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Preview A Recent Look at the Quantum Berezinian in the Yangian Y(gl_{m|n})

A Recent Look at the Quantum Berezinian in the Yangian 6 Y (gl ) 0 m|n 0 2 n Lucy Gow∗ a J University of Sydney 0 2 February 1, 2008 ] A Q BrundanandKleshchevrecentlyintroducedanewfamilyofpresentationsoftheYangianY(gl ) n . associated to the general linear Lie algebra gl , and thus provided a fresh approach to its study. In h n this article, we would like to show how some of their ideas can be fruitfully extended to consider the t a YangianY(gl ) associatedto the Lie superalgebragl . In particular,we give a new proof of the m m|n m|n result by Nazarov that the quantum Berezinian is central.1 [ 3 v 1 Definition of Y (gl ) m|n 1 4 0 TheYangianY(glm|n)isdefinedin[7]tobetheZ2-gradedassociativealgebraoverCwithgenerators 1 t(r) and certain relations described below. We define the formal power series 0 ij 5 0 t (u)=δ +t(1)u−1+t(2)u−2+..., ij ij ij ij / h and a matrix t a m+n m T(u)= t (u)⊗E (−1)j(i+1), (1) ij ij : iX,j=1 v i where Eij is the standard elementary matrix and i is the parity of the index i. In analogy with the X usual Yangian Y(gl ) (see for example [2], [5], [6]), the defining relations are then expressed by the n r matrix product a R(u−v)T (u)T (v)=T (v)T (u)R(u−v) 1 2 2 1 where 1 R(u−v)=1− P (u−v) 12 and P is the permutation matrix: 12 m+n P = E ⊗E (−1)j. 12 ij ji iX,j=1 Then we have the following equivalent form of the defining relations: (−1)ij+ik+jk [t (u), t (v)] = (t (u)t (v)−t (v)t (u)). ij kl kj il kj il (u−v) ∗[email protected] 1Theauthor wouldliketoacknowledge theguidanceandsupportofherPhDsupervisorAlexander Molev. 1 Throughout this article we will observe the following notation for entries of the inverse matrix of T(u): T(u)−1 =: t′ (u) n . ij i,j=1 (cid:0) (cid:1) A straightforwardcalculation yields the following relation in Y(gl ): m|n (−1)ij+ik+jk m+n m+n [tij(u),t′kl(v)]= (u−v) ·(δkj tis(u)t′sl(v)− δil t′ks(v)tsj(u)). (2) Xs=1 Xs=1 2 Gauss Decomposition of T(u) In[1],theDrinfeldpresentationisdescribedintermsofthequasideterminantsofGelfandandRetakh ([3], [4]). In this article we make use of the analogous set of generators of the Yangian Y(gl ). m|n First we recall the definition of the quasideterminants and some conventionalnotation. Definition 2.1. Let X be a square matrix over a ring with identity such that its inverse matrix X−1 exists,andsuchthatitsjithentryisaninvertibleelementofthering. Thentheijth quasideterminant of X is defined by the formula |X| = (X−1) −1. ij ji (cid:0) (cid:1) Itissometimesconvenienttoadoptthefollowingalternativenotationforthequasideterminants: x ··· x ··· x 11 1j 1n (cid:12) ··· ··· (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) |X|ij =:(cid:12) xi1 ··· xij ··· xin (cid:12). (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) ··· ··· (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) x ··· x ··· x (cid:12) (cid:12) n1 nj nn (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) The matrixT(u)definedin(1)hasthe followingGaussdecompositioninterms ofquasideterminants (by Theorem 4.96 in [3]; see §5 in [1]): T(u)=F(u)D(u)E(u) for unique matrices d (u) ··· 0 1 .  .  d (u) . D(u) = 2 ,  ... ...     0 ··· dm+n(u)  1 e12(u) ··· e1,m+n(u) E(u) =  ... e2,m+n(u) ,  ... ...     0 1    1 ··· 0  f (u) ... ...  F(u) = 21 ,  ... ...     fm+n,1(u) fm+n,2(u) ··· 1  2 where t11(u) ··· t1,i−1(u) t1i(u) di(u) = (cid:12)(cid:12) ... ... ... (cid:12)(cid:12), (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) ti1(u) ··· ti,i−1(u) tii(u) (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12) t11(u) ··· t1,i−1(u)(cid:12)(cid:12) t1j(u) eij(u) = di(u)−1(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) ti−1...,i(u) ·.·.·. ti−1,i...−1(u) ti−1,...j(u) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12), (cid:12)(cid:12) ti1(u) ··· ti,i−1(u) tij(u) (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) t11(u(cid:12)(cid:12)) ··· t1,i−1(u) t1i(u) (cid:12)(cid:12) fji(u) = (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) ti−1,...1(u) ·.·.·. ti−1,i...−1(u) ti−1...,i(u) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)di(u)−1. (cid:12)(cid:12) tji(u) ··· tj,i−1(u) tji(u) (cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) It is easy to recovereachgenerat(cid:12)ing series t (u) by multiplying togeth(cid:12)er and taking commutators of ij d (u); 1 ≤ i ≤ m+n, and e (u) := e (u), f (u) = f (u); 1 ≤ i < m+n (see §5 of [1]). Thus i i i,i+1 i i+1,i the Yangian Y(gl ) is generated by the coefficients of the latter. m|n 2.1 Some Useful Maps HerewedefinesomeautomorphismsoftheYangianY(gl )andhomomorphismsbetweenYangians, m|n so that we may refer to them in the next section. Let ω :Y(gl )→Y(gl ) be the automorphism defined by m|n m|n m|n ω :T(u)7→T(−u)−1. Let τ :Y(gl )→Y(gl ) be the anti-automorphism defined by m|n m|n τ(t (u))=t (u)×(−1)i(j+1). ij ji Let ρ :Y(gl )→Y(gl ) be the isomorphism defined by m|n m|n n|m ρ (t (u))=t (−u). m|n ij m+n+1−i,m+n+1−j Let ϕ :Y(gl )֒→Y(gl ) be the inclusion which sends each generator t(r) ∈Y(gl ) m|n m|n m+k|n ij m|n to the generator t(r) in Y(gl ). k+i,k+j m+k|n Finally, let ψ :Y(gl )→Y(gl ) be the injective homomorphism defined by k m|n m+k|n ψ =ω ◦ϕ ◦ω . (3) k m+k|n m|n m|n Thislasthomomorphismisusefulforstudyingquasideterminantssowediscussitinsomedetailwith the following remarks. Remark 2.1. We can calculate ψ (t (u)) explicitly for any 1≤i,j ≤m+n (see Lemma 4.2 of [1]) k ij : t (u) ··· t (u) t (u) 11 1k 1,k+j (cid:12) .. .. .. .. (cid:12) (cid:12) . . . . (cid:12) ψk(tij(u))=(cid:12)(cid:12) t (u) ··· t (u) t (u) (cid:12)(cid:12). (cid:12) k1 kk k,k+j (cid:12) (cid:12) t (u) ··· t (u) t (u) (cid:12) (cid:12) k+i,1 k+i,k k+i,k+j (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) In particular, this means that for(cid:12)k ≥ 1, we have ψk(d1(u)) = dk+1(u), ψk((cid:12)e1(u)) = ek+1(u), and ψ (f (u))=f (u). k 1 k+1 Furthermore, by (3), we have for any k,l ≥ 1 that ψ ◦ψ = ψ , so we may generalise this k l k+l observation to give for instance ψ (d (u))=d (u). k l k+l 3 Remark 2.2. Notice that the map ψ sends t′(r) ∈Y(gl ) to the element t′(r) in Y(gl ). k ij m|n k+i,k+j m+k|n Thus the subalgebra ψ (Y(gl )) is generated by the elements {t′(r) }n . Then, by (2), all k m|n k+s,k+t s,t=1 elementsofthissubalgebracommutewiththoseofthesubalgebrageneratedbytheelements{t(r)}k . ij i,j=1 By Remark 2.1, this implies in particular that for any i,j ≥1, the quasideterminants d (u) and i d (v) commute. j 3 The Quantum Berezinian The quantum Berezinian was defined by Nazarov [7] and plays a similar role in the study of the Yangian Y(gl ) as the quantum determinant does in the case of the Yangian Y(gl ) (see [5]). m|n n Definition 3.1. The quantum Berezinian is the following power series with coefficients in the Yan- gian Y(gl ): m|n b (u) := sgn(τ)t (u)t (u−1)···t (u−m+1) m|n τ(1)1 τ(2)2 τ(m)m τX∈Sm × sgn(σ)t′ (u−m+1)···t′ (u−m+n) m+1,m+σ(1) m+n,m+σ(n) σX∈Sn The first part of this expression for b (u) is quite special and so is given its own notation: m|n C (u):= sgn(τ)t (u)t (u−1)···t (u−m+1). m τ(1)1 τ(2)2 τ(m)m τX∈Sm ItisclearthatC (u)isanelementofthesubalgebraofY(gl )generatedbytheset{t(r)} . m m|n ij 1≤i,j≤m;r≥0 This subalgebra is isomorphic to the Yangian Y(glm) associated to the Lie algebra glm by the inclu- sionY(glm)→Y(glm|n) whichsendeachgeneratorti(jr) in Y(glm)to the generatorof the same name in Y(gl ). Moreover, C (u) is in fact the image under this map of the quantum determinant of m|n m the smaller Yangian Y(glm) (see [1], [5]). Then it is well known (see Theorem 2.32 in [6]) that we have the alternative expression: C (u)=d (u)d (u−1)···d (u−m+1). m 1 2 m We can extend this observation as follows: Theorem 1. We have the following alternative expression for the quantum Berezinian: b (u) = d (u)d (u−1)···d (u−m+1) m|n 1 2 m ×d (u−m+1)−1···d (u−m+n)−1. m+1 m+n Proof. Notice that the second part of the expressionfor b (u) in Definition 3.1 is the image under m|n the isomorphism ρ ◦ω :Y(gl )→Y(gl ) of n|m n|m n|m m|n sgn(σ)t (u−m+1)···t (u−m+n−1)t (u+m−n) (4) n,σ(n) 2,σ(2) 1,σ(1) σX∈Sn where in this expression (4) we are following the usual convention for denoting generators in the Yangian Y(gl ). We recognise(by comparingwith(8.3)of[1]for example)thatthe expression(4) n|m isinfactC (u−m+n),theimageofthequantumdeterminantofY(gl )underthenaturalinclusion n n Y(gl ) ֒→ Y(gl ). So in order to verify the claim we must calculate the image of C (u−m+n) n n|m n under this map explicitly in terms of our quasideterminants d (v). Applying Proposition 1.6 of [4], i we find that the image of d (v) in Y(gl ) is (d (v))−1 in Y(gl ). This gives the desired i n|m m+n+1−i m|n result. 4 The following theorem is a result of Nazarov [7]. We give a new proof. Theorem 2. The coefficients of the quantum Berezinian (3.1) are central in the algebra Y(gl ). m|n Proof. By Remark 2.2, we already know that the quantum Berezinian b (u) commutes with d (v) m|n i for 1 ≤ i ≤ m+n. So our problem reduces to showing that b (u) commutes with e (v) and with m|n i f (v) for each i between 1 and m+n−1. We proceed by breaking this problem into three cases. i Case 1: 1 ≤ i ≤ m−1. In this case, e (v) commutes with C (u) = d (u) ··· d (u−m+1) i m 1 m by Theorem 7.2 in [1]. On the other hand, e (v) is an element of the subalgebra generated by i {t(r)} and thus by Remark 2.2 commutes with d (u−m+s)−1 = t′ (u−m+s) jk 1≤j,k≤m m+s m+s,m+s for 1≤s≤n. Now we may use the anti-automorphismτ to show that f (v) also commutes with the i quantum Berezinian in this case because τ(e (v))=f (v) for 1≤i≤m−1. i i Case 2: m+1 ≤ i ≤ m+n−1. Applying Propositions 1.6 and 1.4 of [4] in turn to f (v), we i find an alternative expression: t′ (v) t′ (v) ··· t′ (v) −1 i+1,i i+1,i+2 i+1,m+n t′ (v) ··· t′ (v) fi(v) = −(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) t′i+2...,i(v) t′i+2,i...+2(v) ·.·.·. ... (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) i+1,i...+1 i+1,m...+n (cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12)(cid:12) . (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) t′ (v) ··· t′ (v) (cid:12) (cid:12) t′ (v) t′ (v) ··· t′ (v) (cid:12) (cid:12) m+n,i+1 m+n,m+n (cid:12) (cid:12) m+n,i m+n,i+2 m+n,m+n (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) (cid:12) Thus, we find(cid:12)that for m+1≤i≤m+n−1, (cid:12) ρ ◦ω (−f (v))=e (v), n|m n|m m+n−i i and similarly ρ ◦ω (−e (v))=f (v). n|m n|m m+n−i i We apply this isomorphism to the results of Case 1 in the Yangian Y(gl ). This shows that e (v) n|m i and f (v) commute with the quantum Berezinian in the case where m+1≤i≤m+n−1. i Case 3: i=m. We begin by considering the Yangian Y(gl ). For this algebra we have that 1|1 the quantum Berezinian is b (u)=d (u)d (u)−1 and we would like to show that it commutes with 1|1 1 2 e (v) and f (v). So it will suffice to show 1 1 d (u)e (v)d (u)=d (u)e (v)d (u). (5) 1 1 2 2 1 1 We have t (u) t (u) d (u) d (u)e (u) 11 12 = 1 1 1 (6) (cid:18) t21(u) t22(u) (cid:19) (cid:18) f1(u)d1(u) f1(u)d1(u)e1(u)+d2(u) (cid:19) t′ (v) t′ (v) d (v)−1+e (v)d (v)−1f (v) −e (v)d (v)−1 11 12 = 1 1 2 1 1 2 . (7) (cid:18) t′21(v) t′22(v) (cid:19) (cid:18) −d2(v)−1f1(v) d2(v)−1 (cid:19) An application of (2) gives (u−v)[t (u),t′ (v)] = t (u)t′ (v)+t (u)t′ (v). 11 12 11 12 12 22 Substituting in the expressions from (6) and (7) then cancelling d (v), this gives 2 (u−v)[d (u),e (v)] = d (u)(e (v)−e (u)). 1 1 1 1 1 Similarly, by considering the commutator [t (u),t′ (v)], we derive the relation 12 22 (u−v)[d (u),e (v)] = d (u)(e (v)−e (u)). 2 1 2 1 1 We rewrite these relations to find (u−v)e (v)d (u) = (u−v−1)d (u)e (v)+d (u)e (u), 1 1 1 1 1 1 (u−v)e (v)d (u) = (u−v−1)d (u)e (v)+d (u)e (u), 1 2 2 1 2 1 5 and by considering these expressions we see that (5) holds. Similarly, the quantum Berezinian com- mutes with f (v). 1 NowwereturnourattentiontothegeneralYangianY(gl ). BysimilarappealstoRemark2.2 m|n as in the first case, we see that e (v) and f (v) commute with d (u)···d (u − m + 2) and m m 1 m−1 with d (u−m+2)−1··· d (u− m + n)−1. So we need only show they commute with m+2 m+n d (u−m+1)d (u−m+1)−1. Thisfollowsimmediatelywhenweapplythehomomorphismψ m m+1 m−1 to the identity (5) in Y(gl ). 1|1 References [1] JonathanBrundanandAlexanderKleshchev. Parabolicpresentationsofthe YangianY(gl ). To n appear in Commun.Math. Phys., 2004. Preprint: math.QA/0407011. [2] VyjayanthiChariandAndrewPressley. A guide to quantum groups. CambridgeUniversityPress, Cambridge, 1994. [3] I. Gelfand, S. Gelfand, V. Retakh, and R.L. Wilson. Quasideterminants. to appear in Advances in Mathematics, 2004. Preprint: arXiv:math.QA/0208146. [4] I. M. Gelfand and V. S. Retakh. Determinants of matrices over noncommutative rings. Funct. Anal. Appl., 25(2):91–102,1991. [5] A. Molev, M. Nazarov, and G. Olshanskii. Yangians and classical Lie algebras. Russian Math. 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