AutOphAgIc punctum OncoImmunology 1:6, 924-929; September 2012; © 2012 Landes Bioscience A perspective on new immune adjuvant principles Reprogramming inflammatory states to permit clearance of cancer cells and other age-associated cellular pathologies George C. Prendergast1,* and Richard Metz2 1Lankenau Institute for Medical Research; Wynnewood PA USA; 2New Link Genetics Corporation; Ames, IA USA Aging entails the accumulation of these candidate adjuvant principles and neoantigens comprised of aggre- their chemical derivatives is discussed in gated, oxidized, mutated and misfolded terms of their use in generalized strate- biomolecules, including advanced-gly- gies to improve the prevention or treat- cation end projects (AGEs). There is ment of cancer and other age-associated evidence that the immune system can diseases, as negative modifiers of aging. recognize and clear cells fouled by these molecular debris, which contribute to The immune system evolved to protect the the emergence of cancer and other major host from hostile infections. However, it age-associated diseases such as athero- is also clear that host immunity benefits genic and neurodegenerative disorders. from the commensal effects of infectious However, this process may become organisms, especially from those that increasingly inefficient with aging, per- inhabit the digestive system. In confront- haps in part because of an insufficiency ing foreign antigens, the immune system of adjuvant signals normally associated has evolved molecular systems to interpret with infection that can program pro- some foreign biomolecules that appear ductive inflammatory states and prop- widely in infectious organisms as signals erly orient the immune system toward to stimulate and orient the inflammatory regenerative healing. Here we propose response. In this role, the Toll-like recep- conceptual foundations for exploring tor (TLR) system recognizes pathogen- a small set of infection-associated mol- associated molecular patterns (PAMPs) ecules as potential immune adjuvants to such as lipopolysaccharide, flagella and reprogram non-productive inflammatory methylated DNA structures that are com- states in aging tissues, and to improve mon in the bacterial kingdom. PAMPs the clearance of cellular pathologies that confer potent actions harnessed in some engender age-associated disease. The cases historically for vaccine adjuvants, proposed adjuvant classes include a sub- such as the tuberculin TLR3 ligands in set of d-amino acids used by bacteria to Freund’s complete adjuvant. Thus, dur- disrupt biofilms; nucleoside derivatives ing an infection, the immune system not of N6-methyladenine, which functions only encounters foreign antigens but also Keywords: adjuvants, inflammation at the core of bacterial dam restriction infection-associated signaling molecules reprogramming, immune signaling, systems; and derivatives of the galacto- that act as immune adjuvants in the host. immune activation, immunostimulation syl trisaccharide α-Gal, which invokes This two-armed system to interpret the hyperacute response in primates. foreignness informs the ultimate stance of Submitted: 07/02/12 These foreign amino acids, nucleosides the immune system concerning whether Accepted: 07/04/12 and sugar molecules are generally rare or to tolerate or eliminate the foreignness. absent in humans, except in association Sterile and sometimes chronic inflam- with infections by bacteria, protists or mations created by injury, aging or dis- Correspondence to: George C. Prendergast; [email protected]: nematodes. A rationale for exploration of ease lack adjuvant signals associated with 924 OncoImmunology Volume 1 Issue 6 AutOphAgIc punctum pOInt-Of-VIew Table 1. characteristics of novel candidate immune adjuvants Candidate adjuvant Proposed, molecular targets Proposed cellular targets Source Endogenous function t cells B cells d-amino acids • Amino acid-tRNA synthetases myeloid cells Bacteria Biofilm disassembly Leu, met, phe, trp epithelia endothelia • Ectonucleosidases nucleosides cD39, cD73 t regulatory cells Bacteria DnA modification- restriction n6-methyladenine (m6A) • ATP receptor epithelia protists (dam restriction) and derivatives p2X7 • Anti-α-gal • Galectins protists α-gal* myeloid cells hyperacute response galectin-3 nematodes galectin-1 α-galcer • CD1d nKt cells Sponge unknown (α-galactosylceramide) *galactose-α1,3-galactose-α1,3/4-galactosenAc. infection. In this case, damage-associated of age-associated disease states such as elucidating these mechanisms during the molecular patterns (DAMPs), such as the accumulation of foam cells at vascular last decade opens opportunities to re-eval- heat-shock proteins and HMGB1, that lesions that promote thrombotic events. uate historical perspectives on the nature are released with cellular lysis, may inter- Could the administration of infection- and use of immune adjuvants, not only for act with TLRs or other receptors to direct associated biomolecules complement this applications in cancer therapy but also for inflammatory processes via pathways that inefficiency by reprogramming the inflam- the prevention or treatment of age-associ- are poorly understood but may differ from matory state stimulated by age-associated ated diseases more generally, in which tol- those engaged by PAMP signals. One neoantigens? In cancer, there is a long his- erance to neoantigens is also apparent. major characteristic of sterile inflamma- tory behind this idea, as first recorded in In cancer studies, protist infections tion associated with cancer and perhaps the modern era of medicine by Chekhov appear to have been much less consid- aging is a chronic “smoldering” nature in the 1880s with regard to long-observed ered than bacterial infections as a source which is associated with a subversion of correlations of infections with tumor of foreign biomolecules offering poten- immunity that impedes the clearance of regressions. In the US after the turn of tial immune adjuvant activity. The pro- cellular pathology.1 Through their ability the 20th century, Coley investigated this tist kingdom encompasses all single cell to stimulate the immune system, infec- association carefully, eventually settling eukaryotes, including “animal-like” tion-associated adjuvant molecules may on a virulent combination of Streptococcus protozoa (e.g., cryptosporidiae, trypano- correct deficiencies in the clearing poten- pyogenes and Serratia marcescens that somes, toxoplasmae), “plant-like” algae tial that exists, perhaps inherently due could trigger dramatic regressions in some (e.g., rhotophyta, chlorophyta) and “fun- to an unselected nature during evolution patients, including those with advanced gal-like” molds (e.g., candida). In devel- for responses to age-associated cellular metastatic cancer. Controversies about oped countries, human infections with pathologies that emerge only after repro- this toxic treatment caused it to fall out of protists are not common, due to improved ductive processes of the host are complete. favor by the 1960s, with new laws enlarg- sanitation. Of relevance to cancer, organ- Neoantigens are abundant in aging due ing the powers of the FDA at that time, isms in this kingdom exhibit far greater to the accumulation of oxidized, mutated, allowing it to prevent the use of Coley’s antigenic diversity and variation than aggregated and generally dysfunctional toxin outside of trials. More recently, bacteria during their life cycles, and some biomolecules. These neoantigens arouse infection-associated molecules underlying protists (e.g., parasites such as trypano- the immune system, as illustrated by the the effects Coley observed, which were somes) exploit antigenic variation as effec- appearance of macrophages at the sites of later better documented, were explored tive strategies to escape immune control, atherogenic lesions in the blood vascula- further in cancer patients as immune adju- similar to what occurs in cancer immu- ture, and cells harboring such debris may vants, for example, CpG oligonucleotides noediting. Proposed adjuvant principles be cleared to some extent. However, the that stimulate TLR9 signaling. However, discussed in this perspective are listed in absence or insufficiency of infection-asso- it is now becoming increasingly clear that Table 1. ciated foreign biomolecules at such sites immune adjuvants can be conceptualized may be associated with the generation of more broadly, to include not only mol- d-amino Acids chronic low-grade inflammatory states ecules that stimulate the immune system, that are inefficient in clearing cellular but also those that relieve immune inhibi- Recently, an interesting intersection pathologies, permitting the development tory mechanisms. Indeed, advances in occurred in unrelated studies of immune OncoImmunology 925 modulation and biofilm disruption. septicemia). In this context, it is intrigu- m6A represents the root element in dam Biofilms are the amyloid fibrous struc- ing that leucine amino acid-tRNA synthe- restriction-modification systems, which tures used by bacteria to organize com- tase (LeuARS) was defined recently as a regulate virulence and serve as a rudimen- munities. Disassembly of biofilms by sensor of essential amino acid sufficiency tary immune system.26 Some protists also Bacillus subtilis, Staphylococcus aureus for mTOR control.11 Thus, it is intrigu- employ m6A in DNA as a protective mear- and Pseudomonas aeruginosa was found ing to consider whether d-amino acids sure against invading infection. However, to be mediated by a mixture of d-amino used in the bacterial kingdom to modu- the precise extent and impact of m6A in acids secreted by many bacteria, includ- late biofilms may exert immune adjuvant eukaryotic DNA is unclear.27 In contrast, ing d-leucine, d-methionine, d-tyrosine properties through ARS interactions that m6A appears to be broadly expressed in and d-tryptophan.2 Unlike l-amino acids, could program mTOR-dependent path- eukaryotic RNA, where it clusters mainly which are synthesized and used univer- ways of inflammatory programming and at 3’UTRs, stop codons and microRNA sally in protein translation, d-amino acids immune activation. Drawing parallels targets.28 Great interest has emerged in appear to be synthesized only in the bac- from d-1MT studies, it may be interesting m6A-containing RNAs in studies of terial kingdom, where their appearance to consider whether the biofilm-disrupt- obesity, which has a major inflamma- in peptidoglycans that are secreted helps ing compounds d-leucine, d-methionine tory component, because of evidence that bacteria adapt to changing environmental or d-tyrosine or their methyl derivatives major risk conferred by the FTO gene is conditions.3 analogous to d-1MT may function as associated with m6A demethylation in With regard to d-tryptophan, its iden- mTOR regulators or immunomodulators. cellular RNA.29 From an evolutionary tification as a biofilm-disrupting molecule standpoint, it is intriguing to consider is interesting because of extensive inves- N6-methyladenine whether the impact of adenosine signal- tigations of the immune modifier effects ing in immunology might relate to the of its simple derivative d-1-methyl-trypto- Adenosine is a focus of growing interest as detection of m6A derivatives appearing phan (d-1MT), a molecule that has been a modulator of host immune responses,12 in bacterial and protist DNA or in certain studied preclinically and clinically as an but variations in the adenine moiety have RNA contexts. In this regard, it is inter- small molecule inhibitor of the indole- not been widely considered in terms of esting that N6-methyladenine exhibits a amine 2,3-dioxygenase (IDO) pathway of their potential immunological impact. In shock-like toxicity in mice (unpublished immune modulation. Based on its trypto- cancer, there is persuasive evidence that observations). While speculative, m6A phan catabolic activity, IDO is regarded the benefits of effective chemotherapy represents a rational twist in explorations as a immunosuppressive principle that relate in part to the autophagy-dependent of how to best exploit adenosine signaling generates antigenic tolerance, but studies release of ATP from dying cancer cells, for inflammatory reprogramming. in genetically deficient mice indicate that which can exert an immune adjuvant IDO might act more directly as a modifier effect on antigen-presenting cells.13-17 α-Gal of the inflammatory microenvironment Adenosine signaling appears to exert a sig- in cancer, autoimmune disease and infec- nificant effect on immunoediting during The trisaccharide galactose-α1,3- tion.4-9 Although the relevant biochemical oncogenesis with potential for therapeu- galactose-β1,3/4-galactose-NAc known targets of d-1MT in immune modulation tic applications.18 The purinergic receptor informally as α-gal decorates the exterior have yet to be understood completely, P2X7 is an ATP receptor that has captured of all eukaryotic cells, including protists, genetic investigations in mice clearly particular attention given its overexpres- with the notable exception of humans, apes establish the dependence of d-1MT activ- sion in cancer cells and its implication in and Old World primates. In its absence ity on the IDO pathway.10 In particular, cancer progression.19,20 Ectonucleotidases from humans, α-gal plays an important recent work demonstrates that nanomolar CD39 and CD73 that degrade ATP/ADP role in triggering the hyperacute immune concentrations of d-1MT are sufficient to to AMP and AMP to adenosine, respec- response, which was originally identified restore tryptophan sufficiency signaling tively, are widely expressed in tumors by studies of tissue xenotransplanation.30 to mTOR after tryptophan deprivation and they been implicated in malignant The reasons behind the curious evolution by IDO (R.M, G.C.P. et al., manuscript progression,21,22 possibly also upon their of this response are uncertain, but it is submitted). These findings suggest that expression on tumor-derived exosomes.23 tempting to speculate that this trisaccha- sensors of d-amino acids might exist to These molecules may also function on ride plays an important role in immune modulate inflammation and immune regulatory T cells (Tregs) and vascular responses to protist infections, since ~1% status by influencing the activation of cells in the tumor microenvironment.24,25 of all antibodies present in human serum mTOR, a pivotal player in immune con- In the setting of adenosine signal- recognize α-gal epitopes that are pre- trol. The evolution of such sensors in the ing, the possible immunological impact sented by any non-human eukaryotic cell host would be valuable, since biofilm deg- of N6-methyladenine (m6A) should be or eukaryotic cell-derived virus or para- radation could exert major impact on the considered in the contexts of ribose or site. α-gal is unrelated to the galactose host as a bacterial community switches deoxyribose forms of adenosine or ATP. moiety found in α-galactosylceramide, a from a localized organization (e.g., m6A is found in the genomic DNAs of sponge-derived biomolecule that acts as a abscess) to a dispersed organization (e.g., bacteria, protists and fungi. In bacteria, stimulatory ligand for NKT cells. There is 926 OncoImmunology Volume 1 Issue 6 additional evidence that α-gal can engage framed. Extending the concept that α-gal microbiome as a source of immune adju- the immune system, based on reports of can be employed as an immune adju- vant molecules. α-gal may be relevant in delayed but acute allergic responses in vant, the administration of α-gal in the this context as an initial opportunity to a small number of individuals who con- context of an engineered glycolipid has frame combinations of immune adjuvant sumed red meat or received treatment been reported to exert not only anticancer molecules that may be evolutionarily rel- with the anti-epidermal growth factor effects but also to accelerate regenerative evant but normally absent in hosts in receptor (EGFR) monoclonal antibody healing of burn wounds.35,36 In the lat- modern times due to improved sanita- cetuximab, which is modified with α-gal ter setting, macrophages but especially tion and antiprotist medicines. While it due to its production from murine SP2/0 neutrophils were efficiently attracted by is speculative that the candidate adjuvants cells (which express the α-gal transferase). a topical liposome formulation of the proposed here may be useful to reprogram In both cases, IgEs specific for α-gal were engineered α-gal glycolipid that increased inflammation in the context of cancer or implicated in the delayed anaphylactic re-epithelization. These results speak other age-associated disorders, a rationale response that occurred in these individu- to the potential use of α-gal as an adju- to build new concepts from common als.31,32 While the mechanisms underlying vant beyond cancer in distinct settings of infection-associated signals that engage these phenomena are poorly understood, regenerative healing. host immunity is logical. Along with they underscore the notion that α-gal can In assessing targets for α-gal as an α-galactosylceramide (α-GalCer), a ligand program a robust immune response. immune adjuvant, there are candi- for NKT cells44 derived from a marine Strategies to harness endogenous α-gal dates among the galactose-binding lec- sponge (the simplest multicellular organ- antibodies to generate productive antican- tins known as galectins, the elevation of ism beyond protists), one can consider cer responses have been pursued, based which is an established cause of tumoral combinations of the amino acid, nucleo- on engineering α-gal decoration of tumor immune tolerance and progression.37 side and carbohydrate moieties associated whole cell vaccines for cancer immuno- Direct evidence for galectin-3 binding with prokaryote and protist infections therapy.33 Clinical tests based on preclini- by α-gal has been presented.38 Galectin-3 discussed above as a “diamond adjuvant” cal findings appear to validate the efficacy modulates T-cell immunity to promote to immunologically pierce the veil of age- of such an approach. Results from a Phase immunoescape and metastasis in cancer associated diseases that present an abun- II clinical enrolling 70 resected pancreatic and its immunohistochemical status has dance of neoantigens, but in the absence cancer patients treated with a whole-cell been associated with poor prognosis.39,40 of infection-associated elements needed allovaccine termed HyperAcute Pancreas This galectin has also been implicated for effective immune clearance. Indeed, that was generated from a mixed panel in epithelial wound healing,41 a setting if the efficacy of chemotherapy and radio- of human pancreatic tumor cell lines in which α-gal has been shown to exert therapy relates to “vaccinating” properties have been reported recently.34 Significant beneficial effects.35,36 Galectin-1 has also and ATP release (to stimulate adenos- increases in survival were associated with been linked to immunoescape in cancer42 ine signaling), it is intriguing to consider acute inflammatory responses triggered and this molecule may also bind α-gal whether such a “diamond” adjuvant might by vaccine injection, which appeared to be (G. Rabinovich, personal communica- be combined with low-toxicity vaccines to sufficient to trigger cross-presentation of tion). Given the widespread expression of reduce reliance on high-toxicity therapeu- tumor antigens as well as degrade immune galectin-1 in protists and eukaryotes, its tics in cancer treatment. In any case, it is escape. Notably, several patients who sub- function in hyperacute responses and its clear that better molecular definitions of sequently relapsed with metastatic disease promising utility in cancer vaccines, α-gal the “flavors” of inflammation are needed all exhibited complete responses to sal- represents a logical candidate for further to conceptualize how to convert “smolder- vage chemotherapy.34 This is a remarkable exploration as a general immune adjuvant. ing” chronic inflammations to productive observation given that relapsed pancreatic clearing inflammations, so the immune cancer is invariably insensitive to chemo- “Whole-Adjuvant” Combinations system can respond to neoantigen “for- therapy. While the inflammatory pro- for Exploring the Prokaryotic- eignness” in an infection-like context that gram triggered by HyperAcute vaccines is Protist Microbiome to Treat Cancer is more evolutionarily relevant. not well understood, these early clinical and Age-Associated Disease It is striking to consider the remarkable findings suggests that α-gal may help to boost that suitable adjuvants provided to durably retrain the immune system in a Coley’s investigations sought to stimulate prophylaxis of infectious disease by vac- manner that can support effective che- immunity to eradicate tumors, but the cination in the 20th century. By analogy, motherapy. Another intriguing observa- tools he settled on were derived exclusively similar successes in cancer and age-associ- tion was eosinophilia in most responding from prokaryotes. Would a consideration ated disease might be assisted in the 21st patients.34 Eosinophils attack helminth of protist infections have affected his out- century with novel adjuvants that can infections (nematodes). Thus, produc- comes? It is evident that intestinal nema- permit the immune system to interpret tive inflammatory responses to α-gal may todes and prokaryotes interact in the gut “sterile antigenic” disorders as “infectious program the immune system to interpret and that these interactions can impact on antigenic” disorders that immunity has tumor antigens as a parasite infection, to host immunity.43 However, there has been already evolved to handle. With regard which a robust response can be suitably little parallel consideration of the protist to cancer, it is tempting to wonder how OncoImmunology 927 Coley’s toxin experiments might have Disclosure of Potential Conflicts of Interest engaged in the clinical development of IDO developed further with the inclusion of G.C.P. declares a conflict of interest as pathway inhibitors and HyperAcute cancer protists and nematodes in his therapeutic a compensated scientific advisor, grant vaccines. G.C.P. is also an inventor on IDO studies of bacterial infections in cancer recipient and shareholder with interests in technology patents held by his employer patients over a century ago. New Link Genetics Corporation, which is that have been licensed by this company. References 13. Apetoh L, Ghiringhelli F, Tesniere A, Obeid M, 26. Wion D, Casadesús J. N6-methyl-adenine: an epi- 1. Mantovani A, Allavena P, Sica A, Balkwill F. Cancer- Ortiz C, Criollo A, et al. 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