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A Novel Hybrid Polypodium (Polypodiaceae) from Arizona PDF

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Preview A Novel Hybrid Polypodium (Polypodiaceae) from Arizona

A Polypodium Novel Hybrid (Polypodiaceae) from Arizona Windham Michael D. UT Utah Museum of Natural History, University of Utah, Salt Lake City, 84112 George Yatskievych MO Box 63166 Missouri Botanical Garden, P.O. 299, St. Louis, genus iterspecific hyhrid in the fern Pol) e locality in central Arizona. Originally identified distinguished from other members of the genus easily s Yatsk. The hybrid tetraploid, exhib- is : Based on geographic proximity and shared diakinesis. t new we conclude hesperium one of the parents of the taxon. morphological traits, that P. is taxon, we attempt to identify the missing parent. The most likely candidate is P. calirhiza, a species we and Mexico has not been documented from Arizona. However, Oregon, California, that of member cannot rule out the possibility that the missing parent is an as yet unidentified of the complex from Mexico. plesiosorum P. encountered an un- the U.S. Forest Service In January, 1979, a biologist for Ancha Polypodium growing remote canyon of the Sierra in usual colony of in a A rhizome and few sample comprising a piece of a County, Arizona. Gila was submitted Arizona State University for identification. withered fronds to was examined by Timothy Reeves, then a doctoral student The collection ASU No by doubt impressed the herbarium. working on pteridophytes the at sweet mostly free-veined fronds and the intensely flavor of large size of the Arizona record of the rhizomes, Reeves (1981) reported the find as first the Polypodium glycyrrhiza D.C. Eat. This report was noted by Lellinger (1985) in and Canada. United guide pteridophytes of the States his to we had Arizona Vascular Plants of project, During research the for floristic A ASU. number morpholog- of occasion to examine the original collection at were noted between the Arizona specimen and typical plants differences ical of glycyrrhiza, including the fact that the spores (and often the sori) of the P. We were malformed and apparently nonfunctional. revisited the Arizona plant samples biosystematic 1981 and 1982 obtain for Gila County locality in to which revealed that the colony represented a sterile tetraploid devi- analyses, number ways (Windham, of from description of glycyrrhiza in a the P. ating Windham Haufler (1993) upon et Based the findings of (1985), al. 1985). but did not speculate excluded Arizona from the distribution of P. glycyrrhiza, on of the plant in question. the true identity Because hybrid. this As below, the Arizona plant represents a sterile detailed members Polypodiaceae from other of the taxon morphologically distinct all is AMERICAN 58 FERN JOURNAL: VOLUME NUMBER 95 2 (2005) known occur we to in the southwestern United have States, assigned the it following binomial: Polypodium Xaztecum Windham & Type.— Yatsk., hybr. nov. U.S.A., Arizo- na, Gila County, Sierra Ancha, SE wall Chasm of Devil's at a point 3.02 km ENE summit of the of Aztec Peak, 4500 August elev. Wind- 1981, ft, 7, ham, Yatskievych Hevly 283 ASC; 8- (holotype: isotypes: ARIZ, IND, MEXU, MICH, MO, NY, UC, US, UT). same Paratype: locality, 10 Tan Warner 1979, (ASU). s.n. Fig. 1. Hybrida ex origine incerta; differt a P. hesperio rhizomatibus intense dulcibus, frondibus grandioribus (usque ad 50 cm cm longis 12 pinnis et latis), medianis plerumque quam longoribus cm, 3 costis adaxialibus puberulentibus, sporangiis pilis bicellularibus glandulosis, sporis (plerumque et sporangiis) abnormalibus et abortivis. mm Rhizomes 4-9 in diameter, widely creeping, branched, firm, green turning dark brown with age, infrequently somewhat pruinose, intensely sweet mm flavored, paleaceous; rhizome scales mostly 4-6 30-60 wide long, cells near the point of attachment, lanceolate-ovate, tapered symmetrically to a deciduous capillary tip, denticulate near the apex, deeply cordate with over- lapping basal brown, lobes, tan to rarely with indurated cells forming a poorly defined darker median Leaves stripe. relatively closely spaced along the rhi- zome, erect or strongly ascending; 2-15 cm petiole long, shorter than the lamina, green brownish to stramineous, with scattered inconspicuous multi- cm cellular glands; lamina (5-)15-31 cm long, (3-)6-12 wide (1.6-3.3 times as long as wide), oblong-ovate narrowly to deltoid in outline, widest near the base, pinnatisect with 8-34 pinnae and lateral some\ a spicuous multicellular glandular trichomes, abaxial and surface rachis with occasional linear-lanceolate scales (2-7 cells wide); pinnae mostly alternate, cm cm 1-6 wide long, 0.4-1.5 (2.5-5.5 times as long as wide), narrowly oblong, rounded tips narrowly to acute, margins finely serrulate, especially distally, costa sparsely and minutely puberulent adaxially; hydathodes opposite the son on the adaxial pinna surface, large, oval, many-celled; veins very free or rarely anastomosing near the margin, forking 1-4 times, terminating submarginally, with thickened tips, usually evident mature in leaves; sori oval, located medially between and costa pinna margin at the of each lowermost tip vein branch; sporangiasters absent; sporangia mostly abortive, with bicellular glands on the surface, annular cells usually poorly developed; spores abnormal, and abortive, the shape, and number size, per sporangium highly variable. = 2n + ca 148 (ca. 37 74 counted from the II holotype). I; Geography and Ecology of the Type Locality Located County in Gila in central Arizona, Ancha the Sierra a topograph- is and ically geologically complex mountain Most range. of the range within lies FROM ARIZONA $$K$ WA * 1 C) adaxial pinna surface; D) abaxia AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 95 2 (2005) the boundaries of Tonto National Forest, and the southeastern portion, including the type Xaztecum, Ancha locality of P. part of the Sierra Wilder- is The mountain ness. range trends from northwest with numerous to southeast, drainages running southwestward and northeastward from Aztec spine. its Peak, a prominent landmark toward the southern end of the range, the highest is m point, with an elevation of 2345 7700 Polypodium Xaztecum occurs (ca. in ft). Devil's Chasm, one of the northeastward-flowing drainages originating near m Aztec From mouth Peak. its at ca. 975 along Cherry Creek, this rugged gorge m ascends roughly 1000 over a course of about 5 air km. The geology of the canyon extremely with is diverse, different stretches of the drainage exhibiting outcrops of granite, travertine, quartzite, sandstone, and conglomerate. Polypodium Xaztecum known from colony is a single occurring in the Chasm narrowest part of Devil's an elevation of 1350 m. At at ca. this location, canyon the transects the Dripping Springs Formation, Precambrian a quartzite m highly The resistant to erosion. result a precipitous gorge nearly 100 deep is m and wide just 10 at the bottom. Prone to recurrent flash-flooding, these narrows support little vegetation in the canyon bottom proper. m Polypodium Xaztecum on occurs a north-facing slope approximately 5 from the streambed. The colony, which appears represent to a single genetic X individual, covers an area of nearly 5 10 m. Rhizomes form dense mat a in where areas has accumulated, with soil individual branches extending into and cracks crevices of adjacent The quartzite ledges. derived largely soil, in from situ the quartzite bedrock, is rich in organic matter. Because of the depth and orientation of the canyon, the site rarely receives direct sunlight. Thus, although stream flow intermittent is in this section of the drainage, the fern occupies a relatively moist microhabitat. Surrounding vegetation between transitional deciduous woodland is riparian (Interior Southwestern Riparian Deciduous Woodland, sensu Brown, and 1982) more a xeric-adapted evergreen woodland. Immediate associates include Celtis, Clematis, Morus, Galium, and Opuntia. Nearby slopes support species of Quercus, Pinus, Ceanothus, Cercocarpus, Nolina, and Agave. The canyon is rich in fern species, especially below Dripping the Springs where Quartzite stream flow permanent. However, is the only other fern found in the immediate vicinity of the Aztec polypody the closely related hesperium Maxon. is P. Cytology of the Hybrid Samples for cytological analysis were collected both in the and from field material brought into cultivation. Developing sporangia (for meiotic counts) and growing actively root tips (for mitotic counts) were and examined fixed using standard chromosome squash Windham, techniques Un- (see 1985). Polypodium fortunately, xaztecum proved be to a difficult subject for cytological analysis. Mitotic preparations were hard to score because of the number chromosomes large and of the tendency chromosomes clump of to together in spite of repeated careful squash preparations. Nevertheless, the better preparations seemed show 148 chromosomes. to soon became apparent that most sporangia in this taxon abort prior to the It spore mother undergoing meiosis. Additionally, in those sporangia that cells chromosomes matured provide dividing the stained poorly sufficiently to cells, From and were sometimes distinguish from the cytoplasm. the few difficult to chromosomes were cells that could be scored in meiotic preparations, 111 total appeared contain approximately 37 bivalents visible. Cells at diakinesis to Minor and 74 univalents uncertainty attributable to the fact that (Fig. 2). is large univalents are sometimes difficult to distinguish from bivalents, as has Wagner and Wagner, been noted in several other fern hybrids 1976). (e.g., Xaztecum The anaphase confirmed observation of about 148 units that P. at The wholesale abortion of spores those sporangia surviving a tetraploid. (in is to the spore production stage) apparently is attributable to irregularities in chromosome pairing meiosis and indicates that this taxon is incapable of at sexual reproduction. Oku,!-.. common among Werth Interspecific hybrids are very ferns (Wagner, 1969; and simple matter al, 1985; Barrington et 1989), generally is a to et al., it when found establish the parentage of a sterile hybrid both parents are in close when proximity. The process becomes more difficult only one related species km known Given complete occur within 500 radius of the hybrid. the to a is Xaztecum, we conclude must have been formed sexual sterility of P. that it Chasm. As the only other member of Polypodium to occur in in situ in Devil's hespehum must have played a role in origin. Substan- the vicinity, P. its morphological differences between these taxa (Table indicate that 1) tial P. hesperium not the sole progenitor of P. Xaztecum. However, the apparent is AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER JOURNAL: 95 2 (2005) Linear-lanceolate It Sparseh Puberulent 1 [ Single row row Single Very rarely Sporadically anastomosing anastomosing E Multicellular la 11 Tetraploid absence of any other species of Polypodium sensu Ancha stricto in the Sierra whole (or in the of Arizona) complicates efforts to identify the other parent. The second failure to find a parent in or near the hybrid colony somewhat is unusual, but two On possible explanations can be one hand, offered. the sporophytic may plants of the missing parent have Chasm existed in Devil's in the past but failed to persist in the Xaztecum area. Alternatively, could P. represent a case of long-distance hybridization, by chance initiated the dispersal of a foreign Polypodium spore into the local P. hesperium population. In either case, the density and areal coverage of rhizomes in the colony suggest that these events occurred hundreds of years ago. Without geographic proximity guide our we to selection of potential parents, must depend heavily on morphology and cytology narrow to the of field potential candidates. Hybrid ferns typically exhibit character states either intermediate or incompletely additive between their parents (Wagner, 1969; Werth and we Lellinger, assume 1992). If this generalization be to true in the Xaztecum case of P. and assume further hesperium that P. one of parents, is its becomes some possible it to predict of the distinguishing features of the missing These parent. predictions are based on two underlying principles: 1) known that shared by traits the parent and the hybrid should appear relatively unchanged unknown in the parent, and unknown 2) that the parent should show more extreme expressions in characters that distinguish the hybrid from known the These parent. principles are well established in the study of fern and hybrids provide the basis for describing presumably extinct species (such as Dryopteris "semicristata"; Wagner see Kuhn et al, 1969; and Werth, 1990) whose only genetic legacy the allopolyploids is they produced remote in the past (Werth and Lellinger, 1992). Based on the assumptions and we principles outlined above, attempted to WINDHAM & YATSKIEVYCH: A HYBRID POLYPODIUM FROM ARIZONA reconstruct the salient features of the missing parent of P. encompassing most used Polypodium analysis, of the characters distinguish to species in the Flora of North America (Haufler et 1993), presented in Table al., is From we unknown this, predict that the parental species should have a sweet 1. rhizome covered with concolorous rhizome would have scales. pinnatifid It with widely on leaves scattered, linear-lanceolate scales the abaxial surface of the rachises, and blades that are herbaceous to subcoriaceous in texture. The cm largest medial pinnae should be at least 5 long, with puberulent adaxial row on each and costae, a single of sori side of the costae, sporadically anasto- mosing venation. Sporangiasters would be absent, but the sporangia should have a few multicellular hairs. Finally, because both P. Xaztecum and P. hesperium are tetraploid, the missing parent should also occur at this ploidy level. In addition to P. hesperium, Haufler et (1993) ten other species of al. list Polypodium sensu stricto as occurring in North America north of Mexico. Based unknown on our hypothetical description of the parent of P. Xaztecum, most of these are easily eliminated from consideration. Polypodium triseriale Swartz, epiphyte with rhizome pinnate a tropical clathrate scales, fully leaves, strongly anastomosing venation, and 2-3 rows of sori on each side of the costae, only is North American polypodies and distantly related to other (Haufler et 1993) al., clearly could not be involved in the origin of the Arizona hybrid. The strictly & Hook. with coastal P. scouleri Grev., its stiff, leathery fronds, regularly anastomosing venation, and glabrous costae and sporangia, also a poor can- is The complex didate for the missing parent. entire P. virginianum L. (including amorphum appalachianum & Windham, Suksdorf, Haufler saximonta- P. P. P. num Windham, sibiricum and virginianum) can be excluded from P. Sipliv., P. consideration as well. All of these species have acrid rhizomes with mostly much pinnae bicolorous scales, lanceolate-ovate rachis scales, less (usually cm and abundant than glabrous venation, usually less) 4.5 long, costae, free sporangiasters. The Polypodium Mexico three remaining species of occurring north of complex and constitute the P. glycyrrhiza (Lloyd Lang, 1964; Haufler et al, As complex includes californicum 1995). traditionally defined, this P. and derived from hybridization Kaulfuss, glycyrrhiza, the allotetraploid P. between them, calirhiza S.A. Whitmore & A.R. Sm. Polypodium californi- P. cum, with acrid to bland rhizomes, debate to ovate abaxial rachis scales, its more and regularly anastomosing venation, glabrous sporangia, diploid chromosome Xaztecum. number, very unlikely be the missing parent of P. to is Polypodium glycyrrhiza a closer match, as might be expected given Reeves' is However, from (1981) initial identification of the hybrid. this species deviates unknown our hypothetical description of the parent in linear (hairlike) its abaxial rachis scales, strictly free venation, glabrous sporangia, and uniformly diploid chromosome number. Thus, glycyrrhiza neither the correct P. is identification of the Arizona plant nor the missing parent of it. The member complex with chromosome num- only of the P. glycyrrhiza a ber matching that of the hypothetical missing parent the allotetraploid is genomes P. calirhiza. This species also has the right combination of to explain AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 64 JOURNAL: 95 2 (2005) the meiotic pairing behavior observed Xaztecum. Isozyme by in studies P. Hauiler et (1995) have confirmed earlier hypotheses (Lloyd and Lang, 1964; al. Whitmore and Smith, genomes 1991) that P. calirrhiza contains the of P. and Polypodium known californicum hesperium, P. glycyrrhiza. the parent of P. Xaztecum, also an allotetraploid, produced by hybridization between is amorphum A and P. P. glycyrrhiza (Haufler et al., 1995). hybrid between P. hesperium and would P. calirhiza thus contain four sets of chromosomes Two derived from chromosome three different parental diploids. of these sets come from P. glycyrrhiza, and they should pair to form 37 bivalents during the amorphum division of meiosis Shivas, Polypodium and (see 1961). first P. more we californicum and would are distantly related (Haufler et 1995), al., chromosomes expect the derived from these species remain unpaired, to producing 74 univalents. Therefore, a hybrid between hesperium and P. P. show + should calirhiza 37 74 meiosis ca. at exactly the situation II I I, observed Xaztecum in P. (Fig. 2). The similarities between P. calirhiza and the missing parent of Xaztecum P. extend beyond encompassing most far cytology, of the morphological features in our hypothetical description (Table In fact, P. calirhiza appears to deviate 1). from our predictions in two rhizome and just characters: sporangial taste pubescence. Given the intensely sweet taste of P. Xaztecum rhizomes, we would unknown predict that those of the parent would be similarly sweet. However, rhizomes the of P. calirhiza typically are described as acrid, though with an underlying sweetness (Whitmore and Smith, Whitmore, 1991; 1993). Our prediction that the sporangia of the missing parent should be pubescent with oligocellular hairs also is not met in P. calirhiza, which has only glabrous Though sporangia. seeming unknown to disqualify P. calirhiza as the parent of Xaztecum, both P. of these characters require additional scrutiny. The original diagnosis of P. calirhiza states that the rhizome "dulcibus is et (Whitmore and we acerbis" Smith, 1991: but have found 236), considerable Some variation in this populations produce rhizomes trait. that are intensely sweet with little hint of bitterness, whereas the rhizomes in other populations are definitely acrid (Windham, unpubl. The same data). situation encountered in is hesperium P. (Table another allopolyploid arising through hybridization 1), between and P. glycyrrhiza a species with acrid rhizomes. both In P. calirhiza and hesperium, program P. half the genetic codes sweet rhizomes and for the The other half for acrid. variability observed in these taxa suggests that this 50/50 combination can produce individual spanning plants the entire range from A intensely sweet {glycyrrhiza-\ike) to acrid. hybrid between hesperium and P. P. which would two chromosome calirhiza, contain from and sets P. glycyrrhiza amorphum one each from and would P. californicum, P. carry a similar 50/50 mix genes coding rhizome Such of for taste. a hybrid could out anywhere on fall the spectrum between intensely sweet and acrid. Thus, we cannot eliminate P. calirhiza as the missing parent of P. Xaztecum on the rhizome basis of taste. Sporangial pubescence provides the only real challenge to the involvement No of P. calirhiza in the origin of P. Xaztecum. Polypodium species included in the Flora North America of consistently has pubescent (Windham, sporangia A HYBRID POLYPODIUM FROM ARIZONA i'ATSKIEVYCH: 65 unpubl. data). In fact, the only taxon in the region to express this trait at all is hesperium, which occasionally shows a few, unicellular glands on the P. sporangial capsules (Table Like the variability in rhizome taste discussed 1). above, the sporadic appearance of sporangial pubescence in this allopolyploid species probably results from the interaction of disparate genetic programs As derived from diploid progenitors (Haufler 1995). indicated pre- et its al., between viously, P. hesperium originated through hybridization P. glycyrrhiza amorphum (which lacks sporangiasters) and P. (which has sporangiasters with Although unicellular glands). their function not entirely clear, sporangiast- is ers appear to be homologous with sporangia (Kott and Britton, 1982). Thus, taxa combining genomes from species lacking sporangiasters and species with may pubescent sporangiasters occasionally express an intermediate character pubescent sporangia. state: Although produce pubescent the foregoing suggests that possible to is it among sporangia through hybridization North American species of Polypo- may dium, not be an adequate explanation for the situation encountered in it P. Xaztecum. P. calirhiza were the missing parent of P. Xaztecum, then the If would chromosome from and hybrid contain three sets (two P. glycyrrhiza one from P. californicum) coding for no sporangiasters and one (from P. amorphum) coding sporangiasters with unicellular glands. Based on the for we would precedent set by P. hesperium, expect this combination to yield an even more sporadic occurrence of sporangia with unicellular glands. This seems an glands observed on unlikely origin for the distinctive, bicellular the sporangia of Xaztecum. Though impossible to gauge the genetic and P. it is would taxonomic significance of this be preferable the taxon trait, if it proposed as the missing parent of P. Xaztecum matched all aspects of our we expand beyond hypothetical description. This requires that our search the region covered by the Flora North America. of among Although pubescent sporangia observed north temperate are rarely common among Mexican Polypodium, they subtropical representatives of are most taxa and often are used to distinguish species (Smith, 1981). In fact, of the character states mentioned in the hypothetical description of the missing Kunze more Mexican plesiosorum parent occur in one or species of the P. and group, which thought to provide a link between temperate tropical is we and unable elements of the genus (Tryon Tryon, 1982). Unfortunately, are among unknown Xaztecum to identify a likely candidate for the parent of P. The American North due information. these species to a lack of critical we with rhizome has not extended Mexico, and cannot say fascination taste to which, any, members of the plesiosorum alliance have the sweet rhizomes P. if many characteristic of the missing parent. Also, cytogenetic data are lacking for which have making impossible determine potential prospects the species, to it chromosome number. necessary tetraploid unknown Xaztecum an The identity of the parent of P. presents interesting We downplaying dilemma. can argue that P. calirhiza the mystery taxon, the is match lack of sporangial pubescence and citing the near-perfect in all other we Mexican might can hold out an unidentified species that characters. Or, for AMERICAN FERN VOLUME NUMBER 66 JOURNAL: 95 2 (2005) agree perfectly with the hypothetical description only information sufficient if We were had hoped dilemma available. resolve through molecular to this DNA analyses, but were unable from herbarium to extract the available spec- The imens. senior author revisited the type locality of P. Xaztecum in August, 2000 to assess the status of the colony. In the process, he discovered that a devastating wildfire had swept through large portions of Devil's Chasm, much incinerating of the vegetation in the canyon. There was no growth active Xaztecum of P. foliage, and most of the rhizome mat had been destroyed. However, under the shelter of a large Opuntia, several rhizome branches remained hoped alive. It is that the colony, probably the only one of kind, its we will recover in time and that will once again have the opportunity study to this remarkable fern. But for now, the exact parentage of Xaztecum remains P. a mystery. The answers to questions surrounding the origin of this novel hybrid must more await intensive studies using molecular and other biosystematic data. Because we parentage remains its uncertain, are unable to apply a formula name, done as is often in the case of rare hybrids Polypodium calirhiza (e.g., we Xscouleri). Therefore, have chosen to propose a formal binomial, which does seem not unreasonable given Xaztecum that P. so distinct from other is polypodies present in the southwestern United States. Giving the taxon a name formal discussion by facilitates systematists, conservation- floristicians, and land managers ists, and, hopefully, will contribute to the recognition and survival of this unique hybrid. The authors thank Dr. Richard Hevly for encouraging this study and helping to arrange access to We necessary facilities and equipment. also thank Schwartz, Dave and Dawn Finley, Farkas Jill for help assembling the figures. Financial assistance from Northern Arizona Universit) the Utah Museum of Natural History, and the Mr. Donavon Lyngholm late gratefully acknowledged. is Literature Cited Barrington, D. S., C. H. Haufler and C. R. Werth. 1989. Hybridization, and reticulation, species concepts in the ferns. Amer. Fern 79:55-64. J. Brown, D. E., ed. 1982. Biotic communities of the American Southwest—United States and Mexico. Desert Plants 4:1-341. Haufler, M. Windham and W. C. H., D. E. Rabe. 1995. Reticulate evolution the Polypodium in vulgare complex. Syst. Bot. 20:89-109. Hauler, C. H., M. D. Windham, F. A. Lang and S. A. Whitmore. 1993. Polypodium. 315-323 Pp. in Flora North of America Editorial Committee, Eds. Flora of North America, North Mexico. of Volume Pteridophytes and Gymnosperms. Oxford New 2. University Press, York. A Kott, and M. L. S. D. Britton. 1982. comparative study of sporophyte morphology of three cytotypes of Po Ontario. Canad. 60:1360-1370. in Bot. J. Kuhn, and C. C. R. Werth. 1990. Reconstructive illustration of an extinct Dryopteris fern, semicristata, from hybrid Amer. derivatives. its Bot. 77, Suppl.:109. J. Lloyd, R. M. and F. A. Lang. 1964. The Polypodium vulgare complex in North America. British Reeves, T. 1981. Notes on North American lower vascular nlant _TT Amor EWr. tlro^a s t

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