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A Practical View on Renaming MarijaKulasˇ FernUniversita¨tinHagen,WissensbasierteSysteme,58084Hagen,Germany [email protected] Werevisitvariablerenamingfromapractitioner’spointofview,presentingconceptswefounduse- fulindealingwithoperationalsemanticsofpureProlog.Aconceptofrelaxedcorerepresentationis introduced,uponwhichaconceptofprenamingisbuilt. Prenamingformalizestheintuitivepractice ofrenamingtermsbyjustconsideringthenecessarybindings,wherenowsomepassive”bindings” x/xmaybenecessaryaswell. Asanapplication,aconstructiveversionofvariantlemmaforimple- mentedHornclauselogic hasbeenobtained. There,prenamingsmadeitpossibleto incrementally handlenew(local)variables. 1 Introduction Forlogic program analysis orformal semantics, the issue of renaming variables and generally handling substitutions is inevitable. Yet the image of substitutions in logic programming research is a somewhat taintedone,atleastsinceithasbeenpointedoutbyH.-P.Ko[16,p.148]thattheoriginalclaimofstrong completeness of SLD-resolution needs to be amended, due to a counter-example using the fact that x isnotmoregeneralthan x . Theexamplemaylookcounter-intuitive, butitcomplieswith (cid:16)f(y,z)(cid:17) (cid:16)f(a,a)(cid:17) the definition of substitution generality. Also, by composing substitutions, properties like equivalence, idempotencyorrestrictionarenotpreserved. Lastly,duetogroupstructureofrenamings, permutingany number ofvariables amounts to”doing nothing”, asin xy ∼ e ,andsuch equivalences arealsofeltto (cid:16)yx(cid:17) be counter-intuitive. Hence the prevalent sentiments that substitutions are ”a quite hard matter to deal with”([13])or”verytricky”([16]). Asaremedy,inthecontextofaggregatingmostgeneralunifiersina logic programming computation some helpful new concepts and operators were proposed, like parallel composition insteadoftraditional composition([13])andresultant insteadofanswersubstitution ([12]). Still, for almost anyone embarking on a journey of logic program analysis or formal semantics, sooner orlatertheneedforrenamingvariables andgenerally handlingsubstitutions inanewcontextarises. In case of this author, the need arose while trying to prove adequacy of an operational semantics for pure Prolog, S1:PP [9], and the context was one of extensibility: Given is a pair of queries that are alphabeticvariantsofeachother. AstheirrespectiveS1:PPderivationsproceedtodevelop,newvariables maycropup, duetostandardization-apart (herecalled local variables, Subsection 6.1),butthestatus of being variant should hold. This setup is known from the classical variant lemma ([11]). Additionally, thecorresponding variables needtobecollected, obtaining ateachstepthetemporary variance between the derivations. As an example, assume the first query is p(z,u,x) and the second p(y,z,x). There is only one relevant renaming, r = zuy . Now assume in the next step the first derivation acquires the (cid:16)yzu(cid:17) variabley,andthesecondw. Therelevantrenamingthistimewouldber ′= zu y w . Clearly,r ′ isnot (cid:16)yzw u(cid:17) anextension ofr ,whichmakesitseemunsafetoproceed: aresomeproperties ofthepreviousstepnow indanger? Sothequestion is,howto”safely” extendavariable mapping. Forthispurpose, inSection5 we introduce a slight generalization of renaming, called prenaming. It is a mathematical underpinning S.SchwarzandJ.Voigtla¨nder(Eds.):29thand30thWorkshops on(Constraint)LogicProgrammingand24thInternational (cid:13)c M.Kulasˇ WorkshoponFunctionaland(Constraint)LogicProgramming Thisworkislicensedunderthe (WLP’15/’16/WFLP’16). CreativeCommonsAttributionLicense. EPTCS234,2017,pp.27–41,doi:10.4204/EPTCS.234.3 28 APracticalViewonRenaming oftheintuitive practice ofrenaming termsbyjustconsidering thenecessary bindings, andnotworrying whethertheresultisapermutation. Intheaboveexample,renaming p(z,u,x)to p(y,z,x)meansmapping z7→ y,u7→ z and x7→x. Intuitively, only z7→ y,u7→ z are considered necessary bindings, giving the ”renaming” zu . Forprenaming,x7→xisnecessaryaswell. Itisbasedonrelaxedcorerepresentation, (cid:16)yz(cid:17) whichisnothingelsethanallowingsomex7→xpairsalongside ”real”bindings, asplaceholders. Prenamings relate to and are inspired by previous work as follows. In [14], the concept of transla- tion is defined, upon which alphabetic variance and standardization apart are built; this is the same as prenaming but for relaxed core (page 31). A safe prenaming is more general than renaming for a term from [11], and it maximizes W in the notion of W-renaming from [6] (page 33). Also, it generalizes substitution renamingfrom[1](subsubsection 5.3.2). In Section6, prenamings are used to express and prove a propagation claim for implemented Horn clause logic, by means of local variable extension (Lemma6.3). As a corollary, a variant lemma is obtained (Theorem6.5). Underway, wetouch onthediscrepancy betweentherather abundant theory of logicprogramming andascarcity ofmathematical claimsforimplemented logicprogramming systems. While there are some formal proofs of properties like nominal unification [17], for logic programming systems or their compilation such are still few and far between, a notable exception being [15]. New concepts likeprenaming maybeofhelp. 2 Substitution First we need a bit of notation. Assume two disjoint sets: a countably infinite setVof variables and a set Funof shapes. IfW ⊆V, any mapping F with F(W)⊆Vshall be called variable-pure onW. A mapping variable-pure on thewhole set ofvariablesVshall be simply called variable-pure. IfV\W is finite,W issaidtobeco-finite. AmappingF isinjectiveonW,ifwheneverF(x)=F(y)forx,y∈W also holds x=y. Each f/n∈Funconsists of a functor f and an associated number of arguments n, called arity. Functorsofarity0arecalledconstants. StartingfromVandFun,dataobjects orterms1 arebuilt: Anyvariable x∈Vis aterm. Ift ,...,t are terms and f/n∈Fun, then f(t ,...,t )is aterm with shape 1 n 1 n f/n and constructor f. In case of f/0, the term shall be written without parentheses. If a term soccurs withinatermt,wewrites∈t. Theorderedpairoftermshandt iswrittenas[h|t],wherehiscalledthe head andt thetailofthepair. Aspecial caseisanon-empty list,distinguished byitstailbeing aspecial term [] called the empty list, or a non-empty list itself. A list of n elements is the term [t |[t |[...[t |[]]]]], 1 2 n conveniently written as [t ,...,t ]. Let Vars(t) be the set of variables in the term t. If the terms s and t 1 n shareavariable, thatshallbewrittens⊲⊳t. Otherwise,wesays,t arevariable-disjoint, writtenass⊲6 ⊳t. A recurrent theme in this paper shall be ”relevance”, meaning ”no extraneous variables” relative to some term or terms. It was used in [2, p.3˙8] in unary sense, i.e. no extraneous variables relative to (one) term. This usage shall be reflected in the text as follows: A renaming r embedding a prenaming a is a relevant embedding, if Vars(r )⊆Vars(a ) (Figure1). Additionally, relevance in a binary sense, concerning two terms, shall also be needed: A mapping F is relevant fort tot , if Dom(F)⊆Vars(t ) 1 2 1 andRange(F)⊆Vars(t )(Figure2,Lemma6.3). 2 Definition 2.1 (substitution). A substitution q is a function mapping variables to terms, which is iden- tity almost everywhere. In other words, it is a function q with domain Dom(q )=Vsuch that the set Core(q )··={x∈V|q (x)6=x}isfinite.2 1InProlog,everythingisaterm,andsoshalltermbeherethetopmostsyntacticconcept. 2[7]speaksoffinitesupport. M.Kulasˇ 29 ThesetCore(q )shallbecalledtheactivedomain3 orcoreofq ,anditselementsactivevariables4 of q . ThesetRan(q )··=q (Core(q ))istheactiverangeofq . Avariablexsuchthatq (x)=xshallbecalled apassive variable, orafixpoint, forq . Also, wesaythat q isactive onthevariables from Core(q ), and passiveonalltheothervariables. IfCore(q )={x ,...,x },wherex ,...,x arepairwisedistinctvariables, 1 k 1 k andq mapseachx tot,thenq shallhavethecorerepresentation {x /t ,...,x /t },ortheperhapsmore i i 1 1 k k visual x1 ...xk . Eachpairx,t iscalled thebinding forx inq , denoted byx/t ∈q . Oftenweidentify (cid:16)t1 ...tk(cid:17) i i i i i a substitution with its core representation, and thus regard itas a syntactical object, a term representing afiniteset. Sothesetofvariablesofasubstitution isdefinedasVars(q )··=Core(q )∪Vars(Ran(q )). Thenotionsofrestrictionandextensionofamappingshallalsobetransportedtocorerepresentation: ifq ⊆s ,wesayq isarestrictionofs ,ands isanextensionofq . Therestrictionq ↾ ofasubstitutionq W onasetofvariablesW ⊆Visdefinedasfollows: ifx∈W thenq ↾W(x)··=q (x),otherwiseq ↾W(x)··=x. Therestriction ofq uponthevariables oft isabbreviated asq ↾t ··=q ↾Vars(t). The composition q ·s of substitutions q and s is defined by (q ·s )(x)··=q (s (x)). Composition maybeiterated,writtenass n··=s ·s n−1forn≥1,ands 0··=e . Heree ··=()istheidentityfunctionon V. Incase avariable-pure substitution r isbijective, itsinverse shall bedenoted asr −1. Asubstitution q satisfying theequalityq ·q =q iscalledidempotent. Definitionofsubstitution isenhancedfromvariablestoarbitrarytermsinastructure-preserving way byq (f(t1,...,tn))··= f(q (t1),...,q (tn)). Ift isaterm,thenq (t)isaninstance oft viaq . Example2.2. xwu v · u v xyzw = 6u6vxy z w6x6w6u6v = xy z w . (cid:0)u v xw(cid:1) (cid:16)xwyuv z(cid:17) (cid:16)6u6vyxw z6u6v6x6w(cid:17) (cid:16)yxw z(cid:17) 3 Renaming Definition3.1(renaming). Arenamingofvariables isabijectivevariable-pure substitution. In [6], it is synonymously called ”permutation”. We shall reserve the word for the general case where movement of infinitely many variables is possible. Here we synonymously speak of finite permutation duetothefactthat,beingasubstitution, anyrenaminghasafinitecore,andLegacy3.3holds. Duetostructurepreserving, ifs∈t thens (s)∈s (t). Forbijectivesubstitutions (i.e.renamings), the converse property holdsaswell,giving Lemma 3.2 (renaming stability of ”=”, ”∈”, ”⊲6 ⊳”). Let r be a renaming and s,t be terms. Then s=t iff r (s)=r (t),andalsos∈t iff r (s)∈r (t). Asaconsequence, s⊲6 ⊳t iff r (s)⊲6 ⊳r (t). Legacy3.3([10]). Asubstitution r isarenamingiffr (Core(r ))=Core(r ). Legacy3.4([6]). Everyinjectivevariable-pure substitution isarenaming. So composition of renamings is a renaming. The next property is about cycle decomposition of a finitepermutation. Lemma 3.5 (cycles). Let s be a variable-pure substitution. It is injective iff for every x∈Vthere is n∈Nsuchthats n(x)=x. Proof. Assumes injective,andchoosex ∈V. Ifs (x )=x ,wearedone. Otherwise,s i(x )6=s i−1(x ) 0 0 0 0 0 forall i≥1, due toinjectivity. Hence, s i−1(x )∈Core(s )foreveryi≥1. Because ofthefiniteness of 0 Core(s ), there is m>k≥1 such that s m(x )=s k(x ). Due to injectivity, s m−1(x )=s k−1(x ). By 0 0 0 0 3Traditionallycalledjustdomain. Thismaybeconfusing,sinceintheusualmathematicalsenseitisalwaysthewholeV thatisthedomainofanysubstitution. 4Thenameactivevariableappearsin[8]. 30 APracticalViewonRenaming iteration we get n··=m−k. For the other direction, assume s (x)=s (y), and minimal m,n such that s n(x)=x, s m(y)=y. Considerthecasem6=n,saym>n. Thens m−n(y)=s m−n(x)=s m−n(s n(x))= s m−n(s n(y))=s m(y)=y,contradicting minimalityofm. Hencem=n,sox=s n(x)=s n(y)=y. ♦ 4 Relaxed core representation If there is a substitution s mapping a term s on a term t, then it is mapping each variable in s on a subterm of t. It is possible that a variable stays the same, so if we want our mapping to explicitely coverallvariablesins,asinthepromisedapplication (Section6),thennecessarilyx/xwouldhavetobe tolerated asa”binding”. To cater for such wishes, the core of the substitution s can be relaxed to contain some passive variables, raising those above the rest, asitwere. Thissimple technique isuseful beyond thecontext of renaming, soweassumearbitrarysubstitutions. Definition 4.1 (relaxed core). If Core(s )⊆{x ,...,x }, where variables x ,...,x are pairwise distinct, 1 n 1 n then{x ,...,x }shallbecalledarelaxedcoreand x1 ... xn shallbecalledarelaxedcorerepresen- 1 n (cid:16)s (x1)...s (xn)(cid:17) tationfors . Ifwefixarelaxedcorefors ,itshallbedenotedC(s )··={x1,...,xn}. Theassociatedrange s (C(s )) wedenote asR(s ). The setof variables ofs isas expected,V(s )··=C(s )∪Vars(R(s )). To getbacktothetraditional representation, wedenoteby[s ]the(non-relaxed) corerepresentation ofs . Forextending, substitutions aretreatedlikesetsofactivebindings, so(disjoint) unionmaybeused: Definition 4.2 (sum of substitutions). If s = x1 ...xn and q = y1...ym are substitutions in relaxed (cid:16)s1 ...sn(cid:17) (cid:16)t1 ...tm(cid:17) representation suchthat{y1,...,ym}⊲6 ⊳{x1,...,xn},thens ⊎q ··=(cid:16)xs11......xsnnyt11 ......ytmm(cid:17)isthesumofs andq . ForSubsection 6.2,backwardcompatibility ofanextensionshallbeneeded. Lemma4.3(backwardcompatibility). Lets ,q besubstitutions andxbeavariable. Then(s ⊎q )(x)= s (x) iff q (x)=x. Proof. Ifx6∈C(q ),thenq (x)=x,and(s ⊎q )(x)=s (x). Ifx∈C(q ),then(s ⊎q )(x)=q (x)andalso x6∈C(s ),hences (x)=x. Thecondition (s ⊎q )(x)=s (x)collapses toq (x)=x. ♦ Passivityofq onatermt isguaranteed ifs is”complete”fort,i.e.laysclaimtoallitsvariables: Definition 4.4 (complete for term). Let s be given in relaxed core representation. We say that s is completefort ifVars(t)⊆C(s ). Insuchacasethereisnodangerthatanextensionofs mightmapt differently froms : Corollary 4.5(backward compatibility). Ifs iscomplete fort,thenforanyq holds: s ⊎q iscomplete fort and(s ⊎q )(t)=s (t). 5 Prenaming In practice, one would like to change the variables in a term without bothering to check whether this changeisapermutationofvariables,i.e.arenaminginthesenseofDefinition3.1. Forexample,theterm p(z,u,x) can be changed to p(y,z,x) using mapping z7→y, u7→z, x7→x. Let us call such a mapping prenaming5. 5Findinganappropriatenamecanbeastruggle.Shortlistedwerepre-renamingandproto-renaming. M.Kulasˇ 31 Likeanysubstitution, aprenaming a shallalsoberepresented finitely, but inrelaxed core represen- tation,inordertocapturepossiblex7→xpairings. ThesetC(a )isfixedbythetermstomap. Obviously, injectivity isimportantforsuchamapping, since p(z,u,x)cannotbemappedon p(y,y,x)withoutlosing avariable. Hence, Definition 5.1 (prenaming). A prenaming a is a variable-pure substitution injective on a finite set of variablesC(a )⊇Core(a ). Clearly, anyrenamingisaprenaming. ForTheorem6.5,weneedtoextendagivenprenaming. Lemma 5.2 (extension of prenaming). Let a = x1...xn and b = u1 ...um be prenamings such that (cid:16)y1...yn(cid:17) (cid:16)v1 ...vm(cid:17) {u ,...,u }⊲6 ⊳{x ,...,x } and {v ,...,v }⊲6 ⊳{y ,...,y }. Then a ⊎b = x1...xn u1...um is also a pre- 1 m 1 n 1 m 1 n (cid:16)y1...yn v1 ...vm(cid:17) naming, withC(a ⊎b )=C(a )⊎C(b )andR(a ⊎b )=R(a )⊎R(b ). Plotkin’s concept of translation [14, p.46] corresponds to prenaming without passive bindings. There,theinversetranslationfort ··=(cid:16)yzuz(cid:17)wouldbetinv··=(cid:0)yzuz(cid:1). Clearly,tinv·t =(cid:0)yzuz(cid:1)·(cid:16)yzuz(cid:17)=(cid:0)yz(cid:1), which is not identity substitution. Although (t ·t )↾ =e , so t is reversible and thus ”safe” to use inv {z,u} on{z,u},onemightinstinctivelybewaryofthepossibilitythathandlingseveraltranslations inthesame computation could somehowproduce ”unsafety”. Presumably forthatreason, theconcept oftranslation didnotcatchon,anditismeanwhilecustomarytodefinealphabeticvarianceusingrenamingratherthan translation ([2]). Werevisit Plotkin’s concept, enriched with passive bindings and deemed fit for a new name, prenaming, and show that its safe application on a term and safe (even backward-compatible) extension areeasilyachievable, thusjustifying theintuitivepractice. 5.1 The question ofinverse Soaprenaming ismorenatural inpractice, buta”full” renamingisbetter mathematically tractable, due toitsbeinginvertibleonV. Thenextpropertyshowshowtoextendaprenaminga toobtainarenaming, and arelevant one atthat, i.e. active only on the variables fromV(a ). The claim is essentially given in [12], [2] and [1] with emphasis on the core6 of such an extension. Originally the claim appears in [6], withemphasisontheextentofcoincidence7,whichisourconcernaswell. Werephrasetheclaimaround thenotionofprenaming, andprovideaconstructive proofbasedonLemma3.5. Theorem 5.3 (embedding). If a is a prenaming, there is a renaming a which coincides with a on V\(R(a )\C(a ))suchthatVars(a )⊆V(a ). Additionally,ifa (x)6=xonC(a ),thena (x)6=xonV(a ). a (x), ifx∈C(a )  a (x)··=z, ifx∈R(a )\C(a )anda m(z)=xformaximalm≤n  x, outside ofC(a )∪R(a )   Figure1: Closure, thenatural relevantembedding 6[2,p.23]: ”Everyfinite1-1mapping f fromAontoBcanbeextendedtoapermutationgofA∪B. Moreover,if f hasno fixpoints,thenitcanbeextendedtoagwithnofixpoints.” 7[6, p.35]: ”LetWbeaco-finitesetof variables(...) andlets beaW-renaming. Thenthereisapermutationp which coincideswiths onthesetW.” 32 APracticalViewonRenaming Proof. If a is a prenaming, then C(a ) and R(a ) are sets of n distinct variables each. The wanted renamingisconstructed inFigure1,withtheintentiontoclosethepossiblyopenchainx,a (x),a 2(x),... Soletusseewhetherforeveryxthereisa jsuchthata j(x)=x. Ifx∈C(a ),westartasintheproofof Lemma3.5, and consider the sequence x,a (x),a 2(x),... SinceC(a ) is finite, either we get two equals (and proceed as there), or we get a k(x)6∈C(a ) and are stuck. For y··=a k(x) we know a (y)=z such thata m(z)=ywithmaximalm,som≥k. Therefore, a m(a (y))=y=a k(x). Duetoinjectivity ofa on C(a ),wegeta m−k(a (a k(x)))=x,andhencea m+1(x)=x. The cases x ∈ R(a )\C(a ) or x 6∈ C(a )∪R(a ) are easy. By Lemma3.5, a is injective. By Legacy3.4,a isarenaming. Thediscussion ofthecasea (x)6=xonC(a )isstraightforward. ♦ Definition 5.4 (closure of a prenaming). The renaming a constructed in Figure1 shall be called the closureofa . Remark 5.5 (relevant embedding is not unique). Let a = zuyw1 , and let us embed it in a relevant (cid:16)yzxw2(cid:17) renaming. The Figure1 gives a = zuyw1 xw2 . But r = zuyw1 x w2 is also a relevant renaming (cid:16)yzxw2uw1(cid:17) (cid:16)yzxw2w1 u (cid:17) which is embedding a . In the usual notation for cycle decomposition, r = {(x,w ,w ,u,z,y)} and 1 2 a ={(x,u,z,y),(w ,w )}. 1 2 If we reverse the prenaming, the closure algorithm shall be closing the same open chains but in the opposite direction, hence Lemma5.6(reverseprenaming). Leta ··=(cid:16)xy11......xynn(cid:17)anda inv ··=(cid:16)yx11 ......yxnn(cid:17). Thena inv =a −1. Remark 5.7 (closure is not compositional). Takea ··= zuy and r ··= xy . Then a = zuyx , r · (cid:16)yzx(cid:17) (cid:16)yx(cid:17) (cid:16)yzxu(cid:17) a = zux , r ·a = zux andr ·a = zuxy . (cid:0)xzu(cid:1) (cid:16)xzy(cid:17) (cid:16)xzyu(cid:17) Remark 5.8 (closure is not monotone). If a ⊇a ′, then not always a ⊇a ′. To see this, let a = zuy (cid:16)yzx(cid:17) anda ′= zu . Thena ′= zuy anda = zuyx . (cid:16)yz(cid:17) (cid:16)yzu(cid:17) (cid:16)yzxu(cid:17) 5.2 Staying safe Let us look more closely into Remark5.8: a (y) = xanda (x) = x, so y and x may not simultane- ously occur in the candidate term. Otherwise, a variable shall be lost, which we call ”aliasing”, like in y (p(x,f(y)))= p(x,f(x)). (cid:0)x(cid:1) Definition5.9(aliasing). Leta beaprenaming. Ifx6=ybuta (x)=a (y),thena isaliasingxandy. SowhatRemark5.8meansis: ifwewanttousea onalarger setthanC(a ), thenthesetPit(a )··= R(a )\C(a )shouldbeavoided, becausealiasing mayhappen. But,luckily, itscomplementissafe: Lemma5.10(larger set). Aprenaming a isinjective ontheco-finite setV\Pit(a ). Thesetismaximal containingC(a ). Proof. Let x,y ∈V\Pit(a ). Is it possible that a (x)=a (y)? Possible cases: If x,y∈C(a ), then by definition of prenaming a (x)6=a (y). If x,y6∈C(a ), then a (x)=x6=y=a (y). It remains to consider the mixed case x∈C(a ),y6∈C(a ). We have a (x)∈R(a ) and a (y)=y. So is a (x)=y possible? If yes,theny∈R(a ),butsincey6∈C(a ),thatwouldmeany∈Pit(a ). Contradiction. The set cannot be made larger: if y∈ Pit(a ), then there is x ∈C(a ) with x 6= y and a (x) = y= a (y). ♦ M.Kulasˇ 33 Definition5.11(injectivitydomain). SinceInDom(a )··=V\Pit(a )isthelargestco-finitesetcontaining C(a )onwhicha isinjective, itshallbecalledtheinjectivity domainofa . Theinjectivity domainofaprenaming isclearlytheonlysafeplaceforittobemappingtermsfrom. Definition5.12(safetyofprenaming). Aprenaminga issafe8 foratermt ifVars(t)⊆InDom(a ). Clearly, InDom(a )=C(a )∪(V\R(a )),soa issafeforitsrelaxedcore. Hence, Corollary 5.13(completeandsafe). Ifaprenaming iscompleteforaterm,itissafeforthatterm. Foraprenaminga withthequalityR(a )=C(a ),i.e.arenaming,itisnosurprisethatInDom(a )=V andhencesafetyisguaranteed foranyterm. A prenaming behaves like a renaming on its injectivity domain, since it coincides with its closure there. Thisfollowsimmediately fromTheorem5.3: Lemma5.14(injectivity domain). Letx∈InDom(a ). Thena (x)=a (x). Corollary5.15(prenamingstability). Ageneralization ofLemma3.2holds: Lets,t betermsanda bea prenamingsafefors,t. Thens=t iffa (s)=a (t)andalsos∈t iffa (s)∈a (t). Asaconsequence, s⊲6 ⊳t iffa (s)⊲6 ⊳a (t). Ourdefinition ofprenaming wasinspired bythefollowingmoregeneralnotionfrom[6]. Definition 5.16 (W-renaming, [6]). LetW ⊆V. Asubstitution s is aW-renaming ifs isvariable-pure onW,ands isinjective onW. With this notion, Lemma5.10 can be summarized as: InDom(a ) is a co-finite set of variables, and thelargest setW ⊇C(a )suchthata isaW-renaming. Whataboutsafety ofextension? Ifa issafefort,a ⊎b doesnothavetobe,evenifb (t)=t,asthe following exampleshows: a ··= v , b ··= zuy , t ··= p(x)(herenoaliasinghappened, though). The (cid:0)w(cid:1) (cid:16)yzx(cid:17) nexttwoclaimsaddress safetyofextension. Lemma5.17(monotonicity). Assumea ⊎b isdefined. Then 1. InDom(a )∪InDom(b )=V 2. InDom(a )∩InDom(b )⊆InDom(a ⊎b ) Proof. Since(V\A)∪(V\B)=V\(A∩B)),andPit(a )⊲6 ⊳Pit(b ),wegetInDom(a )∪InDom(b )=V. Further, (V\A)∩(V\B)=V\(A∪B)and soPit(a ⊎b )=(R(a )⊎R(b ))\(C(a )⊎C(b ))⊆(R(a )\ C(a ))∪(R(b )\C(b ))=Pit(a )∪Pit(b ). ♦ In Remark5.8, Pit(a ′) = {y}, Pit( y ) = {x}, and Pit(a ) = {x}, hence InDom(a ′) = V\{y}, InDom( y )=V\{x}andInDom(a )=(cid:0)Vx(cid:1)\{x}. By t(cid:0)hxe(cid:1)last claim, staying within InDom(a ) and InDom(b ) ensures staying within InDom(a ⊎b ). By assuming a bit more about a than just safety, we may ignore the nature of extension b , and still ensuresafetyandevenbackwardcompatibility ofa ⊎b . ThisshallbeusedinSection6. Theorem5.18(safetyofextension). Assumea ⊎b isdefined. 1. Ifa issafefort and b issafefort,thena ⊎b issafefort. 2. Ifa iscompletefort,thena ⊎b iscomplete(hencesafe)fort,and(a ⊎b )(t)=a (t). ThefirstpartfollowsfromLemma5.17andthesecondfromCorollary4.5andCorollary 5.13. 8Safeprenamingismoregeneralthanrenamingforatermin[11,p.22],sincewedonotrequireCore(a )⊆Vars(t). 34 APracticalViewonRenaming 5.3 Variantofterm andsubstitution The traditional notion ofterm variance, which is term renaming, shall be generalized toprenaming. As a special case, substitution variance is defined, inspired by substitution renaming from [1]. For this, substitution shall once again be regarded as a special case of term. The term is of course the relaxed core representation. This concept shall come in handy for proving properties of renamed derivations (Subsection 6.2). 5.3.1 Termvariant Definition5.19(termvariant). Ifa isaprenamingsafefort,thena (t)isavariantoft,writtena (t)∼=t. Theparticular variance andthedirectionofitsapplication maybeexplicated bys=a t iffs=a (t). If s ∼= t, then there is a unique a mapping s to t in a complete and relevant9 manner, i.e. map- ping each variable pair and nothing else, as computed by Figure2. The algorithm makes do with only one set for equations and bindings, thanks to different types. Termination can be seen from the tuple (lfun (E),card (E)) decreasing in lexicographic order with each rule application, where lfun (E) is = = = thenumberoffunction symbolsinequations inE,andcard (E)isthenumberofequations inE. = Start from the set E ··={s=t} and transform according to the following rules. The transformation is boundtostop. Ifthestopwasnotduetofailure,thenthefinalsetE istheprenamingofstot,Pren(s,t). elimination E⊎{x=y} E, ifx/y∈E failure: alias E⊎{x=y} failure, if(x/z∈E,z6=y)or(z/y∈E,z6=x) binding E⊎{x=y} E∪{x/y}, if(x/ 6∈E)and( /y6∈E) failure: instance E⊎{x=t} failure, ift 6∈V; E⊎{t =x} failure, ift 6∈V decomposition E⊎{f(s ,...,s )= f(t ,...,t )} E∪{s =t ,...,s =t } 1 n 1 n 1 1 n n failure: clash E⊎{f(s ,...,s )=g(t ,...,t )} failure, if f 6=gorm6=n 1 n 1 m Figure2: Computingtheprenaming ofstot Notation 5.20(epsoid). Theprenaming constructed inFigure2shall besimply called theprenaming of stot,anddenoted Pren(s,t). Itiscompleteforsandrelevantforstot. In case s =t, we obtain for Pren(s,t) essentially the identity substitution. However, regarded as prenamings, Pren(t,t) and e are not the same. A prenaming a with relaxed core W mapping each variable onitself(inother words,C(a )=W and[a ]=e )shallbecalled theW-epsoid anddenoted e . W Foratermt,weabbreviate et ··=eVars(t). Regarding composition, an epsoid behaves just like e . Its use is for providing completeness, and henceextensibility, bymeansofplaceholder bindingsx/x. 5.3.2 Specialcase: substitutionvariant Even substitutions themselves can berenamed. Torename a substitution, one regards itas asyntactical object, a set of bindings, and renames those bindings. If r is a renaming and s is a substitution, [1] 9”Relevant”inthebinarysense(page28).Incaseofprenaming,wenaturallyuseCasDomandRasRange. M.Kulasˇ 35 defines substitution renaming by r (s )··={r (x)/r (s (x)) | x∈Core(s )}. It is easy tosee that r (s )is a substitution in core representation. For this only two properties of r were needed: variable-purity on Vars(s )andinjectivity onVars(s ). Theserequirements areclearlyfulfilledbyprenamings safeons as well. Hence, Definition 5.21 (substitution variant). Let s be a substitution and let a be a prenaming safe for s , i.e. Vars(s )⊆InDom(a ). Thenavariantofs bya is a (s )··={a (x)/a (s (x)) |x∈Core(s )} (1) We may write q =a s if q =a (s ), as with any other terms. As can be expected, the concept of variance by prenaming is well-defined, owing to safety. Otherwise, the result of prenaming would not evenhavetobeasubstitution again,asinthecaseofa = y ands = xy . (cid:0)x(cid:1) (cid:0)ab(cid:1) Lemma 5.22 (well-defined). Substitution variant is well-defined, i.e. (1) is a core representation of a substitution, anda doesnotintroduce aliasing. Proof. Let Core(s ) = {x ,...,x }. Due to injectivity of a on Vars(s ), if a (x) = a (x ), then x = 1 n i j i x , so i = j. To finish the proof that (1) a core representation, observe x ∈ Core(s ) iff x 6= s (x) iff j a (x)6=a (s (x)), due to injectivity again. Realiasing, by Corollary5.15, if a (s (x))⊲⊳a (s (x )), then i j s (x)⊲⊳s (x ),meaningthata doesnotintroduce aliasing. ♦ i j FromDefinition5.21andLemma5.14follows Lemma5.23. Lets beasubstitution, a ,b beprenamingsanda (s )and(a ·b )(s )bedefined. Then 1. (a ·b )(s )=a (b (s )) 2. a (s )=a (s ) Forthecaseof”full”renaming, thereisawaytodissolvethenewexpression:10 Legacy5.24([1]). Foranyrenamingr andsubstitution s r (s )=r ·s ·r −1 Wouldsuchaclaimholdfortheweakened case,prenamings? Theorem5.25(substitution variant). Lets beasubstitution anda beaprenamingsafefors . Then 1. a (s )·a =a ·s 2. a (s )=a ·s ·a −1 Proof. First part: According to Definition5.21, for every x∈Vholds (a (s )·a )(x)=a (s (x)). Since any substitution is structure-preserving, the claim holds for any term t as well. Second part: From the firstpartweknowa (s )·a =a ·s ,hencea (s )=a ·s ·a −1. ByLemma5.14,a (s )=a (s ). ♦ It is known that idempotence and equivalence of substitutions are not compatible with composition [6]. Luckily, theconcept ofvariance, withconstantprenaming, doesnotsharethishandicap: Theorem5.26(compositionality). Lets ,q besubstitutions anda betheirsafeprenaming. Then a (s ·q )=a (s )·a (q ) Proof. Since Vars(s ·q ) ⊆ Vars(s )∪Vars(q ), clearly Vars(s ·q ) ⊆ InDom(a ). By Theorem5.25, a (s )·a (q )=a ·s ·a −1·a ·q ·a −1=a ·s ·q ·a −1=a (s ·q ). ♦ 10animmediateconsequencebeingr (s )6=r ·s 36 APracticalViewonRenaming 6 Application ImplementinglogicprogrammingmeansthatthefreedomofHornclauselogic(HCL)mustberestrained: • mostgeneralunifier(mgu)isprovidedbyafixedalgorithm, • standardization-apart isprovided byafixedalgorithm. Every implementation of HCL is parametrized by the two algorithms. Here we shall consider only the unificationalgorithm,sobyHCL(U)animplementationofHCLusingunificationalgorithmUisdenoted. Fromtheliterature (variant lemma)weknowthatsuch arestriction isnotcompromising soundness and completenessofSLD-resolution. Yet,theremaybelotsof”lowlier”claimswhichmoreorlessimplicitly rely on freedom of mgus and standardization-apart. For example, with both choices fixed we may not anymorejustrename anSLD-derivation wholesale (theresolvents, themgus, theinputclauses), aswas possibleinHornclauselogic,basedonLemma3.2. Thisisbecausethetwoalgorithmsdonothavetobe renaming-compatible. Infact,thesecondonecannotbe,whichmakesclaimslikeLemma6.3necessary. Let us cast a look at the first restriction. For any two unifiable terms s,t holds that the set of their mgus, written as Mgus(s,t), is infinite. On the other hand, in practice any unification algorithm U produces, for the given two unifiable terms, just one deterministic value as their mgu. We shall denote thisparticular mguofsandt asU(s,t),thealgorithmic mguofsandt obtainedbyU. Theabundancyofmgusisnotonlygood,italsostandsinthewayofproofs. Thesimplestunification problem p(x) = p(y) has among others two equally attractive candidate mgus, (x) and (y). Assume y x ourunification algorithm decided upon(x). Assumefurther thatwerename theprotagonists andobtain y p(x)= p(z). Whatmgu shall be chosen this time? Toensure some dependability in this issue, weshall requireofanyunificationalgorithm thefollowingsimplerequirement, postulated asanaxiom: Axiom 6.1 (renaming compatibility). Let Ube a unification algorithm. For any renaming r and any equation E,ithastoholdU(r (E))=r (U(E)). Sinceclassical unification algorithms likeRobinson’s andMartelli-Montanari’s donotdepend upon theactualnamesofvariables (asobservedin[1]),thisrequirement isinpractice alwayssatisfied. Remark 6.2 (renaming compatibility of Mgus). For every r and E holds Mgus(r (E))=r (Mgus(E)). This is due to Theorem5.25 and Lemma3.2. Assume s ∈Mgus(s,t), then r (s )(r (s))=r (s (s))= r (s (t))=r (s )(r (t)). Further, ifq isaunifierofr (s),r (t),thenq ·r isaunifierofs,t,hencethereis arenamingd withq ·r =d ·s ,givingq =d ·s ·r −1=d ·r −1·r ·s ·r −1=(d ·r −1)·r (s ),meaning r (s )∈Mgus(r (E)). Fortheotherdirection, observeq =r ·r −1·d ·s ·r −1=r (r −1·d ·s ). 6.1 Handling localvariables inHCL(U) With Ucomplying to Axiom6.1 and yielding relevant mgus, that is to say with practically any U,11 a propagation result for SLD-derivations can be proved, which leads to a constructive and incremental versionofthevariantlemma. Regarding SLD-derivations, for the most part we shall assume traditional concepts as given in [11] and [2], but with some changes and additions listed below. An input clause K obtained from a pro- i gram clause K¯ byreplacing thevariables inorder ofappearance witht ,...,t maybedenoted asK = 1 n i K¯[t1,...,tn]. AssumenowanSLD-derivationDforGoftheformG֒−⊲K1:s 1 G1֒−⊲K2:s 2 ...֒−⊲Kn:s n Gn. 11ClassicalunificationalgorithmsnotonlysatisfyAxiom6.1butalsoyieldidempotentmgus. Idempotentmgusarealways relevant([2]).

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