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A PRIMER ON A∞-ALGEBRAS AND THEIR HOCHSCHILD HOMOLOGY STEPHANMESCHER Ruhr-Universita¨tBochum Fakulta¨tfu¨rMathematik 6 Universita¨tsstraße 150 1 44801Bochum(Germany) 0 2 n ABSTRACT. Wepresentanelementaryandself-containedconstructionofA∞-algebras, a A∞-bimodulesand theirHochschildhomologyand cohomologygroups. Inaddition, J wediscussthecupproductinHochschildcohomologyandthespectralsequenceofthe 5 lengthfiltrationofaHochschildchaincomplex. 1 A∞-structuresarisenaturallyinthestudyofbasedloopspacesandthegeometryof manifolds, in particular in Lagrangian Floer theory and Morse homology. In several ] A geometricsituations,Hochschildhomologymaybeusedtodescribehomologygroups offreeloopspaces,seee.g.[Jon87],[Goo85]or[Sei09]. R The objective of this article is not to introduce new material, but to give a unified h. and coherent discussionof algebraic results from several sources. It further includes t detailedproofsofallpresentedresults. a m [ 1 v CONTENTS 3 Introduction 1 6 9 Acknowledgements 2 3 1. A∞-algebrasand-bimodules 3 0 . 2. Hochschildhomologyof A∞-algebras 11 1 3. Hochschildcohomologyof A∞-algebras 36 0 4. TheHochschildcupproduct 42 6 1 5. ThelengthfiltrationofaHochschildchaincomplexanditsspectralsequence 54 : References 59 v i X r a INTRODUCTION A∞-algebras, also known as strongly homotopy associative algebras, are generaliza- tionsofassociativealgebras. Theyare obtainedbyformalizing andrefiningthenotion that the product of an algebra is associative up to homotopy. They were introduced by E-mail address:[email protected]. Date:January18,2016. 1 2 APRIMERON A∞-ALGEBRASANDTHEIRHOCHSCHILDHOMOLOGY James Stasheff in [Sta63b] for the study of based loop spaces and further used in ho- motopy theory by several authors. In the geometry of manifolds, A∞-algebras and theirgeneralizationsto A∞-categorieswereintroducedintoMorsehomologyandFloer homology in symplectic geometry by Kenji Fukaya in [Fuk93] (see also [Sei08b] for a detaileddiscussion). InhistalkattheICM1994,MaximKontsevichusedA∞-structures in the formulation of his homological version of the mirror symmetry conjecture, see [Kon95]. The author’s aim is to give an introduction to A∞-algebras and their Hochschild (co)- homologywhichisaselementaryandasself-containedaspossible. While A∞-algebras are introduced and well explained in several places in the literature, e.g. in [Kel01], [GJ90], [Tra08b] or [KS09], and while their Hochschild homology has also been de- scribed on several occasions, e.g. in [Sei08a, Section 5] or [KS09, Section 7], the author wasnotabletoobtainasourcewhichdiscussesthetopicscontainedinthisarticleboth in an elementary and in a complete way, especially including all necessary sign com- putations. Thisarticleisintendedtoprovidearemedy. Afterpresentingthedefinitionsand somebasic constructionsof A∞-algebras and A∞- bimodulesin Section1,wedefinetheHochschildhomologyof A∞-algebras in Section 2 and show that morphisms of A∞-bimodules induce homomorphisms between the correspondingHochschildhomologygroups. ThelargestpartofSection2is occupied by the proof of the latter statement and by the proof of Theorem 2.5, stating that the differentialoftheHochschildchaincomplexisindeedadifferential. In Section 3 we define the notion of Hochschild cohomology of A∞-algebras and pro- vide a detailed discussion of its duality with Hochschild homology. Additionally, we explicitly describe the case that the coefficient A∞-bimodule is given by the algebra itself. Afterwards, we define the cup product structure of Hochschild cohomology in Section4andshowthatitisinducedbyachainmapdefinedontheHochschildcochain complex. We conclude this article by discussing the spectral sequence of the length filtration of a Hochschild chain complex in detail in Section 5. This spectral sequence has useful convergenceproperties.Moreover,itsfirstpagehasaconcisedescriptionwhichwewill usetoproveasimplecriterionforcertainmapstoinduceisomorphismsofHochschild homologygroups. ThroughoutthisarticleletRdenoteacommutativeringwithunit. Byan R-module,wealways mean a bimodule over R. All tensor products appearing in this article refer to tensor products of R-modules. Agraded R-moduleisalwaysassumedtobegradedoverZ. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS This article is a byproduct of the author’s Ph.D. thesis in preparation, written under the guidance of Prof. Dr. Matthias Schwarz at the University of Leipzig and partially supportedbyascholarshipfromtheDeutscheTelekomFoundation. Theauthorthanks MatthiasSchwarzandAlbertoAbbondandoloforvaluablediscussionson A∞-algebras andtheirapplicationsinthegeometryofmanifolds. APRIMERON A∞-ALGEBRASANDTHEIRHOCHSCHILDHOMOLOGY 3 1. A∞-ALGEBRAS AND -BIMODULES We begin by giving an elementary definition of an A∞-algebra. Note that our sign conventions coincide with those in [Sei08b], [Sei08a] and [GJ90], but differ from the conventionsusedin[Tra08b]and[Tra08a]. Definition 1.1. A graded R-module A = j∈Z Aj equipped with a family of homo- morphismsofgradedR-modules L µ : A⊗n → A , degµ = 2−n, foreveryn ∈ N, n n willbecalledan A∞-algebraover Rifthefollowingequationissatisfiedforeveryr ∈ N andeverya ,...,a ∈ A: 1 r ∑ r+∑1−n1(−1)z1i−1µn2(a1,...,ai−1,µn1(ai,...,ai+n1−1),ai+n1,...,ar) = 0, (1.1) n1,n2∈N i=1 n1+n2=r+1 where1 j zj := zj(a ,...,a ) := ∑µ(x )−(j−i+1) (1.2) i i 1 r q q=i for all i,j ∈ {1,2,...,r} with i ≤ j and where for every k ∈ Z we write µ(a) = k iff a ∈ A . For a fixed r ∈ N we refer to equation (1.1) as the r-th defining equation of the k A∞-algebra(A,(µn)n∈N). Example1.2. (1) Everydifferentialgradedalgebra(DGA)over R,i.e. anassociative graded algebra over R which comes with a differential satisfying the graded Leibniz rule, can be given the structure of an A∞-algebra. We simply put µ1 to be the differential, µ to be the algebra multiplication and µ to be zero for 2 n every n ≥ 3. In this case, the second defining equation reduces to the graded Leibnizrule,thethirddefiningequationisequivalenttotheassociativityofthe multiplicationandalldefiningequationsofhigherordersimplyvanishonboth sides. (2) Stasheffhasshownin[Sta63a]and[Sta63b]thatthesingularchaincomplexofa based loop space can always be equippedwith the structureof an A∞-algebra. Themapµ isgiven(uptoinvertingthegrading)bythedifferentialofthecom- 1 plex. The map µ is given by the Pontryagin product, i.e. the map induced 2 on singular chains by the composition of loops. While it is easy to see that the Pontryagin product is associative up to a chain homotopy, Stasheff introduced A∞-algebrastoshowthatthisstatementcanbestronglyrefined. Remark 1.3. It is possible to give a slightly more concise and elegant definition of an A∞-algebraandallothernotionsdefinedinthissectionintermsoftheusualcoalgebra structureonthetensoralgebraof A. ThismethodwasintroducedbyGetzlerandJones in [GJ90] and furtherconsideredby Tradler in [Tra08b] and [Tra08a] and severalother authors. 1 TheuseoftheMaltesecrossforthecoefficientsdefiningthesignsinthisarticlehappensinaccordance with the notation of the works of Mohammed Abouzaid and Paul Seidel, e.g. [Sei08b] or [Abo10]. In particular,theauthordistanceshimselffromanypoliticalmeaningorimplicationofthissymbol. 4 APRIMERON A∞-ALGEBRASANDTHEIRHOCHSCHILDHOMOLOGY Throughouttherestofthissectionlet(A,(µn)n∈N)bean A∞-algebraover R. Definition1.4. Let M = j∈Z Mj beagradedR-module. (1) For a ∈ A, we puLt µ(a) := j iff a ∈ Aj and call µ(a) the index of a. We further callkak := µ(a)−1thereducedindexofa. (2) For m ∈ M, we put µ (m) := j iff m ∈ M and call µ (m) the index of m. We M j M furthercall kmk := µ (m)−1thereducedindexofm. M j Inthisnotationwehavezj = ∑ka kforalliand j. i q q=i Remark 1.5. Thesignsappearing in thedefiningequationsof A are bestunderstoodin terms ofreduced indices. We consider theshifted cochain complex A[1] = j∈Z A[1]j, givenby L A[1] = A ∀j ∈ Z , j j+1 whose differential is given by µ . In other words, the elements of A[1] are those ele- 1 j mentsof Awhosereducedindexequals j,i.e. itholdsthat µ (a) = kak (1.3) A[1] for every a ∈ A. If one considers the operation µ as defined on (A[1])⊗d instead of d A⊗d, then the signs in the defining equations of the A∞-algebra A will be obtained by followingtheusualKoszulsignconvention. ThefollowingnotionwasintroducedbyEzraGetzlerandJohnD.S.Jonesin[GJ90]and byMartinMarklin[Mar92]. Definition 1.6. A graded R-module M equipped with a family of maps (µrM,s)r,s∈N0 where µM : A⊗r⊗M⊗ A⊗s → M r,s isanR-modulehomomorphismwithdegµrM,s = 1−r−swillbecalledan A∞-bimodule over Aifthefollowingequationholdsforeveryr,s ∈ N ,m ∈ M anda ,...,a ∈ A: 0 1 r+s ∑ ∑r1 (−1)z1i−1µrM1,s(a1,...,ai−1,µr2(ai,...,ai+r2−1),ai+r2,...,ar,m,ar+1,...,ar+s) r1∈N0,r2∈Ni=1 r1+r2=r+1 + ∑ ∑ (−1)z1r1µrM1,s1(a1,...,ar1,µrM2,s2(ar1+1,...,ar,m,ar+1,...,ar+s2),...,ar+s) r1,r2∈N0 s1,s2∈N0 r1+r2=rs1+s2=s + ∑ ∑s1 (−1)z1r−j+1+µM(m) s1∈N0,s2∈N j=1 s1+s2=s+1 µM (a ,...,a ,m,a ,...,a ,µ (a ,...,a ),a ,...,a ) = 0. r,s1 1 r r+1 r+j−1 s2 r+j r+j+s2−1 r+j+s2 r+1 Werefertothisequationasthedefiningequationoftype(r,s) forthe A∞-bimodule M. APRIMERON A∞-ALGEBRASANDTHEIRHOCHSCHILDHOMOLOGY 5 Notethatthedefiningequationoftype(0,0) isequivalenttothemap µM := µM : M → M 0,0 beingadifferentialofdegree+1on M. Remark1.7. Itfollowsfrom(1.3)thatA[1]isan A∞-bimoduleoverAwiththeoperations definedby µA[1] : A⊗r⊗ A[1]⊗ A⊗s → A[1], r,s A[1] µ (a ,...,a ,a ,a ,...,a ) = µ (a ,...,a ,a ,a ,...,a ), r,s 1 r 0 r+1 r+s r+s+1 1 r 0 r+1 r+s forallr,s ∈ N . 0 Next we construct a slightly more sophisticatedexample which is taken from [Abo10, Section 4]. Consider the tensor product A⊗ A of graded R-modules. In general, the tensorproductoftwo A∞-algebrascannotbegiventhestructureofan A∞-algebra,see [KS09,Section5.2]. Nevertheless,weshowthat A⊗ Awill alwaysadmit thestructure ofan A∞-bimoduleover Aifweequipitwiththegrading µ (b ⊗b ) = kb k+kb k, A⊗A 1 2 1 2 i.e. ifweactuallyconsidertheproductgradingon A[1]⊗ A[1]. Definemapsµ⊗ by r,s µ⊗ : A⊗r⊗(A⊗ A)⊗A⊗s → A⊗ A, µ⊗ = 0 for r,s > 0, r,s r,s µ⊗ : A⊗r⊗(A⊗A) → A⊗ A, r,0 a ⊗···⊗a ⊗(b ⊗b ) 7→ µ (a ,...,a ,b )⊗b for r > 0, 1 r 1 2 r+1 1 r 1 2 µ⊗ : (A⊗A)⊗A⊗s → A⊗ A, 0,s (b1⊗b2)⊗a1⊗···⊗as 7→ (−1)kb1kb1⊗µs+1(b2,a1,...,as) fors > 0, µ⊗ : A⊗A → A⊗ A, b ⊗b 7→ µ (b )⊗b +(−1)kb1kb ⊗µ (b ). 0,0 1 2 1 1 2 1 1 2 Theorem1.8([Abo10],Proposition4.7). (A⊗A,(µr⊗,s)r,s∈N0)isan A∞-bimoduleover A. Proof. By definition, µ⊗ vanishes if both r > 0 and s > 0 and so does the left-hand r,s sideofthedefiningequationofan A∞-bimodule. Ifr = 0, s = 0,thedefiningequation is equivalent to µ⊗ ◦µ⊗ = 0, which is clear from the definition of µ⊗ as a product 0,0 0,0 0,0 differential. Assumethatr > 0and s = 0. Thenthethirdsumontheleft-hand sideofthedefining equation of type (r,0) vanishes by definition, while for every a ,...,a ,b ,b ∈ A the 1 r 1 2 firstsumisgivenby: ∑ ∑r1 (−1)z1i−1µr⊗1,0(a1,...,ai−1,µr2(ai,...,ai+r2−1),ai+r2,...,ar,b1⊗b2) r1∈N0,r2∈N i=1 r1+r2=r+1 = ∑ r∑1−1(−1)z1i−1µr1(a1,...,ai−1,µr2(ai,...,ai+r2−1),...,ar,b1)⊗b2 . (1.4) r1,r2∈N i=1 r1+r2=r+2 6 APRIMERON A∞-ALGEBRASANDTHEIRHOCHSCHILDHOMOLOGY The reader may notice the similarity of this sum to the left-hand side of the (r+1)-st defining equation of the A∞-algebra A for the elements a1,...,ar,b1 ∈ A tensorized with b , except that some parts of the defining equation are still missing. We will see 2 that thesepartsare containedin thesecondsumofthedefiningequation oftype(r,s) whichwenextwritedownexplicitly. ∑ (−1)z1r1µr⊗1,0(a1,...,ar1,µr⊗2,0(ar1+1,...,ar,b1⊗b2)) r1,r2∈N0 r1+r2=r = (−1)z1rµr⊗,0(a1,...,ar,µ0⊗,0(b1⊗b2))+µ0⊗,0(µr,0(a1,...,ar,b1⊗b2)) + ∑ (−1)z1r1µr⊗1,0(a1,...,ar1,µr⊗2,0(ar1+1,...,ar,b1⊗b2)) r1,r2∈N r1+r2=r = (−1)z1rµr⊗,0(a1,...,ar,µ1(b1)⊗b2+(−1)kb1kb1⊗µ1(b2)) +µ⊗ (µ (a ,...,a ,b )⊗b ) 0,0 r+1 1 r 1 2 + ∑ (−1)z1r1µr1+1(a1,...,ar1,µr2+1(ar1+1,...,ar,b1))⊗b2 r1,r2∈N r1+r2=r = (−1)z1rµr+1(a1,...,ar,µ1(b1))⊗b2+(−1)z1r+kb1kµr+1(a1,...,ar,b1)⊗µ1(b2) +µ1(µr+1(a1,...,ar,b1))⊗b2+(−1)kµr+1(a1,...,ar,b1)kµr+1(a1,...,ar,b1)⊗µ1(b2) + ∑ (−1)z1r1−1µr1(a1,...,ar1−1,µr2(ar1,...,ar,b1))⊗b2 r1,r2≥2 r1+r2=r+2 = ∑ (−1)z1r−1µr1(a1,...,ar1−1,µr2(ar1,...,ar,b1))⊗b2 (1.5) r1≥2,r2∈N +µ (µ (a ,...,a ,b ))⊗b , 1 r+1 1 r 1 2 wherewehaveusedthefactthat r kµ (a ,...,a ,b )k = ∑ ka k+kb k+1 = zr +kb k+1, r+1 1 r 1 q 1 1 1 q=1 since degµ = 1−r. Thus, we have shown that for A⊗ A, the left-hand side of r+1 the defining equation for A∞-bimodules is given by the sum of (1.4) and (1.5), which amountsto: ∑ r∑1−1(−1)z1i−1µr1(a1,...,ai−1,µr2(ai,...,ai+r2−1),ai+r2,...,ar,b1)⊗b2 r1,r2∈N i=1 r1+r2=r+2 + ∑ (−1)z1r1−1µr1(a1,...,ar1−1,µr2(ar1,...,ar,b1))⊗b2 r1,r2∈N r1+r2=r+2 = ∑ ∑r1 (−1)z1i−1µr1(a1,...,ai−1,µr2(ai,...,ai+r2−1),ai+r2,...,ar,b1)⊗b2 . r1,r2∈N i=1 r1+r2=r+2 APRIMERON A∞-ALGEBRASANDTHEIRHOCHSCHILDHOMOLOGY 7 The latter sum equals the left-hand side of the A∞-equation for r+1 tensorized with b2. Since Aisan A∞-algebra,thesumvanishes. Weomittheremainingcase,r = 0ands > 0,sinceitisprovenanalogously. (cid:3) The following theoremshows that the dual R-module of an A∞-bimodule can always beequippedwiththestructureofan A∞-bimoduleoverthesame A∞-algebra. Theorem 1.9 ([Tra08b], Lemma 3.9). Let M,(µrM,s)r,s∈N0 be an A∞-bimodule over R and let M∗ = HomR(M,R) denote its dual R(cid:0)-bimodule. Then(cid:1) M−∗,(µr∗,s)r,s∈N0 is an A∞- bimoduleover A,where M−∗ denotes M∗ withinvertedgrading, i.e. (cid:0) (cid:1) M−j := (M−∗)j := Hom (M ,R), R −j and where µ∗ : A⊗r⊗ M−∗⊗ A⊗s → M−∗ is for all r,s ∈ N , a ,...,a ∈ A, m ∈ M r,s 0 1 r+s andm∗ ∈ M−∗ definedby µr∗,s(a1,...,ar,m∗,ar+1,...,ar+s) (m) = (−1)‡r,sm∗ µsM,r(ar+1,...,ar+s,m,a1,...,ar) (cid:16) (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1) with ‡ := ‡ (a ,...,a ,m∗,a ,...,a ,m) r,s r,s 1 r r+1 r+s := zr1· zrr++1s +µM∗(m∗)+µM(m) +µM∗(m∗)+1. (cid:0) (cid:1) Proof. (We repeat Tradler’s proof and add a sign computation since we use different signconventions.) We exhibit the operations µr∗,s r,s∈N0 to fulfill the A∞-bimodule equation. We needto showforallr,s ∈ N ,a ,...,a ∈ A,m ∈ Mandm∗ ∈ M−∗ that 0 1 (cid:0) r(cid:1)+s ∑ ∑r1 (−1)z1i−1µr∗1,s(a1,...,µr2(ai,...,ai+r2−1),ai+r2,...,ar,m∗,ar+1,...,ar+s)(m) r1+r2=r+1i=1 + ∑ ∑ (−1)z1r1µr∗1,s1(a1,...,µr∗2,s2(ar1+1,...,ar,m∗,ar+1,...,ar+s2),...,ar+s)(m) r1+r2=rs1+s2=s + ∑ ∑s1 (−1)z1r+j−1+µ(m∗) s1+s2=s+1j=1 µ∗ (a ,...,a ,m∗,a ,...,a ,µ (a ,...,a ),a ,...,a )(m) =! 0. r,s1 1 r r+1 r+j−1 s2 r+j r+j+s2−1 r+j+s2 r+1 8 APRIMERON A∞-ALGEBRASANDTHEIRHOCHSCHILDHOMOLOGY whereµ(m∗) := µM∗(m∗). Bydefinitionoftheµr∗,s,theleft-handsideofthisequationis givenby ∑ ∑r1 (−1)z1i−1+‡r1,s(a1,...,µr2(ai,...,ai+r2−1),...,ar,m∗,ar+1,...,ar+s,m) r1+r2=r+1i=1 m∗ µM (a ,...,a ,m,a ,...,µ (a ,...,a ),...,a ) s,r1 r+1 r+s 1 r2 i i+r2−1 r + ∑ (cid:16) ∑ (−1)z1r1+‡r1,s1(a1,...,ar1,µ∗r2,s2(ar1+1,...,ar,m∗,ar+1,...,ar+s2),ar+s2(cid:17)+1,...,ar+s,m) r1+r2=rs1+s2=s µ∗ (a ,...,a ,m∗,a ,...,a ) µM (a ,...,a ,m,a ,...,a ) r2,s2 r1+1 r r+1 r+s2 s,r1 r+s2+1 r+s 1 r1 + (cid:0)∑ ∑s1 (−1)z1r+j−1+µ(m∗)+‡r,s1(a1,...,ar,m∗(cid:1),a(cid:16)r+1,...,µs2(ar+j,...,ar+j+s2−1),...,ar+s,m) (cid:17) s1+s2=s+1j=1 m∗ µM (a ,...,a ,µ (a ,...,a ),a ,...,a ,m,a ,...,a ) s1,r r+1 r+j−1 s2 r+j r+j+s2−1 r+j+s2 r+s 1 r = ∑(cid:16) ∑r1 (−1)z1i−1+‡r1,s(a1,...,µr2(ai,...,ai+r2−1),...,ar,m∗,ar+1,...,ar+s,m) (cid:17) r1+r2=r+1i=1 m∗ µM (a ,...,a ,m,a ,...,µ (a ,...,a ),...,a ) s,r1 r+1 r+s 1 r2 i i+r2−1 r + ∑ (cid:16) ∑ (cid:17) r1+r2=rs1+s2=s (−1)z1r1+‡r1,s1(a1,...,µ∗r2,s2(ar1+1,...,m∗,...,ar+s2),...,ar+s,m)+‡r2,s2(ar1+1,...,m∗,...,ar+s2,µsM1,r1(ar+s2+1,...,m,...,ar1)) m∗ µM (a ,...,a ,µM (a ,...,a ,m,a ,...,a ),a ,...,a ) s2,r2 r+1 r+s2 s1,r1 r+s2+1 r+s 1 r1 r1+1 r + ∑(cid:16) ∑s1 (−1)z1r+j−1+µ(m∗)+‡r,s1(a1,...,ar,m∗,ar+1,...,µs2(ar+j,...,ar+j+s2−1),...,ar+s,m) (cid:17) s1+s2=s+1j=1 m∗ µM (a ,...,a ,µ (a ,...,a ),a ,...,a ,m,a ,...,a ) , s1,r r+1 r+j−1 s2 r+j r+j+s2−1 r+j+s2 r+s 1 r (cid:16) (cid:17) Clearlythissumvanishesforeverym∗ ∈ M−∗ ifandonlyif r1 ∑ ∑(−1)S1µsM,r1(ar+1,...,ar+s,m,a1,...,µr2(ai,...,ai+r2−1),...,ar) r1+r2=r+1i=1 + ∑ ∑ (−1)S2µsM2,r2(ar+1,...,µsM1,r1(ar+s2+1,...,ar+s,m,a1,...,ar1),...,ar) r1+r2=rs1+s2=s s1 + ∑ ∑(−1)S3µsM1,r(ar+1,...,µs2(ar+j,...,ar+j+s2−1),...,ar+s,m,a1,...,ar) = 0, s1+s2=s+1j=1 wherewedenotetheexponentsof(−1) in thepreviouscomputationby S , S and S , 1 2 3 respectively. APRIMERON A∞-ALGEBRASANDTHEIRHOCHSCHILDHOMOLOGY 9 Since (M,(µrM,s)r,s∈N0) is an A∞-bimodule over A, the latter equality holds true if we canshowthatmodulo2,wehave S ≡ zr+s +zi−1+µ (m)+k, 1 r+1 1 M (1.6) S ≡ zr+s2 +k, S ≡ zr+j−1+k, 2 r+1 3 r+1 for some k ∈ Z. In this case, multiplying the desired equation with (−1)k yields the definingequationoftype(r,s)forthe A∞-bimodule M. Soitonlyremainstocheckthe signs. ConcerningS ,wecomputethat 1 ‡ (a ,...,µ (a ,...,a ),...,a ,m∗,a ,...,a ,m) r1,s 1 r1 i i+r1−1 r r+1 r+s i−1 r = ∑ ka k+kµ (a ,...,a )k+ ∑ ka k zr+s +µ(m∗)+µ (m) q r2 i i+r2−1 q r+1 M (cid:16)q=1 q=i+r2 (cid:17) (cid:0) (cid:1) +µ(m∗)+1 ≡ (zr +1) zr+s +µ(m∗)+µ (m) +µ(m∗)+1 1 r+1 M ≡ zrr++1s +µ(cid:0)M(m)+µ(m∗)+‡r,s(a1,.(cid:1)..,ar,m∗,ar+1,...,ar+s,m) andthereforebydefinitionofS : 1 S ≡ zr+s +zi−1+µ (m)+k 1 r+1 1 M 0 if we put k := µ(m∗)+‡ . This shows the first line of (1.6). Considering the sign 0 r,s givenbyS ,wefirstcompute 2 ‡ (a ,...,a ,µ∗ (a ,...,a ,m∗,a ,...,a ),a ,...,a ,m) r1,s1 1 r1 r2,s2 r1+1 r r+1 r+s2 r+s2+1 r+s ≡ zr1 zr+s +µ µ∗ (a ,...,a ,m∗,a ,...,a ) +µ (m) 1 r+s2+1 r2,s2 r1+1 r r+1 r+s2 M (cid:16) +µ µ∗(cid:0) (a ,...,a ,m∗,a ,...,a ) +(cid:1)1 (cid:17) r2,s2 r1+1 r r+1 r+s2 ≡ zr1 zr+s +µ(cid:0)(m∗)+µ (m)+1 +zr+s2 +µ(m∗)(cid:1) 1 r1+1 M r1+1 (cid:16) (cid:17) ≡ zr+s2 +zr1 zr+s +µ(m∗)+µ (m) +µ(m∗). 1 1 r1+1 M (cid:16) (cid:17) Furthermore,noticethat ‡ (a ,...,a ,m∗,a ,...,a ,µM (a ,...,a ,m,a ,...,a )) r2,s2 r1+1 r r+1 r+s2 s1,r1 r+s2+1 r+s 1 r1 ≡ zr zr+s2 +µ(m∗)+µ µM (a ,...,a ,m,a ,...,a ) +µ(m∗)+1 r1+1 r+1 M s1,r1 r+s2+1 r+s 1 r1 ≡ zr (cid:16)zr+s +zr1 +µ(m∗)+(cid:16)µ (m)+1 +µ(m∗)+1 (cid:17)(cid:17) r1+1 r+1 1 M ≡ zrr1+1(cid:0)+zr11zrr1+1+zrr1+1 zrr++1s +µ(m∗)(cid:1)+µM(m) +µ(m∗)+1. Combiningtheselasttwocomp(cid:0)utations,thedefinitiono(cid:1)fS2 yields S ≡zr1 +zr+s2 +zr +zr1 zr+s +µ(m∗)+µ (m) +zr1zr 2 1 1 r1+1 1 r1+1 M 1 r1+1 +zr zr+s +µ(cid:16)(m∗)+µ (m) +1 (cid:17) r1+1 r+1 M ≡zrr++1s2 +zr1 zrr++1s(cid:0)+µ(m∗)+µM(m) +1 ≡(cid:1) zrr++1s2 +k0 , (cid:0) (cid:1) 10 APRIMERON A∞-ALGEBRASANDTHEIRHOCHSCHILDHOMOLOGY implyingthefirstcongruencefromthesecondlineof(1.6). Finally,forS weconsider: 3 ‡ (a ,...,a ,m∗,a ,...,µ (a ,...,a ),...,a ,m) r,s1 1 r r+1 s2 r+j r+j+s2−1 r+s ≡ zr zr+j−1+kµ (a ,...,a )k+zr+s +µ(m∗)+µ (m) +µ(m∗)+1 1 r+1 s2 r+j r+j+s2−1 r+j+s2 M ≡ zr (cid:16)zr+s +1+µ(m∗)+µ (m) +µ(m∗)+1 ≡ zr +µ(m∗)+k . (cid:17) 1 r+1 M 1 0 Wecon(cid:0)sequentlyobtainthatS ≡ z(cid:1)r+j−1+k . Thus,wehaveshownallthreeequations 3 r+1 0 of(1.6)withk = k andthereforecompletedtheproof. (cid:3) 0 Weconcludethissectionbydefiningthenotionofmorphismsof A∞-bimodules. Definition 1.10. Let (M,(µrM,s)r,s∈N0) and (N,(µrN,s)r,s∈N0) be A∞-bimodules over A. A familyofmodulehomomorphisms f = (fr,s)r,s∈N0,where: f : A⊗r⊗M⊗A⊗s → N , r,s willbecalledamorphismofA∞-bimodulesfromMtoNofdegreed,denotedby f : M → N, ofdegreed ∈ Z ifehave deg f = d−r−s r,s forallr,s ∈ N andif 0 ∑ ∑ (−1)d·z1r1 r1,r2∈N0 s1,s2∈N0 r1+r2=rs1+s2=s µN (a ,...,a , f (a ,...,a ,m,a ,...,a ),a ,...,a ) r1,s1 1 r1 r2,s2 r1+1 r r+1 r+s1 r+s1+1 r+s = ∑ ∑r1 (−1)z1i−1+d r1,r2∈N i=1 r1+r2=r+1 f (a ,...,a ,µ (a ,...,a ),a ,...,a ,m,a ,...,a ) r1,s 1 i−1 r2 i i+r2−1 i+r2 r r+1 r+s + ∑ ∑ (−1)z1r1+d r1,r2∈N0 s1,s2∈N0 r1+r2=rs1+s2=s f (a ,...,a ,µM (a ,...,a ,m,a ,...,a ),a ,...,a ) r1,s1 1 r1 r2,s2 r1+1 r r+1 r+s2 r+s2+1 r+s + ∑ ∑s1 (−1)z1r+i−1+µ(m)+d s1,s2∈N i=1 s1+s2=s+1 f (a ,...,a ,m,a ,...,a ,µ (a ,...,a ),a ,...,a ) r,s1 1 r r+1 r+i−1 s2 r+i r+i+s2−1 r+i+s2 r+s forall a ,...,a ∈ Aandm ∈ M. Wedenote f by f : M → N. 1 r+s Remark 1.11. The sign coefficients appearing in the defining equations of a morphism of A∞-bimodules might differ from those used other definitions in the literature, e.g. in [Tra08b, Section 4]. However, our choice of signs implies that a morphism of A∞- bimodules induces a map between the corresponding Hochschild chain complexes whichwillbethecontentofTheorem2.8inthenextsection.

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