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Preview A Quantum Pulse Gate based on Spectrally Engineered Sum Frequency Generation

A Quantum Pulse Gate based on Spectrally Engineered Sum Frequency Generation Andreas Eckstein,1 Benjamin Brecht,2,1 and Christine Silberhorn2,1 1Max Planck Institute for the Science of Light, Günther-Scharowsky-Strasse 1, 91054 Erlangen, Germany∗ 2Applied Physics, University of Paderborn, Warburgerstrasse 100, 33098 Paderborn, Germany (Dated: January 27, 2011) We introduce the concept of a quantum pulse gate (QPG), a method for accessing the intrinsic broadbandspectralmodestructureofultrafastquantumstatesoflight. Thismodestructurecannow beharnessedforapplicationsinquantuminformationprocessing. Weproposeanimplementationin aPPLNwaveguide,basedonspectrallyengineeredsumfrequencygeneration(SFG).Itallowsusto pick well-defined spectral broadband modes from an ultrafast multi-mode state for interconversion toabroadbandmodeatanotherfrequency. Bypulse-shapingthebrightSFGpumpbeam,different orthogonalbroadbandmodescanbeaddressedindividuallyandextractedwithnearunitefficiency. 1 1 Ultrashortpulsesoflightplayanever-increasingrolein 0 modern quantum information and communications. To- 2 day,theyalreadyenablehighdatatransmissionratesfor n secure quantum key distribution[1] and high precision a positioning and clock synchronization protocols[2]. In J recent years there has been increased interest in a finer 6 2 control over the rich temporal and spectral structure of quantum light pulses, for applications such as ultrafast ] probingofthetemporalwavefunctionofphotonpairs[3], h orefficientlycouplingsinglephotonstotrappedatoms[4]. p - Given direct access, this structure could also be utilized t n to encode more information into or extract more quan- FIG.1. QuantumPulseGateschema: Gatingwithapulsein a tum information from one pulse of light. spectralbroadbandmodeu convertsonlythecorresponding k u It is possible to decompose any pulse form into any modefromtheinputpulsetoaGaussianwavepacketatsum q completesetoforthogonalbasisfunctions, orbroadband frequency. [ modes[5]. Thus it can be considered to be made up of 2 an infinite number of temporally overlapping but inde- v pendent pulses. While for classical light all basis sets characteristics are lost. 5 are equivalent, for quantum light there may be one spe- The idea of using broadband modes as quantum infor- 1 2 cial, intrinsic basis choice[6]. For photon pair states this mation carriers is especially compelling because of their 3 choice determined by a Schmidt decomposition of their natural occurrence in ultrafast pulses, and their stability 7. bi-photon spectral amplitude into two correlated basis in transmission: Centered around one frequency within 0 sets of broadband pulse forms, the Schmidt modes[7]. a relatively small bandwidth typically, they allow for op- 0 Heralding one of those photons by detecting the other tical components that are highly optimized for a small 1 with a single photon detector (SPD), this correlation re- spectralrange. Sinceallbroadbandmodesexperiencethe : v sults in the preparation of a photon in a mixed state of same chromatic dispersion in optical media, they exhibit i all Schmidt modes present[8]. But with a SPD sensitive thesamephasemodulationandthusstayexactlyorthog- X to a certain Schmidt mode, it opens up the possibility onal to each other. So a light pulse’s broadband mode r a to prepare pure single photons in the correlated Schmidt structureisresilienttotheeffectsofchromaticdispersion, mode. Typically though, SPDs and optical detectors in makingamulti-channelprotocolbasedonthemidealfor general exhibit very broad spectral response and are not optical fiber transmission. Additionally they allow for able to discern between different pulse forms. high transmission rates, as they inherit the ultrashort To compensate for the detectors’ shortcomings, one properties of their ’carrier’ pulse, when compared to the needstoincludeafilteroperationsensitivetobroadband ’long’ pulses used for classical, narrow-band frequency modes. Ithasalreadybeenshownthatordinaryspectral multiplexing techniques. However, it is extremely chal- filters cannot fulfill this role[9, 10]: They always trans- lenging to actually access them in a controlled manner: mit part of all impinging broadband modes at once, and Ordinary spectral filters and standard optical detectors thus cannot be matched to a single broadband mode. A destroy the mode structure of a beam. A homodyne de- sufficiently narrow spectral filter can be used to select tector with an ultrafast pulsed local oscillator beam is a monochromatic mode, however this way, high purity able to select a single broadband mode by spectral over- heralded quantum states are impossible[10, 11]. Also, lap, but only at the cost of consuming the whole input mostoftheoriginalbeam’sbrightnessaswellasitspulse beam.[12, 13] 2 For discrete spatial modes, complete control of a α(ω −ω )×Φ(ω ,ω ) maps the input frequencies ω to o i o i i beam’s multi-mode structure can be accomplished with thesumfrequenciesω ,whereαisthespectralamplitude o linear optics, as combining them to synthesize multi- ofthegatingpulseandΦthephasematchingdistribution mode beams and separating constituents without losses of the SFG process. is possible[14]. In order to exploit the pulse form degree In parametric down-conversion (PDC), the Schmidt offreedom, wemustbeabletoexactsimilarcontrolover decomposition of the joint spectral amplitude of the broadband modes. generated photon pairs reveals their broadband mode An important step towards this goal is to selectively structure[7]. Applying the same approach to SFG[20] targetasinglebroadbandmodeforinterconversionintoa to decompose the spectral transfer function we find moreaccessiblechannel,forinstancetoshiftittoanother (cid:88) f(ω ,ω )= κ ϕ (ω ) ψ (ω ). (2) frequency with SFG. On the single photon level, in the i o k k i k o SFG process two single photons “fuse” into one photon k at their sum frequency inside a χ(2)-nonlinear material. The decomposition is well-defined and yields two corre- Well known in classical nonlinear optics, in recent years lated sets of orthonormal spectral amplitude functions it has seen increasing adoption in quantum optics for ef- {ϕk(ω)} and {ψk(ω)} and the real Schmidt coefficients ficient NIR single photon detection[15], all-optical fast κk which satisfy the relation (cid:80)kκ2k = 1. If the gat- switching[16], super high resolution timing of quantum ing pulse has the form of a weighted Hermite function pulses[17], and quantum information erasure[18]. More- uk(ω) ∝ e(ω−2σω20)2Hk(cid:0)ω−σω0(cid:1) with Hk the Hermite poly- over,combinedwithspectralengineering[8,19],itenables nomials, the basis functions of both sets are in good ap- a new type of quantum interference between photons of proximation Hermite functions as well. In the Schmidt- different color[20]. decomposedform,thetransferfunctiondescribesamap- In this Letter we introduce the Quantum Pulse Gate ping between pairs of broadband modes ϕ (ω)→ψ (ω). k k (QPG): A device based on spectrally engineered SFG to By defining broadband mode operators A = k extract photons in a well-defined broadband mode from (cid:82)dωϕ (ω) a(ω) and C = (cid:82)dωψ (ω) c(ω) correspond- k k k alightbeam. Weoverlapanincomingweak, multi-mode ing to the Schmidt bases, the effective Hamiltonian from input pulse with a bright, classical gating pulse inside a Eq. 1 can be rewritten as nonlinear optical material (Fig. 1). Spectral engineering (cid:88) (cid:16) (cid:17) ensures that only the fraction of the input pulse which H=θ κ A C† +A†C , (3) k k k k k follows the gating pulse form is converted. The residual k pulse, orthogonal to the gating pulse, is ignored. An in- AnopticalbeamsplitterhasaHamiltonianoftheform putquantumlightpulse’squantumpropertiescanbepre- H =θac†+h. c.Sowithrespecttobroadbandmodes, BS served in conversion by mode-matching the gating pulse SFG can be formally interpreted as a set of beam split- to its intrinsic mode structure. ters, independently operating on one pair of broadband SFG conversion efficiency can be tuned with gating modeseach,suchthatA →cos(θ )A +ısin(θ )C . The k k k √ k k pulse power, and unit efficiency is in principle reachable. effectivecouplingconstantθ =θ·κ ∝ P takestherole k k ThustheQPGisabletounconditionallyfilterbroadband ofthebeamsplitterangle. Itstransmissionprobability– modes from arbitrary input states, and to convert them theprobabilitytofindaphotonintheup-convertedmode into a well-defined Gaussian wave packet at the sum fre- C if it initially has been in mode A – is η =sin2(θ ). k k k k quency. By pulse-shaping the gating pulse we are able In Fig. 2 A1-C1, we illustrate an example for a non- toswitchbetweendifferenttargetbroadbandmodesdur- engineered SFG process, as commonly found in pulsed ing the experiment. By superimposing gating pulses for SFG experiments: The transfer function f(ω ,ω )(Fig. i o two different broadband modes, we create interference 2 A1) exhibits spectral correlations, causing more than betweenthosepreviouslyorthogonalpulses. Incombina- one non-zero Schmidt coefficient (Fig. 2 B1). This leads tion with a standard single photon detector we are able to the simultaneous conversion of multiple modes A at √ k to herald pulsed, pure, single-mode single photons from once with non-zero coupling constants θ ∝ P for any k a multi-mode photon pair source. given gating pulse power P (Fig. 2 C1). Hence a SFG Forabrightclassicalgatingpulse, theeffectiveHamil- process in general is not mode-selective. tonian of SFG that up-converts a photon in mode ’a’ to However, spectral engineering can make SFG mode- mode ’c’ is given by selective by eliminating its spectral correlations so that (cid:90) the frequency of an up-converted photon gives no infor- H=θ dωi dωo f(ωi,ωo)a(ωi)c†(ωo)+h. c. (1) mation about its original frequency. Now, Schmidt de- composition yields one predominant parameter κ ≈ 1 √ k Here we introduced the coupling constant θ ∝ χ(2) P withallothersclosetozeroandaseparabletransferfunc- with χ(2) denoting the second order nonlinear polariza- tionf(ω ,ω )≈κ ϕ (ω )ψ (ω ). Also,nowthefullcou- i o k k i k o tion tensor element of the SFG process and P the gat- plingθ ≈θisexploited,allowingforrelativelyweakgat- k ing pulse power. The SFG transfer function f(ω ,ω ) = ing beams for unit conversion efficiency. We achieve this i o 3 FIG.3. AQPGapplication: Generatingpureheraldedbroad- bandsinglephotonsindifferentmodesfromaPDCsourceof FIG. 2. (A1-A3) SFG transfer function f(ω ,ω ) with (A1) i o multi-mode photon pairs and without (A2,A3) frequency correlations. (B1-B3) Coeffi- cientsκ forthefirstfourSchmidtmodepairsofthetransfer k functions. (C1-C3)SFGefficienciesA →C forthefirstfour k k ally not in pure, but spectrally mixed states[8], and thus SchmidtmodesagainstgatingpowerdependentSFGcoupling of limited usefulness for most quantum optical applica- constant θ tions. We feed the signal photon (containing all broad- band modes A˜ ) from the PDC source into the QPG k by choosing a SFG process with an already correlation- whichismode-matchedsuchthatA˜ =A . Wenotethat 0 0 free phasematching function Φ. If the phasematching for heralding pure single photons or pure Fock states[9], bandwidth is narrow compared to gating pulse width, mode-matching is not necessary and an engineered SFG spectral correlations are negligible (Fig. 2 A2-A3), and process according to Eq. 4 is sufficient. In that case wecanapproximateaseparabletransferfunction(Fig. 2 however, the resulting pulse shape is a coherent super- B2-B3). The effective SFG Hamiltonian is now formally position of all input modes. Here, only the 0th mode is a beam splitter Hamiltonian selected, and the higher modes do not interact with the H =θ A C† +h. c. (4) QPG because the according beam splitter transforma- QPG k k 0 tions yield the identity A → A for k > 0. We choose k k meaning that only mode A is accepted for conver- the gating pulse power such that θ = π for optimal k 0 2 sion. Becauseofthehorizontalphasematching,thetarget conversion efficiency. Combining the PDC source with mode is always the Gaussian pulse C . a subsequent QPG results transforms the PDC Hamil- 0 This process implements the QPG, with the bright in- tonian as HPDC → H(cid:48) = e−ıHQPGHPDCeıHQPG, and we putpulseusedasgatepulsetoselectaspecificbroadband obtain mode. Bytuningthecentralwavelengthandspectraldis- ∞ tribution of the gating pulse, we can control the selected H(cid:48) =ıχB†C† +χ(cid:88)c A˜†B† +h. c. (6) 0 0 k k k broadband mode’s shape, width and central wavelength. k=1 We compare the effect of different gating pulse forms: Gating with mode u0 (i. e. a Gaussian spectrum, Fig. 2 Since mode C0 is centered at the sum frequency of input A2-C2)selectsinputmodeA ,gatingwithmodeu (Fig. and gating pulse, it can be split off easily into a sepa- 0 1 2 A3-C3) selects A from the input pulse for frequency rate beam path with a dichroic mirror. Conditioning on 1 up-conversion. single photon events on the path of C0 provides us with Pure heralded single photons are a crucial resource in pure heralded single photons in mode B0. Fig. 3 illus- many quantum optical applications, but the widely used trates this scheme: A photon detection event heralds a PDCphotonpairsourcesemitmixedheraldedphotonsin pure single photon pulse in broadband mode u1. This general. We now consider the application of the QPG to process can be cascaded to successively pick off several “purify” those photons. In type-II PDC, a pump photon modes Ak from the input beam. Note that if we in- decays inside a χ(2) -nonlinear medium into one horizon- sert a mode matched QPG into the vertically polarized tally polarized signal and one vertically polarized idler PDCbeamtoconvertB0intoD0,wecanunconditionally photon. For a collinear type-II PDC source pumped single out an ultrafast two-mode squeezed vacuum state by ultrafast pulses the general effective Hamiltonian in eıχc0(C†0D†0+C0D0)|0(cid:105) from a multi-mode squeezer[21]. terms of broadband modes reads Finally we give realistic parameters to show the fea- H =χ(cid:88)c (cid:16)A˜†B† +A˜ B (cid:17). (5) sibility of an experimental implementation of the QPG, PDC k k k k k and analyze the mode selection performance. For the k SFGprocessweuseaperiodicallypoledLiNbO (PPLN) 3 Using such a photon pair source for the preparation of waveguidewithanareaof8×5µm2,alengthofL=50mm, heralded single photons, one finds that those are usu- a Λ = 4.2µm periodic poling period and at 175◦C to 4 We proposed as an initial application the preparation of pure heralded single photons from an arbitrary type II PDC source. For pulsed QKDschemes[1], it canact as a de-multiplexer of multiple quantum channels within one physical pulse, and in metrology it may be used to fur- therenhancemeasurementaccuracybeyondtheclassical limit by replacing multiple squeezed pulses[2] with one multi-mode squeezed pulse of light. We would like to thank Andreas Christ2 for helpful discussions and acknowledge support of this work under FIG. 4. Overlap between input pulse mode u˜ and QPG l the EC grant agreement CORNER (FP7-ICT-213681). 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