PILODBAF +Zh*ALC Press Japanese Texthaok Series = ; 4 Ce ANIA c0OBT Y1456E, 9784872343229 ee iy OER he (MiMN E> gs ae ea +3 ok it 3 ENG ih mse 2c ig A Text for Enriching Your Power of Expressing in Jap: 3s A Practical Guide To Mimetic Expressions Through Fawn oer £9 Soe el ek FIVIOEAET +AbeALC Press Japanese Texthook Sories EGC FEC AA Text for Enriching Your Power of Expressing in Japanese A Practical Guide To Mimetic Expressions Through Pictures PUP (EU MIE ER SOS. w ORHRS, Choo ve rites. O17 PVDOLIC, ROMER RAT: Le. BBB (een wm Hh) Lower. Thi HEE OE BRE. TSI OR KOHC A Te SAS) OS5E, LOAD IT MERE: bite, a “ Anas. com sROMHOMOKERCEOAMICDE. IRL. JOONTIL Gkelipon tLe soe, 4 oML DAES paiee vBFIe bi, AE ¢ FN hates bins L amiga (ise, PDO VOWEL. KC RAI DE Fie MBE AYR oLmO EY het ESE ererreerarent een ees REY OMENS DLT LETH OLoLaaeELn Poe Comes, egokge conoum crt. is. Bee age ee nat ee se I soa a Preface ‘Worés in Japanese sehict eeedy wa seis womids oF voi aa:aa In done 6 sana? farm ir she sia In ase a see Bano 326 Kowa a8.ghngy wm gouago twods mise die sounds woken) Words shies Aielly express states or cutiune of poorle ml Ihe, sh excoresn tec or actions of pple and things ucla the Bean in Bese hehe Baker he Seman ot Boars acu ate enc a gn (se nel sta evi Jupiancze ia file ith these mluueic empressions 1 deh le ete sch aF the bis boc to Is. nile wu a to lear thes eared sees, Lae section T Lave pué sogether 4-8 exprer'on nla are ainilar in means ane sige, and all (2eexprersons i Hive book ate oes (a ane fteueily ae Fly caavessatis Sait wilh the sections fs wich you ave ine wxpromlors along st their Suacsle sentencce Seere gre muany wher minsetc esprereiets which ecw nut cuverod by tis ook. 1 hae tnchide: gins in the One pose Testers, Rout el Mok tsa Conser la ansis. you as a eelerence tol thea samiying additieval pes sows A the ed nf the book isa celltion ul review exten. Sune 9 de sun be a We fico, but tley wil aloe vou tr chee pour mastery the Pxprescions £2] Ln ecm for exams, This boa iy as edited nd wepanded sersinn ol a series of slices Feared £2 Phe ogo fewrnalfeo0% Sl 1890 to Mined 1 Titi to thnk the mare poople hore kira usistance nucle this Sock susie sted, and niemorize the April 1904 Contents IEUAIE Preface FABOBA Cwlonation of Torms --- qo AORBSPLSTERS NOE copassing People's Foalings and Conon 1. OP aRES. Limes Bad Feelings. Good Feelings 2. Excitement 3. HPSkBANTES, BESS Feeling at the End of Something, Surprise 4. BEPAENBsES A Having Expectations or Uneasinass 6. HoTheKST Being in & Dificult Situation 6. WZUSuR WEES s Various Facial 7. BEOBNKST “Cacking Energy PO EU Me Unpleasant Physical Conditions OIUMIVRLYAY IAERER, & IAAT TS, (One-ocin Lszan Pekopekomdy and Pekoneko-sune SELREDEWAS 0 OBR) More Exoressions @ Pain i Exprassions and Conditions e 66666 6 & 6 6 on sone é : Conkenibs fe ADM LITERS H txyssng Pro's Aions ant Eons 1 ge. BF Looking, Spseking 2. UsnsamE POUR UNL RY Meacsse!esdle)-<Boe) Bo. ca el 3. 2PUR, eLBuReL ae Uae Sa ils peti 4. ions 8. pop ~ weal tata Samet eouRIhLyRy T2203, & Heme, 6. BE SSR ENEIAS @ GES) (RS) (RX) More Expressions @Laughing/Smiling. Sleeping, Crying 颮@ 6 6 6 6 6 6 Fe BOOLSI ERT Exquessing the State or Condition of Things 1. ke, OND Shining, Shaking emai yhLy ay "E55, 6 rer seit tnion Keakina and Ze0ro0 2, ns. yss “Flowing. Falling 3, NALeEBPeay Various Saunds and Aopesrances Stickiness, Mugginess 8, SbokgU Tesmures eorKIyRbezy ‘aca, € '25e8, « Ore-suint Iman Korokoro and Goragaro 4, aS T ® Disorder OOURIYRL ERY MHomD, & OK Ds ® Ore-poit lnson Gator and Goku! 5. UeiKot @ Bac Condition 45 ° “Flavors, Dispositions 7. aieDU. iB oo) ® ® 9. HOSS. BT Large Numbers, Heavinoss Degroos of Margin SER EDEVES & MMIM<) OPES) More Expressions 3 Anime! Sounds, Sounds of Objects FED Roundn Mirous Eeprassias: Fern and Acver Exoressions Croatad #ro-n Aejuivas and Verbs 2. DEKE aigaoRc ele - ‘words Giig nal Uso us Wimerie Fspressione ‘Voie Craated fro Mimetic Fevioss ona @ ® o @ EH Nouns MBJR Adverbs: $V, —to4V Bak ae nag. 0a ents ae Atsrays wd in the form — se to modite verb Rte <2, desu, —ai+V, eS Fare @ eT) OTE PRBS oe Siew eye MT 2. ‘Used in the Foe — dad ave ae 5 predicate, Also weet i he fn <r usa <a wo anodiey vet eid other eee gah Rae TA sor ae Ut cent ne Lose fe tie Form. 40 co modify nouns BATS ~sure —wo-sun Pavey, BRT Vedi tlm fess sw and —to- co) r geome TSSAIBE (op.117~165) ono ‘Terms Used in Mini Info Comer top./17—1231 OCRBR (ot Abo imlstE mr ewer, # adectives : Aciectives tthe -< farm that mealily now POE, ASL. BELSD. Bu. BLE "Wes OR Ofer Ne aor yen jootives | Adjscliyes In “he “rw Za-m that omic nos, BE ShOGO. Tae. af ORDER KAR Mu. 7 Bhs 3 (a). 8, RLY Males PAH MR ty res “U vets Verbs whose stsemary form ism na fon Ss an ‘mess fer i8 “oma aul efor $8 cba BA. He wk me BB REE 2. FBT my wABT Sa oe # i 48 gea, Ru verbs: Vers whose lilionary foera iss nat fon is el AU) E54 genie. ges. age. gen go eam case ce tvape, BOK. Bu an hs, ae. He es ete Bator, came e cape PERI RG Ke a8, hos, ws [L Amgasrasreay 1 Lobte as. LLNS [apsrg Frans eng Sa l UPPERS. URES el Feslings, Good Feeings [~35, ORT, BRORBSERT TENE. The folowing words are often used with the sua form to express one's awn fealings, @n515 & th PET. MERAH ROMEEE ST ‘A fesling of ination caused by an avin or event that eomaing incom esrar @SAEO ~K -35 LOT AOba eRe RS LT od up, disgusted omer mages ~tS anegy CEAN RELI, Fesling bad dus to nauses or anger web E Moen, te sea 8 fi a LL. AoReStasTeRT 1 reais, OURS | [ease Popa Fens and Connie @50¢0 . ~FS ALOLOER EY. MORN LT, Bor. BAM. A drunken- Ike pleasant footing caused by ‘sasing or hearing something beautiful Boers “ CBRE oorcace 1 stboss, Byes BOREL, ARENT SOE AAT UES bFENL TES, @ISBURABL LK, G@ BUS b FAH) SL, DGEBA dicbwe EMI FIO’, TTT @ jae2y be BOM) T5 BOAO LHOT, FIED b &HEM LTLEoK, 2.( EAnser aa goreegense( Be C4 ERS AMO IURL EEE. 85 ( @mLoRe |) Motes. aE umenmee CO Le LOHMS SORT OOMU EEL. (LET ORD [a veue booby 6 548u demem) van og aur se 7 = [L. ADaRSPasreRT [ Bair Pop Fras an Sertore ° '~$51 ORT BHOMISERT TCHS. ‘The following words aro often used with the —sure four to expense one's awn taslings. 2 za tomet eR mae An incre . MoMenine ean oT sl hearths resting fram exorcise or nervouenst Tangier Ge Se 7 Ga Be os ® ae Excited because of some plassant expectation, ebchce eo LAe Litre Jue home WTR De Mat bi FB, Nervous due ‘evous situation, sesing others in some dan em gu yee oamoRacusgreegat, sPaRORe thou Bab a5