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A Proposed Role of Aeroelasticity in NASA's New Exploration Vision PDF

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Preview A Proposed Role of Aeroelasticity in NASA's New Exploration Vision

A Proposed Role of Aeroelasticity in NASA’s New Exploration Vision Robert I, Bartels, ~ Robert W. Moses,’ Robert C. Scott Justin D. Tennpleson,! F, McNeil Cheatwood.§ Peter &. Guo, land Grey M. Buck, WASA Langley Research Center, Harlem, VA 2868 Introduction Nee ey nah ad te tale lidoghs that ou ses poghone loo thea Ape teh Moor, ¢ Mats, a bug astronauts ad sa ples exely bore te. Essth se caste ach lower ean pletion iutisive Las act Apollo. "These chalcngce rquire ceatve acrospact Systems. One propesed techaology for sally dellver- Uieeneewons offer le oven al uf el wering reer franells poses stability pele o properl sig for she raported Aight regimen ‘The fight eximes for « Mare Ianding or Bath: ren 1 enceanpass the Hypersonic ra sahsonie with varying perianal dyn ie pisses. Comntetons ole or mesdling thw fo snes on stl et ek sich as wings ad tale nist be adopted #2 bardle Aesible structures hoes deformations ae likely te Be lage and norlinear. Severe tna challenges ae the Haidjetustnse souphing of bigs computational tid dyrarics the sablneeity of el eh Eu and sta res cates J} ana.ytical aa ie lemeat modeling fof complex nalinearscminane betiawor. sar ex peciseal vation ofthe structural mesic a te atociastis anal nctaod An integrated, ha eatiee te ace rupled salysis tool could explare ana +f ian, Neptune, ‘aad eer soarsgaten, H would strongly en vas industry ap tilt while acsauing he sate the at in fate fetoneit devices, Iie alc arliocace the need for hs expensive expetntental testing on which stare and Adame vehicle and aerosastiesabity dete ene cu ently based. Beachmsricc zapatos would provide "louty defined exparatione and igmes of mers Px fnmparing sualyais ris This paper will pence sre histay ef owe eroloyahledelertons, sarvy ely Farah Gp turn cea dxpérinicaal vlialion, Deployable Decelerator Background Several laste of deployble deoserstons lve bee tad tested. ‘The considerel, bal fall within two ‘tegoriee The fist ie ts in the fons fs enol conetod to the pay lol Ly cension ine Soe in figure 1 The essond isan attached balls there Gale fis the apace between the tote sid tae ceiling edge, gate 2, Several concept for blltes (ne reenry concep: is che Actached Inflatable Bo. telerator (AID). ‘This concept involves tached cnet ta e Blant conical beds. 4 standane allte ie rahe, test coneive fs trl supersonic condenater. Attachment of tae Balle to (ae aeeosell ir a AID) device evoide (ae inetabaity prob decsieretor. “Tie Goodscar Aeros ailing balloon tha indnion i arly AID testi of sosll-scale wind rene! msde wees perform at spend for subeon to gacaier smn Mork Ingles of in sta indation preformance, parked AID wae rlesed ancl rape inflated a. ae entry vlecity, took alton woe teauid to pao lade wee running from the Mant conical 30d traf te bale He inenen te Brsqensy Folate ‘le found no fer i the relatively smal fll nated dls? After a ststeined pero of wind tuanel me ft angle of attack, one ballate mod] shows signs of eating.” Other stati iafarion teste were performed desenine the incernalpressze ot flue” The a dion ef merdian tapes and locliaed reformers acreaee overall stcath, Pat ale alter: Lond pale at bluse motes, Wek the action of mecidiae ce, flees typuallscocured atthe win lead ell To culore vehidle stability ot low Reynolds aut ives ballate ms regvine a rsasiien “singe vice Tv on asc sal Lip 9a isthe snsition, "The avigival Gonelear design bla i fatabie bush fone, Aucther study fowl that tering ibban ped ees sia esl One recent corer the Howson TREY, the Infiaes ble fn ths Faternctiona Space Staton The TREVE cnet tees umatngs sation Iv the step. 2 eneller AID halle inlaid for eeentry hn the socane, 3 sou alll alltel er eeelzy te Further dese rate he pay ‘que to wistain tension een inthe center of the easy bony with compressive forces atthe novo and ne tal!" "The alos the area of he seers body a tension to be composed of a meminane, this te dlucng weight over conventional ablation sbislds. Soe (enc abel ene cree fe ig. 2A tonstow shall concept sale ipl and baci in the mid-dy27 “The final a the cory attache eneleation seve is the raornel. Che mont iss of ne Stic sls, eveatee ose the woul nl pylon anal spun ab high spots! Batersive Sere ws perforin bs determine wath ae The fist ealurn intel, whieh ie essentially right only circoler pruning. ‘This iatality ca se Founceere sith higher ening args or with a gener tactnnent ttn, The sect insaliy is eal in ably. ‘This was fora at low soning nigh, and fan be reduced by egorater coring ange or 20 fontvl system. The tind instaiiny as sk A his eae dees Ty ing active sontea. by passive speingylanyper system. Antler "alization i the use of ura tah along ue ater evincter of the mtannat Current Aeroelastic Analysis Methods Tineat method ae well waders and ppd to the aerelasic aalses of relatively st tng si fares. Alvoy these metus have be ail oe dlexigsol the ance tle, an ta ther space vehicles insended to encounter the atmosphere of 2 pleaet such fs che Mars Ainplene concept celled ANS (Aerial ogiouakseale Ruvionmeatal Survey). Those same naar method 2 teady for aralyzing eompet- ing designs of the Crew Exploration Vatiele (CRY) tha: is planed for taking the ageronnuss te ¢ae Moon fof to Mars and safely staring then to Lest ‘Nonlinear isthe ate curently under develope, foesneting an objective of irpnoved Fdety in eure elastic analyses forsubscme, supers, and pessone Right reginces, Howevee, chose methods ere boing applied to soltively still acrospace st tha: beheve leary, a» poor onal th These metboes do aot esquire the couple envi sive for analysing Ube desig of aie, deploy pomibly inlatatle eatey deviecs, such o2 that ahowa figure 1, Te linittious of existing uxedling ols wil poqute thie eahenesment or poadbly tae devel ‘punent of new tahun. Recent Studies Under the ISP Program ‘Through NASA's InSpace Propakion (ISP) peo rom, 9 prctinary okamization of semsitvity to ge fet and Repaclde nusaber sn the inne of ferge displacements ou wetohwerng snd dyna ove ster econ ‘The operating ragiate of the ute wll be ewe slush ane soe high etal sec Fig” Presiens Cermpotations! Fld Dyvanie {CED} sig have inratgte the intersetion ofthe vere ace an aeroesting anit sentniy to oom od Regalia taber vatations. OF the ‘rio cog waticnsstacied towed, camp lite apa toridal, the clampad and toroidal ballute fers appese fo offer the most advantage with teard to-asothensel ofits, Gre ofthe signfcant findings lof these studies fs that the weke can be unsteady in Sone confizurations, notable when the vehicle sock lhe tower Balle bow aoe. ™ This bas investigation af a tozeidshapod Pallas Inna tethered tonoies balla the vehicle how skoce is svellowed within the toroid and the sekiclesbalute Ses shoe interaction ie wel bebind eh crus. In his configuration static aactiernoeast's inveraetion #3 De the primary ccncoen 26 Sons as shock te sheck in feroction mains bonisn. In azote coafsuzation the tons is counested tothe vehicle Ey 8 eonirally sped Sour-lm etc. snge bay sec enyelones the fntite vehicle sae salle, Leth static ad dynaric folic interaeions can orci. Th any oo tse hs Destin ates il bo be impr. nl the law af the leach, A compuimional investigation af he eft 0 Tage Uispacement cn aerating sad dynamics hm ln bran eidacte. Presi an temperate pt obing CPD fora igi wecabel sin fad passed tae ronlnvargeometse Sine ele ent tre iran trav forthe inet defer shape, The CP. fre rations were sulsequentlyupsated asd on the final deformed siape and new pnesines ad temper atites wee? compited. he deformed shape lows fora ciculetion pestom within the Fable trouzh be meer the ace end the tailng edge, seeulting i loa. Jnteasee and decreases‘ temperature and pressure slong the aemaell outer wall” Sezer) bey arene Blchments were realized Vis he analyeis yes A rmitaton eaezareend of homing ascent with ro dsferuatisne of lise ballues thew gh tingle fone coupling belssn nt nero sole aus Fate ee the reaulte provide tad ealy coutiemation that exits Thine conrate sausione eon reprise to « qualita tive extent the unsteady anotion and discern bounds fiment solver, Seen te fi boven evil toroidal configueticns Caqunosieaive eaessment of tothee Leatng Wiad Tunnel Peting A ate of igh speed wind-tannel sco tabbed inthe ISP program with the folio ng jets) develop thethodoegy and pretence. testing Hesible atesils yn ypossone Tein: 2) fvauate advanced tatetials ina higstemperstue Iighesoea! flo environment: and 2) provde expec mental dats for comparisons with actotherrodlastic modeling setware tools, Several wing-tannal mc tls were bullt ew of plastic support structars nd polyimide morsbranss te coprcsent cw otteched ba lute coucepe. Several membrane thicknesses and ce3e tus were tested up to Mech Il! ane Hyves nur bes ust over S250 soot. Same of the saodes oul ‘thot tation of dyna pean resi fl he "Tie routs niersove thet tad Leal isintle ter understand the eewsined lode resigning (ae ballatsscruetuealcompoasats Proposed Wind Tunnel Testing for ‘Tool Validation A. now fest progam of 3 Langer scale aoc smdel ve plauncdfor the NASA Langley Lreaccrie Dyoatsce Tuutel (IDT). ‘Tae tals of testing will be overs th ses ssoebiily of wanuaring, te riues tek nie ually al te povided Tor {alibeatien o nalsie! txts vale son of on butationl Vos Thee les palit int, see ‘uslite data or omnpalational tool welder ore ‘Sates unlel chai xa lation othe tare Sian On the other bow, testing sine sealabity Ik best serve wich a full cle tall, Roce of 9 inmpeneieaiy of testing fll see xl, gsraer sMrveturalteatng ng mace extensive iw of some tent escing ne Fabcaien.® Large aale component testing of thie nature wil be pefomed under tie Dest project. Yer the suneaive tenting of Lert Sale, fully essed falls models in ditleent seals funnels Evie canfdene in the Erosesee develope Fee the largest seemed fellas onl in tans ies envicind peer the wegen “The tnce difcult tole ofthe TDIT test il be to provise care for vaidation of computational and ena {cal tole. There ate several challenge n obtaining expoimensal data of a highly fesible and aorlinest, Sonetuse for tool vabdsti. These fall uncer the heedings of sructenal eharacterzaton, model siting fil cats sensing tecvoloe, si, expemental characiseton o! 2 teste sophiccr iss stucture dieu ** hap:on poly- ce fams ate got to be movcnally ene grembel tose fod eael excite Bevel Sie towsuue sruciares of a see cope to tha ex nested in the propose test. show tals sips fempenenl of Sve Lal deietion ie de avis fron 2 Tn at eet I re the sn pene ie te igavy et ails have been ented fo sate al all testing 10 mintiae the gevittional ee” “Yet it may ail be wcessry tomnodel he gravity ever 1 the canputatins Rocsse of the high Aes dK ass pe ae, ie ones il ily pele ‘realistic m vane vandal shsractoraction ofthe sta fute-anlese ested na sacar, A vacuei chamber for the cute projet igh lessble structures ax also vey sensitive te beundaty constr orentaion and cisbtien and saurcr of load pplication. To illustrate te dicul- feof testing, 1 ons test extensive tein of test techaigues om simple Kapton thi fl stip waste ‘ited to make e poss eto dsctininace many ofthe se elated to boundary textment* Te desighers fof gcesaner slat el moses have identified edge ‘tonics as having considerable satcnce om static and Aynamie behaving Turthermor, wala duc te ‘lg coastsiatedimisithes model uofutese ad ex ‘omive wining na creasing over signa portions fof tte sande wil lies membrane safince, dnp 0g, vole tae al rachis olen the lowes ode Fi seactane is dyoanical’y excite csetation appl evry fest is panned test also be paid tthe nme in hich Th oth ‘on de tr ‘are effsetive supra oay be one an lee metic site el shake, coe eenly Attra! ln exeitation, The sone challange is the comraint on te size of ths model in aelaticn fo the wird tonne, Model blcale fag avd wallintarfesene always ntonce the lo Fold ‘te a weil in mand tonal tests “Chis nora int fences the dats teen. ‘The inence of model bloke fie soe inereaes Noo pon wind Tan esting tom heen porlorne fer acrrpnamicaly saath shi slew Aa sidousl comes by the pucgous of Le Uallte whic into effectively impeethe How arate the sekiele, hus disraptiag the auesouading tls. This ictonses the meletive cxeut to which satel ode ge and wall aterkcove alters the valklaion date fceuuitsd, ‘Therebre, earful attention to oiaition a ing wll be quired to easure thet ox “The hid dileuly in expecta Latin she me ‘ihe wrmoiy woe i siT cela uot ea brooriate excep for une data acquisition eevee a memlvane sues bas ben Tinened to scasurcmeate cf detetons, Scvetl net fds of varying vgtoss el ascutary ave been asa Photogamnctsy wth digital cameras eat vida tetris ode defamation {WMD} acesureuents have st of Foal, aver ple Cuan Ihotione valatayon stage to tose sve target Tiairs. Oi oe xanplesil devise angle Taser Ria agen for stati delaras sear sen gi the Pallas PL PSV sexing. ager Proposed Computational Approach ently as posite the in fiumice of fostructre teraction om the balla design, several inves of anal elty il be Stacie acvothetrnlacic arabe wll asses the date fice af statically deletes shape or ballate pofot= Imance ard heaticg satis, The onset of fow-induond tnsteadiress can abo be predicted using a static fewr/seuctue interaction, e ilustreted in a previous ‘clin ofthis paper, Dvatinic atotherrelasie ans ‘evel primanly address membsone Butter eno. Eelitin 9 she danzor of component failure, aoteckes tie response of the flied “ovoid can also esl in Undeszable veaiele response. ‘The iatemlay devvect ompenet enoeksticly and seer wee salty tus eanire ae ftegeaed Duklscucture oad vei tli el Mathetnaccaly the fo eld and structure fr bath the static and drmense seroelastic analsis wil faveted es separate domi coupled Ly aa inte face, Static eeveeastic aralsie can be perform in ie atrvctaee ean he catagorined vador the Foadings loose avtelo roughing less sve apnea h ss be ef se ai i the srt steed Soin the CFD) soue ther mdaly or by ies she io wing es teh, We setae the looses supled appevaeh to be fone in whic the CED and CSD [Conputesioual Stae ural Dyuntiks) or FEA (Eiaito Eleaeat Aualysie) toe are sepacate but coupled ie o fukd/veocture Coupling mechani, Wher the thes fe isp dont soning sean esi alka ipnncal each of e lesot Hee The lypenone Mefcnclure snort agate snster af presses all's Heat fs td te pecanurs. The fuid/strctre coupling ean be aon olisked aefig several valet packages. NASA Lanz ly es developed « multiisapinary code inevtae sing Noa-Uaifnny Raconal B-Splnes (NURBS}."" Several commerlly available packages allow cow aling of CTD aur FEA ods, ah os Bp (Mes booed parallel Cede Coupling nttface}" ane MIC Muld-Diseipinaey Computing Environs)? As 5 rove exatupls, ansteady hyporsonie aerotcroo: jastic analysis bee been peeformes! for tie desi of| tetmal protection soraponeats ina rote wehiclous lis cole wit the tow Held fie slew ae sa as ta Ube MpCCL mop” “ernbrane details have bon shen in previous st ive profoundly influren overall strutiral per anes Seams avenue big mol thar the foerwise hae ard signal alter belle st ose properties, Pressurized poli? are vighly nonfaear, with waposes that vary with ex tation level abd dul (aed Ss Fgqueneie) that Hpend stg 0 preseason Fi wrinkling ale sites the steactal response. ‘The anal tec nique it be capable of oldnesing thse aroctural lets, Seural FFA coos under onsleraton thi the NASA Langley Reseach cater effet ars MSC NASTRAS, MSE Mare and ABAQUS. A roquzenat af the PEA willbe the expabiity dls msmiorene themoelasiely, mca sous ral noalineattce date thers) flocs, thermo: Stonie nd cteep, as well a6 the infhene= of therm: wlinton. Honever, wo ll FEA tools ave wit Tolle capabiliies.Covierable wt eee ses hes been apalid to eevee o° membrane ulelng expablitis Reset scr bas sae Uh ‘ei to nl ne rane wel, ese de ofl and variety of ere contrat, at wel rome thecal fect! chal ly ‘stn! moiel thal Inearporate thee lets ae bring Alselope! within bot NASTRAN anil ABAQUS. = tell se ther orate exes 3 The seen lft i leverage the avaliable recent develop Ts operating coviesnmeat will an the rr to rontinnain fom seginen moves the bigest loading ie expected be win the cuutinauny flow regis ffoxe oe FUNSD>* ‘hue laaary scroheraoyemune ede Glehin the NASA Lagley Retcarch Coute Cetvcerimodestie aualsacs ee LoUBA2" find CFLSD.S? These codes hose, oF Will hese hoot Doratod, the apptopriate seotLenmady anc models Tutu equibeiuen, wosequilltaiannsenistey onl Shfons savalvety. Since the ceaphing of etal sons faty wl be ese. Resor prelim ney algae a onbgmtatinsensetice hae iepoved tal gy cat Fed gow and viscoms flrs Ty the ese td, fia anol remoeloaie computations ct he permed Wikis les Hheweven, hecatee af he comple ve Tele ballute shape a igi Mach mtaber, Inninae ‘nd pres tearitcna visconanslyis selec Cations are ceewira) roenswdie nugaes ie provide Temosnbly seeureie seaulie lo carbalent ly pensore ‘nitinae wil be eequ ed Turbulent son lear vices trenepoct (S57) sl of Mense lowe” Static anusontic anaes cat Ie panned ith thos: successive Levels of fidelity asing « boos Coupling s'sbe C2D aad PBA sad, Prediction of che onset of flater will re ditional clesaly coupled snaiysss.Uspeteonic pars] luster and aypercnic vehicle acrosrvocastic sab ity have ocen addreseed arcugi well establish’ y= pessone setecastic enalyses, he atodynamie the fry for these analyses Fev typically bor lessica or igxctlized linear and neninetepistanthoory. hyper ‘onc small disursanee thoory er the perturbed Luler rusthed #4! These requir the assumption of a thin body auc shasp leding edge and can be peasoaably ppl to hing eufsece ot skorp nocd bodive of evolution, Aoroclastic analysis of Sul bodies bos feovival tic fess atisulion owing tothe oanplen ity oe flow fel behiy! elected ba shock al Ue ners of nel wling vise ffs Ps Tae tae sels of “het fis ble, vine eh itgeliely supe olan of the hypensnie ow Fell ad mal ations ofthe fi strane ll 6a When peesle satem idenifeation or ander nln tion tetriqnes ill be used to apare computational Ht. Ws trepnt exsenpie of nh 2 sli Fu lap and Navier-Stokes aerothernnoetatie soptaton Ihave beet performed for fatter onaee 2 clad winge nd a geveic veentiy vehicle at Mach T15," The wing structure was micdsed in a medal see sithin the CED sade ann anos spstan ideation: flor tenigoss west to determine fater ant lnceeating outsorae of one 0° tase ses i th ine Dorlarse of viscous effets even iz computing Autier fset Cor 9 tlativee cn wing keporoaic dow Concluding Remsrke As the suey pirssated ip tals paper incase, the otocestc arsiyss o° a thi ballute will bs 3 ajar tecnica! ehalleag> Many isues sill hove t= be ttessed the stecaral sa terolaetic testing pt tie eampatationsl modeling stages, Verification ff fini element stauctnes! sod! and the oo Ming plosslurs sill be saya efre thsse tool fn be sgl fer desig Materia properties such ground tse te. Esti provecines af sale Mal be lle sch a Thulin in thi bee, for tirae mocring, reds! analysis a fr he coupled uidjstrctie ingestion and aerelsti anaysi, Validation onl be eased by comperinon fot bath stetic and Aysarie aortic repens with trind tunnel test measurements, These steps shad five the cenfience-necesery for ust te ll sale ‘esga, References “ahead, A. Fa, K. and Hormeng. LG. ‘Rlecmypipseant est Inoneer Conferences Nec 2008, Adis as0 ans SSeentea! Staal a ta tolg Ten fo" suse ant Sousie Sousa, 2a ie snveonment (SDICE}, Bo. ei _ st eset Gap How nk Ctabeetoe oi Suture Stuctnl vanes and Muetigs Confort, os SAN hynomice ves nin Centon, So te Kien mln Sime epemone to” alt co vcsspa tool FAAST Hoe ALLA Coe

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