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A quick proof of classification of real forms of Basic Lie superalgebras by Vogan diagrams PDF

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Preview A quick proof of classification of real forms of Basic Lie superalgebras by Vogan diagrams

A quick proof of classification of real forms of Basic Lie superalgebras by Vogan diagrams B Ransingh∗ and K C Pati Department of Mathematics 3 National Institute of Technology 1 Rourkela (India) 0 Email∗- [email protected] 2 n a J Abstract 4 2 This article classifies the real forms of Lie Superalgebra by Vogan diagrams, developing Borel de Seibenthal theorem of semisimple Lie algebras for Lie superalgebras. A Vogan diagram is a ] Dynkin diagram of triplet (gC,h0,△+), where gC is a real Lie superalgebra, h0 cartan subalgebra, T △+positiverootsystem. AlthoughtheclassificationofrealformsofcontragradientLiesuperalgebras R already furnished but thisarticle’s method is a quickerone to classify. . h 2010 AMS Subject Classification : 17B05,17B22, 17B40 t a Keywords : Lie superalgebras,Vogan diagrams m [ 1 Introduction 3 v For a complex semi-simple Lie algebra g, it is well known that the conjugacy classes of real forms of g 4 are in one to one correspondence with the conjugacy classes of involutions of g, if we associate to a real 9 3 form gR one of its Cartan involutions θ. Using a suited pair (h, ) of a Cartan subalgebra h and a basis 1 of the associated root system, an involution is described by aQ”Vogan diagram”. . Q Knapp[5] broughtVogandiagramsof simple Lie algebrasinto the light to representthe realforms of 5 the complex simple Lie algebras. Batra [1, 2] developed a corresponding theory of Vogan diagrams for 0 2 almostcompactrealforms of indecomposable nontwistedaffine Kac-MoodyLie algebras. Tanushree [10] 1 developed the theory of Vogan diagrams for almost compact real forms of indecomposable twisted affine : Kac-Moody Lie algebras. Similar theory is also developed to find out the Vogan diagrams of hyperbolic v i Kac-Moody algebras[9]. X A Vogan diagram is a Dynkin diagram with some additional information as follows the 2-elements r orbits under θ (Cartan involution) are exhibited by joining the corresponding simple roots by a dou- a ble arrow and the 1-element orbit is painted in black (respectively, not painted), if the corresponding imaginary simple root is noncompact (respectively compact). The real form is defined as a real Lie superalgebra such that its complexification is the original complex Lie superalgebra. It can be seen easily that every standard real form is naturally associated to an antilinear involutive automorphism of the complex Lie superalgebra. The classificationofrealsemisimple Lie algebraswill use maximally compactand split Cartansubal- gebras, The Vogan diagram is based on the classification of maximally compact Cartan subalgebras. Recently similar work has been done using Vogan superdiagrams to classify the real forms of contra- gradientLie superalgebras[6], where the extended Dynkin diagrams of Lie superalgebrais used. But our method uses the ordinary Dynkin diagram as done by Knapp[5]. In this article we construct all the real forms of Lie superalgebras by Vogan diagrams. 1 2 Preliminary 2.1 The general and special linear Lie superalgebras. Let V = V ⊕V be a vector superspace, so that End(V) is an associative superalgebra. The End(V) 0 1 with the supercummutator forms a Lie superalgebra, called the general linear Lie superalgebra and is denoted by gl(m|n), where V = Cm|n. With respect to an suitable ordered basis End(V) and gl(m|n) can be realized as (m+n)×(m+n) complex matrices of the block form. a b where a , b, c and d are respectivily m×m, m×n, n×m and n×n matrices. The even (cid:18) c d (cid:19) a 0 subalgebraof gl(m|n) is gl(m)⊕gl(n) , which consists of matrices of the form , While the odd (cid:18) 0 d (cid:19) 0 b subspace consists of (cid:18) c 0 (cid:19) Definition 1. ALiesuperalgebrasgisanalgebragradedoverZ ,i.e., gisadirectsumofvectorspaces 2 g=g ⊕g , and such that the bracket satisfies 0 1 1. [g ,g ]⊂g , i j i+j(mod2) 2. [x,y]=−(−1)|x||y|[y,x], (Skew supersymmetry) ∀ homogenous x,y,z ∈g (Super Jacobi identity) 3. [x,[y,z]]=[[x,y],z]+(−1)|x||y|[y,[x,z]]∀z ∈g A bilinear form (.,.) : g×g → C on a Lie superalgebra is called invariant if ([x,y],z) = (x,[y,z]), for all x,y,z ∈g The Lie superalgebra g has a root space decomposition with respect to h g=h⊕ g α αM∈△ A root α is even if g ⊂g and it is odd if g ⊂g α 0 α 1 A Cartan subalgebra h of diagonal matrices of g is defined to be a Cartan subalgebra of the even subalgebra g . Since every inner automorphism of g extends to one of Lie superalgebra g and Cartan 0 0 subalgebrasofg areconjugateunderinnerautomorphisms. SotheCartansubalgebrasofgareconjugate 0 under inner automorphism. 2.2 Real forms of Basic Lie superalgebras Proposition 2 ([8] Proposition 1.4). Let g be a complex classical Lie superalgebra and let C be an involutive semimorphism of g. Then g ={x+Cx|x∈g} is a real classical Lie superalgebra. C Proposition 3 ([8] Proposition 1.5). If g is a real classical Lie superalgebra, its complexification g = C g ⊗C is a Lie superalgebra which is either classical or direct sum of two isomorphic ideals which are C classical Theorem 4 ([8] Theorem 4). Up to isomorphism, the real forms of the classical Lie superalgebras are uniquely determined by the real form g of the Lie subalgebra g . 0C 0 The realform is said to standard (graded) when the real structure is standard (graded). Let g be a C realformof g andlet ω be the correspondingcomplex conjugation. Then ω| is anantilinear involution g0 of the Lie algebra g . Hence there is a corresponding Cartan decomposition g = t ⊕p , with Cartan 0 0 0 0 involution C. The following table gives a list of all the real forms associated with basic classical Lie superalgebras. 2 g g g g 0 C 0C sl(m|n;R) sl(m,R)⊕sl(n,R)⊕R A(m,n) sl(m)⊕sl(n)⊕U(1) sl(m|n;H) su∗(m)⊕su∗(n)⊕R su(p,m−p|q,n−q) su(p,m−p)⊕su(q,n−q)⊕iR psl(n|n;R) sl(n,R)⊕sl(n,R) A(n,n) sl(n)⊕sl(n) psl(n|n;H) su∗(n)⊕su∗(n) su(p.n−p|q,n−q) su(p,n−p)⊕su(q,n−q) B(m,n) so(2m+1)⊕sp(2n) osp(p,2m+1−p|2n;R) so(p,2m+1−p)⊕sp(2n;R) B(0,n) sp(2n) osp(1|2n;R) sp(2n,R) osp(p|2n;R) so∗(2)⊕sp(2n;R) C(n+1) so(2)⊕sp(2n) osp(2|2q,2n−2q;H) so∗(2)⊕sp(2q,2n−2q) so(p,2m−p)⊕sp(2n;R) osp(p,2m−p|2n;R) so∗(2m)⊕sp(2q,2n−2q) D(m,n) so(2m)⊕sp(2n) osp(2m|2q,2n−2q;H) sp(n)⊕so∗(2m) so(2m)⊕so∗(2n,R) F(4;0) sl(2,R)⊕so(7) F(4;3) sl(2,R)⊕so(1,6) F(4) sl(2)⊕so(7) F(4;2) sl(2,R)⊕so(2,5) F(4;1) sl(2,R)⊕so(3,4) G(3,0) sl(2,R)⊕G G(3) sl(2)⊕G 2,0 2 G(3,1) sl(2,R)⊕G 2,2 D(2,1;α;0) sl(2,R)⊕sl(2,R)⊕sl(2,R) D(2,1;α) sl(2)⊕sl(2)⊕sl(2) D(2,1;α;1) sl(u)⊕sl(u)⊕sl(u) D(2,1;α;2) sl(2,C)⊕sl(2,R) 3 Vogan diagrams of Basic Lie Superalgebras The following Lemma shows the existence of Lemma 5 (Lemma4.7[4]). There exists C ∈Aut(g) such that C| is a nontrivial automorphism if and g0 only if g is of type A(m,n), D(m,n), D(2,1;α) ,α∈{1,(−2)±1} and C| is as follows. g0 1. If g is of type A(m,n) with n6=m, then C| restricts to the nontrivial diagram automorphism of g0 both A and A . n m 2. If g is oftype A(n,n), then C| is either the nontrivialdiagramautomorphismof bothA compo- g0 n nents, or it is the flip automorphism between the two A components, or the composition of these n two automorphisms. 3. If g is of type D(m,n), m>2, then C| is the unique diagram automorphism of g . g0 0 4. If g is of type D(2,1) ∼= D(2,1,a), a ∈ 1,(−2)±1, then C is the unique diagram automorphism of the diagram. Definition 6. The Vogan diagram of Lie superalgebras is the Vogan diagram of the even part of Lie superalgerbas. In addition to that (a) The vertices fixed by the Cartan involution of the even part is painted (or unpainted) depending whether the the root is noncompact (or compact). (b) Label the 2- elements orbit by the diagram automorphism indicated with two sided arrow. (c) The odd root remain unchanged. Definition 7. An abstract Vogan diagramis an abstract Dynkin diagram with two pieces of additional structure , one is an automorphism of order 1 or 2 of the diagram, which is to be indicated by labeling the 2 element orbits. The other is the subset of the 1 element orbits whichis to be indicated by painting the vertices corresponding to the members of the subset of noncompact roots. Every Vogan diagram is of course an abstract Vogan diagram of Lie superalgebra. 3 Theorem 8. If an abstract Vogan diagram is given, then there exist a real Lie superalgebra g , a Cartan C involution θ, a maximally compact θ stable Cartan subalgebra and a positive system △+ for △=△(g,h) 0 that takes it before a such that the given diagram is the Vogan diagram of (g ,h ,△+). 0 0 C 0 0 Remark 9. Briefly the theorem says that any abstract Vogan diagram comes from some g . Thus the 0 theorem is an analog for real semisimple Lie algebras of the existence theorem for complex semisimple Lie algebras. We will modify the Borel and de Siebenthal Theorem for Lie superalgebra. Theorem 10. Let g be a non complex real Lie superalgebra and Let the Vogan diagram of g be C C given that correponding to the triple (g ,h ,△+). Then ∃ a simple system ′ for △ = △(g,h), with C 0 corresponding positive system △+, such that (gC,h0,△+) is a triple and theQre is at most two painted simple root in its Vogan diagrams of A(m,n),D(m,n) and at most three painted vertices in D(2,1;α). Furthermore suppose the automorphism associated with the Vogan diagram is the identity,that ′ = α1,··· ,αl and that ω1,··· ,ωl is the dual basis for each even part such that hωj,αki = δjk/ǫkk, Qwhere ǫ is the diagonal entries to make cartan matrix symmetric. The the double painted simple root of even kk parts may be chosen so that there is no i′ with hωi−ωi′,ωi′i>0 for each even part. Proof. We know g=g¯0⊕g¯1. The positive even root system △+0 can be written as △+ =△+ ∪△+ 0 01 02 where △+ are the even positive root system for simple root system formed by e basis and △+ are for 01 i 02 δ basis. For the even part, we take <ω ,α >=δ /ǫ . This makes the Cartanmatrix symmetric and j i j ij kk so that we can get the inverse of cartan matrix of A and A for A(m,n) Lie superalgebra. Similarly m n construction will follows for other Lie superalgebras. Each inverse for even part is associted with the dual basis ω. For the odd part the condition is <ω ,α >=δ and donot get any painted vertices. The i j ij SymmetrizableconditionofKac-CartanmatrixgivesS =ǫ A,whereS isthe symmetriccartanmatrix. kk The below table gives the values of ǫ for different superalgebras. kk Lie superalgebra ǫ kk A(m,n) (1,··· ,1,−1,··· ,−1) B(m,n) (1,··· ,1,−1··· ,−1,−2) B(0,n) 1,··· ,1,2 C(n) (−1,1,··· ,1,1) 2 D(m,n) (1,··· ,1,−1−1,··· ,−1,−1,−1) D(2,1;α) (1,−1,1) a F(4) (−1,1,1) 2 G(3) (−1,1,1,) 2 3 TakingsuitablenormalizationconditionforeachtypeofLiesuperalgebrasandfromthetwoLemmas6.97 and 6.98 [5] we get redudancy test for each even part. So now the Vogan diagram of Lie superalgebras becomes two painted vertices Vogan diagram. Lemma 11 (Lemma 6.97 [5] modified). Let △ be an irreducible abstract reduced root system in a real vector superspace V, let Π and Π be the two simple simple root system for even parts e and δ basis 01 02 i j respectivily and let ω and ω′ be nonzero members of V that are domiant relative to Π′s. Then hω,ω′i>0. i Proof. Using the suitable normalisations of e and δ we get the proof of the Lemma. i j Lemma 12 (Lemma6.98[5]modified). Let g be a noncomplex simple real Lie superalgebra and let the 0C Vogan diagram of g be given that corresponding to the triple (g ,h ,△+). Write h = t ⊕a and 0C 0 0 01 01 01 h =t ⊕a for two even parts. . Let V be the span of simple roots that are imaginary, let △ be the 02 02 02 0 root system △∩V, let H be the subset of it paired with V and let Λ be the subset of H where all roots 0 of △ take integer values and all noncompact roots of △ take odd integer values. Then Λ is nonempty. 0 0 In fact if α ,··· ,α is any simple system for △ and if ω ,··· ,ω in V are defined by hω,α i = δ , 1 m 0 1 m k jk then the element 4 ω = ω i i with αiXnoncompact Proof. Fix a simple system α ,··· ,α for △ and let △+ be the set of positive roots of △ . Define 1 m 0 0 0 ω ,··· ,ω by hω,α i=δ . If α= m n α is a positive root of △ , then hω,αi is the sum of the n 1 m k jk i=1 i i 0 i for which αi is noncompact. P Using induction of the Lemma 6.98 [5] for even part of root system the above Lemma will be proved and each even roots satisfy compact root + compact root = compact root compact root+ noncompact root = noncompact root noncompact root + noncompact root = noncompact root 1. A(m,n) The Vogan diagrams and real foms of Lie superalgebras A(m,n) are as follows. h h h h h h h h N sl(n,C) h x h h h h x h N su(p,m−p) su(r,n−r) h h h h h h h h Y Y * * Y Y * * N sl(m,R) sl(n,R) h h x h h h h x h h Y i 1 * Y i 1 * N su∗(m) su∗(n) 2. B(m,n) The Lie subalgebraof g is C ⊕B The only trivial automophism of even part of Vogan 0 m n diagram of B(m,n) is shown below and the real form is sp(2n,R)⊕so(p,2m+1−p) @ h h h x h h (cid:0) N so(p,2m+1−p) Because of missing of real form of the first even part, we need and additional C Dynkin diagram n superimposed Vogan diagrams below. @ @ h h h x h h (cid:0) (cid:0) N sp(2n,R) so(p,2m+1−p) The anotherrealformofLie superalgebraB(m,n)is sp(2n,R)⊕so(2m+1)andthe corresponding Vogan diagram is drawn below. @ @ h h h h h h (cid:0) (cid:0) N sp(2n,R) so(2m+1) 5 3. Case B(0,n) The Vogandiagrambelow is a unpainted diagrambut it consists ofits own painted verticeson the extreme right. @ h h h h x (cid:0) sp(2n,R) 4. Case C(n+1) The unpainted Vogan diagram of C(n+1) creats the real form so∗(2)⊕sp(2n,R) (cid:0) h h h h @ N The trivialautomophismofthe evenpartofC(n+1)makesthe Vogandiagrambelow andthe real form is so∗(2)⊕sp(2q,2n−2q) (cid:0) h x h h @ N 5. Case D(m,n). The Lie subalgebra of g is C ⊕D . The compact real form of C is sp(m). The 0 m n m real form sp(2n,R)⊕so(2m) of the abstract Vogan diagram of D(m,n) for the above subalgebras is followed below. h (cid:17) (cid:17) h h h h h Q Q N h so(2m) Since from the diagram we get only so(2m) part of real form, so for the sp(2n) part we need the addition C diagram in the diagram above. Subsequently the Vogan diagram becomes n h (cid:17) @ (cid:17) h h h h h (cid:0) QQ N h sp(2n,R) so(2m) Thefirsttrivialinvolutionforoneoftheevenpartforthe VogandiagramofD(m,n)isgivenbelow and the real form of this diagram is sp(2n,R)⊕so(p,2m−p). h (cid:17) @ (cid:17) h h h x h (cid:0) QQ N h sp(2n,R) so(p,2m−p) 6 ThenontrivialinvolutionfortheVogandiagramofD(m,n)isgivenbelowandthe realformofthis diagram is sp(2q,2n−2q)⊕so∗(2m). h (cid:17) I @ (cid:17) h hh x h h h (cid:0) QQ N h(cid:9) sp(2q,2n−2q) so∗(2m) ThebelowVogandiagramisformedbythenontrivialinvolution. Therealformforthissuperlagebra is sp(n)⊕so∗(2m). h (cid:17) I @ (cid:17) h h h h h (cid:0) QQ N h(cid:9) sp(n) so∗(2m) 6. Case D(2,1;α) The unpainted and no two element orbit Vogan diagram is given below with the real form. Since we can get only the real form su(2)⊕su(2) from ordinary Vogan diagram h (cid:17) (cid:17) su(2)⊕su(2) Q Q N h So our requisite Vogan diagrams for the suitable real forms are h (cid:17) (cid:17) h su(2)⊕su(2)⊕su(2) Q Q N h x (cid:17) (cid:17) x sl(2,R)⊕sl(2,R)⊕sl(2,R) Q Q N x The nontrivial involution of the Dynkin diagram of D(2,1;α) makes the following Vogan diagram as shown below. h (cid:17) I (cid:17) x sl(2,C)⊕sl(2,R) Q Q N h(cid:9) 7. Case F(4) From the Dynkin diagram we can get only the real form so(7) and the Vogan diagram (cid:0) h h h @ N sl(2,R)⊕so(7) 7 we add the extra even part root to get the desired real forms and Vogan diagrams. (cid:0) x h h h @ N sl(2,R)⊕so(7) (cid:0) h x h h @ N su(2)⊕so(1,6) (cid:0) h h x h @ N su(2)⊕so(2,5) (cid:0) h h h x @ N su(2)⊕so(3,4) 8. Case G(3) The Vogan diagram of G(3) with real form sl(2,R)⊕G and sl(2,R)⊕G are 2,0 2,2 (cid:0) x h h @ N (cid:0) x h x @ N Acknowledgement: The authorsthank NationalBoardof Higher Mathematics,India (ProjectGrant No. 48/3/2008-R&DII/196-R)for financial support. References [1] Batra P, Invariant of Real forms of Affine Kac-Moody Lie algebras, Journal of Algebra 223, 208-236 (2000). [2] Batra P, Vogan diagrams of affine Kac-Moody algebras, Journal of Algebra 251, 80-97 (2002). [3] Frappat L., Sciarrino A. and Sorba P. Dictionary on Lie algebras and Superalgebras, academic press (2000). [4] Kac V.G. , FrajriaP.M. andPapiP., Denominator Identities for finite dimensional Lie superalgebras and Howe duality for compact dual pairs, arXiv:1102.3785v1 [math.RT] 18 february (2011). [5] Knapp A.W., Lie groups beyond an Introduction, Second Edition. 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