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A reappraisal of Paspalum pilosum and P. peregrinum (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae) PDF

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Preview A reappraisal of Paspalum pilosum and P. peregrinum (Poaceae: Panicoideae: Paniceae)

RHODORA, 240-249, 2003 No. Vol, 105, 923, pp. AND ALUM PILOSUM A REAPPRAISAL OF PASP PANICEAE) PANICOIDEAE: PEREGRINUM (POACEAE: P, Denham and Sandra Aliscioni Silvia S. S. B1642HYD San de Botanica Darwinion, Casilla de Correo 22, Isidro, Institute Buenos Argentina Aires, larwin mc un pnosum peic^umwi mcinucia irm raspalum ana r. die ui ABSTRACT, Decumbentes group of Paspalum. and grow from Mexico and Mesoanierica to Brazil and Bolivia South America. Paspahim pilosiim is characterized by its erect to in decumbent culms, glabrous to pilose sheaths and blades, one or two racemes in on terminal inflorescences, glabrous spikelets arranged in pairs in 2 irregular series dimorphic lower glumes in the pair of spikelets, longitudinally sulcate the rachis, gynoecium. Paspalum pcregriniim has sheaths and lower lemmas, and glabrous racemes occasionally branched, hairy spikelets arranged in to blades densely pilose, 1 morphology 4 series on the rachis, and a hairy gynoecium. These modifications in the Another Thrasya of P. peregrinum are due to a funga! infection. species, xenezuelana, known only from the type collection, is the same taxon as P. We peregrinum. conclude that P. peregrinum and T. venezuelana are in fact abnormal specimens of pilosum, whose morphology modified by the fungal P. is synonymy Therefore, both species are reduced to the of/', pilosum. This infection. abnormal caused by fungi, and the first in the tribe Paniceae. Key Words: Paspalum, Paniceae, Poaceae, abnormal morphology, fungal infection member Paspalum pilosum Lam. a of the informal group is Decumbentes Paspalum (Chase grows from southern of L. 1929). It Mexico and Mesoamerica Bolivia and southem Brazil (Figure to 1), wooded inhabiting open savannas, and slopes. frequent in fields, It is m grazed places, from 60 to 1700 elevation. Burman In a revision of the genus Thrasya Kunth, (1987) excluded T. xillosa Hitchc. from the genus and placed in Paspalum, in the informal it & group Decumbentes under the new name P.peregrimim A. G. Burm. Filg., since P. xillosum was pre-occupied by P. villosum Thunb. The Burman Panama specimens studied by were from and central Brazil, peregrmum and the specific epithet refers to the unusual pattern of by The disjunction exhibited the specimens. type specimen, Pittier from Panama. 5363, is During our revision of the Decumbentes group of Paspalum, we found Thrasya venezuelana Chase same that the as P. peregrinum. is new The analysis of collections from Venezuela and Brazil, addition in 240 — Denham and PaspaJum 2003] Aliscioni pilosuin 241 of Paspaluin pilosum. Figure Distribution 1 . made by Dr. O. Morrone (pers. comm.), led us to observations to field A pilosum. consider P. peregn'mim as a doubtful species, similar to P. rm and AND METHODS MATERIALS w and mexu, mo, Material studied came from: bm, g, k, lpb, p, si, us, some Paspalwn peregn'mim included of the Specimens of (Appendix). Hummel new Burman 69133 and 5506) and by {Partch seen material 2219 45102) and Brazil {Filgiieiras from Venezuela {Trejos material was & The 5363, not seen. Zuloaga 2101). type, Pittier and FUgueiras Chase was The of Thrasya venezuelana. 12407, type collection examined. upper anthecium and microphotographs of the Scanning electron Soderstrom and Zuloaga (1989). gynoecium were prepared following A 940 scanning electron The specimens were viewed in a Zeiss 10-20 kV. th^ rinrwininn oneratine r«;^r-^c-/^r^t^^ at institute, at 242 Rhodora [Vol. 105 The specific histochemical test for chitin was carried out order in to detect fungal hyphae walls using an aqueous 1% solution of aniline- 85% blue and acid (Clark lactic et 1983). al. RESULTS The material determined 40-100 The culms. sheaths and blades are glabrous The to scarcely pilose. terminal inflorescences have 1-2 unbranched racemes 4-15 that are cm The (-20) long. last sheath usually subtends a cymose system of 1 -3 axillary inflorescences, each with a single raceme; other axillary The glabrous adaxially and hispid abaxially, the margins are glabrous to mm The sparcely pilose. spikelets are glabrous, 2.2-3.0 long, arranged two in pairs, in irregular series on the rachis. The lower glumes are when dimorphic comparing this bract in the upper and lower spikelets of a upper pair: in the spikelet the lower glume generally reduced, up is to 1/6 the length of the spikelet, while in the lower spikelet, the lower glume well-developed, up is to 3/4 the length of the and spikelet, The The flower is usually absent. The upper anthecium papillose and is glabrous. The The cm their shorter culms (25-35 sheaths and tall), blades that are densely (3-6 branched The arranged in The 1 The pilose or rarely glabrous (Table Hairs of 1). the ovary are unicellular, 90-330 urn long, with rounded a or dome-shaped apex and with a basal constriction (Figure Characters shared by 2). two the species are: the terminal inflorescences with 1-2 racemes and the axillary ones with a single raceme; the dimorphic lower glumes two in the spikelets of a pair; the 5-nerved, longitudinally sulcate and finely papillose lower lemma; the well-developed lower palea; and the absence of lower the flower. The specimen Filgueiras 2219 (mo) presents with tillers the moiphology Paspalum of neresrimmi and with th^ mr.r^v,,.i„„„ tillers Denham 2003] and AYiscioni^Paspalum piloswn 243 Table Comparison of Paspalum pilosum and pere^nnum. 1. P. Plant part pilosum P. peregrinum P. Culms 40-100 cm 25-35 cm tall tall Sheaths and blades Glabrous to scarcely pilose Densely pilose Racemes cm 14-15 (-20) 3-6 cm long, long, never branched occasionally branched Rachis of the racemes Adaxial surface glabrous, Both surfaces and abaxial surface hispid, margins pilose and margins glabrous to scarcely pilose mm mm Spikelets Glabrous, 2.2-3 long Pilose, 2.5-3.5 long on Spikelets the rachis In 2 irregular series In to 4 irregular series 1 Upper anthecium Glabrous Pilose toward the apex Gynoecium Glabrous Hairy, rarely glabrous of pilosum same By P. in the plant. using a histochemical reaction we to detect chitin, verified the presence of fungal hyphae on the reproductive structures of the with features of P. peregriminu tillers Fungal hyphae were on also detected reproductive structures of the rest of the specimens of P. peregrinum. known Thrasya venczuelana only from the type. Chase 12407, is from Venezuela. This specimen matches the morphology of Paspalum peregrimmi, with sheaths, blades, and rachis of the racemes densely mm pilose; pilose spikelets, 3.5-3.7 (-4) long; the upper anthecium papillose and pilose toward the apex; and the gynoecium densely pilose. DISCUSSION The gynoecium presence of a hairy a frequent feature within the is subfamily Pooideae; can be hairy throughout surface or only near it its the top, sometimes as a fleshy hairy appendage (Clayton and Renvoize A 1986). hairy gynoecium present in some species of Festuca L., is Megalachne Steud., and Vulpia C. C. Gmel. of the tribe Poeae; Arena L., Arrhenatherum P. Beauv., and Gaudinia P. Beauv. of the tribe Aveneae; and Elymus L. and Agropyron Gaertn. of the tribe Triticeae. In contrast, a hairy gynoecium unusual within the subfamily Panicoi- is Watson deae. Within the tribe Paniceae, and Dallwitz (1992) cited the presence of a hairy ovary only for the African genus Chaetopoa C. E. Hubb., although there no reference of this character in the original is description of the genus. Rhodora 244 105 [Vol. 400 )jm pm 200 pm 40 Figure Scanning 2. electron microphotographs of Paspalum pilosum. All abnormal 2101 a. Upper lemma anthecium, Upper (si), side. B. anthecium, palea side. C, lemma ovary — Denham and Paspahim 2003] Aliscioni pilosum 245 Structural modifications on vegetative and reproductive of parts the plants, such as culm length, branching vegetative axes and at inflorescences, and proliferation and size of the spikelets, have been cited as malformations caused by fungal infections (Fischer and Holton Examples 1957). of morphological changes caused by other fiingi in documented grass taxa are well in Ichnanthus P. Beauv. (Sticber 1982), grov^ing America, and in tropical Asia, Africa, Australia; Strcptostachys Desv. (Zuloaga and Soderstrom which grows from Venezuela 1985), to Brazil and Paraguay; and Holcus L. (Menezes de Sequeira and Almaraz 2001), native from Eurasia, but introduced in another areas. Another species of the Decumbentes group oi Paspahim, P. unispicatum (Scribn. & Men*.) Nash, which grows from Texas to Argentina, has been reported by Chase (1929) as being frequently affected by a fungus that distorts the inflorescense. The discovery of specimens such as Filgiieiras 2219, which normal and abnormal morphology on presents with the tillers same plant, allows us to conclude that the specimens that Burman (1987) recognized as P. peregrinum represent affected plants, constituted only by with abnormal morphology. the tillers In contrast, we have no evidence that pilosity on sheaths, blades, axis, may Uphof and bracts of the spikelets be caused by fungal pathogens. mutations can cause glabrous and (1962) reported that plausible that is it Paspalum pubescent varieties of a species. Li her treatment of pilosum, Chase (unpubl. manuscript) mentioned specimens collected in grazed or trodden places in Brazil, with short culms, blades densely pilose, racemes 4-8 cm long, spikelets densely hispid with glistening hairs, and stamens and gynoecium abnormal. She described these plants as being affected by a fungus, probably belonging to the genus Balansia, Also. Even and normal culms. though she noticed plants with both affected pereghmim the abnormal morphology of the specimens of P. is evi- we dently caused by a fungal infection, were unable to identify the However, White pathogen due lack of Hving material. (1987), the to Clay and Clay and Leuchtmann (1989) have pointed out that the (1988), Poaceae commonly infected by fungal endophytes of the family are (Ascomycetes). Clavicipitaceae Examples based on infected specimens include Holcus of '*taxa" which was synonymized under Holcus Pam., mollis L. var. parvifiorus by Menezes de Sequeira and Almaraz (2001), and Agrostis mollis L. pumila U, which Roemer and Schultes (1817) included as an infra- Paspahim peregrinum and With. category of vulgaris specific i4. new Thrasya venezuelana represent two incidents of taxa that are based and on characters resulting from a fungal infection, the first in the 246 Rhodora [Vol. 105 tribe Paniceae. The remaining species of the Decumbentes group of Paspalum, approximately 17 species, have been examined for this phenomenon and no was infection detected. abnormal morphology observed In short, the in the studied speci- mens of Paspalum peregrinum and Thrasya venezuelana in represent pathological deformations carmot be taxonomic that treated as differ- we ences. For this reason, propose the reduction of P. peregrinum and synonymy venezuelana under pilosum. r. to P. The following nomenclatural treatment should be adopted: Paspalum pilosum Lam., Tabl. Encycl. 175. 1791. Dimorphostachys 1: pilosa (Lam.) E. Foum., Mexic. PI. 2: 14. 1886. Type: America Richard Tropical, (holotype: s.n, p-la!; isotype: usi). Thrasya villosa Hitchc, syn. nov., Proc. Biol. Soc. Wash. 40: 84. 1927. & Paspalum peregrinum A. G. Bunn. Acta Venez. Filg., Rot. 14(4): 91. 1987. Type: panama. Cen-o Vaca, 25-28 Dec eastern Chiriqui, 1911, 5363 Pittier (holotype: us not seen). Thrasya venezuelana Chase, syn. now, Wash. Acad. J. Sci. 42(4): 122. 1952, non Paspahim villosum Thunb., 1784. Paspalum venezuelanuni (Chase) A. G. Burm., Acta Bot. Venez. 14(4): 90. 1987. Type: Venezuela. Federal Mar Chase 12407 District, 11 1940, (holotype: us-1762130!; isotype: VEN not seen^. We acknowledgments. thank Drs O. Morrone and Zuloaga who F. suggested to us the idea of the paper and comments for their on the manuscript. literature cited Burman, A. G. 1987. The 7-93. Chase, A. 1929. The Non 1-310. 28: EITE techniques for the detection of Acremonium coenophialum in fescue and tall methods of in vitro culture of the fungus. Microbiol. Meth. 149-155. J. I: Clay, K. 1988. Fungal endophytes A of grasses: defensive mutualism between plants and fungi. Ecology 69: 10-16. AND A. Leuchtmann. 1989. Infection woodland grasses by endophytes. Mycologia 805-811. 81: Graminium Kew World. Bull. Additional Series Her XIII. Majesty's Stationery Office, London, U.K. W. Fischer, G. and Holton. C. S. 1957. Biology and Control of Smut the Fungi. 1st The Ronald Co New ed. Press Ynrlr — Denham and Paspalum 2003] Aliscioni pilosuni 247 Menezes de Sequeira, M. and Almaraz. Hokus T. 2001. mollis L. var. parvijfoms An Par. (Poaceae): erroneous interpretation of abnomial morphology caused by fungi. Bot. Linn. Soc. 135: 295-297. J. RoEMER, AND J. J. A. ScHULTES. 1817. Syst. Veg., ed. 16, Vol. 2. Stuttgardtiae. A SoDERSTROM, T. R. AND F. O. ZuLOAGA. 1989. revisiou of the genus Olyra and the new segregate genus Parodiolyra (Poaceae: Bambosoideae: Olyreae). Smithso- nian Contr. Bot. 69: 1-79. M. SxrEBER, T. 1982. Revision of Ichnanthifs sect Ichnanthus (Gramineae, Panicoideae). Syst. Bot. 7: 85-1 15. Uphof, Band W. Zimmemiann J. C. 1962. Plant hairs. IV. Teil 5. hi: and P. G. Ozenda, eds.. Encyclopedia of Plant Anatomy, 2nd ed. Gebriider Bomtraegen Berlin. Watson, and M. L. J. Dallwitz. 1992. Grass Genera of the World, 1st ed. C.A.B. International Publishing, Wallingford, Oxon, U.K. White, J. F. 1987. The widespread distribution of endophytes in the Poaceae. PI. Dis. 340-342. 71: Zuloaga, F. O. and T. R. Soderstrom. 1985. Classification of the outlying species new of world Panicum (Poaceae: Panrceae). Smithsonian Contr. Bot. 59: 1-60. APPENDIX SPECIMENS EXAMINED. & urman Fils. are with an identified asterisk. BELIZE. Stann Creek, Possum Point Biological Station, 23 Jun 1993, Vincent et al. 6184 (mo). km BOLIVIA. La Paz: Franz Tamayo, Apolo, 52 hacia Charasani, 1550 m, 7 Jun & 1990, Beck Foster 18538 (k, lpb, Nor-Yungas: camino Yolosa-Caranavi, si); km & desvio a Coroico, a 9 de Yolosa, Jun 1993, RiigoJo ViUaxicencio 1936 1 (si). Santa Cruz: Velasco, Parque Nacional Noel Kempff M., Calarala Ahlfeld, 300 m, 24 Apr 1993, Killeen et al. 545J (mexu, mo, si). SW brazil. Bahia: 24 km of Belmonte on road to Itapebi, 24 Mar 1974, Hat ley 17387 do Rio de Contas, Harley aL 15330 mo, Mocuge, et al. (k, mo); Serra et (k, p); & Mocuge Mar Zuloaga Morrone 6959 de a Barra de Estiva, 15 1999, (si). Distrito W Nov Federal: of Taguatinga, 1200 m, 25 1965, Invin et al. 10652 (mo); D.F. 205, W km Sobradinho Corregom d'Ouro, 15 de Sobradinho, 22 Feb 1992, entre y & Filgueiras Zuloaga 2101"^ Goias: Padre Bernardo, entre PaWdre Bernardo e (si). N km Curralinho. 20 km de Curralinho, 28 Feb 1992, Filgueiras 22 (mo); 15 ca. N of Corumba de Goias on road to Niquelandia, ca. 150 m, 15 Jan 1968, Invin etal 1 km m, Mar 18610 Chapada dos Veadeiros, 10 south of Cavalcante, 1000 10 (mo); 1969, Irwin etal. 24239 (us); Padre Bernardo, entre Padre Bernardo e Curralinho, ca. N 20 km de Curralinho, 28 Feb 1992, Filgueiras 2219 (mo); Pirinopolis, Pirineus, 17 km Feb 1956, without collector 4375 Serra do Pirineus, 9 S of Corumba de (si); Goias, 1000 m, Dec 1965, Irwin et al. 10892 (us); without locality, 1894-1895, 1 Glaziou 22434 (c, k, p, w). Minas Gerais: 13 Jan 1951, Pires et al. 2907 (us); ca.l 1 & km E Campanha Hwy. 267 Caxabu, 960 m, Davidse Ramamoorthy of along to 10609 (mo); ca. 22 km S of Padre Parafso along Hwy. BR-1 16, 700 m, 29 Mar 1976, 248 Rhodora [Vol. 105 Davidse et al. 11516 (mo). Para: Belem, 10 Nov 1964, Soderstrom & Canalho 1158 (mo). Parana: Itarare, 20 Jan 1915, Dusen 13507 Jaguariaiva, Parque Estadual do (si); Dec Cerrado, 13 1992, Rugolo et al. 1725 (mo). Rio de Janeiro: Macieiras, Serra de Itatiaia, 1000 m, 18 Jan 1925, Chose 8346 (us). Sao Paulo: Piracununga, 31 Dec 1964, Clayton 4104 (us); Sao Paulo, Parque Estadual das Pontes do Ipiranga, 13 Jan 1976, da Silva 235 (mo). COLOMBIA. Buenaventura: 13 Jun 1923, Hitchcock 19909 Cauca: Around (us). Calf, western side of Cauca valley, 1000-1200 m, Dec 1905, 659 Pittier (us); carretera Madomo Calipopayan, & entre y Pescador, 1630 m, 26 Jun 1989, Zuloaga Londono W 4190 (MO, SI); Cauca Valley, Rio Sucio, of Popayan, 1500-1700 m, 3 Jul 1922, Pennel 8164 La et al. (us); Esmeralda near Jamundi, Cauca Valley, 1200 m, Jan 1906, Pittier 1539 (us). Choco: Hoya del Rio San Juan, Andagoya, 12 Apr 1979, SW Forero 5117 km et al. (mo). Cundinamarca: 4 of Fusagusuga, 1450 m, 8 Jan 1974, Davidse 5556 Mesa et al. (mo). Santander: de Los Santos, 1500 m, 1-15 Dec 1 & 1926, Killip Smith 15112 Without (us). locality, 1846, Moritz 650 (bm, g). COSTARICA. Guanacaste: Parque Nacional Rincon de La Vieja, 900-1200 m, 27-28 Jan 1983, Davidse 23441 et al. (mo). Puntarenas: Buenos 380 m, Aires, 17 Jul 1966, & Pohl Calderon 10075 San km km NE (mo). Jose: S of Rivas, 6 of San 1 Isidro del General, 725 m, 14 Jul 1966, Pohl & Calderon 10050 (mexu). EL SALVADOR. Chalatenango! along Hwy. 4 km SSE of La Palma 950 m 4, Jun II & Pohl 1970, Davidse 11896 (mo). FRENCH GUIANA. Cayenne: 1835, Leprieur s.n. (c, p). GUATEMALA. km Chiquimula: 3 S of Quezaltepeque on CA-10, Dec 8 1970, Harmon Dwyer 3690 (mo). iSc kmNW HONDURAS. Comayagua: new along Hwy., 10 of Siguatepeque, 1080 m, 14 Aug 1971, Pohl 12762 (mo). Cortes Lago de Yojoa: 60 km SE de San Pedro Sula' 21 Feb 1982, haguirre 148 (mo). El Paraiso: along Hwy. 25 km E of Zamorano 4, El 600 m, 14 Jun 1970, Pohl & Davidse 11921 Quebrada (mo); Honda, por la carretera Manzaragua entre San y Lucas, 1100 m, 11 Oct 1994, Linares & Metsger 1805 (mexu). Morazan: 800 m, Nov SW 1943, Rodriguez 1561 km (mexu); ca. 16 of Talanga along the road to Tegucigalpa (Hwy. 750 m, 4 Oct & 3), 1986, Davidse Pilz SW 31554 km (mexu, mo). Olancho: 6 of Dulce Nombre Hwy de Culmi, along 3 550 m, 23 Jul 1970, Pohl & Davidse 12443 (mo); Vaguada no del de Culmf, 500 m' 17-22 & Nelson Romero Jul 1978, 4703 (mexu), MEXICO. Tabasco: Huimanguillo, 10 Oct Cowan 1980, 3249 et al. (mexu). NICARAGUA. Comarca Del Cabo: Puente Pozo Azul, 10 Jul 1972, Seymour 5802 (mo). Zelaya: between Waspan and Ulwas, & 12 Jul 1970, Pohl Davidse 12287 (mo) PANAMA. Chiriqui: Alto Boquete, 1125 m, 25 Jan 1969, Partch 69133^ (mo)- Foothills, vicinity of El Boquete, lOOft-1300 m, 28 Sep-7 Oct 1911, Hitchcock 8192 Panama: (SI). Altos de Campana, a unos 85 km Moel del Sulin, Jun 1977 Mendez 1 1 39 (MO); Cerro Campana, 1000 m, 9 Nov Hammel 1978, 5506^ (mo); Chorrera 16 Sep 1911, Hitchcock 8130 Veraguas, (si); along road to radio tower on Cerro San W Cnstobla, near Pam. Am. Hwy., km 9 of bridge over Rio Cobre, 450 m, 25 Feb Nee 1974, 10163 (mo). Zona del Canal: Ancon 26 Nov-9 Dec Hill, 1923, Standley 25205 (mo). PERU. Ayacucho: Aina, between Huanta and Rio Apurimac m 75(>-10(K) 7-17 May & 1929, Killip Smith 22528 (us). TRINIDAD Y TOBAGO. Poit of Spain, 26 Nov 1912, Hitchcock 9987 Aripo (us); Savanna, Cumuto northeast of Village, 18 Jun 1963, Soderstrom 980 Aripo (us)'; Denham 2003] and AUscioni—Paspalum pilosum 249 Cumutu Savanna, Dec Station, 5 1912, Hitchcock 10075 (us); Joseph, 23 Dec St. 1912, Hitchcock 10189 (us). VENEZUELA. Amazonas: Rio Negro, Solano, along Brazo the Casiquiare, 75 m, 26 Jun 1984, Dav/6?5^c£M///^/-266J5 (mo). Anzoategui: Bolivar, 100 m, 24 Nov 1981, 1 & Davidse Gonzalez 19389 (si). Anzoategui: Freites, Burro trail between San Durrial and Los 1200-1400 m, Dec & Pajaritos, 1981, Davidse Gonzalez 19794 (mo, I si). E Atures: near Capuana, bank of the Rio Orinoco, 90 m, 27 Apr Davidse 1979, et al. N km 16795 (mo). Bolivar: a 4 al de Santa Elena de Uairen, 900 m, 14 Aug 1989, N Zuloaga al 4441 Hato La km et (mo); Roscio, Divina Pastora, approx. 8 de al & Santa Elena de Uairen, 830 m, 25 Jul 1983, Huher Alarcon 7831 (mo); Sifontes, W km sector La Hoyada, 7 al de Sta. Elena de Uairen, 850^1 100 m, 23 Oct 1986, Aymard 4797 (mo). Distrito Federal: El Avila, 1600 m, Oct 1959, Trejos 45102'' km (mo). Guarico: Estacion Bioldgica Los Llanos, 10 SSE of Calabozo, 60 m, 9 Nov Monagas 1661 (mo).

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