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A pyrosequencing-based metagenomic study of methane-producing microbial community in solid-state biogas reactor. PDF

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Preview A pyrosequencing-based metagenomic study of methane-producing microbial community in solid-state biogas reactor.

Lietal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:3 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/3 RESEARCH Open Access A pyrosequencing-based metagenomic study of methane-producing microbial community in solid-state biogas reactor An Li1†, Ya’nan Chu2†, Xumin Wang2, Lufeng Ren2, Jun Yu2, Xiaoling Liu1, Jianbin Yan1, Lei Zhang1, Shuangxiu Wu2* and Shizhong Li1* Abstract Background: Asolid-state anaerobic digestion method is used to produce biogas from various solid wastes in China but the efficiency of methane production requires constant improvement.The diversity and abundanceof relevant microorganisms play important roles in methanogenesis of biomass.The next-generation high-throughput pyrosequencingplatform (Roche/454 GS FLX Titanium) provides a powerful tool for thediscovery ofnovel microbes within the biogas-generatingmicrobialcommunities. Results: Toimprovethe power of our metagenomic analysis, we first evaluated five different protocolsfor extracting total DNA from biogas-producing mesophilic solid-state fermentation materials and then chose two high-quality protocols for a full-scaleanalysis.The characterization of both sequencing reads and assembled contigs revealed thatthe mostprevalent microbes of thefermentationmaterials are derived from Clostridiales (Firmicutes), which contribute to degrading both protein and cellulose. Other important bacterialspecies for decomposing fat and carbohydrateare Bacilli, Gammaproteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes(belonging to Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, and Bacteroidetes, respectively).The dominantbacterial species are from six genera: Clostridium, Aminobacterium, Psychrobacter, Anaerococcus,Syntrophomonas,and Bacteroides.Among them, abundant Psychrobacter species, which produce low temperature-adaptive lipases, and Anaerococcus species, which have weak fermentation capabilities, were identified for the first time inbiogas fermentation. Archaea, represented bygenera Methanosarcina, Methanosaeta and Methanoculleus of Euryarchaeota,constitute onlya small fraction of theentire microbial community. The most abundant archaealspeciesinclude Methanosarcina barkeri fusaro,Methanoculleus marisnigri JR1,and Methanosaeta theromphila,and all are involved inboth acetotrophic and hydrogenotrophic methanogenesis. Conclusions: The identification of new bacterial genera and speciesinvolved in biogas production provides insights into novel designs of solid-state fermentationunder mesophilic or low-temperature conditions. Keywords: Solid-state fermentation, Biogas production, Pyrosequencing,Metagenomics, DNA extraction, Anaerococcus,Psychrobacter *Correspondence:[email protected];[email protected] †Equalcontributors 2TheCASKeyLaboratoryofGenomeSciencesandInformation,Beijing InstituteofGenomics,ChineseAcademyofSciences,No.1-7BeichenWest Road,ChaoyangDistrict,Beijing100101,China 1InstituteofNuclearandNewEnergyTechnology,TsinghuaUniversity, TsinghuaGarden,HaidianDistrict,Beijing100084,China ©2013Lietal.;licenseeBioMedCentralLtd.ThisisanOpenAccessarticledistributedunderthetermsoftheCreative CommonsAttributionLicense(http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0),whichpermitsunrestricteduse,distribution,and reproductioninanymedium,providedtheoriginalworkisproperlycited. Lietal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:3 Page2of17 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/3 Background wastewaters [9,10], thermophilic upflow anaerobic filter Due to fossil fuel crisis, atmospheric pollution, and global reactor [11], fully- stirred reactor fed with fodder beet warming, the development of renewable and clean energy silage [12], thermophilic municipal biogas plant [13], and forms has become a critical task for the human society. two-phaseliquidbiogasreactoroperatedwithsilages[14], The production of biogas through biomass fermentation, have been conducted. Thermophilic anaerobic municipal regarded as an environment-friendly, clean, and renewable solid-waste digester [15] and packed-bed reactor for resource, has been gaining more attention in many deve- degrading organic solid wastes of artificial garbage slurry loped and developing countries [1,2]. In China, solid [16] were also studied. However, the methodology used biomass wastes (SW), such as kitchen, livestock, and for these studies was based on constructing and sequen- agricultural wastes (largely crop straws and stalks), cing 16S rDNA and mcrA clone libraries, and the choice are produced at the multi-million ton level annually of PCR primers for amplifying sequence fragments of the [3] and the untreated disposals of such wastes may target genes and other sequences typically creates biases, lead to severe long-term environmental hazards and and it has been difficult to cover the entire complexity of resource wasting. Therefore, the utilization of anaerobic microbial communities based on just the sequences from fermentation to convert SW into biogas represents a a limited number of gene-specific clones. The next- promising effort if it can be accomplished at an industrial generation sequencing technologies have overcome many scale and in an economical way. In recent years, solid- of these problems, particularly the pyrosequencing state anaerobic digestion (SS-AD) has been promoted in platform (such as the Roche/454 GS FLX sequencer) that China because of its many advantages, including less generates longer readlengthsranging from 200to400bp reactor-capacity demand, lower heating-energy need, and as compared to other platforms (such as the Illumina no stirring-energy consumption, particularly as opposed Hiseq2000 system that generates 50–150 bp reads in its to liquid-state anaerobic digestion [2]. However, the yield single-directional sequencing runs [17-20]) and creates of methane, the major end-product of this process, has less bias in sequencinglibrary construction [21,22]. Based not been sufficient for an industrial-scale promotion, let on this platform, a German group conducted the first aloneeconomicalplausibility. metagenomic analysis on a complex system of biogas- The biochemical process for anaerobic methane produc- producingplant [20],and developed relatedbioinformatic tion is complex. The diversity and abundance of microbes methods[23,24].They further revealed that in addition involved in the process certainly play a major role, which to the archaeal methanogen Methanoculleus species are influenced by microbial community compositions, (which play a dominant role in methane production) fermentation materials, climate variations, and designs of and abundant numbers of cellulolytic Clostridia chambers,tonamejustafew.IntheinitialstepsofSS-AD, (which were important for the hydrolysis of cellulosic hydrolytic Firmicutes reduce large macromolecules (inclu- plant biomass for acetogenesis) other methanogen dingproteins,complexfats,andpolycarbohydrates)totheir taxa (including Streptococcus, Acetivibrio, Garciella, building blocks (i.e., amino acids, long-chain fatty acids, Tissierella, and Gelria) are also detected but their and monosugars) and other bacteria (including acidogens precise functional roles in methane formation remain and acetogens) further degrade them into smaller inter- to be elucidated [17,25]. A similar study that used a mediates (such as acetate, carbon dioxide, and hydrogen). SOLiD™ short-read DNA sequencing platform has In the later steps, methanogens, which are mainly derived recentlyconfirmedtheimportanceofhydrogenmetabolism fromArchaea, convertthesmaller substratesinto methane in biogas production [26]. Nevertheless, a metagenomic through both aceticlastic and hydrogenotrophic pathways study on the SS-AD system based on deep-sampling and [4-6].Therefore,athoroughunderstandingofcomposition, long-read sequencing supported by the next-generation structure, and function of the microbial communities resi- sequencing platforms is of essence in moving the ding in anaerobic reactors is crucial for developing novel field forward. fermentationstrategiesandimprovingmethaneyieldofthe Aside from sequencing and bioinformatic analysis, DNA existingbiogasreactorsaswellasideasfornoveldesigns. extraction and its quality yield from samples of complex Although the biochemistry and enzymology ofmethano- materials(suchasliquidvs.solidandsourcevs.processing) genesis for model organisms are well characterized [7], the also greatly affect results of metagenomic sequencing structure and function of biogas-producing microbial [27,28]. DNA extraction efficiency and quality from biogas communities have not been sufficiently explored, samples have also been compared to PCR-based analyses particularly under different anaerobic fermentation [29], but a robust method, particularly for analyzing conditions. In the past decade or so, investigations of samples from SW biogas fermentation materials and different biogas-producing systems and waste treatment based on high-throughput shotgun pyrosequencing, has conditions,includinganaerobicmesophilicsludgedigester yettobereported.Towardthisend,wefirstevaluatedfive [8], mesophilic anaerobic chemostats fed with synthetic DNA extraction protocols (including four based on Lietal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:3 Page3of17 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/3 commercial kits and one derived from the classic Table1ComparisonofDNAyieldandpurityamongfive chloroform-isoamylalcohol method) for samples collected DNAextractionprotocols from a mesophilic SS-AD fermenter fed with SW. After Method ParametersofDNAquantityandpurify$ theT-RFLP evaluation (see Methods for details), we then DNAyield(ng/μl) A /A A /A 260 280 260 230 chose the two better protocols and prepared DNA P 20.5 1.61 0.88 samples for our pyrosequencing-based metagenomic F 153.6 1.81 0.33 study. Our results have led to novel insights into E 160.5 1.88 1.89 microorganism composition, gene content, and metabolic capacityoftheSWfermentation. EY 121.4 1.81 1.82 S ND ND ND Results and discussion $DNAquantityandpurityweremeasuredfluorometricallybasedon EvaluationofDNAextractionmethodsfor NanoDrop.Thepurityparameterconcerningcarbohydrate,phenoland aromaticcompoundcontaminationswascalculatedbasedontheratioofthe high-throughputpyrosequencing absorptionsat260nmto230nm(A260/A230).Tocheckforprotein Biogasfermentationsamplesareextremelycomplexdueto contamination,theratiooftheabsorptionsat260nmto280nmwas evaluated(A /A ).ND,notdeterminedduetotheimpurityofDNA the presence of multiple organic compounds and diverse 260 280 solution.ThepurityofDNApreparationswasmeasuredbasedonA /A > 260 280 degradation products. In SS-AD samples, microorganisms 1.8andA /A >1.8. 260 230 bindstronglytosolidmaterialsandhavearatherheteroge- neous distribution inside the samples. In order to find a which are critical for DNA yield and quality especially better protocol for the isolation of high-quality DNA when field sampling is the only source [29,30]. According preparationsforpyrosequencing,wesetouttoevaluatefive to our results, Protocol P (the Mo-Bio PowerSoil DNA DNA extraction methods. Using electrophoresis assay for Isolation Kit) showed the lowest DNA yield, suggesting checking quality and yield of genomic DNA extracts insufficient lysing despite the use of vigorous mechanical (Figure1andTable1),wefoundthatProtocolsE,EY,and force (vortexing for 15 min), especially when compared Fgaverisetothehighestyields,rangingfrom~160.5ng/μl with the corresponding steps in other related protocols to ~121.4 ng/μl, while Protocol P produced the lowest (hand shaking for a few minutes or vortexing for 30 s). yield, with ~20.5 ng/μl. However, Protocol F showed the Therefore, we realized that in addition to mechanical highestdegreeofsmearing(Figure1)andbothProtocolsF forces, lysis reagents used for the protocols may also be and S showed low purity based on A /A ratios crucialforpreparingbettercelllysis. 260 230 (Table1).TheDNAextractfromProtocolSappeareddark WefurtherevaluatedtheDNApreparationsfromallfive yellowish and its quality could not be measured based on methods based on T-RFLP analysis. The Shannon-Weiner spectrophotometry. The differences among the five index was used to indicate diversity and complexity, and methods were primarily observed at the cell lysing steps, the Simpson index was used to measure abundance. Bacteria and archaea were analyzed separately. The results showed that Protocol E resulted in the highest bacterial diversity (Shannon-Weiner index of 3.6) and thehighestabundance(Simpsonindexof0.95;Table2),fol- lowed by Protocols P and EY. Protocols E and EYshowed higher archaeal enrichment than that of Protocols P, Fand S.Wetherefore choseDNAextractsfromProtocolsE and EY for pyrosequencing, which consistently lead to higher yield,purerDNA,andhighmicrobialdiversity. Table2DiversityindexesofT-RFLPanalysisfordifferent protocols Method Diversityindexforbacteria Diversityindexforarchaea Shannon- Simpson Shannon- Simpson WeinerIndex(H) Index(D) WeinerIndex(H) Index(D) E 3.578163 0.945856 2.76696 0.88734 Figure1TheelectrophoresisresultsofDNApreparations F 3.293445 0.923434 1.245221 0.561454 basedonthefivemethodsfromabiogasreactorsample.M, P 3.410967 0.944772 1.984324 0.762865 molecularmarkerTransplus2K.P,F,E,EY,Srefertothefive protocols,respectively.ExceptforProtocolP,whichwasloadedwith S 3.116197 0.921699 1.634894 0.665427 5μlofundilutedDNAsolution,only1μlofundilutedDNAsolution EY 3.313463 0.924693 2.670502 0.872466 wasloadedonthe0.8%agarosegelsfortherestoftheextracts. Foreachprotocol,bacterialandarchaealdiversitieswereanalyzedseparately. Lietal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:3 Page4of17 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/3 Sequencingandmetagenomicassembly 100%ofthetotalreads.Ourresultssuggestthatthecurrent Pyrosequencing of two DNA libraries (from Protocols E samplingdepthisnotyetclose to the natural status for andEY),namely“BE”and“BEY”,wereperformedandthe bacteria but may be saturated for archaea. data from the experiments were summarized in Table 3. Matching the sequencing reads from BE-1 and BEY to ThefirstsequencingrunsofBE(namedasBE-1)andBEY sequences collected in NTand NR databases, we dissected resulted in 266,781,751 bp sequences from 738,005 reads microbial community structure of the two libraries (exclu- (an average read length of 362 bp) and 197,514,392 bp dingthereadswithno-hits;Figure2B),showingthatatthe sequences from 551,339 reads (an average read length of domainlevelthereissignificantdifferencebetweenthetwo 358bp),respectively.Itisobviousthattherearemoredata libraries in the proportion of reads assigned to bacterial, and higher microbial richness (Figure 2A in section 3.3) archaeal,viral,andeukaryoticsequences(Figure2B).Inthe obtained from BE (BE-1) than from BEY. Therefore, the BE-1dataset,4.7%and90.9%ofthereadswereassignedto BEsamplewassequencedtwiceagainasBE-2andBE-3. archaea and bacteria, but decreased to 3.0% and 71.2% for Since the BE sample was sequenced three times, it those of BEY, respectively. In contrast, only 3.4% of the yielded 647,369,218 bp sequences from 2,280,601 reads (in reads were assigned to eukaryotes and almost no viral anaveragereadlengthof283bp).Theassemblyofthetotal sequence was detectable in BE-1, but eukaryotic and viral readsgaveriseto118,433contigscontaining76,759,543bp, detectionsweresignificantlyincreasedto20.5%and9.3%in which were accounted for approximately 12% of the total BEY, respectively. The taxonomic bias in the microbial sequences measured in basepairs generated in this study. communitiesdetectedbetweenthedatasetsfromProtocols Thenumberoflargecontigs(>500nt)was37,276(anN50 E and EY may reflect the thoroughness of sample pre- of 1,712 bp), in which the largest contig contains washing with TENP buffer that may partially wash off 158,075bp.TheaverageGCcontentofthetotalreadsfrom bacteria known to be lightly adhered to solid matrix. theBEsampleis46%(Additionalfile1:FigureS1). Examining the taxonomies built from mapped sin- gle reads of libraries BE-1 and BEY (Additional file 1: Comparisonofmicrobialcompositionsbetweensamples Figure S2), we observed that the dominant taxa at BE-1andBEY the genus level for archaea and bacteria (such as We used rarefaction analysis to assess species richness of Methanosarcina and Clostridium for the former and thesystem.UsingMEGAN(ameta-genomicbioinformatic the latter, respectively) are comparable between the two tool) and at the best resolved levels based on the NCBI libraries; but there were greater numbers of microbial taxa taxonomy database and our sequence data, we analyzed observed in the BE (combining BE-1, BY-2, and BE-3) and the microbial richness, based on sequence reads, between BEY libraries (Table 2 and Figure 2A). Therefore, Protocol libraries BE-1 and BEY (Figure 2A) and revealed that the E in combination with the E.Z.N.A.TM Soil DNA Kit number of taxonomic leaves or clades of BE-1 are all should be considered as the most suitable procedure for higher than those of BEY, and the result indicated that theSWfermentationsamples. BE-1 contains more microbial taxa than BEY, and indeed BE-1 and BEYcontain 717 and 643 leaves for all assigned Microbialcompositionanalysisbasedonsequencing taxa, respectively. Furthermore, the rarefaction curves of readsandassembledcontigs both libraries in archaea appear close to saturation at 20% Weanalyzedthemicrobialcommunitycompositionofthe ofthetotalreads,whereasthoseinbacteriaareincreasedto BE library using MEGAN and mapped individual reads Table3Summaryofsequencingresults BEY BE-1 BE-2 BE-3 BE(total) Numberofreads 551,339 738,005 781,293 761,304 2,280,601 Numberofbases 197,514,392 266,781,751 218,761,141 161,838,822 647,369,218 Averagereadlength(bp) 358 362 280 212.58 283 Numberoflargecontig(>500nt) 11897 17,933 10,861 7,354 37,276 Numberofallcontig 24,052 33,750 20,281 17,860 118,433 Maxcontiglength 18,435 35,598 35,601 11,781 158,075 Numberofbasesinallcontigs 16,193,286 25,185,216 16,441,312 11,362,543 76,759,543 Assembledbases% 8.2% 9.44% 7.5% 7% 11.9% N50(largecontigs)(bp) 1105 1204 1440 1231 1712 TheBEandBEYsequenceswereassembledseparatelybyusingGSdenovoassembler. Lietal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:3 Page5of17 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/3 A 800 700 600 s e v a 500 e l f r o 400 BE-1-total BEY-total e b m u 300 BE-1-Bac BEY-Bac N 200 BE-1-Arc BEY-Arc 100 0 0 20% 40% 60% 80% 100% Percentage of reads B 100 80 s d BE-1 a e r 60 BEY f o t n 40 e c r e P 20 0 Bacteria Archaea Eukaryota Viruses Taxon Figure2Rarefactioncurves(A)andtherelativeproportionsoftaxonomicclassificationofbacteria,archaea,eukaryota,andviruses(B) fromtheBE-1andBEYlibraries.Fortherarefactioncurves,theanalysiswasperformedonthetotal(includingbacteria,archaea,eukaryota, virusesandenvironmentalsequences),archaeal,andbacterialtaxafromthetwolibraries. first. Figure 3 shows the statistics of the total assigned (39.0% of hit-reads), followed by Proteobacteria (17.3% of reads and their annotations for the popular genera and hit-reads)and Bacteroidetes(7.0%of hit-reads), whichare phyla. The reads assigned to the superkingdoms Bacteria responsible for biomass degradation and fermentation. (~9.8%)andArchaea(~0.5%)wereaccountedforapproxi- The 4th most abundant taxon is Euryarchaeota (4.3% of mately10.3%ofthetotalreads,whereas88.4%ofthetotal hit-reads), involved in methane synthesis and taking a reads obtained have no hit in the present database, small fraction of the community. In addition, massive indicating that there are still an immense amount of bacterial taxa are distributed in phyla Thermotogae unknown/uncultured species in this complex anaerobic (2.4% of hit-reads), Actinobacteria (2.2% of hit reads), biogas-producingsample(Figure3A). Chloroflexi (1.2% of hit-reads), Cyanobacteria (0.4% of Based on single-read assignments (Figure 3B), the most hit-reads), Chlorobi (0.3% of hit-reads), and Fusobacteria prevalentbacterialtaxaatthephylumlevelareFirmicutes (0.3%ofhit-reads),andtheresultagainindicatesthatthere Lietal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:3 Page6of17 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/3 A B 100000 12000 ds 80000 Number of reads Number of contigs 10000 gs r of rea 60000 68000000 of conti be r m 40000 be u 4000 m N u 20000 N 2000 0 0 C 20,000 2,500 s d s of rea 1105,,000000 Number of reads Number of contigs 12,,500000 contig mber 5,000 510,0000 er of b Nu 0 0 m u Clostridium Aminobacterium Psychrobacter Anaerococcus Bacteroides Syntrophomonas Pseudomonas Alkaliphilus Streptococcus rmoanaerobacter Enterococcus Lactobacillus Kosmotoga Enterobacter Bacillus Methanosarcina Methanoculleus Methanosaeta N e h T Bacteria Archaea Figure3Thestatisticsforthereadsassigned(A),thenumberofreads/contigsforthe11mostprevalentphyla(B),andthenumberofreads/ contigsof15mostprevalentgenerainbacteriaandthe3mostprevalentgenerainarchaea(C)obtainedinthetaxonomicclassification analysisusingBLASTN/BLASTXtoolsagainsttheGenBankNT/NRdatabasewithaE-valuecutoffof10-5basedontotalreads/contigs. are more complex microbial components residing within Psychrobacter (7,823 reads, 4.9% of hit-reads), Anaerococ- this system and that some of the components may reflect cus (6,544 reads, 2.7% of hit-reads), Bacteroides (5,655 their original environments rather than characteristic of reads,2.3%ofhit-reads),andSyntrophomonas(4698reads, theSWfeedsingeneral. 1.9% of hit-reads). For archaeal species, the three most At the class level, the prevalent reads are distributed prevalent genera are Methanosarcina (6,522 reads, 2.7%), over Clostridia (66,455 reads, 27.2% of hit-reads), Bacilli Methanoculleus (1,102 reads, 0.5%), and Methanosaeta (16,767reads, 6.9% of hit-reads), Gammaproteobacteria (750reads,0.3%),whichallbelongtoclassMethanomicro- (19,085 reads, 7.8% of hit-reads), Bacteroidetes (11,765 biaofEuryarchaeota(Table4,Figure3C). reads, 4.8% of hit-reads), and Methanomicrobia (9180 At the species level (Figure 4), although Clostridium is reads, 3.8% of hit-reads), which belong to phyla Firmi- the predominant genus, the three most abundant bacte- cutes, Proteobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Euryarchaeota, rial species are Aminobacterium colombiense DSM 12261 respectively (Table4). (11,868 reads, 5.2%), Anaerococcus prevotii DSM 20548 At the genus level, there are 429 generaof bacterial and (6,507 reads, 2.9%), Syntrophomonas wolfei subsp. Wolfei 39 generaof archaeal origins. The six most prevalent gen- str. Goettingen (4,685 reads, 1.9%), while the dominant era for bacteria are Clostridium (17,975 reads, 7.4% of hit- Clostridium species were identified as C. thermocellum reads), Aminobacterium (11,870 reads, 5.2% of hit-reads), ATCC 27405 (4,204 reads, 1.7%), C. tetani E88 (1,378 Lietal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:3 Page7of17 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/3 Table4The21mostprevalentgeneraoftaxonomicclassificationofsampleBEbasedonreadcounts Phylum Class Order Family Genus Countsofreads Firmicutes Clostridia Clostridiales Clostridiaceae Clostridium 17,975 Clostridia Clostridiales Syntrophomonadaceae Aminobacterium 11,870 Clostridia Clostridiales Peptostreptococcaceae Anaerococcus 6,544 Clostridia Clostridiales Syntrophomonadaceae Syntrophomonas 4,698 Clostridia Clostridiales Clostridiaceae Alkaliphilus 2,637 Bacilli Lactobacillales Enterococcaceae Enterococcus 1,948 Bacilli Lactobacillales Streptococcaceae Streptococcus 2,462 Clostridia Clostridiales Syntrophomonadaceae Thermanaerovibrio 1,123 Bacilli Bacillales Bacillaceae Bacillus 1,282 Clostridia Thermoanaerobacteriales Thermoanaerobacteriaceae Thermoanaerobacter 2,302 Bacilli Lactobacillales Lactobacillaceae Lactobacillus 1,907 Bacteroidetes Bacteroidetes Bacteroidales Bacteroidaceae Bacteroides 5,655 Bacteroidetes Bacteroidales Porphyromonadaceae Parabacteroides 1,295 Proteobacteria Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Moraxellaceae Psychrobacter 7,823 Gammaproteobacteria Pseudomonadales Pseudomonadaceae Pseudomonas 2,850 Gammaproteobacteria Enterobacteriales Enterobacteriaceae Enterobacter 1,339 Chloroflexi Chloroflexi Chloroflexales Chloroflexaceae Roseiflexus 968 Thermotogae Thermotogae Thermotogales Thermotogaceae Kosmotoga 1,738 Euryarchaeota Methanomicrobia Methanosarcinales Methanosarcinaceae Methanosarcina 6,522 Methanomicrobia Methanomirobiales Methanomicrobiaceae Methanoculleus 1,102 Methanomicrobia Methanosarcinales Methanosaetaceae Methanosaeta 750 #Readcountsmatchedtothe21mostabundantmicrobialgenera.TheresultswereobtainedfromthebestBLASTxhitsbysearchingthenucleotidesequence databaseofNCBIGenBank. reads, 0.6%),C. kluyveri(1,100reads.0.5%),and C.phyto- Since16SrDNAiswidelyusedfortaxonomicandphylo- fermentans ISDg (607 reads, 0.3%). In archaea, the three genetic studies due to its highly conserved sequences in most prevalent species are Methanosarcina barkeri str. bothbacteriaandarchaeaanditshypervariableregioncan Fusaro(2,611reads,1.1%),MethanoculleusmarisnigriJR1 also be used for accurate taxonomic evaluation, we (1,101 reads, 0.5%), Methanosaeta theromphila PT extracted793contigs(only0.7%oftotalcontigs)thatcon- (724 reads, 0.3%). tain 16S rDNA sequences (an average length of 1,068 bp) Meanwhile, we also analyzed microbial community for further analysis. When submitted to the RDP database compositions based on the assembled contigs, with (with 80% confidence), approximately 68.6% and 1.3% of BLASTN (version 2.2.13) against the NTand NR data- themwereclassifiedintobacteriaandarchaea,respectively. bases with E-value cutoff of 10-5. Among a total of At the class level, the dominant taxa include Clostridia, 118,433 contigs, 26,332 of them (22.2%) were assigned to Anaerolineae, Synergistia, Methanomicrobia, Bacilli, and 356 taxa (genus), containing 330 bacterial genera and 26 Gammaproteobacteria (Additional file 1: Table S2), mostly archaeal genera. Comparable to the taxonomic structure from Firmicutes, Proteobacteria and Euryarchaeota. It is generated from the output ofBLAST based onreads, our noteworthy that the detection of classes Anaerolineae and analysis showed that Firmicutes (32.2%), followed by Pro- Synergistia to be the dominant taxa based on 16S rDNA teobacteria (14.1%), Bacteroidetes (3.8%), and Euryarch- sequences differs from those based on reads and contigs. aeota (5.5%), are most dominant (Figure 3B, Additional Thereasonsaremorecomplex.Oneofthemmaybeinfor- file1:TableS1).ThedominantclassesinbacteriaareClos- mation loss in short contigs and sequence assemblies of tridia (8,249 contigs), Gammaproteobacteria (1,972 con- low-abundance species that are difficult to annotate based tigs), Bacilli (484 contigs), Bacteroidetes (315 contigs), and on limited matches. Another may be due to the lower thoseinarchaeawere mappedtoMethanomicrobia(1,279 matching rate for the 16S-associated contigs, where only contigs). The 17 most prevalent genera and the 6 most approximately 7% of the contigs were classified at the prevalent species are also consistent with the taxonomic genus level. Therefore, an even lower number of 16S structure based on mapped reads (Figure 3C, Additional rDNA geneswas detected and assigned tothe profilewith file1:TableS1). significantcertainty. Lietal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:3 Page8of17 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/3 Number of reads 0 2000 4000 6000 8000 10000 12000 14000 Aminobacterium colombiense DSM 12261 11868 Anaerococcus prevotii DSM 20548 6507 Syntrophomonas wolfei subsp. Wolfei str. Goettingen 4685 Clostridium thermocellum ATCC 27405 4204 Methanosarcina barkeri str. Fusaro 2608 Thermanaerovibrio acidaminovorans DSM 6589 1948 Kosmotoga olearia TBF 19.5.1 1738 Alkaliphilus metalliredigens QYMF 1469 Psychrobacter cryohalolentis K5 1431 Bacteroides thetaiotaomicron VPI-5482 1406 Bacteroides vulgatus ATCC 8482 1402 Clostridium tetani E88 1378 Parabacteroides distasonis ATCC 8503 1295 Enterobacter cloacae subsp. cloacae ATCC 13047 1156 Finegoldia magna ATCC 29328 1138 Methanoculleus marisnigri JR1 1101 Clostridium kluyveri 1100 Alkaliphilus oremlandii OhILAS 1046 Methanosaeta theromphila PT 724 Candidatus Azobacteroides pseudotrichonymphae… 654 Clostridium phytofermentans ISDq 607 Clostridium celluloyticum H10 595 Clostridium novyi NT 565 Psychrobacter sp.PRwf-1 524 Enterococcus faecalis V583 520 Alistipes shahii WAL 8301 491 Bacillus megaterium QM B1551 486 Lysinibacillus sphaericus C3-41 453 Clostridium beijerinckii NCIMB 8052 435 Psychrobacter arcticus 273-4 425 Roseiflexus castenholzii DSM 13941 424 Heliobacterium modesticaldum Ice1 407 Roseiflexus sp. RS-1 385 Prevotella ruminicola 23 366 Clostridium acetobutylicum ATCC 824 354 Syntrophobacter fumaroxidans MPOB 331 Herpetosiphon aurantiacus 328 Methanosarcina acetivorans 327 Pedobacter heparinus DSM 2366 326 Petrotoga mobilis SJ95 324 Desulfitobacterium hafniense Y51 323 Faecalibacterium prausnitzii SL3/3 320 Desulfomicrobium baculatum DSM 4028 298 Methanosarcina mazei 292 Streptococcus gallolyticus UCN34 292 Fusobacterium nucleatum subsp. Nucleatum ATCC… 290 Thermoanaerobacter tengcongensis MB4 283 Pirellula staleyi DSM 6068 282 Symbiobacterium thermophilum IAM 14863 249 Halothermothrix orenii H 168 242 Figure4StatisticsforthereadsassignedtomicrobialgenomesequencesusingBLASTN/BLASTXtoolsagainsttheGenBankNT/NR databasewithanE-valuecutoffof10-5basedonthetotalreads.Thex-axisdenotesthenumberofreadsassignedtothe50mostprevalent microbialstraingenomes. Lietal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:3 Page9of17 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/3 Novelanaerococcusandpsychrobacterandtheir thefermentationpowerisweak[33].However,theinvolve- characteristics ment of abundant Anaerococcus species in anaerobic fer- Weidentified abundant reads assigned to two novel bacte- mentation has never been reported. The function of rialgenerainthefermentation,andamongthese,thegenus abundant Anaerococcus species in the fermentation Anaerococcus of class Clostridia was identified, which was remains unknown. Its existence in the fermentation representedbythesecondmostabundantbacterialspecies, may be contaminations from kitchen wastes or variability A.prevotiiDSM20548(alsoasA.prevotiiPC1,Peptococcus ofthegenusitself;althoughgeneticallyidentical,thespecies prevotii) (6,507 reads, 2.7%), an obligate anaerobic bacte- possess significant discrepancies and are subject to adapta- rium. A. prevotii often presents in oral cavity, skin, tion under certain fermentation conditions. In this study, vagina, gut [31], and deep-seated soft tissue, causing several important enzymes in the metabolic pathways for abscessesoranaerobicinfectionsinhumans[32].Thusfar, methane synthesis were detected in association with in Anaerococcus, only this strain has been completely Anaerococcus based on the results of the KEGG analysis sequencedduetoitsclinicalsignificance,andthehit-reads (Figure 5, Additional file 1: Table S3), such as ackA forAnaerococcuswereallassignedtothisstrain.Therefore, (acetate kinase, EC:, pta (phosphate acetyl- at the species level, the taxonomic prediction should be transferase, EC: and transporters/antiporters, treated with caution. Our taxonomic assignment depends including NhaC and V-type ATPase subunit D (EC: on the comparison of amino acid sequences deduced, indicating that Anaerococcus species likely from reads encoding protein sequences of known taxo- contribute to the methane synthesis in the fermentation. nomicorigin.Therefore, onlypreviouslysequencedspecies Therefore, it is necessary to isolate Anaerococcus species, can be identified and there are possibilities that other to characterize their phylogenetic relationships, and to Anaerococcus species do exist in the fermenter but study their biological and ecological functions in SS-AD conformations from further studies are inevitable. andmethanogenesisfromSWinfuturestudies. Accordingtotheliterature,mostspeciesinAnaerococcus The genus Psychrobacter (7,823 reads, 3.2%) of class are capable of fermenting several carbohydrates, although Gammaproteobacteria(phylumProteobacteria)isprimarily Figure5MethanogenesispathwaypredictedinourfermenterbasedontheKEGGanalysis.Theellipsesdenotethesubstancesinvolvedin thereaction.Theboxesshowtheenzymesinvolvedinmethanogenesis.Theacetotrophic(green),thehydrogenotrophic(blue),andtheshared pathways(grey)areallcolor-encodedandthecolordepthindicatestheamountofreadsassigned.Theenzymesthatarepotentiallyassociated withAnaerococcusandPsychrobacterinthemethanogenesispathwayareshownintheyellowbox. Lietal.BiotechnologyforBiofuels2013,6:3 Page10of17 http://www.biotechnologyforbiofuels.com/content/6/1/3 comprised of P. cryohalolentis (1,431 reads, 0.6%), P. 12261andtherelativespeciesofAminobacteriumareboth arcticus (425 reads, 0.2%), and Psychrobacter sp. syntrophic, capable of anaerobic degradation of amino PRwf-1 (524 reads, 0.2%). Most species of this genus acids, particularly without saccharides and consistently can adapt to cold conditions, such as polar permafrost identified in anaerobic environment, such as sludge and and ice, and are capable of reproducing at temperatures compost [46,9]. The abundance of such amino acid- rangingfrom−10°Cto40°C[34].Thespeciescanevenbe metabolizing organisms indicates high protein content in found in the relatively thermophilic environment of the theSWsamples. digestion conditions. So far, Psychrobacter sp. have been S. wolfei subsp. Wolfei str. Goettingen (4,685 reads, defined as aerobic and mesophilic bacteria. However, 1.9%) belongs to genus Syntrophomonas (Clostridia), some researchers have shown that some of their strains often isolated from anaerobic environments, such as were also able to grow in fermenting environments aquaticsedimentorsewagesludge,growingtogetherwith [35-37] and anaerobic conditions, such as facultative methanogens (such as Methanospirillum hungatii) and anaerobic bacteria [38]. The Psychrobacter species often other H -using and/or formate-using microorganisms 2 produce variable lipases (including phenylalanine dea- [47]. S. wolfei subsp. Wolfei str. Goettingen participates in minase, alkaline phosphatase, esterase (C4), esterase anaerobic fatty acid degradation [48] through the degra- lipase (C8), lipase (C14), leucine arylamidase, and dation of long-chain fatty acids into acetate and H [49] 2 lecithinase [39,40]) and play essential roles in fat decom- duetotheactivityofacyl-CoAdehydrogenase,CoAtrans- position reactions. They have been isolated from the facial ferase, enoyl-CoA hydratase, and other related enzymes and body tissues of animals, poultry carcass, fermented [48], and this species plays a significant role in fatty acid seafood [38,41-43], and groundwater, but the isolation of decompositionandmethanogenesis. Psychrobacter species has never been reported in biogas Thereadsfor genusBacteroides(5,655reads,2.1%)were fermentation samples. In this study, several important mainly assigned to B. thetaiotaomicron VPI-5482 (1,406 enzymes in methane metabolism pathways associated with reads, 0.6%), B. vulgatus ATCC 8482 (1,402 reads, 0.6%), thisgenuswerealsodetected basedontheKEGGanalyses and B. fragilis YCH46 (183 reads, 0.1%). Bacteroides often (Figure 5, Additional file 1: Table S3), including ackA (ace- reside in human and animal intestines so that they exhibit tate kinase, EC:, pta (phosphate acetyltransferase, symbiotic relationship with E. coli and other species. EC:, acetyl-CoA synthetase (EC: and trans- Bacteroides are involved in the fermentation of dietary porters/antiporters (such as NhaA and NhaC), and the polysaccharides, utilization of nitrogenous substances, and results indicate that these enzymes most likely participate biotransformationofbileacidsandothersteroidsinhuman in fat hydrolysis in SW samples for methanogenesis, colon [50]. Most intestinal bacteria are saccharolytic particularly under mesophilic conditions. and obtain carbon and energy through hydrolysis of Fat hydrolysis is the primary reaction of lipases. More- carbohydrates. over, lipases catalyze esterification, interesterification, aci- The dominant Clostridium species was identified as C. dolysis, alcoholysis and aminolysis reactions in addition thermocellum (4,204 reads, 1.7%), which directly con- to the hydrolytic activity on triglycerides [44]. Therefore, verts cellulosic substrate into ethanol with high effi- cold-active lipases, largely distributed in psychrophilic ciency and is a good candidate for the degradation of microorganisms and showing high catalytic activity at low cellulosic materials from plant biomasses [20,51-53]. temperatures, are added to detergents for cold washing, In addition to plants, some Clostridium species can industrial food fermentation samples, environmental also be isolated from animal feces and cultured with bioremediation (digesters, composting, oil or xenobiotic Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum [51]. The biology applications) and biotransformation processes [44]. tetanus-causing bacterium C. tetani (1,378 reads, 0.6%) is Some cold-adaptive lipase genes from Psychrobacter sp. anobligateanaerobethatreliesonfermentation.Itcanbe had been previously cloned and expressed [45]. Therefore, found inmanure-treatedsoil,animalfeces, and fermenta- the abundance of Psychrobacter sp. in this fermenter tionsamplesfrombiogas-producingplant[20].C.kluyveri demonstrates great potential for use in SW treatment for (1,100reads.0.5%)growsanaerobically,usingethanoland methane production or in other bio-energy conversion acetate as sole energy sources to produce butyrate, cap- processes based on fatty-rich substrates, particularly under roate,andH [54].C. kluyveriisoriginallyidentifiedfrom 2 lowtemperatureconditions,innorthernChina. canal mud [55] and C. phytofermentans (607 reads, 0.3%) iswidely distributed in soil, capable of producingethanol, Otherdominantbacterialspeciesandtheircharacteristics acetate, CO , and H through fermenting cellulose [56]. 2 2 Themostfrequentlypredictedspeciesinthisfermenteris Therefore, in the initial steps of biomass digestion, A.colombienseDSM12261(11,868reads,5.1%),primarily members of Clostridium produce a wide variety of isolated from anaerobic sludge and belongs to genus extracellularenzymestodegradelargebiologicalmolecules Aminobacterium (Clostridia) [46]. A. colombiense DSM (such as cellulose, xylans, proteins, and lipids into

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