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Preview A Proof of the Herschel-Maxwell Theorem Using the Strong Law of Large Numbers

A Proof of the Herschel-Maxwell Theorem Using the Strong Law of Large Numbers Somabha Mukherjee ∗ Department of Statistics, Wharton School, University of Pennsylvania 7 1 January10, 2017 0 2 n a Abstract J In thisarticle, weuse the strong law of large numbers to give a proof of the Herschel-Maxwell theorem, 3 which characterizes the normal distribution as the distribution of the components of a spherically symmetric randomvector,providedtheyareindependent. Wepresentshorterproofsunderadditionalmomentassumptions, ] R andincludearemark,whichleadstoanotherstrikinglyshortproofofMaxwell’scharacterizationusingthecen- trallimittheorem. P . h KEYWORDS: Sphericallysymmetric;Normaldistribution;Characteristicfunction;Stronglawoflargenum- t a bers;Centrallimittheorem. m [ 1 Contents v 8 2 1 Introduction 1 2 2 2 SomeBasicPropertiesofaSphericallySymmetricDistribution 2 0 1. 3 TheSphericalSymmetryCharacterizationanditsProof 2 0 7 4 ShorterProofsUnderAdditionalMomentAssumptions 3 1 : 5 Conclusion 4 v i X 1 Introduction r a TheHerschel-Maxwelltheoremisoneofthemanybeautifulcharacterizationsofthenormaldisribution. Itstates that if the distribution of a random vector with independent components is invariant under rotations, then the componentsmustbeidenticallydistributedasanormaldistribution. Asmentionedin[2],J.C.Maxwelladdressedthefollowingquestion: Whatisthedistributionofvelocitiesof the gas particles? The argumentbehind Maxwell’s claim that velocities are normally distributed, hinged upon twoverynaturalassumptionsaboutthedistributionfunction,independenceandrotationinvariance. Evenbefore Maxwell, astronomer J.F.W. Herschel addressed a similar issue while characterizing the errors in astronomical measurements. Heassumedthatthecomponentsofthetwo-dimensionalerrorsinmeasurementareindependent, andthatthedistributionoftheerrorisindependentofitsdirection. Inthis paper, we givea proofof the Herschel-Maxwelltheoremusing the stronglaw of largenumbers, and givea remarkaboutanotherunbelievablyshortproofofthe theoremusing the centrallimit theorem. The main toolsofouranalysisarecharacteristicfunctionsandHaar’sTheoremforrotation-invariantmeasuresonthesurface oftheunitsphereinEuclideanspaces. ∗Electronicaddress:[email protected], [email protected] SomabhaMukherjee Herschel-MaxwellTheorem 2 Some Basic Properties of a Spherically Symmetric Distribution Definition2.1. ArandomvectorXtakingvaluesinRnissaidtohaveasphericallysymmetricdistribution,ifX andHXhavethesamedistributionforeveryn nreal,orthogonalmatrixH. × Inthefollowingtwotheorems,westatesomebasicpropertiesofasphericallysymmetricdistribution. Theorem2.1. Theentriesofasphericallysymmetricrandomvectorhavethesamedistribution.Moreover,ifthat distributionhasafinitemean,thenthemeanmustbe0,andifthatdistributionhasfinitesecondmoment,thenany twodistinctentriesoftherandomvectorareuncorrelated. Theorem2.2. TherandomvectorX = (X ,...,X )T hasasphericallysymmetricdistributionifandonlyifits 1 n characteristicfunctionφsatisfiesφ(t)=Eei||t||X1 forallt Rn. ∈ ItfollowsimmediatelyfromTheorem2.2, thatif a randomvector(X ,...,X )T followsa sphericallysym- 1 n metricdistribution,thensodoesallitssubvectors. Wenowstateandprovesomesortofa“converse”ofthisfact, underanadditionalassumption,whichwillplayacrucialroleinourmainproof. Theorem 2.3. Let F be a distribution on R with the propertythat if X and X are independentobservations 1 2 fromF,then(X ,X )Thasasphericallysymmetricdistribution.Thenforeveryn,ifX ,...,X areindependent 1 2 1 n observationsfromF,(X ,...,X )T hasasphericallysymmetricdistribution. 1 n Proof. In view of Theorem 2.2, it suffices to show that EeiPnj=1tjXj = Eei(√Pnj=1t2j)X1 for all n and for all t ,...,t . By Theorem 2.2, this is true for n = 1 and 2. Assume that the proposition holds for some n. Let 1 n X ,...,X ,X be(n+1)independentobservationsfromF. Then,byourinductionhypothesis,wehave: 1 n n+1 EeiPnj=+11tjXj = EeiPnj=1tjXj Eeitn+1Xn+1 = Eei(√Pnj=1t2j)X1 Eeitn+1Xn+1 =Eei(cid:16)qPnj=+11t2j(cid:17)X1 (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:0) (cid:1) (cid:16) (cid:17)(cid:0) (cid:1) forallt ,...,t . Wearedone. 1 n+1 Theorem 2.4. Let X and Y be two independent random variables. Suppose that (X,Y)T has a spherically symmetricdistribution.Then,P(X =0)iseither0or1. Proof. Suppose, towardsa contradiction, that 0 < P(X = 0) < 1. By Theorem2.1, X and Y have the same distribution.SinceX =d Xcosθ+Y sinθforeveryθ R,wehaveforallθ R: ∈ ∈ P(Xcosθ+Y sinθ =0,(X,Y)=(0,0)) 6 = P(Xcosθ+Y sinθ =0) P(X =0,Y =0) − = P(X =0) P(X =0)P(Y =0) − = P(X =0)(1 P(X =0))>0. − However, the sets (x,y) = (0,0) : xcosθ+ysinθ = 0 0 θ π are pairwise disjoint, and they form 6 ≤ ≤ 2 an uncountablecol(cid:8)lection. This contradictsthe factthatfor(cid:9)an(cid:0)yset in this(cid:1)collection, the probabilityof (X,Y) belongingtothatsetispositive. 3 The Spherical Symmetry Characterization and its Proof We willrequirea simpleversionofHaar’sTheoremforrotation-invariantmeasureson n 1, thesurfaceofthe − unitsphereinRn. Itisstatedbelow. S Theorem3.1. Let µ be a rotation-invariantBorelprobabilitymeasureon n 1 i.e. µ(HB) = µ(B) for every − BorelsetB n 1andeveryn northogonalmatrixH. Then,µistheuSniformmeasureon n 1. − − ⊆S × S ItfollowsfromTheorem3.1,thatifXisaunitnorm,sphericallysymmetricrandomvectorinRn,thenXhas theuniformdistributionon n 1. Wearenowreadytostateandprovethemainresultofthispaper. − S Theorem 3.2. Let X and Y be two independent random variables. Suppose that (X,Y)T has a spherically symmetric distribution. Then, X and Y are identically distributed as a normal distribution with mean 0 (and possibly0variance). 2 SomabhaMukherjee Herschel-MaxwellTheorem Proof. ByTheorem2.1,X andY havethesamedistribution,sayF. ByTheorem2.4,P(X =0)iseither0or1. Inthelattercase,X hasthenormaldistributionwithmean0andvariance0. So,assumethatP(X =0)=0. Generate a sequence X of independent random variables from the distribution F, and a sequence Z ofindependentN{(0n,}1∞n)=ra1ndomvariables.Foreachn,callX =(X ,...,X )TandZ =(Z ,...,Z )T. {Itfonl}lo∞nw=1sfromTheorem2.3thatX hasasphericallysymmetricdistrinbutioni.1e.forevneryn nnorthogo1nalmantrix n H,X andHX havethesamedistribution.So, × n n X HX X n =d n =H n X HX X n n n || || || || || || for every n and every n n orthogonalmatrix H. Thus, Xn is a unit norm spherically symmetric random X vector in Rn, and hence,×follows the uniformdistribution on|| nn|| 1. By the same argument, Zn also follows − Z S || n|| the uniformdistribution on n 1. Hence, Xn =d Zn for all n. This, in turn, implies that √nX1 =d √nZ1 − X Z X Z foralln. BytheStrongLawSofLargeNumb||erns,||theri||ghnt||handsideconvergesalmostsurelytoZ||. On|b|serve||thna||t 1 EX2 < , since otherwise, by the Strong Law of Large Numbers for independentand identically distributed 1 ∞ random variables with expectation+ , it would follow that the left hand side convergesalmost surely to 0, a ∞ contradiction. So, by the Strong Law of Large Numbers for finite mean, the right hand side convergesalmost surelyto X1 . Hence, X1 =d Z andwearedone. √EX2 √EX2 1 1 1 Remark1. AslightmodificationoftheproofofTheorem3.2yieldsthefollowingresult: Theorem3.3. Supposethat X isasequenceofrandomvariablessatisfyingthefollowingconditions: 1. P(X =0)=0, { n}∞n=1 1 2. EX4 < , 1 ∞ 3. (X ,...,X )T issphericallysymmetricforalln 1, and 1 n ≥ 4. Cov(X2,X2)=0forall1 i<j. i j ≤ Then,X ,X ,...areidenticallydistributedasanormaldistributionwithmean0andpositivevariance. 1 2 TheonlyobservationneededbeforereplicatingtheproofofTheorem3.2isthat,undertheaboveconditions, ||√Xnn|| −→P EX12. Theorem3.3isprobablyinterestingonlyfromtheanglethattheindependenceoftheXn’scan berelaxedpinlieuofsomeadditionalassumptions,inordertoarriveatthesamenormalcharacterization. 4 Shorter Proofs Under Additional Moment Assumptions Theorem3.2hasshorterproofsunderadditionalassumptionsoffinitenessofthefirstandsecondmomentsofX. SupposethatweonlyhaveEX < . SinceXhasasymmetricdistributionaround0,thisconditionisequivalent totheexistenceofEX. Inth|isc|ase,∞thecharacteristicfunctionφofX isdifferentiableonR. ByanapplicationofTheorem2.2,wehaveφ(s)φ(t)=φ √s2+t2 foralls,t R. SincethedistributionofX issymmetricaround0,φisarealvalued,evenfunction. W(cid:0)eclaimth(cid:1)atφ(t) > 0∈forallt R. Ifnot,thensince ∈ 2 φ(0)=1,bytheintermediatevaluetheorem,thereisat R,suchthatφ(t )=0. Sinceφ(t)= φ t for 0 ∈ 0 h (cid:16)√2(cid:17)i 2n allt R,aneasyinductiongivesφ(t)= φ t forallt Randalln 1. Thisimpliesthatφ t0 =0 n n ∈ h (cid:16)22 (cid:17)i ∈ ≥ (cid:16)22 (cid:17) foralln 1,whichisnotpossible,sinceφiscontinuousat0andφ(0)=1. Thisprovesourclaim. ≥ If we denote logφ by ψ, then we have ψ(s) +ψ(t) = ψ √s2+t2 for all s,t R. Taking partial deriva- ∈ tivewithrespecttosonbothsidesoftheaboveidentity,we(cid:0)get: (cid:1) s ψ (s)=ψ s2+t2 forall (s,t)=(0,0). ′ ′ (cid:16)p (cid:17)(cid:18)√s2+t2(cid:19) 6 This implies that there is a constantc such that ψ′(s) = c for all s = 0. Solving this differentialequation and s 6 rememberingthatψiscontinuousat0withψ(0)=0,wegetψ(s)= cs2 foralls R. Sinceψ(s) 0foralls, 2 ∈ ≤ wemusthavec 0. Now,φ(s)=ecs22 foralls RimpliesthatX N(0, c)andwearedone. ≤ ∈ ∼ − Iffurther,weassumethatEX2 < ,theproofturnsouttobesurprisinglyshort,andisgivenbelow. ∞ 3 SomabhaMukherjee Herschel-MaxwellTheorem Lemma4.1. Let X beasequenceofindependentandidenticallydistributedrandomvariables,satisfying that(X ,...,X )T{hans}a∞ns=p1hericallysymmetricdistributionforalln. Foreachn,denotethepartialsum n X 1 n i=1 i bySn. Then, √Snn (n=1,2,...)areidenticallydistributedasX1. P Proof. For each n, let H denote the orthogonal matrix whose first row is 1 , 1 ,..., 1 and let X = n √n √n √n n (cid:16) (cid:17) (X ,...,X )T. SinceX andH X havethesamedistribution,theirfirstentrieshavethesamedistribution. 1 n n n n Now,considerprovingTheorem3.2undertheassumptionEX2 < . ThecaseEX2 =0istrivial,soassume thatEX2 > 0. AsintheproofofTheorem3.2,generateasequence ∞X ofindependentrandomvariables fromthecommondistributionofX andY,andforeachn,letS = { nn}X∞n=1. ByTheorem2.3andLemma4.1, n i=1 i X =d Sn foralln. ByTheorem2.1, EX = 0. Hence,bytheCentrPalLimitTheorem, Sn d N(0,EX2). So, 1 √n √n −→ X N(0,EX2). 1 ∼ Remark2. If{Xn}∞n=1 isani.i.d. sequenceofrandomvariableswithSn d=ef ni=1Xi,andif √Snn convergesin distributionto a limit, then EX2 < (see exercise3.4.3 of [3]). The finitenPess of EX2 is now an immediate 1 ∞ consequenceofthisfactandLemma4.1,whichinturngivesasecondproofofTheorem3.2. 5 Conclusion Theorem3.2 appearsin [2] (Theorem0.0.1) and an early proofof it appearsin [1]. The treatmentin [1] is howevernotveryrigorousonprobabilisticgrounds.Corollary10of[4]isaconsequenceofTheorem3.2. Ourfirst proofof Theorem3.2 can be dividedinto two broadideas. Thefirst idea is to derivethe spherical symmetrypropertyofanynumberofindependentobservationsfromadistributionbasedontheknowledgeofthe sphericalsymmetryoftwoindependentobservationsfromthatdistribution.Thesecondideaistousetheoutcome of the first idea along with the Strong Law of Large Numbers, to conclude the result. In the process, the unit normsphericalsymmetrycharacterizationoftheuniformdistributiononthesurfaceofanndimensionalsphere was crucially used. The main advantageof this proofis that it is free of any calculation trickery, and is purely conceptual. It is possible to give a more “direct” proof of Theorem 3.2 by solving the functional equation φ(s)φ(t) = φ √s2+t2 foralls,t R, forageneralcharacteristicfunctionφ. However,thisapproachreliesstronglyon ∈ th(cid:0)eindepend(cid:1)enceassumptionoftherandomvariables,andcannot,forexample,beusedtoproveTheorem3.3. Acknowledgement TheauthorthanksProfessorJ.MichaelSteeleforoneofhisassignmentproblemsintheSTAT930courseoffered bytheUniversityofPennsylvania,whichwasthesourceoftheideabehindtheproofofTheorem3.2. References [1] Bartlett,M.S.(1934),Thevectorrepresentationofasample,Math.Proc.Cambr.Phil.Soc.30,pp.327-340. [2] Bryc, W. (2005), NormalDistribution characterizationswith applications, Lecture Notes in Statistics 1995, Vol100. [3] Durrett,R.(2013),Probability:TheoryandExamples,CambridgeUniversityPress. [4] Meckes,E.S.&Meckes,M.W.(2007),TheCentralLimitProblemForRandomVectorsWithSymmetries,J Theoret.Probab.20,pp.697-720. 4

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