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A question mark on the equivalence of Einstein and Jordan frames Narayan Banerjee1, Barun Majumder2,3 1Department of Physical Sciences, Indian Institute of Science Education and Research - Kolkata, West Bengal 741246, India. 2Department of Physics, Montana State University, Bozeman, MT 59717, USA 3Department of Physics, IIT Gandhinagar, Ahmedabad, India Abstract 6With an explicit example, we show that Jordan frame and the conformally transformed Einstein frames clearly lead to 1 different physics for a non-minimally coupled theory of gravity, namely Brans-Dicke theory, at least at the quantum 0 level. The example taken up is the spatially flat Friedmann cosmology in Brans-Dicke theory. 2 nKeywords: Einstein frame, Jordan frame, quantum cosmology, Schutz formalism a J 11. Introduction theory. Faraoni and Gunzig[5] arrived at the result that, 2 within the realm of classical framework, Einstein frame is Brans-Dicketheory[1]remainedamongstthemosttalked more trustworthy than the Jordan frame. Their work was ] caboutrelativistictheoryofgravityaftergeneralrelativity. based upon considerations of gravitational waves. Chiba qSoonafterthetheorywasbroughtintobeing, aconformal and Yamaguchi discussed the frame dependence of vari- -transformation was suggested by Dicke[2] which can re- r ous cosmological parameters[6]. In a more recent work, gcast the theory in a different frame, called Einstein frame FaraoniandNadeau[7], however, showthatthewithsome [where the field equations look more tractable. The orig- proper interpretation, the two versions are actually equiv- 1inal theory, given in a frame, popularly dubbed as the alent at the classical level. Salgado[8] also showed that vJordan frame, is a manifestly non-minimally coupled the- the apparent mismatch of the Cauchy problem in the two 2ory where a long range scalar field φ has an interference versions can actually be resolved. 5 term with the curvature R. The term looks like φR in 1 the action. A suitable conformal transformation of the 6 It is quite expected that the two versions do not give 0form g¯µν = φgµν breaks this non-minimal coupling so the same physics as they are based upon different phys- .that the scalar field contributes only through the kinetic 1 ical principles, the principle of equivalence holds in one term in the action. The matter part also now depends on 0 and does not in the other. Notwithstanding the question 6the scalar field as the stress energy tensor goes through of which version is better, practising relativists prefer to 1a corresponding transformation[2]. This dependence does work in the Jordan frame so as to be in the comfort zone v:not formally affect the calculations unless one goes on to of the principle of equivalence. For a computational ad- Xisolvethegeodesicequation. Thisconformallytransformed vantage, one might opt for the Einstein frame but while frame is called the Einstein frame. Brans-Dicke (BD) the- discussing the physical aspects, the metric is transformed rory indicates that the Newtonian constant G effectively is a back to the Jordan frame via the inverse transformation a function of the scalar field φ as G = Gφ0, where G0 is providedthereisnosingularityinthesolutionofthescalar a constant and can be taken to be the present value of G field. in a cosmological context. In the so called Einstein frame, Now the bigger question arises regarding the equivalence G regains its status of being a universal constant but the of the physics obtained in one frame and that in the same priceonehastopayisthattherestmassofthetestparti- frame when the solutions are actually transformed back cle becomes a function of the scalar field φ and hence one from the other. The question might appear superfluous, has to forgo the principle of equivalence. For a compact but deserves attention in view of the high degree of non- reviewofthisandsomerelatedissues,werefertothework linearityinEinsteinsystems. Inthepresentwork,wedeal of Morganstern[3]. withthequestionwhetherthesetwoframesareequivalent The intriguing question that is still alive is whether this even when they are looked at in the same Jordan frame twodescriptionsareequivalentornot. Cho[4]arguedthat at the quantum level. In the two frames they would look the Jordan frame is not really the physical description of different, but if we transform the solutions in the Einstein gravity and the same conclusion holds for Kaluza-Klein Preprint submitted to Elsevier January 25, 2016 frame back to the Jordan frame by effecting the inverse one can write the pressure P in any spacetime without transformationatthelevelofthesolution,wouldtheylook rotation as thesame? Wefindananswerinthenegative! Wequantize α a spatially flat Friedmann-Robertson-Walker (FRW) cos- P = (1+α)1+α1 h1+α1e−αS , (5) mologicalmodelwithaperfectfluidinBrans-Dicketheory in both the versions and pretend that these two are dif- and the fluid part of the action takes the form (in a co- ferent models altogether. Then we transform the solution moving system where u =(n,0,0,0)) ν for the wave-packet in the Einstein frame to the Jordan (cid:90) (cid:20) α (cid:21) fifratmheesevitawothreesiunvltesrsmeactocnhf.oIrtmiaslqturiatnescfloeramrlaytioobnsearnvdedchthecakt Af = dt n−α1a3(1+α)1+α1 ((cid:15)˙+θS˙)1+α1e−αS .(6) the results are different. It would have been nice to work As none of the quantities mentioned depende on space co- only with a BD field, i.e., without a fluid content, but the ordinates, the spatial part of the volume integral (cid:82) d3x evolution of the fluid provides a meaningful choice of a yields a constant V which is taken to be unity. This properly oriented time parameter, so the evolution of the 3 does not infringe upon the generality as the constant will system obtained is indeed physically relevant. not contribute to the subsequaent variation. Here (cid:15), θ, Recently there has been a similar result, given by Arty- h and S are thermodynamic potentials which determine mowski, Ma and Zhang[9], in loop quantum cosmology. It the velocity vector in Schutz formalism. They all satisfy isshownthatthequantizedversionofaspatiallyflatFRW their own evolution equations. An overhead dot repre- model in BD theory either in vacuum or in the case of an sents a differentiation with respect to the coordinate time additional scalar field indeed shows different behaviour in t. The detailed method can be found in the work of the two frames in the formalism of loop quantum cosmol- Lapchinskii and Rubakov[12]. The method has been sub- ogy. sequently used with a high degree of usefulness by many, InthefollowingsectionwepresentthequantumBDmodel such as Alvarenga et al[13, 14], Vakili[15], Majumder and in the Jordan frame and in section 3 the same in Einstein Banerjee[16], Pal and Banerjee[17, 18]. Particularly, for frame. Inthelastsectionwediscusstheconclusionsdrawn a scalar field, the method had been utilized by Vakili[19], from the present work. Majumder[20] and Almeida et al[21]. A very similar ap- proach of expressing the fluid Lagrangian in terms ther- 2. Brans Dicke theory in Jordan Frame modynamic variables has been utilized very recently by Bo¨hmer,TamaniniandWright[22]andKoivisto,Saridakis TherelevantactionforBrans-Dicketheorywithaper- and Tamanini[23]. fect fluid can be written as (cid:90) √ (cid:20) ω (cid:21) (cid:90) √ We effect the canonical transformations, A= d4x −g φ R+ ∂ φ ∂µφ + d4x −gP ,(1) φ µ T =−p e−Sp−(1+α) , (7) S (cid:15) where R is the Ricci scalar, and φ is the BD scalar field p =p1+αeS , (8) T (cid:15) which is non-minimally coupled to gravity and ω is the p (cid:15)¯=(cid:15)−(1+α) S , (9) dimensionless BD parameter. Here units are so chosen p (cid:15) that c = 16πG0 = h¯ = 1. The last term in the equation p¯(cid:15) =p(cid:15) , (10) (1) represents the perfect fluid contribution to the action whereP isthepressureandisrelatedtotheenergydensity along with p = θp . Here p = ∂Lf, p = ∂Lf and L , S (cid:15) (cid:15) ∂(cid:15)˙ S ∂S˙ f by the equation of state theLagrangiandensityofthefluid,istheexpressioninside the square bracket of equation (6). The corresponding P =αρ , (2) Hamiltonian for this perfect fluid can be written as where α ≤ 1. This restriction on α stems from the con- H =n a−3α p . (11) f T sideration that sound waves cannot propagate faster than light. We shall work in a spatially flat spacetime given by The advantage of using this canonically transformed the metric version is that we could find a set of variables where the system of equations is a lot more tractable, while the ds2 =n2(t)dt2−a2(t)dl2 , (3) Hamiltonian structure of the system remains intact. For wheren(t)iscalledthelapsefunction,anddl2 istheflat3- a discussion regarding the Hamiltonian structure in terms of Poisson brackets, see ref [17]. spacemetric. InSchutz’sformalism[10,11], thefluidfour For the spatially flat FRW model given by the metric velocitycanbeexpressedintermsofsomethermodynamic (3), the Ricci scalar can be written as potentials. Using the normalization of the velocity vector u uµ =1, (4) R= 1 (cid:2)−6aa˙n˙ +6na˙2+6naa¨(cid:3) , (12) µ a2 n3 2 where an overhead dot indicates a differentiation with re- Here E and k are the constants from the separation of spect to time t. With this R, the Lagrangian density L variables and c(cid:48)s are integration constants with J as the g i for the gravity sector becomes Bessel function of first kind. If written as a function of a, φ and T, we get 6aa˙2φ 6a2φ˙a˙ ωa3φ˙2 L =− − + . (13) g n n nφ Ψ(a,φ,T)=e−iET × Using a pair of new variables q and r in place of a and φ,   given by, (cid:18)φ1/6(cid:19)2√k2b (cid:18) a (cid:19)2√k2b a=eb(q−r) and φ=ec(q+r), c1 a +c2 φ1/6 × where b and c are constants, one can write Lg as (cid:34) (cid:32)(cid:114)16E (cid:112) (cid:33) (cid:32)(cid:114)16E (cid:112) (cid:33)(cid:35) c J a3 φ +c J a3 φ .(18) (cid:20) (cid:18) 6b2 6bc ωc2(cid:19) 3 6kb 3 4 −6kb 3 L =eq(3b+c) er(c−3b) q˙2 − − + + g n n n (cid:18) 6b2 6bc ωc2(cid:19) (cid:18)6b2 ωc2(cid:19)(cid:21) Case 2 (cid:105) α=0, c=3b and ω =−32 r˙2 − + + +2q˙ r˙ + .(14) n n n n n It deserves mention that this transformation of vari- (cid:104) (cid:105) ables from (a,φ) to (q,r) is not a canonical transforma- Ψ(q,r,T)=e−iET c1e√kr5 +c2e−√kr5 tion and one has to transform back to the old variables (cid:34) (cid:32)(cid:114) (cid:33) (cid:32)(cid:114) (cid:33)(cid:35) 40E 40E for any physical interpretation. This transformation is ef- c3Jkc 3 ecq +c4J−kc 3 ecq . (19) fected only to facilitate a separation of variables. In what follows, we shall work with a particular choice As a function of a, φ and T, this becomes ω = −6b2 for the BD parameter ω. There is no signifi- c2 cance of this value, this is done only to facilitate the in- tegration so that we can talk about an analytical solution oftheWheeler-DeWittequation. TheHamiltonianforthe Ψ(a,φ,T)=e−iET × gravitysectorcanbefoundoutfromtheexpressionforthe   LmaingrisaunpgeiarsnpaLcgeacnadn btheewnreittteonr sausper Hamiltonian for the c1(cid:18)φ1a/3(cid:19)2√k5b +c2(cid:18)φ1a/3(cid:19)2√k5b× (cid:34) (cid:32)(cid:114) (cid:33) (cid:32)(cid:114) (cid:33)(cid:35) H=Hg+Hf =n e−(3b+c)q e(3b−c)r(cid:20)24b(−p22qb−c) + c3J3kb 403Ea32(cid:112)φ +c4J−3kb 403Ea32(cid:112)φ .(20) p2 (cid:21) The solution for the wave-packet can be obtained by a r +e(3b+c−3αb)q e(c−3b+3αb)rp .(15) 24b(−2b+c) T linear superposition of the eigenfunctions. We do that for a dust distribution (α = 0) for the second case (c = 3b, Here n acts as a Lagrange multiplier taking care of the ω =−2) and get, classicalconstraintequationH=0. Usingtheusualquan- 3 tization procedure [24, 25], we write the Wheeler-DeWitt (cid:90) ∞ (cid:90) 1 equation for our super Hamiltonian with the ansatz that Ψwp(a,φ,T)= f(r(cid:48),k) r(cid:48) e−i3r4(cid:48)02T × r(cid:48)=0 k=0 thesuperHamiltonianoperatorannihilatesthewavefunc- tion, Hˆ |Ψ(q,r,T)(cid:105)=0. (16) (cid:18)φa13(cid:19)2√k5b Jkc(r(cid:48)a23(cid:112)φ) dr(cid:48) dk . (21) Here we have considered c = c = 0 (from eqn (20)) We now promote the variables to operators such as p → 1 4 xi to satisfy the boundary condition imposed on Ψ| = −orid∂exrii,ngpTwe→soliv∂eTt.heWeiqtnh(a16p)abrytitchuelamrecthhooidceofosfeoppaeraratitoonr 0. A change in variable r(cid:48) = (cid:113)40E is also consiad=e0red. 3 of variables. It is analytically easy to solve the Wheeler- The function f(r(cid:48),k) is a suitable weight function for the DeWitt equation with α=−1 and α=0. construction of the wave packet. If we consider f(r(cid:48),k)= Case 1 (cid:105) α=−1, c=6b and ω =−1 e−α(cid:48)r(cid:48)2r(cid:48)kc, where α(cid:48) is a positive quantity. The integrals 6 of (21) can be analytically evaluated to yield [26]. Ψ(q,r,T)=e−iET (cid:104)c1e√kr2 +c2e−√kr2(cid:105) e−4aα3φg (cid:26)1−(2αg)−c1 a12+√√5b5 φ√6√5−5b1(cid:27) (cid:34) (cid:32)(cid:114) (cid:33) (cid:32)(cid:114) (cid:33)(cid:35) Ψwp(a,φ,T)= √ √ .(22) c3Jkc 163Eecq +c4J−kc 163Eecq . (17) αg ln(4αg2 a−3+√355 φ1−√55) 3 First we integrate with respect to r(cid:48) using the known alsotheSchutzformalismhasbeenutilized. Followingthe integralfortheBesselfunction(cid:82)∞e−mx2xn+1J (px)dx= same procedure as before, we solve the Wheeler-De Witt 0 n (2mp)nn+1e−4pm2 suchthatthesecondintegralbecomesaknown efuqnucattiioonnswinitthheαr=evi−se1davnedrsiαon=ar0e.gTivhene astsa:tionary wave gaussianintegral. Hereα =α(cid:48)+i3T. Anoverallconstant g 40 accompanying Ψwp, coming from several steps in the cal-Case 1 (cid:105) α=−1 and ω =−1 6 culation,istakentobeunitywithoutanylossofgenerality. Wecanalsocalculate|Ψ |2,thenormofthewavepacket wp as Ψ(a¯,ξ,T)=e−iET × (cid:20) (cid:112) (cid:112) (cid:21) |Ψwp|2 = A21A23A22 e−16α8α(cid:48)2(cid:48)+a391φT002 , (23) (cid:34) (cid:32)(cid:114)(cid:112)a¯ξ c(cid:33)1ξ 14+k62 +c2ξ(cid:32)−(cid:114)14+k62 (cid:33)×(cid:35) 8E 8E c J√ a¯3 +c J √ a¯3 (29) where 3 1+3k2 3 4 − 1+3k2 3 6 6 (cid:114) 9T2 A = α(cid:48)2+ , (24)Case 2 (cid:105) α=0 and ω =−2 1 1600 3 A2 =(cid:32)ln4Aa21√3φ5+√153−1(cid:33)2 +4(cid:18)tan−1 430Tα(cid:48)(cid:19)221 ,(25) (cid:112)a¯ξ(cid:20)c1ξ(cid:112)14+Ψk62(a¯+,ξc,2Tξ−)(cid:112)=14e+−ik6E2T(cid:21)×× (cid:34) (cid:32)(cid:114) (cid:33) (cid:32)(cid:114) (cid:33)(cid:35) and 32E 32E A3 =(cid:20)1−2(2A1)−c1 a12+√√5b5 φ√6√5−5b1 cos(cid:32)tan−c1 430Tα(cid:48)(cid:33) c3J√53+√254k2 3 a¯32 +c4J−√53+√254k2 3 a¯32 (30) We have used some of the notations (Ψ,E,k) same as +(2A1)−2c a√√55+b1 φ√3√5−5b1(cid:21)12 .(26trhe)laatteodfttohethleasrtesspeecctitoivne, dbiufftertehnetyiaalreequnaottiosna.mWeeantadkeonulpy theα=0caseinthistransformedversionaswell. Wewill In Fig.(1) we plot the nature of |Ψ |2 as a function of a consider c = c = 0 so as to have the similar boundary wp 2 4 and φ. conditions like the example in the Jordan frame and get (cid:112) Ψ(a,φ,T)∝e−iET φ14 (alnφ)12 (lnφ) 14+k62 × 3. Brans-Dicke theory in Einstein Frame (cid:32)(cid:114) (cid:33) 32E The relevant action for the theory with a perfect fluid J√5+√24k2 3 a23φ34 ,(31) can be written as 3 5 √ (cid:90) √ (cid:20) (cid:18) 3(cid:19) (cid:21) as a¯ = a φ and ξ = lnφ. The wave-packet can be con- A= d4x −g¯ R¯+ ω+ g¯µν∂ ξ ∂ ξ 2 µ ν structed by the superposition of the eigenfunctions as (cid:90) √ (cid:90) ∞ (cid:90) 1 (cid:112) + d4x −g¯ P¯ , (27) Ψwp =(cid:112)a¯ξ e−αgr2 rs+1 Js(ra¯32) ξ 13414+51s62 r(cid:48)=0 s=0 s whereR¯ istheRicciscalar, andξ isamasslessscalarfield × ds dr(cid:48) ,(32) (cid:113) whichisminimallycoupledtogravityintherevisedversion 15s2 − 5 8 24 ofthetheory. Onecanarriveatthisactionwiththeaidof √ a conformal transformation g¯µν = φgµν. The scalar field where αg = α(cid:48) + i332T, s = 53+√254k2 and we have incorpo- ξ =lnφ.Thequantitiesappearinginthisactionareinthe rated a quasi-Gaussian weight factor. If we make the ap- transformed version, an overhead bar indicates that. (cid:113) (cid:113) (cid:113) √ proximation 15s2 − 5 ∼ 15s and 31 + 5s2 ∼ 5s InaflatFRWbackgrounditisrathereasytocalculatethe 8 24 8 144 16 4 then the above integral can be evaluated in a closed form super Hamiltonian constraint and it can be written as [26]. The approximations are only meant to evaluate the H=−n p2a¯ + 1 nξ2 p2ξ + n pT¯T . (28) integrals analytically such that we can compare with re- 24a¯ 4(cid:0)ω+ 3(cid:1)a¯3 a¯3α sultsfoundinthelastsection. Uptoaconstantproportion- 2 alityfactor,whichcomesfromseveralstepsofintegration, The coefficient of p2 contains an additional ξ2 as we shall we get ξ work with the coordinates xµ of the Jordan frame so that tchonesfiisnteanltcwomitphatrhisaotngiivsencobnysiZstoenngth.onTgh[2is7]H(asemeilatlosnoi[a2n8]i)s. Ψ = φ14 √alnφ e−a43αφg32 {2αg−a23 φ34 (lnφ)√45} ,(33) wp (cid:16) 16α4 (cid:17) For the relevant transformations, we refer to [2]. Here αg2ln a6φ3(lngφ)√5 4 Figure1: (ColorOnline)Herewehaveplottedthenatureof|Ψwp|2 ofEqn. (23)asafunctionofaandφatdifferentvaluesofT. Theleft figureisatT =0andtherightisatT =10insomearbitraryunits. Wehaveconsideredα(cid:48)=0.1andb= √1 withc=3b. ThisisinJordan 5 frame. Figure2: (ColorOnline)Herewehaveplottedthenatureof|Ψwp|2 ofEqn. (34)asafunctionofaandφatdifferentvaluesofT. Theleft figureisatT =0andtherightisatT =10insomearbitraryunits. Wehaveconsideredα(cid:48)=0.1. ThisisinEinsteinframe. where, using the inverse transformation, a¯ and ξ are re- 4. Discussion placed by a and φ respectively. We can also calculate |Ψ |2 aimed for finding the norm of the wave packet, Ifwecompareequations(20)and(31),thesolutionfor wp the Wheeler DeWitt equations for the dust distribution B2a√φlnφ − 8α(cid:48)a3φ32 (α = 0) for a particular value of the BD parameter ω as |Ψwp|2 = 2B4B2 e 16α(cid:48)2+96T42 (34) −32,wefindthatthesolutionsareevidentlydifferent. One 1 3 should emphasize that this comparison is made after the where Einstein frame solution is transformed back to the Jor- (cid:114) dan frame via the inverse transformation, gµν = φ−1g¯µν. 9T2 B = α(cid:48)2+ , (35) The solutions are intricate, so it is perhaps better to look 1 1024 at some physical aspects of the solutions. The norm of the wave packets are found in the two versions. They are (cid:20) √ 9T2(cid:21)21 B2 = {2α(cid:48)−a23φ34(lnφ) 45}2+ 256 , (36) ginivtehnebJyoerqduaantifornasm(e23d)iraencdtl(y34a)nfdorththeeoonneetthhaattccaallccuullaatteedd in the Jordan frame from the solutions transformed back and from the Einstein frame respectively. The norms are de- (cid:34)(cid:26) 16B4 (cid:27)2 3T (cid:35)12 picted in figures (1) and (2) respectively for two epochs B3 = lna6φ3(ln1φ)√5 +16{tan−1 32α(cid:48)}2 .(37)of time. It is once again quite evident from the figures that the corresponding norms are qualitatively different, peaked at different locations. In Fig.(2) we plot the nature of |Ψ |2 as a function of a wp Thus it is conclusively established that the two frames and φ. 5 are physically different at least at the quantum level. It [9] M.Artymowski,Y.MaandX.Zhang,Phys.Rev.D,88,(2013) is true that this work shows this in one example. But 104010. 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[18] S.PalanN.Banerjee,arXiv: 1411.1167[gr-qc]. We have solved the Wheeler DeWitt equation for an- [19] B.Vakili,Phys.Lett.B,688,(2010),129. other case as well, namely α = −1 indicating an effec- [20] B.Majumder,Phys.Lett.B,697,(2011)101. tive cosmological constant with another legitimate value [21] C.R. Almeida, B. Batista, J.C. Fabris and R.L.V. Moniz, arxiv:1501.04170[gr-qc]. of ω = −1. But the comparison of the two frames were 6 [22] C.G.Bo¨hmer,N.TamaniniandM.Wright,Phys.rev.D,91, not possible for the difficulty in the integration. However, (2015),123002. if we compare the solution of the Wheeler-DeWitt equa- [23] T.S. Koivisto, E.N. Saridakis and N. Tamanini, tions,namelythesolutiongiveninequation(18)withthat arXiv:1505.07556[astro-ph.CO] [24] CharlesW.Misner,Phys.Rev.186,(1969)1319. in(29),itisratherapparentthattheywouldnotmatchaf- [25] BryceS.DeWitt,Phys.Rev.160,(1967)1113. ter effecting the inverse transformation in the latter. This [26] M. Abramowitz and I. A. Stegun, Handbook of Mathematical indeed lends a support towards the claim of the present Functions,NewYork: Dover(1972). [27] Z.Zonghong,ChinesePhys.Lett.,9,(1992),273. work regarding the nonequivalence of the two frames. [28] Z.Zonghong,H.ChaoguangandL.Liao,ChinesePhys.Lett., In agreement with the recent result in loop quantum ,(1990),477. cosmology[9] , the present work, in a different philosophy of quantization, explicitly shows that Jordan frame and Einstein frames are physically different. Our result is also consistent with the finding of Faraoni and Nadeau[7] that the two frames are not equivalent at the quantum level. Certainly there is ample scope of improvement on the present work. An important issue is that there is nothing to check that the Hamiltonian written in the two frames correspondtoeachothersofarastheoperatororderingis concerned. The only thing that could be taken care of in terms of correspondence is the fact that in both cases the functionsofthecoordinatescomefirstfollowedbythemo- menta. We also took care to fix the boundary conditions in some way. But question remains if that is enough. But the question of this equivalence is important, and until this is settled, this kind of indications have to be re- lied upon in the absence of better results. Acknowledgement: Theauthorsaregratefultoanan- imous referee for many important and thought provoking comments which helped us in improving the manuscript by a great deal. References [1] C.BransandR.H.Dicke,Phys.Rev.,124,(1961)925. [2] R.H.Dicke,Phys.Rev.,125,(1962)2163. [3] R.E.Morganstern,Phys.Rev.D,4,(1970)946. [4] Y.M.Cho,Phys.Rev.Lett.,68,(1992)3133. [5] V.FaraoniandE.Gunzig,arxiv:astro-ph/9910176. [6] T.ChibaandM.Yamaguchi,JCAP10(2013)040. [7] V.FaraoniandS.Nadeau,Phys.Rev.D,75,(2007),023501. [8] M.Salgado,Class.Quant.Grav.,23,(2006),4791. 6

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