A PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS OFTHE ISOPODA WITH SOME CLASSIFICATORY RECOMMENDATIONS RICHARD C. BRUSCA AND GEORGE IXP. WILSON Brusca, R.C. and Wilson, G.D.F. 199] 0901 Aphylogenetic analysisofthe Isopoda with : someelassificatorv recommendations, \femoirsoftheQueenslandMuseum 31. 143-204. Brisbane. ISSN 0079-SN35. The phylogenetic relationships of Ihe isopod crustacean suborders are assessed using cladistic methodology. The monophyJy of ihe Flabellifera was tested by including all 15 component families separately in the analysts. Four other peracarid orders (Mysidacea, Amphipoda. Mtctacea, and Tanaidarea) were used as multiple out-groups to root our phylogeneticestimate:-- within the Isopoda. Abroad rangeofpossible characters foruse in assessingisopodrelationships isdiscussedanda final data(character)matrixwasselected. Thisdatamatrix,comprising29laxaanil92 Lharacters.wassubjectedlocomputer-assisled analysis using lour different phylogenetic programs. HENNIG86. PAUP, PHYLIP, and MacOade. Phylogenetic hypotheses from the literature(particular!)' Wagele, 1989a) ana discussed and compared with ourown conclusions. The following hypotheses are suggested by our analysis. The Isopoda constitutes a monophyletic grojip. The Phreatoicidea is the earliest derived group of living isopods, followed' b> an Asellota-Microcerberidea line, and nexl the Onls id§a Mbove the Onis- cidca is a large clade of 'long-railed isopod taxa (Valvifera, Anihuridea. Flabellifera, Epicarides, Gnalhiidea). The Microcerbtridea is the sister group of the Asellota, but probablyshouldocm be included tnthe Asellota, The Onlscideaconstluji nophyletic group, the monotypic laxon Calabo/oidea is either a primitive omscidean. or is a sister groupnfthe Omscidea(Caliihozoa isnotan asellotan).Ourcladistic analysissuggeststhat the primitive isopod body plan wasone in w,hieh well-developed lateral coxa] plateswere lacking, the pleopods were, muliiarticulaie. ihe uropods arose on (he posterior margin of thepleotelson, ihe telsonic region -.is not elongate,and the mandibularmolarprocesswas a broad flat grinding structure. Extant taxa with this body plan (Phreatoiudca. Asellota, Milrocerbcrideatoceui primarily in relictualhabitats. Oniscideaconform to thisbody plan except in possessing lateral coxa! pknes. The long-tailed isopod morphology (broad flat uropods, an elongate telsonic region, anil well-developed lateral coxal plates) appears 10 be a derived coriijinon within the Isopoda. Subordersand familieswith thisbody plan appeartobe mostspeciose, orto have had their origin, in the Southern Hemisphere, The earidnid -like pleonal morphology of many long-tailed isopods(Flabellifera. Onathiidea. Anihuridea) isthus secondarily derived and genl [0 lb? condition SOetl 111 Ihfi myfiidaceanS and other true earidnid crustaee.-ins. The broad,elongate tailfan ofihe long-(ailed isopod taxa isnotused foracaridoid-like tail locomotor^ behaviour (e.g Eu i uidold escape reaction"), bul rather as a steering/stabil- ising plane. The emergence ofthe long-tailed body plan seems to have coincided with a shift in isopod habits from infaunal to more active swimming, epifaunal lifestyles. Accompanying this transition was enlargement of the lateral coxal plates (perhaps to increase hydrodynamic streamlining of the body) and a shift lo active carnivory and predation, and eventually parasitism in several groups. The Suborder Flabellifera (asitiscurrently recognised) isnota monophyletic(axon.Three taxa usually ranked at the subordinal level (Anihuridea, Gnalhiidea and Epicaridea) have their phylogeni within the lineage of families thai currently constitutes Ihe ' ' Flabellifera.The Protognalhiidae is nol closely related lo the Gnalhiidea. Prolognalhiidae j lo Anuropidae and is par! \^(a clade culminatingin theparasitic family Cymoihoidae. Wagele'S (1989a) recently proposed new classification of the Isopoda, including his new suborders Sph&erOrnalitiea and Cyniothoida (sic), is not Ited t>) 0U1 ph) logenetic malysis. Unambiguoussistergrouprelationshipscannot be hypothesised for tl ill he cutreni data base. A new formal classificationoftheorderIsopoda i aitbetterresolutionofthephytogenybasedupon an expanded data set, tsopafa phylogetyj t tesslficeitoit. morphology, biogeography. ' 1*4 MEMOIRS UF He OUbBNSLAND MUSEUM I Menard C. firutca, San DiefB Statural History Miucum, PO flay i ?Wr San California92!!2, VSA.;GeorgeD.F. Wihort,Australian Museum*6-4iCollegeSt.,Sydney SouJh Sew South Wales2000,Avsuuttu; 20March, 100} 'Amtdsi thisprudent love 0/oh\curity\ (he (1905) considered a synonym of her 'FM ' ft one feature ofmoral character which they lifera' (following San* to include the Acgidac, possess in common is strong that Anthuridae, Cinolanidae, Corallanidae, Cyrnol- allofthemmusthavesprang,fromacomtnott hoidac, Excorallanidac, Gnathiidae, Limnorii- origin* dae, Serolidae. and Sphaeromidue). Mcnzies The ReverendT.R.R.Stebbing(1893), Speak- (1962) considered »he Cirolanoidca to be a sub- ingof isopods. tribe ofhis tribeFlabcllifera, synonymoustothe Mosl 01 the isopod suborders were desci ibed Cymothoidcaofsome previous authors (includ- anddelineated in Ihc early pari ofthe nineteenth ing the Anuropidae, Cirolanidae, Limnoriidac. century, but tor the past 150 yearsclassification Sphaeromidae). Wagele (1989a) used Leach's of these suborders and their families has been (1814) spelling of 'Cymoihoida', for his newly unsettled, Until fairly recently many workers proposed suborder (for the Aegidae, Anuropi- included the Tanaidacea within the Isopoda and dae, Bopyridae [=Ep»caridea] Cirolanidae, includedcither(orboth)theGnathiidcaand An* Corallanidae, Cymothoidac, Gnat(hiidae, Phora- thuridea within the Flabellifera (or Cy- topodidae, Protognathiidae,andTridentellidae). mothoidea') (Bate and Westwood, 1863-68; In 1983 Van Lieshout erected a new mono- Stcbbing, 1893; Sars, 1897, Richardson, I9Q5; typic suborder (Calabozoidca) for Culahozoa SmithandWcldon. 1923; Hale, 1929; Nurstrasz petluciduyaground-waterisopod from Venezue- and Schuurmans-Slekhov ii 1930; Menziex lan wells, and discussed its possible affinities to 1962; Naylor. I 9 >2). Hansen(1916) and Monod both the Oniscidca and the Asellota. Wagele (1922)recognised (henecessityofseparatingthe (1989a) argued for placing the Calabozoidea tanaidaceansfromthe isopods,andalsoremoved neat the Asellota, dc-puning these iwo suborders the gnathiids and anthurideans from the Flabel- as sistergroups on his phylogenetic tree. lifera Some authorities sought to establish a Recent summaries bv Bowman and Abele fundamental split between the gnathiids and the (I9B2), Brusca and Iv'crson (1985), Schram remaining Isopoda, Monod H922) called the (1986), and Brusca and Brusca (1990) took the gnathiids Decernpedes (MO-footed'), and all conservative approach in recognizing 9 Subor- other isopods the Quatuordecempedes (*M- ders (Table 1. Figs 1-3), maintaining separate footed'). Following Latreillc (1804), Menkes subordinul status for ihe Mierocercridea, An- (1962) used the name Tcuaccra for the non- thuridea, Gnathiidca, and Epiearidca. gnaihiid isopods. Menzies(1962)cbose toretain Ar) examination ofpreviously published stud- Iheanthurideanswiihin the Flabellilaa fcrui later USconcerning isopod phytogeny revealsa fairly removed them (MeftZieS and Glynn, (968); broad range of ideas (Fig. 4 ), Beginning with Karaman(IQ33)BtticdMicrocerbemswtihthe Hansen (1905), however, two taxa have domi- Anthuridca, and many subsequent worker-- ac- nated the literature as contenders for the title of cepted Ihis placement (Reman- and Sieving, 'most primitive living isopods*, ihe Flabellifera 1953; ChappuiN and Pefatoare, 1954; Lang, and the Asello'a. Schultz (1969. |979) deviated |96QjSchuIte, J979;Kussakfo, 197%However, markedly from this pattern, and his phytogeny Lang (1961) created a new suborder tor this depicted the Gnathiidca as the most primitive genus,the Microccrberidea,and Wagele(19B2b, living isopod group. Schrum (1974) appears to 1983b)argued against any fetal unship bei'.v have been the only person to have previously tfie micrncerberids and anthurideans, instead specificallyespoused the Phreatoicideatobethe suggesting that the former were highly special- earliestderived isopod suborder. ized asellolans Supporters ofthe 'Asellota-arc-primitive' hy- The name 'Cirotanoidca' has been used in potheses have included Hansen (1925) Moond f different waysby different workers Richardson ( 1922), Btrsrem ( 1951), Zenkcvich and Biretein RO l Examples of "short-i^iled' isopod suborders. A7 Phreatoicidea fMesatnpkisopm depressus. alter Nicholls, 1943). B, Asellota {lantfopsli motiUrtyensis, after Men/ies. 1952). C. Microccrberidea (Micro- cerherus .sp , after Argann. l$88) D( Calatwnidea (Culahozoa rirltunda, after Van 1 jeshOttt, 1983), E, Oniscidca (Artnaddbdtumvulgare, afterSutton. 1972), PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS OFTHE ISOPODA 145 ^^~^1 146 MEMOIRS OFTHE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM TABLE 1.Taxa analysed in the present study potheses have included Racovltza (1912), Stromberg (1972), Kussakin (1973, 1979), OUT-GROLPS Bruce (1981), and Wagele (19S9a) Among the OrderMYSIDACEA Flabellilera, the Cirolanidae (especially Bathy- OrderMICTACEA nonius) is usually chosen as the model for the OrderTANAIDACEA arehtypical ancestral isopod. Kussakin (1979) OrderAMPH1PODA refined his earlier views to present a phylogeny IN-GROL'PS in which a *cirolanid-likeancestor' (but thatwas not vet a 'true' flabelliferan) gave rise to an OrderISOPODA Anthuridca Microcerberidea line as the most Suborder Phreataicidea primitive living isopod group, followed by the SuborderAsellota Oniseidcaand Valvifcra,with the extant Flabel- SuborderMicrocerberidea lifera, Phreatoicidea, and Asellota being the SuborderOniscidea mosthighly derived taxa. Kussakin (1979)came IntraordcrTylornorpha to this conclusion despite his contention that the fntraorderLigiamorpha mostprimitivearrangementofpereopodalcoxae SuborderCalabozoidca occurs in the Asellota,agroup inwhich henoted, SuborderValvifcra 'the coxopodite still looks like a normal seg- SuborderEpicaridca ment'. Within the flabelliferan line, Kussakin SuborderGnathiidea hypothesized threelineages. One lineage lead to Suborder Anthuridcj predacious/parasitic lifestyles (Cirolanidae, SuborderFlabellilera Aegidae, Cymothoidae, and ultimately the Epi- Family Aegidac caridca); the other two lines were said to have Family Anuropidac henthic herbivores and detritivores, Family Bathynaialiidae such as the Serolidae and Sphaeromatidae. He FamilyCjrolan allied the Anuropidac with the Valvifcra and Family Corallai nlly Cvniothoidae Oniseidca, rather than with the Flabellifera. Family fl i te Kussakin described (but did not depict on his Family Limnoriidae phylogenctic tree) the Asellota arising from a Family Lynseiidae hypothetical ancestral cirulanid stem group, via Family Phoratopodidac trie Phreatoicidea. Bruce (1981) supported Kus- Family Piakarthrhdae sakin s (1979) views, and further hypothesised Family Protognathiidae the Phoratopodidae to be the sister group ofthe Family Serolidae Valvifera. Nicholts (1943, 1944). Dahl (1954), FamilySphaeromatidae andStromberg 1972)alsoarguedthatthePhrea- ( FamilvTridentellidae toicideaoriginated from an ancient Flabelliferan (1961), Belyaev (1966), and most recently s-rock close to the modern Cirolanidae. Sehmalfuss (1989), Although Schmalfuss' tree Wagele (1981) claimed that "general agree- he appe.v dogram, it appears in cmeesntrtalexiissotspoadmboondgyisshoappoedawnodrkeexrtesrntahlatftehaetuarne-s be an intuitive tree based on ad hoc assumptions ofancestry. It used4 specificsynapomorphies to livin: gceCritarionlainoidhaaeve(tbheoeunghsimpielrahraptos tlhaocskeinogf define 8 isopod suborders- Schmalfuss did not coxal plates)," but later stated that the Cirolani- iibe Jiis method of tree construction, tree ouldnot possiblybeconsideredasprimitive selection, character analysis, or character polar- isopods and (hat they were the probable sister ity assessment; did not calculate tree lengths or group of the Anthuridea. Still later Wagele homoplasy Sri id nol desenberhe charac- (1989a) claimed that the (hypothetical) ancestor ters he utilised, and. rooted his tree b&SCi of the lsopoda was cirolanid-like, even though ambiguous statements regarding ad h ins 'Henuigjan' phylog&netic ai con- pofhetical morphotypes rather ihan on methods firmed that the Cirolanidae was a highly derived group or nntological analysis It group (Fig. 4D). should be noted that tor B taxa there exist Stromberg ( I 972) counted the number of hy- b6G\032 possible tree topologies (Fclsenstcin, pothesised pleSiotrtorphic Features occurring in 1978) each ofthe isopod suborders,concludingon this Supporters of 'Flabellifera-arc-primitivc' hy- basis that the Flabellifera (notably the Ciro PHYL0GENET1C ANALYSIS OFTHE1SOPODA 147 werethemostprimitive livinggroupand the number of possible trees quickly becomes j sicm group from which all other isopod sub- astronomical An analysis of the 1U nominate orders were derived. He presented an argument isopod suborders alone requires assessmeni for close alliance between the Flabellifera. the 282 million possible irecs. 34.5 millionofw Epicaridea, and the Gaathiidea. are bifurcating trees (Felsenstein, 1978). The All of the above hypotheses, except Waj present study analyses 29 taxa, for which I] (1989a), consisted of ad hoc I tstruction are 8.7 X 1 3Gpassible bifurcating trees. Hence, .voluiionury narratives in the traditional, or to select a single shortest tree with the highest orthodox, sense. Each was based on a small set degree of parsimony and the lowest level of elected characters that held sway ovi: norm p I v '$ ychalling the data' is difficult others Mo$t relied on a mix of both primitive if not impossible. Nevertheless, Wagele's and derived features to infer relationships. None (1989a) analysis was a very impoUam step for- was based on a large data set oi' empirically ward in isopod phyiogenetics. and was the I evaluated characters, and nunc usee) any strict published Study at the subordmal level to use b analytical methodology Must, if not all. relied relatively large data set and provide lists Df upon the (stated or unstated) adhoc selection of general synapomorphies that define putative an extant group of isopods to represent a primi- monophylelic lines. For these reasons, we com- tive ancestral morpholype. From these apriori- pare ouranalysisclosely to thatofWagele in the Selected hypothetical ancestors, evolutionary ilt&CU! il ii ,ction at the end of thispaper. scenarios were inferred, and re con- METHODS structedbasedupon these scenarios. Becausethe phylogcnctic scenarios cued above were not derived from empirical an ' I the data, nor Out-Croups utilizedanyrepeatablemethodology,itwouldbe The questionsofperacarid monophyly andthe -.ir(anddifficult)to compare them dhrcci I phylogenetic sequence ofappearance ofthepeT- the present study. It is interesting to note that, acarid Orders have long been favorite subjectof tte the fact "that the Phreatoicidea have the debate among carcinojogists. Nearly every im- ; oldest known fossil record (Pcnnsylvanian; aginable topology ofphylogenetic relationships Scbram, L$7Q, 1974), none of the above pro- among the In 19SI pcracaridahasbeenproposed posalshypothesised thisgroup(or a phrcaioicid- another.There is no needtoreview : like morphology) to represent the ancestral Dlis debate here (DahL 1977, Walling, i isopod type. 3; Schram, 1981, 1986; Dahl and ffes The only previousattempt to undertake a phy- 1982; Hessler, 1983; BftIS 34), Howe uetic analysisofthe Isopotia basedonalarge most published ideas over the years have sug- data set and a specific methodology ister group of the Isopo Wagele's (1989a) recent study (rig" 4D). either the Amphipoda or the Tanaidacea. The WageIc proposed a sweeping reorganisation of recently described Mietacea may also bi I isnpodclassification. Some ofthe manvchanges related to the isopods (Schram. 19S6). Because he proposed included the complete elimination ofthisuncertainty,we usefourout-groupsinour ofthe SuborderFlabellifera,and the rcduco analysis: Mysidacea. Amphipoda.Mietacea,and family status of the suborders Gnathiidea and Tanaidacea.The increasedaccuracyofchara F.picaridea (reducing the families of the latter to ssment and tree resolution that can subfamiliesandeliminatingthe name Epicaridea be achieved by use o( the multiple nut-group altogether). However, even though V method has been explained by Maddison et ai. study wasbasedona largerset icters than (1984) 2nd o e basic premise being that anyprevious analysts, itwas still based on an ud cladograms shouldbe globally parsimonious. /toehypothetical ancestral morphotype, the phy- logenetic tree was computed by hand, arid In-Gri -Ktempt was made to achieve either global or Our in-group includes all 10 nominate isopod in-group parsimony or utilise any strict criteria suborders(Table I), plusthe 15 nominate flabel- oftree construction or tree selection. Wagele's liferan families. The relationshipsofthefact classification schemewasnot strictlycladistic in included within the Flabellifera have been con- that itdid not recognise the sistergroup trove i i id ii has been frequently suggested cladogram. ii- : Flabellifera is a non-monophyletic In data sets with more than a fie the a. Kussakin (1979), Bruce (1981), and MEMOIRS OFTHE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 148 ^ FIG. 2. Examples of various 'long-tailed' isopod suborders. A, Epicaridea (Argeia pugettensis). B-C, Gnathiidea(B,Gnathiatridensfemale;C, Gnathiatridensmale).D,Valvifera,Idoteidae(Idoteametallica). E,Valvifera,Arcturidae(Jdarcturushedgpethi). F, Anthuridea,Anthuridae (Haliophasmageminatamale). G, Anthuridea, Paranthuridae (Paranthura elegans). PHYLOULShHC ANALYSISOFTHE fSOPODA Wagele(1989a)depictedthisgroupparaphylcti- study we argue that protognathiids share no iiy on their trees oi the tsopouai. W&geU uniquesynapomorphieswithgnutttiids,although (1989a) recommended a reorganisation of llie somesuperficial similaritiesarepresent.Wagclc Isopodathatwouldeliminatethree currently rec- (1983b, 1989a) has argued that the Mien i ognized suborders, the Flabellifera, Epicaridca, beridea are membersoftheasellotc supcrfamily and Gnathiidea. Although Wagclc's tree and Aselloidca- Although the microeerherids I classificationarcnotcorroboratedbythe present several features typically viewed as asellotan study, the Flabellifera as it is currently recog- to-articulate antennularpeduncle; pleonites3-5 nized is almost certainly not a monophyletic fused with the plcotclson; females lacking first taxon.W^gcle reorganized the above suborders pair of pieopods; male second pleopod with en- into two new groups, which he called the Cy- dopod transformed into a complex gonopod)> molhoida (sic) and the Sphaeromatoidea, sub- lhey lack other features generally also regarded suming the Gnathiidea, Epicaridea, and sevrtal as definilivt* synapomorphies of the Asellota flahclliferan families into the former. (Note that (e.g. antenna! peduncle with a scale; female Wagele's CymothuKJa is noi fbe equivalent of pleopod 2 iiniianious; exopods of male second Cymothoidea ofRichardson. 1905. and others). pieopods modified to work with the elongate In the. present simlv, we. lest the monophvlyOf geniculate endopods in sperm transfer; and, the Flabelliferaby includingal! oi itscomponent possibly, the unique asellotan spcrmathecal families in the analysiswith the other suborders duct). Forthesereasonswe treatthe.Asellotaand ofthe Isopoda.Werecognizethefollowingnom- Microcerbcridca as separate groups (OTLTs) in inate families of Flabellifera: Acgidae Dana. ouranalysis 1853; Anuropidae Stcbbing, 1893; Bathy- nataliidae Kensley, 97S; Cirolanidiie Dana Data Sources 1 1853;CoTallaiudae Hansen, 1890; Cvmothoidac Specimens were examined for all taxa treated Leach, 1818: Kcuphyliidae Bruce, 1980; Lim- except Protognathiidae. Material was examined noriidae White 1850; Lynseiidae PoOTt, 19S7; iot loan from 8 variety of Institutions, and during Phoralopodidae Hale, 1925; Plakarthriidac Ri- visits to ihc U.S. National Museum of Natural chardson, 1904; Protognathiidae Wage e and History. Smithsonian institution (USNM). Los I Brandt. 19SS; Serolidae Dana, IKS V Sphaem Angeles County Museum of Natural History maodae Burmeister, 1834; and, Tridcntellidae (LACM). Zoologisch Museum, Amsterdam Bruce, 1984. (ZMA). Australian Museum. Sydney (AM), The two infraordcrs of Oniscidea Latreille, Queensland Museum, Brisbane (QM). Victoria 1803 (Tylomorpha Vandel. 1943 and I.ii-iamor- Museum, Melbourne (VM), San Diego Natural pba Vandel, 1943; see Holdich el ak< LOT4) are History Museum (SDNHM). and Scripps Insti- also analysed separately because opinion bas tution of Oceanography (SIO). In addition to been divided on whether or not the Tylidae arc examiningspecimens,theoriginalliteraturewas trueouiscideans(Kussakin, 1979; HoldicheM/„ extensively perused. !984;Wagele, 1989a; Schmalfuss, [3S9), Three taxa that are included in our analysis ScoringorCharacters require brief comment. The Calabofcoidea is a One of the advantages oi the available com- monoiypic groun4»we|ei (freshwater) taxon so puter-assisted numerical techniques(seebelow) far known only from Venezuela. In her original is that they treat each character independently. description Van Lieshout (1983) suggested Thus, if the state of a particular character is possibleaffinitiesofCalabozoatoboththe Asel- unknown, inapplicable, orwe have simply been lotaandtheOniscidea. Wehaveexaminedsped* unable to resolve it to our satisfaction, wc have mens of Calabozoa and found Van I.ieshouis scored it as 'missing data' (indicated by a kV in illustrations and description misleading; newil- the data matrix). In preliminary analyses, char- lustrations of the male pieopods I and 2 are acters forwhich noclearpolarity couldbe estab- provided mi Fig. 10. Calabozoa appears to lished were nol coded in any primitive-derived possess no asellotan synapomorphies. WMgele sequence,butwerelefttochange inanydirection and Brandt (1988) created the Protognathiidae such that simple parsimony (fewest changes) based upon rbe.ir examination of a single, ap- was the arbiter These unpolunsed (nonadditivc parently manca-stagc. individual Wagele or unordered) characters are indicated in the (1989a) concluded that this new family was the :-h;irac-ter discussions below. These anal sister group of the Gnathiidea. In the present proved useful inassessingcharacterhomonlasy. 150 MEMOIRS OFTHE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM PHYLOGENETIC ANALYSIS OFTHE ISOPODA 151 Kussakln (1973) FIG.4.Someevolutionarytreesfrompreviousstudies,byKussakin(1979),Bruce(1981),Schmalfuss(1989), and Wagele (1989a). For the final analyses, however, we decided to phic for that character, but is scored plesiomor- analyse the data with all characters left un- phic. Initially polarized characters were scored ordered (nonadditive). as indicated in theorderingofthecharacterstate Ifa characterstatejudged tobe plesiomorphic numbers: = plesiomorphic, 1 = apomorphic, 2 ispresentforonly somemembersofthetaxon in = more apomorphicthan 1, etc. Homology deci- question, e.g. 'accessoryflagellum on antennule sionswere madeonthebasisofontogeneticdata in most gammaridean amphipods', it is scored and comparative morphology (positional data present in the data matrix for the entire taxon and anatomical similarity). unlessotherwisestated,i.e.thederivedcondition is presumed to define a subset within the taxon. PhylogeneticAnalysis Conversely, ofcourse, ifan apomorphic state is The character state data were analysed with present in only some members of the taxon in four numerical cladistic analysis packages: question, the entire taxon is not scored apomor- HENNIG86 (version 1.5), PHYLIP (version FIG. 3. Examples of various isopod families and genera of the suborder Flabellifera. A, Cirolanidae {Metacirolanajoanneae, SDNHM). B, Tridentellidae (Tridentellaglutacantha, from Delaney and Brusca, 1985). C, Aegidae(Aegaplebeia, from Brusca, 1983). D, Cymothoidae (Ceratothoagilberti, from Brusca, SDNHM 1981). E, Limnoriidae (Limnoria quadripunctaia). F, Serolidae (Serolis carinata, A.0114). G, Anuropidae (Anuropus bathypelagicus). H, Sphaeromatidae (Gnorimosphaeroma insulare). I, Sphaero- matidae(Exosphaeromaamplicauda).J,Sphaeromatidae(Bathycopeadaltonae). K,Sphaeromatidae(Par- aleptosphaeromaglynni). |$2 tOFRS nr THE QUEENSLAND MUSEUM 3,2), PAUP (version 3.0.. afVd MacClade (ver- suborder or family (Appendix 111), However. sion 2.1). HENNIG86 is advantageous because because we were concerned in this study with of Us speed, successive weighting algorithm. identifying sister group relationships within the ability to depict polytornous tree brunches, and Isopoda.we did notmakean effort to identifyall ability to store many equal-length trees in Of the unique synapomorphies thai define only mcmoTy. The successive weighting program individual taxa (suborders or families). Some (Farris, 1969 1989) is useful in reducing the characters that proved to define only terminal r impact of homoplasous characters on tree to- taxainour final trees were early-onsuspectedto pology. Despite Plamick's(1989) rccommenda- be useful in distinguishing larger sister groups. of HENNIG86 as the program of choice. Thesemay beviewedas 'uninformative*charac- PAUP. MacClade. and the PHYLIP program ters inthefinaltreesbysomeworkers.However, package remain useful tot comparative and ana- were imporinm incomparativeanalysesand lytical purposes (Sanderson, 1990). PAUP is by tree testing, and as additional taxa and data arc far the most uscr-fricndly, is useful to check described some of these characters may no differentcharacter optimisations (a feature cur- longer remain unique to a single terminal tavon iL-nily absent from HENNIG86) on the final For these reasons, we felt it was important to trees,andtoobtain detailedcomputationsofC.L leave them in the data matrix, thus allowing (consistency index), character changes, and others to use our data set as a starting point for OTU apomorphy lists. The program MacClade further tree testing The data set is available on 3.0 was used (on a Macintosh Computer) to diskette on rcqc< branchswap on the final set of trees, in ortfe ..are changes in tree length, homoplasy DISCUSSION OFCHARACTERS levels, and character placement on selected al- ternative trees, including those of Schmalfuss kedEybs (1989), Wagele (1989a), and others. MacClade Mysidaceans and mictaceans have compound and PAUP arc extremely useful in their user- eyes set on short, mo. estalks (although friendly ability to generate graphic repre- eyegtalKs are &bSeftt in the mictacear Hirsutia), sentationsofcharacter traces on trees, although Inamphipods,a *rudimentaryeyestalk* hasbeen MacClade is seriously hindered by its inability reported from ingolfieilids. Dahl (1977) and to depictmuJtifurcations. Lowry and Poore (1989) have argued that this Theprincipal statistics used in tree evaluation small process in ingolfieilids is no: a true cye- were overall tree length (step length) and con- stalk, but rather is a cuticular process or scale. sistency index (C.L). Consistency and retention Lowry and Poorc's argument hinged on the ob- indices for each individual character were also servation that unequivocal eye stalks in other computedand used to evaluate theiroverall ho- peracarids have 'an attitude and position vcrv moplasy levels. different1 than seen in he mgulru'llids Oahl % Carpenter(1988) recently arguedthat consen- argument was based onithe absence of 'dioptric sus treesshould not be used to construct clado- and nervouselements' tn this structure. The first grarns However, we agree with Anderberg and argument is not particularly strong because the Tehlcr(1990)thaistrici consensustrees ~rc both position and altitudeofperacarideye stalks vary useful and informative because they reduce the greatly. A positional change in the ingolfieilids conclusions toonly thosecomponentswhichall could have been caused by a lateral rotation of equaJ-Iength shortest Irees have in common. In the entire cyc-antcnnular-antcnnal complex. face, they are probably a necessity when high DahTsargument isstronger,although itrelicson levels of homoplasy invest a data set Even if reductions rather than homologies. Among tan- successive weighting (i.e rhe successive ap- aidaccans, articulated eye-lobes occur in some proximations character weighting method of Apseudomorpha and Tanaidomorpha, including Farris, 1969) is used, multiple equally parsi- those with eyes in a variety ofpositions ranging moniuustreesmayderive frorr u high in from that seen in the Mictaceatothatseen in the homoplasy Thus, we believe thai when numer- ingolfieilids. In amphipodsand isopodsthce ous equally parsimonious trees exist, a strict arc entirely sessile, although they may be ele- consensustreeshouldbe presented. vated on lobes of varying sizes in some species In order to distinguish between some closely of Phreatoicidea, Gnathiidea, Valvifcra, and related taxa. we included some characters that AseIlota Al the level of the Pcracarida most are currently known io ^c unique to a given workers might regard motile stalkedeye*as |he