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A quasi-static polynomial nodal method for nuclear reactor analysis PDF

187 Pages·1992·11.344 MB·English
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A Quasi-Static Polynomial Nodal Method for Nuclear Reactor Analysis by Jess C. Gehin S.M., Nuclear Engineering, Massachusetts Institute of Technology _ _ B.S., Nuclear Engineering, Kansas State University _ _ ._ _._ (1988) _ _l_ ca 1:_ o-to ._ Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering ",_._,:.A_.,?-__.__'q_._t in partial fulfilhnent of the requirements for the degree of _ _ _ _ _ '_ at the DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY i_.!!_ ! MASSACHUSETTS INSTITUTE OF TECHNOLOGY __ _ ._ _ d _ (_ Jess C. Gehin, SMepCtMemXbCerII1.992All Rights Reserved. t___¢"a_I__2_ "_ _ 2_ The author hereby grants to MIT permission to reproduce and to distribute copies of this thesis document in whole or in part. Au, hor ___'.Z_.... (!' _./_, _4_" / Department of Nuclear Engineering August 18, 1992 Certified by -- _(,_.1..,.. ...... f Allan F. Henry Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering Thesis Supervisor Accep,ed by _? 'T :_/f_*1,,4._ Alia.,, F. Henry Chairman, Department Committee on Graduate Students I_STRIBUTtON OFTHIS DOCt,IMEN'r !£ UNLIMITED A Quasi-Static Polynomial Nodal Method for Nuclear Reactor Analysis by ,. EIV 'D ,Jess C. Gehin OCTO7' 08TI Submitted to the Department of Nuclear Engineering on August 18, 1992, in partial fulfilhnent of the requirements for the degree of DOCTOR OF PHILOSOPHY Abstract Modern nodal methods are currently available which can accurately and eificiently solve the static and transient neutron diffusion equations. Most of the methods, however, are limited to two energy groups for practical appfication. The objective of this research is the development of a static and transient, multidimensional nodal method which allows more than two energy groups and uses a non-linear iterative method for efficient solution of the nodal equations. For both the static and transient methods, finite-difference equations which are corrected by the use of discontinuity factors are derived. The discontinuity factors are computed from a polynomial nodal method using a non-linear iteration technique. The polynomial nodal method is based upon a quartic approximation and utilizes a quadratic transverse-leakage approximation. The solution of the time-dependent equations is performed by the use of a quasi-static method in which the node-averaged fluxes are factored into shape and amplitude functions. Since the shape function generally changes more slowly than the amplitude function it can be computed less frequently, providing a substantial computational savings. The amplitude function is obtained by solving point kinetics equations for which the parameters are determined by precise mathemati,'_d expressions based on the nodal model. The application of the quasi-static polynomial method to several benchmark prob- lems demonstrates that the accuracy is consistent with that of other nodal methods. The use of the quasi-static method is shown to substantially reduce the computation time over the traditional fully-implicit time-integration method. Problems involv- ing thermal-hydraulic feedback are accurately, and efficiently, solved by performing several reactivity/thermal-hydraulic updates per shape calculation. Thesis Supervisor:: Allan F. Henry Title: Professor, Department of Nuclear Engineering ACKNOWLEDGMENTS I would like to extend my sincere gratitude and appreciation to Professor Alia,, F. Henry for his unmeasurable guidance and support, throughout this project, and my education at M.I.T. Further, I would like to thank my thesis reader, Professor David D. Lanning, for his comments and suggestions. During my stay at M.I.T. I have made many friends who have made my gradu- ate education more enjoyable. These people include Mark Byers, Jonathan Witter, Santiago Parra, and Chris Owens. Finally, I would like to thank my wife Ann for the love she has provided and the sacrifices that she has made in order for me to complete my degree. I am looking forward to our future together. DISCLAIMER This reportwas preparedasanaccount of worksponsoredbyanagencyof theUnited States Government. Neither the United States Governmentnoranyagencyth,:reof,noranyof their employees, makesanywarranty,expressor implied, orassumesany legalliability or responsi- bility fortheaccuracy, completeness,orusefulnes:_el any information,apparatus,product,or processdisclosed,or representsthat its usewould notinfrhjge privatelyowned rights.Refer- ence hereintoanyspecific commercialproduct,process,orservicebytrade name,trademark, manufacturer,orotherwised_s notnecessarilyconstituteor implyitsendorsementr,ecom- mendation,or favoringby the United States Government orany agency thereof. The views and opinions of author_expressed herein do not necessarilystate or reflect those of the UnitedStatesGovernmentoranyagencythereof. This research was performed under appointment to the Nuclear Engi- neering & Health Physics Fellowship Program administered by the Oak Ridge Institute for Science and Education for the U.S. Department of Energy. CONTENTS Abstract 2 Acknowledgements 3 Table of Contents 4 List of Figures 10 List of Tables 12 Chapter 1 Introduction and Background 13 i t,1 Overview .................................. 13 1.'2 Background ................................ 14 1.3 Research Objectives ............................ 16 1.4 Thesis Organization ............................ 17 Chapter 2 Derivation of the Static Nodal Equations 18 2.1 Introduction ................................ 18 2.2 Notation and the Nodal Balance Equation ............... 18 2.3 Corrected Finite-Difference Coupling Equations ............ '21 '2.3.1 Boundary Conditions ....................... 25 '2.3.2 Evaluation of the Discontinuity Factors ............. 26 2.4 Polynomial Coupling Equations ..................... 27 '2.4.1 The Transverse-lntegration Procedure .............. 27 2.4,2 Tile Polynomial Expansion .................... 29 '2.4.3 The Two-Node Problem ..................... 30 2.4.4 The Weighted Residual Procedure ............... 31 2.,1.5 Expansion Coefficient Solution .................. 35 '2.4.6 Boundary Conditions ....................... 37 2.5 Tlle Non-Linear Iteration Procedure ................... 38 2.6 Summary ................................. 40 Chapter 3 Derivation of the Transient Nodal Equations 42 3.1 Introduction ................................ 42 3,2 Notation .................................. 43 3.3 The Time-Dependent, Corrected Finite-Difference Equations ..... 44 3.4 The Time.Dependent Polynomial Nodal Equations .......... 46 3,5 Time-Integration of the Corrected Finite-Difference Equation ..... 48 3.6 The Quasi-Static Method ......................... 50 3.6,1 The Amplitude Function Equation ............... 51 3.6.2 Shape Function Equation .................... 53 3.6,3 (!hoice of Weight Function .................... 54 3,7 Thermal-ttydraulic and Feedback Models ................ 56 3.7,1 The WIGL Model ......................... 56 3,7,2 The Cabral-IPM Model ..................... 58 3,7.3 (',ross Section Feedback ...................... 58 3.8 Transient Control Mechanisms ...................... 59 3.9 Summary ................................. 60 I Chapter 4 Static and Transient Numerical Solution Methods 62 4,1 Introduction ................................ 62 4.2 Static Solution Methods ......................... 62 4,2.1 Numerical Properties ....................... 63 4,2,2 Discontinuity Factor Iterations .................. 64 4,2,3 Outer Iterations .......................... 65 4.2,4 Inner Iterations .......................... 69 4,.,5 General lterative Strategy .................... 72 4,2,6 Criticality Search Problems ................... 74 4.2.7 Source Problenls ......................... 74 4,2,8 Mathematical Adjoint Problems ................. 75 ,1,3 Transient Solution Methods ....................... 76 4,,3.1 Numerical Properties ....................... 76 4,3.2 Iterative Solution of the Transient Equations .......... 77 4.3.3 Frequency Estimation ...................... 78 4,3,4 Solution of the Point Kinetics Equations ............ 79 4.3.5 General Transient Calculational Procedure ........... 81 4.4 Summary ................................. 83 Chapter 5 Application of the Transient Nodal Method 84 5.1 Introduction ................................ 84 5.2 Forward to Transient Problems ..................... 84 5,2.1 Computer Code .......................... 8,5 5.2.2 Transverse-Leakage Approximations ............... 86 ,5,2.3 Power Distribution Errors .................... 86 5,2.4 Execution Times ......................... 87 5.3 '['he 2-D TWIGL Seed-Blanket Reactor Problems ........... 88 ,5.3.1 The Static Solution ........................ 88 5,3.2 The Step Transient ......................... 92 5.3,3 The Ramp Transient ....................... 94 5.,i The 3-D LMW Operational Transient .................. !)6 5.4.1 '['he 3.D LMW Problem Withottt Feedback ........... 98 5,4.2 The 3-D LMW Problem with Thermal-liydraulic Feedback , . 103 i 5,5 The LRA BWR Transient Pr,Jblems ................... 108 5.5.1 The 2-D LRA Problem ...................... 110 5.5.2 The3.D LRA Problem ....................... 112 5,6 The PWR Operational Transient .................... 117 5,7 The PWR Coolant Inlet.Temperature Transient ............ 125 5.8 Summary ................................. 129 Chapter 0 Summary, Conclusions and Recommendations 130 6.1 Overview of the Investigation ...................... 130 6.2 Conclusions ................................ 131 6,3 Recommendations for Future Research ................. 132 6.3,1 Diagonal Dominance Required by the Iterative Methods , . . 1132 6.3.2 Application to Multi-Group Analyses .............. 1311 6.3.3 Study of the Thermal-Iiydrauljc/Neutron Coupling ...... 134 6.3.4 Study of the Time Dependence of the Discontinuity Factors . 1,34 References 135 Appendix A The Quadratic Transverse Leakage Moments and Coeffl. cients 139 3,.1 The Quadratic Transverse.Leakage ,Approximation ........... 140 A,2 LHS-Biased Quadratic Transverse-Leakage Approximation ...... 142 l A.3 RHS-Biased Quadratic Transverse-Leakage Approximation ...... 144 A.4 The Flat Transverse-Leakage Approximation .............. 146 Appendix B Problem Specifications 147 B.1 Tile TWIGL 2-D Seed-Blattket Reactor Kinetics Problem ....... 148 B.2 The LMW LWR Transient Problem ................... i50 B.3 The LRA BWR Kinetics Benchmark Problem ............. t54 B.4 The PWR Transient Problems ...................... 158 Appendix C Selected Results of Problem Analyses 165 LIST OF FIGURES 2-1 Diagram showing the the surface anti node labeling conventions .... 22 2-2 Diagram showing the orientation of the two-node problem ....... 30 2-3 A flow diagram of the non-linear iteration procedure for the static problem ................................... 39 3-1 Diagram showing the subdivision of the time steps in the quasi-static method ................................... 51 4.1 Flow diagram of the quasi-static transient solution procedure ..... 82 5-1 The group 2, x-direction transversely-integrated fluxes (j = 1) for the TWIGL problem .............................. 90 5-2 The group 2, x-direction, quadratic transversely-integrated currents (j = 1) for tile TWIGL problem ..................... 90 5-3 The group 2, x-direction, cubic transversely-integrated currents (j = l) for the TWIGL problem .......................... 91 5-4 The group 2, x-direction, quartic transversely-integrated currents (j =- I) for the TWIGL problem ........................ 91 5-5 Power density vs, time for the 3-D LMW problem without feedback, . 101 5-6 Reactivity vs, time for the 3-D LMW problem without feedback .... 101 5-7 Power density vs, time for lhe 3-D LMW problem without feedback demonstrating the cusping correction ................... 104 5.8 Reactivity vs. time for the 3-D LMW problem without feedback demon- strating the cusping correction ...................... !04 5.9 Total power vs. time for the 3.D LMW problem with feedback ..... 106 5-10 Reactivity vs, time for the 3-D LMW problem with feedback ...... 106 5-1i The 3-D LMW transient with feedback using 5 second shape and reac: ivity /thernlal-hydraulic steps .................... 107 5-12 Power density vs, time for the 3-D LMW problem with feedbttck clemon- st,rating the cusping correction ...................... 109 5-I3 Reactivity vs, time for the 3-D LMW problem with feedback, demon. strating the cusping correction ...................... t09 5-14 Power vs, time for the 2-D LRA transient problem ........... 114 5-15 Fuel temperature vs, time for the 2-D LRA transient problem ..... 114 5-16 Power vs, time for the 3-D LRA transieut problem ........... 119 5-17 Fuel temperature vs, time for the 3.D LRA transient problem ..... 119 5-18 Control rod motions for the PWR operational transient ........ 121 5-19 Power vs. time for the PWR operational transient demonstrtttin_; the temporal convergence of the solution ................... 1.23 5-20 Reactivity vs. time for the PWR operational transient demonstrating the temporal convergence of the solution ................. 123 5-21 Power vs. time for the PWR operational transient, large time-step quasi-static solution ............................ 124 5-22 Reactivity vs, time for the PWR operational transient, large time-step quasi-static solution ............................ 124 5-23 Power vs. time for the PWR coolant inlet-temperature transient demon- strating the temporal convergence .................... 127 5-24 Reactivity vs. time for the PWR coolant inlet-temperature transient demonstrating the temporal convergence ................. 127 5-25 Power vs. time for the PWR coolant inlet-temperature transient, large time-step quasi.static sohttion ....................... t28 5-26 Reactivity vs, time for the PWR coolant inlet-temperature transient, large time-step quasi.static solution .................... 128 C-1 3-D LMW problem without feedback, comparison of initial static so. lutions .................................... 166 C-2 3.D LMW problem with feedback, comparison of initial str_tic solutions, 1.67 C-3 2.D LRA problem, comparison of initial static solutions ........ 168 ('-4 2-D LRA transient problem, normalized power distributions r,.ud fuel temperatures ................................ 169 (!-5 3-D LRA problem, comparison of initial sin.tic solutions ........ 176 C-6 PWR operational transient, comparison of initial static solutions. . . 184 C-7 PWR coolant inlet-temperature transient, comparison of initial static solutions .................................. 185 10

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