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A preliminary study on the overwintering of Pelopidas mathias (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae) in the northern Kanto region, central Japan PDF

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Preview A preliminary study on the overwintering of Pelopidas mathias (Fabricius) (Lepidoptera, Hesperiidae) in the northern Kanto region, central Japan

TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan ueLva Trans.Iqi.)iSdo,c.Japan 59(1):23-28,January2008 A preliminary study on the overwintering of Pelqpitla msathias (Fabricius) (Lepidopt eHreasp,eriidae )in the northern Kanto region, central Japan [IleLkenaIrNiotJ・E Department of Furest Entomology, Forestr> a,nd Forest Products Research Institute, ]t・{atsunos a1t,o Tsukuba, Ibaraki ,305-8687 japan; e-mail: [email protected] Abstract I observed everwintering larva eol' the sinal] brundcd swift, Petopida smathias in Tsukuba, Ibara kPirefectu rdeurin gthe winter of 2006-2007. Larval density was highest in a sunny grassla nsdituated by the wa]1 of a buildin gI.n thi senvironment. the larva lfood plant ,Imperata c.vlin- dric amaintaincd green leave tshroughout the winter, and 1arva wecre active on warm days. Even in Fcbruar.v ,at an overwintering site thal was exposed to the direc trays of the sun. the daily maximum temperature sometiines reached approximately 30tC whereas the minimurn fe] 1to near OeC, r.arvae thaL were collected in thc fiel din early Apri land kcpt in an outdoor cage successful]y dcveloped and emerged in mid May-early June as adults. Thesc larva meolted zero to threc tirne sbefore pupa- tion. Thepupal period was 22-35 and 16-21 days when the pupation took place in Apri land May, respectLvely. Moreover ,one adult femulc was caught by a ]vCalai sterap set in the grasstand near the buildin ign mid Muy. From the results of thc present study, larvae of P, niathias seem to bc able to pass the winter in inland field sof the northern Kante region, at ]eas twhen the winter is inild. Key "'ords Petopidas mathias, 1arva o,veru,intcring, inu]erat ac.ytindriea. diurnal range of temper- uture, Ibaraki prefectur eeme,rgence season, pupal period, Introduction The small branded swift, fetopidas niathias (Fabrici uiss )a ,multivoltine skipper, with hi- bcrnation occurring durin gthe Iarva lstage. In Japan, the species is resident in southern Honshu, Shikoku ,Kyushu and the Nansei-Shot oIslands ,and migrants reach northern Honshu in autumn. It is assumed that P. maihias larvae can pass the winter in the warm temperate regions of southern Kanto and southward along the Pacifi cOcean (Fukud eat al., 1984; Shir6zu ,2006). I observed a lot of overwintering larvae during the winter of 2006- 2007 in Tsukuba, an inland city of Ibarak iPrefectur eno,rthern Kanto. Adult emergence was confirmed by two methods, rearing of larva eand trapping of adult skippers, This paper reports on the results of these studies. Materials Methods and Laival densit >i'n the.field I observed everwintering larva eof P. mathias in the fiel dof the Forestry and Forest Product sResearch Institut e(FFPRI) T,sukuba, Ibaraki Prefecture ,central Japan (36COO'N, l40008'E ,25 m a.s.1.), from December, 2006 until May, 2007. This fieJ ids ca 45 km away i]rom thc nearest coast, I chose three sunny grassland ass the study sites. Site A was located on the south gide of a concrete buildin gand include dtwo quadrat s,The quadrat A-1 (18.5 by O.8 m) abutted the wall and A-2 (18, b5y 4.0 m) was adjacent to A-1. A strip of concrete (ca i2 cm in width) formed the boundary between A-1 and A-2. There was no pent roof, but metal tubes existed above quadra tA-1 (Fig s1 and 2) .Sit eB was located between a pond and a thin pine fores tand include done quadra t(quadr Ba; t18.5 by 4.0 m; Fig. 3). Sit eC was located on a south slope of a small hil land include done quadra t(quadr aCt; 1 8.5 by 4.0 m; Fig. 4). NNIII-IE-leEcltreoncitcronic LMbirabrryary Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 24 TakenariINouE Figs 1-4. Photographs of the site A, B and C on early Febn[ary 2,e07. 1: Site A (quadr Aa-t1 and A-2) ,PA and PB indica ttehe points where the temperaturcs were recorded. PA (Poin At): insid tehe grasses growing by the wal1 of a building .PB (Poi nBt): in thc shade of a rree at 1.5 m above the ground .2: A close-up picture of quadra tA-1. 3: Site B (quadr aB)t. 4: Sit eC (quadra Ct). Figs 5-6 .A Iai'v naeslt and an overwintering 1arv aof Petopidas mathias found near the building in early February, 2007. 5: A nest made by an old larvn ,6: A mid insta ]rarva. At all three of the sites, the gras swas mowed in September of 2006, and after that ,regrowth appeared. Cogon grass impevata cytindrica (Graminea oene), of the major larva lfbod plants d,ominated these sites during the winter. I counted the number of P. mathias 1aryae on grasse sin these quadrat sto determin ethe larva ldensitie sin February ,March, April and May, 2007, I recorded the daily maximum and minimum temperatures at two point sat site A (poin At sand B; Fig. 1) from early February unti1 early April ,2007. Development oflarv aine the spring [Ib detemine whether overwintered larva ecan complete their developmen tunder outdoor NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan Overwintering Petopidas 25 of mathias conditions, I collected 20 larvae in the fiel dof FFPRI outside the above mentioned quadrats in early April ,2007. They were reared individual ]iyn transparen tcups (125×125 mm at the base ,57 mm height )Nfp'hich were placed in a wire-me・sh cage (4 m2×2.5 m in height) in the fiel d.I ,cylindrica leave swere provide das food . The development of immatures was 2-3days. checked every Monitoringofadulit.snthefield Tb determin ethe adult emergence season of the overwintering generation under natural conditions, thre eMalaise traps were set along the wall of the buildin gin the grassland near site A on April 1O, 2007. The traps were checked every week through July 2, 2007, Results I found about ten small larva ein early December of 2006 for the fir sttime in quadra tA-1. On that occasion, the lanJa ldensit ywas unknovLrn. In early Februar yof 2007, 24 larvae of various sizes were found in quadrat A-1 ([fa b1l, eFigs 5 and 6) ,Most of the larva lnests were fbund on grasse sgrowing within 10 cm from the building wali, A few larva lnests were even attached to the walI. During warm daytimes ,some laiva eemerged from their nests and actively crawled on the grasse s.In early March and early April ,37 and nine larvae were found in quadrat A-1, re- spectively. In quadrat sA-2 and B, only a few larvae were fbund in February, March and April .No larva ewere fOund in quadra tC. In early May, I could not find any larva ein any of the quadrats .In quadra tA-1, many green regrowths of I. cylindrica live dthroughou tthe winter (Fi g2,), but in the other quadrat sm,ogt of them died and only a few discolored leave ssurvived. The temperatures were higher at poin tA (overwinter siitneg) than at poin tB (ai trempera- tures: Fig. 7), Even in February ,the dail ymaximum temperature at point A reached ap- proximatel y300C on sunny days whereas the minimum fel lto near OOC, On cloudy and rainy days, the difference sin temperature between the two point swere smaller than on sunny days .No snowfall was observed throughout the winter in and around the present field. Table 1. Stat eof food plant sand densiLy of overwintering larvae of P, mathias in each qudrat. Quadra[ A-l A-2 B C Area censused (m)18.5xO.8 18.5×4.0 18.5x4.0 18.5x4.0 Season when gras s lat cSeptember. lateSeptembcr, was inowed in 2006 grass was carriedateSeptemgbrera,s swas carricdmidScptegmbrear,ss was lef tin the grass was lef tin the outofthgglgEE!lggg-ggLgL!dgtg.fgtllhggs!gng-g !ggE!gug1d 1d -m ptassland Statc of L cylindrica 20-25 crn in height , 1O-15 cm in heigh t,70-Se cm in height, 40-50 cm in height, in early February, high densit ym,any high density ,inost highdensity,most lowdensity,most 2007 green regrowths of the regrowths uf thc regrowths of the regrowths lived died andafew died andafew died andafew discoloredleaves discolore dleave s discolor eldeaves suryived survived survivcd 2-9,Feb,24 (1.62) o (o) 2<O.03) O(o)a) No.1arvae found(densit1y, ;Mur. 37 (2.50)i・) 1<O.O1) 1 (0,Ol) o (o) 2, Apr, 9 (O.61) 1 (O.Ol) 2 (O,03) o (o) per m:') 7, May o (o) o (o) o (o) o (o) :'' One dead larva was found. o, Two dead larvae were found. NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society oofJfap anJapan 26 TakenariINouE /4035so6 2sove 2ojNg 15Ee lo5o,-5 i t X. g.e .errToNoN ti tti ttsi ol2i 22Ee6lE ES-ctruSti {{{k. S.g.{t <s ptt s eTc- cl prt - ormr .・ eoc.v ・ eclut lE ccua Tm- o .L 2' 2 . e t t t tttt 1 Fig .7. Dail ymaximum and miniinum temperatures at points A and B from early February to early April ,2007. H N H NHN / H NHN-N -N NH- / Nk</ma<1tT-tsf9a<rtNts<1aec 'tuE1"zaasEfm>asE1! tstuE1e $coE1tov MdiE1ge c]"1co:7co Fig. 8.Pupal periods of Pelopidah 'mathias larvae collected ip carly April 2007 under quusi-naturaL conditions (fie clagde), Each lin ewith symbols denotes an individua] ,Black and white eir- cles rnean male and female ,respectively. Two larvae which died or escaped wcre excluded. Tiwent y]arva ecollectcd in the fiel din early April includc dvarious instar s.Eighteen of them pupatcd in Lhe fiel cdage, Seventee nof them mDlted once or not at all before pupation and one larv amolted three times ,Pupatio nand adult emergence occurred in early April- lat cMay and mid May-early June, respectively (Fig 8,) .When the larva epupated in April, the pupal pcrio dwas 22-35 days, but i twas 16-21 days when the pupatien took place in May, Males emerged carlie rin the season than females .One female adult was caught in mid May in the fiel dwith a Malaise trap. Discussion In Ibarak iPrefecture ,we can usually observe P, mathias adults from June-Jul >t,o October- Noyember (Ibara Skhiinbun Co,, 1985; Inoue, 2001, 2007), but the detai losf overwintering NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegircaollSoocgieitycal Society ooff JJaapapnan 27 Overwintering of Pelepidas mathias Table 2. Monthly mean air temperatures (OC )from Oetobe rto April in Mito and Tsukuba (Tateno )I,baraki Profccture, cenU'al Japan. OctoberNoi,ember DecemberJanuaryFebruaryMarch April Av.i, 2006 Av. 2006 Av. 2006 Av. 2007 AN・. 2007 Av, 2007 Av. 2eCL7-.. Mito 15.7 17.I 102 11. 4 S. 1 6.6 2.8 4,6 3.3 5.8 6.3 8.1 1].8 1].6 Tsukuba 15.6 17.3 9.8 11.6 4.5 6.4 2.3 4.S 3.2 6,O 6.5 8.6 12.3 11.9 '' Averas,e of 197I-2000, of the species in this prefectu rheave not been clarified. In [[bchi gPirefecture ,it is assumed that migrants lay eggs in June-July and that new generatio nasre produced in summcr-au- tumn, but that they cannot pass the winter there (Kuzuy a2,000) .From the prescn tobserva- tions, it seems that larva eof P, mathias are able to pass the winter in inlan dfield s(away from coastal areas) of northern Kanto, and the emergence of adults successfu11y takes place in May-June, at leas twhcn the winter is mi'ld. Larval diapause of P. niathias is terminated by eurly December (Ish i]i98,0), The survival rate ofP. mathias during winter is lower than that of P. gtttlat aa,nd P. mathias is morc sen- sitive to low temperature than P, gtttta t(aNakas vate iaL, 1981) .The mean air temperature at Ibaraki (Mit oand Tsukuba (Taten odu)r)ing the presen tstudy is approximately 2-3 de- gree sCelsiu shighe rthan the averagc (Mit olocal meteorological observatory; http:!/www, tokyojma.go.jplhome!mitol) (T.a b2l) e.The mild willter may contribute to successfu1 over- wintering after termination of diapause .Furthe rstudies are needed to investiga twheether larva ccan survive normal or cooler winters. Fukuda et al. (1984 s)peculated that overwintering larvae might be the middle (,th iarndd fourth) instar sR.esult sof the presen tstudy suggest that the insta rstage of overwintering larvae is more variable, because iarvae collected in early April molted zero to three times beforepupation, Larvae may pass the winter morc easily on grasscs growing near buildings than on those growing in open land bccause host leaxie skeep a bette rcondition during the winter and the temperature is higher in such an envirenment. Omeri (1933 p)ointed out a similar result with the hibernation of the rjce skipper, I'tirnar aguttat a.In lat eautumn and winter, pupae of the ladybird ,Coccinetla sev)te"ny,ttnctatct bruck ifreguentl yattaches to substances such as stones or woQd that have been discarde din sunny plaees ,and the heat from warmed sub- stances makes it possibl efor adults to emerge from pupae even in winter (Sakura teat nali., 1991; Sakuratan iand Miwa, 2005). Larvae of P. niathias may also develop by receiyins, heat from warmed substances such as a concrete wall even in mid-winter. Beck (1 98.3) showed that devclopmenta lresponses to thermopcriods <dai lcyycles of tem- perature )vary among differe nitnsec tspecies, Jn some cases, developrnenta lperiods are shortened by thermoperiods (e . Yamashiro et al., 1998), For example, in butterfli ethse, .o. dcvelopmenta lperiod (eg gto adult emergence) of IVttratht b{aiznattt sreared under fiuctuat- ing temperatures was significantly shorter than that under constant temperatures, especially when the rearing tempcrature conditions were relatively low (As oet al., 2006). The temperatures recorded in the present study at point A may have been highe rthan those insid ethe larva lnests which werc made of livin ggras sleaves ,At the overuJintering site that was exposed to the direc trays of the sun, ho"ieve rP,. mathias Iarvae may have been exposed to a rather wide range of diurnal temperatures which occasionally reached 30 de- grees Celsius .In order to understand physiologic aaslpects during hibernation .we must study the efR]ct of thermoperiods on the Iarva ldevelopmen tof P. mathias in the future, NII-Electronic Library Service TThhee  LLeepipdiopdteorpoltoegiroaollogical  SSoooiceityety  ooff  JJaapapnan 28 TakenariINOUE   Acknow 且edgment lthank Ms K. Takano f{)r helping the experimen1 , References  As o 比bl, uIe, nNoauei,’ atThu, raand  bTa.z aKh(》‘ysa(mHaew,i20〔s0o6l1. )E(L仔eepcti dofQ pttheemr:laoLpyecriaoedni odna )e,im」rゆna」t.u ar pdepclv.e Elnotpm. eZnoto ’o.f5 p0o:w2d4e1−r2e4d 6oak(in−   Jαpanes ewi [h English summary ). Beck, S.D,,1983. 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(Accepted August 9,2007) Published by thじLepidopterolog[iSooaciety of Japan, 5−20,MQtoyokoyama 2,Hachi ji,Tokyo ,192−0063Japan     (’     一 NNI工I工-EElleoetcrotniroonic  LLiibrbarryary  Service

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