Jennings, Maine, USA; setae are also present, but more conspicuous and also MACN=Museu Nacional de Ciencias Naturales longer throughout the dorsal surface of the body in ‘‘Bernardino Rivadavia’’, Dr Cristian Grismado; Mecaphesa (Figs. 64–65) and especially in Runcinioides MNHN=MuséumNationald’HistoireNaturelle,Paris, (Figs.66–67).Thelectotypeandallolectotypeofthetype France, Dr Michel Hubert, the late Dr Jacqueline species are strongly bleached and also many of the Heurtault, Dr Christine Rollard; MLP=Museu de La dorsal setae have been worn off; see also p.178. All Plata,LaPlata,Argentina,DrCristianItuarte,DrLuis speciesofMisumenopsaredifferentiatedfromallspecies Alberto Pereira, Ms Monica Tassara; MRJ=Museu ofMisumenoidesbythelackofaserratemargin(Fig.36) Nacional,RiodeJaneiro,Brazil,DrAdrianoKury,Mr on the thoracic part of the male carapace. Dark annu- Thiago da Silva Moreira; MZLQ=Departamento de lations on male legs I–II are usually present also on the Zoologia, Escola Superior de Agricultura ‘‘Luiz de tarsi of Misumenops (Figs. 24, 29, 30, 60, 63), but are P.T.Lehtinen&Y.M.Marusik 175 restrictedtothepatellae,tibiaeandmetatarsiinmalesof provide comparative SEM figures of the male palp all other genera of Misumenini. The most useful diag- and photographs of both sexes of E. tricuspidata and nostic features are found in the structure of the genital Mecaphesaasperata.InTable1webrieflysummarisethe organs.ThetibialapophysesofMisumenopsconsistofa maindifferencesinthepalpandfemalepatternsbetween separate VTA and a distally narrowed apophysis origi- these three genera. nating from the complete fusion of RTA and ITA (Fig. SpeciesoftherevisedMisumenopsareseparatedfrom 2).ThetipofRTAhasaserratetolobatemargin(Figs. all other Neotropical species currently listed (Platnick, 37–38, 40, 57b) or subapical concentric ridges in M. 2006) in this genus by different basic structural pat- variegatus(Fig.49),andacentral,moreorlessmembra- terns of the male and female copulatory organs. Al- nous part with one conspicuous seta (Figs. 10, 40, 56) though types or authoritatively identified material of thatislackinginRuncinioidesandMecaphesa.Alltibial many of them have already been checked by us, a apophyses are lateral processes of a single plate in complete revision of this strongly polyphyletic assem- Mecaphesa (Figs. 42–43). Males of Misumenops are blage of misumenine species is beyond the scope of this further differentiated from Runcinioides by having a publication. relatively short embolus originating mesally (opposite Description:Small(_2.5–3.5mm,\4–6mm)misume- the tibial apophyses: Figs. 1 & 5) and by asimple nine spiders with distinct sexual dimorphism in size and tutacular apophysis at the base of the cymbium (Figs. legcoloration.AdultspecimensoftrueMisumenopspale 2–3,55),whileRuncinioideshasatutaculargroovealong yellow to pale brown, with distinct paired pattern in the tegular margin ending in a fissure in the tegular posterior half of abdomen (Fig. 22). Pattern of leg margin (Fig. 50). Runcinioides also has a lateral boss on annulations in some male specimens obscure, while thecymbialmargin,homologoustothewholetutaculum other specimens of same population may have very in Misumenops. For some diagnostic details of the distinct dark annuli (Figs. 29–30). Dorsum of male copulatory organs of Misumenops and groups including abdomen often lightly sclerotised, but scutum obscurely the ‘‘model’’ species of recent authors, see Table 1. limited. FemalesofMisumenopsarecharacterisedbyamostly Tutacular structures of Misumenops consist of a small epigynal hood (Figs. 4, 7) (widest in M. bellulus: groove along cymbial margin and a hairy process or Fig. 58) and the lack of a thin central septum which is knob at base of cymbium (Figs. 2–3). Size of this characteristic for most species of Mecaphesa (Kaston, tutacular process is a useful specific character. Tibial 1981: figs. 1485, 1497) or wider, posteriorly rounded apophyses of the revised Misumenops consist of fused septum as in the only species of Misumessus (Kaston, RTA–ITA with serrate, dentate, lobate or ridged apex 1981: fig. 1486). The vulva of Misumenops consists of (Figs. 37–38, 57b) and a small, distinctly separate VTA tubular U-shaped receptacula with short connecting (Fig. 1); this is essentially different from the single plate ducts (Figs. 8–9), while the vulva of Runcinioides has withthreedistinctlateralprocesses(RTA,ITA&VTA) verylongmeanderingductsandaposteriorlyprolonged in Mecaphesa (Figs. 42–43). Mesal face of RTA–ITA quite narrow epigynal hood (Rinaldi, 1988: figs. 3–4). excavated, more or less membranous, and a long seta As was pointed out above, the model species of present in centre of this cavity (Figs. 10, 40). Misumenops were different for European and North Embolic tip usually with subdistal triangular lamina American arachnologists. The placement of Araneus (Figs. 13, 47, 57a), embolic surface smooth or partly tricuspidatus Fabricius, 1775 in Ebrechtella was made coarsely striated (Figs. 13, 39, 47–48). Female epigynal possible by study of the holotype male of the type hood with well sclerotised margin; seminal receptacula species of Ebrechtella, E. fruhstorferi Dahl, 1908 from long, U-shaped; seminal ducts between receptacula Java (ZMB); for details, see Lehtinen (2004). Here we short, uncoiled. Structures(*onleftpalp) Misumenopss.str.(maculissparsus) Mecaphesaasperata/celer Ebrechtellatricuspidata VTA Aswideaslong(Fig.1) Aswideaslong(Figs.42–43) Longerthanwide(Fig.14) RTA&ITAseparate No(Fig.2) Yes(variableinMecaphesaspp.) Yes(Fig.15) Embolictipposition Centro-basalpartofcymbium Onprolateralpartofcymbium Upper-centralpartofcymbium (c.3.30o’clock*)(Figs.1,6) (variableinotherMecaphesaspp.) (c.2o’clock*)(Figs.15,35) Openingofembolicduct Distal,unclearmargins(Figs.1–2) Distal(Figs.42–43) Subdistalovalpit(Figs.16–17) Surfaceultrastructureof Coarselystriatedtosmooth(Figs. Variablystriatedtosmooth(Figs. Denselystriated(Figs.16–17) embolus 13,39,48) 42–43) Embolicturns 180((halfaturn)(Figs.1,5, >360(intwoplanes(turns)(Fig.42) 360((wholeturn)(Fig.35) 44–45,54) Embolusorigininmid- 8.30–10o’clock*(Figs.1,5, 6.30–8o’clock(Figs.42–43),variable Fromcentreoftegulum prolateralpartoftegulum 44–45,54)exceptM.variegatus inotherMecaphesaspp. (c.2o’clock*)(Fig.35) 11.30(Fig.46) Cymbiumwithtutaculum Yes(Figs.1,3) No(onlytutaculargroove)(Figs. No(Figs.14–15) 42–43) \carapacewithsublateral Yes(Figs.18,22,29,30,60–61, Variable(Fig.62),otherMecaphesa No(Fig.26) brownbands 63) spp.(Figs.64–65) Table1: SomedifferencesbetweenMisumenops,Mecaphesa,andEbrechtellatricuspidata.Mecaphesaasperata(Fig.42),Mecaphesaceler(Fig. 43),E.tricuspidata(Figs.14–17,25–28,34–35,51). 176 RedefinitionofMisumenops Composition and range: The six species which remain as a separate genus by Lehtinen (2004: table 1), and the in the revised Misumenops are best characterised by the status of Misumessus Banks, 1904 (type species Mis- structure of the male and female copulatory organs. umena oblonga Keyserling, 1880), formerly part of the These six species include a group of four closely related traditional Misumenops, was also discussed by Lehtinen species (the maculissparsus-group: M. maculissparsus, (2004: 174). The resurrection of these two genera is M. pallidus, M. guianensis (Taczanowski, 1872) and M. confirmed and they are diagnosed here (pp.190 and bellulus(Banks,1896),seebelow)aswellastwomoreor 195). less isolated species, but both sharing the diagnostic The presence of numerous long erect setae on the characters of Misumenops: M. temibilis (Holmberg, carapace of all North American ‘‘Misumenops’’ 1876) and M. variegatus (Keyserling, 1880). Only the (=Mecaphesa)explainstheerroneousdiagnosticcharac- male of M. variegatus is known to us, but its embolic ters suggested for ‘‘Misumenops’’ by Kaston (1948, structureanduniquemodificationsofRTA(Fig.49)can 1981),Schick(1965)andSuman(1970).Lehtinen(2004) be homologised with modifications in the other five emphasisedthedifferencesincolorationbetweentheOld species. WorldandNewWorldspeciesofMisumenopsauct.This The known range of the revised Misumenops extends is only partly true, as several Neotropical species also from Florida and the Caribbean islands (M. bellulus) to have a lot of greenish or greenish grey colour on the southern Chile and Argentina (M. temibilis). The type carapace, abdomen and legs in living or freshly caught species of Runcinioides, Mecaphesa and Misumessus specimens. Many of these species must be transferred have each been found to represent genera outside the from Misumenops to the still unnamed ‘‘Misumenops’’ revised Misumenops. pallens-group(=MetadiaeasensuRinaldi,1988,inpart) Discussion: The synonymy of Metadiaea Mello- or to other unnamed taxa. Leitão, 1929 with Misumenops proposed by Rinaldi (1988) cannot be accepted, as the type species of Meta- The maculissparsus-group diaea, M. fidelis Mello-Leitão, 1929 was compared neither with the type species of Misumenops nor with Thefourspeciesofthisgrouparemoreorlesssimilar any of its relatives stated here to belong to this genus. in regard to the structure of the male and female Unfortunately the syntypes, the only known identified copulatory organs, while their somatic characters are material of M. fidelis, have obviously become lost and also shared by the two species outside the thusthegroundsforhersynonymisationdidnotinclude maculissparsus-group. The differences between the four the study of the type species of either genus. speciesconsistofdifferentdistalmodificationsofRTA– The original descriptions and drawings (Keyserling, ITA, origination of the embolus, as well as ultrastruc- 1880) of two Peruvian species do not exclude the poss- tural details of the embolus. The female epigynes are iblerelationshipofMisumenapunctataKeyserling,1880 superficiallyverysimilarinthefirstthreespecies,butthe and Misumena amabilis Keyserling, 1880 with Mis- epigynal hood is distinctly wider in M. bellulus than in umenops, and the former species was transferred to the the three other species (cf. also Bryant, 1940). oldMisumenopss.lat.byPetrunkevitch(1911).Accord- Discussion: Although M. maculissparsus, M. pallidus ing to the original description M. amabilis has dark andM.guianensisarerathereasytoidentify,whentheir annuli also on the tarsi, although not extending to the type material was studied, the type species by light tip, as in all species placed here in Misumenops. Al- microscopy, the others by SEM (Figs. 1–2, 10–12, though no dark annuli were described for tarsi I–II in 38, 45), the variation of several palpal and epigynal M. punctata, the palpal tibia was described as having a characters was found to be high in large samples from very thick anteriorly directed apophysis with a small ParaguayandnorthernArgentina,possiblyrepresenting tubercle at its rounded end. The original drawing does single populations. Therefore the final taxonomic revi- not give such detailed information about the palpal sion of this group must still await additional material apophyses, but the German text provides no possibility fromdifferentpartsoftherangeofthisspeciesgroupto of a different interpretation. Both species are also de- exclude the possibility of strong clinal variation in the scribedashavingscatteredlongsetaeonthecarapacein copulatoryorgans.Mello-Leitão(1929:224–225)placed apatternmoreorlesssimilartothatinourMisumenops M.maculissparsusandM.guianensisfarfromeachother spp. in his key, based on presence or absence of an abdomi- A proper revision of several Neotropical species, nal pattern, most probably without personal study of including M. punctata and M. amabilis, has been im- anymaterialofM.maculissparsus,butpresentedawide possible because of the loss of the type material. Ms distribution for M. guianensis within Brazil. Mierzwa (IZPAN) has informed us that the type collec- A fifth, possibly separate taxon of this group, repre- tions of Taczanowski (1872) and Keyserling (1880) in sented by several males in the large sample from theWarsawMuseumdonotincludeanythomisidtypes. Paraguay,maybeworthyofspecificstatus.Theembolic The spider collection of NMW has undergone several base of these specimens is surrounded by a raised, phases of possible confusion in the past, owing to marginally crenated outgrowth of the tegulum, and the careless relabelling and possible changes in the contents tip of the RTA is serrated only on one side. More ofsinglevials(DrJ.Gruber,pers.comm.,March2006). informationandmaterialisnecessarybeforedescription Runcinioides Mello-Leitão, 1929 (type species R. of such a ‘‘new’’ taxon, as all its specimens were found argenteus Mello-Leitão, 1929) has already been treated within a large sample of M. guianensis. P.T.Lehtinen&Y.M.Marusik 177 Misumenops maculissparsus (Keyserling, 1891) (Figs. (Buenos Aires) kindly informed us (pers. comm., 2006) 1–4, 18–20, 29, 32) that Taquara do Mundo Novo is a well known locality in Brazil, in Estado do Rio de Janeiro—a fact that Misumenamaculis-sparsaKeyserling,1891:245,pl.10fig.186. Misumenops maculissparsus: F. O. Pickard-Cambridge, 1900: 141; seems to have been unknown to Mello-Leitão (1929), Mello-Leitão, 1929: 232; Lehtinen, 2004: 173 (all figures who obviously included both Taquaras in the range of referredtoasM.aff.maculissparsusareM.pallidus). this species, as no other material was mentioned. Types: Lectotype _ designated here from Brazil, The orthography maculissparsus conforms to the cur- TaquaradoMundoNovo,leg.Drv.Ihering,paralecto- rent Code (ICZN, 1999: Art. type \ with same data, both in BMNH. Other material examined: , Jujuy, 1 _, leg. Notes: There are places called Taquara both in Prov- E.Reimoser,1907(NMW,identifiedbyReimoserasM. inces Rio Grande de Sul and Estado do Rio de Janeiro, pallidus). Some specimens of the large sample from bothclosetotheeasterncoastofBrazil.TherangeofM. Paraguay in NMW and discussed here under M. guian- maculissparsuswasstatedtobe‘‘RioGrandedoSulaté ensispossiblybelongtoM.maculissparsusasthissample Rio de Janeiro’’, which means from Rio Grande do Sul probablyconsistsofsamplesfromdifferenthabitats,but ‘‘to’’ Rio de Janeiro, as interpreted by Mello-Leitão it is difficult to identify all specimens individually with- (1929: 232), but not ‘‘or’’. However, Dr C. Grismado out detaching a palpus from each male. Figs.1–9: Leftmalepalpandfemaleepigyne.1–4Misumenopsmaculissparsus;5–9M.pallidus.1,5Palp,ventral;2,6Ditto,retrolateral;3Part of palp, retrolateral; 4, 7, 8 Epigyne, ventral; 9 Ditto, dorsal. Scale lines=0.1mm. Eh=epigynal hood; Em=embolus; Eo=epigyne opening; Ep=embolic base pocket; Re=receptaculum; RT=retrolateral tibial apophysis; Sd=seminal duct; Tr=tegular rim; Tu=tutaculum;VT=ventraltibialapophysis. 178 RedefinitionofMisumenops Diagnosis: This species can be distinguished from the tarsi typical of all its relatives more or less totally sibling species M. pallidus by the thicker (wider than faded in lectotype, but present in specimen from Jujuy, long) lateral tibial apophysis (Fig. 2 cf. Fig. 6), closely Argentina. Femur I with 5 dorsal and 4 prolateral spaced tibial apophyses, lower position of the embolic spines. Tibial and metatarsal spines weak, indistinct. base (9.30o’clock: Fig. 1 cf. Fig. 5), and by the colora- Palp as in Figs. 1–3, light coloured; tibia with two tion of both sexes (Figs. 18–21 & 29 cf. Figs. 22–25 & apophyses, tegulum without apophyses, embolus mak- 30). The general appearance of the epigynes is practi- ing half a circle. Ventral tibial apophysis short, wider callyindistinguishable(cf.Figs.4&7and32–33).Males thanlong,inmidpartoftibia.FusedRTA–ITAstrongly of M. maculissparsus, M. pallidus and M. guianensis all swollen (wider than long), pointed and with some distal have coarse ridges close to the narrowed apex of the modifications which could not be figured in detail, embolus (Fig. 13), while M. temibilis has a smooth becausenoSEMmountscouldbedonefromsinglemale embolus, except for the widely triangular lateral lamina in type material. Cymbium with small slightly ridged close to the apex (Fig. 39). basal tutaculum. Tegulum round, with heavily sclero- Description: Female: Total length 6.0. Carapace 2.25 tisedmarginalrim,followingcourseofembolus;baseof long, 2.08 wide (Figs. 18–20), light coloured with two seminal duct thinner than embolic base. Embolus starts wide brownish bands, ocular area white, clearly separ- from tegular pocket at 9.30o’clock position (in left atedfromrestofcarapace.Abdomenpentagonal,with3 palp), its base clearly separated from tegulum. Embolic pairs of brownish spots in basal half, sides without base relatively wide, width of embolus continuously pattern, venter with dark spot resembling ‘‘W’’ behind tapering along its course, its tip flat and not pointed. epigastric furrow and 5 pairs of dark spots (=muscle Distribution:KnownfromeasternBrazilandnorthern apodemes). Legs pale, spines and strong macrosetae of Argentina, possibly also from Paraguay. femora I–II surrounded by brown spots, apical parts of patellae, basal and apical parts of tibiae with wide brownish rings (Fig. 20). Femur I with 3 or 4 prolateral Misumenops pallidus (Keyserling, 1880) (Figs. 5–9, 10– and 1–3 dorsal weak spines (one dorsal spine almost 13, 22–25, 30, 33) prolateral). Tibia I with 6 pairs of ventral spines, meta- DiaeapallidaKeyserling,1880:117,pl.2fig.65. tarsus I with 8 pairs of ventral spines. For length of leg Misumenapallida:Keyserling,1891:245. segments, see Table 2. Misumenopspallidus:F.O.Pickard-Cambridge,1900:141(transferto Epigyne as in Figs. 4 & 32, with triangular anterior Misumenops);Mello-Leitão,1929:229,figs.27&27a–b;notM. hood(apicalpocket)andtransverseelongatereceptacula pallidussensuRinaldi,1983norpallidus:Lehtinen(2004:156& 163,figs.27–28&76). visible through integument. Hood with posterior more ?MetadiaeavulgarisPiza,1933:88,fig.1,syn.Mello-Leitão,1941. sclerotisedrim.Partofreceptaculumthattouchescuticle Misumenops exanthematicus: Mello-Leitão, 1941: 164, misidentifica- appears darker. Receptacula long, horizontal U-shaped tion(materialinMACNchecked!). (Fig. 4). Receptaculum makes one 180( turn. Misumenopsaff.maculissparsus:Lehtinen,2004:figs.5,24–25,75. Male:Totallength3.0.Carapace1.38long,1.48wide Types:FoursyntypesfromBrazil(NMW)andseveral (Figs. 21, 29), light brown, with two wide brownish females from Colombia [New Granada] originally in submedian bands; bands without distinct margins; eyes Keyserling’s personal collection, later preservation un- surrounded by white pigment rings, ocular area not known. separated from rest of cephalic part by white pigmenta- OnefemalefromBrazil,leg.Helmreich(NMWacqui- tion as in female. Abdomen ovoid, light coloured, with sition no. 1847 II 20) is designated here as lectotype for series of 5 pairs of brownish spots decreasing in size to Diaea pallida Keyserling, 1880; the vulva of another spinnerets;someofspotsfusedinline;sideswithbrown syntype from the same vial has been used for a vulval stripe;venterwithrectangulargrey-brownishspot;dark slide mount for comparison with other samples of this spot with 4 pairs of dots (=muscle apodemes) (Fig. 19). species group. Legs light yellow, femora I–II with numerous brown Othermaterialexamined:BOLIVIA:SantaCruzProv.:Amboro spots (Fig. 29). Legs I–II with darkened terminal half N.P.,_\,juv.;Montero,_\,juv.;Guarne´,RioSelva,many_\,juv., of metatarsus and tibia (Fig. 29); dark distal half of allinlowvegetation,11–19August2007,leg.P.T.Lehtinen(PTL). PARAGUAY:Foncière:numerous_\,leg.Reimoser,1908(NMW). URUGUAY:Montevideo,1_2\,PuntaEspinillo,bushesandtrees, Female Fe Pa Ti Mt Ta Total 10October1996(leg.R.Perez-Miles&M.Perez)(ZMTandZMUM), 6\ 2 juv., 10 November 1996, leg. R. Perez-Miles & M. Perez I 2.75 1.0 2.25 2.08 1.1 9.18 (ZMUM). ARGENTINA: Salta, Juramento, 1_ 1 subad. _, leg. II 2.6 1.0 2.13 2.08 1.1 8.91 MaximilianoBiraben,March1939(MLP14781);Salta,29\&numer- III 1.4 0.75 1.13 1.0 0.63 4.91 ous juv., leg. E. Reimoser, 1907 (NMW); Cordoba, 5\ 2 juv., IV 1.75 0.8 1.25 1.2 0.67 5.67 Calamuchita,December1941,leg.J.M.Viana,A.Lisedet.(MACN 10889),1_1\,1985,leg.Viana(MACN);BuenosAiresProv.:Glew, Male Fe Pa Ti Mt Ta Total 3\ [large juv. not conspecific], leg. Carpintero, 1974, det. A. Lise (MACN10892);LomasdeZamora,V.Fiorito,1_,March1991,leg. I 2.25 0.83 1.9 1.9 0.93 7.81 C.Grismado(MACN10893),1_3\,February1992,leg.C.Grismado II 2.13 0.8 1.73 1.75 0.85 7.26 (MACN 1089?2), February 1992, leg. C. Grismado (MACN); Santa III 0.95 0.43 0.75 0.7 0.4 3.23 Fé,5October1962(MACN10891). IV 0.95 0.4 0.83 0.7 0.38 3.26 Notes: Only references to material that could be Table2: Misumenopsmaculissparsus,legmeasurements. personally checked or was reliably represented by P.T.Lehtinen&Y.M.Marusik 179 unambiguousdrawingshavebeenincluded.Widespread Mello-Leitão(1929)remainsdoubtful.Thetypematerial confusionabouttheconceptofM.pallidushasprevailed of Diaea pallida was not available to Rinaldi (1983) and, e.g., Mello-Leitão (1929) presented more or less and all her figures presented for M. pallidus (figs. 3–4, identical synonymic lists for M. pallidus and Misumena 7–8, 11–12, 14) seem to refer to some species of the pallens Keyserling, 1880, the latter obviously not con- M. pallens-group. Although Mello-Leitão (1929) gave generic with M. pallidus. The identity of fig. 27 in the same lists of references under the names of the Figs.10–17: Micrographsofleftmalepalp.10–13Misumenopspallidus(Uruguay,PuntaEspinillo);14–17Ebrechtellatricuspidata(Ukraine).10, 14 Ventral; 11–12, 15 Retrolateral; 13, 16–17 Tip of embolus. Em=embolus; Ep=embolic base pocket; RT=retrolateral tibial apophysis;Tr=tegularrim;Tu=tutaculum;VT=ventraltibialapophysis.Scalelines=0.1mm(10–11,14–15),0.01mm(12),0.005mm (13,16–17). 180 RedefinitionofMisumenops speciesforbothM.pallensandM.pallidus,hisdrawings (1983), but no references to localities for specimens refer correctly to these two species. He mentions the depicted by her were presented and it is possible that wide range and common occurrence of M. pallidus she simply repeated the synonymy established by in Brazil, although most probably he also confused Mello-Leitão (1941). The uncertainty of the identifica- M. maculissparsus, M. pallidus and M. guianensis with tions of M. pallidus by Mello-Leitão culminated in each other. Later he (Mello-Leitão, 1941) synonymised the latter publication, where material identified by him Metadiaea vulgaris Piza, 1933 with his Misumenops as M. exanthematicus and checked by us is actually pallidus and this synonymy was repeated by Rinaldi M. pallidus. Figs. 18–28: 18–21 Misumenops maculissparsus, lectotype _ and paralectotype \; 22–25 M. pallidus (Uruguay, Punta Espinillo); 26–28 Ebrechtellatricuspidata(Russia,SakhalinArea,MoneronIs.).18,22,26Female,dorsal;19,23Ditto,ventral;20,24Femalelegs Iⅈ25,27Femalecarapace,frontal;21,28Male,ventral. P.T.Lehtinen&Y.M.Marusik 181 Figs.29–31: Dorsalviewofmale.29Misumenopsmaculissparsus,lectotype;30M.pallidus(Uruguay,PuntaEspinillo);31Ebrechtellatricuspidata (Russia,SakhalinArea,MoneronIs). Two females and one juvenile specimen from 0.68 + 1.05 + 0.9 + 0.68, total 4.81; IV: 1.68 + 0.68 + Colombia,leg.Nolken(NMWacquisitionno.1873I15) 1.1 + 1.18 + 0.65, total 5.29. mostprobablyformedpartoftheoriginalsyntypes,but CarapacepatternasinFigs.22&25,yellowwithtwo as all the original labels were changed 60–70 years ago, wide submarginal brown bands; median yellow band the possible original handwriting of Keyserling could withbrownmedianstripe,eyefieldwhite.Longsetaeon notbechecked.However,thesespecimensbelongeither carapace concentrated on clypeus, U-shaped row along to ‘‘Misumena’’ pallens Keyserling, 1880 or to a closely lightcentralbandofcarapaceandtransverserowbehind related species. this. Very short hair-like setae present on margin of Misumenops pallidus and ‘‘Misumena’’ pallens appear carapace and around ocular tubercles of lateral eyes. more different when seen through a dissecting micro- Basal part of chelicerae with low raised tubercle, setae scopethanbyjustlookingatstronglypressedspecimens onanteriorfaceshort.Sternumandmouthpartsyellow. on slides. ‘‘Misumena’’ pallens does not share the most Abdomenpentagonal,withpatternformedbydarkand importantgenericcharactersofMisumenops:darktarsal whitish transverse stripes and bands; lateral band dark; annulionmalelegsI–II,alongsetaontheinnerfaceof venter light coloured with wide blackish median band RTA, etc. It has a modified tip of RTA (as many other between epigastric furrow and spinnerets (Fig. 23), Misumenini, including Runcinia and Runcinioides), but femalewithillustratedepigynehaspostepigastricareaas the ultrastructure is essentially different, rather a distal in M. maculissparsus. Legs light brown, ventral side of rod with ridges than a serrate margin of the tip (cf. also femora I and II with numerous dark spots, ventral side Rinaldi, 1983: figs. 13–14). oftibiaealsowithsomespots,segmentsfrompatellaeto The coloration is variable in all species of Mis- metatarsi with dark distal parts (Fig. 24), but not on umenini, but the weak dorsal patterns of the generally tarsi as in male. Subcutaneous guanine pattern extends pale‘‘M.’’pallensandverydistinctbrownpatternofM. to posterior part of carapace as a small spot and pallidushardlyoverlap,whenthedetailsarestudied.The irregularly around and inside dark distal areas of patel- presence of repeated confusion makes the lectotype lae and tibiae I–II. Leg spination: femur I with 3 selection for both Misumena pallens (see p.196) and prolateral and 1 or 2 dorsal spines, femur II with 1 or 2 Diaea pallida necessary. dorsalspines;tibiaIwith5or6pairs,metatarsusIwith Diagnosis: This species can easily be distinguished 6 or 7 pairs of ventral spines. Epigyne as in Figs. 7–9 & from the type species by the thinner (longer than wide) 33, with triangular apical hood and transverse elongate tibialapophysis(RTA–ITA)closertoVTA(Figs.5–6cf. receptacula. Figs. 1–2), higher position of the embolic base Male:Totallength2.35.Carapace1.1long,1.15wide (10o’clock), relatively thicker seminal duct (as wide as (Fig.30),patternsimilartofemale.LegII:1.9 + 0.65 + embolic base) (Fig. 5 cf. Fig. 1), longer tutaculum (Fig. 1.6 + 1.43 + 0.75, total 6.33; III: 0.75 + 0.33+0.68 + 11 cf. Fig. 3), and by the coloration of both sexes (Figs. 0.55 + 0.43, total 2.74; IV: 0.88 + 0.3 + 0.65 + 0.6 + 22–25 & 30 cf. Figs. 18–21 & 29). The general appear- 0.43, total 2.86. Abdomen ovoid, with pattern of trans- ance of the epigynes is practically indistinguishable (cf. verse wide dark bands, sides with dark band; venter Figs. 7 & 4). Misumenops pallidus differs from the other yellow with pair of small dark spots behind epigastric closely related species M. guianensis by the less and furrow and larger spot just before spinnerets. Terminal differently modified tip of RTA and the presence of parts of legs I and II segments darkened. Femur II with brown spots on femora I–II (Fig. 24), and from M. 5 dorsal spines. Palp as in Figs. 5–7 & 10–13, light temibilis also by the shorter and partly striated embolus coloured; tibia with two apophyses, tegulum without (Fig. 13 cf. Fig. 39). apophyses, embolus making half a circle. Ventral tibial Description: Female: Total length 5–5.75. Carapace apophysis short, wider than long, close to lateral apo- 2.1–2.25 long, 2.0–2.25 wide. Leg I: femur 2.8, patella physisatbaseoftibia(Fig.5).Lateralapophysisslightly 1.25,tibia2.2,metatarsus1.98,tarsus1.3,total9.36;II: swollen near tip, longer than wide, mesally with large 2.55 + 1.13 + 2.05 + 1.88 + 1.07, total 8.68; III: 1.5 + oval cavity, tip gently serrate (Fig. 12). Cymbium with 182 RedefinitionofMisumenops Figs.32–35: 32Misumenopsmaculissparsus,paralectotype\;33M.pallidus(Uruguay,PuntaEspinillo);34–35Ebrechtellatricuspidata(Moneron Is.).32–34Epigynalarea;35Leftmalepalp,ventral. basal tutaculum longer than in type species. Tegulum 2006bythestaffandmostprobablylost,asmanyother round, with heavily sclerotised apical rim, starting near types of Taczanowski. However, a neotype is not desig- baseofembolusandfollowingwholecourseofembolus. nated, as at least the male of this species seems to be Seminal duct thick, as broad as embolic base. Embolus identifiable. starts from pocket at 10o’clock position (in left palp) Material examined: VENEZUELA: Guarico, Miranda: 1_ 1 (Figs. 5 & 10), its base clearly separated from tegulum. subad. \, Hato Masaguaral, dry meadow, 29 November 1977; 1_, Can˜oCarascol,galleryforestofRioGuarico,29November1977;1\ Embolicbaserelativelywide,widthofemboluscontinu- 2juv.,NofCorozoPando,savanna,29–30November1977,allleg.& ouslynarrowingalongitscourse,tipflatandnotpointed det.P.T.Lehtinen(PTL).PARAGUAY:Fonciére,leg.E.Reimoser, (Fig. 13). 1908,44_10\+numerousjuvs;1_withdeformedrightpalp,1_with Distribution: Bolivia, Paraguay, Uruguay, Brazil and outstandingprocessonRTA(NMW,MLP,MNHN,MZT&PTL). northern Argentina (Colombia not checked). Diagnosis: The colour pattern of both sexes of M. Biology: Some samples were collected from flowering guianensis is usually simpler than that of both M. garden bushes, as many other Misumenini. maculissparsus and M. pallidus. Legs I–II of male with Discussion:Differencesbetweensomespecimensofthe darkannulations,butnospottedareas.Thelongitudinal twosiblingspeciesincolourpatternmaypartlybedueto dark bands on the carapace have more or less parallel infraspecific variation, and partly to fading of the old margins, not irregularly serrate as in M. maculissparsus type material. Great colour variation is exceptionally and especially M. pallidus. The abdominal pattern is foundbetweenfreshspecimensofasinglepopulation.A quite weak or lacking in females, simple in males. The largesamplefromRioSelva,Bolivia,collectedinAugust tip of RTA is surrounded by a continuous lamina on 2007 included, e.g. several annulation patterns of male both sides (Fig. 40), consisting of tightly placed very legsandevenanadultmalewithuniformlypalelegs,as distinct lobules with narrow clefts between them (Fig. well as some females without dorsal pattern. The only 38),incontrasttotheserrationsononlytheoutersidein reliable diagnostic characters are found in the structure M. temibilis (Fig. 37) and covering a much wider area of the male palp. It is not clear if there are any distinct than the corresponding modifications in M. pallidus differences in the vulvae, because we did not dissect the (Fig. 12) and probably M. maculissparsus (but no SEM epigyneoftheparalectotypeof M.maculissparsus. micrographs possible for type). The male embolus is mostly smooth, distally tapering and has only a triangular subapical lamina and some indistinct Misumenops guianensis (Taczanowski, 1872) (Figs. 38, ridges in the distal third (Fig. 47); it originates from a 40, 45, 47) tegular pocket at 9o’clock (in left palp) (Fig. 45). The tutacular apophysis is reduced to an indistinct knob ThomisusguianensisTaczanowski,1872:90(_\). Diaeaguyanensis:Keyserling,1880:112,pl.2,fig.62(_\). with a row of transversely placed setae. The epigynal Misumenopsguianensis:F.O.P.-Cambridge,1900:141. hood is small, as in the related species, and thus not Misumenopsguyannensis:Mello-Leitão,1929:233:commoninBrazil! diagnosticincomparisonwithM.maculissparsusandM. (misspelling). pallidus. Types: Male and female syntypes from French Description (_/\): Total length 3.1–3.3/5.7. Carapace Guiana, originally in IZPAN, not found in February 1.57/2.48long,1.38/2.05wide.Abdomen1.81/3.04long,

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