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1 A Phantom does not Result from a Backreaction Hisako Tanaka∗) and Toshifumi Futamase∗∗) Astronomical Institute, Tohoku University, Sendai 980-8578, Japan (Received October 31, 2007) 7 The backreaction of nonlinear inhomogeneities to the cosmic expansion is analyzed in 0 the framework of general relativity with a cosmological constant. By defining the spatially 0 averaged matter energy density, we find that the cosmological constant induces a new type 2 of backreaction whose equation of state is p = −4/3ρ, where ρ and p are the effective n energydensityandeffectivepressureofthebackreactionintheaveragedFriedmannuniverse. a However, the effective density is negative, and thus it decreases the acceleration caused by J thecosmological constant. 4 2 The observation of the isotropy of the cosmic microwave background radiation v (CMBR)1) and large galaxy surveys, such as SDSS,2) indicate that the universe is 1 isotropic and homogeneous over scales of about100 Mpc. However, local matter dis- 5 tributions are highly inhomogeneous. This simple observation makes naive use of an 1 2 isotropic and homogeneous model of the universe, namely the Friedmann-Lemaitre- 1 Robertson-Walker (FLRW) model questionable, since the solution of the Einstein 6 equations with an averaged homogeneous matter distribution does not solve the 0 / Einstein equations with a realistic matter distribution, because of its nonlinearity. h p Therefore, it is naturally expected that if we average a locally inhomogeneous uni- - verse, the expansion of the averaged spacetime will be affected somehow by the local o r inhomogeneities. This effect is called the backreaction due to local inhomogeneities, st and there have been many investigations of this backreaction.3)–8),11)–14) a The problem of backreaction has attracted much attention recently. Observa- : v tions of Type Ia supernovae15),16) and the CMBR17),18) strongly suggest that the i X cosmic expansion is accelerating. Understanding the source of this accelerated ex- r pansionisoneofthegreatestunsolvedproblemsinmoderncosmology.19),22) Usually a the existence of an unknown type of energy (dark energy, perhaps a cosmological constant) is assumed for the explanation of this acceleration. A possible alternative idea is that the energy caused by inhomogeneities leads to additional terms in the Friedmann equation, as if dark energy did exist.23),24) Although this possibility is unlikely,25),26) it is still important to derive a definite conclusion in regard to it and to carefully study its properties. Inapreviousstudy10)weshowedinthecasewithoutacosmologicalconstantthat the nonlinear backreaction neither accelerates nor decelerates the cosmic expansion inamatter-dominateduniverseandthatthebackreaction behavesasasmallpositive curvature term. This conclusion was obtained by defining the averaged density of matter as a conserved quantity in the large comoving volume. Note that there are ∗) E-mail: [email protected] ∗∗) E-mail: [email protected] 2 Letters many FLRW spacetimes that fit a particular inhomogeneous universe. Our choice is motivated by considering how one constructs a FLRW universe through actual observations, namely, by defining the evolution of the number density of galaxies by comparing with the comoving constant number density. It was also shown that the above results do not depend on the definition of the averaging procedure, and the resultsintheNewtoniangaugeareconsistentwiththoseinthecomovingsynchronous gauge. However, the above results were obtained in the case with no cosmological con- stant, and it is not at all clear if the same conclusions apply in the case with a cosmological constant. On the basis of observations, it appears that the existence of the cosmological constant is very likely and thus it is worthwhile studying the back- reaction due to local inhomogeneities in a universe with a more general background. This is the purpose of the present study. We formulate the problem of the backreaction as generally as possible. For this purpose, we follow Kasai, Asada and Futamase10) and employ the 3+1 formulation in general relativity. We restrict ourselves to the case of a vanishingshift vector, i.e., N =0. The line element is written i ds2 = (Ndt)2+γ dxidxj. (1) ij − The unit vector normal to a hypersurface foliated by t = const is denoted by 1 nµ = ,0,0,0 . (2) (cid:18)N (cid:19) The extrinsic curvature is defined as 1 Ki = γikγ˙ , (3) j kj 2N where the dot denotes the time derivative. The Einstein equations with a cosmolog- ical constant are reduced to the Hamiltonian constraint, the momentum constraint and (the trace of) the evolution equation as (3)R+(Ki )2 Ki Kj = 16πGE +2Λ, (4) i j i − Ki Kj = 8πGJ , (5) j|i i|j i − K˙i +NKi Kj N|i = 4πGN(E +S)+NΛ, (6) i j i − |i − where(3)R is a 3-dimensional Ricci scalar curvature, denotes the 3-dimensional |i covariant derivative, and the other symbols are defined as follows: 1 E = T nµnν = T , (7) µν N2 00 1 J = T nν = T , (8) i νi 0i − N S = T γij. (9) ij Letters 3 We definethe spatial 3-dimensional volume V of a compact domain D in a t = const hypersurface as V = √γd3x, (10) Z D where γ = det(γ ). (11) ij Here, V is considered to be a volume sufficiently large that we can assume periodic boundary conditions. The scale factor a(t) is defined in terms of the volume expansion rate of the universe: a˙ V˙ 1 1 3 = γijγ˙ √γd3x. (12) ij a ≡ V V Z 2 D Now we adopt the average procedure 1 A A√γd3x. (13) h i ≡ V Z D Then, we have a˙ 3 = NKi . (14) i a h i Furthermore, we define the deviation from uniform Hubble flow as a˙ Vi NKi δi . (15) j j j ≡ − a Then we can show Vi = 0. i h i By averaging the Einstein equations, we obtain 2 a˙ 8πG 1 1 Λ = N2E N2(3)R (Vi)2 ViVj + N2 , (16) (cid:18)a(cid:19) 3 h i− 6h i− 6h i − j ii 3h i a¨ 4πG 1 1 Λ = N2(E +S) + (Vi)2 ViVj + NN|i +N˙Ki + N2 . (17) a − 3 h i 3h i − j ii 3h |i ii 3h i The geometrical treatment of these equations has studied by Buchert.20),21) In this paper we approximate the matter of the universe as irrotational dust whose energy-momentum tensor is given by Tµν = ρuµuν, (18) where uµ is the 4-dimensional velocity of the fluid flow. Uptothispoint, ourequationshasbeencompletely general, andamoredetailed treatment requires explicit expressions for the inhomogeneous universe. In this pa- per we employ the post-Newtonian approximation for the metric to obtain a more concrete expression for the backreaction terms, which allows us to obtain a physical interpretation. 4 Letters As the background solution, we employ the totally flat universe with a non- vanishing cosmological constant. It is then sufficient to consider the first-order cos- mological post-Newtonian metric, ds2 = (1+2φ(x,t))dt2 +a2(1 2φ(x,t))δ dxidxj, (19) ij − − whereδ denotestheKroneckerdelta. Notethatthepotentialφdoesdependontime ij in general. However, here we restrict ourselves to perturbations with scales much smaller than the horizon scale, L ; otherwise the concept of averaging becomes H unclear. This allows us to ignore the time dependence of the potential φ in the Einstein equations. This approximation holds as long as ℓ/L 1, where ℓ is H ≪ the scale of the perturbations we consider. The potential begins to decay when the cosmological constant begins to dominate the cosmic expansion. At first order, from the Einstein equations we obtain 1 3a˙2 Λ φ, = (2φ+δ) δ, (20) a2 ii 2a2 − 2 a˙ δ vj = 2 (3a˙2 a2Λ)−1φ , (21) ij ,i − a − where δ = (ρ ρ )/ρ is the density contrast, ρ is the background density, and b b b − contraction is taken with δ . ij Next, we substitute these solutions into the right-hand sides of Eqs.(16) and (17), andretainingtermsuptoquadraticorderinφ,theaveraged Einsteinequations become 2 a˙ 8πG 1 Λ = T + φ φ , (22) (cid:18)a(cid:19) 3 h 00i a2h ,i ,ii3 a¨ 4πG 1 Λ = T +ρ a2v2 φ φ + , (23) a − 3 h 00 b i− 3a2h ,i ,ii 3 where v2 = δ vivj. We do not regard these equations as the Friedman equations for ij the averaged FRLW universe, and thus we do not use them to interpret the effect of the backreaction on the cosmic expansion. This is because these equations reveal that the background density ρ is not conserved in the comoving volume, and thus b ρ is not appropriate as the mean energy density of the averaged FRLW universe. b Now we define the conserved mean energy density for the averaged FRLW uni- verse. The mean density ρ¯is defined to be the quantity that satisfies the equation a˙ ρ¯˙ = 3 ρ¯. − a It is straightforward to derive the mean density using the energy conservation law 5 aΩ Λ ρ¯ T + φ φ + φ φ . (24) ≡ h 00i 12πGa2h ,i ,ii 24πGΩ h ,i ,ii m Here, Eq.(21) has been used to rewrite the term containing v2 in terms of φ φ , ,i ,i h i h i Ω = ρ /ρ , and Ω = Λ/3H2, where H and ρ = H2/8πG are the Hubble m b cr Λ 0 0 cr 0 parameter and critical density, respectively. Letters 5 We rewrite Eqs.(22) and (23) in terms of the mean density ρ¯: 2 a˙ 8πG Λ 1 1 Ω Λ = ρ¯+ + a φ φ , (25) (cid:18)a(cid:19) 3 3 − 9 (cid:18)a2 Ω (cid:19)h ,i ,ii m a¨ 4πG Λ aΩ Λ = ρ¯+ φ φ . (26) ,i ,i a − 3 3 − 6Ω h i m These are the Friedmann equations for the averaged FLRW model of a locally in- homogeneous universe. The third terms on the R.H.S. of the above equations are interpreted as the non-linear backreaction due to local inhomogeneities. There are two types of backreaction. One is proportional to a−2, and hence behaves as a small positive curvature term in the Friedmann equation. This is the same as in the Einstein-de Sitter case.10) The other is proportional to a, and hence behaves as a phantom fluid in this sense. However, this term acts to decelerate the cosmic expan- sion, as shown in Eq.(26). The backreaction induced by the cosmological constant (in) has strange properties. If we define an effective energy density ρ and effective Λ (in) pressure P of the backreaction, then we find Λ Ω a (in) Λ ρ = φ φ , (27) Λ −24πGΩ h ,i ,ii m Ω a (in) Λ P = φ φ . (28) Λ 18πGΩ h ,i ,ii m Thus, the equation of state is P(in) = 4ρ(in). Λ −3 Λ Whenthecosmological constantbeginstodominatetheexpansion,thepotential begins to decay. Thus the backreaction also decays. Note that we have ignored the timedependenceofthepotentialwhenaveragingtheEinsteinequation. Asdiscussed above, this is allowed as long as we consider perturbations with scales much smaller than the horizon scale. In fact, we can evaluate the backreaction using the power spectrum Pφ(k) of the gravitational potential as d3k φ φ = k2Pφ(k). (29) h ,i ,ii Z (2π)3 Employing a realistic ΛCDM model for the power spectrum,27) we have confirmed that changing the minimum momentum in the integration from H to 0.1H results 0 0 in a change in the value of φ φ that is less than 0.3%. ,i ,i h i We have found that the gravitational interaction between local inhomogeneities and the cosmological constant induces a peculiar backreaction which appears in or neartheepochofthestructureformationonly. Itseffectsontheglobalexpansionand thedistance-redshiftrelationareingeneralverysmall. Forexample,thebackreaction changes the luminosity distance from the present to z = 1000 by less than 0.001% from the standard distance in the ΛCDM model with Ω = 0.3 and Ω = 0.7. m Λ However, itisinterestingthattheeffectofthebackreactionchangestheobservational effect if we properly take into account the large scale perturbations which we have ignored in this letter. 6 Letters Also, the local inhomogeneities are important in cosmological observations. In fact, the scattering of light rays from distant sources by local inhomogeneities causes a redshift-dependent dispersion in the distance-redshift relation which will be essen- tial to properly interpret cosmological observations such as the magnitude-redshift relation of Type Ia supernpovae9) and the evolution of the quasar luminosity func- tion. Acknowledgments The authors would like to thank M. Kasai and H. Asada for discussions. 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