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AND WEIGHT DURABLE A A NOVEL FOR FIELD PRESS DESIGN LIGHT Richard Carter Bryson Charles T. Herbarium USDA-ARS and new methods have been developed dry As and innovative to long as Botanists have collected plants, Smith much preserve specimens that retain as of the natural integrity of the living plant as possible (cf. et upon and methods apparent preserving are readily 1886). Results of the progress in pressing, drying, al. The standard viewing herbarium specimens covering several generations of botanical collectors. a series of methodology employing newsprint, corrugated cardboard, and heat has been used for several de- blotters, specimens and drying procedures and about composition, construction, for cades dry specimens, details to & Simpson number 2006; Carter 2007). are provided by a of authors Fosberg Sachet 1965; et al. (e.g., Styrofoam Various materials and methods including metal tubes or cans (vascula), cloth sacks, ice and paper and bags have been used transport specimens from the field to drying presses, chests, plastic to may however, use cumbersome be taken the their heavy and drying presses directly to field; is Alternatively, by and adverse weather conditions. Several field press (portfolio) prohibited distances traversed, often terrain, Haynes Fosberg and Sachet (2006) described designs have been used over the years, including that of (1965). made cinched with press In the early 1990s, from cardboard corrugate a strap. press several pieces of a field Michigan, constructed press of Dr. Anton A. Reznicek, curator of vascular plants at the University of a field which was weight and easy use under most cardboard and duct tape and secured with a cord, light to field and During Arkansas in 1993 with Dr. Reznicek, Dr. Paul Rothrock, Philip central conditions. a field trip to and Immediately the Reznicek was observed using cardboard rope press. after this field trip, Hyatt, Dr. a and Over heavy the described herein out of cloth rope. author constructed prototype of the press senior a and dimensions. has been modified increase the ease of use to perfect the overall years cloth press to this down by on Reznicek's press cutting The second author has successfully improvised a variation Dr. field and hold specimens enfolded corners of a cardboard carton and using the sides top flaps, still attached, to newsprint. in AND METHODS MATERIALS Instructions and materials for making the Bryson Field Press (Fig. 1) m m and one long 0.35 Cut out two pieces of cotton canvas or similar weight cotton cloth, piece 1 to 1.5 1. m m and wide and one piece 0.9 1.0 long 0.5 wide. to down. 2. Place cloth right side hem cm hems hold 3. To create hem, turn edges over 1.5 and fold over again, then pin to in place (Fig. 1, insert. and with double pin folds (Fig. rs Journal of the Botanical Research nstitute of Texas 2(1) Diagram of the Bryson 1. Field Press. Fig. and edge thread i the inside the outside tie hem mth up an opposing side flaps. ize two Pin the pieces together. 8. Sew two by over previous hen the pieces together stitching 9. One can be open pocket ends. side to create a for left plywood, board, or other supplies. field on 10. Pin Velcro to the cloth using care to align corresponding pieces each side. Note that Velcro strips on opposing attached to opposite sides of the cloth flaps. w cm and 11. Stitch around the edge of each piece of Velcro twice thread ends. Strips of Velcro at least 5 tie * press field c and K 12. the field i DISCUSSION by and he press described herein the result of over 15 years of field testing the authors field (Fig. 1) is Kcept for size and more permanent materials based on Dr. Reznicek's initial concept. Durable, light its is The can be under eight, and washable, easy to use in a variety of field situations (Fig. press carried r it is 2). arm or attached to a back pack, an terrain vehicle (ATV), or a saddle. is also convenient for press- le all It new Bryson and A weight and durable field press Carter, light and set of flaps; C, dosing the second set of flaps; D, first heavy ing and transporting plants in a boat or canoe where a conventional press is too or bulky. It is useful pressing large numbers of specimens rapidly and for pressing plants that wilt rapidly or lose floral parts for and upon harvesting. The capacity of the press varies depending on the length of the press flaps thickness we more plant specimens and materials used divide the specimens; however, have stacked than 100 of to and specimens The porous cotton allows the press "breathe" the drying process in a single press. fabric to field heavy were begin. Whereas other materials, such as treated canvas, plastic lined cloth, or plastic tried in to and proved be unacceptable, because they prevented drying increased several prototypes, these materials to promoted mold and mildew growth, and caused discoloration of specimens. However, heavy condensation, may make weight polyester or other synthetic fabric be substituted for cotton to the field press suitable for Although cardboard work environments with constant moisture. extra corrugates, in tropical areas or field plywood, add weight and bulk, they can be used in the press. Three heavy pieces of or blotters field felt cardboard on one on bottom, and one between newsprint and the pressed specimens) corrugated (one top, can provide the lightest weight, while allowing for adequate handling of specimens. Additional corrugates unnumbered pre-numbered and be used separate specimens from different collection sites or to separate to We and newsprint. developed a system of pressing the specimen in pre-numbered newsprint the du- first When from plicates in unnumbered newsprint. these are placed into a conventional drying press the top to numbered removed from bottom of each stack from the field press, the newsprint is first the conventional Unknown numbered drying press. Thus, the duplicates can be easily tucked into the folded sheet. to us, John and used numbering technique (Haynes 2006). Dr. Thieret his students a similar . 520 Journal of the Botanical Research Institute of Texas 2(1) md sew about two The major a press in hours. field and Blemished and seconds can be Velcro. fabric >ric we from purchased have noted colored absorb heat to save in the overall cost. Also, that lighter fabrics less more than Although wider expensive, Velcro sunlight darker colored Velcro are substantially strips fabrics. cm The strips at least 5 wide provide better closure than narrower strips. estimated cost of fabric, Velcro, may and thread $20.00 $35.00 per but vary depending on the price and weight of the fabric to press, is and amount and width of Velcro. The author experimented with addition of expandable pockets for first temporarily storing woody stems and fruit and straps or handles for carrying the press in the field similar to may commercially available presses. Each of these modifications provide better utility for specific situations, but add and bulk the simple design described herewith. cost to Specimens are pressed between newsprint and stacked on top of one another with one piece of cor- rugated cardboard on the top and another piece on the bottom of the stack. The press closed and secured is by pressing the Velcro strips on the set of flaps against those on the opposing set. Next the second set first Two on opposing and opposing allow greater pressure the stacked of flaps closed secured. sets of flaps for is and on were specimens, hold specimens in place within the newsprint, provide pressure plant parts that With folded over in fitting the specimen to newsprint sheets. this field press, unlike vascula, cloth sacks, which were Styrofoam ice chests, and paper or plastic bags, specimens are in the exact order in they col- When work lected, facilitating correlation with field notes. field is completed, the newsprint folds containing specimens are removed and placed into a standard drying press. While placing the specimens in the drying expose they can be repositioned needed, refolding leaves or other plant parts to flowers, press, easily as e.g. and fruits or other structures. Precautions should be taken to keep loaded field presses as cool as possible out of direct sunlight. For optimal results, plants should be taken from the field press and placed in drying soon end each However, the time in the press can be extended presses as as possible, the of day. field e.g. at depending upon environmental conditions and the kinds of plants being pressed. Plants such as grasses may and sedges remain in the press longer than plants that are subject to discoloration or contain high field water content, and specimens may be kept in the press under refrigeration overnight with no discern- field we able Although not recommended, in unusual circumstances of exigency, have kept specimens effects. ill ACKNOWLEDGMENTS We Nancy thank A.A. Reznicek (MICH) sharing his idea of the cardboard and rope press, B. Bryson for for sewing and design input prototypes and the current version of the press described herein, Paige for field J. and Goodlett demonstrating use of the press in photos, and John Pipoly, A.A. Reznicek for helpful for J. documenting and The importance voucher specimens research 2007. of Carter, Bryson, Darbyshire. in in C.T. 5. R., Weed weed science with notes on their preparation, handling, and storage. Technol. 21 01 -11 08. :1 1 Regnum and Manual -1 Veg. Fosberg, RR. M.-H. Sachet. 965. for tropical herbaria. 39:1 32. 1 John 967-2005). 22:25-31 2006. W.Thieret, student's perspective Sida Haynes, a R.R. (1 Academic Simpson, M.G. 2006. Plant systematics. Elsevier Press, San Diego, California. and CE. A.W. Chapman, Johnson, Smith, J.D., Martindale, J.W. Chickering, Bessey, Cratty, J J. Davis, C.F. C.E. Smith, I.C. Jr., R.I. 29-1 Specimens and specimen making. G. McCarthy. 886. Bot. Gaz. 11:1 34. 1

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