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A Practical Guide for Narcissists to Change Towards the Higher Self PDF

68 Pages·2015·0.372 MB·English
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1 Also by Preston C. Ni How to Successfully Handle Narcissists How to Communicate Effectively and Handle Difficult People, 2nd Edition How to Successfully Handle Passive-Aggressive People Seven Keys to Long-Term Relationship Success How to Let Go of Negative Thoughts and Emotions How to Successfully Handle Manipulative People Communication Success with Four Personality Types How to Get Over a Breakup – Keys to Healing and Happiness Again For more information or to purchase, visit www.nipreston.com/publications. Preston Ni is available as a presenter, workshop instructor, course designer, and private coach. For more information, write to [email protected], or visit www.nipreston.com. Copyright © 2015 Preston C. Ni. All rights reserved worldwide. No part of this document shall be reproduced in any form whatsoever, stored in a retrieval system, broadcasted, transmitted, or translated into any kind of language, in any form or by any means, electronic, mechanical, photocopying, recording, or otherwise, without the express prior written permission from the author. No responsibility for the loss occasioned to any person acting or refraining from action as a result of the material in this publication can be accepted by the author or publisher. No patent liability is assumed with respect to the use of the information contained herein. The author and publisher assume no responsibility for errors or omissions. Neither is any liability assumed for damages resulting from the use of information contained herein. 2 Table of Contents Introduction 4 Six Keys for Narcissists to Change Towards the Higher Self 5 Becoming Aware of Narcissistic Traits 13 Four Major Communication Mistakes to Avoid 20 Four Keys to Excellent People Skills 27 Seven Keys to Long-Term Relationship Success 36 Changing the Fear of Rejection 52 Changing Rumination About the Past and Self-Blame 54 Eight Keys to Life Hardiness and Resiliency 56 Select Bibliography 64 3 Introduction Psychologist Stephen Johnson writes that the narcissist is someone who has “buried his true self-expression in response to early injuries and replaced it with a highly developed, compensatory false self.” This alternate persona to the real self often comes across as grandiose, “above others,” and self-absorbed. Many chronic narcissists lose their way, and suffer significant personal and/or professional setbacks during the course of their lives. However, to the few who are self-aware, there is the unique opportunity to evolve toward the Higher Self, signified by greater self-acceptance, substantive success, and the capacity to engage in truly healthy, loving, and lasting relationships. Nobel laureate Anwar Sadat reminds us: “If you don’t have the capacity to change yourself and your own attitudes, then nothing around you can be changed.” To leave the narcissistic facade behind and become one’s better self is to truly practice wisdom. The strategies and skills offered in this book will show you how. 4 Six Keys for Narcissists to Change Towards the Higher Self The Mayo Clinic research group defines narcissistic personality disorder as “a mental disorder in which people have an inflated sense of their own importance and a deep need for admiration. Those with narcissistic personality disorder believe that they're superior to others and have little regard for other people's feelings. But behind this mask of ultra-confidence lies a fragile self-esteem, vulnerable to the slightest criticism.” The causes of pathological narcissism are complex and deep-seated. Many narcissists are oblivious to their negative and often self-destructive behavioral patterns, which typically result in them experiencing life lessons the hard way. Negative consequences as the result of chronic narcissism may include some of the following: • Loneliness and isolation. Few healthy, close, and lasting relationships. • Family estrangement. • Divorce. • Relationship cut-offs from others feeling let down, disappointed, lied to, used, manipulated, violated, exploited, betrayed, ripped-off, demeaned, invalidated, or ignored. • Missed opportunities from a lack of true substance and/or connectedness. 5 • Financial, career, or legal trouble from rule breaking, gross irresponsibility, careless indulgence, or other indiscretions. • Damaged personal and/or professional reputation. However, for narcissists who have a degree of self-awareness, there are ways to liberate oneself from the illusion of falsehood, begin the process of inner healing, and progressively move towards manifesting the real, Higher Self. For the purpose of this writing, elements of realizing the Higher Self include self-acceptance, substantive success, and the capacity to feel and engage in truly healthy, loving, and lasting relationships. Below are six keys for narcissists to progressively attain towards the Higher Self. This information is general and introductory only. One should consult with a qualified mental health professional for individualized guidance and support. For the purpose of conveying immediacy, the following passages are written as if they’re reaching out directly to a narcissist, even if the present reader may not be one. 1. Be Aware of Boundaries and Practice Consideration Benefits: Reduce work and personal relationship fallouts due to boundary violation. Normalize and improve relationships. Perhaps the single most important idea to keep in mind for a recovering narcissist is to be cognizant of where the self ends, and another human being begins. Exercise greater consideration for other people’s existence, thoughts, and feelings. Practical tips on how to achieve this include: 6 • Address people by their names, both in speaking and in writing. • Listen at least as much as you talk. • Express genuine interest in and curiosity about people in your life. Ask appropriate questions to learn more about what’s new and important to them. • Be careful not to thoughtlessly intrude upon others’ personal space, use their personal property, or take up their personal time without permission. When making requests, ask instead of giving orders or presuming that you know best. Awareness and vigilance are necessary here, for narcissists are often good at asking manipulatively to get what they want. Ask not with leading but open questions. Give space for the other person to exercise free choice. Respect the choice, even if it’s not what you want every time. For more information on excellent people skills, see: Four Major Communication Mistakes to Avoid (page 20) Four Keys to Excellent People Skills (page 27) Seven Keys to Long-Term Relationship Success (page 36) 2. Develop and Deliver Substance Benefits: Reduce the stress, anxiety, and moral conflict (“inner nagging”) that may come with having to pretend, lie, cheat, manipulate, exaggerate, demean, malign, cut corners, take short cuts, or break promises, knowing deep down that you are not whom you make yourself out to be. Increase 7 the possibility of enjoying genuine, more durable personal as well as professional relationships. Enhance your reputation as a person who is solid, reliable, and dependable. Build trust from which many long-term personal and professional connections, opportunities, and successes emerge. “In all things - substance! substance! substance!” is an excellent mantra for many recovering narcissists, to repeat daily during decision points. Practical tips on how to achieve this include: • Do what you say you’re going to do. Keep promises, agreements, and appointments. • Conversely, avoid making any promises you can’t keep. • When not able to follow through, be accountable and take responsibility. Importantly, be pro-active and identify what you will do to rectify the situation going forward. Build trust with your honor and integrity. • Focus on making a measurable difference in your work and relationships. Avoid actions and decisions that will cause others to feel short-changed, cheated, used, belittled, manipulated, and correspondingly disappointed. A good way to measure is whether people are as happy after receiving what you deliver as when you initially promised, and whether they like your substance enough to repeat the interaction again. 3. Use Your Observer Self to Increase Mindfulness 8 Benefits: Reduce friction, conflict, and misunderstandings. Increase positive and constructive social interactions. The Observer Self is a useful psychological resource that helps increase awareness in many situations. It is the part of your consciousness that exercises mindfulness, and helps you make intelligent, considerate decisions. For example, if you’re speeding on the freeway in heavy rain, you can either do so obliviously, or you can “observe” your driving, make a mental note that you’re driving way too fast in bad weather, and consider whether it would be safer to slow down. This mindful process is your Observer Self in action. In your relationships with people, when you suspect that your narcissistic tendencies could get the best of you, elicit the help of your Observer Self by asking one or more of the following questions: “How is what I’m about to say or do going to come off?” “How might someone feel on the receiving end of my communication and behavior?” “Could the other person feel used, slighted, looked down upon, or ignored on the receiving end of my conduct?” “Are my words and actions intended to show how ‘great,’ ‘unique,’ ‘special,’ and ‘superior’ I am? Whenever we elicit the help of our Observer Self, we’re taking a healthy look in the mirror, which may help us come across as more authentic human beings. 9 4. Seek Help and Support Benefits: Increase awareness. Increase belongingness. Begin healing. Reduce struggles in isolation. Being a pathological narcissist is often a lonely experience with few genuinely close relationships. It may be harder still to discuss inner struggles and insecurities with people in your life. As you expand in your awareness and develop, seriously consider eliciting the guidance of a qualified therapist to work with you along the way, as well as appropriate support groups facilitated by an experienced mental health professional. These brave steps require self-honesty and courage, will have ups and downs, but can ultimately be gratifying and rewarding. You’re on a wondrous journey of self-discovery, and you certainly don’t have to do it alone. 5. Permit Self-Forgiveness Benefits: Facilitate the process of self-acceptance and healing. As a narcissist increases in self-awareness, there may be an accompanying sense of regret or remorse at the damage she or he has done in life, both to herself and to others. One may think of oneself as a “bad” person and wallow in guilt. During these moments, it’s extremely important to be gentle with yourself, knowing that you did what you did in order to cope and survive, that it wasn’t easy going through what you had 10

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