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A Preliminary Study of Bryophytes and Invertebrates of Soil Crusts in the Little Desert National Park and Surrounds PDF

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Preview A Preliminary Study of Bryophytes and Invertebrates of Soil Crusts in the Little Desert National Park and Surrounds

BryophyteSpecialIssue A preliminary study ofbryophytes and invertebrates ofsoil crusts in the Little Desert National Park and surrounds Josephine Milne1 Megan Short2 and Karen Beckmann' , 'NationalHerbariumofVictoria, RoyalBotanicGardensMelbourne,BirdwoodAvenue,SouthYarraVictoria3141 2LifeandEnvironmentalSciences,DcakinUniversity,221 BurwoodIIwy,Burwood,Victoria3125 Abstract This study is preliminary to ongoing investigations ofsoil crusts and associated invertebrates in north-west Victoria, locusing on the Little Desert National Park. Ninety quadrats from nine sites were sampled. Eighteen bryophytespecies (nine mosses, nine liverworts) were identifiedwithin the quadrats. All invertebrates were from the Phylum Arthropoda. Overall abundance and diversity of invertebrateswas low. Whilesamplinginthedriermonths isvaluable forobservingthedynamicsof soil crusts in this region, a more comprehensive assessment ofspecies diversity is gained by sam- plingduringwetterperiods. (TheVictorianNaturalist123(4),2006, 195-203) Introduction Soil generally is considered a precious particular landuse (e.g. grazing, cultivation) resource, but what is the value placed on on the dynamics ofsoil crusts (Eldridge et the organisms that comprise soil crusts? a!. 2000) and the effect of management Bryophytes, together with lichens, fungi activities (e.g. burning oft) on these crusts and cyanobacteria (blue-green algae) make (Eldridge and Tozer 1997a; Hodgins and up the biological or cryptogamic crusts Rogers 1997). Thesestudiesconcentratedon that play a very important role in protect- areas ofwestern New South Wales, south- ing soils ofthe arid and semi-arid zones of westernSouthAustraliaandQueenslandand Australia, including sensitive rangelands highlighted the diversity ofcryptogamic (Eldridge and Tozer 1996; 1997a; 1997b; organisms in soil crusts andthe abiotic con- Hodginsand Rogers 1997, Rosentreterand ditions conducive to development ofthese Eldridge 2002). Biological crusts protect crusts. In Victoria, short lists ofbryophytes soils from erosion, regulate infiltration of have been included in vegetation studies of rainfall, provide a suitable microhabitatfor Hattah Lakes (Willis 1970) and Wyperfeld germination ofseed, photosynthesisewhen (Scott 1982)National Parks, but thereareno moist, therefore acting as a carbon sink formal systematic studies of soil crust (Moore 1998; Eldridge 2000), and provide bryophyte species, the invertebrates that food and shelter for invertebrates. In turn, inhabit them, or studies focusing on the invertebrates play an important role in the dynamicsofsoilcrusts. regulation ofdecomposition and nutrient The objectives ofthis preliminary study cycling within the crust and soil beneath were to record the composition and abun- (Belnap 2001). Recent research (Eldridge dance of soil crust bryophytes and docu- 2005) has highlighted the importance of ment the invertebrate fauna inhabiting biological crusts as indicators ofthe effec- these crusts in the semi-arid zones of tiveness of landscape management. north-western Victoria, in particular the Conservation of soil crusts requires not Little Desert National Park (LDNP), Little only an understanding ofthe organisms Desert Lodge, North Goroke State Forest that comprise them, butalso ofthe interac- andJane DuffReserve. tions that occur within them, and how Methods speciescomposition variesgeographically. In Australia, a number ofstudies have Studyarea examined the composition ofsoil crusts in The Little DesertNational Park is located arid and semi-arid areas and rangelands in the Wimmera 375 km north-west of (Eldridge and Tozer 1996; 1997a; Eldridge Melbourne. The area is described as semi- 1998a; 1998b; Eldridge2001), the impactof arid with mean daily maximum summer Vol. 123 (4) 2006 195 Bryophytespecialissue temperaturesranging from 28 to30°C and Brown StringybarkEucalyptusbaxteri,with mean maximum winter daily temperatures large patches ofheath and Mailee-broom- ranging from 14 to 15 °C (Bureau of bush Melaleucauncinata, particularly in the Meteorology August 2004). Mean annual eastern and central blocks. The western rainfall is415 mm with mostofthe rainfall block is almost all brown stringybark with occurring from May to October (Bureau of small scattered patches ofgum-box-Buloke Meteorology August 2004). The Wimmera woodland (consisting of Yellow Gum plains were originally covered by wood- woodland and Slender Cypress Pine wood- lands ofYellow Gum, Buloke and Black land) and Mallee-broombush (Land and Grey Box with largeexpanses ofgrass- Conservation Council 1985). The LDNP land between the woodlands (Land occurs predominantly in what is now Conservation Council 1085). Since referredtoastheWimmera Bioregion (DSE European settlement most ofthe natural 2006). Part of the western block of the vegetation has been cleared for agriculture LDNP is also within the Lowan Bioregion and the LDNP is all that remains ofthe (DSE 2006). Ecological Vegetation Classes original vegetation. Thenational parkbegan have been determined for the two biore- as a small reserve for the protection ofthe gionswithintheLDNP(DSE2006). Malleefowl (National Parks Service 1996). The first fieldtrip in November 2003 sur- dInevtehleolpattehe19a6r0esatfhoerreagwreircueltpulraen.sTtohifsurptrhoe-r vLeDyNedPsaintedssiintetshewi‘tehaisntetrhnebLliotctlke' Doefsetrhte posal met with strongpublic opposition and Lodge (Fig. I). The second fieldtrip con- pinar1k.96T8hteheLaDreNaPwahsaspreoxcplaainmdeeddaonvaetriontahle d‘uwecstteedrninaJnudnecen2t0r0al4bsluorcvkesy'edofsittheesLinDNthPe years, and by 1988 comprised 132 000 ha andintheNorth GorokeState Forest. Inthis (National Parks Service 1996). The vegeta- study, a total ofnine sites was examined in tion ofthe national park is predominantly detail (Fig. 1). It was originallyproposed to Victoria•South Australiaborder Fig. 1. Location ofstudy sites and predominant vegetation type at each site. I. Whimpy’s Little DesertLodgeNatureTrail ‘claypan 1’ (SlenderCypress Pine Woodland); 2. Whimpy’s LittleDesert LodgeNature Trail ‘claypan 2’ (Slender Cypress Pine Woodland): 3. Kiala camp ground (Yellow Gum Woodland); 4. Salt Lake Road (Hcathland); 5. Stringybark Walk (Slender Cypress Pine Woodland); 6. Mt MoffatTrack(Yellow Gum Woodland); 7. MtMoffatTrack,just north ofEast- WestRoad(YellowGum Woodland);8. SouthernendofSambell’sTrack(YellowGumWoodland); 9.NorthGorokeState Forest(YellowGumWoodland). 196 The Victorian Naturalist Bryophytespecialissue samplealongtransects in diversevegetation coxylon F.Muell. subsp. leucoxylon (Fig. types within the national park, but once in 2b). At each ofthese sites there was some the field it became evident that sites which clay component in the soil. The Jane Duff soley consisted ofsandy soils supported lit- Reserve, 5 km westofMitre, was visited en tleorno soil crusts.Anybryophytespresent routetothenational park. were restricted to the base of shrubs. aThnedreifnorweo,osdalmapnldinsgdtoomoiknpaltaecedibnyheSaltehnldaendr DaAtatrcaonlsleecctti(o1n00 m) was set out at each Cypress Pine Callitris gracilis R.Baker site. Soil crust bryophyte and lichen (Fig. 2a) or Yellow Gum Eucalyptus leu- species were sampled from 30 x 30 cm quadrats, at 10 m intervals along the tran- Fig. 2 a. SlenderCypress Pine Callitrisgracilis b. Yellow Gum WoodlandEucalyptus leucoxylon , subsp. leucoxylon. Vol. 123 (4) 2006 197 . Bryophytespecialissue tsehcety.aSroeilinsduircfaatcievefeoaftutrheeslairkeeliimhpooodrtoafntsoaisl TinabtlheeL1i.ttBleryDoepsheyrtteNsatrieocnoarldePdarwki,thLiitntlqeuaDdersaetrst crust formation. Biotic and abiotic aspects Lodge and North Goroke State Forest Victoria, were recorded for each quadrat along a Australia. transect, including characteristics of soil Taxa surface morphology e.g. slope within a Mosses quadrat, surface microtopography and Biyaceae crust coherence (see Eldridge and Tozer Rosulabryumbillardierei(Schwagr.) 1997). Within each quadrat the vascular J.R.Spence* plant cover and leaflitter cover were esti- Rosulabryumcampylothecium(Taylor) mated. The percentage total soil crust J.R.Spence Ditrichaceae cover within the quadratwas then estimat- Eccremidiumsp. ed together with the proportion ofthe Gigaspermaceae algal, bryophyte and lichen components. Gigaspermumrepens(Hook.)Lindb. Small samples ofmosses and liverworts Leucobryaceae were taken to confirm identification. Some Campytopusintrqflexus(Hedw.)Brid. collections ofthe liverwort Ricein were PoPloyttyrtirchiaceheuamcjuniperinitmHedw fertile. Their spores were examined with a Pottiaceae scanning electron microscope (SEM) BarbulacalycinaSchwagr. because the microscopic structure of BarbulacrinitaSchultz spores assists in the identification ofthese Didymodontorquatus(Taylor)Catches. plants. The relationship between the suite TTorirqtuueltarealnltaarpcatpiiclala(tHaa(mHpoeok).fW.ilasnodnWilson) of soil crust species and vegetation type, Broth. leaflitter cover, topography, soil type and Splachnaccae associated water retention will be reported Tayloriaoctoblepharum(Hook.)Mitt.* elsewhere. Liverworts Soil crust samples (10 x 10x2 cm deep) AcErnoibgomleblalcaeatehallinaG.A.M.Scottand were collected from quadrats along each K.G.Beckm. transect and the macro-invertebrate fauna Lethocoleapansa(Taylor)G.A.M.Scottand extracted in the laboratory using Tullgren K.G. Beckm. funnels (Gullan and Cranston 2000). In the Amelliaceae first fieldtrip, soil crust samples were taken Gongylanthusscariosus(Lehm.)Steph. Aytoniaceac from four quadrats per transect, but as this Asterelladrummondii(Hook.f.andTaylor) yielded a low number ofinvertebrates, five R.M.Schust. exD.G.Long quadrats were sampled along each transect Asterellasp. duringtheJune2004samplingperiod. After Fossombroniaceae the invertebrates were extracted, any moss- FossombroniaintestinalisTaylor esand liverwortspresentwereidentified. Fossombroniasp. Ricciaceae Soil from the November2003 crust sam- Ricciapapulosa(Steph.)Steph. ples was potted out in small sterile pots Ricciasp. filled with sterile coarse sandto determine whether spores or asexual propagules of * Recordedatstudysites,butnotinquadrats. mosses and liverworts were resting in the were identified (Table 1) from 90 quadrats soil. The pots were placed inambient light sampled from ninesites. A furthertwomoss and temperature, watered regularly with species Rosulabryum billardierei and distilled water and covered with a plastic Tayloria octoblepharum were recorded in sheettoavoidcontamination. the vicinity ofsome ofthe quadrats. Ofthe Taxonomic nomenclature follows 12 moss taxa, five were from the family Streimann and Klazenga (2002) for moss- Pottiaceae and two from the family es, and McCarthy (2003)for liverworts. Bryaceae. The predominant liverworts Results recorded were the thallose genera Asterella Crustfloristics andRicciaand the leafy species,Lethocolea Eighteen bryophyte species (nine mosses pansa and Fossombronia (Table 1 ). The andnineliverworts)representing 11 families Jane Duff Reserve proved rich in Riccia 198 The Victorian Naturalist Bryophytespecialissue with three species being recorded, R. Table 2. Invertebrates recorded in soil crust cavenosa,R. cristallinaandR. multifida. within the Little Desert National Park, Little Two mosses, Fissidens sp. and Funaria Desert Nature Lodge and North Goroke State sp., that were not recorded in the quadrats forest,Victoria,Australia. grew in thepots from soi! samples collect- Morphospeciescollected ed inNovember2003. Nov Jun The impact ofseason on the percentage 2003 2004 ofsoil crustcoverandthecontributionpar- Order ticular cryptogams made to crust cover is Arancae _ 1 depicted in Fig. 3. Sampling in June 2004, Acari 6 9 after substantial rainfall, showed that algae Hymenoplera 1 2 and liverworts, particularly Asterella sp., Coleoptera(larvae) - 2 Ffoosrmseodmbtrheonpiraedsopm.inaanndtLceotmhpoocnoelnetaspoafntshae HDLieeppmtiiedprotapetr(elaraarv(alea)rvae) 1-- 11- soil crusts (Figs. 4d and 5b). In contrast, Blattodea 1 _ crusts sampled during the dry period of Collembola 1 5 November 2003 consisted mainly of Total 10 21 mosses(Fig. 3). worts Gongylcmthus scariosus, Lethocolea Invertebrates pansa and Riccia multifida have not been All invertebrates collected in this study documented in previous soil crust studies. were from the Phylum Arthropoda. Differences between the suite of species Increasedabundanceandactivity ofinverte- recorded can be attributed to vegetation brates was noted in the June 2004 sampling communities, soil types, level of distur- period. They were observed crawling over bance (Eldridge and Tozer 1996; 1997a; the soil crusts, whereas none was observed Hodgins and Rogers 1997) and sampling in thedrierconditions in June2003. No dif- season. Also, because ofthe small size and ference in either abundance or diversity of ephemeral nature of many soil crust extracted macro-invertebrates was found bryophytes, taxacanbe overlooked. In this between the two sampling periods, with the study, the season in which surveys were exception ofthe insect order Collembola conducted influenced the taxa recorded (springtails). The majority of arthropods and, in particular,theirrelativeabundance. extracted were mites and springtails (Table Substantial rainfall in early winter (June 2). Only a small number of ants were 2004) influenced the dynamics ofthe soil extracted from the soil crusts, but our field crust cover at the study sites, and the observations suggest that ants are present at ephemeral nature ofliverworts became mostsites but appeared to be movingacross quite apparent. There had been heavy rain- soil crusts, between patchesofshrub and lit- fall intheweekspriortothistripand liver- tercover, rather than inhabiting the areas of worts formed oneofthe predominant com- soil crusts. Eight ant species were recorded ponents ofthe soil crusts. In the November moving across transects: Anonychomyrma 2003 fleldtrip, much ofthe liverwort bio- sp., Iridomyrmex sp. (meat ant), mass wras not evident, being in a dormant Camponotus sp., Doleromyrma sp., summer phase and nearly impossible to Pheidole sp. I, Pheidole sp. 2, detect, orresting in thesoilaseitherspores Rhytidoponera sp., and Tapinoma sp. In the or asexual propagules, which produced June 2004 sampling period, there were newplants with the onsetofrain (Fig. 5b). Diptera, Coleoptera and Lepidoptera larvae Thegrowth ofliverworts from soil collect- inthecrustsamples. ed in November 2003 is evidence that the soil does acts as a diaspore bank. In June Discussion 2004, gemmae were detected amongst the The majority of bryophytes recorded in leaves ofthe liverwort Lethocolea pansa this study also have been documented in indicatinga strategy in this species ofpro- othersoil crust studies (Eldridge and Tozer ducing many asexual propagules at the 1996; 1997a; 1997b; Eldridge et a/. 2000; beginning ofthe growing season, prior to Thompson and Eldridge 2005). The liver- the production ofgametangia (male and Vol. 123 (4) 2006 199 Bryophytespecialissue Fig.3. Mean percentagecoverofmoss,liverwort, lichen andalgaein soilcrustsatsitessurveyed in theLittleDesertNational Park,LittleDesertLodgeandNorthGorokeStateForest,Victoria. female sex organs) (Beckmann 1993). It new growth is initiated once favourable became apparent that once pots were conditionsreturn (Beckmann 1993). In this allowed to dry out, some liverwortspecies state, the presence ofthese plants is diffi- e.g. Fossombronia sp. and Lethocolea cult to detect and would explain the lower pansa, shrivelled and dried very quickly percentageofliverwortcrustcomponent in and were difficult to detect on the soil sur- the November 2003 sampling (Fig. 5a). In face. The stems ofthese perennial species contrast, the liverworts Riccia and often act as tubers that persist after the Asterella were recorded during the extremitieshavedried and deterioratedand November 2003 sampling. These species Fig.5a. Patchofdrycryptogamiecrust,November2003, b. magnifiedsectionofsoilcrustaftersig- nificantrain, showing growth ofephemeral liverwortsFossombroniasp.,Lethocoleapansaand the mossEccremidiumsp.,June2004. 200 The Victorian Naturalist Bryophytespecialissue Fig. 4 a. Dry moss cushion, partially inundated with sand, b. moss cushion after rain, c. mosses betweenpatchesoi toliose lichen,d.algalcrustin Callitrisgraciliswoodland. Vol. 123 (4) 2006 201 Bryophytespecial issue demonstrated a strategy ofdesiccation tol- From these observations it is recom- erance where plants employed various mended that future work on the study of mechanisms, in this case scales, to facili- soil crusts involve sampling during the tate survival ofmatureplants which rapid- wetter months to attain a more accurate ly recover after rain. The inrolled thalli picture ofthe contribution ofthe various (flattened plant body) ofthese species had groups that make up soil crusts. However, protective scales and were visible in some surveying overall crust cover in the drier quadrats during the November 2003 sam- months is valuable in determining which pling. Gongylantku$ scariosus, Lethocolea species are more tolerant to desiccation pansa andEnigmella thallina all produce and, to observe the dynamic nature ofthe spores in capsules that develop under the soil crusts. soil in elaborated stem tissue (marsupia). Acknowledgements These marsupia persist in the soil after the This research was supported by funding parent plant has shrivelled or decayed received from the Norman Wettenhall (Beckmannand Scott 1980; 1992). Foundation. We thank Alain Braithwaite, Mosses and lichens also took advantage Ranger, Little DesertNational Parkforhisassis- of the availability of moisture (Fig. 4c). tance, Little Desert Lodge for allowing us to Moss cushions ofRosulabryumcamylothe- work on their property and Anneke Veenstra-Quah for herassistance with the map. cCiaummpy,/Boaprubsuliantcraolfylceixnuas,alBl.schroiwnietda eavnid- I1n0v0e2r6t5e8b.rates were collected under permit No. dence ofnew growth. These species pos- sess morphological characteristics (e.g. References Beckmann K.G (1993) The biology and taxonomy of hyaline (colourless) leaf tips, leaf cell some Australian marsupial liverworts. (Unpublished papillae(thickeningson cell wall), twisting PhDthesis.MonashUniversity). aannddrToolzleinrg1o9f9l6e)avtehsa)t(eSncaobtlte1t9h82e,mEtlodtroildegre- BesAcucskatmrriaaolnsinau.sKL(iGLnedahbnemdr.g)SicaSott1te5,pGh7aA9n-iM84.-(1a98l9i)veGrownogrytlnanetwhutso ate arid and semi-arid environmental con- Beckmann KGand ScottGAM (1992) A newthallose ditions. During dry conditions, moss cush- genusofleafy liverwort from Australia. Journalof ions often are partially inundated by sand BeBlrnyaoploJgy(21070.12)97M-i3c0r5o.besand microfauna associated and brown in colour(Fig. 4a). Aftersignif- with biologicalsoilcrusts. InBiologicalSoilCrusts: icant rain, cushions rehydrate and growth SEtdrsucturBee,lnFaunpctainodn,OanLdLMaanngaeg.em(eSnptr,ingpepr-1V6e7r-l1a7g4:. begins (Fig. 4b). Recruitment of new Berlin.1) plants was particularly evident in DSE (2006) Department of Sustainability and Einccornelymifdoiuurmqusap.d,rawthsicdhurhiangdtbheeenNorveceomrbdeerd ElEBdniroivldiogrgeoin1c)mael(n1st9o9iw8lea-b)csriLutsietc,hpevrniosetweaecntddor3msoJusolsfyets2h0ea0ns6doill.ivNearwtourrtasl. 2003 fieldtrip(Fig. 5b). ResourceManagement19-24. The overall abundance and diversity of ElcdarlicdrgeeteD-d(o1m9i9na8nbt).SsooiillscartusMtarliachhnengaanidn maroisdseSsouotnh invertebrates in the soil crusts ofthe Little Australia.JournaloftheAdelaideBotanicalGardens Desert was low. This tends to confirm the Eld1r8i,d9g-e24D.(2000)Ecologyandmanagementofbiolog- observation that, as soil crusts are dry and ical soilcrusts:recentdevelopmentsand futurechal- inhospitable for much ofthe year, there is lenges.TheBryologist103,742-747. unlikely to be a suite of invertebrates EldInriBdigoeloDgi(c2a0l0S1o)ilBiCorluosgtisc.alStsrouicltucrreu,stsFuonfctAiuosnt,ralainad. specifically inhabiting the soil crusts. Management, pp 119-131. EdsJ Belnap and O L Rather, invertebrates are makinguse ofthe Lange.(Springer-Verlag:Berlin) soil crust as a temporary refuge and food ElrdroindmgeenDta(l2005w)aBticohldogoigc.alsoAilusctrursatls:asniataunre’sPelnavnit- resource when the crusts are hydrated and Conservation14.24-26. cryptogam coverage is greater. Larvae Eldridge DJ and Tozer ME(1996) Distribution and appear to be from species that lay their falroirdiseiaiscsteorfnbAruysotprahlyitae.sAiunsstoriallicraunstJsouirnnsaelmio-farBiodtaanndy eggs and pupate in the soil, and then use 44,223-247. the soil crust as habitat. The results from EltdorrisdgereDlJatainndgTtoozetrheMdEis(t1r9i9b7uat)ioEnnviorfontmeernrtiaclolloaucs- this preliminary study support the conclu- bryophytesandlichensinsemi-arideasternAustralia. sions ofWhitford (1996) who reviewed TheBrvologist100.28-39, studies of soil invertebrates in arid and EltdoritdhgeeSoDiJlaLincdheTnoszearnMdEBry(o1p9h9y7tbe)sAofPAruascttriaclailaG'usiddrey semi arid regions and noted that total Country. (Department of Land and Water diversityis lowerinaridecosystems. Conservation:Sydney) 202 The Victorian Naturalist . ) Bryophytespecialissue ElDdyrniadmgeicsDJ,ofScermypptloegaWmiSc saonildcKruosetns iTnBa d(e2r0i0v0e)d LaincdhePnAs,Wpopls2e23l-e2y3.7.(KElduswePrLANcimaidse,miC.cSPcuhbeliidsehgergse:r grasslandinsouth-easternAustralia.AustralEcology Netherlands) 25,232-240. Scott GAM (1982) Desert bryophytes. In Bryophyte Gullan PJ and Cranston PS (2000) The Insect: an Ecology, pp105-122. Ed AJE Smith. (Chapman and Outline ofEntomology, 2 ed (Blackwell Science: Hall:London) HoOdxgfionrsd)IW and Rogers RW (1997) Correlations of StAruesitmraalninanIIMoasnsdesf.Cl(aAzuestnrgaaliNan(B2i0o0l2o)gicCaaltaRleosoguureceosf stocking with thecryptogamic soilcrust ofa semi- Study:Canberra) arid rangeland in southwest Queensland. Australian Thompson WAand EldridgeDJ(2005)WhiteCypress JournalofEcology22,425-431 Pine(Callitrisglintcophylla):areviewofitsrolesin Land Conservation Council (198.5) Report on the landscape and ecological processes in eastern VWiictmomriear:aMelAbroeuar.ne()Land Conservation Council WhAiulsftorradl.ia.WAGust(r1a9l9i6a)nTJhoeurinmaploorftaBnocteanoyf5t3h,e5b5i5o-d5i7v0e.r- McCarthyP(2003)CatalogueofAustralianLiverworts sityofsoilbiotainaridecosystems,Biodiversityand andllornworts. (Australian Biological Resources Conservation4, 185-195. Study:Canberra) Willis, JH (1970) The Vegetation ofHaltah Lakes Moore PD(1998) Life in the uppercrust. Nature393, NationalPark.NationalParksAuthority,Victoria. 419-420. ZanderRI1 (1993)GeneraofthePottiaceae: mossesof National Parks Service (1996) Little Desert National harshenvironments.BulletinoftheBuffaloSocietyof Park managementplan. (Department ofNatural NaturalScience32, 1-378. ResourcesandEnvironment: LastMelbourne) RosentrelerRand Eldridge DJ (2002)Monitoringbio- diversityandecosystemfunction:grasslands,deserts, and steppe. In Monitoringwith Lichens-Monitoring Received11 May2006;accepted13July2006 A pictorial representation ofperistomal architecture Chris Tyshing and Maria Gibson PlantEcologyResearchUnit,SchoolofLifeandEnvironmentalSciences DeakinUniversity,221BurwoodHighway,Burwood, Victoria3125 Abstract The terminology associated with the use ofperistomes in the identification and classification of mosses is cumbersome and difficult to understand. This paper provides a pictorial explanation of peristomal architecture with its associated terminology, such as nematodontous and arthrodontous peristomes, and the division ofthe latter into diplolepideous and haplolepideous peristomes. (The VictorianNaturalist 123(4),2006,203-211 The moss plant normally seen and recog- hygroscopic movement in response to nised is referred to as a gametophyte as it changes in humidityby bendingbackwards produces the gametes, i.e. egg and sperm. and forwards (Proctor 1984). The move- When the sperm fertilizes the egg a sporo- ment provides a gentle catapulting action phytedevelops. Thesporophyteisephemer- for launching spores a short distance into al and essentially remains dependent on its the air, where they may be caught by a gametophyte parent (Fig. 1), i.e. nutrients gentle breeze and dispersed to an environ- are obtained from the gametophyte parent ment suitable for germination. Subsequent through the basal foot ofa stalk-like struc- to germination, spores will develop into ture (the seta) that remains embedded with- another gametophyte generation. in the parental gametophytetissue. A spore Hygroscopic movement of the exostome capsuleterminatesthisseta(Fig. 1). may be particularly relevant in closed for- Many mosses have one or more rings of est situations where opportunities for air- teeth around themouthofthe capsule (Fig. transport ofspores needs to be maximized. 2). The teeth collectively are referred to as The inner ring ofteeth (endostome) (Fig. the peristome (Fig. 1) and are protected by 2) may regulate spore dispersal bygradual- an operculum or lid (Fig. I), which falls ly siftingthespores. offwhen the spores are mature. However, As spore dispersal mechanisms in moss- notall mosseshaveperistomes. es,peristomes are specialised, intricate and The outer ring of teeth (exostome) in architecturally elaborate. Adaptive trends double peristomes (Fig. 2) may exhibit ofmorphological characters have resulted Vol. 123 (4) 2006 203

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